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São Paulo med. j ; 142(5): e2023186, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560553


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Some maternal characteristics are related to alcohol intake during pregnancy, which irreversibly compromises the maternal-fetal binomial integrity. OBJECTIVES: To identify the frequency, impact, and factors associated with alcohol consumption during pregnancy. DESIGN AND SETTING: A cross-sectional study was performed at the Hospital Materno Infantil Presidente Vargas (HMIPV) in Porto Alegre/RS between March and December 2016. METHODS: A structured questionnaire was administered along with a medical records review. They refer to the maternal sociodemographic and gestational status, alcohol consumption patterns, and characteristics of the fetus/newborn. In the statistical analysis, P values < 0.05 were considered significant. RESULTS: The frequency of alcohol intake was 37.3%; this was characterized by the consumption of fermented beverages (89.3%), especially during the first trimester (79.6%). Risky consumption (high and/or early) occurred for 30.2% of participants. Risk factors associated with maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy were tobacco use (P < 0.001) and abortion attempt (P = 0.023). Living with a partner (P = 0.002) and planning pregnancy (P = 0.009) were protective factors. Risky consumption was related to all of the aforementioned variables as well as threatened abortion (P = 0.023). CONCLUSIONS: Alcohol intake during pregnancy is common and affects nearly one-third of pregnant women. Knowledge of the population at risk and protective factors is essential for the development of campaigns that seek to reduce consumption and, therefore, its consequences for the mother and fetus.

São Paulo med. j ; 140(4): 518-524, July-Aug. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1410195


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: There have been inconsistent results regarding the association between alcohol intake and susceptibility to multiple sclerosis. OBJECTIVE: To assess the potential role of alcohol intake regarding the risk of multiple sclerosis by using a meta-analytic approach. DESIGN AND SETTING: Observational meta-analysis study conducted in a hospital in China. METHODS: The electronic databases of PubMed, EMBASE and the Cochrane library were systematically searched for eligible studies from their inception up to January 2020. The summary odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence interval (CI) was applied to assess the association between alcohol intake and multiple sclerosis, using a random-effects model. RESULTS: One prospective cohort study and eight case-control studies involving a total of 211,396 subjects and 10,407 cases of multiple sclerosis were selected for the final meta-analysis. From the pooled data, no significant association between alcohol intake and multiple sclerosis risk was found (OR: 0.94; 95% CI: 0.73-1.22; P = 0.668), and this conclusion was judged to be robust. Subgroup analysis found that intake of beer was associated with an increased risk of multiple sclerosis (OR: 1.58; 95% CI: 1.12-2.23; P = 0.010). CONCLUSION: This study found that beer intake could cause an excess risk of multiple sclerosis. Further large-scale prospective studies should be conducted to verify this conclusion.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-201999


Background: Newborn period is culturally and traditionally sensitive in every society. Different communities have different traditional practices when it comes to taking care of newborn. Head-shaving in newborn period is one such unique traditional practice existent among rural population of West Bengal. This study was conducted to explore the traditional practice of head-shaving and to highlight its related morbidities among newborns following head-shaving.Methods: This was a descriptive, cross-sectional study conducted at triage of special newborn care unit of Malda Medical College and Hospital among 650 mothers who presented to us with their sick newborns following head-shaving. After obtaining informed consent, mothers were interviewed. The data were collected using pre-designed questionnaires. Statistical analyses of the data were done using SPSS version 21.Results: In the present study, majority (52.62%) of the mothers were within the age group of 18-21 years and 94.15% belonged to Muslim community. Neonatal head-shaving was usually done on 4th day of life (48.15%) and on 10th day of life (28.77%). Baby bath following head-shaving was given in 49.54% newborns using pond water and 77.70 % mothers used crude mustard oil for massaging following baby bath. Following head-shaving, 37.69% of newborns presented with poor feeding, 33.23% with abdominal distension and 61.23% presented with respiratory distress.Conclusions: Findings of present study highlights the harmful aspects of traditional practice of head-shaving among newborns in rural Bengal. This practice can be avoided by proper health education and counselling of the mothers and her associates involved in newborn care.

Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 61: e18161223, 2018. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-974087


ABSTRACT This study aimed to investigate the effects of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on muscle repair in rats with chronic alcohol intake. Thirty male Wistar rats were distributed into three groups: injured tibialis anterior (TA) muscle without treatment (IC); chronic ingestion of alcohol plus injured TA muscle (AI); and chronic ingestion of alcohol plus injured TA plus LLLT (AIL). Each group was divided into two different subgroups, and rats were sacrificed on days 3 and 7 post-injury. Morphological features in the injured areas were similar with or without alcohol intake (IC and AI); however, LLLT promoted a decrease in the number of inflammatory cells and destroyed zones, as well as improved tissue organization (AIL). In general, alcohol intake caused a decrease in myogenic regulatory factors (MyoD and myogenin) and vascular endothelial growth factor in the AI group. Moreover, LLLT promoted recovery of these factors to the same level as in animals without alcohol intake (IC and AIL). LLLT was able to increase the expression of myogenic and vascular growth factors and stimulate skeletal muscle regeneration in rats with chronic alcohol intake.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-184366


Background: This study was carried out in ENT OPD of Jawaharlal Nehru medical college hospital A.M.U Aligarh from February 2008 to November 2009, a total of about 50 patients were studied. Methods: Detailed history was taken regarding onset and progression of hoarseness of voice along complete examination of head and neck with particular stress on indirect laryngoscopy. Personal history regarding smoking, tobacco chewing, alcohol intake and vocal abuse was taken and results were analyzed.  Results: Smoking was found to be the most common predisposing factor in 52% of cases and among the causes chronic non-specific laryngitis (42%) followed by carcinoma larynx (28%) and acute laryngitis (20%) were found. Conclusions: Smoking comes out to  be   the  most  common   predisposing  g factor   of hoarseness of voice than tobacco chewing, alcohol intake and vocal abuse.

Acta méd. colomb ; 42(1): 30-34, ene.-mar. 2017. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-886336


Resumen Introducción: los factores de riesgo cardiovascular aparecen tempranamente en la niñez y adolescencia. Los principales son: hipertensión arterial, obesidad, la dieta inadecuada, el sedentarismo, el alcoholismo y el tabaquismo. Objetivo: determinar la prevalencia de factores de riesgo cardiovascular en adolescentes del Colegio Nacional de Enseñanza Media Diversificada de Itá (Paraguay) que asistieron al control clínico en meses de marzo y abril del 2015. Metodología: estudio observacional, descriptivo, prospectivo, de corte transversal que incluyó a 132 adolescentes de ambos sexos. Resultados: las prevalencias fueron: hipertensión arterial sistólica 1.5%, sobrepeso 8.3%, obesidad 2.7%, sedentarismo 58.3%, tabaquismo 6.8% y han tomado alcohol ocasionalmente 47.7%. El sobrepeso y la obesidad no mostraron relación estadísticamente significativa con las cifras elevadas de presión arterial. Conclusiones: la prevalencia de hipertensión arterial y exceso de peso encontradas fueron bajas. Llama la atención la alta frecuencia de bajo peso y la tendencia al sedentarismo. Entre los tabaquistas, dos tercios corresponden al sexo femenino.

Abstract Introduction: cardiovascular risk factors appear early in childhood and adolescence. The main ones are: arterial hypertension, obesity, inadequate diet, sedentary lifestyle, alcoholism and smoking. Objective: to determine the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors in adolescents of the National School of Diversified Middle Education of Itá (Paraguay) who attended clinical control in March and April 2.015. Methodology: observational, descriptive, prospective, cross-sectional study that included 132 adolescents of both sexes. Results: prevalences were: systolic arterial hypertension 1.5%, overweight 8.3%, obesity 2.7%, sedentary lifestyle 58.3%, smoking 6.8% and occasional alcohol consumption 47.7%. Overweight and obesity did not show a statistically significant relationship with high blood pressure. Conclusions: the prevalence of arterial hypertension and excess weight found were low. Draws attention the high frequency of low weight and the tendency to sedentarism. Among smokers, twothirds correspond to women.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Heart Disease Risk Factors , Tobacco Use Disorder , Adolescent , Alcoholism , Hypertension , Obesity
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-164627


Background: The National Urban Diabetes Survey in India (2010) has reported an age standardized prevalence of diabetes to be 12.1%. The prevalence of diabetes mellitus is known to vary with lifestyle factors. Aims and objectives: The present study was conducted to find the prevalence of diabetes mellitus among adults and its association with certain life style factors like current smoking, alcohol intake, saturated fat intake and physical exercise. Material and methods: This present study was cross sectional and analytical study carried out in 900 adults in the age group of 30 years and above during June 2014 to December 2014. A random blood sugar test was conducted among the selected study subjects and the prevalence of diabetes mellitus was estimated using the cut off level of 180 mg% Those subjects who were already known to be diabetics with or without treatment were also classified as diabetics. The findings were analyzed using Epi-info software 7 version (CDC, Atlanta, USA). Results: The prevalence of diabetes mellitus in the present study was found to be 12.4%. Significantly higher proportion of current smoking was found in diabetics (17.0%) than in non-diabtics (6.1%). Current alcohol intake was significantly higher in diabetics than in non-diabtics (8.0% vs 2.4%); current saturated fat (ghee) intake was similar in diabetics and non diabtics (5.4% and 5.5% respectively). Paradoxically higher proportion of physical exercise was found in diabetics (15.2%) than in non-diabetics (5.1%). Conclusion: The prevalence of diabetes mellitus showed significant association current smoking and current alcohol intake.

Mem. Inst. Invest. Cienc. Salud (Impr.) ; 13(1): 41-48, abr. 2015. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDNPAR | ID: biblio-869033


Las etapas del modelo conductual de las personas describen el cumplimiento o no de las recomendaciones para una vida sana. Por ello, se planteó una investigación observacional descriptiva cuyo objetivo fue evaluar las etapas del modelo conductual de los estilos de vida propuestos por las Guías Alimentarias del Paraguay en adultos que residen en el barrio Salvador del Mundo de Asunción. Las variables de interés fueron las etapas de cambio, medidas a partir del modelo de Prochaska, para el consumo de sal, ingesta de bebidas alcohólicas, actividad física y manipulación de alimentos, tres de ellas están relacionadas al no cumplimiento y dos al cumplimiento de las recomendaciones. El 92,9% (91/98) de los adultos no cumple con las recomendaciones de actividad física y el 71,4% (70/98) con las recomendaciones de consumo de sal. El 46,9% (46/98) cumple con la recomendación para el consumo de bebidas alcohólicas, aunque el 74,5% (73/98) refirió su consumo. Ningún encuestado cumple con las recomendaciones de lavado y manipulación de alimentos. Es preocupante el alto porcentaje de adultos que no cumple las recomendaciones, agravado por la no intención de cambio. Por lo tanto, se puede concluir que el objetivo inicial de las guías alimentarias del Paraguay de orientar a la población sobre los estilos de vida adecuados no se cumple. Debido a esto, se debe promover la revisión del medio de implementación de las mismas para alcanzar a un sector mayor de la población, y así lograr la adopción de mejores estilos de vida.

The stages of the behavioral model describe the compliance or not of therecommendations for a healthy life. Due to this, a descriptive observational study wasproposed to evaluate the stages of the behavioral model of the life styles proposed by theFood Guides of Paraguay in adults living in the Salvador del Mundo neighborhood ofAsunción. The variables were the stage of changes, measured from Prochaska’s model,for salt consumption, alcohol intake, physical activity and food handling, three of themrelated to noncompliance and two to compliance of the recommendations. The 92.9%(91/98) of the adults did not comply with the recommendations of physical activity and71.4% (70/98) with the recommendations of salt intake. The 46.9% (46/98) compliedwith the recommendation of alcohol intake although it was observed that 74.5% (73/98)consumed some. None of the survey respondents complied with the recommendations offood cleaning and handling. It is worrying the high percentage of adults that did notcomply with the recommendations of physical activity, worsened by the non-intention ofchanging. Therefore, it can be concluded that the initial objective of the food guides ofParaguay to orientate population about the adequate life styles is not complied. Due to this, the revision of the implementation means or system should be encouraged to reacha larger sector of the population and thus, comply with the adoption of better life styles.

Humans , Male , Adult , Female , Motor Activity , Life Style , Alcoholic Beverages/adverse effects , Food Hygiene , Food Handling
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 47(4): 321-327, 8/4/2014. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-705767


The aim of this study was to assess contrast sensitivity for angular frequency stimuli as well as for sine-wave gratings in adults under the effect of acute ingestion of alcohol. We measured the contrast sensitivity function (CSF) for gratings of 0.25, 1.25, 2.5, 4, 10, and 20 cycles per degree of visual angle (cpd) as well as for angular frequency stimuli of 1, 2, 4, 24, 48, and 96 cycles/360°. Twenty adults free of ocular diseases, with normal or corrected-to-normal visual acuity, and no history of alcoholism were enrolled in two experimental groups: 1) no alcohol intake (control group) and 2) alcohol ingestion (experimental group). The average concentration of alcohol in the experimental group was set to about 0.08%. We used a paradigm involving a forced-choice method. Maximum sensitivity to contrast for sine-wave gratings in the two groups occurred at 4 cpd sine-wave gratings and at 24 and 48 cycles/360° for angular frequency stimuli. Significant changes in contrast sensitivity were observed after alcohol intake compared with the control condition at spatial frequency of 4 cpd and 1, 24, and 48 cycles/360° for angular frequency stimuli. Alcohol intake seems to affect the processing of sine-wave gratings at maximum sensitivity and at the low and high frequency ends for angular frequency stimuli, both under photopic luminance conditions.

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Young Adult , Alcohol Drinking/physiopathology , Alcohol Drinking/psychology , Contrast Sensitivity/drug effects , Fourier Analysis , Color Vision/drug effects , Ethanol/analysis , Psychophysics/methods , Review Literature as Topic , Size Perception , Task Performance and Analysis , Visual Acuity , Visual Perception/drug effects
Indian J Public Health ; 2013 Jan-Mar; 57(1): 33-35
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-147991


Prevalence of alcohol use in India is reported to be 21.4% and there is increasing alcohol intake among the young people. The present study was undertaken to study the socio-demographic characteristics of patients having alcohol-related disorders attending the de-addiction center at Burdwan Medical College in West Bengal and to find out some factors responsible for that. A clinic-based descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among 187 patients with the help of pre-tested pre-designed schedule after obtaining informed consent. Data analysis was carried out with the help of Epi info software version 6. Majority of the patients were male, in productive age group and married. Age of initiation and amount of alcohol intake were significantly associated with positive family history of alcoholism. Children having family history of alcoholism should be counseled to prevent development of alcoholism.

Acta colomb. psicol ; 15(2): 11-20, jul.-dic. 2012. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-675092


Para complementar el proceso de validación del Cuestionario de Expectativas hacia el Alcohol para Adolescentes (CEA-A) iniciado en una etapa previa, se llevó adelante un análisis factorial confirmatorio (AFC). En el estudio participaron 343 adolescentes con edades entre 13 y 18 años, asistentes a escuelas de nivel medio del sector público. Se empleó el Cuestionario de Expectativas hacia el Alcohol para Adolescentes (CEA-A) para la medición de los efectos que los adolescentes anticipan del consumo de alcohol. Se evaluó el ajuste de los datos al modelo que propone a las expectativas divididas en tres escalas correspondientes a los efectos positivos y otras tres referidas a los efectos negativos del alcohol mediante los siguientes índices de ajuste: CIMIN/df, GFI, CFI, RMSEA. Los resultados permitieron confirmar la estructura previamente hallada, dando cuenta que el CEA-A es un instrumento válido y fiable para la medición de las expectativas hacia el alcohol en adolescentes argentinos.

In order to complete the validation process of the Cuestionario de Expectativas sobre el Alcohol para Adolescentes [Expectations Questionnaire on Alcohol Intake for Adolescents -CEA-A for its Spanish acronym] initiated at an earlier stage, a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted. A sample of 343 adolescents aged 13 to 18 from public high schools participated in the present study. The Expectations Questionnaire on Alcohol Intake for Adolescents was used to assess the effects that adolescents anticipate from drinking alcohol. Data were assessed by means of a fit model whereby expectations are divided into three scales corresponding to the positive effects of alcohol intake and another three referring to the negative ones. The indices used were the following: CIMIN/df, GFI, CFI, RMSEA.Results confirmed the previously found structure of three scales for positive expectations on alcohol intake and three scales for negative expectations. According to that, the CEA-A is a valid and reliable measure to assess alcohol expectations of Argentinean adolescents.

Para completar o processo de validação do Questionário de Expectativas relacionadas com o Álcool para Adolescentes (CEA-A), iniciado em uma etapa prévia, foi realizada uma análise fatorial confirmatória (AFC). No estudo participaram 343 adolescentes com idades entre 13 e 18 anos, estudantes de escolas do nível médio do setor público. Empregou-se o Questionário de Expectativas relacionadas com o Álcool para Adolescentes (CEA-A) para a medição dos efeitos que os adolescentes antecipam com respeito ao consumo de álcool. Avaliou-se o ajuste dos dados ao modelo que propõe as expectativas divididas em três escalas correspondentes aos efeitos positivos e outras três correspondentes aos efeitos negativos do álcool mediante os seguintes índices de ajuste: CIMIN/df, GFI, CFI, RMSEA. Os resultados permitiram confirmar a estrutura previamente encontrada, mostrando que o CEA-A é um instrumento válido e confiável para a medição das expectativas relacionados com o álcool em adolescentes argentinos.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Surveys and Questionnaires , Factor Analysis, Statistical , Adolescent , Underage Drinking
Psychiatry Investigation ; : 418-421, 2012.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-14286


Prediction of psychological wellbeing based on several important predictors was conducted for ensuring maintenance of good mental health. A 3-year follow-up study to determine psychological well-being was conducted in 969 Japanese male workers. Age, body mass index, present history of medication and four lifestyle factors were used for the analysis. A logistic regression analysis revealed that the odds ratio (95% confidence interval) for obtaining a score of > or =4 in the General Health Questionnaire-12-item version, among the subjects who felt refreshed by sleep was 0.559 (0.415-0.753). None of the other factors showed any statistically significant association. Feeling refreshed by sleep was identified as a predictor of maintained psychological wellbeing in this 3-year follow-up study.

Humans , Male , Aging , Asian People , Body Mass Index , Follow-Up Studies , Life Style , Logistic Models , Mental Health , Odds Ratio , Surveys and Questionnaires , Smoking
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 235-238, 2011.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-295953


Objective To analyze the relationship between prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS) and behavior habits such as smoking,alcohol intake,physical activity,sleeping hours.Methods A multi-stage stratified cluster sampling was conducted in 31 provinces,autonomous regions,and municipalities in China according to the program of National Nutrition and Health Survey.Questionnaire survey,interview,physical examination,measurement of biochemical indices,and dietary investigation were done.In total,4937 men aged 18 to 45 years old were selected.Results The MS prevalence was 6.9%(329/4937).The rate of drinking was 49.4% and smoking rate was 54.4%.The percentage of sleeping was hours from 7 to 8 was 70.5%.The percentage of spending time on physical activity over 420 minutes/week was as high as 41.9%.Data from single logistic regression showed volume of smoking more than 600 packs and alcohol intake were associated with high risk of MS and no significantly associations were found between MS and the duration of physical activity and the sleeping time.Multivariate logistic regression showed that the risk of MS in smokers with the volume more than 600 packs age increased significantly as compared to nonsmokers with the odds ratio as 1.443 (95%CI:1.044-1.993 ) and 1.765 (95%CI:1.150-2.708) in smokers with volume from 600 to 899 packs age,and more than 900 packs age respectively.Compared to the nondrinkers,the odds ratios were 1.525 (95%CI:1.135-2.048),2.322(95%CI:1.671-3.255) and 2.033 (95%CI:1.478-2.796) in subjects volume of alcohol dranking as 1 to 2 times per week,3 to 4 times per week and more than 5 times per week respectively.Conclusion Tobacco and alcohol were associated with high risks of MS.

Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 18(3): 377-382, jul.-set. 2010. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: lil-570259


O objetivo do estudo foi identificar o consumo de álcool e as possíveis relações com o sobrepeso e a obesidade entre motoristas de caminhão participantes da Campanha Saúde na Estrada, realizada, em 2007, no Estado de São Paulo. O desenho metodológico é do tipo descritivo exploratório de abordagem quantitativa. A amostra foi composta por 827 motoristas de caminhão. Foi utilizado um questionário estruturado com o teste de identificação do uso de álcool e o índice de massa corpórea. A maioria dos caminhoneiros era do sexo masculino, casada, com baixo nível de escolaridade, católica. Os resultados apontaram uma relação de riscos associados ao consumo de bebida alcoólica em níveis abusivos por motoristas com sobrepeso e obesos. A identificação precoce desses problemas é uma alternativa válida para a aplicação de ações preventivas para essa população.

This study aimed at identifying the possible relation between alcohol intake, overweight, and obesity among truck drivers participating in the 2007 Health Campaign on the Road, held in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The methodological design of this piece of research is descriptive of the quantitative approach. The sample was composed of 826 (81.5%) truck drivers, predominantly male, adult, married, with little schooling, and Catholic. A structured questionnaire related to alcohol disorders was used and included the identification test and body mass index. Results showed a relation of risks associated to abusive alcohol intake by overweight and obese drivers. Early identification of both problems is a valid alternative to preventive application of actions to this population.

El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar el consumo de alcohol y su posible relación con el sobrepeso y la obesidad entre conductores de camiones participantes de la Campaña Salud en la Carretera, hecha, en 2007, en el Estado de São Paulo-Brasil. El diseño metodológico es del tipo descriptivo, exploratorio con aborje cuantitativa. La muestra consistió en 827 conductores de camiones. Se utilizó un cuestionario estructurado con el teste de la identificación del uso del alcohol y el índice de masa corporal. La mayoría de los conductores de camiones eran del sexo masculino, casado, con bajo nivel de educación, católica. Los resultados mostraron una relación de riesgos asociados a niveles de consumo abusivo de alcohol por conductores con sobrepeso y obesos. La identificación temprana de esos problemas es una alternativa válida para la aplicación de medidas preventivas para esa población.

Humans , Alcohol Drinking/adverse effects , Obesity/epidemiology , Overweight/epidemiology , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Brazil , Comorbidity , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Risk Factors , Body Mass Index
Indian J Pathol Microbiol ; 2010 Jan-Mar; 53(1): 35-40
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-141586


Context: Lifestyle factors, like alcohol intake and cigarette smoking, have been reported to affect male fertility. Aims: To find out the specific impact of alcohol and smoking on semen quality of male partners of couples seeking treatment for primary infertility. Materials and Methods: From the semen samples analyzed in our andrology laboratory, results of 100 alcoholics and 100 cigarette smoker males were studied following WHO guidelines and compared with 100 strict nonalcoholic and nonsmoker males for presence of asthenozoospermia, oligozoospermia and teratozoospermia. Statistical Analysis: Data was analyzed by F- test using Microsoft Office Excel 2003. Results: Only 12% alcoholics and six per cent smokers showed normozoospermia compared to 37 % nonalcoholic nonsmoker males. Teratozoospermia, followed by oligozoospermia dominated alcoholics. Overall impact of asthenozoospermia and teratozoospermia, but not of oligozoospermia, was observed in smokers. Light smokers predominantly showed asthenozoospermia. Heavy alcoholics and smokers showed asthenozoospermia, teratozoospermia as well as oligozoospermia. Conclusions: Asthenozoospermia, the most common semen variable in our study, can be an early indicator of reduction in quality of semen. Alcohol abuse apparently targets sperm morphology and sperm production. Smoke-induced toxins primarily hamper sperm motility and seminal fluid quality. Progressive deterioration in semen quality is related to increasing quantity of alcohol intake and cigarettes smoked.

Epidemiology and Health ; : e2010007-2010.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-721319


OBJECTIVES: Although abdominal obesity has been reported to be highly related with alcohol intake, the results are still inconclusive. Therefore, this study was conducted to explore the association between alcohol and abdominal obesity among the Korean population. METHODS: This study included 8,603 participants (men: 5,195, women: 3,408) aged 30 to 87 who visited the health promotion centers in Seoul for routine health examinations from April, 2006 to June, 2007. Abdominal obesity was defined as WC > or =90 cm for men and > or =85 cm for women in accordance with the Korean Society for the Study of Obesity. For ever drinkers, total alcohol consumption in grams was classified into four groups (group 1, non-drinkers; group 2, 1-10 g of alcohol per day; group 3, 11-20 g of alcohol per day; and group 4, over 20 g of alcohol per day). RESULTS: The mean age of the study population was 45.4 yr old (men) and 45.3 yr (women). The average waist circumference was 85.3 cm in men and 75.3 cm in women. A high alcohol intake was associated with high waist circumference in both genders. In multivariate analysis, the group of men and women drinkers consuming >20 g in a day had a large waist circumference compared with men and women non-drinkers. CONCLUSION: This study showed that a high alcohol intake was related to high waist circumference. Such association remained independently even after adjustment for smoking, which is strongly related to abdominal obesity.

Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Alcohol Drinking , Health Promotion , Multivariate Analysis , Obesity , Obesity, Abdominal , Smoke , Smoking , Waist Circumference
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-527517


Objective To explore the association between the daily intake of alcohol and blood pressure in Chinese.Methods With the baseline data of the Qingdao Port Health Study,all subjects aged 18 to 54 yrs including all in-service and retired employees in Qingdao port were selected and divided into seven groups according to their daily intake of alcohol: groups of 0,0~,5~,10~,20~,40~ and 60~g alcohol/d,also stratified by ages.The amount of alcohol intake was assessed by a questionnaire.The cross-sectional association between blood pressure and intakes of alcohol was analyzed with general linear model and Logistic regression.Results In the groups of 25~34,35~44,45~54 yrs old both before and after adjustment,systolic and diastolic blood pressure were linearly increased with the amount of alcohol intake from the 0 g/d group to 60~g/d group.In the group of 18~24 yrs old,there was no obvious relationship between BP and alcohol intake.Logistic regression model showed that odds ratios in the groups of 0~g/d,5~g/d,10~g/d,20~g/d,40~g/d and 60~g/d versus the abstainers was 1.05,1.14,1.08,1.24,1.30 and 2.02,respectively,and the prevalence of hypertension in the 20~g/d group was significantly higher than that in the 0 g/d group and groups of low or moderate alcohol intake.Conclusion An increasing and linear relationship between alcohol consumption and blood pressure was established,and alcohol intake ≥20 g /d is an independent risk factor for hypertension.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-104270


BACKGROUND: Smoking may be a factor that decreases bone mineral density. Alcohol also may be a factor that increases or decreases bone mineral density. The authors investigated the relationship among life style-related smoking and alcohol intake and the bone mineral density and the amount that may result in the incidence of osteoporosis in Korean men over forties. METHODS: In 1,650 men over forties, we compared the mean values of bone mineral density by factors. Multiple logistic regression analysis was done on the incidence of osteoporosis and the statistically significant factors after adjustment for age, body index, and daily activity. RESULTS: In men, who smoked over 30 pack-years, the bone mineral density of the spine (P<.001) and the femur (ward; P=.001, neck; P=.003) was statistically significantly low before and after adjusting (spine P=.001, femur ward P=.010, femur neck P=.016) for age, body mass index, and daily activity. In men who were presently drinking alcohol, the bone mineral density of the femur increased significantly (P<.001), but drinking alcohol only influenced the bone mineral density of the femur neck after adjustment (P=.025). In men who drank 200~300 g per week, the bone mineral density of the femur increased significantly (ward P=.001, neck P<.001), and it influenced the bone mineral density of the femur neck (P= .046) after adjustment. The odds ratio was 1.5 in men who smoked over 30 pack-years in the incidence of osteoporosis, and was statistically significant. CONCLUSION: As the odds ratio for incidence of osteoporosis increased in men who smoked over 30 pack-years, it is important to stop smoking.

Humans , Male , Body Mass Index , Bone Density , Drinking , Femur , Femur Neck , Incidence , Logistic Models , Neck , Odds Ratio , Osteoporosis , Smoke , Smoking , Spine
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-148666


Chronic alcohol intake can profoundly modify the neuronal activity and the morphologic structure of hypothalamic nucleus in the rat brain. The aim of the present study is to observe the effects of chronic alcohol intake on expression of vasopressin and oxytocin in the paraventricular and supraoptic nucleus in the rat hypothalamus. Experimental rats (n=14) were divided into control group and chronic alcohol group. Chronic alcohol group was induced via daily liquid alcohol intake for 6 months beginning at 8 weeks of age. As a result, the number of vasopressin and oxytocin-containing neurons was decreased in the paraventricular and supraoptic nucleus in chronic alcohol group. Especially, the number of vasopressin-containing neurons of chronic alcohol group was significantly decreased in the paraventricular nucleus. Chronic alcohol intake produced significant changes in the volume of the cell bodies and their nucleus in neurons of the paraventricular and supraoptic nucleus. Particularly, the size of nucleus of vasopressin-containing neurons in chronic alcohol group was larger than in control group. These results show that chronic alcohol intake may affect the synthesis of vasopressin and oxytocin in the neurons of hypothalamic nuclei. Whereas, chronic alcohol intake induces an enlargement of the cell size of surviving neuron to compensate.

Animals , Rats , Brain , Cell Size , Hypothalamus , Neurons , Oxytocin , Paraventricular Hypothalamic Nucleus , Supraoptic Nucleus , Vasopressins
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-361390


Purpose: It is known that a moderate to large volume of alcohol produces deterioration in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), however, no consensus has been achieved with respect to the influence of a moderate volume of alcohol on mild to moderate OSA. In this study, we investigated the influence of alcohol on OSA-associated parameters in healthy middle-aged males drinking a moderate volume of alcohol (<1 g alcohol/kg bodyweight per day). Methods: Subjects were 23 healthy males (mean age of 46.0) with a habitual ingestion of moderate amounts of alcohol. Respiratory sleep parameters were measured through the fitting of an Apnomonitor III (Chest Inc.) and portable sleep monitoring device (Actiwatch: AMI Inc.) to subjects on three nights; an alcohol-free night, a night on which they drank alcohol with dinner, and a night on which they drank alcohol within 30 minutes before retiring to bed. The measurements were categorized into the early and late halves of assumed sleep for analysis. Results: The apnea-hypopnea index was significantly higher when drinking alcohol before retiring [mean (SD): 7.8 (8.2) events/hour] than the values on the alcohol-free day [2.9 (4.5) events/hour] and when drinking alcohol with dinner [3.8 (5.3) events/hour]. Furthermore, drinking alcohol before retiring resulted in lower arterial blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) during the early half of sleep [94.8 (1.4) %] when compared to the values on the alcohol-free day [95.7 (1.3) %] and drinking alcohol with dinner [95.4 (1.6) %]. In addition, the percentage of time with SpO2 <92% (hypoxic event) during the early half of sleep [4.9 (9.3) %] was significantly higher than the values on the alcohol-free day [1.2 (1.8) %] and when drinking alcohol with dinner [1.4 (1.8) %]. Conclusion: These results suggest that moderate ingestion of alcohol within 30 minutes before retiring aggravates OSA-associated parameters in healthy males.

Alcohols , Alcohol Drinking , Sleep