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Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 29(2): 481-500, abr.-jun. 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385070


Resumo O artigo apresenta um diálogo entre as experiências brasileiras, canadenses e italianas quanto aos desafios colocados por avaliações éticas "externas" (feitas por comitês de ética e órgãos correlatos) e "internas" (resultante dos debates dos/as próprios/as pesquisadores/as) à história oral. Pretende demonstrar as diferentes maneiras de lidar com as imposições estranhas à área, revelar as estratégias de ação colocadas em prática e destacar questões centrais para o trabalho responsável com história oral. O espírito que anima a escrita é o de repensar as próprias experiências e de aprender com as alheias.

Abstract This article presents a dialogue between the experiences of Brazil, Canada, and Italy in addressing the challenges posed by ethical evaluations, both "external" (by ethics committees and related bodies) and "internal" (in debates among researchers themselves), of oral history. It attempts to demonstrate the different ways impositions from outside the area have been handled, the action strategies adopted, and issues central to responsible work in the sphere of oral history. It is written with the spirit of rethinking one's own experiences and learning from those of others.

Interviews as Topic , Ethics Committees, Research , Ethics, Research , Brazil , Canada , Italy