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Prensa méd. argent ; Prensa méd. argent;106(4): 279-285, 20200000. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1368340


Background: Alopecia areata (AA) is a typical hair issue, which may have obliterating mental and social outcomes and is portrayed by the nearness of nonscarring alopecia. Objective: This examination has targets to assess the serum nutrient D levels , with AA; contrast the outcome and clearly sound control; and confirm relationship between AA types and serum nutrient D levels. Patients Also Methods: the examine might have been led clinched alongside Tikrit educating healing facility throughout those time starting with June 2019 of the limit for January 2020. Irrefutably the quantity of subjects associated with the assessment was ninety individuals isolated in two social events; the patients bundle were forty five the people who whimper of AA while the resulting gathering including a forty five age and sex-made solid volunteers were picked as a benchmark gathering. The degree and movement of the alopecia were noted and the patients were meticulously broke down for signs of various ailments. Research center assessments were led to patients and also to those control population, these included serum vitamin D levels were measured as 25-hydroxyvitamin D {25(OH)D} using a chemiluminescence microparticle immunoassay. Blood models were gotten starting with patients and control subjects after totally taught consent was gotten. Results : An essential complexity may have been found for serum 25-OH Vit D levels between patients other than controls. Vitamin D sufficiency were more common in controls than in patients. Serum Vitamin D was deficient in both cases and controls group; but, the deficiency was significantly more throughout AA group (35. 6%) compared to the handle group (11. 1%). Among the list patients gathering, levels associated with nutrient D were totally higher in guys in contrast with females. Conclusions: AA might be related with nutrient D deficiency as mean degrees of nutrient D of patients were seen as fundamentally lower than typical sound controls.

Humans , Vitamin D Deficiency/complications , Treponema Immobilization Test , Nutrients/deficiency , Antibodies, Antinuclear/immunology , Alopecia Areata/diagnosis , Case-Control Studies
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-750372


@#Introduction: Low 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] levels have not been consistently associated with bone mineral density (BMD). It has been suggested that calculation of the free/bioavailable 25(OH)D may correlate better with BMD. We examined this hypothesis in a cohort of Malaysian women. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study of 77 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and 29 controls was performed. Serum 25(OH)D was measured using the Roche Cobas E170 immunoassay. Serum vitamin D binding protein (VDBP) was measured using a monoclonal enzymelinked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Free/bioavailable 25(OH)D were calculated using both the modified Vermuelen and Bikle formulae. Results: Since there were no significant differences between RA patients and controls for VDBP and 25(OH)D, the dataset was analysed as a whole. Calculated free 25(OH)D by Vermeulen was strongly correlated with Bikle (r = 1.00, p < 0.001). A significant positive correlation was noted between measured total 25(OH)D with free/bioavailable 25(OH) D (r = 0.607, r = 0.637, respectively, p < 0.001). Median free/bioavailable 25(OH)D values were significantly higher in Chinese compared with Malays and Indians, consistent with their median total 25(OH)D. Similar to total 25(OH)D, the free/bioavailable 25(OH)D did not correlate with BMD. Conclusion: In this first study of a multiethnic female Malaysian population, free/bioavailable 25(OH)D were found to reflect total 25(OH)D, and was not superior to total 25(OH)D in its correlation with BMD. Should they need to be calculated, the Bikle formula is easier to use but only calculates free 25(OH)D. The Vermuelen formula calculates both free/bioavailable 25(OH)D but is more complex to use.

Bone Density
Med. interna (Caracas) ; 32(1): 56-63, 2016. tab
Article in Spanish | LIVECS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1009608


Para mantener un esqueleto sano y mineralizado es de importancia crítica tener una fuente adecuada de vitamina D, que puede conseguirse mediante la exposición solar o la dieta. Se ha observado un aumento de la prevalencia del déficit de Vitamina D que se ha extendido a distintos grupos de edad y diferentes regiones, y ha alcanzado proporciones epidémicas. Estudios recientes han demostrado la importancia de la Vitamina D en la función neuromuscular y su déficit se ha relacionado con alteraciones funcionales y riesgo de caídas en ancianos. La vitamina D es esencial para la absorción normal del calcio en el intestino y tiene un papel fundamental en la mineralización del hueso. Objetivo: Determinar los valores de 25-hidroxivitamina D (25-OH D3) en hombres con baja masa ósea. Materiales y métodos: Se estudiaron sujetos masculinos con baja masa ósea que acudieron a la Unidad de Investigación UNILIME-UC Hospital Universitario "Dr. Ángel Larralde" entre Junio a Diciembre 2015, la muestra quedó constituida por 47 sujetos con criterios de inclusión (> 60 años con baja masa ósea (osteopenia-osteoporosis) por densitometría ósea (DEXA), en ausencia de enfermedades que determinan hipovitaminosis. A los mismos se les midió calcio sérico y 25 -hidroxivitamina D ( 25 -OH D3) este último se determinó por inmmuno ensayo (OCTEIA 25 -hidroxi vitamina D. IDS.UK). Se tomaron muestras de sangre venosa en ayuno, se congelaron a -70 °C y se midió por duplicado en el mismo tiempo. Los resultados se analizaron con programa SPSS.20 para Windows, utilizando técnicas de análisis descriptivos y para la significancía estadística, el coeficiente correlación de Pearson. Resultados: Se estudiaron 47 hombres con un promedio de edad de 66,28± 5,17 años, con valores promedio de calcio sérico de 8,88±0.38 mg/dl y con baja masa osea por DEXA a nivel de cuello de fémur (CF) de 0,870 g/cm3 con T score -1.5 y a nivel de columna lumbar L1-L4 de 0,917 g/cm3 con T score -1.8. Valores promedio de Vitamina D (25-OH D3) de 28,72±5,33 ng/ml (valor mínimo 18 ng/ml y valor máximo 39,60 ng/ml), observando un 38,30% (n=18) con valores inferiores de 30 ng/dl; de los cuales el 23,5% (n=11) presentaron valores entre 20 - 30 ng/ml catalogados como sujetos con deficit relativo de 25-OH D3 y un 14,8% (n=7) con valores inferiores a 20 ng/ml catalogados como sujetos con insuficiencia de 25-OH D3. Al correlacionar los valores de 25-OH D3 con la edad se observó una relación estadisticamente significativa (p<0,05), no asi con los niveles de calcio sérico (p=0.2), con DEXA CF (p=0.18) y con DEXA L1- L4 (p= -0,15). Conclusiones: La prevalencia de la disminución de vitamina D (25-OH D3) está sobrestimada, sobre todo en los paises tropicales donde se supone que contamos con uno de los principales factores que influyen en mantener dichos valores como es la exposición solar. En este estudio se observa una alta prevalencia de ipoavitaminosis (deficiencia e insuficiencia) de Vitamina D (38,3%). Por lo cual recomendamos se considere (AU)

To maintain a healthy mineralized skeleton is critically important to have an adequate supply of vitamin D, which can be achieved by sun exposure or diet. There has been an increase in the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency that has spread to different age groups and different regions, and has reached epidemic proportions. Recent studies have shown the importance of vitamin D in the neuromuscular function, and its deficit has been associated with functional alterations and risk of falls in the elderly. Vitamin D is essential for normal calcium absorption in the intestine and plays a key role in bone mineralization. Objective: To determine the values of 25 -hydroxyvitamin D (25 - OH D3) in men with low bone mass. Methods: Male patients with low bone mass who came to the Research Unit UNILIME -UC University Hospital " Angel Larralde" were studied from June to Diciemnbre 2015; the sample consisted of 47 subjects with theses inclusion criteria. >60 years with low bone mass (osteopenia - (osteoporosis) by bone densitometry (DEXA ) in the absence of diseases that determine hipovitaminosis. Serum calcium and 25 hydroxyvitamin D (25 -OH D3 ) were measured by enzymeinmmunoassay (25 -hydroxy vitamin D. OCTEIA IDS.UK ) venous blood samples in fasting state , frozen at - 70° C and measured in duplicate at the same time. the results were analyzed with SPSS.20 program for Windows, using descriptive analysis techniques and statistical significance the Pearson correlation coefficient. Results: the average age was 66.28 ± 5.17 years (minimum value of 61 years and maximum 71 years ), with average values of serum calcium of 8.88 ± 0.38 mg / dl and low bone mass by DEXA level Femur neck ( CF ) of 0.870 g / cm3 with Tscore -1.5 and level L1- L4 lumbar spine of 0.917 g / cm3 with Tscore -1.8. average Vitamin D values (25 - OHD3) of 28.72 ± 5.33 ng / ml (minimum value of 18 ng/ ml and maximum value 39.60 ng / ml), observing a 38.30 % (n = 18) with values lower than 30 ng / dl ; of which 23.5 % (n = 11) showed values between 20 to 30 ng / ml classified as subjects with relative deficit of 25 - OH D3 and 14.8 % (n = 7) with values lower than 20 ng / ml classified as failure subjects with 25 - OH D3. By correlating the values of 25 - OH D3 with age A statistically significant relationship (p < 0.05) was observed, but not with serum calcium levels (p = 0.2) with DEXA CF (p = 0.18) and with DEXA L1 -L4 (p = -0.15). Conclusions: Decrease of the prevalence of vitamin D (25 - OHD3) is overestimated, especially in tropical countries where sun exposure happens. In this study a high prevalence of Vit D hypovitaminosis (deficiencyand insufficiency) Vitamin D (38.3 %) was found. Therefore we recommend the determination of serum Vitamin D is considered in male subjects over 60 years and which have low bone mass(AU)

Humans , Vitamin D Deficiency/complications , Bone Density , Calcium/administration & dosage , Dietary Supplements , Osteoporotic Fractures , Internal Medicine
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975706


BackgroundHuman vitamin D status primarily depends on skin exposure to the ultraviolet B (UVB) spectrum of the sunlight.Despite the many days of sunshine in Mongolia, the northern latitute means that much of the UVB is filteredout as it passes through the atmosphere. Studies of Mongolian infants, schoolchildren, and pregnant womenreveal prevalent and profound vitamin D deficiency in the winter months in Mongolia. To date, there has notbeen a single study of the vitamin D levels of Mongolian men, and no studies of working age women outside ofUlaanbaatar. The goal of this study is to determine Vitamin D levels among Mongolian working age populationin different geographical areas, in different seasons, and in different work settings.MethodsThis cross-sectional study was conducted among 120 healthy adults, recruited by a multistage clustersampling method in Ulaanbaatar, South Gobi, and Bulgan. Each participant was tested for serum 25(OH)Dconcentrations, twice in winter and summer. Samples were measured by ELISA. The paired sampling (120summer samples/120 winter samples total 240 samples) frame allowed us to compare an individual’s winter25(OH)D levels to their own summer 25(OH)D levels, avoiding any confounding by differences betweenindividuals. A paired T-test (two sided) with unequal variances was used to test for differences in 25(OH)Dlevels among study groups.Results95% of all participants were Vitamin D deficient (<20 ng/ml) in winter, 24% deficient in summer (p < 0.001).The mean winter serum 25(OH)D levels were (±SD) 10.7±5.3 ng/ml, which were doubled in the summer to(±SD) 26.1±8.1 ng/ml. In all three regions, men and women had similar mean 25(OH)D levels. In Ulaanbaatar,office workers had higher winter 25(OH)D levels than urban outdoor workers. Surprisingly, office workersin the Gobi had higher 25(OH)D levels than nomads in both winter and summer. In Bulgan, there were nodifferences between office workers and nomads in any season.ConclusionWe observe that low vitamin D levels are more prevalent in our winter samples of healthy working age adults.The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency is very high amongst the adult population. These data suggest a needto increase vitamin D intake either through improved fortification and/or supplementation.