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Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 51(1): e20200513, 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1133344


ABSTRACT: Aerococcus viridans is an emerging pathogen for humans and livestock animals, mainly associated with genitourinary infections cases. Its occurrence in wild mammals has never been reported. The aim of this study was to determine the etiological agent associated with clinical a case of a genital infection in a female African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Phylogenetic analysis and antimicrobial susceptibility profile of the isolate were also addressed. The animal presented frequent cases of genital infection with intermittent white secretion. Purulent secretion was sampled and submitted to bacteriological exam. The isolate obtained was thus identified by phenotypic and molecular methods as A. viridans and was found to be similar to human pathogenic isolates in BLASTn and phylogenetic analysis. The isolate was sensitive to almost all antimicrobials evaluated, presenting resistance to ciprofloxacin and norfloxacin. This is the first report of occurrence of A. viridans infection in the genital tract of an African elephant.

RESUMO: Aerococcus viridans é um patógeno emergente para seres humanos e animais de produção, principalmente associado a casos de infecções geniturinárias. Sua ocorrência em mamíferos selvagens nunca foi relatada. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar o agente etiológico associado a um caso clínico de infecção genital em uma fêmea de elefante africano (Loxodonta africana). Análises filogenéticas e perfil de susceptibilidade antimicrobiana do isolado também foram avaliados. O animal apresentou casos frequentes de infecção genital com eliminação de secreção branca intermitente. A secreção purulenta foi coletada e submetida a exame bacteriológico. O isolado obtido foi identificado por métodos fenotípicos e moleculares como A. viridans e apresentou alta similaridade a isolados humanos patogênicos nas análises de BLASTn e filogenética. O isolado foi sensível a quase todos os antimicrobianos avaliados, apresentando resistência à ciprofloxacina e norfloxacina. Este é o primeiro relato de ocorrência de infecção por A. viridans no trato genital de elefante africano.

Infection and Chemotherapy ; : 227-229, 2017.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-157686


Urosepsis due to Aerococcus urinae is rare in clinical settings with only a few of reported cases worldwide by 16S rRNA sequencing. Here we report a case of sepsis caused by A. urinae in a 86 year-old male with complicated urinary tract infection which was confirmed through peptide mass fingerprinting of matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry.

Humans , Male , Aerococcus , Dermatoglyphics , Mass Spectrometry , Sepsis , Urinary Tract Infections
Korean Journal of Medicine ; : 229-232, 2016.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-101510


Aerococcus urinae is a gram-positive coccus that produces alpha-hemolysis on blood agar and is negative for catalase. A. urinae can often be misidentified as a streptococcus, staphylococcus, or enterococcus by most commercial identification systems. Although A. urinae is a rarely reported human pathogen, it can be fatal in some cases. Here we report on a case of urosepsis caused by A. urinae, identified by 16S rRNA gene sequencing in a patient with ureter stones and hydronephrosis, for the first time in Korea. It is important for physicians to consider A. urinae as a potential pathogen and to prescribe the most suitable antibiotics to ensure the best outcome.

Humans , Aerococcus , Agar , Anti-Bacterial Agents , Catalase , Enterococcus , Genes, rRNA , Hydronephrosis , Korea , Sepsis , Staphylococcus , Streptococcus , Ureter , Urinary Tract Infections , Urinary Tract
Korean Journal of Medicine ; : 234-239, 2014.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-162306


Aerococcus viridans is a rare pathogen in humans, with only six cases of A. viridans urinary tract infections reported worldwide. Nosocomial urinary tract infections with bacteremia caused by A. viridians are even rarer, with no prior reports of urosepsis caused by A. viridans occurring in the Republic of Korea. Here we report a case of urosepsis caused by A. viridans in a 79 year-old female nursing home resident. The patient was admitted to the hospital presenting a fever of 39degrees C, chills, and oliguria for two days prior to admission. Urine culture yielded a robust growth of 105 CFU/mL of A. viridians, with blood culture positive for the same organism. Following diagnosis, the patient was treated with ciprofloxacin intravenously for 2 weeks, resulting in clearance of the infection and a full recovery from urosepsis. Although A. viridans is rarely associated with human infections, this case shows that, under the right conditions, it can be responsible for severe infections like urosepsis.

Female , Humans , Aerococcus , Bacteremia , Chills , Ciprofloxacin , Diagnosis , Fever , Nursing Homes , Oliguria , Republic of Korea , Urinary Tract Infections
Rev. ANACEM (Impresa) ; 5(1): 49-51, oct. 2011.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-613297


Introducción: Aeroccus species es una bacteria Gram positiva considerada como un agente inusual de infecciones del tracto urinario y de endocarditis infecciosa. Clásicamente los adultos mayores varones con anomalías genitourinarias crónicas están expuestos a esta infección. Presentación del caso: Hombre de 55 años consulta por un cuadro de dos meses de evolución caracterizado por compromiso del estado general, fiebre continua, diaforesis, dolor torácico sordo lateralizado a izquierda, y baja de peso de 8 kg en un mes, con anorexia. Sin antecedentes mórbidos salvo estenosis uretral crónica con requerimiento de dilataciones transureterales, las cuales realiza con termómetro de mercurio. Paciente ingresa en regulares condiciones generales, quejumbroso. Examen pulmonar con disminución del murmullo pulmonar en la base izquierda más broncofonía. Tacto rectal doloroso a la palpación. Los exámenes complementarios revelan: hemograma con leucocitosis de 13.100/mm3, VHS de 63 mm/h, PCR de 21 mg/dL. En el estudio de fiebre de origen desconocido se realiza ecocardiografía transtorácica la que reveló vegetación en velo coronario izquierdo de 0,9 cm x 1 cm. Los hemocultivos resultan positivos para Aerococcus species sensible a cloranfenicol/ceftriaxona, por lo que se inicia antibioticoterapia con ceftriaxona-gentamicina, mostrando el paciente una notable mejoría clínica, disminuyendo su malestar general y normalizando la temperatura. Discusión: Debido a la difícil interpretación microbiológica de los cultivos, Aerococcus sp es un germen identificado tardíamente, lo cual puede ensombrecer el pronóstico. La antibioticoterapia precoz y la continua monitorización clínica y de laboratorio son las estrategias más útiles en su tratamiento.

Introduction: Aerococcus species is a Gram-positive bacteria regarded as a rare cause of urinary tract infections and infective endocarditis. Most cases have been described in elderly males with underlying genitourinary tract abnormalities. Case report: 55 years old male complains two-month period of malaise, continuous fever, diaphoresis, left-thoracic dull pain and weight loss of 8 kg in a month, presenting anorexia. With an unremarkable history except for a chronic urethral stricture with needed of periodic transurethral dilation, which where performed using a mercurial thermometer. Patient comes to the emergency room in regular conditions, querulous. Pulmonary examination with diminished left base vesicular breath sound plus bronchovesicular breath sound. Digital rectal examination painfull at palpation. Complementary laboratory test shows: 13.100/mm3 WBC, VHS of 63 mm/h, PCR on 21 mg/dL. In the context of fever of unknown origin it was performed a transthoracic echocardiography, which showed a 0.9 x 1 cm vegetation in left coronary valve. Blood cultures were positive for Aerococcus sp. sensitive to chloramphenicol /ceftriaxone, showing the patient a remarkable clinical improvement, diminishing his malaise and normalizing his temperature. Discussion: Owing to the frequent microbiologic misinterpretation of the cultures, the bacterial identification often is delayed, which could potentially lead to a fatal outcome. Aggressive-fast establishment of antiobiotic therapy and a continuous monitoring of the patient's clinical status and laboratory results are the most effective strategies in treatment.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Endocarditis, Bacterial/diagnosis , Endocarditis, Bacterial/microbiology , Gram-Positive Bacterial Infections/diagnosis , Gram-Positive Bacterial Infections/microbiology , Streptococcaceae/isolation & purification , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use , Ceftriaxone/therapeutic use , Endocarditis, Bacterial/drug therapy , Urethral Stricture/microbiology , Gentamicins/therapeutic use , Gram-Positive Bacterial Infections/drug therapy
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-87469


Aerococcus viridans, a catalase-negative gram-positive coccus rarely causing bacteremia, was isolated from blood cultures of a 52-yr-old man under the gran-ulocytopenic condition. The isolate showed the typical characteristics of A. viridans, i.e., tetrad arrangements in gram stain, positive pyrrolidonyl aminopeptidase (PYR) and negative leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) reactions, and no growth at 45 degrees C.The isolate was revealed to be highly resistant to penicillin, erythromycin, clindamycin, and ceftriaxone, although most strains of A. viridans isolated from the previously reported patients were susceptible to penicillin and other commonly used antibiotics. Even though A. viridans is rarely associated with human infections, it could be a potential causative agent of bacteremia, especially in immunocompromised patients.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Agranulocytosis/complications , Bacteremia/complications , Ceftriaxone/pharmacology , Clindamycin/pharmacology , Drug Resistance, Multiple, Bacterial , Erythromycin/pharmacology , Gram-Positive Bacterial Infections/complications , Penicillins/pharmacology , Streptococcaceae/drug effects