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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-211702


Background:  Menstrual cycle is a regular coordinated physiological change in non-pregnant women. The variation of hormonal concentrations during different phases of the menstrual cycle has a profound influence on autonomic and metabolic activities. The present study was designed to assess the cardiovascular sympathetic functions during different phases of menstrual cycle in normal healthy eumenorrheic females.Methods:  Fifty females in the age group of 18-25 years were selected for the study. Non-invasive cardiovascular sympathetic function tests were performed during different phases of the menstrual cycle using RMS Polyrite D.Results: Results were analyzed using paired ‘t’ test. Resting blood pressure, blood pressure response to isometric handgrip test and cold pressor test were statistically significant higher (p-value <0.05), in the secretory phase as compared to menstrual and proliferative phase. Blood pressure response to orthostatic test was statistically significant between the proliferative and secretory phase and between menstrual and secretory phase (p-value <0.05).Conclusion: Our study shows that sympathetic activity is highest during the secretory phase of the menstrual cycle and lowest in the proliferative phase as compared to the menstrual phase. This higher sympathetic activity may be correlated with higher estrogen and progesterone levels during the secretory phase of the menstrual cycle. The study also emphasizes the complex relationship between ovarian hormones and autonomic regulatory systems.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-202329


Introduction: It is well documented that any sort of exercisedone regularly, is beneficial for health. Swimming is noexception and considered to be a very good exercise formaintaining proper health and also has a profound effect on thelung functions. Regular swimming practice gives a positiveeffect on the lungs by increasing the pulmonary capacity andthus improves the lung functions. The proposed study wascarried out with the above background, among swimmingbeginners undergoing a swimming training session to see howa course of swimming affect the lung function parameters.Material and Methods: The study was carried out on 32males and 12 females’ healthy young adults of either sex ofage group of 18-35 yrs. At the beginning of the swimmingsession recording of pulmonary functions tests was done foreach selected candidate (control group). Again procedureswere repeated at the end of three months and at the end of sixmonths for same candidates (case group).Results: In the present study, it is observed that there issignificant increase (p value <0.05) in FVC, FEV1, PEFR andMVV after three months and after six months of swimmingboth males and females separately.Conclusion: From the present study we concluded that evenafter short course of swimming training session there issignificant benefit in some parameters of lung function. Theimprove lungs function is thought to be duo to increase inrespiratory muscle mass. More elaborate and multi-centredstudies are needed to corroborate our findings

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-165558


Background: Cardiovascular fitness has been found to be significantly compromised by obesity, whose prevalence is increasing rapidly. The present study aimed to assess the aerobic exercise performance in terms of maximum aerobic power (VO2 max) of the male students of North Bengal medical college in the age range of 18-22 years. Methods: The subjects were divided into two groups viz. control (N=52) and study (N=43) on the basis of Body Mass Index (BMI) and Waist Circumference (WC), according to the current Indian guidelines for obesity. The VO2 max was compared among the two groups. It was evaluated using the Bruce protocol, and also expressed in terms of ‘Metabolic equivalents’ (MET). Results: VO2 max exhibited significant negative correlation with BMI (r=0.75, P <0.000) and WC (r=0.72, P <0.000). VO2 max was higher for the normal group compared to the study group, and the mean difference was significantly different [P <0.05(0.000)]. Conclusion: The study thus showed that cardiovascular capacity is compromised by excess adiposity.