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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031090


Gut microbiome plays an important role in maintaining lifelong health. Infancy is a critical period for the establishment of gut microbiota, which is influenced by many factors, including delivery methods, antibiotics, and feeding mode. Human milk contains a variety of bioactive factors, such as human milk oligosaccharide, secretory immunoglobulin, and human milk microbiota, which play important roles in the establishment and stability of newborn microbiota. This article presents the latest research progress on the effects of the aforementioned bioactive factors in breast milk on the colonization and development of infant microbiota, and explains how these substances affect immune function through intestinal bacteria.

Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 58: e20837, 2022. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420445


Abstract Aloe vera possesses a great therapeutic importance in traditional medicine. It has attracted the attention of modern medical fields due to its wide pharmacological applications. The bioactive substances in Aloe vera proved to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. Taken into our consideration the long history of clinical applications of Aloe vera in traditional medicine, especially for promoting the healing of cutaneous wounds with rare adverse effects, it provides a cheap alternative to many expensive synthetic drugs. Recent techniques in tissue engineering created novel scaffolds based on Aloe gel extracts for wound healing applications. Nonetheless, further guided researche is required to foster the development of Aloe vera based scaffolds for the benefit of worldwide populations. Here, I systemically summarize the main events following wounding and the mechanism of action of Aloe vera in promoting the healing process. I hope to provide a solid piece of information that might be helpful for designing new research studies into this topic.

Wound Healing/drug effects , Wounds and Injuries/classification , Aloe/adverse effects , Mechanisms of Action of Homeopathic Remedies
Ciênc. rural ; 45(2): 329-334, 02/2015. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-732372


Este estudo teve como objetivo determinar a composição química e fitoquímica das farinhas da casca e da semente de lichias (Litchi chinensis Sonn), família Sapindaceae, da cultivar 'Bengal'. A composição centesimal, o valor energético total, sólidos solúveis, pH, acidez e os teores de compostos fenólicos, antocianinas, flavonoides, minerais, açúcares, vitamina C e a triagem fitoquímica foram determinados. A farinha da casca de lichia apresentou os maiores teores de flavonoides, vitamina C, compostos fenólicos, antocianinas, lipídios, proteínas, cinzas e fibras, enquanto a farinha da semente se destacou pelos teores de potássio, enxofre, cobre e zinco. Ambas as farinhas apresentaram resultado positivo para açúcares redutores, proteína e aminoácidos, taninos, catequinas, flavonoides, depsídeo e depsidonas. Somente a farinha da casca apresentou resultado positivo para alcaloides. As farinhas dos subprodutos da lichia apresentaram-se como fontes promissoras de nutriente e substâncias bioativas, no entanto suas propriedades biológicas devem ser estudadas.

This study had the objective to determine the chemical and phytochemical composition of flours from skin and seeds of 'Bengal' lychees (Litchi chinensis Sonn), Sapindaceae family. Proximate composition, total energy value, soluble solids, pH, acidity and levels of phenolic compounds, anthocyanins, flavonoids, minerals, sugars, vitamin C and the phytochemical screening were determined. Lychee skin flour presented the highest levels of flavonoids, vitamin C, phenolic compounds, anthocyanins, lipids, proteins, ash and fiber, while the seed flour stood out for the contents of potassium, sulfur, copper, and zinc. Both flours were positive for reducing sugars, protein and amino acids, tannins, catechins, flavonoids, depsides and depsidones. Only the skin flour showed a positive result for alkaloids. The flours made from lychee by-products were promising sources of nutrients and bioactive substances; however, their biological properties need to be further studied.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-478719


Due to the particularity of marine ecological environment, many marine lives have developed and accumulated a large amount of biological molecules with special chemical structures and physiological activities, representing an important resource for the development of marine drugs. Generally, the marine antibacterial proteins are mainly identified from the marine microorganisms, invertebrates and fish.In this review, the progresses on marine antibacterial peptides and antimicrobial activity proteins are briefly summarized.

Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 51(3): 288-304, jul.-set. 2014.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-729718


El deseo de crear alternativas más biológicas para la implantación permanente de materiales sintéticos ha inspirado el campo de la ingeniería de tejidos, que como uno de los pilares de la medicina regenerativa amplía las posibilidades de investigación y aplicación clínica en la rama estomatológica. Objetivo: realizar una revisión bibliográfica sobre la ingeniería tisular como puntal de la medicina regenerativa en estomatología. Métodos: se realizó una revisión en el período comprendido entre mayo y junio de 2013. Se evaluaron revistas de impacto de Web of Sciencies (43 revistas) y dos revistas cubanas. Se consultaron las bases de datos de sistemas referativos, como MEDLINE, PubMed y Scielo con la utilización de descriptores como tissue engineering AND dentistry, regenerative medicine, biomaterials, scaffolds, nanotechnology y sus contrapartes en español. Se incluyeron artículos en idioma inglés y español y publicaciones de los últimos cinco años. Se obtuvieron 127 artículos, circunscribiéndose el estudio a 55 que enfocaron estas temáticas de manera más integral. Se revisó un libro. Resultados: al analizar el comportamiento de los artículos respecto a su representatividad en las diferentes revistas científicas donde fueron publicados 5,45 por ciento de ellos correspondieron, a la revista International Journal of Nanomedicine y Biomatter. Los demás artículos estuvieron distribuidos de manera uniforme entre las otras revistas. Conclusiones: múltiples son las publicaciones que abordan la temática de la ingeniería tisular en las ramas biomédicas y particularmente en Estomatología y todas coinciden en términos generales en que la investigación de la biología de células madre y biomateriales modernos ha creado interesantes oportunidades para la regeneración y la terapia basada en la ingeniería de tejidos. El correcto manejo de los elementos que conforman la ingeniería tisular, con el sistema de señalización tisular, nanomateriales, sistemas de administración, células madre y biomateriales amplía las posibilidades de aplicación en la estomatología moderna y futura(AU)

The wish to create more biological alternatives for the permanent implantation of synthetic materials has fostered the development of tissue engineering. As one of the pillars of regenerative medicine, tissue engineering broadens the range of research and clinical application possibilities in dentistry. Objective: carry out a bibliographic review about tissue engineering as a pillar of regenerative medicine in dentistry. Methods: the review covered the period May-June 2013. An evaluation was conducted of high impact journals from the Web of Sciences (43 journals) and 2 Cuban journals. Databases from reference systems, such as MEDLINE, PubMed and Scielo, were consulted with the aid of search terms like tissue engineering AND dentistry, regenerative medicine, biomaterials, scaffolds, nanotechnology, and their Spanish counterparts. The review included papers in English and Spanish, and publications from the last five years. Of the 127 papers obtained, the reviewers selected the 55 which approached the study topic in a more comprehensive manner. One book was reviewed. Results: an analysis of the representativeness of papers in the scientific journals where they were published showed that 5.45 percent corresponded to the International Journal of Nanomedicine and Biomater. The remaining papers were evenly distributed among the other journals. Conclusions: many are the publications dealing with the subject of tissue engineering in biomedicine and particularly in dentistry. In general terms, all of them agree that research into stem cells biology and modern biomaterials has created interesting opportunities for regeneration and therapy based on tissue engineering. Appropriate management of the elements making up tissue engineering, alongside the tissue signaling system, nanomaterials, management systems, stem cells and biomaterials, broaden the possibilities of application in contemporary and future dentistry(AU)

Humans , Review Literature as Topic , Databases, Bibliographic/statistics & numerical data , Regenerative Medicine , Tissue Engineering/trends , Biocompatible Materials/therapeutic use
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-854470


Medicinal plants are important bio-resources for human existence and development. Endophytic actinobacteria with rich biodiversity, widely existing inside the tissues of medicinal plants, are important components of plant micro-ecosystems, and some can produce same or similar bioactive substances generated by their host plants. Therefore, utilizing endophytic actinobacteria to produce bioactive substances with antimicrobial and antitumor effects can not only provide a new way for the development of new drugs, but also effectively protect the endangered medicinal plant resources. Furthermore, this process has important ecological significance and economic value. In this review, research advances on the diversity of endophytic actinobacteria, genes related to natural product biosynthesis, and diversity of their natural bioactive substances are summarized, and a reference for the research of endophytic actinobacteria from the medicinal plants is provided.

São Paulo; s.n; s.n; dez. 2013. 153 p. tab, graf, ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-836955


O arroz (Oryza sativa L.) é consumido predominantemente na forma polida, porém há uma tendência na procura por grãos integrais não pigmentados e pigmentados, como o preto e o vermelho, e também pelo arroz selvagem, que pertence ao gênero Zizania. Além da composição nutricional e propriedades sensoriais distintas, os tipos pigmentados possuem compostos bioativos, que atribuem cor aos grãos e que têm sido relacionados a efeitos benéficos à saúde. Contudo, uma comparação em termos nutricionais e de bioativos entre esses grãos ainda inexiste. Este projeto visou comparar a composição química, incluindo os compostos fenólicos totais (CFT), os polifenóis majoritários e a capacidade antioxidante de três amostras de arroz-preto produzido no Estado de São Paulo, duas de arroz-preto produzido no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul e 11 de arroz-preto produzido no Estado de Santa Catarina, 9 de arroz-vermelho, produzido nos estados mencionados e, 6 amostras de arroz selvagem, importadas do Canadá e comercializadas em São Paulo; todas as amostras foram produzidas e/ou comercializadas no período de 2009 a 2011. A comparação das variáveis foi feita pelo uso de análise estatística uni- e multivariada. Fez parte do escopo do projeto avaliar o efeito do cozimento sobre a estabilidade dos CFT e a atividade antioxidante. Também foi conduzida uma comparação preliminar dos teores de fitoquímicos lipossolúveis, γ-orizanol, tocoferóis e tocotrienóis, entre 7 amostras de arroz-preto e 4 de arroz-vermelho, todas da safra de 2013. Com base nas análises químicas e na análise estatística multivariada, foi possível agrupar os vários tipos de arroz em quatro grupos, significativamente diferentes entre si: arroz selvagem, arroz-preto de grãos longos, arroz-preto de grãos médios e arroz-vermelho. O grupo que mais se diferenciou dos demais foi o arroz selvagem, por apresentar os maiores teores proteicos (12,9 g/100g) e de ácido α-linolênico (0,12 g/100g) e os menores teores de lipídeos (0,9 g/100g), de compostos fenólicos e atividade antioxidante, entre os grupos estudados. Outro grupo com características distintas foi o arroz-preto de grãos longos que se destacou principalmente pelo elevado teor de compostos fenólicos, representados pelas antocianinas, e elevada atividade antioxidante. A cianidina-3-O-glicosídeo foi identificada por CLAE-DAD-MS/MS, como sendo a antocianina majoritária. Os teores de proteínas e de lipídeos, da ordem de 9,8 e 3,6 g/100g, respectivamente, foram maiores do que dos outros dois grupos estudados. O arroz-preto de grãos médios e o vermelho foram similares em termos de composição de nutrientes e CFT. Os teores proteicos em ambos os grupos foi, em média, de 8,8 g/100g. Porém, enquanto no arroz-preto predominam antocianinas, a coloração do arroz-vermelho é conferida por proantocianidinas, com diferenças na sua atividade antioxidante. O arroz-preto de grãos médios apresentou atividade antioxidante mais do que o dobro do arroz-vermelho, no entanto próxima ao do arroz-preto de grãos longos. Este resultado indica que o elevado teor de antocianinas, independente do formato do grão, é responsável pela alta capacidade antioxidante no arroz-preto. A análise multivariada demonstrou que o formato do grão é determinante na diferenciação dos dois grupos de arroz-preto em termos de composição de nutrientes, como proteínas e lipídeos, mas não de fitoquímicos e de atividade antioxidante. O método ORAC foi mais apropriado para avaliar a atividade antioxidante do arroz-preto, por ser mais sensível à presença de antocianinas do que o método de DPPH·. Nos outros dois grupos, vermelho e selvagem o método de DPPH· também pode ser utilizado. O cozimento do arroz provocou perda significativa nos teores de CFT e na atividade antioxidante do arroz-preto e vermelho. No arroz-preto, a perda de CFT foi de 26%, em média, enquanto a perda das antocianinas foi de 50%. A explicação pode ser que durante o cozimento uma parte das antocianinas seja convertida em ácido protocatecóico, que é dosado como CFT. No arroz-vermelho, a redução de CFT foi de 60%, possivelmente devido a uma insolubilização de parte das proantocianidinas. No arroz selvagem, o cozimento não causou perdas significativas. A capacidade antioxidante dos vários grupos de arroz após o cozimento depende do método empregado, sendo fortemente correlacionada com os teores de CFT remanescentes. Assim, o arroz-preto, mesmo depois de cozido, apresentou a maior capacidade antioxidante, seguido do arroz-vermelho e do selvagem. Numa avaliação inicial, os teores dos fitoquímicos lipossolúveis, γ-orizanol e homólogos da vitamina E, foram semelhantes em arroz-preto e vermelho, indicando que independem da coloração do pericarpo

Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is mostly consumed in its milled form; however there is an increasing demand for whole non-pigmented and pigmented rice, such as black, red, and wild rice, which the latter belongs to the genus Zizania. Pigmented rice has particular nutritional composition and sensory characteristics, and in addition high amounts of phenolic compounds, which not only confer color but also has been linked to beneficial effects on human health. To date, little is known about the nutritional and bioactive contents of these grains. The aim of this study was to compare the chemical composition, including the total phenolic compounds (TPC), the majoritarian polyphenols and the antioxidant radical efficiency of the following accessions: three black rice from the state of São Paulo, two black rice from the state of Rio Grande do Sul, eleven black rice genotypes from Santa Catarina state, nine red rice from those states and six wild rice, imported from Canada and marketed in São Paulo. All samples were cultivated and/or marketed from 2009 to 2011. Data were evaluated by uni- and multivariate statistical analysis. The effect of cooking on the stability of TPC and antioxidant capacity was also evaluated. In addition, a preliminary comparison of γ- oryzanol, tocopherols and tocotrienols was carried out between two groups: seven black rice and four red rice samples, all of them cultivated in 2013. Based on chemical results and multivariate statistical analysis it was possible to cluster the various types of rice in four groups, significantly different among themselves: wild rice, black long grain rice, black medium grain rice, and red rice. Wild rice was the most dissimilar group due to its highest contents of protein (12.9 g/100g) and α-linolenic acid (0.12 g/100g), and the lowest amounts of lipids (0.9 g/100g), TPC, and antioxidant capacity. Black long grain rice was characterized mainly by its high contents of TPC, especially anthocyanins and by its elevated antioxidant capacity. Cyanidin-3-O-glycoside was identified by HPLC-DAD-MS/MS as being the main anthocyanin. The protein and lipid mean contents in these groups were respectively, 9.8 and 3.6 g/100g and were higher than the amounts in the other next two types of rice. The black medium grain rice and red rice were similar in terms of nutrient composition and TPC. The average amount of protein in both groups was about 8.8 g/100g. However, in black rice prevails anthocyanins, while in red rice coloration is provided by proanthocyanidins, which results in differences in antioxidant activity. Medium and long black grain rice showed a 2-fold higher antioxidant activity than red rice. These findings indicate that the high content of anthocyanins, independent of the grain shape, is responsible for the high antioxidant capacity in black rice. The multivariate analysis demonstrated that the grain shape is fundamental to differentiate black rice in terms of nutrient composition, like protein and lipids, but not in relation to amounts of phytochemicals and antioxidant capacity. ORAC was more suitable than DPPH· methodology to evaluate the antioxidant activity of black rice, due to its high correlation to anthocyanin contents. Conversely, DPPH· can be a consistent method to evaluate antioxidant capacity of red and wild rice. Cooking resulted in significant loss on TPC contents and on the antioxidant capacity of black and red rice. In black rice, 26% of TPC was reduced on average, while the loss of anthocyanins was 50%. The reason may be that during cooking, part of the anthocyanins is converted into protocatechuic acid, which is quantified as TPC. The reduction in TPC in red rice was 60%, possibly due to a partial insolubilization of proanthocyanidins. In wild rice, cooking caused no significant loss of TPC. The antioxidant capacity of different types of cooked rice was dependent on the method used, being strongly correlated with the remaining levels of TPC. Thus, black rice even after cooking showed the highest antioxidant capacity, followed by red and wild rice. From a preliminary evaluation, the contents of lipophilic phytochemicals, γ-orizanol and vitamin E homologues were similar in black and red rice, which indicates that the contents of these compounds are not dependent of the pericarp color

Oryza/metabolism , Nutritional Physiological Phenomena , Food Samples , Nutrients/analysis , Benchmarking , Phenolic Compounds/analysis , Polyphenols , Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity , Antioxidants/analysis
Microbiology ; (12)2008.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-686078


Many beneficial bioactive substances were produced by Paenibacillus polymyxa such as antibiotics, antimicrobial proteins, plant hormones and flocculants. These bioactive substances also could be produced by Paenibacillus polymyxa making it show excellent prospect in biological control of plant diseases, treatment of mankind and animals. This article summarizes research advances in Paenibacillus polymyxa and their bioactive substances.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-585231


It was found that the metabolites produced by a marine fungi KLEB-07 showed the induction of cell apoptosis activity on mouse tsFT210 cells.In order to find the best fermentation condition,the optimization of fermentation medium was studied.Activities of the ferments of KLEB-07 under different fermentation media and conditions,and the stability of the ferments were investigated.The results showed that the KLEB-07 produced the highest antitumor bioactivity of the ferments under the conditions of 28℃ and 130 r?min~(-1) for 7 days.The bioactive substances of ferments were stable and mainly existed in ethyl acetate layer.These results provide valuable informations for the further study of the antitumor active substances of KLEB-07.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-581679


Microorganisms isolated from the sea extreme condition have the potential to prqvide. diverse bioactive substances that are present to their metabolites. Organisms with pH optimal for growth in alkaline range and with temperature optimal for growth in lower temperature range are defines as alkalopsychrophilic microorganisms,which are one of rich resources of bioactive compounds for further stuties with both scientific interest and practical use.