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Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 91(2): 100-108, ene. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448320


Resumen OBJETIVO: Analizar los posibles factores asociados con las fallas en la amplificación, los desenlaces de la euploidia y clínicos entre los embriones con repetición de la biopsia y los de una sola (grupo control). MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio retrospectivo y multicéntrico de análisis de biopsias de blastocistos practicadas en 22 centros de reproducción asistida (noviembre 2017 a febrero 2022). Se analizaron 4,106 blastocistos procedentes de 1,007 ciclos de ICSI con prueba genética para aneuplidias previa a la implantación. En los blastocistos reportados con falla en la amplificación se analizó el Centro donde se practicó la biopsia, el día en que ésta se tomó, la calidad embrionaria y la incidencia de complicaciones durante el procedimiento. Los resultados se compararon con la prueba genética para aneuploidias previa a la implantación y los desenlaces clínicos entre los embriones con repetición de la biopsia y el grupo control. RESULTADOS: En el 96.0% (3,942) de los embriones se obtuvo resultado y en el 4.0% (n = 164) se reportó falla en la amplificación. La biopsia se repitió en las 99 fallas en la amplificación y se obtuvo resultado en el 83.8% de los casos. Las tasas de euploidia fueron similares entre embriones con repetición de la biopsia y los controles (34.9 en comparación con 39.7%; p > 0.05). El Centro fue el único factor que mostró diferencias en las tasas de falla en la amplificación (p < 0.05). No se observaron diferencias en el día de la biopsia o la calidad embrionaria. Las tasas de embarazo (51.0 en comparación con 58.3%), implantación (63.9 en comparación con 61.5%) y aborto (16.9 en comparación con 28.6%) fueron similares entre embriones con una sola biopsia o repetición de ésta, respectivamente. CONCLUSIONES: El Centro fue el principal factor que influyó en las fallas en la amplificación. Las tasas de euploidia y los desenlaces clínicos no difirieron entre el grupo control y los embriones con repetición de la biopsia; por consiguiente, se recomienda repetir la biopsia en los embriones con falla en la amplificación.

Abstract OBJECTIVE: To analyze possible factors associated with amplification failures, euploidy and clinical outcomes between repeat and single biopsy embryos (control group). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrospective multicenter study involving 4,106 blastocysts from 1,007 ICSI cycles with preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy performed by next generation sequencing. In case of DNA amplification failure, the IVF center where biopsies were performed, the day of biopsy, the embryo quality and the incidence of complications during biopsy were analyzed. Preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy results and clinical outcomes were compared between re-biopsied embryos and the control group. RESULTS: Of the 4,106 blastocysts included in this study, 96.0% (3,942) obtained a result while 4.0% (164) had an amplification failure. Ninety-nine embryos with amplification failure were re-biopsied and 83.8% resulted in an informative diagnosis. Euploidy rates were equivalent between re-biopsied and control blastocysts (34.9% vs 39.7%, P>0.05). The only factor significantly affecting the amplification failure rates was the IVF center. No differences were observed between biopsy days or embryo quality. Pregnancy (51.0% vs 58.3%), implantation (63.9% vs 61.5%) and miscarriage rates (16.9% vs 28.6%) were similar between single and repeat biopsied embryos, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The centre was the main factor influencing amplification failures. Euploidy rates and clinical outcomes did not differ between the control group and repeat biopsied embryos; therefore, repeat biopsy is recommended for embryos with amplification failure.

Pers. bioet ; 26(2)dic. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534985


La técnica de reproducción asistida trae consigo un número de embriones sobrantes. Se propone una revisión del estado de la cuestión de estos embriones en el Perú. Se revisa desde las perspectivas biológica, ética y jurídica. Se profundiza en el ordenamiento jurídico peruano, sobre el estado de desprotección de estos embriones y se contrasta con una posible solución: la adopción embrionaria. Se constata el estado de incertidumbre de la situación de estos embriones y se concluye como ilegítima la práctica de la adopción embrionaria, por vulnerar la dignidad y condición de sujeto de derecho del embrión sobrante.

The assisted reproduction technique brings with it several surplus embryos. A review of the situation of these embryos in Peru is proposed from biological, ethical, and legal perspectives. We delve into the Peruvian legal system regarding the lack of protection of these embryos and contrast it with a possible solution: embryonic adoption. The uncertainty of the situation of these embryos is verified, concluding that the practice of embryonic adoption is illegitimate, for it constitutes a violation of the dignity and rights-holder condition of the remaining embryos.

A técnica de reprodução assistida traz consigo uma série de embriões excedentes. Propõe-se uma revisão da situação desses embriões no Peru. É feita uma revisão a partir de perspectivas biológicas, éticas e legais. Aprofunda-se no ordenamento jurídico peruano sobre o estado de desproteção desses embriões e contrasta-se com uma possível solução: a adoção embrionária. Verifica-se o estado de incerteza da situação desses embriões e conclui-se como ilegítima a prática da adoção de embriões, por violar a dignidade e condição de sujeito de direito do embrião remanescente.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424312


La fecundación consiste en la fusión de los gametos masculino y femenino en el tercio externo de la trompa uterina para constituir el cigoto, que inicia su división celular, viaja al útero, se implanta como blastocito en el endometrio a los siete días y comienzan los procesos de embriogénesis y morfogénesis. Concepción es la acción o efecto de quedar embarazada una mujer. En el tema de los derechos establecidos al concebido, el inicio de la vida humana plantea amplia discusión entre las definiciones que plantea la ciencia frente a las de grupos de la sociedad civil. No siendo el cigoto una persona humana, de acuerdo con la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) y otros no sería sujeto de los derechos establecidos para la persona, los cuales estarían íntimamente relacionados a los derechos de la mujer embarazada. La concepción ocurriría cuando el embrión se implanta en el útero y no aplicaría el artículo 4 de la CIDH. La doctrina, la legislación y la jurisprudencia peruana establecen amplia tutela jurídica a favor del concebido e instauran el inicio de la vida a partir de la fecundación. La Sentencia de la CIDH para el caso Artavia Murillo contra Costa Rica introduce la figura española del preembrión, al cual no se le otorga tutela jurídica hasta los 14 días, momento en que la ciencia médica establece la implantación del embrión en el endometrio materno. Para consideraciones éticas actuales, el embarazo humano empieza con la implantación del blastocisto en el endometrio y no existe sustento para aceptar el derecho del concebido desde el momento de la fecundación como si fuera una persona. Empero se señala que la vida humana posee una continuidad ininterrumpida desde su concepción hasta su fin natural, la muerte. El cigoto es vida que se inicia con dotación genética propia diferente a la de sus progenitores. El embrión preimplantatorio solo podrá originar un ser humano que se gesta y desarrolla dentro del cuerpo de otra persona, con propia dinámica vital.

Fertilization consists of the fusion of the male and female gametes in the outer third of the uterine tube to form the zygote, which begins its cell division, travels to the uterus, implants as a blastocyst in the endometrium after seven days and begins the processes of embryogenesis and morphogenesis. Conception is the action or effect of a woman becoming pregnant. About the rights established for the conceived, the beginning of human life raises a wide discussion between the definitions proposed by science and those of civil society groups. Not being the zygote a human person, according to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) and others, it would not be subject to the rights established for the person, which would be closely related to the rights of the pregnant woman. Conception would occur when the embryo implants in the uterus and Article 4 of the IACHR would not apply. Peruvian doctrine, legislation and jurisprudence establish broad legal protection in favor of the conceived and indicate the beginning of life from the moment of fertilization. The Judgment of the IACHR in the case of Artavia Murillo v. Costa Rica introduces the Spanish figure of the pre-embryo, which is not granted legal protection until 14 days, when medical science establishes the implantation of the embryo in the maternal endometrium. For current ethical considerations, human pregnancy begins with the implantation of the blastocyst in the endometrium and there is no basis for accepting the right of the conceived from the moment of fertilization as if it were a person. However, it is pointed out that human life has an uninterrupted continuity from conception to its natural end, death. The zygote is life that begins with its own genetic endowment different from that of its progenitors. The preimplantation embryo can only give rise to a human being that is gestated and develops within the body of another person, with its own vital dynamics.

Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 43(11): 878-882, Nov. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1357078


Abstract Non-invasive preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidies (niPGT-A) aiming to assess cell-free embryonic DNA in spent culturemedia is promising, especially because it might overcome the diminished rates of implantation caused by the inadequate performance of trophectoderm (TE) biopsy. Our center is part of the largest study to date assessing the concordance between conventional PGT-A and niPGT-A, and we report here the delivery of the first baby born in Brazil using niPGT-A. The parents of the baby were admitted to our center in 2018. They did not present history of infertility, and they were interested in using in vitro fertilization (IVF) and PGT-A in order to avoid congenital anomalies in the offspring. A total of 11 (3 day-5 and 8 day-6) expanded blastocysts were biopsied, and the spent culture media (culture from day-4 to day-6) from 8 day-6 blastocysts were collected for niPGT-A. Overall, 7 embryos yielded informative results for trophectoderm (TE) and media samples. Among the embryos with informative results, 5 presented concordant diagnosis between conventional PGTA and niPGT-A, and 2 presented discordant diagnosis (1 false-positive and one falsenegative). The Blastocyst 4, diagnosed as 46, XY by both niPGT-A and conventional PGTA, was warmed up and transferred, resulting in the birth of a healthy 3.8 kg boy in February 2020. Based on our results and the recent literature, we believe that the safest current application of niPGT-A would be as a method of embryo selection for patients without an indication for conventional PGT-A. The approximate 80% of reliability of niPGT-A in the diagnosis of ploidy is superior to predictions provided by other noninvasive approaches like morphology and morphokinetics selection.

Resumo Abordagens para o teste genético pré-implantacional não-invasivo para aneuploidias (non-invasive preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidies, niPGT-A, em inglês) com o objetivo de avaliar o DNA embrionário livre são promissoras, especialmente porque estas podem reverter as menores taxas de implantação causadas por inadequada biópsia de trofectoderma (TE). Nesse contexto, nosso centro é parte do maior estudo atual que avalia as taxas de concordância entre PGT-A convencional e niPGT-A, e relatamos aqui o nascimento do primeiro bebê brasileiro após niPGT-A. Os pais do bebê foram admitidos no nosso centro em 2018. Eles não apresentavam histórico de infertilidade, e estavam interessados em utilizar os tratamentos de fertilização in vitro (FIV) e PGT-A para evitar anomalias congênitas na progênie.Umtotal de 11 blastocistos expandidos (3 do dia-5 e 8 do dia-6) foram submetidos a biópsia, e os meios de cultivo condicionados (cultivo do dia-4 ao dia-6) de 8 blastocistos do dia-6 foram coletados para niPGT-A. No total, resultados informativos para as amostras de TE e dos meios foram obtidos para sete embriões. Entre os embriões com resultado informativo, 5 apresentaram diagnóstico concordante entre PGT-A convencional e niPGT-A, e 2 apresentaram diagnóstico discordante (1 falso positivo e 1 falso negativo). O Blastocisto 4, diagnosticado como 46, XY por ambos niPGT-A e PGT-A convencional, foi desvitrificado e transferido, o que resultou no nascimento de ummenino saudável, que pesava 3,8 kg, em fevereiro de 2020. Com base em nossos resultados e literatura contemporânea, acreditamos que a aplicação atualmais segura do niPGT-A seria como método de seleção embrionária para pacientes sem indicação ao PGT-A convencional. A confiabilidade aproximada de 80% do niPGT-A para determinação da ploidia ainda é superior àquela obtida com abordagens não invasivas, como seleção morfológica ou morfocinética.

Humans , Male , Female , Pregnancy , Preimplantation Diagnosis , Blastocyst , Brazil , Fertilization in Vitro , Genetic Testing , Reproducibility of Results , Aneuploidy
Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 43(8): 608-615, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1351769


Abstract Objective To establish a relationship between serum progesterone values on the day of frozen blastocyst transfer in hormone-replaced cycles with the probability of pregnancy, miscarriage or delivery. Methods This was an ambispective observational study including all frozen-thawed embryo transfer cycles performed at our department following in vitro fecundation from May 2018 to June 2019. The outcomes evaluated were β human chorionic gonadotropin (β-hCG)-positive pregnancy and delivery. Groups were compared according to the level of serum progesterone on the day of embryo transfer: the 1st quartile of progesterone was compared against the other quartiles and then the 2nd and 3rd quartiles against the 4th quartile. Results A total of 140 transfers were included in the analysis: 87 with β-HCG>10 IU/L (62%), of which 50 (36%) delivered and 37 had a miscarriage (42%).Women with lower progesterone levels (< 10.7ng/mL) had a trend toward higher β-HCG-positive (72 versus 59%; p>0.05), lower delivery (26 versus 39%; p>0.05) and higher miscarriage rates (64 versus 33%; p<0.01). Comparing the middle quartiles (P25-50) with those above percentiles 75, the rate of pregnancy was similar (60 versus 57%; p>0.05), although there was a trend toward a higher number of deliveries (43 versus 31%; p>0.05) and a lower number of miscarriages (28 versus 45%; p>0.05). These differences were not statistically significant. Conclusion There were no differences in pregnancy and delivery rates related with the progesterone level when measured in the transfer day. The miscarriage rate was higher in the 1st quartile group.

Resumo Objetivo Avaliar se existe alguma relação entre os valores plasmáticos de progesterona no dia da transferência de um blastocisto desvitrificado em ciclos hormonalmente substituídos e a taxa de gravidez, aborto ou nascido vivo. Métodos Estudo observacional, ambispectivo, incluindo todos os ciclos de transferência de blastocistos congelados no nosso departamento, entre maio de 2018 e junho de 2019. Avaliou-se a taxa de gravidez e de nascidos vivos após 24 semanas de gestação. Os grupos foram comparados de acordo com os valores de progesterona plasmáticos dosados no dia da transferência do blastocisto: comparou-se o 1° quartil com os outros e depois os 2° e 3° quartis com o 4°. Resultados Avaliaram-se 140 transferências: 87 com β gonadotrofina coriônica humana (β-HCG)>10 IU/L (62%), 50 das quais terminaram em nascido vivo (36% do total), enquanto 37 tiveram um aborto (42% das gravidezes). Verificou-se uma tendência para menor número de recém-nascidos nas transferências com níveis de progesterona no 1° quartil (<10.7ng/mL) (26 versus 39%; p>0.05) e ummaior número de abortos (64 versus 33%; p<0.01). Comparando o 2° e 3° quartis com o 4°, verificouse que nos casos em que a progesterona estava acima do percentil 75, apesar de uma taxa de gravidez semelhante (60 versus 57%; p>0.05), houve uma tendência para uma maior taxa de nascidos vivos (43 versus 31%; p>0.05) emenor número de abortos (28 versus 45%; p>0.05) abaixo do percentil 75. Estas diferenças não foram estatisticamente significativas. Conclusão Não se verificaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas para taxa de gravidez e de nascido vivo. A taxa de aborto foi maior no primeiro quartil.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Progesterone , Chorionic Gonadotropin, beta Subunit, Human , Fertilization in Vitro , Retrospective Studies , Pregnancy Rate , Embryo Transfer
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 27(1): 34-39, jan./mar. 2020. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1491663


In the present study we aimed to test the best insemination dose for in vitro embryo production (IVEP) and to correlate sperm traits in bovine. In vitro matured oocytes were inseminated with three different sperm concentrations of the same bull: G1 (1*106 ), G2 (2*106 ) and G3 (4*106 ) sperm/mL. At 18 h post-insemination (hpi), presumptive zygotes [G1 (n=114), G2 (n=139) and G3 (n=136)] were stained to evaluate the pronuclei numbers, or continued to in vitro culture [G1 (n=102), G2 (n=111) and G3 (n=106)]. Sperm kinetics were analyzed using Computer-Assisted Semen Analysis (CASA). Sperm plasma membrane, acrosome integrity and mitochondrial activity were analyzed using fluorescent probes. In vitro fertilization (IVF) and IVEP data were compared using chisquare (P0.05) among the groups. In G3, the polyspermy rate was the highest (7.4%; P0.05) between G1 (0%) and G2 (0%). In G1, the early blastocyst rate was the highest (7.8%; P0.05) between G2 (1.8%) and G3 (0.9%). The IVF efficiency and total blastocyst rates were positively correlated with curvilinear velocity (VCL) (r≃+1; P<0,05). We concluded that the reduction of insemination dose may negatively affect embryo development and VCL may be used as a parameter to improve the IVEP outcomes.

O objetivo deste estudo foi testar a melhor dose inseminante para a produção de embriões in vitro (IVEP) e sua correlação com as características espermáticas na espécie bovina. Oócitos maturados in vitro foram inseminados com três concentrações diferentes de espermatozoides de único touro: G1 (1*106 ), G2 (2*106 ) e G3 (4*106 ) espermatozoides/mL. Às 18 h pós-inseminação (hpi), os presumíveis zigotos [G1 (114), G2 (139) e G3 (136)] foram corados para avaliar o número de pronúcleos, ou continuaram para o cultivo in vitro [G1 (102), G2 (111) e G3 (106)]. Os parâmetros da cinética espermática foram analisados usando o ComputerAssisted Semen Analysis (CASA). A integridade de membrana plasmática espermática, acrossomal e a atividade mitocondrial foram analisadas usando sondas fluorescentes. Os dados da fertilização in vitro (FIV) e IVEP foram comparadas com qui-quadrado (P=0,05) e correlacionados com dados de CASA e Fluorescência usando Correlação de Pearson (r=±1; P0,05) entre os grupos. Em G3, a taxa de polispermia foi a maior (7,4%; P0,05) entre G1 (0%) e G2 (0%). Em G1, a taxa de blastocisto inicial foi a maior (7,8%; P0,05) com G2 (1,8%) e G3 (0,9%). A eficiência de FIV e a taxa de blastocisto total foram positivamente correlacionadas com velocidade curvilinear (VCL) (P<0,05). Concluímos que a dose inseminante reduzida pode negativamente afetar o desenvolvimento embrionário e VCL pode ser usada como parâmetro para melhorar os resultados da PEIV.

Animals , Cattle , Blastocyst , Cattle/embryology , Insemination, Artificial , In Vitro Techniques
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 27(1): 34-39, jan./mar. 2020. il.
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1379256


In the present study we aimed to test the best insemination dose for in vitro embryo production (IVEP) and to correlate sperm traits in bovine. In vitro matured oocytes were inseminated with three different sperm concentrations of the same bull: G1 (1*106), G2 (2*106) and G3 (4*106) sperm/mL. At 18 h post-insemination (hpi), presumptive zygotes [G1 (n=114), G2 (n=139) and G3 (n=136)] were stained to evaluate the pronuclei numbers, or continued to in vitro culture [G1 (n=102), G2 (n=111) and G3 (n=106)]. Sperm kinetics were analyzed using Computer-Assisted Semen Analysis (CASA). Sperm plasma membrane, acrosome integrity and mitochondrial activity were analyzed using fluorescent probes. In vitro fertilization (IVF) and IVEP data were compared using chi-square (P<0.05) and correlated with CASA and fluorescence data using Person Correlation (P<0.05). The IVF efficiency, cleavage and total blastocyst rates did not show any significant difference (P>0.05) among the groups. In G3, the polyspermy rate was the highest (7.4%; P<0.05) without difference (P>0.05) between G1 (0%) and G2 (0%). In G1, the early blastocyst rate was the highest (7.8%; P<0.05), without significant difference (P>0.05) between G2 (1.8%) and G3 (0.9%). The IVF efficiency and total blastocyst rates were positively correlated with curvilinear velocity (VCL) (r≃+1; P<0.05). We concluded that the reduction of insemination dose may negatively affect embryo development and VCL may be used as a parameter to improve the IVEP outcomes.

O objetivo deste estudo foi testar a melhor dose inseminante para a produção de embriões in vitro (IVEP) e sua correlação com as características espermáticas na espécie bovina. Oócitos maturados in vitro foram inseminados com três concentrações diferentes de espermatozoides de único touro: G1 (1*106), G2 (2*106) e G3 (4*106) espermatozoides/mL. Às 18h pós-inseminação (hpi), os presumíveis zigotos [G1 (114), G2 (139) e G3 (136)] foram corados para avaliar o número de pronúcleos, ou continuaram para o cultivo in vitro [G1 (102), G2 (111) e G3 (106)]. Os parâmetros da cinética espermática foram analisados usando o Computer-Assisted Semen Analysis (CASA). A integridade de membrana plasmática espermática, acrossomal e a atividade mitocondrial foram analisadas usando sondas fluorescentes. Os dados da fertilização in vitro (FIV) e IVEP foram comparadas com qui-quadrado (P=0,05) e correlacionados com dados de CASA e Fluorescência usando Correlação de Pearson (r=±1; P<0,05). A eficiência da FIV, taxas de clivagem e blastocisto total não mostraram diferença significativa (P>0,05) entre os grupos. Em G3, a taxa de polispermia foi a maior (7,4%; P<0,05), sem diferença (P>0,05) entre G1 (0%) e G2 (0%). Em G1, a taxa de blastocisto inicial foi a maior (7,8%; P<0,05), sem apresentar diferença significativa (P>0,05) com G2 (1,8%) e G3 (0,9%). A eficiência de FIV e a taxa de blastocisto total foram positivamente correlacionadas com velocidade curvilinear (VCL) (P<0,05). Concluímos que a dose inseminante reduzida pode negativamente afetar o desenvolvimento embrionário e VCL pode ser usada como parâmetro para melhorar os resultados da PEIV.

Animals , Cattle , Blastocyst/cytology , Cattle/embryology , Insemination, Artificial/veterinary , Fertilization in Vitro/veterinary , Embryonic Development/genetics , Embryo, Mammalian/cytology , Semen Analysis/veterinary , Fertility
Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 88(5): 306-311, ene. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1346192


Resumen: OBJETIVO: Comparar la tasa de blastocistos euploides obtenida después de la estimulación ovárica en fase folicular con la fase lútea en un mismo ciclo menstrual en pacientes con deficiente respuesta ovárica. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio clínico, prospectivo y comparativo llevado a cabo en el Centro de Reproducción Arcos, Nascere, entre los meses de enero a julio de 2019. Se incluyeron pacientes con pobre respuesta ovárica según los criterios de Bologna y con indicación de PGT-A. Las estimulaciones en fase folicular y lútea se efectuaron con antagonista de la GnRH y FSHr/LHr (2:1) a partir del día 3 del ciclo y 5 días después de la primera recuperación de los ovocitos. Para completar el proceso de maduración ovocitaria se utilizaron análogos de GnRH, se tomó una biopsia de trofoectodermo en día 5-7. RESULTADOS: Se estudiaron 20 pacientes. Al comparar la fase folicular con la lútea la tasa de fertilización fue de 79% (IC95%: 29-46) vs 55% (IC95%: 34-53), la tasa de blastocistos 42% (IC95%: 19-44) vs 45% (IC95%: 24-55) y la tasa de blastocistos euploides 100% (IC95%: 44-53) vs 70% (IC95%: 38-46), respectivamente. Solo la tasa de recuperación de ovocitos en metafase II mostró diferencias significativas entre ambas fases 40% (IC95%: 18-37) vs 59% (IC95%: 31-59), p = 0.0333 en la fase folicular y lútea, respectivamente. CONCLUSIONES: La estimulación ovárica bifásica (folicular-lútea), en el mismo ciclo menstrual (DuoStim), resultó en mayor tasa de recuperación de ovocitos en metafase II durante la fase lútea. Sin embargo, las tasas de desarrollo embrionario a día 5-6 (blastocistos) y de embriones euploides fueron similares entre ambas fases.

Abstract: OBJECTIVE: Euploid blastocyst rate comparison between ovarian stimulation in follicular vs luteal phase performed in the same menstrual cycle in patients with poor ovarian response. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Clinical, prospective and comparative study conducted at Centro de Reproducción Arcos S.C., "Nascere", during january-july, 2019. Patients with PGT-A indication and poor ovarian response according to Bologna criteria were included. Under a short GnRH-antagonist protocol, stimulations, both in follicular and luteal phase were performed using rFSH/rLH (2:1) from day 3 of the cycle and 5 days after the first oocyte retrieval. In addition, ovulation trigger with an GnRH agonist was used, finally, on day 5-6 of embryo development, trophoctoctoderm biopsy was performed. RESULTS: In this study, 20 patients were included; when comparing follicular phase vs luteal phase, we found that fertilization rate was 79% (95%CI 29-46) vs 55% (95%CI 34-53), blastocysts rate was 42% (95%CI 19-44) vs 45% (95%CI 24-55) and euploid embryo rate was 100% (95%CI 44-53) vs 70% (95%CI 38-46). Only the oocyte recovery rate in metaphase II showed significant differences between both phases 40% (IC 95% 18-37) vs 59% (IC 95% 31-59), p=0.0333. CONCLUSION: Biphasic ovarian stimulation (follicular/ luteal) in the same menstrual cycle (DuoStim) resulted in a higher metaphase II ooctye recovery rate during the luteal phase in comparison with the follicular phase. However, the rates of blastocysts and euploid blastocysts were similar between both phases.

Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 88(6): 363-371, ene. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1346202


Resumen: OBJETIVO: Analizar las tasas de concordancia, falsos positivos y negativos entre el ADN embrionario circulante en medio de cultivo y su relación con los reportes de la biopsia de trofoectodermo. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio observacional, prospectivo y comparativo, llevado a cabo en el Centro de Reproducción Arcos Nascere en noviembre 2018. Criterios: de inclusión: parejas en esquema de fertilización in vitro, con diagnóstico genético preimplantacional de aneuploidias. Criterios de exclusión: pacientes con anomalías estructurales o enfermedades monogénicas. Criterio de eliminación: blastocistos con eclosión asistida. Variables de respuesta: tasa de concordancia, falsos positivos y negativos entre las biopsias de trofoectodermo y los medios de cultivo. El análisis estadístico se realizó con SPSS 25.0, con pruebas t de Student y χ2 con valor de p < 0.05 significativa. RESULTADOS: Se analizaron 20 blastocistos de 5 parejas y se obtuvieron resultados informativos de 17 (amplificación global exitosa); 70% en día 5 y 100% en día 6. La tasa general de concordancia entre las biopsias de trofoectodermo y los medios de cultivo fue de 68.7% (42.8% en día 5 y 88.8% en día 6). En cuanto a las discrepancias, solo se observaron 2 falsos negativos en los medios de cultivo vs la biopsia de trofoectodermo (14.2% en día 5 y 11.11% en día 6); hubo 3 casos de falsos positivos (la mitad en día 5 y ninguno en día 6-7). CONCLUSIONES: Con la prueba genética no invasiva de aneuploidias se alcanzaron altas tasas de concordancia, sobre todo en embriones en día 6.

Abstract: OBJECTIVE: Analyze the concordance, false positive and false negative rates between circulating free DNA of the culture media compared to the results of the trophectoderm biopsy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Observational, prospective and comparative study, conducted at Arcos Reproduction Center S.C. Nascere in november 2018. Couples with indication of preimplantation genetic diagnosis of aneuploidies undergoing In vitro Fertilization were included; carriers of structural anomalies or monogenic diseases were excluded and blastocysts with assisted hatching were eliminated. The response variables were the concordance, false positives and false negatives rates between trophoctoctoderm biopsies and culture media. Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS 25.0, using t-Student and chi-square tests with a value of p <0.05 significant. RESULTS: Informative results were obtained in 17 of the 20 culture media (85% successful global amplification); 70% on day 5 and 100% on day 6. The general concordance rate between trophectoderm biopsies and culture media was 68.7% (42.8% on day 5 and 88.8% on day 6). Regarding discrepancies, only 2 false negatives were observed in the culture media compared to the trophectoderm biopsy (14.2% on day 5 and 11.1% on day 6). There were 3 cases false positives (42.8% on day 5 and 0% on day 6). CONCLUSIONS: High rates of concordance were reached with the non-invasive genetic aneuploidy test, mainly in embryos on day 6.

Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 88(8): 508-516, ene. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1346224


Resumen OBJETIVO: Evaluar los desenlaces de una estrategia combinada para fertilización in vitro: mínima estimulación ovárica, diagnóstico genético preimplantación para aneuploidias y transferencia de un solo embrión. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio de cohorte, retrospectivo, efectuado en dos centros de reproducción de México, en un periodo de tres años. Se incluyeron pacientes entre 25 y 45 años, en protocolo de fertilización in vitro, con mínima estimulación, diagnóstico genético preimplantación para aneuploidias (PGT-A) y transferencia de embrión único. El diagnóstico genético preimplantación se estableció mediante microarreglos y secuenciación de nueva generación (NGS). Para el análisis estadístico se integraron 5 grupos, según la edad de las pacientes: menores de 35 años; 35 a 37 años; 38 a 40 años; 41 a 42 años; y mayores de 42 años. Mediante estadística descriptiva se analizaron las variables numéricas y categóricas. RESULTADOS: Se analizaron 175 ciclos, en 125 pacientes (edad promedio: 39 años ± 5). Se obtuvieron, en promedio, 5 óvulos por ciclo. La tasa de fertilización fue de 86.5% y la de blastocisto por óvulo fertilizado de 50.7%. Se tomó biopsia para diagnóstico genético preimplantación para aneuploidias a 404 embriones. La tasa general de euploidia fue de 33%. Se efectuaron 69 transferencias de embrión único, con una tasa de embarazo por transferencia de 71%. La tasa de nacimiento por transferencia fue de 60.8% (42 nacimientos). CONCLUSIONES: La combinación de mínima estimulación, diagnóstico genético preimplantación para aneuploidias y transferencia de embrión único, es un procedimiento adecuado para alcanzar una tasa de nacimiento alta.

Abstract OBJECTIVE: To evaluate results of a combined approach in IVF, using minimal stimulation, preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy, and single blastocyst transfer. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrospective cohort study over a three years' period in two fertility centers in Mexico. A total of 125 patients were included, between 25 and 45 years old, with minimal stimulation IVF, preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (PGT-A) and single euploid embryo transfer. PGT was performed using microarrays and next generation sequencing (NGS). RESULTS: A total of 175 cycles (mean age: 39 years old) were analyzed in 125 patients. On average, five eggs were collected per cycle; fertilization rate was 86.57%; blastocyst rate was 50.7% per fertilized egg. Only 33% of embryos were euploid. Pregnancy rate per transferred embryo was 71%. Live birth rate was 60.8% (42 births). CONCLUSIONS: A combination of minimal stimulation, PGT-A and single blastocyst embryo transfer can yield a high live birth rate.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1508934


Objectives:To identify contraction (CT) patterns in human blastocysts using a Time-Lapse incubator and to correlate them with their ploidy status by PGT-A analysis, the time they took to reach blastocyst state, implantation rate and clinical pregnancy rate. Design: Retrospective cohort study. Interventions: From October 2016 through May 2018, 270 patients were evaluated, 912 embryos were cultivated in the Time-Lapse (Embryoscope™, Vitrolife) incubator; 778 of them were tested for aneuploidy using an NGS platform in a reference laboratory. Vitrification was performed according to the result of embryo development and awaiting the NGS result, followed by devitrification and transfer of a single embryo. Blastocyst contractions (CT) were determined using the EmbryoViewer (EmbryoViewer™ drawing tools) in order to obtain area, percentage of contraction and the various types of contractions, and these were compared with the NGS genetic study result. 182 transfers were performed to patients with an average age of 30.4 years, range 24 to 39 years. Finally, we obtained the correlation of implantation rate and clinical pregnancy of euploid embryos transferred in the program of assisted reproduction. Results: Embryos were separated into two groups according to contraction during their development: those that contracted (CT) and those that did not, named "only expanding" (OE). OE embryos were euploid in 58.3%, while 53.6% of CT embryos were aneuploid, with a statistically significant difference (p=0.029), meaning that OE embryos had higher chances of being euploid than CT embryos. Pregnancy rate was also higher in OE embryos (63.1% vs. 46.7% in CT embryos; p=0.012). CT embryos took longer to reach the blastocyst stage compared to OE embryos (p=0.004). Women's age had no correlation with embryo contraction. Conclusions: In this study, embryos who showed contractions had a higher chance of aneuploidy, a lower implantation rate, and required longer to reach the blastocyst stage. The simple fact of observing contractions in an embryo could be useful to decide to transfer another embryo without contractions. Further studies are necessary to prove these findings.

Objetivos. Estudiar los patrones de contracciones en blastocistos humanos mediante el uso de una incubadora time-lapse y correlacionarlos con su estado de ploidía por análisis PGT-A, el tiempo para alcanzar el estado blastocisto, la tasa de implantación y de embarazo clínico. Diseño. Estudio de cohortes retrospectivo. Intervenciones. Entre octubre 2016 y mayo 2018, se evaluó 270 pacientes; se hizo cultivo extendido de 5 a 6 días a 912 embriones en la incubadora time-lapse (Embryoscope, Vitrolife), y a 778 se les estudió para aneuploidía usando una plataforma NGS en un laboratorio de referencia. Hubo posterior vitrificación, según resultado del desarrollo embrionario y en espera del resultado del NGS, seguido de desvitrificación y transferencia de embrión único. Se determinó las contracciones del blastocisto (CTB) mediante la herramienta de dibujo del embrión EmbryoViewer (EmbryoViewer drawing tools), de manera de obtener el área, porcentaje de contracción y los diferentes tipos de contracciones, y se comparó los embriones con el resultado del estudio genético mediante NGS. Se transfirió 182 embriones en pacientes de 30,4 años promedio, rango entre 24 y 39 años. Finalmente, se correlacionó la tasa de implantación y embarazo clínico de los embriones euploides que fueron transferidos, en el programa de reproducción asistida. Resultados. Se separó los embriones en dos grupos de acuerdo a las contracciones durante su desarrollo, en aquellos que las tuvieron (CT) y aquellos que no, denominados 'solo expanding' (SE). Los embriones SE fueron euploides en 58,3%, mientras los embriones CT fueron aneuploides en 53,6%, con significancia estadística (p=0,012). Ello indica que la mayoría de los embriones euploides hacen 'solo expanding' durante su desarrollo, mientras que la mayoría de los embriones aneuploides (53,9%) hacen contracciones durante su desarrollo (p=0,029). Del mismo modo, la tasa de embarazo clínico de los embriones SE euploides fue 63,1% frente a 46,7% de los embriones CT, p=0.012. Finalmente, los embriones euploides CT tardaron más en convertirse en blastocistos tempranos que los embriones SE, p=0.004. La edad de la mujer no representó un factor para contracción embrionaria. Conclusiones. Los resultados obtenidos en este estudio muestran que los embriones que muestran contracciones, sin importar que tan intensas sean, están relacionados con mayor probabilidad de aneuploidías, menor tasa de implantación y ritmos de división lentos. El simple hecho de observar contracciones en un embrión podría ser útil para decidir transferir otro embrión que no las haya tenido. Se requiere más estudios para comprobar estos hallazgos.

Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 87(1): 6-19, ene. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154266


Resumen OBJETIVO: Evaluar si la manipulación de gametos con sorter de citometría de flujo repercute negativamente en los indicadores clave de rendimiento de un laboratorio de reproducción asistida. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo, llevado a cabo en parejas a quienes se efectuó fecundación in vitro mediante inyección intracitoplasmática de espermatozoides (ICSI), con selección espermática, mediante un sorter de citometría de flujo, para selección de sexo. El estudio se efectuó en el New Hope Fertility Center de Guadalajara y Ciudad de México, de junio de 2014 a agosto de 2017. Los resultados se compararon con un grupo control seleccionado al azar. Se evaluaron los indicadores decisivos de rendimiento (KPI´s); tasa de fecundación normal, anormal (1PN, ≥ 3 PN) y fallida; tasa de degeneración posterior a ICSI; tasas de segmentación o división, blastocisto, implantación (segmentación y blastocisto) y recién nacido. Se utilizó la prueba t de Student para dos muestras y se consideró estadísticamente significativo el valor de p < 0.05. RESULTADOS: Se evaluaron 150 ciclos. Grupo 1: ICSI con selección espermática y sorter de citometría de flujo (n = 40); Grupo 2: ICSI sin sorter de citometría de flujo (n = 110). Los indicadores clave de rendimiento del grupo 1 disminuyeron; se reportaron tasas de fecundación fallida de 1.6%, blastocisto 17.4%, implantación en la segmentación 10%, implantación en blastocisto 14.2% y de recién nacido 14.5%. CONCLUSIONES: La manipulación de gametos con sorter de citometría de flujo reportó un efecto negativo en los indicadores clave de rendimiento del laboratorio de reproducción asistida, específicamente en las tasas de blastocisto, implantación de blastocisto y de recién nacido.

Abstract OBJECTIVE: To evaluate if the manipulation of gametes with a flow cytometry sorter has a negative effect on the key performance indicators (KPI´s). MATERIALS AND METHOD: Descriptive and retrospective analysis, in couples undergoing In a Vitro Fertilization (IVF) by ICSI, with sperm selection, using a flow cytometry sorter for sex selection. The study was conducted at the New Hope Fertility Center in Guadalajara and Mexico City, from June 2014 to August 2017. The results were compared with a randomly group without a flow cytometry sorter. KPI´s were evaluated; normal fertilization rate, abnormal (1PN, ≥3 PN), failed fertilization, ICSI damage rate, cleavage rate, blastocyst development rate, implantation rate (cleavage and blastocyst-stage) and live birth rate. A Student's t-test was made for two samples considering significant differences with p < 0.05. RESULTS: 150 cycles were evaluated. Group 1: ICSI with sperm selection by a flow cytometry sorter (n = 40); Group 2: ICSI without sperm selection (n = 110). Observing with statistical significance a decreased of the KPI´s of Group 1: failed fertilization rate (1.6%), blastocyst development rate (17.4%), implantation rate (cleavage-stage) (10%), implantation rate (blastocyst-stage) (14.2%) and live birth rate (14.5%). CONCLUSIONS: The manipulation of gametes with the flow cytometry sorter, has a negative effect on the assisted reproductive technology KPI´s; specifically, in the blastocyst rate, blastocyst implantation rate and live birth rate.

Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 86(2): 96-107, feb. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-975410


Resumen OBJETIVO Comunicar los resultados obtenidos del análisis del estudio genético preimplantación para aneuploidias en dos centros de reproducción asistida de México en un periodo de tres años, utilizando dos diferentes técnicas moleculares. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS Estudio observacional, retrospectivo, en donde se reporta el resultado de blastocistos sometidos a preimplantación para aneuploidias durante 2014-2017, en dos centros de reproducción asistida (Ciudad de México y Guadalajara). RESULTADOS Se analizaron 404 blastocistos de 129 pacientes (edad promedio 39 ± 4 años). Los embriones se dividieron en dos grupos según la técnica aplicada: 76 por a-CGH y 328 por secuenciación de nueva generación. El porcentaje de embriones euploides fue de 33%. Las aneuploidias numéricas fueron las más frecuentes. Hasta la terminación del estudio se habían transferido 69 embriones euploides con tasas de implantación de 78% para secuenciación de nueva generación y de 57% para a-CGH. CONCLUSIONES La tasa de implantación reportada en este estudio fue mayor con el análisis de preimplantación para aneuploidias por secuenciación de nueva generación. Los resultados reportados en nuestra experiencia soportan la necesidad de favorecer una opción de transferencia de embrión único. Es importante reconocer los retos de las nuevas tecnologías y la necesidad de técnicas moleculares más sensibles.

Abstract OBJECTIVE Communicate the results obtained from the analysis of the preimplantation genetic study for aneuploidy in two centers of assisted reproduction in Mexico in a period of three years, using two differentmolecular techniques. MATERIALS AND METHODS Descriptive, retrospective study, which reports the blastocysts PGT-A results, over 2014-2017, in two Fertility Centers (Ciudad de México and Guadalajara). The embryos where divided in two groups by their molecular techniques studied: 76 by a-CGH and 328 by NGS RESULTS We analyzed a total of 404 blastocysts from 129 patients (mean age 39 ± 4 years), with two different molecular techniques: a-CGH and NGS. The euploid embryos percentage was 33%. The numerical aneuploidies were the most frequent. Up to the ending of the study, 69% of the euploid embryos had been transferred. The implantation rates were 78% for those analyzed by NGS and 57% with a-CGH. CONCLUSIONS The implantation rate was bigger with the PGT-A by NGS. Our results reported, supports a single embryo transfer policy. It is important to recognize the challenges of new technologies and the need for more sensitive molecular techniques.

Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 85(5): 289-297, mar. 2017. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-892538


Resumen: OBJETIVO: determinar la incidencia y origen de las aneuploidias en blastocistos de dos centros mexicanos de reproducción asistida. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: estudio de cohorte, retrospectivo, efectuado entre los meses de enero de 2014 a diciembre de 2015 de blastocistos de día 5 y 6 obtenidos durante tratamientos de fecundación in vitro y analizados con el tamizaje genético previo a la implantación, en su variante de microarreglos de polimorfismo de nucleótido único (SNP microarrays) con el algoritmo Parental Support (Natera, USA), que permite evaluar la ploidía de los 24 cromosomas. Comparación de variables continuas: T de Student y categóricas X2. RESULTADOS: se analizaron 450 blastocistos de 80 pacientes. En el centro A: 132 blastocistos fueron de día 5 y 108 de día 6. En el centro B: 94 blastocistos fueron de día 5 y 116 de día 6. Las pacientes del centro A tuvieron mayor edad materna (37.3 ± 3.8 vs 32.4 ± 5.6; p<0.05). La incidencia total de blastocistos con aneuploidias fue similar en ambos centros; al diferenciar entre embriones de día 5 y día 6 sí hubo diferencia. El centro A reportó aumento de blastocistos aneuploides de día 6 vs blastocistos de día 5 (61.1 vs 36.3%; p<0.05). En el centro B la incidencia de embriones aneuploides fue similar entre blastocistos de día 5 y día 6 (48.9 vs 43.1; p > 0.05). El origen de las aneuploidias fue, principalmente, materno (centro A, 68.7%; centro B, 60.75%) seguido por origen mixto (centro A, 19.65%; centro B, 28.1%) y, finalmente, origen paterno (centro A, 11.6%; centro B, 11.1%). CONCLUSIONES: la incidencia de aneuploidias embrionarias entre embriones de día 5 y día 6 fue diferente entre centros. El origen fue, principalmente, materno, seguido de mixto y finalmente paterno.

Abstract: OBJECTIVE: To determine the incidence and origin of aneuploidies in blastocysts of two assisted reproduction centers in México. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Retrospective cohort study. In the period from january 2014 to December 2015, we incluided blastocysts on day 5 and day 6 of developmet, analyzed with preimplantation genetic screening; in two assisted reproduction centers. Blastocysts biopsied on day 7 and embryos that did not perform genetic diagnosis made, were excluded. The comparison of continuous variables: "T of student", categorical: X2. RESULTS: Were analized 450 blastocysts obtained from 80 patients. In center A, 132 blastocysts were on day five and 108 on day six; In the center B; 94 blastocysts were on day five and 116 on day six. Maternal age was higher in center A (37.3 ± 3.8 vs 32.4 ± 5.6 years, p <0.05). The total incidence of aneuploid blastocysts was similar in both centers; By differentiating between embryos from day five and day six if there was difference. The center A presented aneuploid blastocysts increase of day 6 compared with blastocysts of day 5 (61.1 vs 36.3%, p <0.05). In Center B the incidence of aneuploid embryos was similar between blastocysts from day 5 and 6 (48.9 vs 43.1; p> 0.05). In both centers, the main origin of aneuploidies was the maternal cause (center A, 68.7%, center B, 60.75%), followed by mixed origin (center A, 19.65%, center B, 28.1%) and finally of paternal cause (center A, 11.6%, center B, 11.1%). CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of embryonic aneuploidies between embryos from day 5 and day 6 was different between centers. The origin was mainly maternal, followed by mixed and paternal.

Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 85(11): 763-771, mar. 2017. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-953696


Resumen ANTECEDENTES: La tasa de bipartición temprana en concepciones naturales es de 0.4% de los nacimientos. Se ha descrito un aumento de estos casos en tratamientos de reproducción asistida, especialmente durante la transferencia en estadio de blastocisto. CASO CLÍNICO: se describen nueve casos retrospectivos (2014-2016) de pacientes a quienes se transfirió un embrión y se visualizaron dos sacos, o en las que se transfirieron 2 embriones y se visualizaron 3 sacos. En el periodo de estudio se transfirieron 3737 embriones: 1470 en fresco y 827 desvitrificados. Los 9 casos suponen una tasa de bipartición temprana embrionaria de 0.39% del total de las transferencias y 0.86% del total de los embarazos. CONCLUSIONES: no existe relación entre el riesgo de división embrionaria y la eclosión (hatching) asistida, ni entre la edad avanzada ovocitaria y la edad paterna. La transferencia de embrión único es la mejor opción en pacientes que reciben ovocitos de donantes jóvenes o participan en protocolos de FIV-ICSI.

Abstratc BACKGROUND: The cases in which the embryo divides in two identic embryos is causing real concerns in the treatments of assisted reproduction. The percentage of early bisection in natural conception is about 0.4% on life birth. There is noticed an increase of this cases in treatments of the assisted reproduction, especially when transferring in blastocyst stage. CASE REPORT: We have collected series of 9 cases in a retrospective way, between 2014-2016 in which we have transferred 1 embryo and we have visualized 2 sacs, and the cases in which we have transferred 2 embryos and we have visualized 3 sacs. This year we have transferred a total of 3737 embryos, 1470 fresh embryo transfers and 827 frozen embryo transfers. These 9 cases mean the 0.39% of early embryo division and the 0.86% of total of pregnancies. CONCLUSION: We didn't observe a relationship in the risk of embryo division with the hatching. Neither with advanced age of the eggs, non the father's age. The rate of division of the embryos in cycles of the assisted reproduction in our clinic using ICSI increase in comparison with the spontaneous gestations, howbeit it would be necessary to do more studies in order to prove this statement. We consider single embryo transfer the best practice in IVF in young women or donor eggs.

Rev. peru. ginecol. obstet. (En línea) ; 62(4): 433-437, oct. 2016. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-991524


La maduración in vitro de ovocitos (MIV) es una técnica de reproducción asistida muy poco difundida entre los centros de reproducción asistida, debido al bajo éxito en obtener embarazos. Sin embargo, en los últimos años, diferentes estrategias empleadas han demostrado tasas de embarazo similares a las técnicas convencionales de fecundación in vitro (FIV). En el presente reporte, describimos el caso clínico del primer nacido vivo usando MIV en combinación del cultivo extendido hasta estadio de blastocisto.

In vitro oocyte maturation is not yet considered a well-established technique in in vitro fertilization (IVF) laboratories. This is due to a lower pregnancy rates. However in the last few years, reports have shown similar pregnancy rates compared to the conventional IVF techniques. The current report describes the first baby born after an IVM treatment in combination with extended blastocyst culture in Peru.

Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 67(6): 1483-1491, nov.-dez. 2015. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-768158


In cattle, embryo development is characterized by the appearance of two distinct cell layers, the trophectoderm and the inner cell mass. The latter will undergo differentiation to form the embryonic disc consisting of the epiblast and hypoblast. The aim of this study was to ultrastructurally characterize the bovine embryo from different in vitro production techniques, with emphasis on trophectoderm and inner cell mass cells. Bovine embryos on day 7 (conception = D1) of pregnancy, derived via in vitro production techniques, were fixed for light and transmission electron microscopy processing. Results suggested that embryos produced by nuclear transfer of somatic cells and parthenogenesis showed significant changes in macroscopic and microscopic structure. Size was reduced, and the inner cell mass had no defined shape. Furthermore, organelles responsible for the absorption processes, communication, growth, and cellular metabolism were fewer and had changes in shape, when compared to results in embryos produced by in vitrofertilization. We concluded that embryos produced by parthenogenesis and SCNT exhibit morphological differences when compared with IVF embryos, such as undeveloped blastocoel, poorly defined distribution of ICM, and morphological differences in organelles.

Em bovinos, o desenvolvimento embrionário é caracterizado pelo surgimento de duas camadas distintas, o trofectoderma e a massa celular interna. Este último irá sofrer diferenciação para formar o disco embrionário, o qual consiste em epiblasto e hipoblasto. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar ultraestruturalmente o embrião bovino proveniente de diferentes técnicas de produção in vitro, com ênfase no trofectoderma e na massa celular interna. Embriões bovinos com sete dias de gestação (fecundação = D1), derivados de técnicas de produção in vitro, foram fixados para processamento de microscopia de luz e eletrônica de transmissão. Os resultados sugerem que os embriões produzidos por transferência nuclear de células somáticas e partenogênese apresentaram alterações significativas em suas estruturas macro e microscópica. O tamanho foi reduzido, e a massa celular interna não tinha uma forma definida. Além disso, organelas responsáveis por processos de absorção, comunicação, crescimento e metabolismo celular estavam em menor número e tinham alterações na forma quando comparadas aos resultados em embriões produzidos por fertilização in vitro. Conclui-se que os embriões produzidos por SCNT e partenogênese apresentam diferenças morfológicas quando comparados aos embriões de fertilização in vitro, tais como blastocele pouco desenvolvida, massa celular interna pouco definida e diferenças morfológicas nas organelas.

Animals , Cattle , Blastocyst/physiology , Embryonic Development , Embryo, Mammalian/ultrastructure , Cloning, Organism/veterinary , Embryo, Mammalian/anatomy & histology , Parthenogenesis , In Vitro Techniques/veterinary
Int. j. morphol ; 31(4): 1168-1174, Dec. 2013. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-702288


Bovine campylobacteriosis caused by Campylobacter fetus is associated with reproductive losses. The knowledge about the mechanisms of bacterial pathogenesis is limited, then a murine experimental model is proposed. BALB/c females and males were used. Two-cell embryos were cultured in Ham-F10 as control group (CG). Treatment groups were constituted by the addition of Cfv 1 and 3, or Cff 2 and 5. Morulae were placed in Ham-F10 (CG); treatment groups were constituted by the addition of Cfv27, CFF (cell-free filtrate) and Brucella broth (BB). Blastocysts were cultured in MEM (CG); challenge group were constituted by the addition of Cfv 27. Differentiation, hatching, hatched, adhesion and expansion were evaluated. Results were analyzed by Chi2 test. In two-cell embryo, the differentiation rate was not modified when the study strains were added (p > 0.05). The differentiation rate at 24 h for embryos at the morula stage was lower for BB, Cfv, and CFF, compared with CG (p < 0.05). After 48 h culture, no differences were observed in blastocyst formation for Cfv and BB, compared to CG (p > 0.05). However, the differentiation rate for the CFF group was lower than for CG (p < 0.05). At 48 and 72 h, the hatching rate was higher in CFF and Cfv groups than in CG (p < 0.05). Differences were not detected in blastocyst cultures. In conclusion, under these experimental conditions, Cf was not detrimental to the development of murine embryos. Efforts will be intensified to establish in vitro infection models that reproduce their pathogenicity.

La campilobacteriosis bovina caudada por Campylobacter fetus produce pérdidas reproductivas existiendo poca información de los mecanismos de patogenicidad de dicha bacteria, por lo cual se propone un modelo utilizando ratones BALC/c. Embriones de dos células fueron cultivados en Ham-F10: grupo control (GC), los grupos experimentales fueron adicionados con las cepas Cfv 1, Cfv 3, Cff 2 y Cff 5. Mórulas fueron cultivadas en Ham-F10 (GC); los grupos tratados recibieron Cfv27, CFF (filtrado libre de células) y caldo Brucella (BB). Blastocistos fueron cultivados en MEM (GC) y MEM más Cfv 27 (grupo desafiado). Se evaluó: diferenciación, "hatching", "hatched", adhesión y expansión. Los resultados fueron analizados por Chi2. En embriones de dos células, la diferenciación no fue modificada por acción de las cepas evaluadas (p > 0,05). Para embriones en estadío de mórula, la diferenciación a las 24 h de cultivo fue menor para BB, Cfv, y CFF, comparado con el GC (p < 0,05). Luego de 48 h de cultivo, no hubo diferencias entre Cfv, BB, y CG (p > 0,05), no obstante para el grupo CFF la diferenciación fue menor al CG (p < 0,05). El porcentaje de "hatching" (48 y 72 h de cultivo), fue mayor en los grupos CFF y Cfv comparado con el GC (p < 0,05). La adición de Cfv 27 no modificó el desarrollo de blastocistos. En el modelo propuesto, Cf no afectó negativamente el desarrollo embrionario. Futuros trabajos serán necesarios para establecer un modelo de infección in vitro en pos de reproducir su patogenicidad.

Animals , Mice , Blastocyst/microbiology , Campylobacter Infections , Campylobacter fetus/physiology , Embryo, Mammalian/microbiology , Morula/microbiology , Culture Techniques , Mice, Inbred BALB C
Reprod. clim ; 28(3): 122-129, set.-dez. 2013.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-743166


Introdução: a biópsia embrionária tem como objetivo selecionar embriões geneticamente normais. Essa seleção ocorre por meio de testes genéticos pré-implantacionais. Espera-se, com isso, uma diminuição dos riscos de doenças genéticas e um aumento das taxas de implantação em fertilização in vitro. Objetivo: verificar, por meio de revisão bibliográfica, qual técnica de biópsia embrionária é considerada mais apropriada para feitura de testes genéticos pré-implantacionais. Método: pesquisa bibliográfica, na forma de revisão de publicações científicas, por meio das redes US National Library of Medicine (Pubmed), Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (Lilacs), Google Acadêmico e Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS). Resultados e conclusão: existem três maneiras de efetuar a biópsia para reprodução humana assistida. A primeira consiste em retirar o primeiro e/ou o segundo corpúsculo polar estruído pelo oócito. Também se pode fazer a biópsia a partir de um blastômero do embrião em estágio de clivagem ou usar cinco a dez células do trofoectoderma de blastocisto. Normalmente as técnicas usadas para o diagnóstico são PCR, Fish, CGH array e SNP array, entre outras. Acredita-se que a biópsia de blastocistos é a melhor técnica para manter o potencial de implantação embrionária. Essa tendência se justifica por causa da maior quantidade de material genético disponível em fase avançada de desenvolvimento embrionário. Admite-se que nessa fase a incidência de mosaicismo seja menor em relação à biópsia de blastômeros, com consequente aumento na eficácia dos testes genéticos. Outra questão importante é que na biópsia de blastocistos as células são retiradas do trofoectoderma, enquanto que na biópsia em estágio de clivagem a remoção de um blastômero pode prejudicar o desenvolvimento embrionário.

Introduction: the embryo biopsy aims to select genetically normal embryos. This selection occurs through pre- implantation genetic testing. It is expected the reduction of risk ofgenetic disorders and increase implantation rates in IVF.Objective: to verify, through bibliographical revision, which embryo biopsy technique is considered more suitable for pre-implantation genetic diagnosis. Method: bibliographical research, in the form of literary review of scientific publications via networks, US National Library of Medicine (Pubmed), Latin-American Literature and Caribbean Health Sciences (Lilacs), Google Scholar and Virtual Health Library. Results and conclusion: there are three ways to perform the biopsy on assisted human reproduction.The first one consists in removing the 1st and/or 2nd polar body (if there wasfertilization). You can also perform the biopsy from the one blastomere of embryo cleavage stage or use 5-10 trophoectoderm cells blastocyst. Usually the techniques used for diagnosticpurpose are PCR, Fish, CGH array, SNP array and others. Nowadays it is believed that blastocyst biopsy is the best technique in order to maintain the embryonic implantation. This tendency is justified by the larger amount of genetic material available in an advancedstage of embryonic development. It is assumed that in this stage the incidence of mosaicism is reduced with the consequent increase in the effectiveness of genetic testing. Another important question is that the blastocyst biopsy cells are removed from the trophoectoderm while inbiopsy incleavage stage, the removal of one blastomere can impair embryonicdevelopment.

Humans , Biopsy/methods , Choice Behavior , Embryo, Mammalian/cytology , Genetic Testing/methods , Blastocyst/cytology , Blastomeres/cytology , Cleavage Stage, Ovum , Embryo, Mammalian/pathology , Embryo Implantation/physiology
An. Fac. Med. (Perú) ; 74(1): 11-14, ene. 2013. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-692349


Introducción: De las causas más conocidas en cuanto a la falta del éxito en el embarazo con tratamientos de reproducción asistida son aquellas relacionadas a las aneuploidías cromosómicas presentes en los embriones. El diagnóstico genético preimplantacional (PGD) es una técnica empleada en reproducción asistida para detectar estas anomalías, seleccionando aquellos que sean cromosómicamente normales, para luego transferirlos al útero de la paciente. Los embriones con aneuploidías únicas podrían tener la capacidad de sobrevivir y lograr la implantación, y por lo tanto, sin diagnóstico previo, estas podrían pasar desapercibidas. Objetivos: Determinar la incidencia de aneuploidías únicas en embriones de buena calidad embrionaria en el día 3 de desarrollo hasta blastocisto. Diseño: Estadístico y experimental. Instituciones: Reprogenetics Latinoamérica y Centro de Reproducción asistida, de la Clínica Concebir. Material Biológico: Muestras de biopsia embrionaria. Metodología: Análisis comparativo de resultados a partir de la evaluación de cada muestra obtenida por biopsia en el día tercero y día quinto de desarrollo embrionario, realizando el PGD por hibridación in situ (FISH) y genómica comparada (aCGH), respectivamente. Resultados: El 62,9% de embriones que presentaron monosomías únicas al tercer día de desarrollo embrionario resultaron ser de 8 células. Pero cuando se evaluó por aCGH en día cinco, 42,3% resultó anormal, y de estos 37,5% perteneció al estadio de 8 células. El índice de monosomías únicas en blastocisto resultó ser 57,9% de un total de 84,2% de aneuploidías únicas. Conclusiones: Los embriones de 8 células en el tercer día de desarrollo embrionario son los más probables de llegar al estadio de blastocisto, así como presentar aneuploidías únicas.

Background: Known causes of unsuccessful pregnancy in couples undergoing assisted reproduction treatment include embryo aneuploidies. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is a technique used in assisted reproduction in order to detect these abnormalities, select embryos chromosomally normal and subsequently transfer to the patients’ uterus. Embryos with single aneuploidies may have the ability to survive and achieve unnoticed implantation. Objectives: To determine incidence of single aneuploidies in good quality embryos in third day of development to blastocyst. Design: Statistical and experimental study. Setting: Reprogenetics Latin-America and Assisted Reproduction Center - Concebir. Biologic material: Samples of embryo biopsies. Methods: Comparative analysis of results from evaluation of each sample obtained by embryo biopsy on the third and fifth days of embryonic development, performing PGD by respectively in situ hybridization (FISH) and comparative genomics (aCGH). Results: On third day of embryonic development 62.9% of embryos with single monosomy had 8-cell morphology. Though when evaluated by aCGH in the blastocyst stage 42.3% were abnormal and 37.5% of these belonged to the 8-cell stage. Single monosomies index in the blastocyst stage was 57.9% in 84.2% of single aneuploidies. Conclusions: Eight-cell embryos on the third day of embryonic development are most likely to reach blastocyst stage and have single aneuploidies.