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Int. j. morphol ; 40(2)2022.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385634


SUMMARY: The distribution of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) was observed in the retinal wholemount of native chicken (Gallus gallus domestricus) of Bangladesh by using light microscopy. We considered five different anatomic regions (central, nasal, temporal, dorsal, and ventral) of Nissl stained wholemount, and the RGCs were counted, plotted, and measured accordingly. The average area of the retina was 431.75 mm2 while the total number of ganglion cells was 2124431 on average. Only the central area of the retina was the peak density (10400 cells/mm2) area, signifying the acute visual area, whilst the maximum spatial resolving power was 11 cycles/degree. The overall concentration of RGCs gradually declined towards the periphery but the size of cells generally decreased towards centrally. The size of ganglion cell was not uniform (12 to 180 µm2), specifically the central retina, just above the optic disc was packed with tiny-sized cells. The number, topographic distribution, and size of RGCs in native chicken signified their domesticated or terrestrial characters, uneven visual acuteness, and possibly only the central retina was the area for fine vision as the function of RGCs.

RESUMEN: En este studio se observó la distribución de las células ganglionares en la retina (CGR) de pollo nativo (Gallus gallus domesticus) de Bangladesh mediante el uso de microscopía óptica. Consideramos cinco regiones anatómicas diferentes (central, nasal, temporal, dorsal y ventral). Las muestras de CGR se tiñeron con Nissl, posteriormente, se midieron y contó el número de células totales. El área promedio de la retina fue de 431,75 mm2, mientras que el promedio del número total de células ganglionares fue de 2124431. El área central de la retina fue el área de densidad máxima (10400 células / mm2), señalando el área visual aguda, mientras que el poder de resolución espacial máximo fue de 11 ciclos / grado. La concentración general de CGR disminuyó gradualmente hacia la periferia, sin embargo, el tamaño de las células disminuyó hacia el centro. El tamaño de las CGR no fue uniforme (12 a 180 mm2), específicamente en la retina central, por encima del disco óptico, aumentaron significativamente las células pequeñas. El número, la distribución topográfica y el tamaño de las CGR en pollos nativos determinaron las características domésticas o terrestres, agudeza visual desigual y, posiblemente, la función de las CGR, en la retina central era el área de visión fina.

Animals , Retinal Ganglion Cells/cytology , Chickens/anatomy & histology , Bangladesh , Microscopy
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-158886


Medicinal plants constitute an important component of flora and are widely distributed in Bangladesh. The pharmacological evaluation of substances from plants is an established method for the identification of lead compounds which shows the way to the development of novel and safe medicinal agents. Based on the ethnopharmacological literature two widely used medicinal plants Phyllanthus amarus and Monstera deliciosa were chosen to investigate their cytotoxicity through brine shrimp lethality bioassay which is simple, reliable and convenient method for assessment of bioactivity of medicinal plants. The plants were collected from their natural habitat, dried under shade and extracted with ethyl acetate. In this study, ethyl acetate extract of Phyllanthus amarus exhibited potent cytotoxicity with LC50 values of 9.15μg/ml and 20.16μg/ml of leaves and the whole plant respectively. Monstera deliciosa exhibited cytotoxicity with LC50 values of 36.60μg/ml and 300.4 μg/ml of leaves and branches respectively. From the result, it can be predicted that extractives of Phyllanthus amarus possess cytotoxic principles and showed significantly more potency than in leaves rather than whole plant. In case of Monstera deliciosa the extractives of leaves exhibited very mild mortality while the extractives of branches did not show considerable cytotoxicity.

Int. j. morphol ; 31(4): 1473-1478, Dec. 2013. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-702336


Recent excavated skeleton of an adult female Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus), died in dystokia in Bangladesh was used for macro anatomical study. Some unique morphological features of bones of hind limb were observed. Pelvic canal was more oval and the wings of ilium were wider. Rump slope was about 36°. Angle between femur and tibia was close to 180°. In Femur, the major trochanter was located at the lower level of head. Minor trochanter, fovea capitis and trochanteric ridge were absent. Supracondyloid fossa was shallow but the intercondyloid fossa was deep. Posterior surface of patella possessed a blunt vertical ridge. The articular surfaces of both tibial condyles were clearly concave. The tibia and the fibula were articulated proximally and distally with keeping a wide interosseous space. Instead of tibial tuberosity, there was an elongated triangular depression in proximal part. There were six tarsal bones arranged in three rows. The comparative size of the distal tarsal bones were III+IV > I > II. The comparative lengths of the metatarsal bones were III > II > IV > V> I. Digits I and V were the most vertical and digit III was the most horizontal. The proximal phalanx was the biggest of all.

Fue utilizado para su estudio anatómico macrocroscópico, el esqueleto de un elefante asiático (Elephas maximus) hembra adulta, excavado recientemente y con muerte por distocia en Bangladesh. Se observaron algunas características morfológicas únicas de los huesos de los miembros posteriores. El canal pélvico era más ovalado y las alas del ilion eran más amplias. La pendiente de la rabadilla era de unos 36° aproximadamente; el ángulo entre el fémur y la tibia era próximo a los 180°. En el fémur, el trocánter mayor se encontraba en el nivel inferior de la cabeza. El trocánter menor, la fovea capitis y cresta del trocánter estuvieron ausentes. La fosa supracondílea era superficial, mientras que la fosa intercondílea era profunda. La superficie posterior de la patela poseía una cresta vertical sobresaliente. Las superficies articulares de ambos cóndilos tibiales eran claramente cóncavas. La tibia y la fíbula se articulan proximal y distalmente, manteniendo un amplio espacio interóseo. En lugar de la tuberosidad tibial, había una depresión triangular alargada en parte proximal. Se observaron seis huesos del tarso dispuestos en tres filas. El tamaño relativo de los huesos del tarso distal eran III + IV > I > II. Las longitudes comparativas de los huesos metatarsianos fueron III > II > IV > V > I. Los dígitos I y V fueron los más verticales y el dígito III fue el más horizontal. La falange proximal fue la de mayor tamaño.

Animals , Elephants/anatomy & histology , Pelvic Bones/anatomy & histology , Hindlimb/anatomy & histology
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-151303


This survey has lead to an enhanced international awareness of the potential detrimental effects on the environment. The main objective of this survey is to develop of public awareness about harmful effect of medications waste.This was a descriptive crosssectional survey involving with patients based on a structured questionnaire format with answer sets and asked why people do not use all of their medications; why they are keep unused medications, storage and how to dispose their medications. This study carried out at International Islamic University Malaysia (Health center Gombak campus, Selangor) and the medical college of the International Islamic University Malaysia (kuantan campus, Pahang). Although,87% of the respondents; they known about medications waste but only near about 2% of the respondents who are follow drug-take-back system because of above 93% of the respondents, they did not know about drug-take-back system. Most of the participants reported disposing of these in a manner that leads to their ending up in a landfill more than 65%. Finally, 83% of the respondents added to a disposal system ultimately ending up in a landfill. In this survey suggests that there is an urgent need to develop of public awareness and there is also need to develop dispensing policies & delivered to collection bag which deduction the volume of medication waste.