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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-209886


Lavender is well-known for its essential oils, which are in high demand and have a very important economicinterest, particularly for the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. This work had been done to study seedgermination and in vitro culture of Lavandula angustifolia. The seeds of L. angustifolia had undergonea vernalization followed by two treatments (physical and chemical), in order to increase the percentage ofgermination. Seeds were introduced into tubes containing the culture medium Murashige et Skoog (MS).Untreated seeds were germinated in the same medium supplemented with gibberellic acid at differentconcentrations. The kinetics, the speed, and the final germination rate were retained in order to evaluate theresponse of seeds. The micropropagation of L. angustifolia was performed on MS medium supplemented withdifferent concentrations of 6-Benzylaminopurine (Treatment I) and 6-Benzylaminopurine in combination withNaphthalene Acetic Acid (Treatment II). Multiplication rate, shoots number, nodes number, leaves number, andstem length were determined. Lavandula angustifolia seeds revealed very low germination percentages for allthe treatments used. However, those treated with sand (physical treatment) showed the highest percentage ofgermination (22%) followed by sulfuric acid treatment with a percentage of 14%. Results showed that the 11.11μM concentration of 6-Benzylaminopurine favored the maximum reactivity of the explants. The combinationbetween 6-Benzylaminopurine and Naphthalene Acetic Acid showed that MS supplemented with 8.88 μM6-Benzylaminopurine and 2.68 μM Naphthalene Acetic Acid was the most effective in the development ofvitroplants.

Ciênc. rural ; 40(9): 1916-1921, set. 2010. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-561289


Neste trabalho, o objetivo foi avaliar se o anelamento de ramos reduz o crescimento vegetativo em limeiras ácidas 'Tahiti' e se a aplicação de AG3 é capaz de recuperá-lo. O delineamento utilizado foi em blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial, com cinco repetições. O primeiro fator consistiu na aplicação foliar de quatro concentrações de AG3 (0, 7, 14 e 21mg L-1), quando cerca de 80 por cento das pétalas haviam sofrido abscisão. O segundo fator referiu-se aos tratamentos sem anelamento, anelamento no início do florescimento e anelamento um mês após o florescimento. As variáveis analisadas foram altura das plantas, comprimento dos ramos, diâmetro e volume das copas, e intensidade de cor verde das folhas. A aplicação de AG3 não causou efeito sobre o crescimento vegetativo e intensidade de cor verde das folhas. O anelamento de ramos, independentemente da época em que foi realizado, retardou o crescimento vegetativo das plantas e reduziu a intensidade de cor verde das folhas da limeira ácida 'Tahiti'; porém, na última avaliação, não foram verificadas diferenças significativas em relação às plantas sem anelamento.

The objective was to assess whether the girdling reduces the vegetative growth in acid lime 'Tahiti' and the application of GA3 is able to retrieve it. The design was a randomized block design, in factorial with five replications. The first factor consisted of four concentrations of foliar application of GA3 (0, 7, 14 and 21mg L-1) when about 80 percent of the petals had abscised. The second factor referred to the treatments without girdling, girdling at flowering, and girdling a month after flowering. The variables were plant height, branch length, diameter and canopy volume, and intensity of green color of the leaves. The application of GA3 had no effect on vegetative growth and intensity of green color of leaves. Girdling, regardless of the time it was done, delayed vegetative growth of plants and reduced the intensity of green color of the leaves of acid lime 'Tahiti' tree, but in the last evaluation there was no statistically significant differences regarding the plants without girdling.