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Rev. colomb. cir ; 38(2): 374-379, 20230303. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1425219


Introducción. El embalaje y transporte de estupefacientes dentro del organismo, o body packing, es una práctica frecuente en Centroamérica y el Caribe. Además del riesgo de muerte por la exposición a las sustancias tóxicas, existe el riesgo de complicaciones mecánicas con indicación de manejo quirúrgico. El Hospital de Engativá, por su cercanía al aeropuerto de Bogotá, D.C., Colombia, es el centro de referencia para el tratamiento de estos pacientes. Caso clínico. Un hombre de 65 años traído al hospital por un episodio emético con expulsión de cuatro cápsulas para el transporte de estupefacientes. Al examen físico se encontraron masas palpables en el hemiabdomen superior, sin abdomen agudo. La tomografía de abdomen informó un síndrome pilórico secundario a retención gástrica de cuerpos extraños. Fue llevado a laparotomía y gastrotomía logrando la extracción de 97 objetos cilíndricos de látex que contenían sustancias ilícitas. Discusión. En los body packer asintomáticos, la administración de soluciones laxantes es una estrategia terapéutica segura. Los casos reportados de obstrucción gastrointestinal son infrecuentes y se relacionan con la ingesta de un gran número de cápsulas, por lo que es necesario el tratamiento quirúrgico. Conclusión. El síndrome pilórico es una presentación infrecuente en un body packer. Se debe tener un alto índice de sospecha para garantizar un manejo oportuno

Introduction. Packaging and transportation of narcotic drugs inside a human body, or body packing, is a frequent practice in Central America and the Caribbean. In addition to the risk of death due to exposure to toxic substances, there is a risk of mechanical complications with an indication for surgical management. The Engativá Hospital, due to its proximity to the airport in Bogotá, D.C., Colombia, is the reference center for the treatment of these patients. Clinical case. A 65-year-old man brought to the hospital for an emetic episode with expulsion of four narcotic transport capsules. Physical examination revealed palpable masses in the upper abdomen, without an acute abdomen. Abdominal tomography revealed pyloric syndrome secondary to gastric retention of foreign bodies. He was taken to laparotomy and gastrotomy, achieving the extraction of 97 cylindrical latex objects that contained illicit substances. Discussion. In asymptomatic body packers, the administration of laxative solutions is a safe therapeutic strategy. Reported cases of gastrointestinal obstruction are infrequent and are related to the ingestion of a large number of capsules, for which surgical treatment is necessary. Conclusion. Pyloric syndrome is an uncommon presentation in body packers. A high index of suspicion is required to ensure timely management

Humans , Gastric Outlet Obstruction , Body Packing , Laparotomy
Rev. colomb. cir ; 37(4): 563-573, 20220906. tab, fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1396328


Introducción. Indicadores alternativos basados en la web 2.0 han tomado importancia para medir el impacto de la producción científica. Previamente se han demostrado correlaciones positivas entre indicadores tradicionales y alternativos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la relación de estos indicadores en el campo de la cirugía de nuestro país.Métodos. Análisis retrospectivo de las publicaciones de la Revista Colombiana de Cirugía y "tweets" de la cuenta @ascolcirugia entre marzo 2020 y julio 2021. Se evaluaron comparativamente los artículos con y sin publicación en la cuenta @ascolcirugia. Se determinó la correlación entre indicadores alternativos e indicadores tradicionales de las publicaciones de la revista. Resultados. En total se revisaron 149 artículos y 780 "tweets"; tan sólo el 13,4 % (n=20) de los artículos tuvieron visibilidad en la cuenta @ascolcirugia, con una mediana de 2 "tweets" (RIQ 1-2) por artículo, siendo la mayoría de estos sobre temas de COVID-19 (85 % vs 10 %; p<0,001). Los artículos publicados en @ascolcirugia tuvieron una mayor mediana de descargas (220 vs 116; p<0,001) y citaciones (3,5 vs 0; p<0,001) en comparación con los que no fueron publicados.Conclusión. El uso de las redes sociales tiene un efecto positivo en el número de lectores de la Revista Colombiana de Cirugía y el impacto académico de los autores. Aunque existe una buena correlación entre indicadores alternativos y tradicionales en el contexto nacional, la proporción de artículos de la Revista Colombiana de Cirugía publicados en la cuenta @ascolcirugia es baja.

Introduction. Alternative indicators based on web 2.0 have gained great relevance to measure the impact of scientific production. Positive correlations between traditional and alternative indicators have previously been shown. The objective of our article is to evaluate the relationship of these indicators in the field of surgery in our country.Methods. Retrospective analysis of the publications of the Colombian Journal of Surgery and tweets of the Twitter account (@ascolcirugia) during March 2020 and July 2021. Articles with and without tweets in the account @ascolcirugia were comparatively evaluated. The correlation between alternative indicators and traditional indicators of the journal's publications was determined. Results. A total of 149 articles and 780 tweets were reviewed; only 13.4% (n=20) of the articles had visibility at the @ascolcirugia account, with a median of 2 tweets (RIQ 1-2) per article, most of which were on COVID-19 issues (85% vs 10%; p<0.001). The articles published at the @ascolcirugia account had a higher median number of downloads (220 vs 116; p<0.001) and citations (3.5 vs 0; p<0.001) compared to the articles that were not published. Conclusions. The use of social media has a positive effect on the number of readers of the Colombian Journal of Surgery and the academic impact of the authors. Although there is a good correlation between alternative and traditional indicators, in the national context, the proportion of articles of the Colombian Journal of Surgery published at the @ascolcirugia account is low

Humans , Journal Article , Periodical , General Surgery , Impact Factor , Pandemics , Social Networking
Biol. Res ; 49: 1-12, 2016. ilus, graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-950870


BACKGROUND: The olfactomedin-like domain (OLFML) is present in at least four families of proteins, including OLFML2A and OLFML2B, which are expressed in adult rat retina cells. However, no expression of their orthologous has ever been reported in human and baboon. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of OLFML2A and OLFML2B in ocular tissues of baboons (Papio hamadryas) and humans, as a key to elucidate OLFML function in eye physiology. METHODS: OLFML2A and OLFML2B cDNA detection in ocular tissues of these species was performed by RT-PCR. The amplicons were cloned and sequenced, phylogenetically analyzed and their proteins products were confirmed by immunofluorescence assays. RESULTS: OLFML2A and OLFML2B transcripts were found in human cornea, lens and retina and in baboon cornea, lens, iris and retina. The baboon OLFML2A and OLFML2B ORF sequences have 96% similarity with their human's orthologous. OLFML2A and OLFML2B evolution fits the hypothesis of purifying selection. Phylogenetic analysis shows clear orthology in OLFML2A genes, while OLFML2B orthology is not clear. CONCLUSIONS: Expression of OLFML2A and OLFML2B in human and baboon ocular tissues, including their high similarity, make the baboon a powerful model to deduce the physiological and/or metabolic function of these proteins in the eye.

Humans , Animals , Glycoproteins/metabolism , Extracellular Matrix Proteins/metabolism , Eye/metabolism , Membrane Proteins/metabolism , Papio , Reference Values , Glycoproteins/analysis , Glycoproteins/genetics , Extracellular Matrix Proteins/analysis , Extracellular Matrix Proteins/genetics , Fluorescent Antibody Technique/methods , Evolution, Molecular , Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction , Sequence Analysis, Protein , Reverse Transcription , Eye/chemistry , DNA Barcoding, Taxonomic , Membrane Proteins/analysis , Membrane Proteins/genetics , Ocular Physiological Phenomena
Biol. Res ; 48: 1-7, 2015. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-950795


BACKGROUND: Chemerin, encoded by the retinoic acid receptor responder 2 (RARRES2) gene is an adipocytesecreted protein with autocrine/paracrine functions in adipose tissue, metabolism and inflammation with a recently described function in vascular tone regulation, liver, steatosis, etc. This molecule is believed to represent a critical endocrine signal linking obesity to diabetes. There are no data available regarding evolution of RARRES2 in non-human primates and great apes. Expression profile and orthology in RARRES2 genes are unknown aspects in the biology of this multigene family in primates. Thus; we attempt to describe expression profile and phylogenetic relationship as complementary knowledge in the function of this gene in primates. To do that, we performed A RT-PCR from different tissues obtained during necropsies. Also we tested the hypotheses of positive evolution, purifying selection, and neutrality. And finally a phylogenetic analysis was made between primates RARRES2 protein. RESULTS: RARRES2 transcripts were present in liver, lung, adipose tissue, ovary, pancreas, heart, hypothalamus and pituitary tissues. Expression in kidney and leukocytes were not detectable in either species. It was determined that the studied genes are orthologous. CONCLUSIONS: RARRES2 evolution fits the hypothesis of purifying selection. Expression profiles of the RARRES2 gene are similar in baboons and chimpanzees and are also phylogenetically related.

Animals , Male , Female , Papio/genetics , Pan troglodytes/genetics , Receptors, Retinoic Acid/genetics , Evolution, Molecular , Phylogeny , Molecular Sequence Data , Base Sequence , Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction
Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 49(3): 221-224, 2012.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-687614


Duplex RT-PCR assay is reported for the simultaneous detection of avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) and avian metapneumovirus (aMPV), the causative agents of major diseases in poultry. The duplex RT-PCR assay optimized showed a detection limit of 10-3 (101 EID50/50m L for IBV and 100.5 EID50/50m L for aMPV, respectively when two viruses were mixed and 10-1 for each one separated (103 EID50/50m L for IBV and 102.5 EID50/50m L for aMPV, respectively. It was specific, sensitive and applicable for the rapid detection of these viruses in clinical samples.

Descreve-se um ensaio de duplex RT-PCR assay para a detecção simultânea do vírus da bronquite infecciosa das galinhas (IBV) e do metapneumovirus aviário (aMPV), agentes etiológicos de doenças de elevada importância em avicultura. A duplex RT-PCR otimizada mostrou um limiar de detecção de 10-3 (101 EID50/50m L para IBV e 100.5 EID50/50m L para aMPV, respectivamente, quando da combinação dos dois vírus e 10-1 para cada um dos vírus em separado(103 EID50/50m L para IBV e 102.5 EID50/50m L para aMPV, respectivamente. O ensaio foi demonstrado como específico, sensível e aplicável à rápida detecção destes vírus em amostras clínicas.

Animals , Diagnosis , Chickens/classification , Metapneumovirus/pathogenicity , Infectious bronchitis virus/pathogenicity
Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 49(5): 386-390, 2012.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-687635


Avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) (Nidovirales: Coronaviridae) is a chicken Gammacoronavirus with the highest evolution rate in the genus and, despite the recently reported proofreading activity of its polymerase, intra and interhost diversity is a well documented phenomenon. This study aimed to assess the genetic variation of serial passages of a variant genotype IBV strain in vitro. Strain CRG-BETA, propagated in chicken embryos, was inoculated in VERO cells monolayers up to the 4th passage and each passage was monitored with an RT-PCR targeted to the S1 gene (nt 705 to 1094) and an RT-PCR to the protein 5a mRNA. All passages were positive to RT-PCRs to S1 and passages 1 to 3 to 5a mRNA; S1 sequences showed no polymorphism. The finding of IBV mRNA in the cell cultures demonstrates that the CRG-BETA IBV strain is replicating in the VERO cells and regarding S1 sequence analysis, the lack of nucleotide mutations shows that CRG-BETA might have reached a fixed status. As a conclusion, different genotypes of IBV present different evolutionary patterns not only in vivo as previously known, but also in vitro, as described herein.

O virus da bronquite infecciosa das galinhas (IBV) (Nidovirales: Coronaviridae) é um Gammacoronavirus com a maior taxa evolutiva no gênero e, apesar de uma recentemente relatada atividade corretiva de sua polimerase, a diversidade intra e inter-hospedeiros é um fenômeno bem documentado. Este estudo objetivou avaliar a variação genética após passagens seriais de uma amostra de IBV variante. A amostra CRG-BETA, propagada em embriões de galinhas, foi inoculada em monocamadas de células VERO até a quarta passagem e cada passagem foi monitorada com uma RTPCR para a região S1 do gene S (nt 705 a 1094) e uma RT-PCR para o mRNA da proteína 5a do vírus. Todas as passagens foram positivas para S1 e as passagens 1 a 3 para mRNA 5a; sequências de S1 não apresentaram polimorfismos. O encontro de mRNA de IBV nos cultivos celulares demonstra que a amostra CRG-BETA está replicando nas células VERO e, em relação à análise de S1, a ausência de mutações de nucleotídeos demonstra que a amostra CRG-BETA pode ter atingido um estado fixo. Como conclusão, diferentes genótipos de IBV apresentam diferentes padrões evolutivos não apenas in vivo, como previamente conhecido, mas também in vitro, como aqui relatado.

Animals , Bronchitis/pathology , Chickens/classification , Virology , Biological Evolution
Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 47(4): 293-297, out.-dez. 2010.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-565526


This survey aimed to investigate chicken anemia virus (CAV) in broilers flocks experimenting retarded growth and increasing mortality since the fourth day of age. Clinically, chickens presented depression, paleness, depigmentation and retarded growth. At necropsy, chickens presented CAV-compatible lesions. Samples from liver, spleen and thymus were tested by PCR for a 675-bp fragment of the CAV VP-1 gene, and all tested samples were positive. Serological and molecular techniques did not detect other pathogens, such as adenovirus, reovirus, astrovirus, infectious bursal disease and avian infectious bronchitis virus. These results showed that chicken anemia virus (CAV) may occur since the first few days of life in broilers - a fact not as yet reported -, associated with high pathogenic Infectious Bursal Disease Virus (IBDV) vaccine strain may induce a persistent growth retarded for several weeks in broilers.

Este estudo investigou a manifestação do vírus da Anemia Infecciosa das Aves (VAIA) em lotes de frangos que apresentavam retardo no crescimento e aumento da mortalidade observado a partir do quarto dia de idade. Clinicamente, as aves apresentavam depresão, palidez, despigmentação e retardo de crescimento. À necropsia, as aves apresentavam lesões compatíveis com a infecção pelo vírus da Anemia infecciosa das aves (VAIA). Amostras de fígado, baço e timo foram examinadas por PCR que amplifica um frangmento de 675 pb do gene VP-1 do VAIA. Todos os órgãos examinados foram positivos para o vírus da Anemia Infecciosa das Aves. Os demais patógenos, como adenovírus, reovírus, astrovírus, vírus da doença infecciosa bursal e coronavírus aviário não foram detectados pelas diferentes técnicas laboratoriais, como sorologia, PCR ou PAGE. Os resultados mostraram que o vírus da Anemia Infecciosa das Aves (VAIA) pode manifestar-se clinicamente nos primeiros dias de vida dos frangos – um fato ainda não reportado – associado ao vírus vacinal da doença infecciosa bursal (DIB) cepa forte pode induzir um persistente retardo de crescimento, por várias semanas, em frangos.

Animals , Animals, Newborn/abnormalities , Chicken anemia virus/isolation & purification , Chickens , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Signs and Symptoms
Braz. j. infect. dis ; 12(6): 466-468, Dec. 2008. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-507442


This article reports on the identification of a group 2 coronavirus (BatCoV DR/2007) in a Desmodus rotundus vampire bat in Brazil. Phylogenetic analysis of ORF1b revealed that BatCoV DR/2007 originates from a unique lineage in the archetypical group 2 coronaviruses, as described for bat species elsewhere with putative importance in Public Health.

Animals , Chiroptera/virology , Coronavirus/isolation & purification , RNA, Viral/genetics , Brazil , Coronavirus/classification , Coronavirus/genetics , Phylogeny , Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction , RNA, Viral/analysis
Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 65(4): 261-268, jul.-ago. 2008. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-700919


Introducción. Objetivo: evaluar el cumplimiento de la "Guía de salud para personas con síndrome de Down" de la Asociación Americana de Pediatría de 2001 en pacientes del Departamento de Genética del Hospital Universitario "Dr. José Eleuterio González . Métodos. Estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo, observacional y transversal, en el cual se revisaron los expedientes de pacientes con síndrome de Down que acudieron a consulta al Departamento de Genética entre abril de 2004 y abril de 2006. Resultados. Se identificaron 38 casos. El límite de edad materna fue de 17-43 años. En 74% de los pacientes se realizó cariotipo y sólo 61% recibieron asesoría genética. Se identificó cardiopatía congénita por ecocardiograma en 26%, pero en 56% no se realizaron estudios a pesar de contar con datos clínicos sugestivos. El número máximo de consultas fue de 5; sin embargo, 44% de los pacientes no tuvo seguimiento. Conclusiones. Se identificó una falla importante en la adherencia al seguimiento y a la realización de estudios encaminados a descartar las complicaciones asociadas al síndrome.

Introduction. Objective: To evaluate the application of the American Academy of Pediatrics' "Guidelines for health supervision for children with Down syndrome" in the Department of Genetics at the Hospital Universitario "Dr. José Eleuterio González". Methods. We analyzed clinical files from all Down's syndrome patients who attended our Department of Genetics from April 2004 to April 2006. Results. Thirty-eight cases were identified. The rank of mothers' age at date of infant birth was 17-43 years old; 74% of the patients had a karyotype performed, but genetic counseling was given only to 61% of families. An echocardiogram was performed; congenital heart disease was detected in 26%, but 56% did not attend the cardiologist consultation even when some of them had clinical findings suggesting heart disease. At the end of the study, the highest number of consultations was 5; however, 44% of the patients had no follow-up. Conclusions. We found a significant lack of commitment to follow-up patients by care givers, and a delay to accomplish clinical studies to avoid the well-known complications associated to this syndrome.

Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 65(3): 191-195, may.-jun. 2008. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-701150


Introducción. La fenilcetonuria es un padecimiento que puede diagnosticarse oportunamente, sin embargo, aún es posible detectar pacientes con secuelas neurológicas graves que desafortunadamente no fueron sujetos a un estudio al nacimiento. Casos clínicos. El primer caso se trató de una paciente de 12 meses que acudió por retardo en el desarrollo psicomotor, sus niveles de fenilalanina en sangre fueron de 1 285 μmol/L (normal 31-75 μmol/L). Su hermana mayor (caso 2) mostraba retardo en el desarrollo psicomotor considerado secundario a secuelas de encefalopatía hipóxico-isquémica, sin embargo también mostró hiperfenilalaninemia. El caso 3 se trató de una niña de 10 años que acudió por retardo psicomotor e hiperactividad; presentó ansiedad, irritabilidad, microcefalia, cabello rubio y piel clara. Los niveles de fenilalanina fueron de 1 170 μmol/L. En todos los casos se inició dieta baja en fenilalanina y después de un mes los niveles disminuyeron a la mitad. Actualmente mantienen valores normales de fenilalanina y muestran mejoría neurológica notable. Conclusión. La intervención nutricional puede revertir algunas secuelas neurológicas en los casos con diagnóstico tardío de fenilcetonuria.

Introduction. Phenylketonuria is a genetic disease that can be diagnosed easily and treated promptly avoiding long-term disabilities. Nevertheless, some children still lack neonatal screening as well as appropriate diagnosis, and they may present serious irreversible neurological damage. Case report. We report 3 cases. Case 1 is a 12 month-old female with motor and developmental delay. Phenylalanine levéis were 1 285 μmol/L (normal values 31-75 μmol/L). Her sister (case 2) was a 6 year-old mentally retarded child previously thought to be due to hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy; her phenylalanine levéis were 1 729 μmol/L. Case 3 describes a 10 year-old female with developmental delay, hyperactivity, anxiety, irritability, microcephaly, light-colored hair, and white skin. Phenylalanine levéis were 1170 μmol/L. A low-phenylalanine diet was prescribed for each patient. One month later they were evaluated and showed significantly reduced phenylalanine levéis (50%). Currently, they maintain normal values and show im-portant physical and neurological improvement. Conclusions. In cases of late-diagnosed phenylketonuria, a prompt treatment with a strict nutritional management may revert some of the neurological damage developed in these patients.

Salud pública Méx ; 50(3): 200-206, mayo-jun. 2008. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-483163


OBJETIVO: Instituir un programa estatal de tamizaje neonatal ampliado para identificar errores innatos del metabolismo y determinar su prevalencia en la población de recién nacidos del estado de Nuevo León. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Entre marzo de 2002 y febrero de 2004 se incluyeron neonatos consecutivos nacidos en hospitales públicos del estado. Se colectaron muestras de sangre en papel filtro entre las 24 y 48 horas de vida y se las sometió a tamiz metabólico mediante espectrometría de masas en tándem. RESULTADOS: Se analizaron 42 264 primeras muestras y se detectaron siete casos, uno de cada padecimiento: homocistinuria, fenilcetonuria, citrulinemia, tirosinemia/transitoria, deficiencia de 3-metilcrotonil-CoA carboxilasa, deficiencia de 3-hidroxi-3-metilglutaril-CoA liasa y galactosemia típica. CONCLUSIONES: La incidencia acumulada de defectos metabólicos en la población fue de 1:5 000 con 0.22 por ciento de casos falso-positivos. El programa permitió identificar y tratar con oportunidad los trastornos metabólicos al nacimiento con una efectiva prevención secundaria del retraso mental.

OBJECTIVE: To initiate a statewide expanded metabolic screening program in neonates with the purpose of identifying the most common inborn errors of metabolism. MATERIAL AND METHODS: From March 2002 through February 2004, a blood sample was obtained between 24 and 48 hours after delivery from every consecutive child born in public hospitals in Nuevo León. It was spotted on filter paper and analyzed by tandem mass spectrometry for expanded metabolic screening. RESULTS: A total of 42 264 samples were analyzed. Were obtained seven positive results, one for each disorder: homocystinuria, hyperphenylalaninemia, citrulinemia, transient tyrosinemia, 3-methylcrotonyl CoA carboxylase deficiency, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA deficiency, and classic galactosemia. CONCLUSIONS: The estimated incidence of inborn errors of metabolism is 1:5 000, with a false positive rate of 0.22 percent. The program permitted the identification of metabolic disorders in the newborn, allowing an early intervention and prevention of life-threatening events and permanent neurological damage.

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Metabolism, Inborn Errors/diagnosis , Neonatal Screening , Tandem Mass Spectrometry , Mexico , Neonatal Screening/methods , Time Factors
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 27(10): 398-402, out. 2007. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-470994


Winter dysentery (WD) is a seasonal infectious disease described worldwide that causes a marked decrease in milk production in dairy cows. In the Northern hemisphere, where the disease is classically recognized, bovine coronavirus (BCoV) has been assigned as a major etiologic agent of the disease. Nonetheless, in the Southern hemisphere, an in-deep etiological survey on WD cases had not been carried out. This study aimed to survey for BCoV by nested-RT-PCR, rotavirus by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and ELISA, bacteria by classical bacteriological methods and PCR for virulence factors and parasites by sugar flotation test on fecal samples of 21 cows from a farm during an outbreak of WD in São Paulo state, Southeastern Brazil. BCoV was detected in all 21 samples, while rotavirus was detected in two symptomatic cows. Escherichia coli, Yersinia intermedia, Providencia rustigianii Proteus penneri, Klebsiella terrigena and Enterobacter aglomerans were detected in samples from both asymptomatic and healthy cows in different associations. The study of E. coli virulence factors revealed that the strains isolated were all apathogenic. Cysts of Eimeria sp. and eggs of Strongyloidea were detected at low numbers in four of the symptomatic cows, with one co-infestation. These results suggest BCoV as the main etiologic agent of the cases of WD in Brazil, a conclusion that, with the clinical and epidemiological patterns of the disease studied herein, match those already described elsewhere. These findings give basis to the development of preventive measures and contribute to the understanding of the etiology of WD.

Em vacas leiteiras, a disenteria de inverno (DI) é uma doença infecciosa sazonal mundialmente relatada que ocasiona uma marcada queda na produção de leite; no hemisfério Norte, onde a doença é classicamente reconhecida, o coronavirus bovino (BCoV) tem um importante papel como agente etiológico. Entretanto, no hemisfério Sul, pesquisas etiológicas aprofundadas em casos de DI nunca forma realizadas. Este estudo objetivou a pesquisa de BCoV utilizando nested-RT-PCR, rotavírus utilizando eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida (PAGE) e ELISA, bactérias com métodos bacteriológicos clássicos e PCR para fatores de virulência e parasitas pela técnica de flutuação em açúcar em 21 amostras fecais de vacas de uma fazenda durante um surto de DI no estado de São Paulo, Sudeste do Brasil. BCoV foi encontrado em todas as 21 amostras, enquanto que rotavírus foi encontrado em duas vacas sintomáticas. Escherichia coli, Yersinia intermedia, Providencia rustigiani, Proteus penneri, Klebsiella terrigena e Enterobacter aglomerans foram encontradas tanto em amostras de vacas sintomáticas quanto assintomáticas. O estudo de fatores de virulência para E. coli revelou que as amostras isoladas eram todas apatogênicas. Cistos de Eimeria sp. e ovos de Strongyloidea foram encontrados em baixos números em quatro animais sintomáticos, com uma co-infestação. Tais resultados sugerem o BCoV como o principal agente etiológico em casos de DI no Brasil, uma conclusão que, somada aos padrões clínicos e epidemiológicos da doença aqui estudada, concordam com aqueles descritos em outras regiões. Estes achados fornecem base o desenvolvimento de medidas preventivas e também contribuem para o entendimento sobre a etiologia da DI.

Animals , Female , Cattle , Coronavirus, Bovine/isolation & purification , Dysentery/diagnosis , Dysentery/epidemiology , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay , Electrophoresis, Polyacrylamide Gel/methods , Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction/methods , Bacteriological Techniques/methods
Salud pública Méx ; 43(2): 103-107, mar.-abr. 2001. tab, CD-ROM
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-309555


Objetivo. Evaluar el efecto de la administración de 5 mg por semana de ácido fólico sobre los valores sanguíneos. Material y métodos. Estudio de comparación concurrente realizado en zonas urbanas y rurales del estado de Nuevo León, México, en 1998, a 74 mujeres, 39 de ellas con antecedente de un producto con defecto de cierre del tubo neural y 35 sin dicho antecedente. La muestra sólo incluyó a mujeres que parieron durante 1997. Las mujeres recibieron 5 mg de ácido fólico por semana durante tres meses. El AF sanguíneo fue determinado por radioinmunoanálisis (RIA), al inicio y una semana después de la última tableta. Se calcularon promedios y desviaciones estándar. Resultados. El 90 por ciento de las mujeres aumentó significativamente los valores sanguíneos. El ácido fólico intraeritrocitario se incrementó de 150.49 ñ 31.17 ng/ml a 184.21 ñ 35.53 ng/ml (p<0.005) y el plasmático de 5.93 ñ 1.98 ng/ml a 7.03 ñ 2.5 ng/ml (p<0.05). El 82 por ciento alcanzó cifras mayores de 160 ng/ml. Conclusiones. La administración semanal de 5 mg de ácido fólico puede ser una estrategia adecuada y costo eficiente para la suplementación con esta vitamina a la población de escasos recursos. El texto completo en inglés de este artículo está disponible en:

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Neural Tube Defects , Folic Acid/pharmacology , Folic Acid/therapeutic use , Preconception Care/trends , Radioimmunoassay , Case-Control Studies , Folic Acid/blood
Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 69(1): 6-11, ene. 2001. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-303192


Objetivo. La preeclampsia y eclampsia, son la principal causa de mortalidad materna. En el estado de Nuevo León de 1990 a 1998, estas patologías representaron 44.1 por ciento. La presencia de sustancias con actividad trombogénica en la sangre materna (homocisteína, proteína C y anticuerpos anticardiolipina) han sido relacionadas. El polimorfismo C677T de la enzima metilentetrahidrofolatorreductasa (MTHFR) favorece la elevación de la homocisteína, la suplementación con ácido fólico (AF) disminuye sus niveles. Se pretende establecer el papel que el AF tiene en la fisiopatología de la preeclampsia en nuestro medio. Tipo de estudio. Longitudinal, prospectivo y comparativo. Materiales y métodos. Casos: mujeres con preeclampsia severa y/o eclampsia (n=13). Controles: mujeres con embarazo normoevolutivo en el tercer trimestre (n=15). Se tomaron 20 mL de sangre en las primeras 24 horas del puerperio midiendo AF, homocisteína y polimorfismo de la MTHFR. Para comparaciones entre ambos grupos se utilizó la preba de t de Student y exacta de Fisher. Resultados. Los valores de homocisteína fueron (xñDE): Casos 9.85 micromol/L ñ 2.88 y controles 7.61 micromol/L ñ 1.32 (p<0.04). La frecuencia ( por ciento) del polimorfismo genético de la MTHFR fue: homocigotas positivas (T/T): 38.46 vs 20, heterocigotas (C/T): 38.46 vs 26.6, homocigotas negativas (C/C): 23 vs 53, para casos y controles respectivamente. Conclusiones. En nuestro estudio el estado homocigoto (T/T) de la MTHFR y los valores elevados de homocisteína en sangre son más frecuentes en mujeres con preeclampsia.

Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Female , Pregnancy , Folic Acid/analysis , Eclampsia , Homocysteine , Pre-Eclampsia , Polymorphism, Genetic