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Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-732408


Introduction: It is still a challenge that the dissecting room has a place in learning gross anatomy. Understanding the students’ preference of learning tools is important to devise alternative teaching aids for improvement in learning anatomy. This study was conducted to assess student’s preference of learning tools available in the anatomy laboratory of an integrated curriculum.Methods: A cross-sectional comparative study was carried out for 4 weeks among 741 medical and dental students of International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), University Sabah Malaysia (UMS) and University Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS). Pre-tested, semi-structured, self-administrated questionnaires including open-ended questions were distributed. The data were analyzed by using SPSS 17.Results: Most of the participants were Malays (86%) and female (67%). The students from IIUM, UiTM, UMS and UNIMAS preferred the plastic model in terms of handability and application in examination (OSPE). It was statistically significant (p<0.05). In terms of understanding and information, the students of IIUM, UiTM and UMS preferred the plastic model while UNIMAS students preferred the prosected wet specimen over the plastic models. In terms of overall preference, students of IIUM and UiTM preferred the plastic model (85.8% and 44.1% respectively). In UNIMAS, their preference for the prosected wet specimen (90.7%) was slightly higher than for the plastic model (87.8%). UMS students preferred both cadaver (51.9%) and plastic model (50%). Conclusion: Most of the students preferred the plastic model as the best learning tool in studying gross anatomy. This study suggests that plastic model may hold a role in enhancing students’ learning of gross anatomy in an integrated curriculum.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-126205


Myanmar Medical Association (Mandalay Branch), general Practitioners'Section Myanmar Medical Association/Japan/s Grass Root Grant Assistance cosponsored an Anti HIV/AIDS project in Mandalay for fifteen months, conducted by General Practitioners' Section of Myanmar Medical Association (Mandalay Branch), the projection being 20,000 persons belonging to four high risk groups. Trishawmen of five townships in Mandalay were one of these high risk groups. Out of them 111 were randomly selected for a cross-sectional study. This study covered their educational status, their knowledge, attitude, practice and behaviour regarding HIV/AIDS, condom usage and sexual exposure to commercial sex workers which will be reported in details.

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome , HIV , Prevalence , HIV Infections , Myanmar
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-126934


Plantago major Linn. (Ahkyaw-baung-tahtaung; Mann-sote ywet; Htaung-Khaung-pwa; Sai-Kyaw-gyi; Phar-Kyaw-ywet) has long been used in official folk medicine for various purposes. Ethnobotanic field survey in Russia has shown that P. major (Plantaginaceae) can be used in the treatment of acid-peptic gastritis. So the plant was investigated for the anti-peptic ulcer activity by the previously standardized method using cimetidine. The aqueous extract of air-dried leaves of the plant was found to have a significant anti-ulcerogenic activity against aspirin-induced ulceration in in-vivo rat model (p < 0.005). The reduced ulcer severity was seen by the ulcer index of 8.4 + 1.0 in the treated group when compared to the ulcer index of 20.6 + 3.5 in the untreated group, showing a 59 percent healing activity of the ulcers.

Plants, Medicinal , Plant Extracts , Anti-Ulcer Agents , Myanmar
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-126892


Nyctanthes arbor-tritis Linn. (Seik-balu); Curcuma longa Linn. (Nanwin) and Plantago major Linn. (Ahkyaw-baung-tahtaung; Mann-sote-ywet; Htaung-khaung-pwa and Phar-kyaw-ywet) have long been used in folk medicine as anti-oedema agenta. Experimental evaluation of anti-oedema property of these plants was studied on carrageenan-induced acute oedema in in vivo method using rats. Aqueous extracts of N. arbor-tritis; C. longa and P. major showed a significant anti-oedema activity ( p < 0.005) at a dose of 3 g/kg. Anti-oedema activities of these plant extracts were observed to be 56 + 7.6 percent; 46 + 8.4 percent and 51 + 4.9 percent respectively when compared with that of the control group. Thus, this study has shown that the tested medicinal plants possess anti-oedema activity.

Plants, Medicinal , Plant Extracts , Edema
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-127019


Some selected plants reputed for use in menstrual disorders were scientifically investigated for their efficacy. Pllant aqueous extracts were preliminarily screened for the efficacy on rat's uterine smooth muscle. The effects of aqueous extracts of Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk. (Kyeik-hman), Amaranthus spinosus Linn. (Hinnu-nwe-subauk) and Averrhoa carambola Linn. (Zaung-yah) were tested in vitro using isolated rat's uterus smooth muscle. Kyeik-hman, Hinnu-nwe-subauk and Zaung-yah whole plant aqueous extracts significantly induced contraction on the uterine smooth muscle.

Plants, Medicinal , Plant Extracts , Menstruation Disturbances , Myanmar
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-126967


Four Myanmar traditional medicine formulations (TMFs), namely TMF-02, TMF-03A, TMF-03B and TMF-08, locally claimed to be useful in treating dyspepsia, were screened for anti-peptic ulcer activity employing two experimental in vivo test models in rats. Only TMF-02, TMF-03B and TMF-08 markedly reduced ulcer severity to the ulcer indices of 17.4, 15.6 and 14.5 respectively. These effects were comparable to cimetidine (13.8), while that of the negative control was 35.Measuring gastric juice acidity in rats employing pyloric ligation confirmed that these three drugs did reduce gastric acidity, particularly diminishing the free acid one-third and shifting gastric pH from 6 to 7.

Peptic Ulcer , Formulary , Myanmar
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-126876


Three chemical compounds namely wedelolactone, demethyl wedelolactone and luteolin which had been reported to possess hepathoprotective activity were detected from Kyeik-hman (E. alba) grown in Myanmar. The active compounds were primarily identified by thin layer chromatography (TLC) by investigating Rf values and colour characteristics viewed under longwave ultra-violet (UV) light. The identification of above active substances was sonfirmed by UV spectral data analysis in comparison with standard marker or reference data reported in literature.

Plants, Medicinal , Plant Extracts , Chromatography, Thin Layer , Myanmar
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-126826


The effects of two different extracts of three medicinal plants namely Piper betle L. (Kun), Coleus aromaticus Benth. (Ziyar-ywet-htu) and Ageratum conyzoides L. (Khway-thay-pan) leaves on the smooth muscles of guinea pig and rat were tested invitro using isolated segments of trachea, intestine and uterus. The extracts inhibited the contractions of guinea pig tracheal muscle induced by carbachol and histamine stimulation. The alcoholic extracts also inhibited the spontaneous movement of huinea pig ileum induced by histamine stimulation. Furthermore, the alcoholic extracts inhibited the contractions of rat uterus induced by 5-HT stimulation. These data suggest that the alcoholic extracts have antihistaminic and anti 5-hydroxytryptamine effects and the active principle may probably resides in the saponin glycoside component.

Plant Extracts , Plants, Medicinal , Asthma , Myanmar
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-126861


In Myanmar, diabetes mellitus can be counted as a single health problem occuring at all ages as reported by various workers. Momordica charantia L. fruit (Kyethingha thee) has been reported to possess antidiabetic activity in experimental animal model by various workers. The plant is widely distributed and also cultivated in Myanmar for its edible fruits. Therefore, it was thought that, if it will be worthwhile to investigate and confirm experimentally, whether the fruit grown in Myanmar possess similar hypoglycemic activity. Blood glucose levels of adrenaline-induced diabetic rabbits were determined after oral administration of expressed fruit juice (10 ml/kg) which was approximately equivalent to 400 mg/kg of the substance singificantly inhibited the hyperglycemic blood glucose level on adrenaline-diabetic rabbits at 2 hr.

Blood Glucose , Diabetes Mellitus , Fruit , Plants, Medicinal , Myanmar
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-126800


Thirty three medicinal plants, traditionally claimed to be useful for purging human intestinal roundworms were evaluated experimentally for their anthelminthic action against Ascaris summ in vitro. On the basis of producing muscle paralysis of the worm within predetermined experimental periods, seventeen of the plants tested were found to possess anthelminthic activity. Urginea indica and Ananas sativa were most effective and a fungus, Hydnum repanda also showed good activity.

Ascariasis , Plants, Medicinal , Anthelmintics
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-126831


Traditional medicine formulations TMF-27, TMF-28 and TMF-32 have been used traditionally to treat diabetes in Myanmar. Blood Glucose levels of adrenaline-induced diabetic rabbits were determined after oral administration of maximum dose of the traditional medicine formulations TMF-27 TMF-28 and TMF-32 and their watey extracts respectively. From the data obtained, it was concluded that the oral administration of 1.6 g/kg TMFs did not produce inhibition of hypergly-caemic effect in rabbits. Only the water soluble extract of TMF-32 inhibited the hyperglycaemic blood glucose level on adrenaline-diabetic rabbits (p<0.05) ans rats (p<0.05).

Medicine, Traditional , Formulary , Epinephrine , Myanmar
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-126260


Leprosy Control in Myanmar was started in 1952 with case finding and domicilliary treatment as the two main strategies. Because of the emphasis on case finding the total number of registered leprosy cases increased from 47280 in 1958 to 271353 in 1976. The study was undertaken to determine the types of cases and the disabilities status among cases that are detected through different means of case detection methods in Hmawbi Township prior to integration of the case finding activities into Basic Health Services. A retrospective study on 320 new cases that have been detected in Hmawbi Township during the period 1964 to 1974 was undertaken. 74.14 Percent of the lepromatous type of new leprosy cases are seen to be suffering from various degree of disabiligy, whereas for Tuberculoid new cases the disability percent is only 33.47 Percent. Out of a total 320 new cases 46.56 Percent of them were detected through active case finding methods. The proportion of lepromatous new cases is seen to be high among new cases detected through mass surveys (23.21 Percent) and passive case detections (23.21 Percent). New cases detected through school children examinations and contact examinations are seen to be suffering from less disability than that of mass surveys, referrals from B.H.S and voluntary examination.

Leprosy, Lepromatous , Myanmar
Burma Med J ; 1987; 33(1): 27-30
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-126000


A sociological study was done in registered leprosy patients in ten urban townships of Rangoon city who have a minimum of 15 yrs. follow up. A total of 542 cases, 76 per cent of 715 registered cases with 15 yrs. follow up were studied.

Leprosy , Socioeconomic Factors , Myanmar
Burma Med J ; 1981; 27(3): 11-20
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-126112


The incidence of poisoning at the Rangoon General Hospital, Intensive Therapy Unit, in the year 19 0 was 2 percent of total admissions to the Rangoon General Hospital. This constituted 33.43 percent of all admissions to the Intensive Therapy Unit. R.G.H. The different types of poisons taken by the patients are tabulated. The basic principles of intensive therapy in acute poisoning is presented.

Poisoning , Critical Care , Poisons