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Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 65(6): 1895-1898, Dec. 2013. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-696878


The aim of this work was to evaluate different transport times for pacama juvenile (Lophiosilurus alexandri) previously trained to feed formulated diets. Four hundred and eighty-six pacama juveniles (2.52±0.71g) were submitted to 24 hours of fasting before transport. The animals were divided into nine plastic bags, with density of 54 juveniles in 5L of clean water for each bag after that inflated with pure oxygen and then sealed. Fish were transported for three hours and bags were open at 5, 6 and 7.5 hours after closing. For each time three replications were used. Survival was monitored for 96 hours post-transport. The longest time tested showed the lowest values of dissolved oxygen and pH, while the total ammonia was similar in the different treatments. Survival was 100% for different transport times after 96 hours. Some juveniles returned to feed 48 hours and the majority 72 hours after opening the bags, suggesting the efficiency of transport made at different times.

Animals , Carnivora , Fishes
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 65(5): 1434-1440, out. 2013. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-689762


Com este trabalho objetivou-se avaliar a influência de diferentes fotoperíodos sobre parâmetros fisiológicos relacionados ao estresse em alevinos de tilápia-do-nilo (Oreochromis niloticus). Foi utilizado um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com cinco tratamentos (0L; 6L; 12L; 18L; 24L) e quatro repetições, sendo o aquário a unidade experimental. Cento e sessenta alevinos de tilápia, 3,21±0,05g e 4,35±0,07cm, foram distribuídos em 20 aquários de 20 litros, em sistema de recirculação com temperatura controlada em 27oC e densidade de oito peixes por aquário. Por um período de 75 dias, a alimentação foi realizada duas vezes ao dia com ração extrusada contendo 40% de proteína bruta. Ao final do período experimental, os dados de crescimento, sobrevivência, cortisol, glicose e hematócrito foram submetidos à análise de variância e, posteriormente, em caso de significância (P<0,05), foi realizado um teste Tukey a 5% para comparação das médias. A manipulação do fotoperíodo demonstra não alterar a homeostase dos alevinos, uma vez que não há diferença sobre a sobrevivência, glicose sanguínea, hematócrito e cortisol plasmático (P>0,05).

The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of different photoperiods on physiological parameters related to stress in Nile tilapia fingerlings (Oreochromis niloticus). A completely randomized design with five treatments (0L, 6L, 12L, 18L, 24L) and four replications was used, and the aquarium as the experimental unit. One hundred and sixty tilapia fingerlings, 3.21±0.05g and 4.35±0.07cm were distributed in 20 aquariums of 20L in a recirculation system with temperature controlled at 27 º C and density of eight fish per aquarium. Feeding was performed twice daily with extruded feed containing 40% crude protein, for a period of 75 days. At the end of experimental period, the data of survival, cortisol, glucose and hematocrit were subjected to analysis of variance and, subsequently, in case of significance (P<0.05) a Tukey test 5% was performed to compare means. Manipulation of photoperiod shows no alteration in the homeostasis of juveniles, since there is no difference in survival, blood glucose, hematocrit and plasma cortisol (P>0.05).

Animals , Cichlids , Hydrocortisone/physiology , Homeostasis/physiology , Photoperiod , Glucose