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Herald of Medicine ; (12): 283-287, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023711


Objective To investigate the pathogenic characteristics and use of antibiotics in children with acute osteomyelitis,and to provide evidence for rational drug use in the clinic.Methods The clinical data of 266 children with acute osteomyelitis admitted to the Department of Orthopedics,Children's Hospital Affiliated to Zhengzhou University from January 2019 to December 2022 were retrospectively analyzed,and the basic information,pathogenic microorganisms,drug sensitivity test results,and antibacterial drug use of the children were statistically analyzed.Results In 266 cases of pediatric acute osteomyelitis,all underwent pathogen examination,and 148 cases were cultured for pathogens with a positive detection rate of 55.64%.A total of 154 strains of bacteria were detected.The top three pathogens were Staphylococcus aureus(104 strains,67.53%),Staphylococcus epidermidis(8 strains,5.19%),and Staphylococcus hominis(7 strains,4.55%).The detection rate of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA)was 33.65%.Compared with methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus(MSSA),there was no significant difference in disease severity and prognosis of infection with MRSA.The utilization rate of antibiotics was 100.00%;227 cases of empirical antibiotics were used alone,accounting for 85.34%,primarily using ceftriaxone.Combination therapy was used in 39 cases,accounting for 14.66%,mainly ceftriaxone combined with vancomycin;the average course of intravenous drugs was 40.20 days.After receiving the drug sensitivity test results in 148 cases,76 cases(51.35%)continued the original treatment plan due to effective treatment.In 37 cases(25.00%),treatment was adjusted based on the drug sensitivity results due to poor treatment outcomes;the drug sensitivity results indicated sensitivity,but the clinical effect was not good in 25 cases accounting for 16.89%,which changed the drug treatment.In 10 cases(6.76%),clinical treatment was effective,leading to a switch to narrow-spectrum antibiotics or a change from combination therapy to monotherapy based on drug sensitivity results.Conclusion Empiric antibacterial therapy can cover common pathogens in children with acute osteomyelitis,and medication regimens can be adjusted according to clinical efficacy and drug sensitivity.However,the course of intravenous antibiotic treatment is too long,so it is necessary to further optimize the timing of transitioning from intravenous to oral administration.

Arch. argent. pediatr ; 121(6): e202202937, dic. 2023. ilus
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1518735


La osteomielitis (OM) se define como la inflamación ósea de origen infeccioso. La forma aguda es frecuente en la edad pediátrica. El absceso de Brodie es un tipo de osteomielitis subaguda, históricamente con baja incidencia, pero que actualmente se presenta un aumento de la misma. De poca repercusión clínica, con pruebas de laboratorio inespecíficas y estudios radiológicos de difícil interpretación, es crucial la sospecha diagnóstica. Se asemeja a procesos neoplásicos, benignos o malignos. Recae en la experiencia del profesional realizar el diagnóstico adecuado. El tratamiento consiste en antibioticoterapia, tanto parenteral como por vía oral, y eventualmente drenaje quirúrgico. Presentamos una paciente sana que consultó por una tumoración en topografía de clavícula izquierda de 3 meses de evolución. Se realizó diagnóstico de absceso de Brodie, inició tratamiento y se obtuvo una buena respuesta. Resulta imprescindible tener un alto índice de sospecha de esta entidad para no someter al paciente a estudios, pruebas invasivas o tratamientos erróneos, y evitar secuelas a futuro.

Osteomyelitis is defined as an inflammation of the bone caused by infection. Acute osteomyelitis is common in pediatrics. A Brodie abscess is a type of subacute osteomyelitis, with a historically low incidence; however, its incidence is currently increasing. Given its little clinical impact, with non-specific laboratory tests and radiological studies of difficult interpretation, diagnostic suspicion is crucial. It resembles neoplasms, either benign or malignant. An adequate diagnosis falls on the health care provider's experience. Treatment consists of antibiotics, both parenteral and oral, with potential surgical drainage. Here we describe the case of a healthy female patient with a tumor found in the topography of the left clavicle 3 months before. She was diagnosed with Brodie abscess; treatment was started with a good response. A high index of suspicion of Brodie abscess is critical to avoid invasive tests and studies or inadequate treatments, and to prevent future sequelae.

Humans , Female , Child , Osteomyelitis/drug therapy , Osteomyelitis/therapy , Abscess/drug therapy , Clavicle , Disease Progression , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use
Rev. Inst. Med. Trop ; 18(1)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449250


Introducción: La osteomielitis aguda es una infección del hueso que afecta principalmente a los niños y tiene generalmente diseminación hematógena, a veces asociada a un trauma. En la etiología influyen factores, como la edad, el estado inmunológico y las enfermedades concomitantes. En la mayoría de los casos, el principal agente etiológico es Staphylococcus aureus. Es importante el diagnóstico oportuno para evitar secuelas a mediano o largo plazo. Objetivo: Describir las características epidemiológicas de un grupo de pacientes con osteomielitis aguda. Métodos: Se realizó la revisión retrospectiva de los expedientes clínicos de pacientes egresados del servicio de pediatría del Instituto de Medicina Tropical, entre enero de 2016 y diciembre de 2020, con diagnóstico de osteomielitis aguda. Resultados: Los varones con osteomielitis corresponden al 67,8% del total de 59 casos registrados, en cuanto a los signos y síntomas, el dolor, la tumefacción y la impotencia funcional fueron predominantes, la fiebre se documentó en 49 (83,1%) pacientes, se registró antecedentes de cirugía en 37 (62,7%) de los pacientes y complicaciones en 42 (71,2%) de los pacientes, la complicación más frecuente fue osteomielitis crónica El sitio anatómico más frecuente fueron los miembros inferiores. El tratamiento empírico fue realizado con cefalosporinas de 3G en 72,9% de los pacientes, ya sea solo o combinado con clindamicina o vancomicina, un paciente con aislamiento de M. tuberculosis recibió tratamiento HRZE. Se aisló algún germen 44 pacientes (74,5%), el microorganismo predominante fue Staphylococcus aureus en 81,8 %, la mitad (52,3%) correspondieron a SAMR Se encontró una alta resistencia a oxacilina del 55,8% y un solo paciente resistente a clindamicina (2,2%). Conclusión Los hallazgos fueron similares a los reportados en la literatura en cuanto a etiología, sitio anatómico afectado y cobertura antibiótica.

Introduction: Acute osteomyelitis is a bone infection that mainly affects children and generally has hematogenous spread, sometimes associated with trauma. The etiology is influenced by factors such as age, immune status, and comorbidities. In most cases, the main etiologic agent is Staphylococcus aureus. Timely diagnosis is important to avoid sequelae in the medium or long term. Objective: To describe the epidemiological characteristics of a group of patients with acute osteomyelitis. Methods: A retrospective review of the clinical records of patients discharged from the pediatric service of the Institute of Tropical Medicine was carried out between January 2016 and December 2020, with a diagnosis of acute osteomyelitis. Results: Men with osteomyelitis correspond to 67.8% of the total of 59 registered cases, in terms of signs and symptoms, pain, swelling and functional impotence were predominant, fever was documented in 49 (83.1%) patients, a history of surgery was recorded in 37 (62.7%) of the patients and complications in 42 (71.2%) of the patients, the most frequent complication was chronic osteomyelitis The most frequent anatomical site was the lower limbs. Empirical treatment was performed with 3G cephalosporins in 72.9% of the patients, either alone or in combination with clindamycin or vancomycin. One patient with M. tuberculosis isolation received HRZE treatment. Some germ was isolated in 44 patients (74.5%), the predominant microorganism was Staphylococcus aureus in 81.8%, half (52.3%) corresponded to MRSA. A high resistance to oxacillin of 55.8% and a only patient resistant to clindamycin (2.2%). Conclusion The findings were similar to those reported in the literature in terms of etiology, affected anatomical site, and antibiotic coverage.

Bol. venez. infectol ; 32(2): 127-135, julio - diciembre 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1363874


La osteomielitis es una infección de importancia en la edad pediátrica dado su potencial para ocasionar secuelas que pueden llegar a la incapacidad temporal o permanente e incluso la muerte Objetivo: Describir las características de los pacientes pediátricos con diagnóstico de osteomielitis, hospitalizados entre 2013 y 2018 en el Hospital Universitario de Caracas. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal, retrospectivo, descriptivo, se incluyeron los pacientes con el diagnóstico de osteomielitis que cumplieron los criterios de inclusión, analizados los datos mediante frecuencia, porcentaje, media y desviación estándar. Se compararon las variables en los pacientes con osteomielitis crónica y aguda mediante el cálculo de X2 . Resultados: Se encontró predominio masculino, edad promedio de 5,7 años ± 3,5 desviación estándar. La osteomielitis crónica fue más frecuente (68,5 % de los pacientes). La patología de base con mayor predisposición fue la drepanocitosis. El factor de riesgo más importante fue traumatismos. Las manifestaciones clínicas más comunes fueron la fiebre y el dolor. Los huesos más afectados: tibia (27,8 %) y fémur (20,4 %) de los casos. El microorganismo predominante fue Staphylococcus aureus en 31,5 % de los casos, tanto en la osteomielitis aguda como en la crónica, siendo meticilino resistente en 16,3 % de los aislamientos. El tratamiento antibiótico indicado fue combinado. El 94 % de los pacientes egresaron con buena evolución, no se registraron muertes. Conclusiones: Es importante sospechar tempranamente la osteomielitis, tomando conciencia de las manifestaciones clínicas, para agilizar los estudios diagnósticos que contribuyan a iniciar tratamiento precoz, y mejorar el pronóstico de los pacientes

Objective: To describe the characteristics of the pediatric hospitalized patients with diagnosis of osteomyelitis between 2013 and 2018 in the Hospital Universitario de Caracas. Methods: A transversal, retrospective, descriptive study was performed, in which every patient with diagnosis of acute and chronic osteomyelitis who met with all the inclusion criteria, were included. All data was collected in an instrument, designed for that matter, and then was analyzed with frequency, percentages, mean and standard deviation. Variables were compared in acute and chronic osteomyelitis with X2 calculation. Results: Male predominance was found, and average age between 5.7 years ± 3.5 standard deviation. Chronic osteomyelitis was the most frequent (68.5 % of all cases). The most predisposing underlying pathology was sickle cell disease. The most important risk factor was trauma. The most common clinical manifestations were fever and pain in both study groups. The most affected bones: tibia in 27.8 % and femur in 20.4 % of patients. The predominant microorganism was Staphylococcus aureus in 31.5 % of the cases, both in acute and chronic osteomyelitis, being methicillin resistant in 16.3 % of the isolates and in 23.3 % methicilline sensitive. The antibiotic treatment indicated in most cases was combined, followed by surgical treatment. 94 % of the patients were discharged with good outcome, no deaths were registered. Conclusions: The early suspicion of osteomyelitis is important, becoming aware of the clinical manifestations, so as to promptly apply the ideal diagnostic method and contribute to early treatment, in this way improve the patients' prognosis.

Rev. cuba. reumatol ; 22(1): e126, ene.-abr. 2020. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1126800


El síndrome de CREST (calcinosis, fenómeno de Raynaud, dismotilidad esofágica, esclerodactilia, telangiectasias) forma parte del espectro clínico de la esclerosis sistémica, enfermedad del colágeno, denominada en la clasificación clínica como esclerodermia cutánea limitada. Se presenta un paciente masculino de 53 años, raza blanca y procedencia rural, que desde hace 10 años presenta poliartritis, cambios en zonas distales de la piel que subyace adherida al hueso, falanges de manos y pies, fenómeno de Raynaud, aparición de nódulos subcutáneos de pequeño tamaño en varias localizaciones, que luego se tornan calcificaciones. Llega con una úlcera en el quinto metatarsiano del pie izquierdo, de 14 meses de evolución con varios ingresos para tratamiento de la lesión con resolución aparente y luego recidiva. Desarrolla un cuadro de osteomielitis hematógena aguda con shock séptico. El tratamiento multidisciplinario y oportuno permitió la sobrevida del paciente(AU)

CREST's Syndrome (calcinosis, Raynaud's phenomenon, dysmotilitic esofhagical, sclerodactilitys, telanghiectasis), the form departs from the clinical spectrum of the Systemic Sclerosis, disease of collagen, named in the clinical classification like cutaneous limited scleroderma. Patient, masculine of 53 years, white race, peasant procedence. 10 years ago with changes at zones level distally of the skin that underlies once the bone was adhered, phalanges of hands and feet, Raynaud's phenomenon so big a child's appearing of subcutaneous nodules at several locations, that next calcifications appear. Ulcer in metatarsal foot left-hand fifth, of 14 months of evolution with multiple entrances for treatment of the lesion with apparent resolution and next relapse. Develop acute osteomyelitis hematologic with septic shock. The multi-disciplinary and opportune treatment enabled the patient's over-life(AU)

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Osteomyelitis , Scleroderma, Systemic/complications , Shock, Septic/prevention & control , Survival , Esophageal Motility Disorders , CREST Syndrome/complications , White People , Cuba , Racial Groups
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-144089


ABO discrepancy refers to an inconsistency between red cell and serum typings and has various causes, including hypogammaglobulinemia. IgM deficiency is a rare disorder that may accompany several conditions such as infection and autoimmune disorders. Here, we describe a case of IgM deficiency discovered during the evaluation of an ABO discrepancy in a 16-yr-old Korean boy. ABO blood grouping showed that while his cell type was O+, serum typing detected only anti-A (3+). Anti-B was not detectable at room temperature but was graded at 1+ at 4degrees C. ABO genotyping revealed an O/O genotype. His serum IgG, IgA, and IgM concentrations were 770 mg/dL (reference range: 800-1,700 mg/dL), 244 mg/dL (reference range: 100-490 mg/dL), and 13.5 mg/dL (reference range: 50-320 mg/dL), respectively. He was diagnosed with acute osteomyelitis on the basis of clinical presentation and imaging studies. The symptoms gradually improved within 3 weeks of treatment. However, the ABO discrepancy and IgM deficiency persisted even 6 months after recovery and lymphocyte subset analysis revealed CD19+ B cell deficiency. To the best of our knowledge, IgM deficiency detected by ABO discrepancy in a patient with acute osteomyelitis has not been reported before.

Adolescent , Humans , Male , ABO Blood-Group System/genetics , Acute Disease , B-Lymphocytes/cytology , Bone and Bones/diagnostic imaging , Genotype , Immunoglobulin A/blood , Immunoglobulin G/blood , Immunoglobulin M/blood , Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes/complications , Knee/diagnostic imaging , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Osteomyelitis/complications , Radiopharmaceuticals
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-144096


ABO discrepancy refers to an inconsistency between red cell and serum typings and has various causes, including hypogammaglobulinemia. IgM deficiency is a rare disorder that may accompany several conditions such as infection and autoimmune disorders. Here, we describe a case of IgM deficiency discovered during the evaluation of an ABO discrepancy in a 16-yr-old Korean boy. ABO blood grouping showed that while his cell type was O+, serum typing detected only anti-A (3+). Anti-B was not detectable at room temperature but was graded at 1+ at 4degrees C. ABO genotyping revealed an O/O genotype. His serum IgG, IgA, and IgM concentrations were 770 mg/dL (reference range: 800-1,700 mg/dL), 244 mg/dL (reference range: 100-490 mg/dL), and 13.5 mg/dL (reference range: 50-320 mg/dL), respectively. He was diagnosed with acute osteomyelitis on the basis of clinical presentation and imaging studies. The symptoms gradually improved within 3 weeks of treatment. However, the ABO discrepancy and IgM deficiency persisted even 6 months after recovery and lymphocyte subset analysis revealed CD19+ B cell deficiency. To the best of our knowledge, IgM deficiency detected by ABO discrepancy in a patient with acute osteomyelitis has not been reported before.

Adolescent , Humans , Male , ABO Blood-Group System/genetics , Acute Disease , B-Lymphocytes/cytology , Bone and Bones/diagnostic imaging , Genotype , Immunoglobulin A/blood , Immunoglobulin G/blood , Immunoglobulin M/blood , Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes/complications , Knee/diagnostic imaging , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Osteomyelitis/complications , Radiopharmaceuticals
Bol. venez. infectol ; 21(1): 34-40, ene.-jun. 2010. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-721047


La osteomielitis constituye un proceso inflamatorio común del hueso. Existen factores que influyen en la incidencia y etiología tales como: estado inmunologógico, edad, sexo, traumatismo locales o enfermedades de base. A pesar de su relativa baja frecuencia es una de las principales causas infecciosas de hospitalización prolongada. Describir las características de pacientes con diagnóstico de osteomielitis egresados del Hospital de Niños J.M. de Los Ríos (HJMR) y establacer prevalencia según egresos hospitalarios. Estudio retrospectivo mediante revisión de historias médicas, descriptivo en menores de 18 años con diagnóstico de osteomielitis del Hospital de Niños "J.M. de Los Ríos", período diciembre 1998 - diciembre 2008. Análisis estadístico: medidas tendencias central y Chi cuadrado. Se revisaron 72 historias, 65,3% (47/72) masculino y 34,7% (25/72) femenino. Prevalencia de 0,14 por cada 100 egresados. Según edad 8,33% (6/72) lactantes menores 5,56% (4/72) lactantes mayores, 29% (20/72) preescolares, 29% (20/72) escolares y 27,8% (20/72) adolescentes. Promedio días hospitalización fue 42,5 ± 20,75. El 27,8% (20/72) presentaba alguna patología de base. Sitios afectados 37,5% (27/72) fémur, 23% (17/72) tibia, 6,9% (5/72) calcáneo, 6,94% (5/72) cadera y otros lugares 25% (18/72). En 45,83% (33/72) se realizó limpieza quirúrgica, en promedio a los 26,% días del ingreso (DE ± 33). el 62,5% (45/72) fueron ostemielitis agudas y 37,5% (27/72) crónica. El aislamiento micronbiológicos se logró con mayor frecuencia en el grupo de pacientes con osteomielitis crónica (P < 0,05). Un 11,11% (8/72) presentó algún tipo de secuela y 12,5% (9/72) infección nosocomial. La osteomielitis en niños tiene una prevalencia relativamente baja, pero genera hospitalizaciones prolongadas con importantes complicaciones médicas y quirúrgicas.

Osteomyelitis represents a common inflammatory process of the bone. Immnologic status, age , sex, traumatic lesions and co morbidities influence the etiology and comorbidities influence the etiology and incidence of the disease. It is one of the most important infectious causing prolonged hospitalizations. Describe the characteristics of children with osteomyelitis from J.M. de Los Ríos Children`s Hospital and calculate its prevalence. Retrospective and descriptive study through medical charts revision, including patients less than 18 years old with osteomyelitis as discharged diagnostic at Children Hospital J.M. de Los Ríos between December 1998 - December 2008. Seventy two chart were revised, 65.3% (47/72) male and 34.7% (25/72) female. The prevalence by 100 dischages by age was 8.3% (6/72) infants, 5.6% (4/72) children, 29% (20/72) pre-school children, 29% (20/72) scholer children, and 27.8% (20/72) adolescents. The average hospitalization time was 42.63 ± 20.75. Twenty of 77 children (27.8%) presented with some co morbidities. The affected bones were: 37.5% (27/72) femur, 23% (17/72) tepid bone, 6.9% (5/72) calcaneus, 6.9% (5/72) hip and others 25% (18/72). In 45.8% (33/72) the resolution was surgery, with an average of 26.5 days of hospitak stay (DE ± 24.33); 62.5% (45/72) were acute osteomyelitis, and 37.5% (27/72) chronic. The microbiologic diagnostic was more frequent in the group of chronic (p < 0.05). Sequel were present in 11% (8/72), and nosocomial infection in 12.5% (9/72). Osteomyelitis children has a relative small prevalence, but it generates prolonged hospitalizations with important complications.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Wounds and Injuries/complications , Wounds and Injuries/pathology , Osteomyelitis/complications , Osteomyelitis/diagnosis , Osteomyelitis/etiology , Osteomyelitis/immunology , Hospitalization , Pediatrics
Rev. chil. ortop. traumatol ; 50(1): 17-23, 2009. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-559461


Objective: To review the clinical presentation, the organisms responsible for arthritis and acute osteomyelitis and the intrahospitalary and ambulatorie management in childhood less than 16 years in the post Haemophilus influenza tipe B vaccine era. Methods: Retrospective review of clinic case account in the Hospital Clínico de la Pontificia Universidad Católica in the period from January 2004 to July 2008 with the diagnosis of acute infection oteomyelitis and septic arthritis. There were include all the cases, with or without surgical management and intra and extra hospitalary infection source. Results: There were 32 total cases, 22 acute osteomyelitis (AOM) and 16 septic arthritis (SA). Pain and functional impotence of lower limbs, were the 2 first sintoms. The agent was isolated in 25 percent of the SA and 54.5 percent of the AOM. The most frecuent isolated agent in AOM was the Staphilococcus aureus. In SA, there was no isolated this agent. Discussion: The clinical findings of the osteoarticular infections (OAI), presents with a loss florid illness than the classical presentation. To know the agent take time. For that reason, we thought that the empirical intravenosus antibiotical treatment is fundamental in this knew studies about this matter, that can propuose an universal empyric antibiotic therapy.

Objetivo: Revisar la presentación clínica, microorganismos responsables de artritis séptica (AS) y de osteomielitis aguda (OM), así como el manejo agudo y seguimiento en población pediátrica menor de 16 años en la era post vacuna anti Haemophilus influenzae tipo B (Hib). Métodos: Revisión retrospectiva de casos clínicos acontecidos en nuestro Hospital entre los años 2004 y 2008 con el diagnóstico de OM y AS de origen infeccioso. Se incluyeron todos los casos registrados, con o sin manejo quirúrgico, y con fuente infecciosa tanto intra como extra hospitalaria. Resultados: Se obtuvo ficha clínica completa en 38 casos, 22OMA y 16 AS. El dolor y la impotencia funcional de extremidades inferiores, fueron los principales motivos de consulta en ambos grupos. Se logró aislar el agente en un 25 por ciento de las AS y un 54,5 por ciento de las OMA. El microorganismo más frecuente en OMA fue el Staphilococcus aureus. No se aisló este mismo, en AS. Discusión: La presentación clínica inicial de las infecciones osteoarticulares (IOA), es menos evidente en la actualidad que en otros tiempos. Debido a que la identificación del microorganismo causante de la infección no es inmediata, pensamos que la terapia antibiótica (ATB) empírica inicial es fundamental en el manejo de estas patologías. Sugerimos nuevos estudios que propongan un determinado manejo ATB empírico inicial universal.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Arthritis, Infectious/epidemiology , Arthritis, Infectious/microbiology , Bacteria/isolation & purification , Osteomyelitis/epidemiology , Osteomyelitis/microbiology , Acute Disease , Age and Sex Distribution , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use , Arthritis, Infectious/drug therapy , Cefazolin/therapeutic use , Osteomyelitis/drug therapy , /isolation & purification , Retrospective Studies , Staphylococcus aureus/isolation & purification
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-644500


Acute osteomyelitis following a closed fracture is very rare. Only one case has been reported that trivial trauma (contusion) may be associated with the subsequent development of acute osteomyelitis in Korea. Authors report an acute osteomyelitis in the shaft of the femur after closed fracture in a child.

Child , Humans , Femur , Fractures, Closed , Korea , Osteomyelitis
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-22978


Acute osteomyelitis after the contusion is a rare clinical entity. The complications of contusion are large hematoma formation, compartment syndrome, myositis ossificans and acute osteomyelitis. Authors experienced an acute osteomyelitis in the shaft of the radius after contusion of the forearm and report this case with references.

Compartment Syndromes , Contusions , Forearm , Hematoma , Myositis Ossificans , Osteomyelitis , Radius
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-125225


Acute osteomyelitis is usually shown as a localized area of increased activity (hot uptake) in the infectious focus on bone scintigraphy. In our patient, absence of radioactivity (cold lesion) was noted in the distal metaphyseal and diaphyseal regions of his right femur. Initial x-ray was interpreted as normal except for mild soft tissue swelling in the right thigh. The lesion was confirmed as an acute osteomyelitis with subperiosteal abscess on surgery. Staphylococcus aureus was the etiologic organism. We describe a case of acute osteomyelitis in a one-year-old boy shown as a cold lesion on bone scan.

Humans , Male , Abscess , Femur , Osteomyelitis , Radioactivity , Radionuclide Imaging , Staphylococcus aureus , Technetium Tc 99m Medronate , Thigh
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-651705


A 13-year-old boy developed fever and right leg pain, and multiple acupunctures were done on legs, then visited our ER for high fever, chill and painful swellings in both legs. Bone scan showed multiple hot spots on both distal femur, both proximal tibia, and left distal tibia. MRI revealed subperiosteal abscess in right proximal and left distal tibia and signal changes without abscess in other hot spot sites on bone scan. Surgical drainage of subperiosteal abscess and curettage were performed in the right proximal and the left distal tibia. Percutaneous drillings were done to other hot spot sites. All the lesions were cured after combined antibiotic chemotherapy. Multifocal osteomyelitis in a rapidly growing adolescent has been reported not rarely. It seemed that more attentions should be paid to the possibility of multifocal acute osteomyelitis in an adolescent

Adolescent , Humans , Male , Abscess , Attention , Curettage , Drainage , Drug Therapy , Femur , Fever , Leg , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Osteomyelitis , Tibia
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-767670


Clinical observations of 11 cases of acute pyogenic osteomyelitls and 14 cases of acute pyogenic arthritis in infancy during past 11 years were carried out and following results obtained. 1. The highest age incidence was less than 3 months after birth (70.6%). 2. Average duration of symptoms was 7.8 days. 3. The most important underlying cause was multiple femorai vessel puncture (23.5%). 4. The chief symptom or sign on admission was pseudoparalysis or limitation of motion (82.4%), and local swelling (82.4%). But high fever on admission was present in only 29.4% of cases. 5. The femur was the most common site in acute pyogenic osteomyelitis (36.4%), and the hip joint in acute pyogenic arthritis (42.9%). 6. Leucocyte count was Increased more than 20,000/mm in 60.0% of the cases. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate was increased more than 21 mm/hr in 72.0% of cases. The positive result on bacteriologic culture was 76.0%. Coagulase-positive Staphylococcus aureus was cultured in 4 cases of acute pyogenic osteomyelitis and 5 cases of acute pyogenic arthritls. a-hemolytic Streptococcus was cultured in 2 cases of acute pyogenic osteomyelitls and 1 case of acute pyogenic arthritis. Hemophilus influenzae was cultured in 1 case of acute pyogenic osteomyelitls and 2 cases of acute pyogenic arthritis. 7. 45.5% of acute pyogenic osteomyelitis was combined with acute pyogenic arthritis. 8. The longer the duration of symptoms was, the longer the abnormal hematologic picture lasted. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate was the most accurate index of activity in acute infection of bone and joint. 9. Shortening or deformity due to epiphyseal plate damage occured in 1 case of acute pyogenlc osteo-myelitis, and 3 cases of acute pyogenic arthritis. Those complications could be minimized wlth early diagnosis and treatment.

Arthritis , Blood Sedimentation , Congenital Abnormalities , Early Diagnosis , Femur , Fever , Growth Plate , Haemophilus influenzae , Hip Joint , Incidence , Joints , Osteomyelitis , Parturition , Punctures , Staphylococcus aureus , Streptococcus