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Rev. biol. trop ; 72(1): e52860, ene.-dic. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1559315


Abstract Introduction: Aquatic birds (AB) are usually associated with wetlands, which provide refuge, food, and/or nesting sites for resident and migratory species. Despite their ecological importance, there is little knowledge on AB in some tropical environments, such as those found on the Colima coast. Objective: To investigate the spatial and temporal composition of the AB community in Juluapan Lagoon, Colima, Central Mexican Pacific. Methods: Monthly counts were conducted between June 2017 and May 2018 during low-tide conditions to record habitat use by AB. Species richness and bird counts were obtained to compare sampling areas; mean richness and number of individuals were compared between seasons. Results: We detected 53 species and 5 750 individuals. The highest species richness and relative abundance values were obtained in winter at the lagoon area farthest from the connection with the marine system, where anthropogenic activity is lower. Diversity was greater in zones 2 and 3 in spring, summer, and fall. Muddy flats were the most used environment, and the most frequent activity was resting. Nesting activity was only recorded in the middle of the lagoon at the mangrove during spring. "Shorebirds" and "waders" were the most dominant groups in the bird community of the Juluapan lagoon. Conclusions: This coastal wetland is a site of great biological importance for aquatic birds; thus, conservation measures should be implemented, and there should be a continuous study of the effects of anthropogenic pressure.

Resumen Introducción: Las aves acuáticas (AA) son usualmente relacionadas a los humedales debido a que éstos funcionan como sitios de refugio, alimentación y anidación de diferentes especies residentes y migratorias. Sin embargo, el conocimiento sobre las aves acuáticas en algunos humedales es nulo. Objetivo: Investigar la composición espacio-temporal de la comunidad de AA en la laguna Juluapan, Colima, en el Pacífico Central Mexicano. Métodos: Entre junio de 2017 y mayo de 2018 se llevaron a cabo conteos mensuales en condiciones de marea baja para registrar el uso de hábitat de las AA. Se obtuvieron valores de riqueza de especies y número de individuos para realizar comparaciones entre zonas de muestreo, así como el promedio del número de especies y número de individuos para comparaciones entre temporadas. Resultados: Se registraron un total de 53 especies y 5 750 individuos. Los valores de riqueza de especies y densidad de individuos fueron más altos durante invierno, en la zona más alejada al ambiente marino, donde la actividad antropogénica es menor. La diversidad tuvo valores más altos en la zona 2 y 3, durante primavera, verano y otoño. El ambiente más explotado por las aves fueron las planicies lodosas; y el descanso fue la actividad más frecuente. Asimismo, la actividad de anidación sólo se registró en el manglar de la zona media durante primavera. Las "aves playeras" y "aves zancudas" fueron los grupos más predominantes en la comunidad de aves de la laguna Juluapan. Conclusiones: Este humedal costero es un sitio de gran importancia biológica para aves acuáticas, por lo que resulta necesario la implementación de medidas de conservación, así como el estudio de los efectos por la presión antropogénica.

Animals , Birds/classification , Aquatic Fauna , Sampling Studies , Mexico
Rev. crim ; 66(1): 25-46, 20240412. Tab, Ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553524


Introducción: En los contextos del conflicto armado convergen actividades que potencialmente pueden producir toxicidad por metales pesados; inclusive, muchas víctimas de artefactos explosivos improvisados portan esquirlas residuales interiorizadas, de composición y potencial toxicidad desconocidas. Ello ha sido poco estudiado. Objetivo: Describir los niveles biológicos de plomo y mercurio en civiles supervivientes de la masacre de Bojayá, su eventual exposición actual, así como signos y síntomas compatibles con toxicidad crónica. Metodología: Estudio observacional descriptivo, tipo serie con 13 casos. Resultados: El 38.46 % de los casos tuvo niveles de plomo en sangre superiores o cercanos al valor límite superior, sin fuentes específicas identificadas. Un 46.15 % tuvo niveles mercuriales superiores o cercanos al límite de referencia, y se los considera exposición ambiental por minería aurífera regional. La valoración clínica toxicológica mostró síntomas y signos clínicos potencialmente asociados con toxicidad crónica por metales. Conclusión: Hubo presencia de residuos de artefactos explosivos en personas con hallazgos sugestivos de toxicidad por plomo o mercurio, sin que pueda afirmarse una relación directa y específica entre los dos aspectos; algunos casos sugieren exposición ambiental para mercurio, y exposición a proyectiles para el plomo, relacionadas con dinámicas del conflicto armado. Son necesarios estudios adicionales para afirmar la existencia de asociaciones causales.

Introduction: In the contexts of armed conflict, activities converge that can potentially produce heavy metal toxicity; including many victims of improvised explosive devices carry internalised residual shrapnel, of unknown composition and potential toxicity. This has been little studied. Objective: To describe the biological levels of lead and mercury in civilian survivors of the Bojayá massacre, their possible current exposure, as well as signs and symptoms compatible with chronic toxicity. Methodology: Descriptive observational study, serial type with 13 cases. Results: 38.46 % of the cases had blood lead levels above or close to the upper limit value, with no specific sources identified. 46.15 % had mercury levels above or close to the reference limit, and were considered environmental exposure from regional gold mining. Clinical toxicological assessment showed clinical signs and symptoms potentially associated with chronic metal toxicity. Conclusion: There was a presence of explosive ordnance residues in individuals with findings suggestive of lead or mercury toxicity, without a direct and specific relationship between the two; some cases suggest environmental exposure for mercury, and projectile exposure for lead, related to the dynamics of the armed conflict. Further studies are needed to affirm the existence of causal associations.

Introdução: Nos contextos de conflito armado, convergem atividades que podem potencialmente produzir toxicidade por metais pesados; Na verdade, muitas vítimas de dispositivos explosivos improvisados carregam lascas residuais internalizadas de composição desconhecida e potencial toxicidade. Isto tem sido pouco estudado. Objetivo: Descrever os níveis biológicos de chumbo e mercúrio em civis sobreviventes do massacre de Bojayá, sua eventual exposição atual, bem como sinais e sintomas compatíveis com toxicidade crônica. Metodologia: Estudo observacional descritivo, tipo série com 13 casos. Resultados: 38.46 % dos casos apresentaram níveis de chumbo no sangue superiores ou próximos ao valor limite superior, sem fontes específicas identificadas. 46.15 % apresentaram níveis de mercúrio superiores ou próximos ao limite de referência e são considerados exposição ambiental devido à mineração regional de ouro. A avaliação clínica toxicológica mostrou sintomas e sinais clínicos potencialmente associados à toxicidade crônica por metais. Conclusão: Houve presença de resíduos de artefatos explosivos em pessoas com achados sugestivos de toxicidade por chumbo ou mercúrio, sem que se pudesse afirmar uma relação direta e específica entre os dois aspectos; Alguns casos sugerem exposição ambiental ao mercúrio e exposição a projéteis de chumbo, relacionadas com a dinâmica do conflito armado. Estudos adicionais são necessários para confirmar a existência de associações causais.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031597


【Objective】 To evaluate the clinical use of the baseline CT angiography (CTA) quantitative score (self-designed collateral circulation quantitative, SD-CCQ) in determining the collateral circulation compensation status in patients with acute ischemic stroke (AIS), as well as the reliability and accuracy of the SD-CCQ score and the Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score (ASPECTS). 【Methods】 Retrospective analysis was made on the clinical and imaging data, including CT, CTA and DWI image data, of 84 patients who were admitted for acute ischemic stroke to the Department of Neurorehabilitation of Zhongshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine from January 2020 to December 2022.Their CTA source images were annotated using a multi-task deep learning method for vascular segmentation. The ASPECTS score and SD-CCQ score were then applied to the CTA images following vascular segmentation in order to assess the collateral circulation compensation of AIS patients. The Kappa test was used to assess the consistency of the two methods used to assess collateral circulation, and the multifactorial Logistic regression analysis was used to examine the relationship between the SD-CCQ and the prognosis of the AIS patients. 【Results】 ASPECTS score had good consistency with SD-CCQ score in evaluating collateral circulation in AIS patients (κ=0.65, P<0.001), and the diagnostic accuracy of the latter for benign collateral circulation in AIS was 96.15%. Logistic regression analysis showed that the new collateral circulation score, baseline NIHSS, and DWI infarct volume were the main factors affecting the long-term prognosis of AIS patients. 【Conclusion】 The new scoring system SD-CCQ can be used to evaluate the compensatory status of collateral circulation in AIS patients, which may help in clinical treatment decision-making and prognosis prediction.

São Paulo med. j ; 142(2): e2022217, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1450519


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: We aimed to develop and validate a practical instrument to assess older adults' satisfaction with their social participation (SP). DESIGN AND SETTING: This methodological validation study was conducted at a public higher education institution. METHODS: A two-phase study was designed, developed, and validated to assess older adults' satisfaction with their SP. In the first phase, we conceptualized SP and developed an "instrument to assess older adults' satisfaction with their SP (IAPSI)," as approved by a committee of specialists, pre-tested, and partially validated. Second, we determined the IAPSI's reproducibility using Cronbach's alpha to measure internal consistency, Pearson's and Spearman's coefficients to measure correlations, the Bland-Altman plot and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) to measure reproducibility. We also generated a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. RESULTS: 102 older adults (mean age, 87.29) participated in the first phase. Moderate internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha 0.7) and significant moderate correlations with quality of life by World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL)-bref and by WHOQOL-old social domains (Pearson's coefficients 0.54 and 0.64, respectively; P < 0.001) were found. The ROC curve indicated an IAPSI score of 17 as the threshold for the impact of pain on satisfaction with SP (83.3% sensitivity and 88.9% specificity, P < 0.001). In the second phase, 56 older adults (between 81 and 90 years old) participated. We found adequate intra- and inter-observer reproducibility for the IAPSI (ICC 0.96 and 0.78, respectively). CONCLUSION: We have developed a practical instrument with appropriate psychometric properties to assess older adults' satisfaction with their SP.

São Paulo med. j ; 142(2): e2023325, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551073


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: The Positive Aspects of Caregiving (PAC) scale is used to assess psychosocial benefits provided to caregivers by the task of caring. The PAC scale consists of nine items, assessed using a five-point Likert scale, with higher values indicating greater positive perceptions and gains from the caregiving experience. OBJECTIVE: To translate and culturally adapt the PAC scale for informal Brazilian caregivers of people with dementia. DESIGN AND SETTING: A methodological study was conducted at the Federal University of São Carlos. METHODS: The following stages were carried out: Translation; Synthesis of the translations; Back-translation; Evaluation by an experts' committee; and Pre-test. RESULTS: Two independent professionals translated the PAC scale. The consensus version was obtained by merging both translations, which were back-translated into English by a third translator. The expert committee comprised three specialists in the area and project researchers. All scale items presented a Content Validity Index of 1 (CVI = 1.0), and thus remained in the pre-final version of the instrument. The instrument was pre-tested with seven caregivers of people with dementia, the majority of whom were women (57.1%), with a degree of kinship corresponding to sons/daughters (57.1%) and an average age of 55.2 (± 4.1) years. The caregivers considered it clear and understandable and made no suggestions for changes. CONCLUSION: The PAC scale was translated and culturally adapted for use by informal caregivers of people with dementia in Brazil. However, a psychometric analysis of the instrument is necessary to provide normative data for this population group.

Motrivivência (Florianópolis) ; 36(67): 1-16, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566525


O objetivo deste estudo é compreender como o cenário competitivo dos eSports têm se desenvolvido no Brasil, fazendo uma análise dos aspectos socioculturais que fizeram parte do seu desenvolvimento. Para isso, realizou-se a análise de conteúdo de materiais disponíveis online entre os anos de 2003 e 2022, sendo compostos por notícias, documentários e entrevistas que trataram da temática do estudo. O recorte temporal considerado se dá pela disponibilidade de conteúdo relacionado aos objetivos elencados. Ao final, evidenciou-se que os eSports encontraram obstáculos oriundos da falta de estrutura e inclusão digital. Porém, mesmo com essas dificuldades iniciais de formação da modalidade no Brasil, equipes profissionais conseguiram se formar e têm obtido êxito em âmbito nacional e internacional. Por outro lado, parte da população brasileira, que muitas vezes não consegue realizar a prática por questões estruturais ou financeiras, encontraram nos dispositivos móveis uma forma de se inserir no universo dos eSports.

The aim of this study is to understand how the competitive eSports scene has developed in Brazil, analyzing the sociocultural aspects that have been part of its development. For this, a content analysis of materials available online between 2003 and 2022 was carried out, consisting of news, documentaries and interviews that dealt with the theme of the study. The time frame considered is due to the availability of content related to the objectives listed. In the end, it was evidenced that Sports encountered obstacles arising from the lack of structure and digital inclusion. However, even with these initial difficulties in the formation of the modality in Brazil, professional teams have managed to form and have been successful at national and international levels. On the other hand,part of the Brazilian population, who often cannot practice due to structural or financial reasons, found in mobile devices a way to enter the eSports universe.

El objetivo de este estudio es comprender cómo se ha desarrollado la escena competitiva de los eSports en Brasil, analizando los aspectos socioculturales que han formado parte de su desarrollo. Para ello, fue realizado un análisis de contenido de materiales disponibles online entre 2003 y 2022, compuesto por noticias, documentales y entrevistas que trataran del tema del estudio. El marco temporal considerado se debe a la disponibilidad de contenidos relacionados con los objetivos enumerados. Al final, se evidenció que los eSports encontraron obstáculos derivados de la falta de estructura y de inclusión digital. Sin embargo, incluso con estas dificultades iniciales en la formación de la modalidad en Brasil, equipos profesionales han logrado formarse y han tenido éxito a nivel nacional e internacional. Por otro lado, parte de la población brasileña, que muchas veces no puede practicar por razones estructurales o financieras, encontró en los dispositivos móviles una forma de entrar en el universo de los eSports.

Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(2): 740-794, Maio-Ago. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424949


A imaturidade do sistema imunológico, associado a Determinantes Sociais de Saúde (DSS), promove doenças na infância. Especificamente, na cavidade oral, os DSS, representados pelo consumo elevado de açúcar, limitado acesso aos serviços de saúde e deficiência na higiene bucal, favorecem transtornos locais e sistêmicos. Assim, o estudo objetivou associar os DSS, no contexto das condições socioeconômicas, do acompanhamento pelo serviço de saúde e dos aspectos relacionados à saúde bucal de crianças atendidas em Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS) de um município cearense. Trata-se de estudo observacional, analítico, transversal e de abordagem quantitativa, conduzido com crianças e suas mães em Acarape - CE. Após consentimento, essas preencheram um questionário. Os dados foram analisados. Das 70 mães, 87,14% e 90,00% tinham idade inferior ou igual a 30 anos e renda de até um salário mínimo, respectivamente. Das 70 crianças, 87,14% tinham seus dentes/gengiva higienizados por seus pais ou responsável. Do total, 94,29% nunca se submeteram a atendimento odontológico. Observou-se associação significativa entre a mãe ter escolaridade superior ao ensino fundamental incompleto e higienizar os dentes/gengiva do filho com escova dental e dentifrício. Constatou-se associação significativa entre a criança ingerir bolacha doce/recheada, não consumir refrigerante e usar escova dental e dentifrício na higienização oral. Conclui-se que as crianças eram acompanhadas nas UBS regularmente; no entanto, esse serviço não esteve relacionado ao atendimento odontológico. Apesar da ausência desse tipo de acompanhamento e do consumo de alimentos cariogênicos, as mães se preocupavam com a saúde bucal das crianças, higienizando a cavidade oral diariamente, com meios adequados.

The immaturity of the immune system, associated with Social Determi- nants of Health (SDH), promotes diseases in childhood. Specifically, in the oral cavity, SDH, represented by high sugar consumption, limited access to health services, and poor oral hygiene, favors local and systemic disorders. Thus, the study aimed to associate the SDH, in the context of socioeconomic conditions, monitoring by the health service and aspects related to children's oral health assisted in Basic Health Units (BHU) of a muni- cipality in Ceará. This is an observational, analytical, cross-sectional study with a quan- titative approach conducted with children and their mothers in Acarape - CE. After con- sent, they filled out a questionnaire. Data were analyzed. Of the 70 mothers, 87.14% and 90.00% were aged less than or equal to 30 years and had income up to one minimum wage, respectively. Of the 70 children, 87.14% had their teeth/gums cleaned by their pa- rents or guardian. Of the total, 94.29% never underwent dental care. There was a signifi- cant association between the mother having higher education than incomplete elementary school and cleaning the child's teeth/gums with a toothbrush and toothpaste. A significant association was found between the child eating sweet/stuffed biscuits, not consuming soft drink, and using a toothbrush and dentifrice for oral hygiene. It is concluded that the chil- dren were regularly monitored at the BHU; however, this service was not related to dental care. Despite the absence of this type of follow-up and the consumption of cariogenic foods, the mothers were concerned about their children's oral health, cleaning the oral cavity daily with adequate means.

La inmadurez del sistema inmunológico, asociada a los Determinantes So- ciales de la Salud (DSS), promueve enfermedades en la infancia. Específicamente, en la cavidad bucal, los DSS, representados por el alto consumo de azúcar, el acceso limitado a los servicios de salud y la mala higiene bucal, favorecen los trastornos locales y sisté- micos. Así, el estudio tuvo como objetivo asociar el DSS, en el contexto de las condicio- nes socioeconómicas, el seguimiento por el servicio de salud y los aspectos relacionados con la salud bucal de los niños atendidos en las Unidades Básicas de Salud (UBS) de un municipio de Ceará. Se trata de un estudio observacional, analítico, transversal con enfo- que cuantitativo, realizado con niños y sus madres en Acarape ­ CE. Después del consen- timiento, completaron un cuestionario. Los datos fueron analizados. De las 70 madres, 87,14% y 90,00% tenían edad menor o igual a 30 años e ingresos hasta un salario mínimo, respectivamente. De los 70 niños, al 87,14% se les limpió los dientes/encías por sus pa- dres o tutores. Del total, el 94,29% nunca realizó atención odontológica. Hubo una aso- ciación significativa entre la madre con educación superior a la primaria incompleta y la limpieza de los dientes/encías del niño con cepillo y pasta dental. Se encontró una asoci- ación significativa entre el niño que come galletas dulces/rellenas, no consume gaseosas y usa cepillo de dientes y dentífrico para la higiene bucal. Se concluyó que los niños eran monitoreados periódicamente en la UBS; sin embargo, este servicio no estaba relacionado con el cuidado dental. A pesar de la ausencia de este tipo de seguimiento y del consumo de alimentos cariogénicos, las madres se preocupan por la salud bucal de sus hijos, reali- zando la limpieza de la cavidad bucal diariamente, con medios adecuados.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Oral Hygiene/instrumentation , Cariogenic Agents/analysis , Child Care/supply & distribution , Unified Health System , Candy , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Dental Care/instrumentation , Health Services Accessibility , Mothers
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 28(7): 1915-1926, jul. 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447860


Resumo O presente estudo objetivou verificar a associação entre aspectos psicossociais (capital social) e padrões alimentares em mulheres adultas. Realizou-se um estudo transversal, de base populacional, com uma amostra representativa de 1.128 mulheres, de 20 a 69 anos de idade, residentes na área urbana do município de São Leopoldo, Rio Grande do Sul, em 2015. Os padrões alimentares foram identificados com base na frequência de consumo alimentar e classificados em: saudável (frutas, vegetais e alimentos integrais), de risco (alimentos ultraprocessados) e brasileiro (arroz e feijão), enquanto o capital social foi avaliado por meio de uma escala de eficácia coletiva. Observou-se que 18,9% da amostra foi classificada com alta eficácia coletiva. Após ajuste para potenciais fatores de confusão, observou-se uma probabilidade 44% maior para adesão ao padrão saudável (RP [razão de prevalência] = 1,44; IC95% [intervalo de confiança de 95%]: 1,01-2,03; p = 0,040) e 71% maior para o padrão brasileiro (RP = 1,71; IC95%: 1,18-2,47; p = 0,004) entre as mulheres com um maior nível de eficácia coletiva, quando comparadas às com baixo nível de eficácia coletiva. Assim, este estudo verificou uma relação significativa entre aspectos psicossociais e consumo alimentar em mulheres.

Abstract The present study aimed to verify the association between psychosocial aspects (social capital) and food patterns in adult women. A cross-sectional, population-based study was conducted with a representative sample of 1,128 women, aged 20 to 69 years, living in the urban area of the municipality of São Leopoldo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in 2015. The food patterns were identified based on the frequency of food intake and classified as: healthy (fruits, vegetables, and whole foods), at-risk (ultraprocessed foods), and Brazilian (rice and beans), while social capital was evaluated using a collective efficacy scale. It was observed that 18.9% of the sample was classified with high collective efficacy. After adjusting for potential confounding factors, a 44% higher probability was observed for adherence to the healthy pattern (PR [prevalence ratio] = 1.44; 95%CI [95% confidence interval]: 1.01-2.03; p = 0.040) and 71% higher for the Brazilian pattern (PR = 1.71; 95%CI: 1.18-2.47; p= 0.004) among women with a higher level of collective efficacy, when compared to those with a low level of collective efficacy. Thus, this study verified a significant relationship between psychosocial aspects and food intake in women.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 28(2): 609-618, fev. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421180


Abstract This study aimed at assessing the association between psychosocial aspects and fruit and vegetable consumption in adolescents. Cross-sectional study developed with 327 adolescents from a public school in Brazil. A questionnaire developed for adolescents was applied to assess the influence of self-efficacy, family, peers, and body image on the consumption of fruits and vegetables. Specific questions assessed the intake frequency of fruits and vegetables, and the mean consumption was estimated using two 24-hour recalls. Scores related to psychosocial aspects were described as mean and median and the weight status was classified based on the body mass index. The average daily consumption of fruits and vegetables was 36.2 g and 45.4 g, respectively. Self-efficacy and the influence of peers were associated with an increase in the amount and frequency of fruits and vegetables consumption. Adolescents with higher scores of self-efficacy had greater average consumption of fruits and vegetables when compared to those with lower scores. The same was observed for the influence of peers. Self-efficacy and the influence of peers were the factors that most influenced the consumption of fruits and vegetables in adolescents.

Resumo O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a associação entre aspectos psicossociais e o consumo de frutas e hortaliças em adolescentes. Estudo transversal desenvolvido com 327 adolescentes de uma escola pública do Brasil. Um questionário desenvolvido para adolescentes foi aplicado para avaliar a influência da autoeficácia, família, pares e imagem corporal sobre o consumo de frutas e hortaliças. Questões específicas avaliaram a frequência de ingestão de frutas e hortaliças e o consumo foi estimado por meio de dois recordatórios de 24 horas. Os escores relacionados aos aspectos psicossociais foram descritos por média e mediana e a condição de peso foi classificada com base no índice de massa corporal. O consumo diário médio de frutas e hortaliças foi de 36,2 g e 45,4 g, respectivamente. A autoeficácia e a influência dos pares associaram-se ao aumento da quantidade e da frequência de consumo de frutas e hortaliças. Os adolescentes com maiores valores no escore para autoeficácia apresentaram maior média de consumo de frutas e hortaliças quando comparados àqueles com menores escores. O mesmo foi observado para a influência dos pares. A autoeficácia e a influência dos pares foram os fatores que mais influenciaram o consumo de frutas e hortaliças em adolescentes.

Arq. Ciênc. Vet. Zool. UNIPAR (Online) ; 26(1cont): 01-24, jan.-jun. 2023. graf, ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1425962


A relação hospedeiro-parasita é caracterizada como uma interação alelobiótica construída por meio de processos evolutivo-adaptativos com hospedeiros assintomáticos. No ambiente silvestre é notório o equilíbrio desta relação, porém quando há intervenção antropogênica um ciclo enzoótico pode se estabelecer proporcionando o surgimento de enfermidades emergentes ou reemergentes. Dentre estes agentes etiológicos, a Bartonella spp. é um bacilo gram-negativo da classe Proteobacteria que apresentam tropismo por eritrócitos e células endoteliais, com infecção já descrita em animais das Ordens: Rodentia, Lagomorpha, Carnivora, Artiodactyla, Eulipotyphla e Chiroptera. A infecção pela bactéria pode estar associada à linfadenite, endocardite, angiomatose bacilar e peliose hepática em humanos. Treze espécies de Bartonella spp. são tidas como zoonóticas. O objetivo desta revisão está em apontar para a comunidade científica a bartonelose como uma doença de notificação obrigatória, assim como, os possíveis hospedeiros em animais domésticos e silvestres e sua etiopatogenia.(AU)

The host-parasite relationship is characterized as an allelobiotic interaction built through evolutionary-adaptive processes with asymptomatic hosts. In the wild environment, the balance of this relationship is notorious, but when there is anthropogenic intervention, an enzootic cycle can be established, providing the emergence of emerging or reemerging diseases. Among these etiologic agents, Bartonella spp. is a gram-negative bacillus of the Proteobacteria class that presents tropism for erythrocytes and endothelial cells, with infection already described in animals of the Orders: Rodentia, Lagomorpha, Carnivora, Artiodactyla, Eulipotyphla and Chiroptera. Infection by the bacterium may be associated with lymphadenitis, endocarditis, bacillary angiomatosis and peliosis hepatica in humans. Thirteen species of Bartonella spp. are considered zoonotic. The objective of this review is to point out to the scientific community bartonellosis as a notifiable disease, as well as the possible hosts in domestic and wild animals and their etiopathogenesis.(AU)

La relación hospedador-parásito se caracteriza por ser una interacción alelobiótica construida mediante procesos evolutivo-adaptativos con hospedadores asintomáticos. En el medio silvestre, el equilibrio de esta relación es notorio, pero cuando hay intervención antropogénica, puede establecerse un ciclo enzoótico, propiciando la aparición de enfermedades emergentes o reemergentes. Entre estos agentes etiológicos, Bartonella spp. es un bacilo gramnegativo de la clase Proteobacteria que presenta tropismo por eritrocitos y células endoteliales, con infección ya descrita en animales de los Órdenes: Rodentia, Lagomorpha, Carnivora, Artiodactyla, Eulipotyphla y Chiroptera. La infección por la bacteria puede estar asociada a linfadenitis, endocarditis, angiomatosis bacilar y peliosis hepática en humanos. Trece especies de Bartonella spp. se consideran zoonóticas. El objetivo de esta revisión es señalar a la comunidad científica la bartonelosis como enfermedad de declaración obligatoria, así como los posibles hospedadores en animales domésticos y salvajes y su etiopatogenia.(AU)

Humans , Bartonella Infections/epidemiology , Host-Parasite Interactions , Bartonella/pathogenicity , Epidemiologic Studies
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(1): 359-369, Jan-Abr. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1414884


Psoríase é uma dermatose de caráter inflamatório ligado a diversas composições do ser, sendo estas a genética, o sistema imune, o ambiente e o estado mental do paciente, apresentando evidências de ser um quadro clínico multifacetado. A composição da medicina psicossomática empenha-se na relação mental e emocional e do corpo, sendo importante mostrar a relação desta com a psoríase. Por isso, busca-se avaliar as evidências disponíveis na literatura sobre a relação entre a psoríase e os aspectos psicossomáticos. Foi realizado uma a revisão de literatura, por meio de seleção de artigos das base de dados Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (PubMed/Medline), biblioteca virtual em saúde Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciElo), UpToDate e Google acadêmico. A busca por artigos científicos resultou em 20 artigos selecionados. Foi possível concluir, que há estudos fundamentados correlacionando a medicina psicossomática e a psoríase, além de que diversos fatores que afetam a homeostase corporal, provocam alterações nervosas, e consequentemente afetam as células da pele. Além disso, foi encontrado evidências que a estigmatização que os pacientes sofrem influenciam no aumento da gravidade da doença, sendo necessário a realização de um tratamento psico cognitivo-comportamental juntamente com o tratamento dos sinais e sintomas gerais da doença. Desta forma, o presente trabalho pôde olhar para a patologia com um olhar ampliado relacionado ao aspecto mental e emocional o que promove melhor compreensão e as consequências disto são a maior capacidade de intervenção sobre a psoríase.

Psoriasis is an inflammatory dermatosis linked to several compositions of the being, which are genetics, the immune system, the environment and the patient's mental state, that is, it shows evidence of being a multifaceted clinical picture. Since the composition of psychosomatic medicine is committed to the relationship between the mental, emotional, and body, it is important to show its relationship with psoriasis. Therefore, we sought to evaluate the available evidence in the literature on the relationship between psoriasis and psychosomatic aspects. A literature review was conducted by selecting articles from the Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (PubMed/Medline), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciElo), UpToDate and Google Scholar databases. The search for scientific articles resulted in 20 selected articles. It was possible to conclude that there are well-founded studies correlating psychosomatic medicine and psoriasis, and that several factors that affect the body's homeostasis cause nervous alterations, and consequently affect the skin cells. Moreover, it was found evidence that the stigmatization that patients suffer influences the increase of the severity of the disease, being necessary the realization of a psycho cognitive-behavioral treatment along with the treatment of the general signs and symptoms of the disease. Thus, the present work could look at the pathology with a broader view related to the mental and emotional aspect, which promotes better understanding and the consequences of this are a greater ability to intervene on psoriasis.

La psoriasis es una dermatosis inflamatoria vinculada a varias composiciones del ser, que son la genética, el sistema inmunitario, el medio ambiente y el estado mental del paciente, es decir, muestra evidencias de ser un cuadro clínico multifacético. Dado que la composición de la medicina psicosomática está comprometida con la relación entre lo mental, lo emocional y el cuerpo, es importante mostrar su relación con la psoriasis. Por lo tanto, se buscó evaluar la evidencia disponible en la literatura sobre la relación entre la psoriasis y los aspectos psicosomáticos. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica seleccionando artículos de las bases de datos Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (PubMed/Medline), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciElo), UpToDate y Google Scholar. La búsqueda de artículos científicos dio como resultado 20 artículos seleccionados. Se pudo concluir que existen estudios bien fundamentados que correlacionan la medicina psicosomática y la psoriasis, y que diversos factores que afectan a la homeostasis del organismo provocan alteraciones nerviosas y, en consecuencia, afectan a las células de la piel. Además, se encontraron evidencias de que la estigmatización que sufren los pacientes influye en el aumento de la gravedad de la enfermedad, siendo necesaria la realización de un tratamiento psico cognitivo- conductual junto con el tratamiento de los signos y síntomas generales de la enfermedad. Así, el presente trabajo pudo contemplar la patología con una visión más amplia relacionada con el aspecto mental y emocional, lo que favorece una mejor comprensión y las consecuencias de ello son una mayor capacidad de intervención sobre la psoriasis.

Psoriasis/diagnosis , Psoriasis/pathology , Psoriasis/therapy , Psychosomatic Medicine , Psychological Distress , Skin/pathology , Skin Diseases/pathology , Review , Database , Homeostasis
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-988194


Gastric cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors of the digestive system, with a high incidence, a low overall survival rate, and poor prognosis after treatment. It has become a major public health problem that threatens the lives and health of people. Since the pathogenesis of gastric cancer is still not fully unraveled, it is difficult to implement primary prevention. Therefore, the research on secondary prevention of gastric cancer, i.e., precancerous lesions of gastric cancer, is extremely important and has become the focus of many researchers. Precancerous lesions of gastric cancer are the key pathological links in the transformation of inflammatory lesions of gastric mucosa into gastric cancer, including chronic atrophic gastritis, intestinal metaplasia, and dysplasia. Relevant studies have confirmed that with the aggravation of gastric mucosal lesions, the incidence and risk of gastric cancer also increase. Therefore, early diagnosis and effective intervention in the pathological link of gastric precancerous lesions is a key measure to prevent and reduce the incidence of gastric cancer, with great significance. More studies have shown that traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) can truncate and reverse the pathological grading of gastric mucosa, and can also effectively improve the clinical symptoms and quality of life of patients, with few adverse reactions and low recurrence rate, which has unique advantages and characteristics. The theory of ''pathogen invading nutrient and blood aspects'' was first proposed by WU Youxing, a febrile disease doctor, in Treatise on Pestilence (《温疫论》). It was originally used for the treatment of syndrome changes in the late stage of febrile epidemics, but after being enriched and developed by different doctors, it is now mostly used to guide the treatment of various chronic diseases. Precancerous lesions of gastric cancer are a common and difficult disease in clinical practice. Its evolution process is characterized by asthenia in origin and sthenia in superficiality and deficiency-excess in complexity, which is consistent with the core pathogenesis of ''pathogen invading nutrient and blood aspects'', namely, positive deficiency and intruding pathogen, and intruding pathogen cementation in the blood vessels. They are also interlinked in terms of treatment principles. Therefore, with the theory of ''pathogen invading nutrient and blood aspects'' as the breakthrough point, this article expounded the intervention effect of TCM on precancerous lesions of gastric cancer from the perspective of this theory, reflecting its important guidance and application value and providing new ideas for clinical treatment of diseases.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-995875


Objective:To systematically identify and summarizes the weaknesses of the key aspects of Investigator-Initiated Clinical Trial (IIT) quality management in China, and quantitatively assess these weaknesses with a synthesis of relevant evidence, thereby providing references for the subsequent establishment of a complete IIT quality management system in China.Methods:According to the Scoping review report checklist (PRISMA-ScR statement), we conducted a systematic literature retrieval and screening, data extraction, and result synthesis of IIT quality management issues after defining the research questions.Results:73 eligible studies were eventually included. It was found that the most frequently explored issues were a lack of guidance and support from methodological and statistical experts at the project initiation stage (60.9%), a lack of research funding or improper funding management at the project implementation stage (49.3%), mismanagement of archival materials at the project completion stage (70.0%). Meta-analysis results showed that after evidence synthesis, the incidence of irregular informed consent signing, untraceable raw data, delayed study progress, and protocol violation were all above 40%, but there was heterogeneity in the results.Conclusion:Some outstanding issues in IIT quality management need to be addressed. Future studies should conduct more practical research to obtain quantitative data, undertake demonstrative application of management protocols, further carry out pioneering exploration and research in the field of IIT quality management, and propose effective solutions and strategies to improve IIT quality.

Global Health Journal ; (4): 49-54, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036161


Background:Social distancing may affect athletes'training,causing negative effects on mental and physical health.Objective:This study therefore aimed to characterize the perception of Brazilian athletes about their physical and psychosocial aspects,sleep quality and coping strategies during the quarantine of the coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19)pandemic.Methods:This was a cross-sectional study with online survey,performed with Brazilian athletes(amateur and professional)over 18 years.The main outcomes measures assessed were physical and psychosocial aspects,sleep quality and coping strategies.Results:A total of 214 athletes were included.The average weekly hours of training during the quarantine was 4.71±3.71 h,of which 64.5%athletes(138/214)were oriented by medical staff during training.For 52.8%(113/214)of athletes,training intensity during the quarantine was different/very different from the intensity before the quarantine.79.4%athletes(170/214)reported moderate to extreme difficulties in keeping the same level of training during the quarantine.77.1%athletes(165/214)had moderate to extreme anxiety and each of the athletes had concern about his or her athletic career future,including return to the sport.72.9%athletes(156/214)reported change in sleep schedule during the quarantine period.Conclusion:The quarantine period during COVID-19 pandemic negatively affected the athlete's perception about training routine,since athletes reported reduction in training hours and training intensity.Overall,the athletes reported that they were moderately to extremely anxious.They also had concerns about their career in the future,as well as concerns regarding return to sport.

Motriz (Online) ; 29: e10220003022, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529023


Abstract Aim: To propose a dance therapy and free dance protocol for women undergoing adjuvant treatment of breast cancer and to compare its effectiveness with the control group and the healthy group. Method: Protocol for a 12-week randomized clinical trial with a frequency of 2 times at progressive intensity, in which the participants will be allocated into 4 groups: (a) dance therapy intervention; (b) free dance intervention; (c) control group and (d) healthy group. Information related to personal and clinical characteristics as well as psychological aspects will be collected. The primary outcome will be analyzed through depressive symptoms while secondary outcomes include the variables: body image, anxiety, mood, perceived stress, and optimism. Assessments will be carried out in the pre-intervention period (baseline) and after 12 weeks of intervention in all groups. Discussion: As a hypothesis, there are improvements in psychological aspects after dance therapy interventions and free dance, reaching the level of healthy women, given the benefits of that protocol.

Texto & contexto enferm ; 32: e20220329, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1442210


ABSTRACT Objectives to analyze the perception of women discharged from the prison system about the main stressors that marked their life trajectories and to discuss the feasibility of the Clinical Ethnographic Narrative Interview technique to facilitate the narrative of this group. Method narrative research developed in a social protection center in the interior of São Paulo. Data were collected in 2021 (January and February) using the Clinical Ethnographic Narrative Interview technique, which intersperses narratives and visual aids. The synergy between the concepts of vulnerability and stress was adopted as a theoretical framework, and content analysis was performed. The discussion of viability was based on the criteria of acceptability and expansion. Results The narratives addressed psychosocial difficulties prior to incarceration and the hostile environment of the overcrowded prison as a place of conflict and abuse of power. Family helplessness, estrangement from children, negative emotions, somatic symptoms and traumas were mentioned as consequences of seclusion. The participants also reported coping processes with words that referred to the ideas of overcoming, hope, new beginning and gratitude. It is understood that this high point of the narratives may reflect the potential of the interview technique and corroborates its adequacy. Conclusion The undoubted painful character of the narratives about the different adversities experienced, especially as a result of seclusion, was also permeated by aspects that denoted resilient processes. The adoption of this interview technique made data collection more sensitive, welcoming and timely to expand the repertoire of words in the expression of feelings and revisit painful experiences, envisioning positive possibilities for the future.

RESUMEN Objetivos analizar la percepción de mujeres egresadas del sistema penitenciario sobre los principales estresores que marcaron sus trayectorias de vida y discutir la viabilidad de la técnica de Entrevista Narrativa Etnográfica Clínica para facilitar la narrativa de este grupo. Método investigación narrativa desarrollada en un dispositivo de protección social del interior de São Paulo. Los datos fueron recolectados en 2021 (enero y febrero) utilizando la técnica de Entrevista Narrativa Etnográfica Clínica, que intercala narrativas y ayudas visuales. Se adoptó como marco teórico la sinergia entre los conceptos de vulnerabilidad y estrés y se realizó un análisis de contenido. La discusión de viabilidad se basó en los criterios de aceptabilidad y expansión Resultados Las narrativas abordaron las dificultades psicosociales previas al encarcelamiento y el ambiente hostil de la prisión superpoblada como locus de conflicto y abuso de poder. Se mencionaron como consecuencias de la reclusión el desamparo familiar, el alejamiento de los hijos, las emociones negativas, los síntomas somáticos y los traumas. Los participantes también relataron procesos de afrontamiento con palabras que hacían referencia a las ideas de superación, esperanza, nuevo comienzo y gratitud. Se entiende que este punto alto de las narraciones puede reflejar el potencial de la técnica de la entrevista y corrobora su adecuación. Conclusión El indudable carácter doloroso de las narrativas sobre las diferentes adversidades vividas, especialmente a raíz del encierro, también estuvo permeado por aspectos que denotaban procesos resilientes. La adopción de esta técnica de entrevista hizo que la recolección de datos fuera más sensible, acogedora y oportuna para ampliar el repertorio de palabras en la expresión de sentimientos y revivir experiencias dolorosas, vislumbrando posibilidades positivas para el futuro.

RESUMO Objetivos analisar a percepção de mulheres egressas do sistema prisional sobre os principais estressores que marcaram suas trajetórias de vida e discutir a viabilidade da técnica Entrevista Narrativa Etnográfica Clínica para facilitar a narrativa desse grupo. Método pesquisa narrativa desenvolvida em um dispositivo de proteção social do interior de São Paulo. Os dados foram coletados em 2021 (janeiro e fevereiro) utilizando a técnica Entrevista Narrativa Etnográfica Clínica, que intercala narrativas e recursos visuais. A sinergia entre os conceitos de vulnerabilidade e estresse foi adotada como referencial teórico, tendo sido realizada a análise de conteúdo. A discussão da viabilidade foi pautada nos critérios aceitabilidade e expansão. Resultados As narrativas abordaram dificuldades psicossociais pregressas ao encarceramento e o ambiente hostil do cárcere superlotado como lócus de conflitos e abuso de poder. Desamparo familiar, distanciamento dos filhos, emoções negativas, sintomas somáticos e traumas foram mencionados como consequências da reclusão. As participantes também relataram processos de enfrentamento com palavras que remetiam às ideias de superação, esperança, recomeço e gratidão. Entende-se que esse ponto alto das narrativas pode ter reflexos do potencial da técnica de entrevista e corrobora a sua adequação. Conclusão O indubitável caráter doloroso das narrativas sobre as diferentes adversidades vivenciadas, sobretudo em decorrência da reclusão, também foi perpassado por aspectos que denotaram processos resilientes. A adoção da referida técnica de entrevista tornou a coleta de dados mais sensível, acolhedora e oportuna para ampliar o repertório de palavras na expressão dos sentimentos e revisitação de experiências dolorosas, vislumbrando possibilidades positivas para o futuro.

Ann. afr. méd. (En ligne) ; 17(1): e5488-e5494, 2023. figures, tables
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1525262


Contexte & objectif L'uvéite est peu très peu documentée en Niamey. L'objectif de la présente étude était de décrire les aspects épidémiologique et clinique des uvéites. Méthodes. Il s'agissait d'une étude rétrospective et descriptive portant sur 127 dossiers des patients suivis pour uvéites à la clinique lumière de Niamey sur une période de 5 ans (2015 ­ 2020). Les paramètres sociodémographiques, cliniques et thérapeutiques ont été recueillis. Résultats. La fréquence hospitalière des uvéites était de 0,21 %. Le sex-ratio était de 1,01. L'âge moyen des patients était de 40,76 ans. La douleur oculaire représentait le motif de consultation le plus fréquent avec 51 ,97 %. La majorité des patients avait présenté 2 épisodes d'uvéites soit 57,48 %. L'atteinte était unilatérale dans 70,97 % et les uvéites antérieures étaient les plus fréquentes 66,93 %. Les étiologies étaient identifiées chez seulement 7,87 % des patients dont près de la moitié était la tuberculose. 33,07 % des patients avaient présenté des complications. Conclusion. Il ressort de cette étude que l'uvéite touche plus des jeunes adultes, ses étiologies sont indéterminées dans la majorité de cas. Les formes antérieures sont plus fréquentes.

Context and objective Little is known about Uveitis in Niamey. This study aimed to analyze the epidemiological and clinical aspects of uveitis. Methods. This was a retrospective, descriptive study of 127 records of patients followed up for uveitis at the Niamey Lumière Clinic over a 5-year period (2015 ­ 2020). Sociodemographic, clinical and therapeutic parameters were collected. Results. The hospital frequency of uveitis was 0.21%. The sex ratio was 1.01. The mean age of patients was 40.76 years. Ocular pain was the most frequent reason for consultation, accounting for 51.97 %. The majority of patients (57.48%) had presented with 2 episodes of uveitis. Involvement was unilateral in 70.97 %, and anterior uveitis was the most frequent, at 66.93 %. Etiologies were identified in only 7.87 % of patients, of which tuberculosis accounted for almost half. Complications occurred in 33.07 % of patients. Conclusion. This study shows that uveitis affects mainly young adults, and its etiologies are undetermined in most cases. Anterior forms are more frequent.

Cad. saúde colet., (Rio J.) ; 30(4): 548-560, Oct.-Dec. 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421071


Resumo Introdução As escolhas alimentares podem ser influenciadas por apoio social e capital social. Objetivo Investigar as relações do apoio social e capital social com o consumo alimentar. Método Trata-se de um estudo transversal, de base populacional, com uma amostra aleatória de 1.098 adultos (≥ 18 anos de idade) de uma cidade no Sul do Brasil. O apoio social foi mensurado por meio da escala Medical Outcomes Study (MOS), e o capital social contemplou a avaliação dos indicadores de coesão social, apoio dos vizinhos, controle social informal, eficácia política e ação social. Para o consumo alimentar, utilizou-se de uma escala com base nas orientações do guia alimentar para a população brasileira. Resultados A média de idade da amostra foi de 44 anos (DP[Desvio-padrão] = 15,8), e identificou-se um consumo alimentar adequado em 38,6% (IC95%: 35,7 a 41,5). Após ajuste, observou-se uma probabilidade 40% maior para adoção de consumo alimentar adequado (saudável) entre os indivíduos com maior nível de apoio social (OR = 1,47; IC95%: 1,07 a 2,03), coesão social (OR = 1,40; IC95%: 1,02 a 1,92) e apoio dos vizinhos (OR = 1,45; IC95%: 1,04 a 2,02). Conclusão Os aspectos psicossociais, tanto individual quanto contextual, podem desempenhar um papel importante no consumo alimentar saudável em adultos.

Abstract Background Food choices can be influenced by psychosocial factors. Objective To investigate the relationships between social support and social capital with food consumption. Method This is a population-based cross-sectional study with a random sample of 1098 adults (≥18 years old) from a medium-sized city in southern Brazil. Social support was measured by Medical Outocomes Study (MOS) scale and social capital was assessed by social cohesion, neighbor support, informal social control, political effectiveness, and social action. For the assessment of food consumption was applied a scale based on the food guide for the Brazilian population. Results The mean age of the sample was 44 years (SD [Standard Deviation] = 15.8) and adequate food consumption was identified in 38.6% (95% CI: 35.7 to 41.5). After adjustment, there was a 40% higher probability of adopting adequate (healthy) food consumption among individuals with higher level of social support (OR = 1.47; 95% CI: 1.07 to 2.03), cohesion. social (OR = 1.40; 95% CI: 1.02 to 1.92) and support from neighbors (OR = 1.45; 95% CI: 1.04 to 2.02). Conclusion Both individual and contextual psychosocial aspects can play an important role in healthy food consumption in adults.

Rev. psiquiatr. Urug ; 86(2): 62-75, dic. 2022. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1412362


La nueva Ley de Salud Mental N.o 19.529 promueve el cierre paulatino de los establecimientos asilares y monovalentes en todo el país. Dentro del sector público se encuentra el Hospital Vilardebó. En esta investigación se exploraron los significados que los equipos de salud de dicho hospital construyen sobre la implementación de la Ley N.o 19.529. Para esto se diseñó un estudio descriptivo. A partir de un muestreo teórico estratificado, la población quedó conformada por 69 personas con formación en medicina general, psiquiatría, psicología, trabajo social y enfermería. A través de un cuestionario autoadministrado, se indagó la información sobre la nueva ley, el reconocimiento de cambios institucionales, la modificación de las prácticas laborales, y los afectos movilizados. De los resultados se destaca un manejo heterogéneo de la información sobre la nueva normativa. Se advierte, asimismo, un proceso de transición institucional donde se observan narrativas contradictorias sobre los cambios en curso.

The new Mental Health Law N 19.529 promotes gradual closure of asylums and monovalent institutions throughout the country. Hospital Vilardebó is the public health psychiatric hospital. This research explores the meanings that health teams assign to this law's implemen tation by means of a descriptive study. Based on a theoretical stratified sample, 69 workers with training in general medicine, psychiatry, psychology, social work and nursing answered a self-administered questionnaire regarding the new law, institutional and work practice changes, and affects involved. The results highlight a heterogeneous handling of information on new regulations. Likewise, an institutional transitional process is noted, with contradictory narratives regarding ongoing changes.

Social Perception , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Mental Health/legislation & jurisprudence , Health Personnel , Uruguay , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires
Junguiana ; 40(2)jul.-dez.2022.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1434712


O autor discute a importância de se resgatar a morte como algo natural, tirando-a do interdito em que se encontra. Tenta mostrar o quanto este aspecto cria distorções para a vida, determinando uma série de distúrbios na conduta médica, em especial na abordagem do paciente terminal. Defende a ideia de que é uma doença da nossa cultura ocidental e a situação que leva a esta repressão é negação da morte. Dentro das referências teóricas da Psicologia Analítica de Jung, o autor propõe condutas para se tentar resgatar a vivência simbólica da morte restituindo-se a polaridade dialética Vida-Morte. Defende a proposição de que a vida só pode ter um sentido pleno se não negarmos a morte. Propõe que, como no parto, o progresso da Medicina se harmonize com respeito aos limites da Vida e da personalidade do paciente, frequentemente desrespeitados. Discute a morte como símbolo fundamental dentro do processo de individuação.

The author discusses the importance of readdressing death as something natural, retrieving it from the interdict in which it finds itself. He attempts to show the extent to which this aspect creates distortions to life, determining a series of disorders in medical conduct, especially in the approach to terminally ill patients. He defends the idea that it is a disease of our Western culture and that the situation that leads to this repression is the negation of death. In line with the theoretical references of Jung's Analytical Psychology, the author proposes conducts to try to rescue the symbolic experience of death and restore the life-death dialectical polarity. He supports the proposition that life can only have a full meaning if we do not negate death. He proposes that, as in childbirth, the progress of medicine should harmonize with respect to the limits of life and the patient's personality, which are often disrespected. He discusses death as a fundamental symbol within the individuation process.

El autor discute la importancia de rescatar la muerte como algo natural, sacándola del entredicho en que se encuentra. Intenta mostrar cuánto este aspecto crea distorsiones para la vida, determinando una serie de perturbaciones en la conducta médica, especialmente en el abordaje del paciente terminal. Defiende la idea de que es una enfermedad de nuestra cultura occidental y la situación que lleva a esta represión es la negación de la muerte. Dentro de los referentes teóricos de la Psicología Analítica de Jung, el autor propone conductas para tratar de rescatar la experiencia simbólica de la muerte, restituyendo la polaridad dialéctica Vida-Muerte. Defiende la proposición de que la vida sólo puede tener pleno sentido si no negamos la muerte. Propone que, como en el parto, el progreso de la Medicina debe armonizar respecto a los límites de la Vida y de la personalidad del paciente, que muchas veces son irrespetados. Se habla de la muerte como símbolo fundamental dentro del proceso de individuación.

Terminally Ill , Pathology , Critical Illness , Death , Individuation