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Rev. Assoc. Paul. Cir. Dent ; 63(3): 216-221, maio-jun. 2009. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-534478


Avaliou-se estudos longitudinais relacionados ao reparo biológico do tecido pulpar frente ao Mineral Trioxide Aggregate, por meio de revisão sistemática. Utilizou-se pesquisa manual e fontes de catalogação bibliográfica identificadas eletronicamente por MEDLlNE, EMBASE e Cochrane Library - CENTRAL, a partir de 1966 até 30 de julho de 2008, com o termo mineral trioxide aggregate. De 180 estudos in vivo, apenas seis estudos satisfizeram os critérios de inclusão. Em todos os estudos in vivo, em animais e humanos, observou-se que o MTA favorece o processo de reparo do tecido pulpar após o tratamento conservador.

It was evaluated longitudinal studies of the biological repair of the pulpal tissue front to the Mineral Trioxide Aggregate, through systematic revision. It was used of handsearching and sources of bibliographical cataloguing identified electronically by MEDLlNE, EMBASE and Cochrane Library - CENTRAL, starting from 1966 until July 30,2008. As search strategy was used the terms - mineral trioxide aggregate - as word-key. Of the 180 studies in vivo, six studies satisfied the inclusion criteria. In all of the studies in alive, in animals and humans, and in those that satisfied the inclusion criteria, it was observed that MTA favors the repair process of the pulpal tissue after the conservative treatment.

Humans , Animals , Calcium Hydroxide , Dental Cements , Dental Pulp Capping , Pulpotomy