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Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030861


Background@#Speech sound disorders (SSD) refer to difficulties in perceiving, mentally representing, and/or articulating speech sounds. In 2018, the Tagalog Sentence Repetition Test (SRT) was developed due to the lack of a commercially available local assessment tool for children with suspected SSDs. The SRT had not been validated or piloted yet.@*Objectives@#This study aimed to determine the SRT’s content validity (comprehensiveness, relevance, comprehensibility), ability to successfully elicit the target sounds, and logistical feasibility and flaws.@*Methodology@#All procedures were conducted online. Three linguists evaluated the comprehensiveness of the sounds covered, while 31 Manila Tagalog-speaking children (7 to 21 years old) participated in pilot testing. Post-testing, the children answered a questionnaire to evaluate their familiarity with the sentences’ words (relevance) and the comprehensibility of the test instructions. Content validity was assessed by computing the Content Validity Index (CVI). To see how well the test elicits the target sounds, the number of participants who produced each sound were computed.@*Results@#A CVI of 1.0 was obtained for all aspects of content validity. All targets were produced by almost all the participants, except for the final glottal stop (18/31, 58%). The test administration seemed feasible as participants from all age groups successfully executed the task.@*Conclusion@#Although the SRT exhibited good content validity, some sentences need to be revised to address sound production issues noted during the pilot. This new version should be re-piloted to 7 to 11-year-olds in-person and via teleconferencing. A manual should also be created to facilitate administration.

Speech Disorders , Speech Production Measurement
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031139


【Objective】 To observe the effect of tele-rehabilitation program on the articulation resolution of preschool children with functional articulation disorders (FAD), so as to provide reference for the clinical application of tele-rehabilitation in this context. 【Methods】 A total of 66 preschool children diagnosed with FAD in the outpatient department of Child Rehabilitation, Tangshan Maternal and Child Health Hospital from March 2022 to March 2023 were selected into this study, and were divided into tele-rehabilitation group (n=32) and control group (n=34) by random number table method. The control group received daily family rehabilitation guidance, while the tele-rehabilitation group underwent a tele-rehabilitation program lasting for 3 months. All children were assessed using the Chinese phonological ability evaluation lexicon before and 3 months after the treatment. 【Results】 After 3 months of treatment, both the tele-rehabilitation group and the control group showed significant improvements in articulation resolution compared to before treatment (t=12.165、12.986, P0.05). 【Conclusion】 Tele-rehabilitation program effectively improves articulation resolution in preschool children with FAD, especially for mild to moderate preschool children with FAD.

CoDAS ; 36(1): e20220302, 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520732


RESUMO Objetivo Investigar evidências de validade de construto para um Instrumento de Avaliação Fonológica para o Português Brasileiro, baseadas nos dados de diagnóstico gerados por sua própria aplicação a partir da análise contrastiva e do grau de severidade de fala. Método A amostra foi composta por dados de 176 crianças, com idades entre cinco até nove anos. Foram avaliadas pelo Instrumento de Avaliação Fonológica e classificadas em com transtorno fonológico ou em desenvolvimento fonológico típico, comparando tais resultados aos critérios para o transtorno no DSM-5. A busca por evidências da validade de construto contou com a concordância entre os dois métodos de avaliação, aplicando o Coeficiente Kappa. Para a diferenciação entre os grupos, utilizou-se o teste t de Student para amostras independentes. Buscou-se a investigação dos índices do instrumento pela estatística da Curva de Receiver Operating Characteristic para obter valores de área, ponto de corte, sensibilidade, especificidade, acurácia, valor preditivo positivo e negativo. Resultados O instrumento apresentou concordância e diferenciação significativa entre as classificações. Quanto aos parâmetros de desempenho, exibe ponto de corte para diagnóstico com resultados iguais ou maiores do que 96,17%, excelente valor de área sob a curva, assim como percentuais satisfatórios para as outras análises investigadas. Conclusão O conjunto de dados encontrados indicam evidências para validade de construto do Instrumento de Avaliação Fonológica, apresentando uma contribuição útil e válida ao arsenal de avaliação clínica e de pesquisa envolvendo diagnóstico de Transtorno Fonológico e, com seu resultado de acurácia, contribuiu as propriedades de desempenho dos instrumentos utilizados na Fonoaudiologia.

ABSTRACT Purpose To investigate evidence of construct validity for a Phonological Assessment Instrument for Brazilian Portuguese, based on the diagnostic data generated by its application from contrastive analysis and speech severity. Methods The sample consisted of 176 children, aged between five to nine years old. They were evaluated with the Phonological Assessment Instrument and then classified as having Speech Sound Disorder or in typical phonological development, comparing these results to the criteria described for the disorder in the DSM-5. The search for evidence of construct validity relied on the agreement between the two assessment methods while applying the Kappa Coefficient. To differentiate between groups, Student's t-test was used for independent samples. We sought to investigate the instrument indexes using the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve statistics to obtain values for area, cut-off point, sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and positive and negative predictive value. Results The instrument showed agreement and significant differentiation between the classifications. As for the performance parameters, it shows a cut-off point for diagnosis with results equal to or greater than 96.17%, an excellent area under the curve, as well as satisfactory percentages for the other analyses investigated. Conclusion The data indicated evidence for the construct validity of the Phonological Assessment Instrument, presenting a useful and valid contribution to the arsenal of clinical assessment and research involving the diagnosis of Speech Sound Disorder and, with its accuracy result, contributed to the properties of performance of instruments used in Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences.

CoDAS ; 36(1): e20220251, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514028


RESUMO Objetivo Elaborar um protocolo de avaliação do planejamento motor da fala com estímulos fonologicamente balanceados para o português brasileiro e que contemple todas as variáveis necessárias para este diagnóstico. Método Foram realizadas três etapas: Na primeira, construíram-se listas de palavras cujo critério principal foram os padrões silábicos e acentuais. Do levantamento realizado na Etapa 1, procedeu-se à seleção dos vocábulos que compuseram a primeira versão do protocolo na Etapa 2, reunidas em duas tarefas: de repetição e de Leitura em Voz Alta (LVA). Em seguida, investigou-se a ocorrência das palavras usando a base de dados do Corpus Brasileiro (PUC-SP) - Linguateca. Na etapa 3 realizou-se a análise estatística para verificar se as listas de repetição e de LVA estavam equilibradas quanto à ocorrência das palavras. Assim, as listas foram distribuídas em quartis e foram analisadas de forma descritiva e bivariada. O nível de significância utilizado foi de 5%. Resultados Após a realização de todas as etapas, foi possível obter as palavras que compuseram as listas das tarefas de repetição e de LVA. Finalmente, foram então acrescidas ao protocolo as demais tarefas consideradas essenciais para a avaliação da apraxia como as taxas diadococinéticas e a prancha para a emissão oral espontânea. Conclusão O protocolo desenvolvido contém as tarefas consideradas padrão para a avaliação da apraxia de fala pela literatura internacional, o que torna esse instrumento importante para o diagnóstico desse distúrbio em falantes do português brasileiro.

ABSTRACT Purpose To develop an assessment protocol for speech motor planning with phonologically balanced stimuli for Brazilian Portuguese, including all necessary variables for this diagnosis. Methods Three stages were carried out: In the first, word lists were built with the main criterion being syllabic and accentual patterns. From the survey conducted in Stage 1, the words that composed the first version of the protocol lists in Stage 2 were selected, and grouped into two fundamental tasks for diagnosing acquired apraxia of speech (AOS): repetition and Reading Aloud (RA). In Stage 3, the occurrence of words was investigated using the Brazilian Corpus (PUC-SP) - Linguateca database, and a statistical analysis was performed to verify if the repetition and RA lists were balanced in terms of the occurrences. Thus, the lists were distributed in quartiles and submitted to both descriptive and bivariate analyses. A significance level of 5% (p<0.05) was adopted. Results After completion of all stages, the words that composed the lists of the repetition and RA tasks were obtained. Finally, other tasks considered essential for the assessment of AOS, such as diadochokinetic rates and the board for spontaneous oral emission, were then added to the protocol. Conclusion The developed protocol contains the tasks considered standard for the assessment of AOS according to the international literature, which makes this instrument important for diagnosing this disorder in speakers of Brazilian Portuguese.

CoDAS ; 36(2): e20220299, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528451


RESUMO O Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) é classificado pelo Manual de Diagnóstico e Estatístico de Transtornos Mentais (DSM-5) como um Transtorno do Neurodesenvolvimento, sendo caracterizado, principalmente, por alterações na comunicação social e pela presença de um repertório restrito de atividades e interesses. Na literatura, há muitos estudos sobre autismo, fala e linguagem, mas poucos correlacionando fala e autismo. Este estudo teve como finalidade realizar um estudo de caso que abordou autismo, fala e PROMPT (Pontos para a Reestruturação de Objetivos Fonéticos e Oro-Musculares) e mensurou a melhora da fala no participante com autismo, utilizando o método. Foram definidas palavras-alvo para toda a intervenção, conforme o Sistema de Observação e Análise (SOA) e Hierarquia Motora de Fala (HMF), que fazem parte da avaliação de PROMPT. Após a avaliação, o participante foi atendido por 16 sessões, uma vez semanalmente. Após análise dos dados, observou-se melhora em todos os aspectos que foram delineados de acordo com a avaliação no pré-tratamento, como controle fonatório, controle mandibular, controle lábio-facial e controle lingual, como também no movimento sequenciado, apesar deste não ser o objetivo traçado na avaliação. Também foi possível mensurar melhora no número de vocábulos adequados, número de fonemas adequados, porcentagens de consoantes corretas - revisado (PCC-R) e inteligibilidade.

ABSTRACT Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is classified by Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) as a neurodevelopmental disorder, whose characteristics are mainly deficits in social communication and a restricted range of interests. There are several studies about autism, speech, and language in the literature, but few correlate speech and autism. This study aims to carry out a case study that will address autism, speech, and PROMPT (Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets) and also to describe the speech improvement in the participant with autism using the method. The target words were defined for the entire intervention according to the System Analysis Observation (SAO) and Motor Speech Hierarchy (MSH), which are parts of the PROMPT evaluation. After the evaluation, the participant was attended for 16 sessions, once weekly, with the objective of improving their speech. After analyzing the data, it was possible to observe improvement in all aspects outlined according to the pre-treatment evaluation of the method such as phonatory control, mandibular control, lip-facial control and lingual control as well as in the sequenced movement although this was not the aim outlined in the evaluation. It was also possible to measure the improvement of an adequate number of words, an adequate number of phonemes, percentages of correct consonants - revised (PCC-R), and intelligibility.

Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 28: e230651, 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564672


Este estudo se propôs a explorar as práticas de articulação de rede desenvolvidas pelos profissionais atuantes em dois pontos da Rede de Atenção Psicossocial do Distrito Federal: os Centros de Atenção Psicossocial Álcool e outras Drogas e as Unidades Básicas de Saúde, abrangendo as sete regiões de saúde existentes, evidenciando as estratégias utilizadas, bem como as dificuldades e os desafios que atravessam sua implementação à luz do modelo de Atenção Psicossocial (AP). Trata-se de uma pesquisa com abordagem qualitativa e enfoque exploratório com 36 participantes entrevistados; utilizou-se a triangulação intramétodo e adotou-se a análise de conteúdo de Bardin. Identificaram-se a falta de infraestrutura e de insumos para tecer as práticas de matriciamento, reuniões com a rede e encaminhamentos de forma satisfatória, conforme a perspectiva dos participantes. Contudo, surgiram estratégias interventivas e de promoção de saúde para o fortalecimento da AP.(AU)

La propuesta de este estudio es explorar las prácticas de articulación de red desarrolladas por los profesionales actuantes en dos puntos de la Red de Atención Psicosocial del Distrito Federal: los Centros de Atención Psicosocial Alcohol y otras Drogas y las Unidades Básicas de Salud, incluyendo las siete regiones de salud existentes, poniendo en evidencia las estrategias utilizadas, así como las dificultades y los retos presentes en su implementación a la luz del modelo de Atención Psicosocial (AP). Se trata de una encuesta con abordaje cualitativo y enfoque exploratorio con 36 participantes entrevistados; se utilizó la triangulación intramétodo y se adoptó el análisis de contenido de Bardin. Se identificó la falta de infraestructura y de insumos para tejer las prácticas de apoyo matricial, reuniones con la red y derivaciones de forma satisfactoria, conforme la perspectiva de los participantes; no obstante, surgieron estrategias de intervención y de promoción de la salud para el fortalecimiento de la AP.(AU)

This study aimed to explore the network articulation practices developed by professionals working in two points of the Psychosocial Care Network in the Federal District: The Psychosocial Care Centers for Alcohol and Other Drugs and the Basic Health Units, covering seven existing health regions, highlighting the strategies used, as well as the difficulties and challenges that cross its effective implementation following the Psychosocial Care model. This research uses a qualitative and exploratory approach, using intra-method triangulation with 36 participants and adopting Bardin's content analysis. A lack of infrastructure and inputs was identified to build the matrix support practices, meetings with the network, and referrals satisfactorily according to the participant's perspective. However, intervention and health promotion strategies emerged to strengthen Psychosocial Care.(AU)

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-988513


Objective@#Analyzing the characteristics of consonant errors in children with functional dysarthria in different age groups and the effect of speech training provides a reference for clinical treatment. @*Methods @#This study followed medical ethics, and informed consent has been obtained from patients. Speech data from 388 patients with functional dysarthria were retrospectively studied. They were divided into two groups at the age of 6, namely, the preschool group (4-6 years old) of 226 patients and the school age group (6-13 years old, including 6 years old) of 162 patients. The characteristics of consonant pronunciation errors from four aspects were analyzed: average number of errors, pronunciation location, pronunciation method, and error type. One-on-one speech training was conducted, with a training frequency of once a week and once for 30 minutes. The training method was carried out in the order of phoneme training, syllable training, vocabulary training, sentence training, and short text and conversation training. The effects of speech training in the two groups were compared. @*Results@#Analysis by pronunciation location: both age groups had the highest frequency of errors in tongue tip posterior sounds; the school age group had the lowest error frequency for labiodental consonants, and the preschool group had the lowest error frequency for bilabial consonants. According to the analysis of pronunciation mode, both age groups had the highest error frequency of aspirated affricate and the lowest error frequency of nasal sound. Analysis by error type: both age groups are mainly characterized by substitution and omission. Compared with the preschool group, most consonants of patients in the school group tend to improve in terms of pronunciation location, pronunciation mode, and error types. Compared with the preschool group, the two types of errors-palatalization and lateralization-increased in frequency in the school group, but the trend of increased lateralization was not statistically significant. After 6.7 and 5.5 sessions of speech training, the pronunciation of the preschool group and the school-age group significantly improved; the cure rate of the school-age group was 84.9% (118/139), and that of the preschool group was 77.1% (91/118). There was no statistically significant difference in the cure rate between the two groups.@*Conclusion@# Functional dysarthria may improve with age, but it may not completely self-heal. Children of different age groups can achieve good treatment results through scientific and reasonable speech training.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-995215


Objective:To compare the differences in important parameters between the articulation assessment and training system of intelligently extracted speech with those from the Praat acoustic software and those manually extracted.Methods:The speech of thirty-two normal subjects was captured using the intelligent articulation assessment and training system and using Praat acoustic software. The former analyzed the mean fundamental frequencies (mF0s), the first formant peaks (F1s) and the second formant peak (F2s) of the sustained vowels /a/, /i/ and /u/. The speech parameters collected by the traditional Praat software were extracted and analyzed by professionals. The two tools′ consistency in terms of these important acoustic parameters was analyzed.Results:The results with all 32 subjects when retested returned ICC values above 0.9 with all three vowels with the exception of mF0 for /u/ (ICC=0.75), indicating excellent retest reliability for the articulation assessment and training system. The ICC values also indicated excellent consistency between the two kinds of software in analyzing mF0, F1 and F2 of the three vowels. The mF0, F1, F2, FCR, VAI, tongue spacing, VSA, and mandibular spacing of all three vowels were mostly distributed within the 95% confidence interval of the data points in Bland-Altman plots, indicating the high accuracy of both acoustic analysis systems in speech measurement. The mean fundamental frequency values of the male long vowels /a/, /i/ and /u/ were all significantly lower than for the female long versions.Conclusions:The retest reliability of the articulation assessment and training system was good, and the results of the articulation check in the natural state were in good consistency compared to the Praat check and were interchangeable in the articulation check.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-969309


@#Children born with cleft lip and palate (CLP) are at high risk of disorders involving early speech production, and these problems can persist into later childhood, leading to the emergence of compensatory articulation errors. These difficulties in early vocalization directly impact the subsequent development of children's speech and vocabulary. Studies have shown that providing naturalistic interventions, such as milieu teaching and focused stimulation, for children with CLP in the first three years of life have positive impacts on the speech development of children, such as the potential to increase phonemic inventories and the percentage of correct consonants. In addition to speech and language therapists who perform systematic speech therapy, parents can be trained and supervised to deliver early speech intervention. The percentage of correct consonants can be used to assess outcome measures of speech intervention when combined with other measures, such as consonant inventory and speech intelligibility. However, much recent research in the field has focused on older children. Therefore, it must be determined if intervening during the early phase of typical speech development leads to better results. Future research should use more robust methodological designs to determine whether early speech intervention exhibits a positive impact on the speech and future physical and mental development of children with CLP.

Rev. CEFAC ; 25(6): e4723, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521545


ABSTRACT Purpose: to explore whether the diadochokinetic index of syllable production variability (DDKcvp%) is useful for the detection of articulatory inaccuracies in different stages of Parkinson's disease (PD). Methods: a diadochokinetic speech task of the consonant-vowel type [pa-pa-pa] was applied to 18 people with PD (classified in stages of progression from 1 to 5 according to the Hoehn & Yahr scale) to determine their diadochokinetic performance. Records of the study group were compared to a reference value obtained from a control group made up of 40 subjects. Results: 77.78% of the study group showed articulatory inaccuracies. The DDKcvp% index allowed to detect articulatory difficulties from stage 1 of PD, and its variation showed that articulatory deficits were permanent from stage 2 onwards. A significant and direct correlation was obtained between the increase in the DDKcvp% index and the increase in the stage of evolution of the participants. Conclusion: DDKcvp% index evaluated by means of a simple and fast consonant-vowel diadochokinetic task [pa-pa-pa], could be useful to determine articulatory inaccuracies in different stages of PD, although it is suggested that investigation of this index in larger sample sizes be conducted.

RESUMEN Objetivo: explorar si el índice diadococinético de variabilidad de la producción silábica (DDKcvp%) es útil para la detección de imprecisiones articulatorias en distintos estadios de la Enfermedad de Parkinson (EP). Métodos: se aplicó una tarea diadococinética de habla del tipo consonante-vocal [pa-pa-pa] a 18 personas con EP (clasificadas en estadios de evolución del 1 al 5 según la escala Hoehn & Yahr) para determinar su rendimiento diadococinético. Los registros del grupo de estudio fueron comparados con un valor de referencia obtenido de un grupo control compuesto por 40 personas. Resultados: el 77,78% del grupo de estudio evidenció imprecisiones articulatorias. Además, el índice DDKcvp% permitió pesquisar dificultades articulatorias desde el estadio 1 de la EP, y su variación evidenció que los déficits articulatorios son permanentes desde el estadio 2 en adelante. También, se obtuvo una correlación significativa y directa entre el aumento del índice DDKcvp% con el incremento del estadio de evolución en el que se encontraban los participantes. Conclusión: el índice DDKcvp%, evaluado mediante una tarea diadococinética simple y rápida tipo consonante-vocal [pa-pa-pa], podría presentar una correcta utilidad para determinar imprecisiones articulatorias en distintos estadios de la EP, aunque se sugiere continuar investigando este índice en tamaños muestrales más amplios.

Educ. med. super ; 36(3): e2993, jul.-set. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1404561


Introducción: La formación doctoral recaba relaciones internas entre los escenarios científicos y académicos. Objetivo: Exponer la propuesta de articulación de las maestrías y especialidades con el proceso de formación doctoral en la Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio cualitativo fenomenológico, en el que participaron doctores de la Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública con implicación en la formación doctoral de otras formas académicas y graduados. Se realizó un grupo de discusión mediante un foro virtual, donde se discutió la necesidad de contar con un plan de acción para la articulación, así como su conformación definitiva. Resultados: Las voces apoyaron la necesidad de contar con dicha articulación y emitieron criterios que permitieron el perfeccionamiento de la propuesta sometida a debate. Conclusiones: La articulación especialidad-maestría-doctorado de la Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública garantiza el involucramiento de los actores implicados en su ejecución y permite avizorar los logros que se propone en cuanto al fortalecimiento de la formación doctoral de la institución, desde sus propias formas académicas. Deberá favorecer el tránsito rápido y exitoso de un mayor número de profesionales hacia la formación doctoral en ciencias de la salud. Sus presupuestos, propósitos, acciones y responsables responden a las circunstancias en que esta propuesta surge y a las necesidades actuales, lo cual no limita su perfeccionamiento continuo y necesario(AU)

Introduction: Doctoral training comprises internal relationships between scientific and academic scenarios. Objective: To show a proposal for articulating the master's program and specialties with the doctoral training process of the National School of Public Health. Methods: A qualitative and phenomenological study was carried out, with the participation of doctors from the National School of Public Health involved in the doctoral training of other academic modalities and graduates. A discussion group was held through a virtual forum, where the need for an articulation action plan was discussed, as well as its definitive creation. Results: The speaking participants supported the need to have such articulation and issued criteria that allowed the improvement of the proposal submitted for discussion. Conclusions: The specialty-master's program-doctorate program articulation of the National School of Public Health guarantees that actors be involved in its implementation and makes it possible to foresee the proposed achievements in terms of strengthening the institution's doctoral training, based on its own academic modalities. It should favor the rapid and successful transition of a greater number of professionals towards doctoral training in health sciences. Its foundations, purposes, actions and responsible actors respond to the circumstances in which this proposal arises, as well as to the current needs, which does not limit its continuous and necessary improvement(AU)

Humans , Achievement , Specialization , Health Sciences , Professional Training , Mentoring , Schools , Schools, Public Health
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219122


Speech is the vocal utterance of language and it is considered disordered in three underlying ways: voice, articulation, and fluency, its disorder is to be studied from same pattern. The features that should be considered in determining a voice disorder are: Volume: how loudly or softly we speak, Pitch: how pleasant or unpleasant Quality: the highness or lowness of one’s voice, Rate: the speed at which one speaks. Homeoapthic repertory shows these symptoms, but caution is mechanical problem should not consider as dynamic derangement.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-958157


Objective:To observe the effect of speech training based on mirror neuron theory on children with functional articulation disorder (FAD).Methods:Fifty children with FAD were randomly divided into a training group and a control group, each of 25. Both groups received 30 minutes of conventional speech training 5 times a week for 24 weeks, while the training group was additionally given 20 minutes of speech training based on mirror neuron theory simultaneously. Before and after the intervention, both groups were evaluated using the articulation speech ability assessment scale and the oral motor ability assessment scale.Results:Before the treatment, there were no significant differences between the 2 groups in any of the measurements. After the treatment, significant improvement was observed in all of the measurements for both groups, but at that point the training group′s articulation, motor ability of the lower jaw, tongue and lips were all significantly superior to the control group′s averages.Conclusions:Speech training based on mirror neuron theory can significantly improve the articulation, intelligibility and oral motor functioning of children with functional articulation disorder.

Acta ortop. bras ; Acta ortop. bras;30(5): e254358, 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403050


ABSTRACT Joint stiffness is the most common complication in elbow injuries, presenting several etiologies and pathophysiological mechanisms that hinder treatment and prognosis. Prevention and treatment of joint contracture depend on the cause of stiffness, and early intervention should modify its outcomes. The methods used may be conservative or surgical, alone or in combination, according to each individual situation. Objective: Review articles on articulated elbow orthosis for joint stiffness rehabilitation. Methods: A literature review was conducted in journals available at the PubMed, Medline and LILACS databases, using the following Health Science Descriptors (DeCS): orthotic devices; braces; elbow; elbow joint; contracture; joint disorders. It sought to retrieve and analyze studies with the highest level of evidence that have already been conducted on articulated elbow orthosis for joint stiffness rehabilitation. Results: After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, four articles were included from PubMed and none from Medline or LILACS. Of the four PubMed articles, two were systematic reviews and two were randomized clinical trials. Conclusion: Articulated elbow orthoses can benefit joint stiffness treatment, improving range of motion and pain, showing superior effect compared to non-articulated plaster orthotics. Level of Evidence III, Systematic Review of Level III Studies.

RESUMO A rigidez articular é a principal complicação do cotovelo, afetando o tratamento e o prognóstico. O manejo da contratura articular se baseia na sua etiologia, e a intervenção precoce deve modificar o desfecho dessa complicação. Objetivo: Revisar artigos sobre órtese articulada de cotovelo para reabilitação de rigidez articular. Métodos: Foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica em periódicos disponíveis do PubMed, Medline e LILACS, utilizando os Descritores em Ciências da Saúde (DeCS): aparelhos ortopédicos; braquetes; cotovelo; articulação do cotovelo; contratura; e transtornos da articulação. A intenção foi estabelecer e conhecer estudos de alto poder de evidência já realizados, que tenham tido como referência a temática de órteses articuladas de cotovelo para reabilitação de rigidez articular. Resultados: Após a aplicação dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão, revisaram-se artigos indexados no PubMed, Medline e LILACS, encontrando-se quatro artigos pelo PubMed e nenhum pelo Medline ou LILACS. Dos quatro artigos, dois eram revisões sistemáticas e dois eram ensaios clínicos randomizados. Conclusão: Órteses articuladas de cotovelo podem ser benéficas no tratamento de rigidez articular, sendo sugerido que melhoram amplitude de movimentos (ADM) e dor, inclusive com efeito superior em relação às órteses não articuladas gessadas. Nível de Evidência III, Revisão Sistemática de Estudos de Nível III.

Rev. odontol. UNESP (Online) ; 51: e20220015, 2022. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1409936


Introduction Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) involves the mastication and temporomandibular articulation muscles. Completely toothless patients with prostheses should be thoroughly assessed since edentulism causes damage that can lead to TMD onset. Objective This study aims to assess the effect of the technical quality of total prostheses (TPs) on TMD occurrence in patients with bimaxillary TPs. Material and method 154 patients responded to a questionnaire to obtain personal data, information regarding prostheses, anamnestic index for TMD, and the prosthesis quality index. Result Of the 154 patients examined, 64 (41.6%) had no TMD, 61 (39.6%) had mild TMD, 23 (14.9%) moderate, and only 6 (3.9%) showed severe TMD. As for the quality of total prosthesis, 78 (50.6%) completely toothless individuals had satisfactory TPs while 76 (49.4) presented unsatisfactory prostheses. Regarding the time using total prosthesis, around 50% of individuals with up to 10 years use presented some degree of TMD and 70% of individuals with over 10 years presented TMD. Conclusion Considering the methodology used and the population studied, we conclude that the quality of the TPs did not influence the incidence of TMD.

Introdução A disfunção temporomandibular (DTM) é uma desordem que envolve os músculos da mastigação e da articulação temporomandibular. Pacientes desdentados totais e que utilizam protéses requerem uma avaliação criteriosa, já que o edentulismo leva a prejuízos que podem contribuir para o aparecimento de DTM. Objetivo O objetivo deste presente estudo foi avaliar o efeito da qualidade técnica das próteses totais (PTs) na incidência de DTM em pacientes portadores de PTs bi-maxilares. Material e método Foi aplicado um questionário a 154 pacientes contendo os dados pessoais, o histórico das próteses, o índice anamnésico para DTM e o índice de qualidade de prótese. Resultado Dos 154 pacientes examinados, 64 (41,6%) estavam livres de DTM, 61 (39,6%) possuíam DTM leve, 23 (14,9%), moderada e apenas 6 (3,9%) mostravam DTM severa. Quanto à qualidade da prótese total, 78 (50,6%) desdentados totais portavam PTs satisfatórias e 76 (49,4) estavam com próteses insatisfatórias. Quanto ao tempo de uso da prótese total, cerca de 50% dos indivíduos com até 10 anos de uso apresentaram algum grau de DTM e 70% dos indivíduos com mais de 10 anos acusaram a presença de DTM. Conclusão Considerando-se a metodologia empregada e a população estudada, pôde-se concluir que a qualidade das PTs não influenciou na presença de DTM.

Humans , Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome , Chi-Square Distribution , Surveys and Questionnaires , Mouth, Edentulous , Denture, Complete
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1451790


Objetivo: Relatar dois casos clínicos de alteração de frênulo lingual em gemelares, com 10 anos de idade, ambas do sexo feminino, avaliadas nos aspectos anatômicos e funcionais da língua antes e 15 dias após a frenectomia. Relato de casos: Inicialmente, o odontopediatra realizou a anamnese com a mãe. Em seguida, as participantes foram submetidas à avaliação clínica odontológica e, posteriormente, foi realizada a avaliação fonoaudiológica do frênulo lingual. A avaliação fonoaudiológica foi realizada por meio do Protocolo de Avaliação do Frênulo da Língua, que foi aplicado antes e 15 dias após a frenectomia. As duas participantes apresentaram melhor desempenho em provas anatômicas após o procedimento cirúrgico. Entretanto, algumas alterações, principalmente ao elevar a língua, continuaram sendo observadas em uma das pacientes 15 dias após a frenectomia. Ademais, as duas participantes passaram a executar a maioria dos movimentos de língua com maior precisão. No que se refere à fala, somente a participante que apresentava um maior número de alterações fonéticas anteriores, permaneceu com algumas alterações na fala decorridos 15 dias da cirurgia. Discussão: Algumas dificuldades envolvendo mobilidade da língua e alterações na fala podem persistir após a realização da cirurgia, indicando a necessidade de intervenção fonoaudiológica específica. Conclusão: Ambos os casos apresentaram melhora no desempenho tanto nas provas anatômicas quanto funcionais após a frenectomia.

Aim: to report two clinical cases of alteration of the lingual frenulum in twins, aged 10 years, both female, evaluated in the anatomical and functional aspects of the tongue before and 15 days after the frenectomy. Case reports: Initially, the paediatric dentistry performed the anamnesis with the mother. Then, the participants were submitted to a dental clinical evaluation and, sub-sequently, the speech language pathologist evaluation of the lingual frenulum was performed. The speech language pathologist assessment was performed using the Tongue Frenulum Evaluation Protocol, which was applied before and 15 days after the frenectomy. Both participants performed better in anatomical tests after the surgical procedure. However, some changes, especially when elevating the tongue, continued to be observed in one of the patients 15 days after the frenectomy. In addition, the two participants started to perform most of the tongue movements with greater precision. About speech, only the participant who had a greater number of previous phonetic changes, remained with some speech disorders after 15 days of surgery. Discussion: Some di-fficulties involving mobility of the tongue and changes in speech may persist after surgery, indicating the need for specific speech therapy intervention. Conclusion:Both cases showed improvement in performance both in anatomical and functional tests after frenectomy

Humans , Female , Child , Speech Disorders/rehabilitation , Lingual Frenum/surgery , Ankyloglossia
Arch. méd. Camaguey ; 25(5): e8015, 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1345214


RESUMEN Fundamento: según la Organización Mundial de la Salud, el paladar y labio fisurado son malformaciones del aparato estomatognático que producen problemas conocidos como disglosia labial y palatal. Estas afectan a una de las funciones del aparato estomatognático como es la fonación. Objetivo: analizar los problemas bucofonatorios asociados a la disglosia labial y palatal. Métodos: se realizó un estudio de tipo no experimental, descriptivo de corte trasversal. La población de estudio estuvo conformada por 62 pacientes de la Fundación Operación Sonrisa Ecuador, de los cuales se seleccionaron 42 mediante un muestreo no probabilístico intencional. La técnica que se utilizó fue la observación con sus instrumentos la historia clínica y el algoritmo de la escala del habla. Resultados: la escala del habla nasolabial, dentopalatina, test de esfuerzo y el total mostraron una correlación negativa escasa con los trastornos de la salud bucodental agrupados. Por otro lado, la escala del habla test de esfuerzo evidenció una asociación negativa débil con relación a los trastornos de salud bucodental agrupadas. La escala nasolabial provocado y velofaríngea no mostraron correlación en ningún nivel con respecto a los trastornos de la salud bucodental agrupados. Conclusiones: la mayor dificultad en la producción de los fonemas fue dentopalatina en /t/, /d/, /l/, /rr/, /ll/. Dentro de la escala del habla, la media del indicador test de esfuerzo mostró la evaluación más baja.

ABSTRACT Background: according to the World Health Organization, the cleft lip and cleft palate are oral disorders that produce speech problems. These ones affect one of the functions of the stomatognathic system such as phonation. Objective: to analyze the oral problems associated with labial and palatal cleft. Methods: a non-experimental, descriptive, transversal study was carried out. The population was constituted of seventy-two patients whose medical records which were filled out by professionals in different health areas of Operation Smile, forty-two of them were selected based on criteria through intentional non-probabilistic sampling. The observation was applied as technique and its instrument was the medical records and the speech algorithm. Results : the nose-labial speech scale, dent-palatine, stress test and the total showed a low negative correlation with the grouped oral pathologies. On the other hand, the stress test speech scale showed a weak negative association in relation to the grouped oral disorders. The provoked nasolabial scale and velopharyngeal did not correlate at any level with respect to the grouped oral pathologies. Conclusion: the greatest difficulty in the production of phonemes was dent-palatine in / t /, / d /, / l /, / rr /, / ll /. The speech scale showed that the average of the effort test indicator showed the lowest evaluation.

Medisan ; 25(1)ene.-feb. 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1154858


La inestabilidad patelofemoral es una entidad que afecta principalmente a adolescentes y adultos jóvenes. En su diagnóstico se consideran elementos clínicos e imagenológicos, en especial para medir la distancia entre la tuberosidad anterior de la tibia y el surco intercondíleo, que permite la selección de la técnica quirúrgica en cada paciente, en específico la transferencia de la tuberosidad anterior de la tibia. En este artículo se exponen brevemente algunos aspectos de interés sobre el tema: métodos imagenológicos empleados en estos pacientes (radiografía simple, tomografía axial computarizada, imagen por resonancia magnética) y valores de referencia considerados como normales; también se describe por pasos cómo medir la distancia entre la tuberosidad anterior de la tibia y el surco intercondíleo.

The patellofemoral instability is an entity that mainly affects adolescents and young adults. In its diagnosis clinical and imaging elements are considered, especially to measure the tibial-tuberosity to trochlear groove distance that allows the selection of the surgical technique in each patient, in specific the transfer of the tibial-tuberosity. In this work some aspects of interest on the topic are shortly exposed: the imaging methods used in these patients (simple x-rays, computerized axial tomography, magnetic resonance imaging) and the reference values considered as normal; it is also described step by step how to measure the tibial-tuberosity to trochlear groove distance.

Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Patellofemoral Joint/pathology , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Patellofemoral Joint/diagnostic imaging
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-912043


Objective:To document any improvement in the breathing control of stroke survivors with dysarthria after practicing Liuzijue qigong.Methods:A total of 157 stroke survivors with dysarthria and abnormal respiration control were randomly divided into an observation group and a control group. Both groups were given traditional breathing training and basic articulation training (including articulatory organ training and speech training). The observation group also received training in Liuzijue qigong. It requires inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth while producing the speech sounds xu, he, hu, si, chui and xi. The training lasted two weeks. Both groups were then evaluated using the modified Frenchay dysarthria assessment. Maximum phonation time, maximum counting ability and volume were also recorded as secondary indexes.Results:After the 2-week intervention, significant improvement was observed in the average scores on all of the indexes, with all of the observation group′s average scores except for volume significantly better than those of the control group. The average volume scores were significantly improved, but not significantly different.Conclusion:Supplementing basic articulation training with Liuzijue qigong can improve respiratory function and the speaking ability of stroke survivors with dysarthria. It is worthy of wider clinical application.

Journal of Medical Biomechanics ; (6): E883-E889, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-920698


Objective To design a notched flexible articulation applied to electric stapler and study its turning performance. Methods The notched flexible articulation was designed and modeled. The kinematics and statics models of the articulation were established for simulation calculations. The stress, deflection angle, top displacement and driving force of the articulation with 3 different turning structures were studied under equal and variable stiffness of symmetrical notches by using finite element simulation. An experimental platform for performance test of the turning structure was built to verify the simulation results and the model. Results The theoretical model of the turning structure in bending process was basically consistent with the experimental results. With the optimization of symmetrical notch stiffness, the maximum stress of the articulation with variable stiffness was reduced by 20.64% and 39.20%, respectively. The articulation with variable stiffness required the smallest tensile force during bending, which was 33.41% lower than that of the articulation with equal stiffness, and the tip displacement (30.8 mm) along the bending plane was the smallest. The maximum deflection angle for the articulation with 3 different turning structures all could reach 90°. Conclusions The kinematics and statics models of the articulation can be used for the calculation of its tensile force and position changes. The turning performance of the articulation with variable stiffness using symmetrical notch is better than that with equal stiffness. The notched flexible articulation meets the design requirements and the turning needs of electric stapler.