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Distúrbios Comun. (Online) ; 36(1): e65819, 17/06/2024.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563122


Introdução: A voz é um indicador de estados emocionais, influenciada por fatores como o tônus vagal, a respiração e a variabilidade da frequência cardíaca. O estudo explora esses fatores e a relação com a regulação emocional e a prática meditativa como técnica de autorregulação. Objetivo: Investigar a diferença nas características vocais e na variação da frequência cardíaca em meditadores experientes (EM) e novatos (NM) antes e depois de uma prática meditativa e em não praticantes de meditação ­ grupo controle (CG), antes e depois de um teste controle. Métodos: Estudo quase-fatorial 3 x 2. Três grupos foram avaliados (meditadores experientes EM; meditadores novatos NM; e grupo controle CG, não praticantes de meditação) em dois momentos da manipulação experimental ­ antes e depois de uma sessão meditativa para praticantes de meditação, e antes e depois de uma tarefa de busca de palavras para o grupo controle. A frequência fundamental, jitter, shimmer, relação harmônico-ruído e o primeiro (F1), o segundo (F2) e terceiro (F3) formantes da vogal [a]; a variação da frequência cardíaca (SDNN, RMSSD, LF/HF, SD1 and SD2); estado de ansiedade e autopercepção vocal, foram investigados, antes e após a intervenção. Resultados: O grupo EM alcançou ótimo relaxamento do trato vocal. Os grupos NM e CG apresentaram mudanças em F1. Prática meditativa, de longa duração, está associado com grande diferença em F3, SDNN e SD2 na variação da frequência cardíaca. Conclusão: Os resultados sugerem que prática meditativa influencia a expressão vocal e reação emocional, e que a experiência em prática meditativa favorece esta relação. (AU)

Introduction: The voice is an indicator of emotional states, influenced by factors such as vagal tone, breathing and heart rate variability. This study explores these factors and their relationship with emotional regulation and meditative practice as a self-regulation technique. Purpose: To investigate the difference in vocal characteristics and heart rate variability in experienced (EM) and novice (NM) meditators before and after a meditation practice and in non-meditators - control group (CG), before and after a control test. Methods: 3 x 2 quasi-factorial study. Three groups were evaluated (experienced meditators EM; novice meditators NM; and control group CG, non-meditators) at two points in the experimental manipulation - before and after a meditation session for meditators, and before and after a word search task for the control group. The fundamental frequency, jitter, shimmer, harmonic-to-noise ratio and the first (F1), second (F2) and third (F3) formants of the vowel [a]; heart rate variation (SDNN, RMSSD, LF/HF, SD1 and SD2); anxiety state and vocal self-perception, were investigated, before and after the intervention. Results: The EM group achieved optimal vocal tract relaxation. The NM and CG groups showed changes in F1. Long-term meditative practice was associated with a large difference in F3, SDNN and SD2 in heart rate variation. Conclusion: The results suggest that meditation practice influences vocal expression and emotional reaction, and that experience in meditation practice favors this relationship. (AU)

Introducción: La voz es un indicador de los estados emocionales, influida por factores como el tono vagal, la respiración y la variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca. Este estudio explora estos factores y su relación con la regulación emocional y la práctica de la meditación. Objetivo: Investigar la diferencia en las características vocales y variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca en meditadores experimentados (EM) y novatos (NM) antes y después de una práctica de meditación y en no meditadores - grupo control (GC), antes y después de una prueba control. Métodos: Estudio cuasi-factorial 3 x 2. Se evaluaron tres grupos (meditadores experimentados EM; meditadores novatos NM; y grupo control CG, no meditadores) en dos momentos - antes y después de una sesión de meditación para los meditadores, y antes y después de una tarea de búsqueda de palabras para el grupo control. Se investigaron la frecuencia fundamental, jitter, shimmer, relación armónico-ruido y los formantes primero (F1), segundo (F2) y tercero (F3) de la vocal [a]; la variación de la frecuencia cardiaca (SDNN, RMSSD, LF/HF, SD1 y SD2); el estado de ansiedad y autopercepción vocal, antes y después de la intervención. Resultados: El grupo EM consiguió una relajación óptima del tracto vocal. Los grupos NM y CG mostraron cambios en F1. La práctica de meditación a largo plazo se asocia con una gran diferencia en F3, SDNN y SD2 en la variación de la frecuencia cardiaca. Conclusión: Los resultados sugieren que la práctica de meditación influye en la expresión vocal y reacción emocional. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Voice , Meditation , Emotional Regulation , Controlled Before-After Studies , Voice Recognition/physiology
Rev. Paul. Pediatr. (Ed. Port., Online) ; 42: e2023002, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521609


ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the relationship between birth weight and the autonomic nervous system in adulthood through a systematic review. Data source: This is a systematic review of publications without limitation of year and language. We included studies involving the autonomic nervous system and birth weight in adults. Manuscripts were selected based on electronic searches of Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE), Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Web of Science Cochrane Library and Scopus databases, using "Autonomic Nervous System" OR "Heart Rate" OR "Heart Rate Variability" AND "Birth Weight" as a search strategy. This review is registered on the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews — PROSPERO (ID: CRD42020165622). Data synthesis: We found 894 articles; 215 were excluded for duplicity. Of the remaining 679 studies, 11 remained. Two were excluded because they did not specifically treat the autonomic nervous system or birth weight. There were nine publications, two cohort and seven cross-sectional studies. The main findings were that extreme, very low, low or high birth weight may have some impact on the autonomic nervous system in adult life. Conclusions: Birth weight outside the normality rate may have a negative influence on the autonomic nervous system, causing autonomic dysfunction and increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases in adult life. Thus, the importance of the follow-up of health professionals from pregnancy to gestation and throughout life, with preventive care being emphasized.

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a relação entre o peso ao nascer e o sistema nervoso autônomo na vida adulta por meio de uma revisão sistemática. Fontes de dados: Esta é uma revisão sistemática de publicações, sem limitação de ano e idioma. Incluímos estudos envolvendo o sistema nervoso autônomo e peso ao nascer em adultos. Os manuscritos foram selecionados das bases de dados eletrônicos Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE), Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Web of Science Cochrane Library e Scopus, utilizando "Autonomic Nervous System" OR "Heart Rate" OR "Heart Rate Variability" AND "Birth Weight" como estratégia de busca. Esta revisão está registrada pelo International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews — PROSPERO (ID: CRD42020165622). Síntese dos dados: Nós encontramos 894 artigos. Deles, 215 foram excluídos por duplicidade. Entre os 679 remanescentes, 11 permaneceram, dos quais dois foram excluídos por não tratarem especificamente do sistema nervoso autônomo ou do peso ao nascer. Restaram nove publicações, sendo duas longitudinais e sete transversais. Os principais achados foram que o peso extremo baixo, muito baixo, baixo ou alto ao nascer pode ter algum impacto no sistema nervoso autônomo na vida adulta. Conclusões: O peso ao nascer fora da normalidade pode influenciar negativamente o sistema nervoso autônomo, causando disfunção autonômica e aumentando o risco de doenças cardiovasculares na vida adulta. Assim, ressalta-se a importância do acompanhamento dos profissionais de saúde desde a gravidez até a gestação, pré-natal e ao longo da vida, com cuidados preventivos para esta situação.

Arq. bras. cardiol ; 121(2): e20230483, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557002


Resumo Fundamento: Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne (DMD) é uma doença neuromuscular hereditária rara. O acometimento cardíaco inicial pode ser assintomático. Portanto, a avaliação por métodos não invasivos pode auxiliar sua abordagem. Objetivos: Analisar o eletrocardiograma (ECG) e a variabilidade da frequência cardíaca (VFC) do grupo com DMD, e comparar com a do grupo controle pareado por idade. Métodos: Estudo prospectivo com 27 pacientes masculinos com DMD (idade de 11,9 anos) que foram submetidos à avaliação clínica, ECG, ecocardiograma e Holter. ECG (aumento de 200%) foi avaliado por dois observadores independentes. VFC foi feita no domínio do tempo (24 h) e da frequência na posição supina e sentada. O grupo saudável foi de nove pacientes (11,0 anos). Um valor de p < 0,05 foi considerado estatisticamente significante. Resultados: A média da fração de ejeção (FE) foi de 60% (34 a 71%). O coeficiente de Kappa para as medidas do ECG variou de 0,64 a 1,00. Foram verificados aumento da relação R/S em V1 em 25,9%, onda Q patológica em 29,6% e QRS fragmentado em 22,2% em regiões inferior/lateral alta, este com correlação negativa com FE (p = 0,006). Houve baixa VFC, sem influência de nenhuma variável, inclusive tratamento. Com a mudança da posição, houve aumento da FC (p = 0,004), porém não houve alteração da VFC. A relação LF/HF foi de 2,7 na DMD e de 0,7 no controle (p = 0,002). Conclusões: Nos participantes com DMD, as ondas R proeminentes em V1 e alterações nas regiões inferior/lateral alta ocorreram em quase 30% dos casos. Houve menor tônus vagal sem influência das variáveis idade, fração de ejeção, dispersão do QT e tratamento. Apesar do aumento da FC, não houve resposta adequada da VFC com a mudança de posição.

Abstract Background: Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is a rare inherited neuromuscular disease. At first, cardiac involvement may be asymptomatic. Therefore, assessing patients using non-invasive methods can help detect any changes. Objectives: Analyze the electrocardiogram (ECG) test and heart rate variability (HRV) of the DMD group and compare the information with that of the age-matched control group. Methods: A prospective study with 27 male patients with DMD (11.9 years old), who underwent clinical evaluation, ECG, echocardiogram, and Holter monitoring. ECG (200% increase) was assessed by two independent observers. HRV was measured over time (24 h) and in the frequency domain, in the supine and sitting positions. The healthy group consisted of nine patients (11.0 years old). A value of p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The mean ejection fraction (EF) was 60% (34 to 71%). The Kappa coefficient for ECG measurements ranged from 0.64 to 1.00. An increase in the R/S ratio in V1 was observed in 25.9% of the subjects, pathological Q wave in 29.6%, and fragmented QRS in 22.2% in inferior/high lateral regions, with a negative correlation with EF (p = 0.006). There was low HRV, without the influence of any variable, including treatment. With the change in position, there was an increase in HR (p = 0.004), but there was no change in HRV. The LF/HF ratio was 2.7 in the DMD group and 0.7 in the control group (p = 0.002). Conclusions: In DMD subjects, prominent R waves in V1 and changes in the inferior/high lateral regions occurred in almost 30% of the cases. Lower vagal tone was observed without the influence of the variables age, ejection fraction, QT dispersion, and treatment. Despite the increase in HR, there was no adequate HRV response to the change in position.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021841


BACKGROUND:Heart rate variability biofeedback is a respiratory training method that uses slow and deep breathing at the resonant frequency to induce rhythmic,high-amplitude oscillations in the cardiovascular system,thereby stimulating and exercising the autonomic and baroreflex.However,current studies have not systematically reviewed how heart rate variability biofeedback modulates the autonomic function and produces effects.There is a lack of public understanding of the mechanism of heart rate variability biofeedback,and its application progress and scheme are not fully understood. OBJECTIVE:To review the existing experimental studies on the effects of heart rate variability biofeedback on symptoms in different populations at home and abroad and to introduce the mechanisms and advances in the application of heart rate variability biofeedback to modulate the autonomic nervous system. METHODS:"Heart rate variability biofeedback,resonance breathing,heart rate variability,autonomic nerve,breathing training,chronic diseases,mental illness,biofeedback"were used as Chinese or English keywords to search in CNKI,WanFang Database,PubMed,and Web of Science.A total of 72 core related papers were included according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:The body's oscillation system and resonance system are essential for the effectiveness of heart rate variability biofeedback.Oscillations reflect the response to external stimuli and self-regulating reflex systems,while resonances involve synchronous oscillations that result in higher amplitude operations.The balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves is crucial for maintaining a stable internal environment.Autonomic nervous system disorders are associated with reduced heart rate variability and are closely linked to the progression of related diseases.Heart rate variability biofeedback utilizes the resonance characteristics of the cardiovascular system,inducing rhythmic high-amplitude oscillations by employing deep slow breathing at the resonance frequency.This method improves the regulatory function of the sympathetic and parasympathetic system reflexes and enhances the balance regulation between the two systems.Two major mechanisms of cardiovascular system resonance are the baroreflex closed-loop pathway and respiratory sinus arrhythmia.These mechanisms,along with the unique delay of baroreflex,result in a 0° phase angle oscillation between heart rate and respiration and a 180° phase angle oscillation between blood pressure and respiration during breathing at the resonant frequency rhythm.Periodically stimulating the human cardiovascular oscillation system through this method is an easy-to-operate and effective training approach.Currently,heart rate variability biofeedback is mainly applied in the fields of mental illness,chronic disease,and sports.However,the intervention mechanism and efficacy are unclear,the intervention content,frequency and duration are varied,and there are limited review studies on the intervention methods tailored to different types of individuals.As a non-drug and non-invasive intervention,heart rate variability biofeedback can significantly increase heart rate variability,regulate the balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves,and improve the stability and adaptability of the autonomic nervous system.In the future,it is suggested to investigate the mechanisms and potential applications of the pathways of the heart rate variability biofeedback that induce cardiovascular resonance.It is also recommended to incorporate long-term follow-ups to assess the sustained value of heart rate variability biofeedback in various fields.This would provide new directions and strategies for the comprehensive treatment of complex diseases.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022616


Heart rate variability(HRV)is a non-invasive index used to assess autonomic nervous function in heart,which has been widely used in evaluation of hypertension,coronary heart disease,diabetes and other diseases.Chro-nic heart failure(CHF)induces ventricular remodeling by slowly activating neuroendocrinal system,and HRV grad-ually decreases with the decline of human cardiac function.The present article makes a review on correlation be-tween CHF and Parkinson's disease(PD)and its possible mechanism,as well as the change characteristics of HRV in CHF complicated PD,aiming at providing direction for follow-up development of targeted treatment and preven-tion strategies for PD patients,and it is conducive to improve quality of life of PD patients.

Arq. bras. cardiol ; 121(5): e20230678, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557054


Resumo Fundamento Estudos prévios têm sido inconsistentes em demonstrar efeitos cardiovasculares benéficos da suplementação de vitamina D. Objetivo Avaliar efeitos da suplementação de vitamina D3 sobre parâmetros hemodinâmicos centrais e atividade autonômica em indivíduos obesos/sobrepeso e baixos níveis de vitamina D (<30ng/dl). Métodos Ensaio clínico prospectivo, randomizado, duplo-cego (NCT 05689632), adultos 40-65 anos com índice de massa corporal ≥25<40 kg/m2. Hemodinâmica central avaliada por método oscilométrico (Mobil-O-Graph®), variabilidade da frequência cardíaca utilizando frequencímetro Polar (software Kubios®). Os pacientes (n=53) receberam placebo no grupo controle (CO, n=25) ou vitamina D3 (VD, n=28) 7000 UI/dia, avaliados antes (S0) e após 8 semanas (S8) com nível de significância de 0,05. Resultados Os grupos foram homogêneos na idade (51±6 vs. 52±6 anos, p=0,509) e níveis de vitamina D (22,8±4,9 vs. 21,7±4,5ng/ml, p=0,590). Na S8, o grupo VD apresentou níveis significativamente maiores de vitamina D (22,5 vs. 35,6ng/ml, p<0,001). Apenas o grupo VD mostrou redução significativa da pressão arterial sistólica (PAS; 123±15 vs. 119±14mmHg, p=0,019) e fosfatase alcalina (213±55 vs. 202±55mg/dl, p=0,012). O grupo CO mostrou elevação da pressão de aumento (AP: 9 vs. 12mmHg, p=0,028) e do índice de incremento (Aix: 26 vs. 35%, p=0,020), o que não foi observado no grupo VD (AP: 8 vs. 8mmHg, Aix: 26 vs. 25%, p>0,05). Grupo VD apresentou aumento no índice do sistema nervoso (iSN) parassimpático (-0,64±0,94 vs. -0,16±1,10, p=0,028) e no intervalo R-R (866±138 vs. 924±161ms, p=0,026). Conclusão Nesta amostra, a suplementação diária de vitamina D durante oito semanas resultou em melhora dos níveis pressóricos, parâmetros hemodinâmicos centrais e do equilíbrio autonômico.

Abstract Background Previous studies have been inconsistent in demonstrating beneficial cardiovascular effects of vitamin D supplementation. Objective To evaluate the effects of vitamin D3 supplementation on central hemodynamic parameters and autonomic activity in obese/overweight individuals with low vitamin D levels (<30ng/dl). Methods Adults 40-65 years old with body mass index ≥25<40 kg/m2 were enrolled in this prospective, randomized, double-blind clinical trial (NCT 05689632). Central hemodynamics was assessed using the oscillometric method (Mobil-O-Graph®), and heart rate variability using a Polar heart rate monitor (Kubios® software). Patients (n=53) received a placebo in the control group (CO, n=25) or vitamin D3 (VD, n=28) 7000 IU/day, and were evaluated before (W0) and after 8 weeks (W8) with a significance level of 0.05. Results The groups were homogeneous regarding age (51±6 vs 52±6 years, p=0.509) and vitamin D levels (22.8±4.9 vs 21.7±4.5ng/ml, p=0.590). At W8, the VD group had significantly higher levels of vitamin D (22.5 vs 35.6ng/ml, p<0.001). Only the VD group showed a significant reduction in systolic blood pressure (SBP; 123±15 vs 119±14mmHg, p=0.019) and alkaline phosphatase (213±55 vs 202±55mg/dl, p=0.012). The CO group showed an increase in augmentation pressure (AP: 9 vs 12 mmHg, p=0.028) and augmentation index (AIx: 26 vs 35%, p=0.020), which was not observed in the VD group (AP: 8 vs 8 mmHg, AIx: 26 vs 25%, p>0.05). VD group showed an increase in the parasympathetic nervous system index (PNSi) (-0.64±0.94 vs -0.16±1.10, p=0.028) and the R-R interval (866±138 vs 924±161 ms, p= 0.026). Conclusion In this sample, eight weeks of daily vitamin D supplementation resulted in an improvement in blood pressure levels and autonomic balance.

Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(2): 611-624, Maio-Ago. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1419225


INTRODUÇÃO: A imobilização prolongada acarreta prejuízos sistêmicos que repercute diretamente em maiores agravos aos pacientes, dentre eles se encontra a redução da VFC, indicativo de maior morbimortalidade clínica. OBJETIVO: Analisar se o tempo de internação hospitalar influencia a modulação autonômica da frequência cardíaca em pacientes pediátricos. METODOLOGIA: Estudo longitudinal, quantitativo e prospectivo, realizado em uma enfermaria pediátrica. A amostra foi de pacientes entre 4 a 11 anos, ambos gêneros, internados dentro das primeiras 48 horas. A coleta iniciou após a assinatura do TCLE pelo responsável, seguida do colhimento dos dados pessoais e clínicos dos pacientes seguida da coleta da VFC, repetida no último dia de internação. A captação da VFC foi realizada pelo monitor Polar RS800CX. Os dados foram transferidos e passados por uma análise matemática no programa Kubios HRV2.2. Por fim, os dados foram tabulados e analisados pelo Microsoft Excel 2013 e software BioEstat® 5.3 respectivamente. RESULTADOS: Os valores lineares no domínio do tempo obtiveram média pré (IRR=644,7 com P=0,42; RMSSD= 46,1 com P=0,017 e SDNN=43,5 com P=0,017) e pós (IRR=656,3; RMSSD=34,8; SDNN=35,38) e no domínio da frequência média pré (LF=41,9 com P=0,013; HF=58,0 com P=0,013; LF/HF=1,03 com P=0,04) e pós (LF=52,2; HF=47,7; LF/HF=3,56). A correlação de Pearson na análise tanto de RMSSD pós x tempo de internação, quanto SDNN pós x tempo de internação demonstraram R=0,55 e R=0,59 respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: Foi observado que o tempo de internação exerce influência negativa sobre a modulação autonômica da frequência cardíaca em pacientes pediátricos.

INTRODUCTION: Prolonged immobilization causes systemic damage that has a direct impact on greater harm to patients, among which is the reduction in HRV, indicative of greater clinical morbidity and mortality. OBJECTIVE: To analyze whether the length of hospital stay influences the autonomic modulation of heart rate in pediatric patients. METHODOLOGY: Longitudinal, quantitative and prospective study, carried out in a pediatric ward. The sample consisted of patients between 4 and 11 years old, both genders, hospitalized within the first 48 hours. The collection began after the signature of the TCLE by the guardian, followed by the collection of the patients' personal and clinical data, followed by the HRV collection, repeated on the last day of hospitalization. HRV capture was performed by the Polar RS800CX monitor. The data were transferred and passed through a mathematical analysis in the Kubios HRV2.2 program. Finally, data were tabulated and analyzed using Microsoft Excel 2013 and BioEstat® 5.3 software, respectively. RESULTS: Linear values in the time domain obtained mean pre (IRR=644.7 with P=0.42; RMSSD=46.1 with P=0.017 and SDNN=43.5 with P=0.017) and post (IRR=656.3; RMSSD=34.8; SDNN=35.38) and in the pre mean frequency domain (LF=41.9 with P=0.013; HF=58.0 with P=0.013; LF/HF=1,03 with P=0.04) and powders (LF=52.2; HF=47.7; LF/HF=3.56). Pearson's correlation in the analysis of both the RMSSD post x length of stay and the SDNN post x length of stay showed R=0.55 and R=0.59 respectively. CONCLUSION: It was observed that the length of stay has a negative influence on the autonomic modulation of heart rate in pediatric patients.

INTRODUCCIÓN: La inmovilización prolongada provoca daños sistémicos que repercuten directamente en un mayor perjuicio para los pacientes, entre los que se encuentra la disminución de la VFC, indicativa de una mayor morbimortalidad clínica. OBJETIVO: Analizar si la duración de la estancia hospitalaria influye en la modulación autonómica de la frecuencia cardiaca en pacientes pediátricos. METODOLOGÍA: Estudio longitudinal, cuantitativo y prospectivo, realizado en una planta de pediatría. La muestra consistió en pacientes entre 4 y 11 años, de ambos sexos, hospitalizados dentro de las primeras 48 horas. La recogida se inició tras la firma del TCLE por el tutor, seguida de la recogida de los datos personales y clínicos de los pacientes, seguida de la recogida de la VFC, repetida el último día de hospitalización. La captura de la VFC se realizó con el monitor Polar RS800CX. Los datos se transfirieron y pasaron por un análisis matemático en el programa Kubios HRV2.2. Finalmente, los datos fueron tabulados y analizados utilizando Microsoft Excel 2013 y el software BioEstat® 5.3, respectivamente. RESULTADOS: Se obtuvieron valores lineales en el dominio temporal medios pre (TIR=644,7 con P=0,42; RMSSD=46,1 con P=0,017 y SDNN=43,5 con P=0,017) y post (TIR=656,3; RMSSD=34. 8; SDNN=35,38) y en el dominio de la frecuencia media pre (LF=41,9 con P=0,013; HF=58,0 con P=0,013; LF/HF=1,03 con P=0,04) y polvos (LF=52,2; HF=47,7; LF/HF=3,56). La correlación de Pearson en el análisis tanto de la RMSSD post x duración de la estancia como de la SDNN post x duración de la estancia mostró R=0,55 y R=0,59 respectivamente. CONCLUSIÓN: Se observó que la duración de la estancia influye negativamente en la modulación autonómica de la frecuencia cardíaca en pacientes pediátricos.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Pediatrics , Hospitalization , Autonomic Nervous System , Child , Prospective Studies , Hospitals , Length of Stay
Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 31: e70565, jan. -dez. 2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1451836


Objetivo: avaliar os efeitos de um programa de exercício resistido intradialítico sobre a qualidade do sono e a modulação autonômica cardíaca de pacientes em hemodiálise. Método: ensaio clínico não randomizado, realizado entre fevereiro de 2019 e outubro de 2020, com 52 indivíduos renais crônicos dialíticos, alocados em grupo intervenção (GI; n=32) e grupo controle (GC; n=20). O GI realizou 12 semanas de treinamento físico intradialítico, três vezes por semana. Foram mensurados índices de qualidade do sono e modulação autonômica cardíaca. Resultados: houve incremento nos índices desvio padrão dos intervalos batimento a batimento (SDNN) (ms) (p=0,0004), raiz quadrada da média do quadrado dos intervalos batimento a batimento adjacentes (RMSSD) (ms) (p<0,0001), desvio padrão 1 (SD1) (ms) (p=0,03) e razão desvio padrão 1/desvio padrão 2 (SD1/SD2) (p=0,0003). Não houve melhora da qualidade do sono. Conclusão: O exercício resistido intradialítico, é capaz de melhorar a modulação autonômica cardíaca em pacientes com doença renal crônica(AU)

Objective: to evaluate the effects of an intradialytic resistance exercise program on sleep quality and cardiac autonomic modulation in hemodialysis patients. Method: non-randomized clinical trial, carried out between February 2019 and October 2020, with 52 individuals with chronic renal failure on dialysis, divided into an intervention group (IG; n=32) and a control group (CG; n=20). The IG performed 12 weeks of intradialytic physical training, three times a week. Indices of sleep quality and cardiac autonomic modulation were measured. Results: there was an increase in the standard deviation indices of beat-to-beat intervals (SDNN) (ms) (p=0.0004), square root of the mean square of adjacent beat-to-beat intervals (RMSSD) (ms) (p<0. 0001), standard deviation 1 (SD1) (ms) (p=0.03) and standard deviation 1/standard deviation 2 (SD1/SD2) ratio (p=0.0003). There was no improvement in sleep quality. Conclusion: Intradialytic resistance exercise is able to improve cardiac autonomic modulation in patients with chronic kidney disease(AU)

Objetivo: evaluar los efectos de un programa de ejercicios de resistencia e intradialíticos sobre la calidad del sueño y la modulación autonómica cardíaca en pacientes en hemodiálisis. Método: ensayo clínico no aleatorizado, realizado entre febrero de 2019 y octubre de 2020, junto a 52 individuos en diálisis con insuficiencia renal crónica, divididos en grupo intervención (GI; n=32) y grupo control (GC; n=20). El GI realizó 12 semanas de entrenamiento físico intradialítico, tres veces por semana. Se midieron índices de calidad del sueño y modulación autonómica cardíaca. Resultados: hubo un aumento en los índices de desviación estándar de los intervalos entre latidos (SDNN) (ms) (p=0,0004), raíz cuadrada del cuadrado medio de los intervalos entre latidos adyacentes (RMSSD) (ms) (p<0,0001), desviación estándar 1 (DE1) (ms) (p=0,03) y relación desviación estándar 1/desviación estándar 2 (DE1/DE2) (p=0,0003). No hubo mejoría en la calidad del sueño. Conclusión: el ejercicio de resistencia intradialítico puede mejorar la modulación autonómica cardíaca en pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Autonomic Nervous System , Renal Dialysis , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic/therapy , Resistance Training/methods , Sleep Quality , Non-Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic , Heart Rate
Rev. Ciênc. Saúde ; 13(3): 3-9, 20230921.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1510411


A fibromialgia é uma condição crônica de etiologia desconhecida e desvinculada de marcadores laboratoriais específicos para diagnóstico, devido à pobre caracterização da etiopatogenia. Em geral, as alterações comuns à fibromialgia também são observadas em outras condições de dor crônica, tornando a patogênese controversa entre diferentes condições patológicas. A etiologia desconhecida dificulta o diagnóstico e, consequentemente, repercute em um tratamento não tão eficaz de pacientes com fibromialgia. A restauração de desordens sistêmicas confere amplo espectro de possibilidades terapêuticas com potencial de orientar profissionais a estabelecer metas e métodos de avaliação. Diante disso, essa revisão narrativa se volta para debater hipóteses etiológicas e fisiopatológicas no desenvolvimento da fibromialgia.

Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition of unknown etiology unrelated to specific laboratory markers for diagnosis because of poor etiopathogenesis. In general, the changes common to fibromyalgia are also seen in other chronic pain conditions, making the pathogenesis controversial among different pathological conditions. The unknown etiology makes the diagnosis difficult and consequently has repercussions on a not so effective treatment of patients with fibromyalgia. The restoration of systemic disorders provides a wide spectrum of therapeutic possibilities with the potential to guide professionals in establishing goals and evaluation methods. Therefore, this narrative review discusses the etiological and pathophysiological hypotheses involved in the development of fibromyalgia.

Humans , Female , Signs and Symptoms , Diagnosis
Vive (El Alto) ; 6(16): 183-194, abr. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1442275


El temblor esencial es el trastorno de movimiento más común en la actualidad, su prevalencia aumenta conforme lo hace la edad y se caracteriza principalmente por ser un temblor de acción de miembros superiores que puede llegar a afectar miembros inferiores, tronco y cabeza. Afecta directamente la calidad de vida de las personas al limitar las actividades del diario vivir llevando al desarrollo de trastornos como ansiedad y depresión. Objetivo. Describir los efectos adversos y la eficacia de los neuro estímulos periféricos no invasivos como opción terapéutica para el temblor esencial. Metodología. Se empleó la metodología de una revisión sistemática, basadas en las directrices PRISMA 2021 mediante la búsqueda de información en las siguientes bases de datos, PubMed, Scopus y Web of science. Además, se realizó una búsqueda especifica de todos los estudios centrados en la temática cuyo algoritmo de búsqueda se presenta a continuación, "terapia no invasiva" AND "temblor esencial" AND "neuroestimulación" AND "estimulación eléctrica transcutánea" en idioma español e inglés, entre los años 2017- 2022. Conclusión. La neuroestimulación eléctrica periférica no invasiva se presenta como una opción terapéutica prometedora en el tratamiento del temblor esencial. Los estudios han demostrado una mejora significativa en los síntomas del temblor en pacientes tratados con neuroestimulación eléctrica periférica no invasiva, lo que sugiere que este enfoque puede ser beneficioso para pacientes que no responden a otros tratamientos convencionales o que experimentan efectos secundarios adversos. Además, la neuroestimulación eléctrica periférica no invasiva es una técnica segura y bien tolerada por los pacientes.

Essential tremor is the most common movement disorder today, its prevalence increases with age and is characterized mainly as an action tremor of the upper limbs that can affect the lower limbs, trunk and head. It directly affects the quality of life of people by limiting the activities of daily living leading to the development of disorders such as anxiety and depression. Objective. To describe the adverse effects and efficacy of noninvasive peripheral neuro-stimuli as a therapeutic option for essential tremor. Methodology. The methodology of a systematic review was used, based on the PRISMA 2021 guidelines, by searching for information in the following databases: PubMed, Scopus and Web of science. In addition, a specific search was performed for all studies focused on the topic whose search algorithm is presented below, "noninvasive therapy" AND "essential tremor" AND "neurostimulation" AND "transcutaneous electrical stimulation" in Spanish and English language, between the years 2017- 2022. Conclusion. Noninvasive peripheral electrical neurostimulation is presented as a promising therapeutic option in the treatment of essential tremor. Studies have demonstrated significant improvement in tremor symptoms in patients treated with noninvasive peripheral electrical neurostimulation, suggesting that this approach may be beneficial for patients who do not respond to other conventional treatments or who experience adverse side effects. In addition, noninvasive peripheral electrical neurostimulation is a safe technique that is well tolerated by patients.

O tremor essencial é o distúrbio de movimento mais comum atualmente, sua prevalência aumenta com a idade e é caracterizado principalmente como um tremor de ação do membro superior que pode afetar os membros inferiores, o tronco e a cabeça. Ele afeta diretamente a qualidade de vida das pessoas ao limitar as atividades da vida diária, levando ao desenvolvimento de distúrbios como ansiedade e depressão. Objetivo. Descrever os efeitos adversos e a eficácia dos neuroestímulos periféricos não invasivos como opção terapêutica para o tremor essencial. Metodologia. Utilizamos a metodologia de uma revisão sistemática, com base nas diretrizes PRISMA 2021, buscando informações nos seguintes bancos de dados: PubMed, Scopus e Web of science. Além disso, foi realizada uma busca específica de todos os estudos focados no assunto cujo algoritmo de busca é apresentado a seguir, "terapia não invasiva" AND "tremor essencial" AND "neuroestimulação" AND "estimulação elétrica transcutânea" em espanhol e inglês, entre 2017 e 2022. Conclusão. A neuroestimulação elétrica periférica não invasiva é apresentada como uma opção terapêutica promissora no tratamento do tremor essencial. Estudos demonstraram melhora significativa nos sintomas do tremor em pacientes tratados com neuroestimulação elétrica periférica não invasiva, sugerindo que essa abordagem pode ser benéfica para pacientes que não respondem a outros tratamentos convencionais ou que apresentam efeitos colaterais adversos. Além disso, a estimulação elétrica nervosa periférica não invasiva é uma técnica segura e bem tolerada pelos pacientes.

Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 69(3): 421-425, Mar. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1422656


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: It is known that obstructive sleep apnea syndrome affects many systems due to hypoxemia and hypercarbia. We aimed to demonstrate with the utilization of well-standardized questionnaire tools and electrophysiological tests that cognitive impairment, depression, autonomic dysfunction, and metabolic syndrome may occur in association with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. METHODS: The electrophysiological examination protocol of autonomic nervous system functions was performed with sympathetic skin response and R-R Interval. Patients were administered Epworth Sleepiness Scale, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Montreal Cognitive Assessment, and Hamilton Depression Rating Scale by physicians in face-to-face interviews. RESULTS: This study included 148 participants, consisting of 73 patients and 75 controls. There was a statistically significant difference between the patient group and control group with regard to sympathetic skin response, R-R Interval, post-hyperventilation R-R Interval, and R-R Interval variation (p<0.001). A statistically significant difference was observed between the patient group and control group in terms of median Epworth Sleepiness Scale, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, and Montreal Cognitive Assessment scores. It was observed that the control group achieved significantly better scores than the patient group in delayed recall (p<0.001) and language (p<0.05) categories. CONCLUSION: Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome patients should be screened for diseases, especially in the cardiovascular system, that cause serious morbidity and impair functionality such as dementia and depression. We believe that many comorbid diseases encountered in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome patients can be prevented with early diagnosis and continuous positive airway pressure treatment.

Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1436214


Introduction: Cerebral Palsy (CP) is characterized by a disorder of posture and movement, commonly leading to disabling orthopedic alterations, including muscle shortening, especially in the lower limbs. Stretching methods, performed gradually, are necessary to delay the impairment in function from muscle shortening. The use of serial casting aims to promote proper alignment, and an ideal and stable support base, in addition to better bone and joint health, leading to better posture, mobility, muscle function, and, subsequently, increased fitness and health.Objective: evaluate range of motion, postural control, and motor performance in children with CP, using serial casting, as well as to measure its effect on fitness through the autonomic nervous system (ANS).Methods: Sixty children and adolescents with CP, of both sexes, 3 to 12 years of age, will be divided into three groups: Groups A, B, and C, with 20 individuals each. Group A will use serial casting, Group B will use the orthosis continuously (with removal only allowed for bathing), and Group C will use the orthosis in their daily routine. Range of motion of the ankle of first and second resistance levels (R1 and R2), gross motor function measure (GMFM), and balance (measured by BERG scale) will be used in the initial and final assessments, and after 6 months and one year of follow-up. Timed-up-and-go (TUG), load distribution (baropodometry), motor performance measured through a real basketball game and the virtual MoveHero game, analysis of body angulation with "mydartfish", and cardiac autonomic modulation through heart rate variability will be assessed in three different situations: barefoot, with orthosis, and with casting.Conclusion: Serial casting demonstrates the potential to produce positive results in the treatment of individuals with CP regarding better alignment, with consequent motor and autonomic improvement.

Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 69(1): 181-185, Jan. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1422601


SUMMARY BACKGROUND: Patients with coronavirus disease 2019 on automatic mechanical ventilation have greater heart rate modulation with greater parasympathetic modulation. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the autonomic modulation of heart rate in critically ill patients with coronavirus disease 2019 on invasive mechanical ventilation. METHODS: A cross-section study was carried out with 36 individuals divided into two groups. The control group included patients of both genders, in orotracheal intubation with invasive mechanical ventilation under controlled assisted mode, hospitalized in the intensive care unit for another 24 h. In the non-COVID group, patients diagnosed with coronavirus disease 2019 in the same condition mentioned in the control group. RESULTS: There was a significant increase in heart rate variability (standard deviation of all normal RR intervals recorded at an interval of time; p=0.001; triangular interpolation histogram of RR intervals; p=0.048; and SD2; p=0.014) in the coronavirus disease group compared to the non-COVID group. Successively, the parameters that demonstrate parasympathetic modulation are shown to be higher in the group of patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (root mean square of the square of differences between adjacent normal RR intervals in an interval of time; p<0.001; pNN50; p<0.001; SD1; p=0.002; and high frequency; p=0.022). CONCLUSIONS: There was a greater autonomic modulation of heart rate with a greater parasympathetic modulation in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 on mechanical ventilation.

Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 81(1): 9-18, Jan. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1429883


Abstract Background Given that, up to date, there is no effective strategy to treat dementia, a timely start of interventions in a prodromal stage such as mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is considered an important option to lower the overall societal burden. Although autonomic functions have been related to cognitive performance, both aspects have rarely been studied simultaneously in MCI. Objective The aim of the present study was to investigate cardiac autonomic control in older adults with and without MCI. Methods Cardiac autonomic control was assessed by means of heart rate variability (HRV) at resting state and during cognitive tasks in 22 older adults with MCI and 29 healthy controls (HCs). Resting HRV measurement was performed for 5 minutes during a sitting position. Afterwards, participants performed three PC-based tasks to probe performance in executive functions and language abilities (i.e., Stroop, N-back, and a verbal fluency task). Results Participants with MCI showed a significant reduction of HRV in the frequency-domain (high frequency power) and nonlinear indices (SD2, D2, and DFA1) during resting state compared to HCs. Older individuals with MCI exhibited decreases in RMSSD and increases in DFA1 from resting state to Stroop and N-back tasks, reflecting strong vagal withdrawal, while this parameter remained stable in HCs. Conclusion The results support the presence of autonomic dysfunction at the early stage of cognitive impairment. Heart rate variability could help in the prediction of cognitive decline as a noninvasive biomarker or as a tool to monitor the effectiveness of therapy and prevention of neurodegenerative diseases.

Resumo Antecedentes Como não existe até o momento uma estratégia eficaz para tratar a demência de comprometimento cognitivo leve (MCI, na sigla em inglês), as intervenções em um estágio prodrômico são consideradas uma opção. Embora as funções autonômicas tenham sido relacionadas ao desempenho cognitivo, ambos os aspectos raramente foram estudados simultaneamente no MCI. Objetivo Investigar o controle autonômico cardíaco em idosos com e sem MCI. Métodos O controle autonômico cardíaco foi avaliado por meio da variabilidade da frequência cardíaca (HRV, na sigla em inglês) em repouso e durante tarefas cognitivas, em 22 idosos com MCI e 29 controles saudáveis (HCs, na sigla em inglês). A medida da HRV de repouso foi realizada por 5 minutos na posição sentada. Os participantes realizaram três tarefas executadas em computador para testar o desempenho em funções executivas e habilidades de linguagem (o teste de cores e palavras - Stroop, Tarefa N-back auditiva e uma tarefa de fluência verbal). Resultados Em pacientes com MCI, observou-se uma redução significativa da HRV no domínio da frequência (potência de alta frequência) e índices não lineares (SD2, D2 e DFA1) durante o estado de repouso em comparação com os HCs. Indivíduos mais velhos com MCI exibiram diminuições em RMSSD e aumentos em DFA1 do estado de repouso para Stroop e tarefas N-back, refletindo forte recessão vagal, enquanto este parâmetro permaneceu estável em HC. Conclusão Observou-se disfunção autonômica na fase inicial da neurodegeneração. A HRV pode ajudar na previsão do declínio cognitivo, como um biomarcador não invasivo, ou como uma ferramenta para monitorar a eficácia da terapia e prevenção de doenças neurodegenerativas.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-996134


Objective: To investigate the neural connections between Shenmen (HT7)-heart and the brain by observing the tracing viruses co-labeled brain nuclear groups after injection of the pseudorabies viruses (PRV), the reverse transsynaptic virus tracer carrying different fluorescent protein genes, into the myocardium and Shenmen (HT7) point, respectively.Methods: Pseudorabies virus 531 (PRV531) carrying the green fluorescent protein gene and pseudorabies virus 724 (PRV724) carrying the red fluorescent protein gene were injected into the left ventricular wall and Shenmen (HT7) point area of the left forelimb of six C57BL/6 mice, respectively. After 120 h, whole brain tissue was extracted under 4% paraformaldehyde perfusion to prepare brain sections. Neuronal co-labeling with the tracing viruses was observed under fluorescence microscopy. Results: Co-labeled signals from the mouse ventricular wall and Shenmen (HT7) point region were found at all levels of the mouse central nervous areas, such as the cerebral cortex, hypothalamus, midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata. The number of co-labeled neurons was higher in the primary motor area, the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus, the subceruleus nucleus, and the paramedian reticular nucleus. Conclusion: There is a neural connection between Shenmen (HT7), the heart, and the brain, which may be most closely related to the autonomic nervous system.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-989239


Cerebral small vessel disease (CSVD) is one of the main causes of cognitive impairment and decreased the quality of daily life in the elderly. Researches have shown that CSVD is closely associated with autonomic nervous function. Patients with CSVD may be accompanied by cardiovascular, endocrine, gastrointestinal, urination, sleep disorders and other autonomic dysfunction.

Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 81(2): 146-154, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439432


Abstract Background The neurological manifestations in COVID-19 adversely impact acute illness and post-disease quality of life. Limited data exist regarding the association of neurological symptoms and comorbid individuals. Objective To assess neurological symptoms in hospitalized patients with acute COVID-19 and multicomorbidities. Methods Between June 2020 and July 2020, inpatients aged 18 or older, with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19, admitted to the Hospital São Paulo (Federal University of São Paulo), a tertiary referral center for high complexity cases, were questioned about neurological symptoms. The Composite Autonomic Symptom Score 31 (COMPASS-31) questionnaire was used. The data were analyzed as a whole and whether subjective olfactory dysfunction was present or not. Results The mean age of the sample was 55 ± 15.12 years, and 58 patients were male. The neurological symptoms were mostly xerostomia (71%), ageusia/hypogeusia (50%), orthostatic intolerance (49%), anosmia/hyposmia (44%), myalgia (31%), dizziness (24%), xerophthalmia (20%), impaired consciousness (18%), and headache (16%). Furthermore, 91% of the patients had a premorbidity. The 44 patients with subjective olfactory dysfunction were more likely to have hypertension, diabetes, weakness, shortness of breath, ageusia/hypogeusia, dizziness, orthostatic intolerance, and xerophthalmia. The COMPASS-31 score was higher than that of previously published controls (14.85 ± 12.06 vs. 8.9 ± 8.7). The frequency of orthostatic intolerance was 49% in sample and 63.6% in those with subjective olfactory dysfunction (2.9-fold higher risk compared to those without). Conclusion A total of 80% of inpatients with multimorbidity and acute COVID-19 had neurological symptoms. Chemical sense and autonomic symptoms stood out. Orthostatic intolerance occurred in around two-thirds of the patients with anosmia/hyposmia. Hypertension and diabetes were common, mainly in those with anosmia/hyposmia.

Resumo Antecedentes As manifestações neurológicas na COVID-19 impactam adversamente na enfermidade aguda e na qualidade de vida após a doença. Dados limitados existem em relação a associação de sintomas neurológicos e indivíduos com comorbidades. Objetivo Avaliar os sintomas neurológicos em pacientes de hospitalizados com COVID-19 aguda e múltiplas comorbidades. Métodos Entre junho e julho de 2020, pacientes de hospitais com idade 18 anos ou acima e COVID-19 laboratorialmente confirmada, admitidos no Hospital São Paulo (Universidade Federal de São Paulo), um centro de referência terciário para casos de alta complexidade, foram perguntados sobre sintomas neurológicos. O questionário Pontuação composta de sintoma autonômico (COMPASS-31) foi usado. Os dados foram analisados no geral e se a disfunção olfatória subjetiva estava presente ou não. Resultados A média de idade da amostra foi 55 ± 15.12 anos. 58 pacientes eram homens. Os sintomas neurológicos foram principalmente xerostomia (71%), ageusia/hipogeusia (50%), intolerância ortostática (49%), anosmia/hiposmia (44%), mialgia (31%), tontura (24%), xeroftalmia (20%), comprometimento na consciência (18%) e cefaleia (16%). Além disso, 91 % dos pacientes tinham uma pré-morbidade. Os 44 pacientes com disfunção olfatória tinham maior chance de ter hipertensão, diabetes, fraqueza, falta de ar, ageusia/hipogeusia, tontura, intolerância ortostática e xeroftalmia. A pontuação do COMPASS-31 foi maior do que a de controles previamente publicados (14,85 ± 12,06 vs. 8,9 ± 8,7). A frequência de intolerância ortostática foi 49% na amostra e 63,6% naqueles com disfunção olfatória subjetiva (risco 2.9 vezes maior comparado com os sem). Conclusão Um total de 80% dos pacientes hospitalizados com múltiplas morbidades e COVID-19 aguda tinham sintomas neurológicos. Os sintomas do sentido químico e autonômicos se destacaram. A intolerância ortostática ocorreu em cerca de dois terços dos pacientes com anosmia/hiposmia. A hipertensão e o diabetes foram comuns, principalmente naqueles com anosmia/hiposmia.

Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 56: e12364, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420754


Current data shows that the autonomic and vascular systems can influence each other. However, only a few studies have addressed this association in the general population. We aimed to investigate whether heart rate variability (HRV) was associated with coronary artery calcium (CAC) in a cross-sectional analysis of the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). We examined baseline data from 3138 participants (aged 35 to 74 years) without previous cardiovascular disease who underwent CAC score assessment and had validated HRV recordings. Prevalent CAC was defined as a CAC score>0, and HRV analyses were performed over 5-min segments. We detected CAC score>0 in 765 (24.4%) participants. Subgroup analyses in older participants (≥49 years) adjusted for sociodemographic and clinical variables revealed that CAC score>0 was associated with lower values of standard deviation of NN intervals (SDNN) (odds ratio [OR]=1.32; 95%CI: 1.05,1.65), root mean square of successive differences between adjacent NN intervals (RMSSD) (OR=1.28; 95%CI: 1.02,1.61), and low frequency (LF) (OR=1.53, 95%CI: 1.21,1.92). Interaction analysis between HRV indices and sex in age-stratified groups revealed significant effect modification: women showed increased OR for prevalent CAC in the younger group, while for men, the associations were in the older group. In conclusion, participants aged ≥49 years with low SDNN, RMSSD, and LF values were more likely to present prevalent CAC, suggesting a complex interaction between these markers in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Furthermore, our results suggested that the relationship between CAC and HRV might be sex- and age-related.

Arq. bras. cardiol ; 120(5): e20220756, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1429813


Resumo Fundamento Embora tenha sido relatado que a dieta de jejum intermitente (JI) tem efeitos positivos na saúde do coração e na melhora da pressão arterial, ainda não foi suficientemente esclarecido como poderia ter esses efeitos positivos.Objetivo: Nosso objetivo foi avaliar os efeitos do JI no sistema nervoso autônomo (SNA) e no sistema renina-angiotensina (SRA), que estão intimamente relacionados à pressão arterial. Métodos Setenta e dois pacientes hipertensos foram incluídos no estudo, e os dados de 58 pacientes foram usados. Todos os participantes jejuaram por cerca de 15-16 horas por 30 dias. Os participantes foram avaliados com monitorização ambulatorial da pressão arterial de 24 horas e eletrocardiograma Holter antes e após o JI; também, amostras de sangue venoso de 5 ml foram coletadas para avaliação dos níveis séricos de angiotensina I (Ang-I) e angiotensina II (Ang-II) e da atividade da enzima conversora de angiotensina (ECA). Para análise dos dados, o valor de p < 0,05 foi aceito como significativo. Resultados Comparado ao pré-JI, observou-se queda significativa nas pressões arteriais dos pacientes no pós-JI. Um aumento na potência de alta frequência (AF) e na raiz quadrada média da soma dos quadrados das diferenças entre intervalos NN adjacentes (RMSSD) foram observados após o protocolo JI (p=0,039, p=0,043). A Ang-II e a atividade da ECA foram menores em pacientes após JI (p=0,034, p=0,004), e níveis decrescentes de Ang-II foram determinados como fatores preditivos para melhora da pressão arterial, como o aumento da potência de AF e RMSSD. Conclusão Os presentes achados de nosso estudo demonstraram uma melhora na pressão arterial e a relação da pressão arterial com resultados positivos, incluindo VFC, atividade da ECA e níveis de Ang-II após o protocolo JI.

Abstract Background Although it has been reported that the intermittent fasting (IF) diet has positive effects on heart health and improvement in blood pressure, it has not been sufficiently clarified how it could have these positive effects yet. Objective We aimed to evaluate the effects of IF on the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and renin-angiotensin system (RAS), which are closely related to blood pressure. Methods Seventy-two hypertensive patients were included in the study, and the data of 58 patients were used. All the participants fasted for about 15-16 hours for 30 days. Participants were evaluated with 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring and Holter electrocardiography before and after IF; also, 5 ml venous blood samples were taken for assessment of Serum angiotensin I (Ang-I) and angiotensin II (Ang-II) levels and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) activity. For data analysis, the p-value <0.05 was accepted as significant. Results Compared to pre-IF, a significant decrease was observed in the patients' blood pressures in post-IF. An increase in high-frequency (HF) power and the mean root square of the sum of squares of differences between adjacent NN intervals (RMSSD) were observed after the IF protocol (p=0.039, p=0.043). Ang-II and ACE activity were lower in patients after IF (p=0.034, p=0.004), and decreasing Ang-II levels were determined as predictive factors for improvement of the blood pressure, like the increase in HF power and RMSSD. Conclusion The present findings of our study demonstrated an improvement in blood pressure and the relationship of blood pressure with positive outcomes, including HRV, ACE activity, and Ang-II levels after the IF protocol.

São Paulo med. j ; 141(6): e2022513, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1432469


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) can damage cardiac tissue by increasing troponin levels and inducing arrhythmias, myocarditis, and acute coronary syndrome. OBJECTIVES: To analyze the impact of COVID-19 on cardiac autonomic control in mechanically ventilated intensive care unit (ICU) patients. DESIGN AND SETTING: This cross-sectional analytical study of ICU patients of both sexes receiving mechanical ventilation was conducted in a tertiary hospital. METHODS: Patients were divided into COVID-19-positive (COVID(+)) and COVID-19-negative (COVID(-)) groups. Clinical data were collected and heart rate variability (HRV) records obtained using a heart rate monitor. RESULTS: The study sample comprised 82 subjects: 36 (44%) in the COVID(-) group (58.3% female; median age, 64.5 years) and 46 (56%) in the COVID(+) group (39.1% females; median age, 57.5 years). The HRV indices were lower than the reference values. An intergroup comparison identified no statistically significant differences in the mean normal-to-normal (NN) interval, standard deviation of the NN interval, or root mean square of successive differences in NN intervals. The COVID(+) group had an increased low frequency (P = 0.05), reduced high frequency (P = 0.045), and increased low frequency/high frequency (LF/HF) ratio (P = 0.048). There was a weak positive correlation between LF/HF and length of stay in the COVID(+) group. CONCLUSION: Patients who received mechanical ventilation had lower overall HRV indices. COVID(+) patients who received mechanical ventilation had lower vagal HRV components. These findings likely indicate clinical applicability, as autonomic control impairments are associated with a greater risk of cardiac death.