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Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);29(8): e06032023, ago. 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569053


Abstract The condom use can be influenced by psychological and sociocultural aspects, which can be modulated by individual's attitudes. The aim was to propose a Brazilian Portuguese version of the Short-Form Condom Attitude Scale (Short-Form CAS), describing all procedures of translation, transcultural adaptation, and psychometric properties evaluation when applied to undergraduate students. A cross sectional study was conducted among students enrolled at University of São Paulo (USP), Campus Ribeirão Preto (n = 491; 61.2% female; average age: 22 years; standard deviation: four years). Confirmatory factor analysis was performed. A one-factor model with seven items exhibited good factorial validity and reliability, suggesting to be a better factorial solution of the Short-Form CAS in the sample. Few studies have been carried out on the behavioral factors associated with condom use in key populations, which can be exacerbated by a lack of appropriate scales. Therefore, the main contribution of the present study was to propose a simplified and transculturally adapted version of the Short-form CAS with some psychometric properties verified. Since the use of condoms is a component of the study of sexual risk behavior, this scale might be an option to be applied in various Brazilian population segments for this purpose.

Resumo O uso de preservativos pode ser influenciado por aspectos psicológicos e socioculturais, que podem ser modulados por atitudes individuais. O objetivo foi propor uma versão em português brasileiro da Short-Form Condom Attitude Scale (Short-Form CAS), descrevendo os procedimentos de tradução, adaptação transcultural e avaliação das propriedades psicométricas em uma amostra de universitários. Trata-se de estudo transversal com estudantes matriculados na Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Campus Ribeirão Preto (n = 491; 61,2% feminino; média de idade: 22 anos; desvio-padrão: quatro anos). Foi realizada análise fatorial confirmatória. O modelo unifatorial com sete itens apresentou boa validade fatorial e confiabilidade, sugerindo ser a melhor solução fatorial para a Short-Form CAS. Há poucos estudos sobre os fatores comportamentais associados ao uso de preservativos em populações-chave, o que pode ser influenciado pela falta de instrumentos. A principal contribuição deste estudo foi propor uma versão simples e adaptada transculturalmente da Short-Form CAS com algumas propriedades psicométricas verificadas. Uma vez que o uso de preservativos é um componente do comportamento sexual de risco, a escala se apresenta como uma nova opção para futuros estudos na população brasileira.

Saúde debate ; 48(141): e8373, abr.-jun. 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565837


RESUMO A pandemia de covid-19 reduziu o acesso aos alimentos e aumentou a insegurança alimentar. Objetivouse analisar a prevalência de Insegurança Alimentar e Nutricional (IAN) em adolescentes brasileiros durante a pandemia de covid-19 segundo características sociodemográficas e examinar a associação entre IAN e comportamentos de risco e proteção em adolescentes brasileiros durante esse período. Estudo transversal com dados da 'ConVid Adolescentes - Pesquisa de Comportamentos', realizada entre junho e outubro de 2020, utilizando-se um questionário autoaplicado por meio de celular ou computador. A população foi adolescentes de 12 a 17 anos, totalizando 9.470. Utilizou-se a Razão de Prevalência (RP) e Intervalo de Confiança de 95% (IC95%), por meio da regressão de Poisson com variância robusta. A prevalência de IAN (26,1%) foi mais elevada entre os adolescentes da raça/cor preta e parda e que estudam em escola pública. Os adolescentes que relataram IAN tiveram menor consumo de hortaliças e frutas, menor prática de atividade física e maior uso de cigarros e álcool. A IAN foi mais prevalente em adolescentes com piores condições socioeconômicas, e, adolescentes com IAN apresentaram maior frequência de comportamentos de risco para a saúde evidenciando a importância de políticas públicas intersetoriais para a redução de desigualdades.

ABSTRACT The COVID-19 pandemic has reduced access to food and increased food insecurity. The objectives were to analyse the prevalence of Food and Nutritional Insecurity (FNI) in Brazilian adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic according to sociodemographic characteristics and to examine the association between FNI and risk and protective behaviours in Brazilian adolescents during the that period. Cross-sectional study with data from the 'ConVid teenagers - Behaviour Survey,' carried out between June and October 2020, using a self-administered questionnaire via mobile phone or computer. The population was made up of teenagers aged 12 to 17, totalling 9,470. The Prevalence Ratio (PR) and 95% Confidence Interval (95% CI) were used, using Poisson regression with robust variance. The prevalence of FNI (26.1%) was higher among adolescents of black and mixed race/colour and who study in public schools. Adolescents who reported FNI had lower consumption of vegetables and fruits, less physical activity, and greater use of cigarettes and alcohol. FNI was more prevalent in adolescents with worse socioeconomic conditions, and adolescents with FNI showed a higher frequency of health risk behaviours, highlighting the importance of intersectoral public policies to reduce inequalities.

Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564698


Este estudio, tuvo como finalidad, determinar la relación entre Estilos de crianza y Conductas agresivas en Estudiantes de Secundaria del Centro Poblado Samán, 2023. Por tal manera, este estudio fue de tipo cuantitativo, diseño no experimental, corte transversal- correlacional. Además, se usaron para la recopilación de la información, los instrumentos de, Escala de Estilos de crianza de Steinberg, adaptado por Merino y Arndt y Cuestionario de Agresión de Buss y Perry, adaptado por Matalinares, Yaringaño, Uceda, Fernández, Huari Campos y Villavicencio. Para lo cual, la muestra de este estudio estuvo conformada por 160 alumnos de ambos sexos. Para el análisis de los datos se usó del programa Paquete Estadístico para las Ciencias Sociales, mediante ello, se obtuvo como resultado una relación significativa, moderada e inversa (Spearman =-0.638, significancia <0.05) entre las dos variables de estudio. Por tal sentido, a medida que el estilo de crianza baja, la tendencia a manifestar conductas agresivas aumenta. Basándose en los resultados, se concluye, la forma en cómo los progenitores interactúen con sus hijos, esto desarrollará su comportamiento. Por ello, en los sujetos que sus progenitores han desarrollado autonomía, interés en sus actividades, supervisión de la conducta y además emplean una comunicación empática en los reglamentos, habrá menor posibilidad de que estos presenten agresivas conductas. Al contrario, los individuos con poca supervisión, falta de atención por parte de sus padres, y la falta de asertividad de sus cuidadores, habrá mayor posibilidad de que estos expresen conductas agresivas.

The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between Parenting Styles and Aggressive Behaviors in High School Students of the Samán Population Center, 2023. Therefore, this study was quantitative, non-experimental, cross-sectional-correlational design. In addition, the Steinberg Parenting Styles Scale, adapted by Merino and Arndt, and the Buss and Perry Aggression Questionnaire, adapted by Matalinares, Yaringaño, Uceda, Fernández, Huari Campos and Villavicencio, were used to collect information. For this reason, the sample of this study was made up of 160 students of both sexes. To analyze the data, the Statistical Package for Social Sciences program was used, resulting in a significant, moderate and inverse relationship (Spearman =-0.638, significance <0.05) between the two study variables. Therefore, as the parenting style decreases, the tendency to manifest aggressive behaviors increases. Based on the results, it is concluded that the way parents interact with their children will develop their behavior. Therefore, in subjects whose parents have developed autonomy, interest in their activities, behavioral supervision and also use empathetic communication in regulations, there will be less possibility of them presenting aggressive behaviors. On the contrary, individuals with little supervision, lack of attention from their parents, and lack of assertiveness from their caregivers will be more likely to express aggressive behaviors.

O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a relação entre estilos parentais e comportamentos agressivos em estudantes do ensino médio do Centro Populacional Samán, 2023. Portanto, este estudo teve um desenho quantitativo, não experimental, transversal e correlacional. Além disso, foram utilizadas para coletar informações a Escala de Estilos Parentais de Steinberg, adaptada por Merino e Arndt, e o Questionário de Agressão de Buss e Perry, adaptado por Matalinares, Yaringaño, Uceda, Fernández, Huari Campos e Villavicencio. Por esse motivo, a amostra deste estudo foi composta por 160 estudantes de ambos os sexos. Para análise dos dados foi utilizado o programa Statistical Package for Social Sciences, resultando em relação significativa, moderada e inversa (Spearman =-0,638, significância <0,05) entre as duas variáveis do estudo. Portanto, à medida que o estilo parental diminui, aumenta a tendência para manifestar comportamentos agressivos. Com base nos resultados conclui-se que a forma como os pais interagem com os filhos irá desenvolver o seu comportamento. Portanto, em sujeitos cujos pais desenvolveram autonomia, interesse em suas atividades, supervisão comportamental e também utilizam comunicação empática nas regulamentações, haverá menor possibilidade de apresentarem comportamentos agressivos. Pelo contrário, indivíduos com pouca supervisão, falta de atenção dos pais e falta de assertividade dos cuidadores terão maior probabilidade de expressar comportamentos agressivos.

Data Analysis , Surveys and Questionnaires
Podium (Pinar Río) ; 19(1)abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550627


Los emprendimientos en proyectos de la actividad física y el deporte, ante todo, han demostrado ser atractivos y curativos, por excelencia. Es muy notable esta situación en individuos que invierten gran parte de su tiempo sentados frente a un computador, como es el caso de los estudiantes en formación que desarrollan competencias digitales. En este trabajo, se consideró la necesidad de investigar la relación existente entre la labor que realizan estos estudiantes y los inconvenientes para la salud que generan las prolongadas horas que ellos invierten en su trabajo de vinculación con las competencias digitales; por lo que el objetivo consistió en determinar cuáles son las causas fundamentales que provocan el estrés en estudiantes de informática y en qué medida la actividad física que realizan les ayuda reducir estos impactos de la actividad profesional. Para lograrlo, se aplicaron métodos del nivel empírico como la observación científica, la entrevista y la encuesta. Como resultados preliminares, a partir de un prexperimento, se pudo constatar que los estudiantes percibieron un cambio satisfactorio, con niveles inferiores de estrés y mejoras de los comportamientos posturales.

Entrepreneurship in physical activity and sports projects, above all, has proven to be attractive and healing, par excellence. This situation is very notable in individuals who spend a large part of their time sitting in front of a computer, as is the case of students in training who develop digital skills. In this work, the need to investigate the relationship between the work carried out by these students and the health problems generated by the long hours they invest in their work linking with digital skills was considered; therefore, the objective was to determine what are the fundamental causes that cause stress in computer science students and to what extent the physical activity they perform helps them reduce these impacts of professional activity. To achieve this, empirical level methods such as scientific observation, interviews and surveys were applied. As preliminary results, from a pre-experiment, it was confirmed that the students perceived a satisfactory change, with lower levels of stress and improvements in postural behaviors.

O empreendedorismo em projetos de atividade física e esportivos, sobretudo, tem se mostrado atrativo e curativo, por excelência. Esta situação é muito notória nos indivíduos que passam grande parte do seu tempo sentados em frente ao computador, como é o caso dos alunos em formação que desenvolvem competências digitais. Neste trabalho foi considerada a necessidade de investigar a relação entre o trabalho realizado por esses alunos e os problemas de saúde gerados pelas longas horas que investem no seu trabalho vinculando-se às competências digitais; Portanto, objetivou-se determinar quais são as causas fundamentais que causam estresse em estudantes de informática e em que medida a atividade física que realizam os ajuda a reduzir esses impactos da atividade profissional. Para conseguir isso, foram aplicados métodos de nível empírico, como observação científica, entrevistas e pesquisas. Como resultados preliminares, de um pré-experimento, confirmou-se que os alunos perceberam uma mudança satisfatória, com menores níveis de estresse e melhorias nos comportamentos posturais.

Vive (El Alto) ; 7(19): 132-144, abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560619


En la actualidad, diversos estudios han explorado las diferencias de las conductas de salud en los estudiantes universitarios de acuerdo con características como edad, sexo y ciclo de estudio, no obstante, estos se han centrado en un enfoque frecuentista basado en la prueba de significancia de la hipótesis nula (NHST). Objetivo. Explorar las diferencias de las conductas de salud de acuerdo con el sexo, edad y ciclo académico, así como establecer la relación entre estas y la percepción de salud general en estudiantes universitarios peruanos, desde un enfoque bayesiano. Materiales y métodos. Se ejecutó un estudio cuantitativo, comparativo, correlacional y transversal, en una muestra de 708 universitarios seleccionados de manera intencional. Se utilizó el cuestionario de conductas de salud (CEJUV-R) y una ficha de datos sociodemográficos. Resultados. Los hallazgos muestran que los hombres tienen mejores hábitos de actividad y condición física y organización del sueño, con respecto a las mujeres. Asimismo, se observa una evidencia moderada a favor de la hipótesis alternativa del autocuidado en función de la edad y el ciclo académico. Finalmente, la actividad física, la organización del descanso, el autocuidado y la organización del sueño presentan evidencias muy fuertes (BF>100) de su relación con la percepción general de salud. Conclusión. El análisis bayesiano mostró evidencia a favor de la hipótesis alterna en algunas de las conductas de salud en función del sexo, edad y ciclo académico, lo que resaltan la importancia de promover conductas más saludables entre los estudiantes universitarios peruanos atendiendo a sus características personales.

Currently, several studies have explored the differences in health behaviors in university students according to characteristics such as age, sex and study cycle; however, these have focused on a frequentist approach based on the null hypothesis significance test (NHST). Objective. To explore the differences in health behaviors according to sex, age and academic cycle, as well as to establish the relationship between these and the perception of general health in Peruvian university students, from a Bayesian approach. Materials and methods. A quantitative, comparative, correlational and cross-sectional study was carried out in a sample of 708 intentionally selected university students. The health behaviors questionnaire (CEJUV-R) and a sociodemographic data sheet were used. Results. The findings show that men have better habits of activity and physical condition and sleep organization, with respect to women. Likewise, there is moderate evidence in favor of the alternative hypothesis of self-care as a function of age and academic cycle. Finally, physical activity, rest organization, self-care and sleep organization present very strong evidence (BF>100) of their relationship with the general perception of health. Conclusion. The Bayesian analysis showed evidence in favor of the alternative hypothesis in some of the health behaviors as a function of sex, age and academic cycle, which highlights the importance of promoting healthier behaviors among Peruvian university students according to their personal characteristics.

Atualmente, vários estudos exploraram as diferenças nos comportamentos de saúde em estudantes universitários de acordo com características como idade, gênero e ciclo de estudos; no entanto, eles se concentraram em uma abordagem frequentista baseada no teste de significância da hipótese nula (NHST). Objetivo. Explorar as diferenças nos comportamentos de saúde de acordo com o sexo, a idade e o ciclo acadêmico, bem como estabelecer a relação entre eles e a percepção da saúde geral em estudantes universitários peruanos, a partir de uma abordagem bayesiana. Materiais e métodos. Foi realizado um estudo quantitativo, comparativo, correlacional e transversal em uma amostra de 708 estudantes universitários selecionados intencionalmente. Foram utilizados o questionário de comportamento de saúde (CEJUV-R) e uma planilha de dados sociodemográficos. Resultados. Os achados mostram que os homens têm melhores hábitos de atividade física, condicionamento físico e organização do sono do que as mulheres. Também há evidências moderadas a favor da hipótese alternativa de autocuidado em função da idade e do ciclo acadêmico. Por fim, a atividade física, a organização do descanso, o autocuidado e a organização do sono mostram evidências muito fortes (BF>100) de sua relação com a percepção geral da saúde. Conclusão. A análise bayesiana mostrou evidências a favor da hipótese alternativa em alguns dos comportamentos de saúde em função do sexo, da idade e do ciclo acadêmico, destacando a importância de promover comportamentos mais saudáveis entre os estudantes universitários peruanos de acordo com suas características pessoais.

Health Behavior
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol;89(1): 3-9, feb. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559714


Introducción: Las infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS) se adquieren principalmente por el contacto sexual y pueden afectar a personas de cualquier edad, sin embargo los adolescentes son el grupo etario más afectado, por tanto es probable que sus conductas sean más de riesgo que protectoras. Objetivo: El objetivo de la investigación es determinar la relación entre el nivel de educación sexual y el conocimiento sobre ITS y las conductas de riesgo y protectoras en los jóvenes. Método: Investigación de diseño analítico, estudio de tipo descriptivo, transversal con datos de tipo cuantitativos, con una muestra de 130 hombres y mujeres, considerando 10 personas por edad desde los 18 a los 30 años. Resultados: No existe relación estadísticamente significativa entre la educación sexual y las conductas de riesgo y/o protectores (p > 0,05), ni tampoco entre la educación sexual y el uso del preservativo, tanto interno como externo (p > 0,05). Conclusión: A pesar de tener educación sexual, no todas las personas utilizan de forma frecuente los anticonceptivos de barrera y principalmente es sorprendente el poco uso del condón de vagina en la población en general, siendo las personas de orientación heterosexual las que lo utilizan menos.

Introduction: Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are mainly acquired through sexual contact and can affect people of any age; however, adolescents are the most affected age group, therefore, it is likely that their behaviors are more risky than protective. Objective: The objective of the research is to determine the relationship between the level of sexual education and knowledge about STIs and risk and protective behaviors in young people. Method: Analytical design research, descriptive, cross-sectional study with quantitative data, with a sample of 130 men and women, considering 10 people by age from 18 to 30 years. Results: There is no statistically significant relationship between sexual education and risk and/or protective behaviors (p > 0.05) nor between sexual education and condom use, both internal and external (p > 0.05). Conclusion: Despite having sexual education, not all people use frequently barrier contraceptives and, mainly, the little use of the vaginal condom in the general population is surprising, with people of heterosexual orientation being those that use it less.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Sex Education , Sexually Transmitted Diseases , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Sexual Behavior , Health Behavior , Surveys and Questionnaires , Contraception Behavior
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031115


【Objective】 To investigate the distribution of sleep and eating behavior problems in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and to analyze their correlations with clinical characteristics, in order to provide basis for fwture mechanism research and clinical intervention. 【Methods】 A total of 211 ASD children aged 2 - 7 were enrolled into this study from outpatient department from January to June 2023, and 91 typically developed children matched with age and sex were enrolled into control group.Autism Behavior Checklist (ABC), Children′s Sleep Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ) and a self-made questionnaire were used to assess children′s autistic behavior, sleep problems and eating behaviors. Chi-square test, t test, non-parametric test and multinomial Logistic regression analysis were performed to analyze the relationship between sleep problems and eating behaviors in children with ASD. 【Results】 The prevalence rates of sleep problems and food selectivity were significantly higher in children with ASD than those in control group (χ2=6.876、17.299, P<0.05).The total score of CSHQ of ASD children (48.55±6.07) was significantly higher than that of control group (45.24±5.33)(t=4.494,P<0.05).ASD children were more likely to report bedtime resistance, sleep onset delay, sleep duration, night waking, parasomnias and sleep disordered breathing than control group (P<0.05).The total score of CSHQ was significantly higher in ASD children with aberrant eating behaviors, and the difference was statistically significant in food selectivity (type selectivity, texture selectivity and pica) (Z=2.803, P<0.05).Multinomial Logistic regression indicated that the occurrence of sleep onset delay was positively affected by body and object use (OR=1.063), and negatively affected without food texture selectivity (OR=0.524) and pica (OR=0.343). 【Conclusions】 ASD children have a higher risk of sleep problems and aberrant eating behaviors than the typically developed children.Moreover,ASD children with aberrant eating behaviors have more severe sleep problems.The influencing factors of sleep onset delay include body and object use, food texture selectivity and pica.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020582


Objective:To investigate the relationship between health promoting behavior and frailty in elderly patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy(PDR),and the mediating effects of self-efficacy and loneliness.Methods:In an eye hospital of Anhui Province,214 elderly patients with PDR were selected from May 2021 to Nov 2022 by convenient sampling method.The Frailty Scale,Chinese Version of Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile-Ⅱ,Self-Efficacy Scale and Simplified Loneliness Scale were used in this survey.Bootstrap method of Process software was used to analyze the mediating effect of self-efficacy on the relationship between health promoting behaviors and frailty in elderly PDR patients and the moderating effect of loneliness on the relationship between self-efficacy and frailty.Results:A total of 220 questionnaires were distributed and 214 valid questionnaires were returned,with valid response rate of 97.27% .Moderated mediation effect analysis suggested that health-promoting behaviors negatively predicted frailty(β=-0.508,P<0.01).Health promoting behaviors and self-efficacy had significant predictive effects on frailty(β=-0.191 and-0.433,P<0.01),and health promoting behaviors also had a significant predictive effect on self-efficacy(β=0.063,P<0.01).Self-efficacy played a partially mediating role between health promoting behaviors and frailty,and the mediating effect accounted for 14.76% of the total effect.The product term of loneliness and self-efficacy significantly predicted frailty(β=0.255,P<0.01),the mediating effect of self-efficacy on frailty was moderated by loneliness.Conclusions:The health-promoting behaviors of elderly patients with PDR affect frailty through self-efficacy,and loneliness moderates the relationship between self-efficacy and frailty.The moderated mediation model is established.

Sichuan Mental Health ; (6): 237-242, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1039255


BackgroundMindful parenting is related to the physical and mental health of adolescents, but only few empirical studies have been conducted on the mindful parenting and none has addressed on the impact and actor-partner effects of mindful parenting on adolescents' aggressive behaviors via parenting stress. ObjectiveTo explore the impact and actor-partner effects of mindful parenting on adolescents' aggressive behaviors via parenting stress, so as to provide references for improvements in family education and interventions on behavioral problems in adolescents. MethodsA sample of 907 subjects (including family members and students) from three classes in each of five grades from grade 5 in elementary school to grade 9 in junior high school in Mianyang, Sichuan Province were selected from September 8 to 15, 2023. Parents were assessed with Mindfulness In Parenting Questionnaire (MIPQ) and Parenting Stress Index-Short Form (PSI-SF), and students were required to fulfill aggressive behavior scale of Youth Self-Report (YSR). Pearson correlation analysis was utilized to examine the correlation among the above scales. The actor-partner interdependence model was used to analyze the impact of mindful parenting on their own and their spouses' parenting stress, as well as the impact on adolescents' aggressive behaviors via parenting stress. ResultsA total of 472 families completed the effective questionnaires. Both father and mother's mindful parenting exhibited an actor effect on adolescents' aggressive behaviors via their own parenting stress, with the effect size of -0.018 (P=0.002) and -0.026 (P=0.012). The partner effect sizes of father's mindful parenting and mother's mindful parenting on adolescents' aggressive behaviors via their spouse's parenting stress were -0.006 (P=0.026) and -0.007 (P=0.012), respectively. ConclusionMindful parenting has been proven to have specific indirect impact on adolescents' aggressive behaviors through their own and their spouse's parenting stress, and the actor effect and partner effect are found both significant. [Funded by Key Project of National Education Science Planning and Ministry of Education (number, DBA220439)]

Sichuan Mental Health ; (6): 39-45, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012555


BackgroundThe occurrence rate of dangerous behaviors in patients with severe mental disorders is higher than that of the general population. In China, there is limited research on the prediction of dangerous behaviors in community-dwelling patients with severe mental disorders, particularly in terms of predicting models using data mining techniques other than traditional methods. ObjectiveTo explore the influencing factors of dangerous behaviors in community-dwelling patients with severe mental disorders and testing whether the classification decision tree model is superior to the Logistic regression model. MethodsA total of 11 484 community-dwelling patients with severe mental disorders who had complete follow-up records from 2013 to 2022 were selected on December 2023. The data were divided into a training set (n=9 186) and a testing set (n=2 298) in an 8∶2 ratio. Logistic regression and classification decision trees were separately used to establish predictive models in the training set. Model discrimination and calibration were evaluated in the testing set. ResultsDuring the follow-up period, 1 115 cases (9.71%) exhibited dangerous behaviors. Logistic regression results showed that urban residence, poverty, guardianship, intellectual disability, history of dangerous behaviors, impaired insight and positive symptoms were risk factors for dangerous behaviors (OR=1.778, 1.459, 2.719, 1.483, 3.890, 1.423, 2.528, 2.124, P<0.01). Being aged ≥60 years, educated, not requiring prescribed medication and having normal social functioning were protective factors for dangerous behaviors (OR=0.594, 0.824, 0.422, 0.719, P<0.05 or 0.01). The predictive effect in the testing set showed an area under curve (AUC) of 0.729 (95% CI: 0.692~0.766), accuracy of 70.97%, sensitivity of 59.71%, and specificity of 72.05%. The classification decision tree results showed that past dangerous situations, positive symptoms, overall social functioning score, economic status, insight, household registration, disability status and age were the influencing factors for dangerous behaviors. The predictive effect in the testing set showed an AUC of 0.721 (95% CI: 0.705~0.737), accuracy of 68.28%, sensitivity of 64.46%, and specificity of 68.60%. ConclusionThe classification decision tree does not have a greater advantage over the logistic regression model in predicting the risk of dangerous behaviors in patients with severe mental disorders in the community. [Funded by Chengdu Medical Research Project (number, 2020052)]

Physis (Rio J.) ; 34: e34032, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564881


Resumo Objetivou-se analisar como os profissionais de uma rede de serviços intersetoriais desenvolvem ações de cuidado aos adolescentes com comportamentos suicidas e autolesivos. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo e exploratório de abordagem qualitativa, realizado através de anotações no diário de campo e entrevistas semiestruturadas com 22 profissionais vinculados a serviços da assistência social, educação e saúde de um município de grande porte do nordeste brasileiro. A coleta de dados ocorreu no período de agosto a setembro de 2021. Os discursos foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo na modalidade temática indutiva, com suporte do software Nvivo 11 Pro. Diante disso, duas categorias emergiram: estratégias de cuidado da rede intersetorial e fragilidades no cuidado. Os profissionais percebem os adolescentes como sujeitos que necessitam de suporte para o sofrimento psíquico apresentado. Deste modo desenvolvem, como principais estratégias de cuidado, o acolhimento e as atividades de prevenção, estas de modo pontual. Contudo, a rede de cuidados mostra-se insuficiente, devido à escassez de políticas infantojuvenis e serviços especializados, além de dificuldades na prática da intersetorialidade. Conclui-se que o cuidado ofertado aos adolescentes é fragilizado e necessita do fortalecimento de políticas públicas transversais, ampliação dos serviços primários/especializados e do trabalho intersetorial.

Abstract It aimed to analyze how professionals from an intersectoral service network develop care actions for adolescents with suicidal and self-injurious behaviors. This is a descriptive and exploratory study with a qualitative approach, carried out through notes in the field diary and semi-structured interviews with 22 professionals linked to social assistance, education and health services in a large municipality in northeastern Brazil. Data collection took place from August to September 2021. The speeches were subjected to content analysis in the inductive thematic modality, with support from the Nvivo 11 Pro software. Given this, two categories emerged: intersectoral network care strategies and weaknesses in care. Professionals perceive adolescents as subjects who need support for their psychological suffering. In this way, they develop, as the main care strategies, reception and prevention activities, on a punctual basis. However, the care network appears to be insufficient, due to the scarcity of child and youth policies and specialized services, in addition to difficulties in practicing intersectorality. It is concluded that the care offered to adolescents is fragile and requires the strengthening of transversal public policies, expansion of primary/specialized services and intersectoral work.

Psicol. (Univ. Brasília, Online) ; 40: e40302, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1564940


Abstract This study aimed to analyze the association between early alcohol use in adolescence and associated factors: sociodemographic, involvement in bullying, risk behaviors at school, and social-emotional skills. It was carried out with 528 adolescents from full-time public high schools. Instruments: sociodemographic questionnaire, AUDIT, Victimization Scale among Students, Scale of Authorship of Student Violence, Risk Behavior Scale, and SENNA. In the final model, the variables with a significant association with early alcohol use by adolescents were: not having a religion (PR = 1.28, 95% CI [1.02, 1.60]), parental alcohol consumption (PR = 1.55, 95% CI [1.22, 1.97]), bullying (PR = 1.51, 95% CI [1.14, 1.98]), smoking at school (PR = 1.74, 95% CI [1.36, 2.24]), high engagement with others (PR = 2.59, 95% CI [1.40, 4.79]), and low emotional resilience (PR = 2.16, 95% CI [1.16, 4.03]), all indicating risk.

Resumo Este estudo objetivou analisar a associação entre o uso precoce de álcool na adolescência e fatores associados: sociodemográficos, envolvimento em bullying, comportamentos de risco na escola e competências socioemocionais. Foi realizado com 528 adolescentes de escolas públicas de Ensino Médio de tempo integral. Instrumentos: questionário sociodemográfico, AUDIT, Escala de Vitimização entre Alunos, Escala de Autoria de Violência a Alunos, Escala de Comportamentos de Risco e o SENNA. No modelo final, as variáveis com associação significativa foram: não ter uma religião (RP = 1,28; IC 95% [1,02; 1,60]), consumo de álcool dos pais (RP = 1,55; IC 95% [1,22; 1,97]), autoria de bullying (RP = 1,51; IC 95% [1,14; 1,98]), fumar na escola (RP = 1,74; IC 95% [1,36; 2,24]), alto engajamento com outros (RP = 2,59; IC 95% [1,40; 4,79]) e baixa resiliência emocional (RP = 2,16; IC 95% [1,16; 4,03]), todas indicando risco.

Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.);70(3): e20231055, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558879


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: The precise relationship between obesity and eating habits, attitudes, and emotion regulation is still ambiguous. The purpose of this study was to investigate possible correlations among body mass index, challenges related to managing emotions, and attitudes toward eating among adult participants with known psychiatric diagnoses. METHODS: The body mass indices of participants were calculated, and data on eating styles were collected using the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire. The level of difficulty in managing emotions was evaluated using the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale. RESULTS: The research findings indicated a meaningful positive association. An observation was made between body mass index and results from the Eating Attitude Test-40, as well as the restrained eating subdimension of the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire. Conversely, a meaningful reverse relationship was identified between the scores of the "strategies" subdimension of the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale. No meaningful differences in eating attitudes and emotion regulation were found between non-obese and obese patients. CONCLUSION: While a partial and meaningful correlation was observed among body mass index, eating attitudes, and emotion regulation difficulties, it is suggested that factors such as patients' age, disease duration, current body mass index, and the simultaneous presence of depression and anxiety should be considered.

Rev. mex. trastor. aliment ; 13(2): 134-144, jul.-dic. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530224


Resumen: Los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria son de las enfermedades crónicas más frecuentes en adolescentes y mujeres jóvenes. En México se han encontrado porcentajes desde 5 hasta 18% de conductas alimentarias de riesgo en muestras de mujeres estudiantes universitarias (Unikel-Santoncini, et al., 2004). Por otro lado, la resiliencia se define como un constructo que incluye ciertos fenómenos que consisten en la adecuada adaptación del individuo ante situaciones traumáticas, privación extrema, amenazas graves o estrés elevado (González-Arratia, 2008, en Camacho-Valadez, 2016). Esta investigación examina la relación entre la resiliencia y las conductas alimentarias de riesgo por medio de la aplicación de los instrumentos EAT-26 y RESI-M a 201 mujeres mexicanas, con un promedio de edad de 22 años. Se realizó un análisis de correlación de Producto Momento de Pearson, el cual demostró que, aquellas mujeres con mayores niveles de resiliencia mostraban menos conductas alimentarias de riesgo. Se propone realizar el mismo estudio con poblaciones más jóvenes, así como con participantes de sexo masculino.

Abstract: Eating disorders are one of the most frequent chronic diseases in adolescents and young women. In Mexico, percentages from 5 to 18% of risk eating behaviors have been found in samples of female university students (Unikel-Santoncini, et al., 2004). On the other hand, resilience is defined as a construct that includes certain phenomena that consist of the individual's adequate adaptation to traumatic situations, extreme deprivation, serious threats, or high stress (González-Arratia, 2008, in Camacho Valadez, 2016). This research examines the relationship between resilience and risk eating behaviors through the application of the EAT-26 and RESI-M instruments to 201 Mexican women, with an average age of 22 years. A Pearson Product Moment correlation analysis was performed, which showed that those women with higher levels of resilience showed less risk eating behaviors. It's proposed to carry out the same study with younger populations, as well as with male participants.

Curitiba; s.n; 20231204. 122 p. tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1551192


Resumo: A ideação e comportamentos suicidas são considerados um problema de saúde pública. Mulheres privadas de liberdade podem apresentar maior vulnerabilidade para esses comportamentos, considerando as condições no ambiente prisional, a perda de vínculos familiares e os históricos de comorbidades mentais e físicas. Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo transversal, com o objetivo geral de analisar a ideação e os comportamentos suicidas em mulheres privadas de liberdade em uma unidade prisional do Estado do Paraná. A amostra foi por conveniência e constituída de 30 mulheres privadas de liberdade. Os dados foram coletados de maio a agosto de 2022 com aplicação do instrumento Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale e de um instrumento elaborado pelos autores. Os resultados foram apresentados de maneira descritiva e inferencial. Da amostra de 30 mulheres, 15 (50,0%) eram da faixa etária de 30 a 49 anos; 15 (50,0%) declararam-se pardas; 18 (60,0%) eram solteiras; 17 (56,7%) estavam desempregadas antes da prisão; 14 (46,7%) apresentavam condição de saúde mental; 21 (70,0%) eram tabagistas; 22 (73,3%) faziam uso de álcool; e 17 (56,7%) fizeram uso de SPA. O motivo da privação de liberdade foi homicídio para 15 (50,0%) participantes. Da amostra, 20 (66,7%) foram vítimas de violência física alguma vez na vida; 17 (56,7%) de violência psicológica; e 14 (46,7%), de violência sexual. Quanto à ideação, 16 (53,3%) mulheres já haviam desejado estar mortas; 19 (63,3%) haviam tido pensamentos suicidas ativos não específicos; 15 (50,0%) haviam tido ideação suicida ativa com algum método (sem plano) sem intenção de agir; 15 (50%) haviam tido ideação suicida ativa com alguma intenção de agir; e 14 (46,7%) havia tido ideação suicida ativa com plano específico e intenção. Durante a privação de liberdade, 12 (40%) apresentaram pensamentos suicidas. Empreenderam comportamentos suicidas durante a vida 16 (53,3%) mulheres; 14 (46,7%) tiveram tentativa efetiva; 6 (20,0%), comportamento autolesivo sem intenção suicida; 8 (26,7%) tiveram tentativa interrompida; 7 (23,3%) tiveram tentativa abortada; 10 (33,3%) realizaram atos ou comportamentos preparatórios; 4 (13,3%) empreenderam tentativas de suicídio durante a privação de liberdade, das quais 3 (10,0%) empreenderam pela primeira vez durante a privação de liberdade. Na análise inferencial, as principais variáveis associadas à ideação e aos comportamentos suicidas foram: ideação suicida antes da privação de liberdade, ideação suicida durante a privação de liberdade, tratamento para condição de saúde mental, vítima de violência sexual, tentativa de suicídio e ideação suicida ativa com algum método (sem plano) sem intenção de agir. Considerando os resultados desta pesquisa e o que é previsto pela equipe de enfermagem no sistema prisional, conclui-se pela importância de avaliar a ideação e os comportamentos suicidas em mulheres privadas de liberdade desde a admissão, na permanência da privação, bem como nos aspectos relacionados à ocorrência de tais comportamentos visando à oferta de cuidados de enfermagem na prevenção, no evento e na reabilitação.

Abstract: Suicidal ideation and behaviors are considered a public health problem. Women deprived of their liberty may be more vulnerable to these behaviors, considering the conditions in the prison environment, the loss of family ties and histories of mental and physical comorbidities. This is a cross-sectional quantitative study with the general objective of analyzing suicidal ideation and behaviors in women deprived of their liberty in a prison unit located in the State of Paraná. A convenience sample was used, and it was made up of 30 women deprived of their liberty. Data were collected from May to August 2022 using the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale instrument and another instrument developed by the authors. The results were presented in a descriptive and inferential manner. Of the sample made up of 30 women, 15 (50.0%) were aged between 30 and 49; 15 (50.0%) self-declared as mixed race; 18 (60.0%) were single; 17 (56.7%) were unemployed before the arrest; 14 (46.7%) experienced mental health disorder; 21 (70.0%) were smokers; 22 (73.3%) were alcohol users; and 17 (56.7%) had used some PAS. The deprivation of liberty was caused by homicide for 15 (50.0%) participants. Of the sample, 20 (66.7%) were victims of physical violence at some point in their lives; 17 (56.7%) were victims of psychological violence; and 14 (46.7%) of sexual violence. As for suicidal ideation, 16 (53.3%) women had already wished they were dead; 19 (63.3%) had already had non-specific active suicidal thoughts; 15 (50.0%) had already had active suicidal ideation with a method (not plan) without intent to act; 15 (50%) had already had active suicidal ideation with some intent to act; and 14 (46.7%) had already had active suicidal ideation with a specific plan and intent. During their period of deprivation of liberty, 12 (40%) had suicidal thoughts. 16 (53.3%) women engaged in suicidal behavior during their lifetime; 14 (46.7%) made an actual attempt; 6 (20.0%) had self-injurious behavior without suicidal intent; 8 (26.7%) reported an interrupted attempt; 7 (23.3%) reported an aborted attempt; 10 (33.3%) had made preparations or showed suicidal behavior; 4 (13.3%) made suicide attempts during their period of deprivation of liberty, of which 3 (10.0%) attempted suicide for the first time during their period of deprivation of liberty. In the inferential analysis, the main variables associated with suicidal ideation and behaviors were the following: suicidal ideation before being deprived of their liberty, suicidal ideation during their period of deprivation of liberty, treatment for a mental health disorder, victim of sexual violence, attempted suicide, and active suicidal ideation with a method (not plan) without intent to act. Considering the results of this research and the expectations of the nursing team in the prison system, it can be concluded that it is important to evaluate suicidal ideation and behaviors among women deprived of liberty from the moment they are admitted, during the period in which they are deprived of their liberty as well as the aspects related to the occurrence of such behaviors, aiming to offer nursing care during the prevention process, the episode itself and the rehabilitation process.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Prisons , Suicide , Women , Mental Health , Depression , Suicidal Ideation
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535451


Introducción: La Organización Mundial de la Salud diseñó un instrumento para la vigilancia de los factores de riesgo asociados con las enfermedades crónicas, este abarca tres pasos que incluyen los datos personales y comportamentales, antropométricos y bioquímicos. Objetivo: Describir las aplicaciones del Instrumento STEPS (paso 1) para la identificación de factores de riesgo comportamentales asociados a enfermedades no transmisibles en adultos trabajadores, según país y año de publicación. Metodología: Revisión narrativa de estudios originales que utilizaron el STEPS, publicados entre 2015 y 2019 en español, inglés y portugués en las bases de datos PubMed, SciELO y el motor de búsqueda Google Scholar. Resultados: Se revisaron 20 documentos de los cuales 6 fueron de Asia y África, y el año de mayor publicación fue 2017. El consumo nocivo del alcohol, tabaquismo, inactividad física y alimentación no saludable son los riesgos más estudiados. Conclusiones: La utilización del instrumento STEPS en publicaciones es más frecuente en países de África y Asia. Se requiere que su implementación sea sistemática y difundida en otros países, con la finalidad de diseñar e implementar estrategias de salud pública para la prevención, mitigación y tratamiento oportuno de las enfermedades no transmisibles.

Introduction: The World Health Organization designed an instrument for the surveillance of risk factors associated with chronic diseases, it has three steps that include personal and behavioral, anthropometric, and biochemical data. Objective: To describe the applications of the STEPS Instrument (step 1) to identify behavioral risk factors associated with noncommunicable diseases in working adults, according to country and year of publication. Methodology: Narrative review of original studies that used STEPS, published between 2015 and 2019 in Spanish, English and Portuguese in the databases PubMed, SciELO, and the search engine Google Scholar. Results: A total of 20 studies were reviewed, of which 6 were from Asia and Africa, and the year of most significant publication was 2017. The most studied risks are harmful alcohol consumption, smoking, physical inactivity, and unhealthy eating. Conclusions: the use of the STEPS instrument in publications is more frequent in countries of Africa and Asia. Its implementation must be systematic and disseminated in other countries to design and implement public health strategies for the prevention, mitigation, and timely treatment of noncommunicable diseases.

Humans , Risk Factors , Healthy Lifestyle , Noncommunicable Diseases , Health Behavior , Public Health , Surveys and Questionnaires
rev. psicogente ; 26(50)dic. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536982


Objective: Bullying and uncivil behaviors frequently happen in higher education lecture halls. This study aimed at exploring college students bullying incidents and mistreatments by faculty members, witnesses, and the type of bullying, where bullying and exploitations mostly happen. Method: A total 2646 (1493 female & 1185 male) students from a mid-size state university studying at every accessible department voluntarily participated to fill out a survey. A survey instrument and a social demographic information form is used to collect data. A chi-square test and several descriptive statistics were run to analyze the data. Results: Results revealed that 10 % of student were threatened being graded lower or being failed, 21 % stated that they did not believe in fair investigation even when they could complain to the relevant authorities in the university. Among them, 31 % of the students witnessed a faculty member threatening students' in an uncivil manner. Male faculty members were 4 times more likely to bully student or act uncivil behaviors than female faculty members. Assistant professor or younger faculty members tend to behave more negatively than higher ranking or older professors. Conclusions: Most of the incidents happen during the class. Results show that bullying is a universal phenomenon and it appears in every level and field of education. Even though there are cultural and departmental differences, and department-specific misbehaviors, it is still common in every level of education in every culture.

Objetivo: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo explorar los incidentes de intimidación y maltrato de estudiantes universitarios por parte de miembros de la facultad, testigos, el tipo de hostigamiento, dónde se producen principalmente los acosos y los maltratos, cómo se han enfrentado a estos hechos, cómo han resuelto el incidente, las razones del hostigamiento y los malos tratos, frecuencia de los mismos, el tipo observado de bullying y similitudes culturales. Diferencias en los comportamientos de bullying y características de los miembros de la facultad que realizan el bullying. Metodología: Un total de 2646 estudiantes de una universidad estatal de un tamaño mediano que estudiaban en las distintas facultades de la universidad seleccionada. Participaron voluntariamente para realizar una encuesta impulsada por el concepto de intimidación de Olweus. Resultados: Los resultados revelaron que el 10 % de los estudiantes fueron amenazados con una calificación inferior o reprobada, el 21 % dijo que no creía en una investigación justa, incluso si podían presentar una queja ante las autoridades pertinentes de la universidad. Solo el 5 % de los estudiantes mencionó haber presentado una queja verbal informal. El 18 % informó que el acoso era muy importante y muy estresante para ellos. Entre estos, el 31 % de los estudiantes fue testigo de la amenaza de un miembro de la facultad a los estudiantes de una manera poco correcta. Los varones de la facultad eran 4 veces más propensos que los miembros femeninos de la misma a intimidar a los estudiantes, o comportarse de manera no cívica. El profesor asistente o los miembros más jóvenes de la facultad tienden a comportarse de manera más negativa que los profesores de mayor rango o más antiguos. Parece que la mayoría de los incidentes ocurren durante la clase (11 %) o antes de que comience la misma (1,6 %). Conclusiones: Los resultados muestran que el acoso académico es un fenómeno universal y aparece en todos los niveles de la educación. A pesar de que existen diferencias culturales y departamentales, el acoso todavía es común en todos los niveles de educación de todas las culturas. El bullying tiene consecuencias negativas en los estudiantes; afecta perniciosamente su salud mental, integración escolar y logros académicos. Por lo tanto, los responsables de la administración escolar deben establecer pautas claras para las relaciones entre el profesorado y los estudiantes; y proporcionar ayuda de asesoramiento y acompañamiento para quienes lo necesiten.

Rev. Costarric. psicol ; 42(2): 277-299, jul.-dic. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1559043


Resumen El proceso de cambio hacia la práctica de actividad física todavía no ha sido adecuadamente caracterizado. Uno de los asuntos en discusión es si este proceso puede ser descrito en términos de etapas. Se llevó a cabo un estudio con el objetivo de examinar patrones de continuidad o discontinuidad de variables del Modelo Procesual de Acción en Salud dentro de las etapas propuestas por el Modelo Transteórico, y así valorar en qué medida la evidencia apoya la existencia de etapas. Para ello, se recogieron datos transversales de estudiantes universitarios (N = 490, edad = 22.5 años, DT = 6.57) y se hicieron ANOVA, contrastes planeados y análisis de tendencias polinómicas, siguiendo las recomendaciones de Sutton (2000). Los resultados para varias de las variables fueron compatibles con supuestos sobre la existencia de etapas. Sin embargo, para otras variables, los resultados no apoyan la existencia de etapas. Estos hallazgos proveen información útil para esfuerzos de integración de distintos modelos. Se discute sobre las implicaciones teóricas y prácticas de estos.

Abstract The process of change towards the practice of physical activity has not yet been adequately characterized. One issue under discussion is whether this process can be described in terms of stages. A study was carried out in order to examine patterns of continuity or discontinuity in variables of the Health Action Process Model within the stages proposed by the Transtheoretical Model, and thus assess to what extent the evidence supports the existence of stages. For this, cross-sectional data of university students (N = 490, mean age 22.5 years (SD = 6.57) were collected, and ANOVAs, planned contrasts, and polynomial trend analyses were performed, as recommended by Sutton (2000). The results for several variables were compatible with assumptions about the existence of stages. However, for other variables results did not support the existence of stages. These findings provide useful information for efforts to integrate different models. The theoretical and practical implications are discussed.

Humans , Male , Female , Exercise/psychology , Transtheoretical Model , Peru , Students , Health Behavior , Cross-Sectional Studies
Horiz. enferm ; (Número especial: Investigación y práctica en condiciones crónicas de salud): 384-406, 28 dic. 2023. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF, MINSALCHILE | ID: biblio-1553594


INTRODUCCIÓN: Las prácticas de crianza en alimentación y la conducta alimentaria han sido ampliamente estudiadas en niños, sin embargo, es necesario proporcionar información sobre su impacto en adultos. La evidencia sugiere que las prácticas de crianza en alimentación pueden tener un impacto en la conducta alimentarias emocional, descontrolada, restrictiva y desordenada, las cuales están asociadas con el incremento del Índice de masa corporal (IMC), el sobrepeso y la obesidad, mismos que se encuentran como principal factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de DT2. OBJETIVO: analizar través de una revisión sistemática la evidencia existente acerca de la relación entre las prácticas de crianza en alimentación, la conducta alimentaria y el riesgo de diabetes en adultos. METODOLOGÍA: Se realizó una búsqueda de literatura publicada de 2013 a 2023 en las bases de datos Pubmed, Scopus, EBSCOhost, Clarivate Science Citation Index Expanded y SpringerLink. Se identificaron 459 estudios, luego de aplicar los criterios de exclusión, se revisaron 15 estudios en total. RESULTADOS: Las subescalas de las prácticas de crianza en alimentación más empleadas fueron: preocupación, control, presión para comer y restricción. Se encontró asociación entre las prácticas de crianza en alimentación, la conducta alimentaria y el incremento del IMC. CONCLUSIÓN: Se consideran insuficientes las investigaciones que muestran el impacto de las prácticas de crianza en alimentación sobre la conducta alimentaria y si estas a su vez tienen efectos en el riesgo de diabetes en la etapa adulta.

INTRODUCTION: Parenting practices in feeding and eating behavior have been widely studied in children, however, it is necessary to provide information on their impact on adults. The evidence suggests that parenting practices in feeding can have an impact on emotional, uncontrolled, restrictive and disordered eating behavior, which are associated with an increase in BMI, overweight and obesity, which are found as the main factor of risk for the development of T2D. OBJECTIVE: To analyze, through a systematic review, the existing evidence about the relationship between parenting feeding practices, eating behavior and the risk of diabetes in adults. METHODOLOGY: A search of literature published from 2013 to 2023 was carried out in the Pubmed, Scopus, EBSCOhost, Clarivate Science Citation Index Expanded and SpringerLink databases. 459 studies were identified, after applying the exclusion criteria, 15 studies in total were reviewed. RESULTS: The subscales of the most frequently used parenting practices in feeding were: concern, control, pressure to eat and restriction. An association was found between parenting feeding practices, eating behavior and increased BMI. CONCLUSION: Research showing the impact of parenting feeding practices on eating behavior and whether these in turn have effects on the risk of diabetes in adulthood are considered insufficient.

Horiz. enferm ; (Número especial: Investigación y práctica en condiciones crónicas de salud): 27-42, 28 dic. 2023. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF, MINSALCHILE | ID: biblio-1553320


INTRODUCCIÓN: La Insuficiencia Cardiaca se ha descrito como un síndrome de proporciones epidémicas, con una prevalencia de un 1-3% de la población adulta mundial menor de 60 años. Las conductas de autocuidado constituyen una estrategia clave en la elaboración de intervenciones exitosas que disminuyan la re-hospitalización, mortalidad y mejoren la calidad de vida. OBJETIVO: Adaptar y validar la Escala Revisada de Comportamientos de Autocuidado en Falla Cardiaca (Revised Heart Failure Self Care Behavior Scale) en personas con insuficiencia cardíaca, que se encuentran en seguimiento ambulatorio, en dos Hospitales Públicos chilenos. METODOLOGÍA: Estudio transversal de adaptación y análisis psicométrico del instrumento de medición Escala de Valoración de Comportamientos de Autocuidado en personas con Insuficiencia Cardíaca diseñada por Nancy Artinian. Emplazamiento: Unidades ambulatorias de seguimiento en Hospitales Públicos chilenos. Participantes: Usuarios con Insuficiencia Cardíaca que asistieron a dos Policlínicos de seguimiento de Insuficiencia Cardiaca de dos Centros de Salud de nivel secundario de dos comunas de Santiago en Chile. Método: Se realizó juicio de expertos para la adaptación cultural del instrumento, se aplicó el análisis factorial exploratorio con rotación oblicua. RESULTADOS: Escala Chilena de Valoración Comportamientos de Automanejo en Insuficiencia Cardiaca presentó una adecuada adaptación cultural, pruebas sicométricas que garantizan su validez de constructo y fiabilidad adecuada, con Alfa de Cronbach del Instrumento de 0,84 IC [0,80-0,88]. CONCLUSIONES: Se proporciona un instrumento que permite conocer conductas de autocuidado de los pacientes con IC, esto le permite ser utilizado por los profesionales que atienden a personas que padecen de IC en Chile.

INTRODUCTION: Heart failure (HF) has been described as a syndrome of epidemic proportions, with a prevalence of 1-3% amongst the global adult population under 60 years of age. Self-care behaviors are a key strategy in the development of successful interventions that reduce re-hospitalization, mortality and improve quality of life. OBJECTIVE: To adapt and validate the Revised Heart Failure Self-Care Behavior Scale in people with heart failure, who are in outpatient follow-up, in two Chilean public hospitals. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study of adaptation and psychometric analysis of the measuring instrument Scale of Assessment of Self-Care Behavior in Persons with Heart Failure, designed by Nancy Artinian. Location: Outpatient follow-up units in Chilean public hospitals. Participants: Patients with Heart Failure who attended two heart failure outpatient follow-up clinics within two secondary healthcare centers located in two districts of Santiago, Chile. Method: Expert judgments were made for the cultural adaptation of the instrument, followed by exploratory factor analysis with oblique rotation. RESULTS: The Chilean Scale of Assessment of Self-Management Behaviors in Heart Failure presented adequate cultural adaptation, psychometric tests that guarantee its validity in terms of its construction and adequate reliability. Cronbach's Alpha of the Instrument was 0,84 IC [0,80-0,88] CONCLUSIONS: The study provides a tool that allows us to ascertain the self-care behaviors of patients with HF, allowing it to be used by professionals who care for people with HF in Chile.