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Braz. j. biol ; 81(2)2021.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468413


Abstract Poppiana dentata (Randall, 1840) is widely distributed throughout riverine habitats in Trinidad. However, there is a scarcity of information on the biology of this species. This study provides the first baseline examination that describes growth aspects for P. dentata. Juvenile crabs were obtained from berried females collected in northwest Trinidad. Carapace width (CW), length (CL), moult incident, intermoult period and qualitative aspects were recorded for crabs (N = 23) over 9 months. CW, CL and intermoult period were used to derive percentage size increment, specific growth rate (SGR) and size at structural maturity for both sexes. Growth curves and logistic equations were also generated for each sex. Hatched crabs ( 5 mm CW) underwent rapid hardening after their first moult, indicating a fast turnover of moult cycles. SGR and CW percent increment were also the highest for this initial moult (P 0.05). CW, CL, intermoult period, size increment and SGR did not differ between sexes (P > 0.05), with logistic equations expressed as CW = 32.81 (1+exp (1.481 0.031t))-1 for males and CW = 34.07 (1+exp (1.516 0.027t))-1 for females. Yet, breakpoint analyses indicated dissimilar sizes for structural maturity (male: 28.40 mm CW; female: 16.84 mm CW). These patterns reflect a shorter life span for this species in comparison to what has been reported for other trichodactylid relatives. This can have implications for P. dentata populations residing in anthropogenically disturbed habitats; thus, highlighting the need for conservation strategies to ensure preservation of native wild stock.

Resumo O Poppiana dentata (Randall, 1840) está amplamente distribuído nos habitats fluviais de Trinidad. Existem, porém, poucas informações sobre a biologia dessa espécie. Este estudo fornece a primeira análise de referência que descreve aspectos do crescimento do P. dentata. Caranguejos jovens foram obtidos a partir de fêmeas em desova na região noroeste de Trinidad. A largura da carapaça (LC), o comprimento da carapaça (CC), a incidência de muda, o período de intermuda e aspectos qualitativos foram registrados para caranguejos (N = 23) ao longo de mais de nove meses. A LC, o CC e o período de intermuda foram utilizados para obter o aumento porcentual, a taxa específica de crescimento (TEC), e o tamanho na maturidade estrutural para os dois sexos. Curvas de crescimento e equações logísticas foram também geradas para cada sexo. Os caranguejos que nasceram (com largura de carapaça 5 mm) apresentaram um endurecimento rápido depois de sua primeira muda, o que indica uma rápida rotação dos ciclos de muda. A TEC e o aumento da porcentual da LC foram também os mais altos para esta muda inicial (P 0,05). Não houve variação da LC, CC, do período de intermuda, aumento do tamanho e da TEC entre os sexos (P > 0,05), e as equações logísticas foram expressas como: LC = 32,81 (1+exp (1,481 0,031t))-1 para machos, e LC = 34,07 (1+exp (1,516 0,027t))-1 para fêmeas. Porém, as análises de quebra indicaram tamanhos diferentes para maturidade estrutural (LC para macho: 28,40; para fêmea: 16,84 mm). Esses padrões refletem um período de vida mais curto para esta espécie em comparação com o que tem sido registrado para outras famílias de Trichodactylidae. Isso pode ter implicações para as populações de P. dentata que residem em habitats modificados antropogenicamente; destaca-se, assim, a necessidade de estratégias de conservação para assegurar a preservação das populações selvagens nativas.

Braz. j. biol ; 81(2): 377-386, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1153358


Poppiana dentata (Randall, 1840) is widely distributed throughout riverine habitats in Trinidad. However, there is a scarcity of information on the biology of this species. This study provides the first baseline examination that describes growth aspects for P. dentata. Juvenile crabs were obtained from berried females collected in northwest Trinidad. Carapace width (CW), length (CL), moult incident, intermoult period and qualitative aspects were recorded for crabs (N = 23) over 9 months. CW, CL and intermoult period were used to derive percentage size increment, specific growth rate (SGR) and size at structural maturity for both sexes. Growth curves and logistic equations were also generated for each sex. Hatched crabs (< 5 mm CW) underwent rapid hardening after their first moult, indicating a fast turnover of moult cycles. SGR and CW percent increment were also the highest for this initial moult (P < 0.05). CW, CL, intermoult period, size increment and SGR did not differ between sexes (P > 0.05), with logistic equations expressed as CW = 32.81 (1+exp (1.481 ̵ 0.031t))-1 for males and CW = 34.07 (1+exp (1.516 ̵ 0.027t))-1 for females. Yet, breakpoint analyses indicated dissimilar sizes for structural maturity (male: 28.40 mm CW; female: 16.84 mm CW). These patterns reflect a shorter life span for this species in comparison to what has been reported for other trichodactylid relatives. This can have implications for P. dentata populations residing in anthropogenically disturbed habitats; thus, highlighting the need for conservation strategies to ensure preservation of native wild stock.

O Poppiana dentata (Randall, 1840) está amplamente distribuído nos habitats fluviais de Trinidad. Existem, porém, poucas informações sobre a biologia dessa espécie. Este estudo fornece a primeira análise de referência que descreve aspectos do crescimento do P. dentata. Caranguejos jovens foram obtidos a partir de fêmeas em desova na região noroeste de Trinidad. A largura da carapaça (LC), o comprimento da carapaça (CC), a incidência de muda, o período de intermuda e aspectos qualitativos foram registrados para caranguejos (N = 23) ao longo de mais de nove meses. A LC, o CC e o período de intermuda foram utilizados para obter o aumento porcentual, a taxa específica de crescimento (TEC), e o tamanho na maturidade estrutural para os dois sexos. Curvas de crescimento e equações logísticas foram também geradas para cada sexo. Os caranguejos que nasceram (com largura de carapaça < 5 mm) apresentaram um endurecimento rápido depois de sua primeira muda, o que indica uma rápida rotação dos ciclos de muda. A TEC e o aumento da porcentual da LC foram também os mais altos para esta muda inicial (P < 0,05). Não houve variação da LC, CC, do período de intermuda, aumento do tamanho e da TEC entre os sexos (P > 0,05), e as equações logísticas foram expressas como: LC = 32,81 (1+exp (1,481 ̵ 0,031t))-1 para machos, e LC = 34,07 (1+exp (1,516 ̵ 0,027t))-1 para fêmeas. Porém, as análises de quebra indicaram tamanhos diferentes para maturidade estrutural (LC para macho: 28,40; para fêmea: 16,84 mm). Esses padrões refletem um período de vida mais curto para esta espécie em comparação com o que tem sido registrado para outras famílias de Trichodactylidae. Isso pode ter implicações para as populações de P. dentata que residem em habitats modificados antropogenicamente; destaca-se, assim, a necessidade de estratégias de conservação para assegurar a preservação das populações selvagens nativas.

Animals , Male , Female , Brachyura/anatomy & histology , Brachyura/growth & development , Trinidad and Tobago , Ecosystem , Conservation of Natural Resources/methods , Animal Experimentation , Fresh Water
Braz. j. biol ; 80(1): 30-38, Feb. 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1089276


Abstract Temperature is one of the main factors that influences cardiovascular functioning in ectotherms. Hence this study sought to investigate heart rate responses of a freshwater crab species, Poppiana dentata, to different temperature exposures since the species generally reside in habitats of fluctuating physicochemistry. Heart rates were non-invasively determined in juvenile crabs for three temperature regimes, each over an 8-day session; A: temperature exposures of 26 °C (2 days) to 30 °C (3 days) to 26 °C (3 days), B: 26 °C (2 days) to 32 °C (3 days) to 26 °C (3 days) and C: a control at constant 26 °C. Heart rate variations were significant among the regimes (P < 0.05), with the median heart rate being highest for regime B (74 beats per minute or bpm) during the temperature insult (32 °C), relative to regime A (70 bpm) and the control (64 bpm). Notably, a suppression and inversion of the diurnal cardiac patterns occurred for regimes' A and B crabs respectively, with rates from the highest temperature insult not shifting back to pre-insult levels during recovery (26 °C). It is plausible that P. dentata may have compensatory cardiovascular mechanisms that account for these differential heart rate responses, possibly conveying adaptive strategies in its dynamic habitat conditions.

Resumo A temperatura é um dos principais fatores que influenciam o funcionamento cardiovascular dos animais ectotérmicos. Sendo assim, este estudo buscou investigar as respostas de frequência cardíaca de uma espécie de caranguejo de água doce, o Poppiana dentata, após exposição a temperaturas diferentes, visto que esta espécie geralmente reside em habitats de composição físico-química variável. As frequências cardíacas foram determinadas de maneira não invasiva em caranguejos jovens submetidos a três regimes de temperatura, cada um ao longo de uma sessão de oito dias de duração; A: exposição a 26oC (dois dias) para 30 °C (três dias) para 26 °C (dois dias), B: 26 °C (dois dias) para 32 °C (três dias) para 26 °C (três dias) e C: um controle a temperatura constante de 26 °C. As variações de frequência cardíaca foram significativas entre os regimes (P < 0,05), sendo que a frequência cardíaca mediana foi mais alta para o regime B (74 batimentos por minuto ou bpm) durante o insulto térmico (32 °C), em relação ao regime A (70 bpm) e ao controle (64 bpm). Observou-se particularmente uma supressão e uma inversão dos padrões cardíacos diurnos nos caranguejos dos regimes A e B, respectivamente, sem que as frequências do insulto térmico mais alto voltassem aos níveis anteriores ao insulto térmico durante a recuperação (26 °C). É possível que o P. dentata possua mecanismos cardiovasculares compensatórios responsáveis por essas respostas de frequências cardíacas variadas, o que pode indicar estratégias de adaptação às suas condições de habitat dinâmicas.

Ecosystem , Hot Temperature , Temperature , Heart , Heart Rate
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1467256


Abstract Temperature is one of the main factors that influences cardiovascular functioning in ectotherms. Hence this study sought to investigate heart rate responses of a freshwater crab species, Poppiana dentata, to different temperature exposures since the species generally reside in habitats of fluctuating physicochemistry. Heart rates were non-invasively determined in juvenile crabs for three temperature regimes, each over an 8-day session; A: temperature exposures of 26 °C (2 days) to 30 °C (3 days) to 26 °C (3 days), B: 26 °C (2 days) to 32 °C (3 days) to 26 °C (3 days) and C: a control at constant 26 °C. Heart rate variations were significant among the regimes (P 0.05), with the median heart rate being highest for regime B (74 beats per minute or bpm) during the temperature insult (32 °C), relative to regime A (70 bpm) and the control (64 bpm). Notably, a suppression and inversion of the diurnal cardiac patterns occurred for regimes A and B crabs respectively, with rates from the highest temperature insult not shifting back to pre-insult levels during recovery (26 °C). It is plausible that P. dentata may have compensatory cardiovascular mechanisms that account for these differential heart rate responses, possibly conveying adaptive strategies in its dynamic habitat conditions.

Resumo A temperatura é um dos principais fatores que influenciam o funcionamento cardiovascular dos animais ectotérmicos. Sendo assim, este estudo buscou investigar as respostas de frequência cardíaca de uma espécie de caranguejo de água doce, o Poppiana dentata, após exposição a temperaturas diferentes, visto que esta espécie geralmente reside em habitats de composição físico-química variável. As frequências cardíacas foram determinadas de maneira não invasiva em caranguejos jovens submetidos a três regimes de temperatura, cada um ao longo de uma sessão de oito dias de duração; A: exposição a 26oC (dois dias) para 30 °C (três dias) para 26 °C (dois dias), B: 26 °C (dois dias) para 32 °C (três dias) para 26 °C (três dias) e C: um controle a temperatura constante de 26 °C. As variações de frequência cardíaca foram significativas entre os regimes (P 0,05), sendo que a frequência cardíaca mediana foi mais alta para o regime B (74 batimentos por minuto ou bpm) durante o insulto térmico (32 °C), em relação ao regime A (70 bpm) e ao controle (64 bpm). Observou-se particularmente uma supressão e uma inversão dos padrões cardíacos diurnos nos caranguejos dos regimes A e B, respectivamente, sem que as frequências do insulto térmico mais alto voltassem aos níveis anteriores ao insulto térmico durante a recuperação (26 °C). É possível que o P. dentata possua mecanismos cardiovasculares compensatórios responsáveis por essas respostas de frequências cardíacas variadas, o que pode indicar estratégias de adaptação às suas condições de habitat dinâmicas.

Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1467427


Abstract Poppiana dentata (Randall, 1840) is widely distributed throughout riverine habitats in Trinidad. However, there is a scarcity of information on the biology of this species. This study provides the first baseline examination that describes growth aspects for P. dentata. Juvenile crabs were obtained from berried females collected in northwest Trinidad. Carapace width (CW), length (CL), moult incident, intermoult period and qualitative aspects were recorded for crabs (N = 23) over 9 months. CW, CL and intermoult period were used to derive percentage size increment, specific growth rate (SGR) and size at structural maturity for both sexes. Growth curves and logistic equations were also generated for each sex. Hatched crabs ( 5 mm CW) underwent rapid hardening after their first moult, indicating a fast turnover of moult cycles. SGR and CW percent increment were also the highest for this initial moult (P 0.05). CW, CL, intermoult period, size increment and SGR did not differ between sexes (P > 0.05), with logistic equations expressed as CW = 32.81 (1+exp (1.481 0.031t))-1 for males and CW = 34.07 (1+exp (1.516 0.027t))-1 for females. Yet, breakpoint analyses indicated dissimilar sizes for structural maturity (male: 28.40 mm CW; female: 16.84 mm CW). These patterns reflect a shorter life span for this species in comparison to what has been reported for other trichodactylid relatives. This can have implications for P. dentata populations residing in anthropogenically disturbed habitats; thus, highlighting the need for conservation strategies to ensure preservation of native wild stock.

Resumo O Poppiana dentata (Randall, 1840) está amplamente distribuído nos habitats fluviais de Trinidad. Existem, porém, poucas informações sobre a biologia dessa espécie. Este estudo fornece a primeira análise de referência que descreve aspectos do crescimento do P. dentata. Caranguejos jovens foram obtidos a partir de fêmeas em desova na região noroeste de Trinidad. A largura da carapaça (LC), o comprimento da carapaça (CC), a incidência de muda, o período de intermuda e aspectos qualitativos foram registrados para caranguejos (N = 23) ao longo de mais de nove meses. A LC, o CC e o período de intermuda foram utilizados para obter o aumento porcentual, a taxa específica de crescimento (TEC), e o tamanho na maturidade estrutural para os dois sexos. Curvas de crescimento e equações logísticas foram também geradas para cada sexo. Os caranguejos que nasceram (com largura de carapaça 5 mm) apresentaram um endurecimento rápido depois de sua primeira muda, o que indica uma rápida rotação dos ciclos de muda. A TEC e o aumento da porcentual da LC foram também os mais altos para esta muda inicial (P 0,05). Não houve variação da LC, CC, do período de intermuda, aumento do tamanho e da TEC entre os sexos (P > 0,05), e as equações logísticas foram expressas como: LC = 32,81 (1+exp (1,481 0,031t))-1 para machos, e LC = 34,07 (1+exp (1,516 0,027t))-1 para fêmeas. Porém, as análises de quebra indicaram tamanhos diferentes para maturidade estrutural (LC para macho: 28,40; para fêmea: 16,84 mm). Esses padrões refletem um período de vida mais curto para esta espécie em comparação com o que tem sido registrado para outras famílias de Trichodactylidae. Isso pode ter implicações para as populações de P. dentata que residem em habitats modificados antropogenicamente; destaca-se, assim, a necessidade de estratégias de conservação para assegurar a preservação das populações selvagens nativas.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-147038


Introduction: Typhoid fever is one of the most common public health problems in Nepal. It occurs in all parts of the world where water supplies and sanitation are sub-standard. In Dhulikhel hospital, this is one of the top acute febrile illnesses in inpatient department. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the clinical and laboratory parameters including culture and sensitivity, the response to therapy, and complications of enteric fever among child cases at Dhulikhel Hospital. Materials and Methods: This retrospective study was conducted at Dhulikhel Hospital, Kathmandu University Teaching Hospital from January 2009 to June 2011. Statistical analysis was done with SPSS. Results: There were total of 138 cases of enteric fever admitted. There were 73 (53%) male and 65 (47%) female. Eighty-one percent were above five years of age. The most common clinical presentation was fever (100%) followed by headache and G I symptoms. Hepatomegaly was the most common sign seen among the cases and was seen in 110cases (79.71%). Most of the patients had normal WBC count 100 (72.46%) Widal test was positive in 70 (50.72%) cases and blood culture was positive in 52(37.68%) cases. Nalidixic acid was found to be resistant in 26 (50%) cases. Complications were seen in only 7 (5%) enteric fever cases. Conclusion: Typhoid fever is predominant in school going children in Nepal with slight male predominance. Fever lasting over 3 days followed by headache and GI symptoms are the major presenting symptoms. In making the diagnosis, the isolation of bacteria from blood is the “gold standard”. Nalidixic acid resistant Salmonella typhi is on the increasing trend. Pneumonia was found to be the most common complication among all other complications seen in enteric cases. In Dhulikhel Hospital this is one of the top acute febrile illnesses in inpatient department.

Indian J Biochem Biophys ; 2001 Oct; 38(5): 335-41
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-27071


NADP+-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase (E.C. has been purified to homogeneity from germinating pea seeds. The enzyme is a tetrameric protein (mol wt, about 146,000) made up of apparently identical monomers (subunit mol wt, about 36,000). Thermal inactivation of purified enzyme at 45 degrees and 50 degrees C shows simple first order kinetics. The enzyme shows optimum activity at pH range 7.5-8. Effect of substrate [S] on enzyme activity at different pH (6.5-8) suggests that the proton behaves formally as an "uncompetitive inhibitor". A basic group of the enzyme (site) is protonated in this pH range in the presence of substrate only, with a pKa equal to 6.78. On successive dialysis against EDTA and phosphate buffer, pH 7.8 at 0 degrees C, yields an enzymatically inactive protein showing kinetics of thermal inactivation identical to the untreated (native) enzyme. Maximum enzyme activity is observed in presence of Mn2+ and Mg2+ ions (3.75 mM). Addition of Zn2+, Cd2+, Co2+ and Ca2+ ions brings about partial recovery. Other metal ions Fe2+, Cu2+ and Ni2+ are ineffective.

Binding Sites , Chromatography, DEAE-Cellulose , Chromatography, Gel , Electrophoresis, Polyacrylamide Gel , Germination , Hot Temperature , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Isocitrate Dehydrogenase/chemistry , Metals/metabolism , Molecular Weight , Pisum sativum/enzymology , Seeds/enzymology
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-90419


OBJECTIVE: To study the proportion of HSV-1 encephalitis in acute viral encephalitis. METHODS: One hundred and five patients presenting with clinical diagnosis of acute viral encephalitis and with exclusion of other possible causes of acute inflammatory brain disease prevalent in the area by relevant laboratory investigations were included in the study. Ninety single CSF samples were tested for HSV-1 IgM antibodies by ELISA test supplied by Dia Medix Corporation, USA. CT Scan and EEG studies were carried out in 25 patients. RESULTS: Clinical and neuro investigational profile of patients suggested a low incidence of HSV-1 encephalitis in the study group. IgM antibodies were present in CSF sample of one patient only. CONCLUSION: HSV-1 encephalitis constitutes a very low proportion (1.1%) of acute viral encephalitis cases seen in Eastern Uttar Pradesh (India).

Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay , Herpesvirus 1, Human/isolation & purification , Humans , India/epidemiology , Prevalence
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-87175


Sixty patients of inflammatory brain disease were diagnosed and classified according to clinico-investigational criteria by Ahuja et al into tuberculous meningitis group (36 patients) and non-tuberculous meningitis group (24 patients). Tuberculous meningitis (TBM) patients were classified as probable (9 patients) and possible (27 patients) TBM. Non-TBM group comprised of pyogenic meningitis (8.3%), viral encephalitis (23.3%), cerebral malaria (5%) and enteric encephalopathy (3.3%). Cerebrospinal fluid-adenosine deaminase (CSF-ADA) activities were measured in both TBM and non-TBM groups. Mean CSF-ADA levels in TBM patients was 9.61 +/- 4.10 IU/L and was significantly elevated as compared to viral encephalitis and enteric encephalopathy cases; but difference was insignificant in comparison to pyogenic meningitis (7.92 +/- 0.95 IU/L) and cerebral malaria. Using 8 IU/L as cut off value for diagnosis of TBM a sensitivity of 44% and specificity of 75% was observed.

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Reference Values , Sensitivity and Specificity
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-94827


Present study comprised of 1070 elderly patients coming to P.H.C. Bhopauli, Varanasi during January 1991-December 1992. Males were 578 and females were 492. Male predominance was present in younger elderly whereas female predominance was seen among those over 75 years of age. Socio-economic status-wise 265 cases belonged to upper, 394 middle and 411 to lower income group. Arthritis (615) was the commonest disease in elderly followed by hypertension (510), visual problems (400), ischaemic heart disease (IHD) (350), hearing impairement (300), diabetes mellitus (DM) (280), protozoal and worm infestations (240), chronic bronchitis, asthma, emphysema (238), tuberculosis (220), peptic ulcer syndrome (210), varicose vein (200), haemorrhoids (180), urinary problems (154). Two hundred and forty seven cases had 2 diseases followed by 3 diseases (239), 4 diseases (165), 5 diseases (127) and more than 5 diseases (81). Multiple diseases were more frequent among those above 75 years of age. Atypical presentations and complications of different diseases were more frequent among older elderly.

Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , India/epidemiology , Male , Morbidity , Rural Health
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-94320


Twenty five patients with end stage renal disease were studied to find out the biochemical and hepatic morphological changes during short term haemodialysis. Asymptomatic hepatomegaly was seen in 32% of cases, transaminase elevation in 28% and positive Australia antigen in 12% of cases. Histopathological changes were observed in all the 12 patients in whom liver biopsy was done. Ten patients (82%) exhibited multiple abnormalities. The commonest findings were fatty change (8 patients); hepatic congestion, focal necrosis, Kupffer cell hyperplasia (6 patients each); and portal triaditis (5 patients).

Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Kidney Failure, Chronic/therapy , Liver Diseases/enzymology , Male , Middle Aged , Renal Dialysis/adverse effects , Transaminases/blood
J Indian Med Assoc ; 1991 Aug; 89(8): 231-4
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-103576


Effect of sublingual nifedipine was evaluated in 39 cases of hypertensive emergencies (diastolic blood pressure greater than or equal to 120 mm Hg with impending organ failure, loss of vital function or death). It was found to be effective (95%), safe, with prompt (with 15 minutes) and predictable response (lowering of systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, mean arterial pressure by 30% at the end of 3 hours), and few adverse effects. Its use in patients of cerebrovascular accident (24 cases) was found to be effective and safe without any significant clinical problem or increased mortality.

Administration, Sublingual , Blood Pressure/drug effects , Cerebrovascular Disorders/drug therapy , Emergencies , Humans , Hypertension/drug therapy , Nifedipine/administration & dosage
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-93013


Aluminium phosphide (ALP) a major suicidal agent in the developing countries is freely available as grain fumigant. It is highly toxic to lungs, heart and blood vessels causing pulmonary oedema, shock and arrhythmias. There is massive focal myocardial damage resulting in raised cardiac enzymes. Clinical manifestations were nausea and vomiting (32), dyspnoea and palpitations (25 each), cyanosis (12), hypotension (12) and shock (15). Cardiac arrhythmias were present in 28 cases and hypermagnesaemia in 13 patients. Mean serum magnesium level (1.95 +/- 0.2O, mEq/L) was significantly raised compared to mean magnesium level in control subjects (1.62 +/- 0.23 mEq/L). Hypermagnesaemia occurs due to myocardial and liver damage. Out of 32 cases studied, 22 died 18 within 24 hours of ALP ingestion. Thirty two cases of ALP were studied.

Adolescent , Adult , Aluminum Compounds , Arrhythmias, Cardiac/chemically induced , Electrocardiography/drug effects , Electrolytes/blood , Female , Food Preservatives , Humans , Magnesium/blood , Male , Middle Aged , Drug Overdose/diagnosis , Pesticides , Phosphines/poisoning