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Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-361159


We experienced a case of severe alcoholic hepatitis. Combination treatment of continuous hemodiafiltration and steroid hormone was started immediately after admission. This treatment was very effective for severe alcoholic hepatitis, resulting in the shortening of the length of hospital stay. The reasons why this treatment was effective were; 1. The patient was younger, so the regeneration ability of liver cells was stronger. 2. The infection and bleeding of digestive organs except for acute renal failure were not found, resulting in the enhancement of the effectiveness for steroid hormone treatment. 3. The intensive blood purification treatment was started immediately. From this experience, we realized again that a fine collaboration of doctors, nurses and clinical engineers was very important in the intensive care of the severe diseases.

Hepatitis, Alcoholic
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-373105


1) The molluscicidal effect of 10 agricultural chemicals which are commonly usedby farmers in Saitama Prefecture was tested experimentally against <I>A</I>. <I>ollula</I> in the laboratory. The snails were made to contact with chemical solution for 48 hrs. at 23-25°C, then transferred to new containers with fresh water. The death rate was observed after 1 more hr.<BR>LC<SUB>50</SUB> value of Saturn emulsion (Benthiocarb 50%), Saturn-S granule (Benthiocarb 7%, Simetryne 1.5%), MO emulsion (CNP 20%), NIP emulsion (NIP 25%), Sumithion emulsion (MEP 50%), Baysid emulsion (MPP 50%), Disiston granule (Ethylthiometon 5%), Bassa emulsion (BPMC 50%), Kitasin-Pemulsion (IBP 4%), and Lime nitrogen granule (CaNCN 21%) were 13.0, 92.5, 24.8, more than 50, 16.5, 13.5, more than 500, more than 50, more than 50 and 360 ppm. respectively, all figures were far larger than the doses in practical use for each chemicals. So it can not be expected that these chemicals would be effective against the snail in the ordinally practice.<BR>2) Themolluscicidal effect of Lime nitrogen granule was also investigated with the snail in the paddy field where this fertilizer had been applied at an ordinally dose that is 2 Kg per are., 5 days prier to the test. The snails were introduced into the paddy and the mortality rate was observed 1, 2 and 3days after the introduction. The mortality rates of the snails at each day were 7.5%, 11.0% and 12.9% respectively. In the untreated field these figures were 7.0%, 14.9% and 4.4%.<BR>It was concluded that Lime nitrogen granule was not effective against the snail at the ordinally dose for the use for fertilizer.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-373039


An endemic dermatitis of unknown etiology has occurred among farmers working in paddy fields in the eastern area of Saitama Pref. In view of the results of the epidemiological and clinical observations, it was anticipated that the dermatitis might be caused by a bird schistosome (Ozu <I>et al.</I>, 1972).<BR>Thus, the research for snail intermediate hosts was carried out in the paddy fields as well as in the laboratory. Snails from the fields were placed in containers in which they could be checked for the shedding of cercariae. As a result, a species of furcocercous cercaria was obtained from <I>Austropeplea (Lymnaea) ollula</I>. The cercaria was identified as species belonging to the genus <I>Trichobilharzia</I> on the basis of the flame cell pattern, the behaviour, the responses to light and the detailed morphology of living and preserved specimens.<BR>In order to determine the dermatitis-producing properties of the cercaria, an experimental infection with the cercaria into the human skin was performed.The cercaria invaded into the human skin and produced a dermatitis quite similar to that prevailing in the endemic area.<BR>On the basis of the results from this study, the paddy field dermatitis occurring in the eastern area of Saitama Pref.was proved to be caused by the invasion of the cercaria belonging to the genus <I>Trichobilharzia</I> into the human skin.It was also proved that <I>A.ollula</I> served as the snail host of the cercaria.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-373040


A dermatitis of unknown etiology has occurred among farmers working in Chichibu City, in north-west of Saitama Prefecture from 1970 to 1972.<BR>The dermatitis exhibited clinical, manifestations quite similar to a already known bird schistosome.dermatitis being characterized by erythemato-papulo-vesicular eruptions accompanied with severe itching on the parts exposed to the water, especially legs and arms.<BR>Survey on the snail intermediate hosts were undertaken in the paddy fields and a species of furcocercous cercaria was found from <I>Polypylis</I> hemisphaerula.The incidence of the snails infected with the cercariae was 3.2%.The cercaria resembled to that of <I>Gigantobilharzia struniae</I> in size and shape.<BR>The cercaria invaded into the human skin within 30 minutes after being put on a part of the surface of skin and caused a pinpoint-sized red maculae and tingling itching.<BR>From these results, the paddy field dermatitis occurring in Chichibu City was proved to be caused by the invasion of the cercaria into the human skin, which differed from that served as causative organism of the dermatitis occurring in the eastern area of Saitama Prefecture.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-373047


A dermatitis of unknown etiology has occurred among farmers working in paddy fields in the eastern area of Saitama Prefecture (Ozu et al., 1972). And it was proved to be caused by the invasion of a bird schistosome cercaria shed from <I>Austropeplea ollula</I> (Suzuki et al., 1973).<BR>In an attempt to dertermine the final host of this schistosome, a survey on the wild birds was undertaken in the endemic area. But, no natural infection was found in 8 Corvus corone, 7 <I>Sturnus cineraceous</I>, 5 <I>Egretta garzetta</I>, 4 <I>Nycticorax nycticorax</I>, 8<I>Anas platyrhynchos</I>, 7 <I>A. crecca</I> and 170 <I>A. poecilorhyncha</I>.<BR>Experimental infections with the cercariae were performed using domestic ducklings and canaries, and a bird schistosome egg could be found in feces of the domestic ducklings 20 days after the infection. The egg was crescent-shaped and the miracidium was clearly seen within.<BR>Based on the results of the experimental infections, the most probable final host of this schistosome in Saitama Prefecture was supposed to be the anatid birds.