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J Environ Biol ; 2020 Jan; 41(1): 3-12
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-214465


Aim: Review of the new research on medium- and large-sized rivers in China and its impact to develop more rational management strategies for medium- and large-sized rivers.Methodology: Papers on rivers-related research in China published over the past 15 years (2004–2018) were summarised through statistical analyses. The main topics, data sources and contributions were also summarised, and representative papers were presented to illustrate milestones and contributions. Results: The management strategies of medium- and large-sized rivers shifted remarkably from traditional agricultural utilisation of floods and water resources to ecological protection. Water resources and pollution, conservancy projects and flooding and droughts were the four most focused research areas. Interpretation: Chinese economy significantly contributed to the change in river management strategies over the last two decades.

J Environ Biol ; 2019 Jul; 40(4): 711-718
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-214612


Aim: Rotifer research on sessile taxa has received less attention because they are not easy to identify in fixed samples. In the Lake Xochimilco, a Ramsar site in Mexico City, three morphotypes of L. ceratophylli and a single morphotype of L. cf. melicerta occur in different densities. The aim of this study was to test if temperature was responsible for the differences in the population densities of these morphotypes. Methodology: The present study was carried out using population growth method consisting of 4 treatments (3 morphotypes of L. ceratophylli and one of L. cf. melicerta) at 20 and 25°C. Experiments were carried out in 50 ml glass jars containing 25 ml synthetic medium with Chlorella vulgaris as food. The population growth rates (r) were derived. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and post-hoc tests were used to quantify the intra-and interspecific differences in the population growth rates. Results: The temperature levels for optimal population growth rates differed among the morphotypes of same species. At 20°C, the morphotype 1 had the highest r (0.23 d-1) similar to that of L. cf. melicerta, while morphotype 3 had the lowest (0.15 d-1). For L. cf. melicerta, the r was higher at 25°C than at 20°C. Of three morphotypes of L. ceratophylli, morphotype 3 had the highest r at 25°C similar to that of L. cf. melicerta at same temperature. Interpretation: There were significant differences among growth patterns within the morphotypes of L. ceratophylli, depending on culture temperature. These trends highlight the relative importance of environmental variables in differentiating morphotypes of a sessile species complex which could explain their possible seasonal changes in the natural waterbodies.

J Environ Biol ; 2019 Mar; 40(2): 131-132
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-214570


After touching the mile stone of 40th year of service to society in general and scientific community in particular (see RC Dalela in, Journal of Environmental Biology(JEB) has introduced further productive steps, one of them being the Editorial, highlighting the importance of articles featuring in each issue. The present issue (JEB vol. 40, issue 2, 2019) contains 19 articles, covering both basic and applied aspects of Environmental Biology. Since Rachel Carson's seminal work Silent Spring in 1962 on the organochlorine pesticides, a great attention has been paid to the indiscriminate use of persistent organic compounds in agriculture sector. Kaur et al. (in this issue) presented some valuable information about the presence of persistent organic pollutants such as PCB-28, from tissues of fish species Cirrhinus mrigala, Heteropneustes fossilis and Catla catla obtained from river Sutlej. In another ecotoxicological study using organophoshates, Samal et al. have observed reduced soil microbial growth and lowered exoenzyme activity due to pesticides

Rev. biol. trop ; 66(3): 1018-1033, jul.-sep. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-977363


Abstract Larval feeding studies of both ornamental and consumable fish species are important for formulating successful management, and culture strategies for conservation purposes. In the present study, we evaluated prey selectivity for the tropical gar Atractosteus tropicus in the larval stage (first 8 weeks) using the zooplankton Artemia fransiscana, Daphnia pulex and Moina macrocopa as prey following the hypothesis that prey selection of the fish species is related not only to prey species preferences but to the difference in prey densities present in the environment. Functional responses were tested at prey densities of 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0 and 8.0 ind. mL-1 and analyzed using Manly's α. For prey selectivity, we used the three zooplankton species at three different densities. In these two experiments the fish larvae were allowed to feed for 45 min. To quantify feeding behavior (encounters, attacks, captures, ingestions, rejections) we used a density of 1 ind. mL-1 using each prey species based on 10 minutes of direct observation. Our results showed a functional response Type II for A. tropicus preying mostly on A. franciscana and M. macrocopa. The Manly's α index showed that M. macrocopa and A. franciscana are the most preys selected. The values for encounters for the three prey species were relatively constant during the eight weeks. Encounter values for the cladocerans were low in comparison to A. franciscana; however, high success in capture and ingestion was observed for all prey species used. Our results from the functional response experiments supports the hypothesis that A. tropicus is an active predator presenting a functional response of a carnivorous fish and the shift in prey selection suggests that even at low prey availability, A. tropicus is able to manipulate and feed on zooplankton of wide range in size. Also, according to our results, we suggest the use of a mix of A. franciscana and M. macrocopa to feed A. tropicus in culture systems in concentrations ≈ 2 ind. mL-1 during the first 3 weeks of age and then shift to M. macrocopa from the 4 week. Our results, in conjunction with studies on the survivorship of the juveniles would aid in conservation efforts and improve the production of gars in aquaculture. Rev. Biol. Trop. 66(3): 1018-1033. Epub 2018 September 01.

Resumen Estudios sobre alimentación en etapa larvaria en peces ornamentales como de consumo son importantes para formular estrategias exitosas de manejo y cultivo con fines de conservación. En el presente estudio evaluamos la selectividad de presa del pejelagarto Atractosteus tropicus en etapas larvarias (primeras 8 semanas) utilizando el zooplancton Artemia fransiscana, Daphnia pulex y Moina macrocopa como presas, probando la hipótesis de que la selección de presas en peces está relacionada no solamente a la preferencia por la especie de presa sino también a la diferencia en la densidad de presas en el ambiente. También se probó la respuesta funcional con densidades de presa de 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0 y 8.0 ind. mL-1. Para la selección de presa, utilizamos las tres especies de zooplancton en tres densidades diferentes. En ambos experimentos, las larvas de los peces se alimentaron por 45 min. Para cuantificar el comportamiento alimenticio (encuentros, ataques, capturas, ingestiones y rechazos), se usó una densidad de 1 ind. mL-1utilizando cada especie de presa mediante observación directa por 10 minutos. Nuestros resultados muestran que A. tropicus presenta una respuesta funcional Tipo II, depredando principalmente A. franciscana y M. macrocopa. El índice α de Manly mostró que las especies M. macrocopa and A. franciscana fueron las mayormente seleccionadas. Los valores de encuentros para las tres especies de presa fueron relativamente constantes a lo largo de las ocho semanas. Los valores de ataque, captura e ingestión para los cladóceros fueron bajos; sin embargo, se observó gran éxito en la captura e ingestión para todas las especias de presa utilizadas. Nuestros resultados sobre los experimentos de respuesta funcional soportan la hipótesis de que A. tropicus es un depredador activo y presenta una respuesta funcional relacionada con especies de peces carnívoras y que el cambio en la selección de presas sugiere que aún a bajas densidades y disponibilidad de presas, A. tropicus es capaz de manipular y alimentarse de presas de diferentes tamaños. También, sugerimos el uso de una mezcla de A. franciscana y M. macrocopa para alimentar a A. tropicus en sistemas de cultivo en concentraciones ≈ 2 ind. mL-1 durante las primeras tres semanas de edad y después cambiar a M. macrocopa a partir de la cuarta semana. Nuestros resultados, junto con estudios de sobrevivencia de los juveniles pueden ayudar a generar esfuerzos de conservación y mejorar la producción de pejelagarto en acuicultura.

Zooplankton , Batrachoidiformes , Animal Feed , Fishes , Mexico
Rev. biol. trop ; 60(3): 955-965, Sept. 2012. ilus, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-659562


Generally zooplankton growth is often limited by the quality of their algal diet. A cheaper common practice in aquaculture, is to culture algae with fertilizers; however, the demography of zooplankton when fed these algae has not yet been evaluated. We studied the population growth and life table demography of the rotifers Anuraeopsis fissa and Brachionus rubens, and the cladoceran Moina macrocopa. For this, the algae Scenedesmus acutus or Chlorella vulgaris were cultured on defined (Bold’s basal) medium or the commercial liquid fertilizer (Bayfolan). Experiments were conducted at one algal concentration 1.0x10(6)cells/mL of C. vulgaris or its equivalent dry weight of 0.5x10(6)cells/mL of S. acutus. The population dynamics were tested at 23±1ºC in 100mL transparent jars, each with 50mL of the test medium, with an initial density of 0.5indiv/mL, for a total of 48 test jars (3 zooplankton 2 algal species x 2 culture media x 4 replicates). For the life table experiments with M. macrocopa, we introduced 10 neonates (<24h old) into each test jar containing the specific algal type and concentration. For the rotifer experiments, we set 5mL tubes with one neonate each and 10 replicates for each algal species and culture medium. We found that the average rotifer life span was not influenced by the diet, but for M. macrocopa fed S. acutus cultured in Bold’s medium, the average lifespan was significantly lower than with the other diets. The gross and net reproductive rates of A. fissa (ranging from 18-36 offspring per female) were significantly higher for C. vulgaris cultured in Bold medium. Regardless of the culture medium, Chlorella resulted in significantly higher gross and net reproductive rates for B. rubens than S. acutus diets. The reproductive rates of M. macrocopa were significantly higher in all the tested diets except when fed with S. acutus in Bold medium. The population increase rate, derived from growth experiments of A. fissa and B. rubens, ranged from 0.1-0.25/d and were significantly higher on C. vulgaris cultured in liquid fertilizer as compared to the other diets. The growth rates of M. macrocopa ranged from 0.1 to 0.38/d, and were highest with diets of C. vulgaris cultured in Bold medium and S. acutus cultured in fertilizer. Thus, regardless of the culture medium used, the growth rates of the evaluated zooplankton species were higher with Chlorella than with Scenedesmus. The peak population density was highest (2 800ind/mL) for A. fissa fed Chlorella that was cultured on liquid fertilizers, while B. rubens and M. macrocopa had peak abundances of 480 and 12ind/mL, respectively under similar conditions.

Generalmente el crecimiento del zooplancton está a menudo limitado por la calidad de su dieta de algas. La demografía del zooplancton durante la alimentación con algas no ha sido estudiada, a pesar de que el cultivo de algas con fertilizantes es una práctica económica común en acuacultura. Se analizó la demografía de Anuraeopsis fissa y Brachionus rubens (rotíferos) y Moina macrocopa (cladóceros), alimentados con las algas verdes Scenedesmus acutus o Chlorella vulgaris cultivadas en medio Bold o fertilizante líquido comercial (Bayfolan, de Bayer). En los rotíferos no se observaron diferencias significativas en el promedio de vida, sin embargo, este parámetro en M. macrocopa con S. acutus cultivada en Medio Bold, fue significativamente menor que en otras dietas. Las tasas de reproducción bruta y neta de A. fissa fueron significativamente mayores con C. vulgaris cultivada en medio Bold, que con el fertilizante; estas tasas en B. rubens, independientemente del medio de cultivo, resultaron significativamente mayores con Chlorella que S. acutus. La tasa de reproducción de M. macrocopa fue significativamente mayor en todas, a excepción de S. acutus en Bold. En el crecimiento poblacional con A. fissa y B. rubens la tasa de crecimiento poblacional varió de 0.1 hasta 0.25/d, significativamente mayores en C. vulgaris cultivadas con fertilizante, en comparación con las otras dietas; en M. macrocopa la tasa de crecimiento varió desde 0.1 hasta 0.38/d, las más altas fueron: con C. vulgaris cultivadas en medio Bold y S. acutus cultivadas con fertilizante. Así, en todas las especies, la tasa de crecimiento fue más alta con Chlorella que con Scenedesmus.

Animals , Cladocera/physiology , Rotifera/physiology , Chlorella , Cladocera/classification , Diet , Fertilizers , Life Tables , Population Growth , Reproduction/physiology , Rotifera/classification , Scenedesmus