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Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 49(1): 39-43, ene.-mar. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1115640


RESUMEN Introducción: El diagnóstico de lesiones autoinfligidas con fines no suicidas (NSSI) propuesto por el DSM-5 requiere estudios de validez en poblaciones diferentes de las europeas. Los objetivos del presente estudio fueron determinar la frecuencia de este diagnóstico en una muestra de adolescentes mexicanos con autolesiones y examinar las variables asociadas. Métodos: Se revisaron 585 expedientes clínicos de adolescentes con historia de autolesiones que acudieron a un hospital público en la Ciudad de México entre los arios 2005 y 2012. Un grupo de expertos estableció el diagnóstico según el DSM-5. Se compararon las características clínicas y demográficas de los pacientes con y sin NSSI. Resultados: Se diagnosticó NSSI en 351 pacientes con autolesiones (60%). Las razones principales de que no se diagnosticaran fueron haber realizado un intento suicida -criterio A, 158 sujetos (26,87%)- o que otro diagnóstico explicara las autolesiones -criterio F, 60 sujetos (10,25%)-. El grupo con NSSI incluyó una mayor proporción de varones (el 26,5 frente al 16,2%) y de pacientes con trastornos de conducta (el 28,5 frente al 13,7%); también se observó que estos pacientes solicitaban atención psiquiátrica debido a las autolesiones con mayor frecuencia (el 31,9 frente al 14,1%). Las características clínicas asociadas incluyeron trastorno de conducta (OR = 2,51; IC95%, 1,62-3,90), trastorno de personalidad (OR = 0,56; IC95%, 0,33-0,97), hospitalización (OR = 0,23; IC95%, 0,16-0,33), síntomas depresivos (OR = 0,60; IC95%, 0,42-0,85), síntomas de ansiedad (OR = 2,08; IC95%, 1,31-3,31) y autolesionarse para influir en otros (OR = 2,19; IC95%, 1,54-3,11). Conclusiones: Más de la mitad de los adolescentes con autolesiones de la población clínica cumplen los criterios diagnósticos de NSSI del DSM-5. Existen características clínicas y demográficas que pueden asociarse con este diagnóstico.

ABSTRACT Introduction: The DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) needs to be validated in non-European populations. The aims of this study were to determine how common NSSI was in a sample of self-harming Mexican adolescents and examine the associated variables. Methods: We examined the medical records of 585 adolescents with a history of self-injurious behaviour who attended a public hospital in Mexico City from 2005 to 2012. A group of experts established the diagnosis according to the DSM-5. The clinical and demographic characteristics of patients with and without NSSI were compared. Results: NSSI was diagnosed in 351 patients (60%) with evidence of self-harm. The main reasons for not being diagnosed were a previous suicide attempt (criterion A, 158 subjects [26.87%]) and another diagnosis that better explained the self-injurious behaviour (criterion F, 60 subjects [10.25%]). The NSSI group had a higher proportion of males (26.5% vs 16.2%) and patients with behavioural disorders (28.5% vs 13.7%). These patients were also found to seek psychiatric support in relation to their self-harm more frequently (31.9% vs 14.1%). The associated clinical characteristics included behavioural disorder (OR=2.51; 95% CI, 1.62-3.90), personality disorders (OR=0.56; 95% CI, 0.33-0.97), hospital admission (OR=0.23; 95% CI, 0.16-0.33), depressive symptoms (OR=0.60; 95% CI, 0.42-0.85), anxiety symptoms (OR=2.08; 95% CI, 1.31-3.31) and self-harming to influence others (OR=2.19; 95% CI, 1.54-3.11). Conclusions: More than half of the adolescents in the clinical sample with self-injury met DSM-5 criteria for NSSI. There are clinical and demographic characteristics which may be associated with this diagnosis.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Personality Disorders , Self-Injurious Behavior , Anxiety , Personality , Signs and Symptoms , Suicide , Depression , Mexico
Salud ment ; 37(2): 97-101, mar.-abr. 2014. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-721338


La Organización Mundial de la Salud reporta que el suicidio es la tercera causa de muerte más frecuente para jóvenes de 15 a 24 años de edad y la sexta causa de muerte para niños de cinco a 14 años de edad. Los trastornos del estado de ánimo, particularmente la depresión, son los responsables de la mayor parte de los suicidios consumados. Este mayor riesgo de suicidio se ha encontrado en adultos y adolescentes. Existe cada vez mayor evidencia respecto de la hipótesis de que la conducta suicida tiene una fuerte contribución genética. Varios estudios han reportado una asociación positiva entre el genotipo "SS" y el alelo "S" del polimorfismo 5-HTTLPR del gen del transportador de serotonina y la conducta suicida. Objetivo El objetivo del presente trabajo fue establecer la asociación de las variantes polimórficas del gen del transportador de serotonina en pacientes adolescentes deprimidos con y sin antecedente de intento suicida y determinar si la presencia del genotipo "SS" estaba asociada a características específicas de la depresión. Método La muestra estuvo conformada por 53 adolescentes con diagnóstico de depresión. El diagnóstico se realizó con la entrevista diagnóstica semi-estructurada K-SADS-PL. Para la extracción del ADN genómico se obtuvo una muestra de sangre de cada uno de los pacientes. Resultados El análisis genético de las frecuencias de genotipos y alelos no mostró diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los grupos. Sin embargo, aquellos pacientes con el genotipo "SS" tenían mayor frecuencia de desesperanza. En los pacientes con este genotipo también se encontró mayor número de intentos suicidas. Conclusiones No se observaron diferencias en la frecuencia de alelos entre pacientes con y sin intento suicida; sin embargo, el genotipo "SS" se asoció a algunas características de la depresión.

Suicide is a common cause of death in adolescents, being mainly associated with depression. In addition, the "SS" genotype and the "S" allele of 5-HTTLPR polymorphism of SLC6A4 gene of serotonin transporter have been associated with suicidal behavior. The aims of the present study were to compare the frequency of the polymorphism of SLC6A4 gene in depressed adolescents with and without history of suicidal attempt and to determine if the "SS" genotype was associated with specific clinical features. Method The study examined 53 adolescents who were evaluated with the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for school-aged children-present and lifetime version (K-SADS-PL). A DNA sample was obtained and 5HTTLPR polymorphisms of SLC6A4 gene were analyzed. Results There were no differences in the frequency of genotype and allele frequencies between groups. However, patients with the "SS" genotype reported a higher frequency of hopelessness and a greater number of suicide attempts. Conclusions The frequency of "SS" genotype did not differ between patients with and without suicidal behavior, but patients with this genotype exhibited differences in clinical features of depression which need further study.

Salud ment ; 36(5): 421-427, sep.-oct. 2013. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-703497


Introduction Although studies of self-harm in adolescents have pointed to psycho-pathology as a risk factor, the information on the phenomenon in clinical population of Mexican adolescents is scarce. Methods This study examined demographic and clinical characteristics, as well as types, frequency and reasons for self-harm in 556 adolescents attending a child psychiatric hospital from 2005 to 2011 through record review. Results High frequencies of female gender, low socioeconomic status, family violence and sexual abuse history were found. The most common diagnoses were affective disorders, conduct disorders and substance abuse. Self-cutting was the most used method and the main reasons for self-harm included low frustration tolerance, attention seek, and symptoms of anxiety and mood disorders. An increase in cases was observed over time, particularly in patients with mood disorders and/ or substance abuse. Conclusions Self-harm in adolescents with psychopathology has increased and is frequently associated with depressive and conduct disorders. It is important to determine the presence of self-harm in the assessment of these patients.

Introducción Aunque los estudios de autolesiones en adolescentes han señalado a la psicopatología como un factor de riesgo, existe poca información del fenómeno en población clínica en México. Método El presente estudio examinó las características demográficas y clínicas, así como los tipos, frecuencia y motivos para autolesionarse de 556 adolescentes que acudieron a un hospital psiquiátrico infantil de 2005 a 2011 por medio de la revisión de su expediente. Resultados Dentro de las características que se encontraron con mayor frecuencia fueron el sexo femenino, el nivel socioeconómico bajo, la violencia intrafamiliar y el antecedente de abuso sexual. Los diagnósticos más frecuentes fueron los trastornos afectivos, los trastornos de conducta y el abuso de sustancias. El corte fue el método más empleado y los principales motivos para autolesionarse incluían la baja tolerancia a la frustración, el llamar la atención de otros, los síntomas afectivos y ansiosos. Se observó un incremento de casos a lo largo del tiempo, en particular aquellos asociados a trastornos afectivos y abuso de sustancias. Conclusiones Las autolesiones en adolescentes con psicopatología se han incrementado y están frecuentemente asociadas a trastornos depresivos y de conducta. Es importante determinar la presencia de autolesiones durante la evaluación inicial de estos pacientes.

Salud ment ; 36(4): 285-290, jul.-ago. 2013. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-691279


Background Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a health problem that affects school functioning. To recognize the teachers' knowledge and beliefs (KB) about ADHD is important for the development of psychoeducative and training strategies for teachers. There are few Latin American reports about the teachers' KB and none comparing them among different countries. Objective To evaluate and compare the teachers' KB about ADHD in Mexico, Dominican Republic (DR) and Bolivia. Methods Previous verbal informed consent, the teacher's version of CASO-TDAH, a self-report document that was constructed based on other instruments, was applied. The answers were examined with descriptive statistics. Results 311 public and private school teachers were evaluated, 192 (61.7%) from DR, 84 (27%) from Mexico and 35 (11.3%) from Bolivia; 79.3% of them considered ADHD as a disease. Most of the sample considered the psychologist as the competent health professional for its diagnosis and treatment. Combined treatment was the most frequently identified as the ideal (44.1%). Regarding their KB about the pharmacological treatment, only 14.7% identified the drug as the main component of the multimodal treatment. The teachers recognized the treatment effects on the social and academic functioning. Differences were found among teachers from the three countries regarding the importance of drug treatment or the need for multimodal treatment. Conclusions Teachers identify ADHD as a disease, albeit without a clear recognition of its biological components. There were differences among countries, which should be taken into account in the design of the local health psychoeducation and attention programs.

Antecedentes El trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad (TDAH) es un problema de salud que afecta el funcionamiento escolar de quienes lo padecen. Comprender los conocimientos y creencias (CC) de los maestros resulta fundamental para el desarrollo de estrategias psicoeducativas y de capacitación para los docentes. Son pocos los reportes en Latinoamérica sobre los CC en los maestros y ninguno que compare reportes en más de un país. Objetivo Evaluar y comparar los CC de los maestros de niños y adolescentes en tres países latinoamericanos (México, República Dominicana [RD] y Bolivia). Método Previo consentimiento verbal informado, se aplicó la versión para maestros de la Cédula de Autorreporte sobre el TDAH (CASO TDAH), que fue construida a partir de otros instrumentos. Se examinaron las respuestas con estadística descriptiva y comparativa. Resultados Se evaluaron 311 profesores de escuelas públicas y privadas, 192 (61,7%) de RD, 84 (27%) de México y 35 (11.3%) de Bolivia. El 79.3% consideró el TDAH como una enfermedad; la mayor parte de la muestra consideró al psicólogo como el profesional de salud indicado para su diagnóstico y tratamiento. El tratamiento combinado fue el más frecuentemente señalado como el ideal (44.1%). Con respecto a sus CC acerca del tratamiento farmacológico, sólo el 14.7% señaló al fármaco como el componente más importante del tratamiento integral. Los maestros reconocieron los efectos del tratamiento en el funcionamiento social, además del académico. Sin embargo, existieron diferencias entre países con respecto al grado de impacto del mismo o la necesidad de tratamiento combinado. Conclusiones Los maestros identificaron al TDAH como una enfermedad, aunque el reconocimiento de sus aspectos biológicos no fue claro. Existen diferencias por país que deben ser tomadas en cuenta en los diseños de los programas locales de atención a la salud.

Salud ment ; 34(5): 451-457, sep.-oct. 2011. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-632832


Sleep disturbance is a common complaint in depression. However, objective data in relation to the architecture of sleep associated with depression in childhood have been inconsistent. The objective measurement of sleepiness and executive functions is little known in depressive children. The objective of this study was to determine the differences in the sleep architecture, daytime sleepiness and executive functions in children with and without depression. Method The participants were 20 children with an average of 10.5 (SD=1.5) years old; nine were girls. Ten met the diagnostic criteria for major depression and ten were control. There were no differences by sex and age between groups with and without depression (p>.05). The instruments were: Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children-Present and Lifetime version (K-SADS-PL), the Children Depression Inventory, and the Battery of Executive Frontal Functions. Also, there were two consecutive nights of polysomnographic recording and Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT). Results No differences were found in the architecture of sleep, sleep efficiency was greater than 90% in both groups and the indexes of initiation and sleep maintenance did not show statistically significant differences. There were no differences in daytime sleepiness, sleep onset latency in the MSLT was 22.8 (SD=6.4) minutes for the group with depression and 23.7 (SD=4.1) for the control. The executive functions showed differences in tasks involving: visual-motor and impulse control, working memory and identification of the risk-benefit ratio. Conclusions The results suggest that prefrontal structures are more vulnerable to depression than the structures that regulate the circadian and homeostatic sleep.

La alteración del sueño es una queja común en la depresión. Sin embargo, los datos objetivos sobre las alteraciones en la estructura del sueño asociadas a la depresión infantil han sido inconsistentes. Por otro lado, el estudio objetivo de la somnolencia y las funciones ejecutivas en niños con depresión es poco conocida. El objetivo fue conocer si existen diferencias en la estructura del sueño, la somnolencia diurna y las funciones ejecutivas en niños con y sin depresión. Método Participaron 20 niños con promedio de 10.5 (DE=1.5) años de edad, de los cuales 45% fueron niñas. Diez cumplieron los criterios diagnósticos de depresión mayor y 10 fueron controles. No hubo diferencias por sexo y edad entre los grupos (p>.05). Los instrumentos fueron: La entrevista Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children-Present and Lifetime version (K-SADS-PL), el Inventario de Depresión Infantil, y la Batería de Funciones Frontales y Ejecutivas. Asimismo, se realizaron dos noches consecutivas de registro polisomnográfico y la Prueba de Latencias Múltiples a Sueño (PLMS). Resultados No se encontraron diferencias en la estructura del sueño, la eficiencia del sueño fue mayor al 90% en ambos grupos y no hubo diferencias en los índices de inicio y continuidad del sueño, así como en las diferentes etapas de sueño. Tampoco se obtuvieron diferencias en la somnolencia diurna, la latencia al inicio de sueño en la PLMS fue de 22.8 (DE=6.4) minutos para el grupo con depresión y 23.7 (DE=4.1) para el control. Las funciones ejecutivas mostraron diferencias en tareas que implican: control visomotor y de impulsos, memoria de trabajo e identificación de la relación riesgo-beneficio. Conclusiones Los resultados sugieren que las estructuras prefrontales son más vulnerables a la depresión que las estructuras que regulan el ritmo circadiano y homeostático del sueño.

Salud ment ; 34(5): 403-407, sep.-oct. 2011.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-632834


Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) in children and adolescents is a common and impairing condition that is both recurrent and persistent into adulthood. In this article, a review of the literature regarding multimodal treatment is presented. The literature review process for this article included «adolescents¼, «children¼, «depression¼, «treatment¼, «antidepressants¼ and «psychotherapy¼ as key words. The initial Medline search covered a 10 year period dating back to 2001. Double blind randomized and meta-analysis studies were considered as gold standard to be included in the revision, but also experts' consensus were incorporated. Regarding pharmacological treatment, tricyclic-antidepressants did not show better efficacy against placebo in double blind controlled studies; selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors showed better efficacy against placebo in controlled studies, specifically fluoxetine and escitalopram, both approved to be used in pediatric population with MDD. Noradrenalin and serotonin reuptake inhibitors like venlafaxine or mirtazapine had not shown superior response than placebo. Comorbidity needs to be taken into account in the decisions of the pharmacological treatment; attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is the most frequent associated disorder and requires to add specific drug treatment like stimulants; if psychotic symptoms are present, atypical antipsychotics should be added. Regarding psychosocial treatment, psychoeducation is the first step in this treatment approach. Psychotherapy aims include decreasing symptoms severity by improving self esteem, increasing frustration tolerance and autonomy, as well as the ability to enjoy daily life activities, and establishing good relations with peers. Interpersonal and cognitive behavioral therapies are good options as psychotherapy for this age group. It is important to monitor patients to prevent relapses and complications of depression and suicidal behavior.

El trastorno depresivo mayor (TDM) en niños y adolescentes es un trastorno común y discapacitante, a menudo recurrente, que persiste hasta la edad adulta y se ha asociado a disfunción familiar, social y escolar y a la conducta suicida. Este artículo presenta una revisión de la bibliografía acerca de la eficacia y seguridad de los antidepresivos en este grupo de edad, así como el efecto de la psicoeducación y otras intervenciones psicológicas en el funcionamiento académico y social de los pacientes. Para su elaboración se examinaron preferentemente estudios aleatorizados doble ciego y metaanálisis; también se revisaron los consensos de expertos. En cuanto al tratamiento farmacológico, los inhibidores selectivos de recaptura de serotonina han mostrado eficacia superior a la del placebo en estudios controlados doble ciego. En particular, la fluoxetina ha sido aprobada por la FDA para su uso en niños y adolescentes y el escitalopram para su uso en adolescentes. Otros antidepresivos, como la venlafaxina o mirtazapina, no han mostrado eficacia superior al placebo en estudios controlados. El tratamiento farmacológico debe considerar la comorbilidad. La psicoeducación es el primer componente del tratamiento psicosocial. La psicoterapia tiene como objetivo la reducción de la gravedad de los síntomas a través del incremento de la autoestima, de la tolerancia a la frustración, de la autonomía y de la capacidad de disfrutar actividades de la vida diaria. La terapia interpersonal y la terapia cognitivo conductual han mostrado eficacia en niños y adolescentes en ensayos controlados. Es importante el seguimiento de los pacientes para evitar las recaídas y complicaciones como la conducta suicida.

Salud ment ; 34(5): 415-420, sep.-oct. 2011. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-632836


Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in children and adolescents is a chronic disease with poor prognosis. This article includes recommendations for the assessment and multidisciplinary treatment of pediatric patients with OCD, which includes education, pharmacological and psychotherapeutic interventions. The evaluation must include rating scales for the severity and functional impairment, such as the Yale Brown Scale and the Child Obsessive-Compulsive Impact Scale. Drug treatment is based on serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SRIs). The Food and Drug Administration approved clomipramine (CMI), sertraline, fluvoxamine and fluoxetine in this age group. Although CMI has a superior effect size than the SRIs, side effects have limited its use as a first choice. Rulizole, a glutamate antagonist, has shown tolerability and efficacy as adjunctive therapy. Comorbidity, particularly with externalizing disorders, can moderate the treatment response, thus the addition of other drugs should be considered. Psychoeducation is aimed at improving the knowledge about the illness and improving the patient's functioning. Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy (CBT) has been recommended as a first treatment choice. However, the limited availability of specialists who can conduct it in the highly demanded psychiatric services in Mexico lead to recommend it as an additional treatment for patients who are already receiving psychotropic drugs and need other interventions to achieve clinical response. This review includes a treatment algorithm, which suggests to start the psychoeducation process just after confirming the diagnosis and to prescribe sertraline as a first line choice. It establishes response as a 25% reduction in the rating scales scores, if that is not reached after 12 weeks, a second drug must be evaluated; a third phase includes the addition of CBT and other drugs such as antipsychotics. The maintenance phase should last for a year. Conclusions Current treatment of pediatric OCD includes SRIs and psychosocial interventions and the management of comorbid disorders.

El trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo (TOC) en niños y adolescentes es una enfermedad crónica caracterizada por obsesiones y compulsiones con mal pronóstico, que con frecuencia se detecta meses o años después de su inicio. Los trastornos comórbidos dificultan la atención especializada a niños y adolescentes con este padecimiento. El presente artículo incluye recomendaciones para la evaluación y una actualización del tratamiento de pacientes pediátricos con TOC. La evaluación debe incluir una entrevista diagnóstica, la valoración de los síntomas y el deterioro funcional por medio de escalas (Yale Brown y de deterioro por TOC). El tratamiento debe ser multimodal, contemplando medicamentos e intervenciones psicosociales. El tratamiento farmacológico debe considerar la comorbilidad y se basa en el uso de antidepresivos (clomipramina, sertralina, fluvoxamina y fluoxetina) eficaces y seguros a largo plazo, y se exploran otros medicamentos como el rulizol. El tratamiento psicosocial incluye la psicoeducación y la psicoterapia. La terapia cognitivo conductual (TCC) ha demostrado eficacia en ensayos clínicos controlados, y se considera la primera opción terapéutica en algunos consensos y guías clínicas; su objetivo es que el paciente sea capaz de controlar su pensamiento y restaurar su funcionalidad. Entre los factores pronósticos de la respuesta al tratamiento se encuentran los antecedentes familiares de la enfermedad, escasa introspección, déficits cognoscitivos, deterioro funcional, mayor duración de la enfermedad y acomodamiento familiar a los síntomas del paciente. Este artículo propone un algoritmo que recomienda iniciar el tratamiento con sertralina (12 semanas). De no alcanzarse una respuesta, se propone emplear otro medicamento durante ocho semanas; si no se obtiene mejoría, se recomienda incluir un programa de TCC. Una vez alcanzada la respuesta, se extiende el tratamiento farmacológico durante un año. Conclusiones El tratamiento de elección para TOC pediátrico son IRS. Se deben incluir intervenciones psicosociales y tratar los trastornos comórbidos.

Salud ment ; 34(5): 429-433, sep.-oct. 2011.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-632838


Schizophrenia is a severe and chronic disorder affecting children, adolescents and adults. The international recommendations for the treatment of pediatric patients with this disorder point to a comprehensive management which includes early detection programs, pharmacological and psychosocial treatment. A review of current information regarding the efficacy and safety of antipsychotics in children and adolescents, as well as the effect of psychosocial interventions on the academic and social functioning of patients with early onset schizophrenia is presented. The pharmacological treatment's goal is to achieve optimal outcome with the lowest effective dose and the fewest side effects. It should be started with an antipsychotic that has been evaluated on its efficacy and safety in this age group. Risperidone, olanzapine and aripiprazole have been approved for the treatment of schizophrenia in adolescents, clozapine has shown greater efficacy for the treatment resistant condition. The side effects of these drugs must be monitored during treatment. The psychosocial treatment objectives are to provide information, to promote the patient's adaptation, to reduce comorbidity and to prevent relapses through psychoeducation, psychotherapy and rehabilitation programs. The psychoeducation programs include information about the characteristics and causes of the illness, the available treatment choices and the factors associated to recovery or relapse. Psychotherapy in schizophrenia has been examined in individual, group and family modalities, the cognitive behavioral therapy has demonstrated efficacy on cognition, social adjustment and quality of life. The rehabilitation programs include the training on social skills, cognitive remediation therapy and exercise programs, which would increase the wellbeing of patients and reduce metabolic alterations associated to the use of antipsychotics. In conclusion, the treatment of patients with early onset schizophrenia must be multimodal and directed to improve their long term outcome.

La esquizofrenia es un trastorno prevalente, crónico e incapacitante en niños, adolescentes y adultos. Las recomendaciones internacionales para su tratamiento en edad pediátrica incluyen programas de detección temprana y tratamiento farmacológico y psicosocial. El presente trabajo muestra una revisión actualizada de la eficacia y la seguridad de los antipsicóticos en niños y adolescentes, así como el efecto de las intervenciones psicosociales en el funcionamiento académico y social en pacientes con esquizofrenia de inicio temprano. La meta del tratamiento farmacológico es lograr un resultado óptimo a dosis mínimas efectivas del antipsicótico y tener el menor número de efectos secundarios. Deben de considerarse los antipsicóticos evaluados en estudios controlados en edad pediátrica. La risperidona, la olanzapina y el aripiprazol han sido aprobados por la FDA para el tratamiento de la esquizofrenia en adolescentes; la clozapina ha mostrado mayor eficacia en el tratamiento de la psicosis resistente, sus efectos adversos deben de ser monitorizados durante su uso. El tratamiento psicosocial brinda información al paciente y su familia, promueve la adaptación y disminuye la comorbilidad para prevenir recaídas, por medio de programas de psicoeducación, psicoterapia y rehabilitación. Los programas de psicoeducación incluyen la información acerca de la enfermedad y sus causas, los tratamientos disponibles y los factores asociados a las recaídas. La psicoterapia puede darse en el contexto individual, familiar o grupal, de acuerdo a las necesidades del paciente. La terapia cognitivo conductual ha mostrado eficacia en la adaptación social, cognitiva y en la calidad de vida. Los programas de rehabilitación incluyen entrenamiento en habilidades sociales, rehabilitación cognitiva y un programa de acondicionamiento físico para promover el bienestar general del paciente y evitar la aparición de los efectos secundarios sobre el metabolismo. En conclusión, la esquizofrenia en niños y adolescentes requiere de tratamiento multidisciplinario a fin de mejorar el pronóstico de los pacientes.

Salud ment ; 34(3): 203-210, may.-jun. 2011. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-680601


Background From the first descriptions of the eating disorders, researchers have found that the families of patients with anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa present high levels of family dysfunction. These families tend to differ from the control families, mainly because they present a greater frequency of conflicts and disorganization, less adaptability and cohesion, poor care of the parents towards their children, presence of overprotection, less orientation towards recreational activities and less emotional support. Several authors have suggested that a family adverse environment might represent an important etiologic factor for the development of an eating disorder. Nevertheless, the symptoms more related to degree of dysfunction or to quality of family environment in such patients have not been identified. Objective To describe the frequency of the eating disorders as well as eating disorder not otherwise specified in a sample of inpatient female adolescents; and to establish the relationship that functioning and quality of the family environment hold with the severity and/or characteristics of the eating psychopathology. Subjects and methods The study included a group of 36 female adolescents hospitalized due to any type of psychopathology in the Children's Psychiatric Hospital Dr. Juan N. Navarro. The study sample consisted of all the patients who wanted to be included and who fulfilled the inclusion criteria. A written informed consent was obtained from parents as approved by the Department of Research of the Children's Psychiatric Hospital Dr. Juan N. Navarro. Diagnostic categories in the sample, including eating disorders, were based on the Mini-International Neuropsychiatrie Interview -Kid (MINI-Kid). Those that presented an eating disorder not otherwise specified were diagnosed with a clinical interview based on DSM-IV criteria. In addition, the patients answered a series of self reports: the Eating Disorder Inventory, the General Functioning Subscale of the McMaster Family Assessment Device and the Child Figure Rating Scale. The body dissatisfaction was considered if the patient had negative scores (she wanted to be thinner) in the Child Figure Rating Scale. The score on the Global Family Environment Scale was obtained through a non-structured interview concerning the quality of the family environment (assessed in retrospect) and this information was complemented with that contained in each patient's medical chart. Results From the 36 patients included, 39% presented an eating disorder (17% a specific disorder and 22% an eating disorder not otherwise specified), 42% presented only body dissatisfaction and 19% of the sample was free of eating psychopathology. The average of the body mass index was within the normal range (23.2 kg/m²); nevertheless the average score of the Eating Disorder Inventory (58.22) was higher than what some authors have suggested as cut point score for anorexia nervosa. The average score of the General Functioning Subscale of the McMaster Family Assessment Device (2.16) was in the low normal limit and the Global Family Environment Scale showed an average (62.8) that would correspond to a moderately unsatisfactory family environment. The total sample was divided in two subgroups; the first included the patients who fulfilled the criteria for eating disorder (including an eating disorder not otherwise specified) and the second subgroup included the rest of the patients. There were not significant differences in the type or number of comorbid disorders. The mean scores of the Eating Disorder Inventory were higher in the subgroup with eating disorder with a statistically significant difference (p<0.01). In a similar way, the dissatisfaction with the weight and the current figure as well as the dissatisfaction to future showed statistically significant differences (p<0.01). The score in the scales of functioning and quality of the family environment did not show statistically significant differences. We also divided the whole sample in two subgroups, one with family dysfunction (as determined by the General Functioning Subscale of the McMaster Family Assessment Device ≥2.17), and the other without family dysfunction (scored <2.17). The group with family dysfunction presented a higher frequency of major depressive disorder and social phobia with a statistically significant difference (p<0.05). In a similar fashion, we divided the sample in two subgroups, one with high to moderate quality family environment (score in the Global Family Environment Scale >70) and a second one with low quality family environment (score <70). Nevertheless, these subgroups did not show statistically significant differences concerning psychopathological disorders. We found a positive correlation (r=0.34) among the total score of the Eating Disorder Inventory and the score of the General Functioning Subscale of the McMaster Family Assessment Device (p<0.05). The subscale of the Eating Disorder Inventory that had higher correlation was bulimic symptomatology (r=0.51) followed by ineffectiveness (r=0.43), both statistically significant (p<0.01). On the other hand, the Global Family Environment Scale did not show significant correlations with the Eating Disorder Inventory. Conclusions Eating disorders represent an important cause of morbidity in adolescent female inpatients; likewise, the patients were more frequently diagnosed with an eating disorders not otherwise specified than with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa (in the sample recruited for the present study, we found that the eating disorders not otherwise specified represented 56% of the total of eating disorders), making the early detection necessary for the beginning of treatments directed to avoid the evolution to severe forms. We need to pay attention to «atypical¼ conditions that do not fulfill the full diagnostic criteria for anorexia or bulimia, as they may be in fact associated with important levels of dysfunction and comorbidity. The dissatisfaction with the weight and figure was shown by the majority of the patients who were hospitalized in a psychiatric unit. Adolescence can be accompanied by great dissatisfaction with self appearance; nevertheless, to determine the relevance of this phenomenon as a risk factor for the development of an eating disorder, follow-up studies with bigger samples are needed. Family dysfunction is a variable that relates to the severity of the eating disorders, mainly the bulimic symptoms. From this perspective these findings seem to support the psychodynamic interpretation of bulimia nervosa, where bingeing symbolizes the marked dependence to significant figures, and vomiting the desire to expel an evil introjected object. Nevertheless, given the impossibility to do inferences beyond a simple association among variables, another explanation could be that the aforementioned symptoms were damaging the family functioning, creating in this way a vicious circle. This finding may be important to determine which group of symptoms could be expected to improve after a family intervention directed to treat an eating disorder. The lack of correlations between the Global Family Environment Scale and the Eating Disorder Inventory could be explained by the fact that the Global Family Environment Scale evaluates functioning during the worst year of the patients' life, which could be during their first five years, thus its effect⁄impact on current psychopathology could not be established.

Introducción Desde las primeras descripciones de los trastornos alimentarios, los investigadores han encontrado que las familias de las pacientes con anorexia nerviosa o bulimia nerviosa presentan un alto nivel de disfunción familiar. Sin embargo, aún no se ha establecido qué síntomas se encuentran más relacionados con el grado de disfunción o con la calidad del ambiente familiar en este tipo de pacientes. Objetivo Describir la frecuencia de los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria, incluyendo los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria no especificados, en una muestra de pacientes adolescentes hospitalizadas por diversos tipos de psicopatología; y establecer el tipo de relación existente entre el funcionamiento-calidad del ambiente familiar y la gravedad y características de la psicopatología alimentaria. Material y métodos El estudio incluyó a un grupo de 36 pacientes mujeres adolescentes hospitalizadas debido a cualquier tipo de psicopatología en el Hospital Psiquiátrico Infantil Dr. Juan N. Navarro. Se realizó la entrevista Mini-Kid para determinar las categorías diagnósticas presentes en la muestra (los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria no especificados fueron diagnosticados a través de una entrevista no estructurada basada en los criterios del DSM-IV). Además, se aplicó el Eating Disorder Inventory, la Subescala de Funcionamiento General de la Familia, la Escala del Ambiente Familiar Global y la Escala de Figuras de Niños. Resultados El 39% de la muestra presentó un trastorno alimentario (17% un trastorno específico y 22% un trastorno no especificado), el 42% presentaba únicamente insatisfacción corporal y sólo el 19% de la muestra se encontraba libre de psicopatología alimentaria. El grupo con disfunción familiar (puntuación en la Subescala de Funcionamiento General de la Familia ≥2.17) presentó una mayor tendencia a cursar con episodio depresivo mayor y fobia social en contraste con el grupo sin disfunción familiar, con una diferencia estadísticamente significativa (p<0.05). El grupo de pacientes con alta-moderada calidad del ambiente familiar (puntuación en la Escala del Ambiente Familiar Global ≥70) no mostró diferencias estadísticamente significativas con el grupo de baja calidad del ambiente familiar en cuanto a los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria y el resto de las categorías diagnósticas obtenidas por el Mini-Kid. Se encontró una correlación positiva (r=0.34) entre la puntuación total del Eating Disorder Inventory y la puntuación de la Subescala de Funcionamiento General de la Familia (p<0.05). La subescala del Eating Disorder Inventory que tuvo mayor correlación fue la de sintomatología bulímica (r=0.51), seguida por la de inefectividad y baja autoestima (r=0.43), ambas estadísticamente significativas (p<0.01). Conclusiones Los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria representan una importante causa de morbilidad en las poblaciones clínicas de mujeres adolescentes; asimismo, los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria no especificados superan en prevalencia a la anorexia nerviosa y la bulimia nerviosa. La disfunción familiar es una variable que se relaciona con la gravedad de los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria, principalmente los síntomas bulímicos y la baja autoestima. Este hallazgo resulta relevante ante el hecho de poder determinar qué grupo de síntomas podrían mejorar inicialmente con una intervención familiar encaminada a tratar un trastorno alimentario. Al parecer, la calidad del ambiente familiar medido de forma retrospectiva no tiene un impacto específico en la presencia de un trastorno alimentario, lo que puede quizá solamente propiciar la presencia de variables mediadoras que se relacionen con la generación de psicopatología.

Salud ment ; 34(3): 219-225, may.-jun. 2011. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-680603


Child abuse is defined as causing or permitting any harmful or offensive contact on a child's body; and any communication or transaction of any kind which humiliates, shames, or frightens the child. Some child development experts go a bit further and define child abuse as any act or omission, which fails to nurture or in the upbringing of the children. The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act defines child abuse and neglect as: <

El concepto de maltrato o abuso en la infancia incluye acciones y omisiones infligidas al menor, generalmente por personas del medio familiar, que interfieren con su desarrollo integral y lesionan sus derechos como persona. El maltrato se clasifica como físico, físico grave, emocional, negligencia y abuso sexual. La prevalencia del maltrato se ha reportado en estudios epidemiológicos (4.5% a 21%) y en estudios de población clínica (6% a 48%) realizados en varios países. En México la encuesta de maltrato infantil y factores asociados reportó una prevalencia del maltrato de 16% a 20%, siendo el maltrato físico, el maltrato físico grave y el maltrato emocional los más frecuentes. El maltrato infantil es un problema multicausal. Dentro de los factores familiares asociados al maltrato se han mencionado la desintegración familiar, la violencia entre los padres y el menor nivel educativo de éstos. La psicopatología se ha reportado en 9% de los niños y adolescentes maltratados, mencionándose al maltrato como predictor de ésta. Se ha encontrado mayor frecuencia de trastornos afectivos, ansiosos, conductuales y de abuso de sustancias en sujetos víctimas de maltrato crónico. Los objetivos del presente trabajo fueron determinar la frecuencia y tipos de maltrato reportados por pacientes adolescentes con psicopatología y determinar la frecuencia de los factores demográficos y de funcionamiento familiar que se han asociado al maltrato en estos pacientes. Método El diseño del estudio fue transversal y descriptivo. La muestra incluyó adolescentes de 13 a 17 años de ambos sexos, usuarios de los servicios de consulta externa, urgencias y hospitalización del Hospital Psiquiátrico Infantil <

Salud ment ; 34(2): 121-128, mar.-abr. 2011.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-632798


Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a prevalent neuropsychiatric disorder in children, adolescents and adults. Prevalence rates of 2% to 4% have been reported. Despite the presence of effective treatments, underdiagnosis in children and adolescents is frequent. In addition, OCD is frequently comorbid with externalizing disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and anxiety disorders such as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder, social phobia and separation anxiety disorder. Comorbidity with affective disorders is frequent too. The OCD association with major depressive disorder (MDD) increases in adolescence, reaching similar rates in adults. The comorbidity and other clinical variables, such as the duration of illness, have been mentioned as predictors of severity and treatment response. An erratic family functioning has also been associated to the severity of the illness. The aim of this study was to determine if there were differences in demographic variables (sex and age), clinical variables (age onset of the illness and comorbid disorders) and family functioning between children and adolescents with mild/moderate vs. severe OCD. Methods In a comparative cross sectional design, 60 children and adolescents aged 6 to 1 7 years, who met criteria for OCD and were drug naive, were assessed. Subjects who were unable to complete the interviews or had severe neurological or medical comorbidities were excluded. Subjects were recruited at the inpatients and outpatients services of the Child Psychiatric Hospital Dr. Juan N. Navarro (HPIJNN). Trained physicians interviewed the subjects and their parents using the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children Present and Lifetime version (K-SADS-PL), the Children's Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (CY-BOCS), the Global Assessment of Functioning Scale (GAS) and the family APGAR rating scale. Based on CY-BOCS scores, the sample was divided in mild/moderate OCD (CY-BOCS < 30 points) and severe OCD (CY-BOCS > 30 points). Statistical analyses: Descriptive statistics (frequencies, means, standard deviation) and comparative (t student and Chi square) were used. Univariate analysis and linear regression were conducted for assessing factors associated with OCD severity. Results The sample had a mean age of 12.57±2.91 years old, they were 71.7% male. The mean duration of their illness was 19±10.75 months. The average score of CY-BOCS was 22.76±8.66, family APGAR 14.68±6.02 and GAS 54.91±15.05. A relative with OCD symptoms was reported by 23.3% of the sample; in these relatives, the most common symptoms were those related to contamination fears and washing (1 6%), symmetry and order (6.6%), checking (3.3%) and hoarding (1.6%). The mean number of comorbid disorders was 3.1 6±1.68. The most frequent were MDD, ADHD and GAD. The internalizing disorders were reported as secondary to OCD. The most common obsessions in the sample were those related to contamination and germs 60% (n = 37), followed by fears to harm 58% (n = 35), somatic 26.7% (n= 1 6) and symmetry 20% (n = 12). The most common compulsions were washing 50% (n = 30), repeating 43% (n = 26) and checking 35% (n = 21). Six subjects reported contamination thoughts or rituals-related enuresis and encopresis (fear of contamination when using the bathroom or doing it only at a specific time). The main reason for attention seeking was the presence of anxiety or depressive symptoms (48%), externalized symptoms (27%), OCD symptoms (20%) and psychotic symptoms (5%). The KSADS-PL interview showed that 26% (n= 1 6), 33% (n = 20) and 43% (n = 26) of the sample reported academic, social and family dysfunction respectively. When the sample was divided according to their severity, 81.7% (n= 48) belonged to the mild/moderate OCD group and 18.3% (n = 1 1) to the severe OCD group; this had a shorter duration of illness (16.54±5.3, vs. 19.73±11.5 months; t= 0.913, df=58, p=0.003). The comparison of demographic characteristics, OCD in family members, and family functioning showed no differences between severity groups. Significant differences on rituals between groups were found, since they were reported in 45% of the severe OCD group and in 4% of the mild/moderate OCD group (%² = 14.9, df=1, p= 0.001). Although the severe OCD group had shorter duration of illness, some symptoms were present for a longer time than in the mild/moderate OCD group: checking (12.6±3 vs. 2.4±4.3 months, t = 3.58, df=58, p = 0.001), repeating (8.3±12 vs. 3.4±5.1 months, t = 2.1, df=58, p = 0.03) and the inclusion of others in their rituals (20.34±1 .7 vs. 2.6±4.4 months, t = 2, df = 58, p = 0.049). Two patients of the mild/ moderate OCD group and one of the severe OCD group were affected with schizophreniform disorder. Psychotic symptoms secondary to OCD were found only in the severe OCD group (45.5%). The main reason for attention seeking of the severe OCD group was the presence of obsessions and compulsions, and in the mild/ moderate OCD group the presence of internalized disorders. Univariate analysis showed that counting compulsions (F=7.27, p = 0.01) and rituals (F = 1 7.24, p = 0.000) were related to OCD severity. However, the linear regression model showed that only the presence of rituals predicted the severity of OCD (B = 0.591, t = 4.1, p<0.001). Discussion The studied sample represents 2.7% of the patients who were evaluated during a seven-month period at the HPIJNN, the inclusion of a screening instrument for OCD would be helpful for the identification of obsessions and compulsions in clinical samples of children and adolescents. The demographic characteristics of the present sample were similar to those reported in previous studies of pediatric OCD. The duration of illness reported by this sample suggests an age of onset around 10 years old; the frequency of obsessions and compulsions reported were also similar to those in other samples. In particular, compulsions without obsessions and the rituals involving others. Almost all the studied patients had comorbid disorders, which in many cases lead their attention seeking. It has been observed that subjects with severe obsessions regarding contamination and aggression seek for help more frequently than patients with other symptoms. Rituals were more frequently seen in patients with severe OCD; these symptoms have been associated to alterations in executive functions and have been related with psychosocial dysfunction. Conclusions: Subjects of the mild/moderate OCD group sought attention mainly due to the symptoms of comorbid disorders. Subjects with severe OCD had a shorter duration of illness and more frequency of psychotic symptoms. In the present sample, rituals predicted the severity of OCD (B = 0.591, t = 4.1, p<0.001).

El trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo (TOC) es un trastorno neuropsiquiátrico que afecta a niños, adolescentes y adultos. La prevalencia del TOC en población pediátrica se ha reportado en 2 a 4%. Pocos pacientes con TOC obtienen un diagnóstico correcto y reciben tratamiento adecuado. El TOC en niños y adolescentes se presenta frecuentemente en forma comórbida con otras patologías como trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad, trastornos ansiosos y depresivos. La comorbilidad y otras variables clínicas y de funcionamiento familiar se han asociado a un incremento en la gravedad del TOC y pobre respuesta a tratamiento. Existe poca información acerca de las variables asociadas a la gravedad del TOC en niños y adolescentes mexicanos. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue comparar las variables demográficas (edad y sexo), clínicas (edad de inicio de la enfermedad y comorbilidad) y el funcionamiento familiar entre pacientes con TOC leve a moderado y TOC grave. Se obtuvo una muestra de 60 pacientes de seis a 1 7 años con diagnóstico de TOC vírgenes a tratamiento. Se excluyó a pacientes con trastornos neurológicos y/o médicos graves y a los que no concluyeron las evaluaciones. La muestra se dividió de acuerdo con la calificación obtenida en la escala para niños y adolescentes de síntomas obsesivo-compulsivos Yale-Brown (CY-BOCS) en TOC leve a moderado (CY-BOCS<30 puntos) y TOC grave (CY-BOCS>30 puntos) para comparar sus características demográficas y clínicas. Los pacientes se evaluaron con la entrevista diagnóstica K-SADS-PL, la escala de funcionamiento global (GAS), la escala CY-BOCS para determinar la gravedad del TOC pediátrico y el APGAR familiar para funcionalidad familiar. Los resultados se analizaron por medio de estadística descriptiva (frecuencias, porcentajes y promedios) y comparativa (prueba t de Student y chi cuadrada); para determinar los factores asociados a la gravedad, se emplearon análisis de varianza univariado y regresión lineal. Resultados La mayor parte de la muestra (71.7%) fueron varones, el promedio de edad fue de 12.57±2.91 años y el tiempo de evolución del TOC fue de 19±10.75 meses. La mayoría de los pacientes (81.7%) perteneció al grupo de TOC leve a moderado y 18.3% al grupo de TOC grave. Este grupo reportó menor tiempo de evolución que el grupo de TOC leve a moderado (p = 0.003), mayor frecuencia de rituales y mayor duración de las compulsiones de revisión, repetición y realización de rituales incluyendo a otros. El trastorno esquizofreniforme se presentó en dos pacientes del grupo de TOC leve y en un paciente del grupo de TOC grave. Los síntomas psicóticos secundarios a TOC se encontraron sólo en los pacientes con TOC grave (45.5% de este grupo). En este grupo las obsesiones y compulsiones llevaron a la búsqueda de atención psiquiátrica a la mayoría de los pacientes; mientras que en el grupo de TOC leve a moderado la búsqueda de atención se debió a los síntomas de trastornos depresivos o ansiosos. El modelo de regresión lineal mostró que la realización de rituales predecía la pertenencia al grupo de TOC grave (p<0.001). Conclusiones Los pacientes con TOC leve a moderado acudieron a consulta principalmente por la presencia de los trastornos comórbidos. Los pacientes con TOC grave reportaron menor duración de la enfermedad y mayor frecuencia de síntomas psicóticos relacionados con el TOC. En esta muestra, la presencia de rituales predijo la gravedad de los síntomas obsesivo-compulsivos.