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Braz. dent. j ; 23(2): 110-115, Mar.-Apr. 2012. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-626297


The aim of this study was to evaluate effect of bleaching agents on sound enamel (SE) and enamel with early artificial caries lesions (CL) using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). Eighty blocks (4 x 5 x 5 mm) of bovine enamel were used and half of them were submitted to a pH cycling model to induce CL. Eight experimental groups were obtained from the treatments and mineralization level of the enamel (SE or CL) (n=10). SE groups: G1 - unbleached (control); G2 - 4% hydrogen peroxide (4 HP); G3 - 4 HP containing 0.05% Ca (Ca); G4 - 7.5% hydrogen peroxide (7.5 HP) containing amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP). CL groups: G5 - unbleached; G6 - 4 HP; G7 - 4 HP containing Ca; G8 - 7.5 HP ACP. G2, G3, G6, G7 were treated with the bleaching agents for 8 h/day during 14 days, while G4 and G8 were exposed to the bleaching agents for 30 min twice a day during 14 days. The enamel blocks were stained with 0.1 mM rhodamine B solution and the demineralization was quantified using fluorescence intensity detected by CLSM. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and Fisher’s tests (α=0.05). For the SE groups, the bleaching treatments increased significantly the demineralization area when compared with the unbleached group. In the CL groups, no statistically significant difference was observed (p>0.05).The addition of ACP or Ca in the composition of the whitening products did not overcome the effects caused by bleaching treatments on SE and neither was able to promote remineralization of CL.

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito de agentes clareadores no esmalte sadio (ES) ou esmalte com lesão inicial de cárie artificial (LC), utilizando microscopia confocal laser de varredura (CLSM). Oitenta blocos (4 x 5 x 5 mm) de esmalte bovino foram usados, sendo que 40 destes foram desmineralizados com ciclagem de pH para induzir a LC. Oito grupos experimentais foram obtidos a partir dos tratamentos e condição do esmalte (ES ou LC), com n=10: Grupos ES: G1 - sem tratamento (controle); G2 - peróxido de hidrogênio 4% (PH4); G3: PH4 contendo 0,05% cálcio (Ca); G4 - peróxido de hidrogênio 7,5% (pH 7,5) contendo fosfato de cálcio amorfo (ACP). Grupos LC: G5 - não clareado; G6 - pH 4; G7 - pH 4 Ca; G8 - pH 7,5 ACP. Os grupos G2, G3, G6 e G7 foram tratados com o gel clareador por 8 h/dia durante 14 dias, enquanto as amostras dos grupos G4 e G8 foram submetidas ao agente clareador por 30 min/duas vezes ao dia, durante 14 dias. Os blocos de esmalte foram corados com solução de Rodamina B e a área fluorescente de desmineralização foi quantificada utilizando CLSM. Os dados foram submetidos a ANOVA e teste de Fisher (p<0,05). Para ES, os tratamentos clareadores aumentaram significativamente a área de desmineralização quando comparado com os grupos não clareados, entretanto, para LC não foi observado diferença estatística significante entre os grupos. A adição de ACP e Ca na composição dos géis clareadores não anulou os efeitos dos tratamentos clareadores no ES, assim como não teve capacidade de remineralizar o LC.

Animals , Cattle , Calcium Phosphates/pharmacology , Dental Caries/chemically induced , Dental Enamel/drug effects , Hydrogen Peroxide/pharmacology , Tooth Remineralization , Tooth Bleaching Agents/adverse effects , Tooth Demineralization/chemically induced , Analysis of Variance , Dental Caries/physiopathology , Hardness , Microscopy, Confocal/methods , Tooth Bleaching/adverse effects
Braz. dent. sci ; 15(3): 43-49, 2012. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-681574


Different techniques are employed to control de caries progression, such as fluoride remineralization and resin infiltration (ICON®). However, the interference of these techniques on further adhesive procedures on the treated tissue is still controversial. The aim of this study was to evaluate the bond strength (BS) of the bovine enamel demineralized and treated with either fluoride or ICON®. Material and Methods: The tooth fragments were randomly divided into 4 groups: Group Sound samples (control); Group Demineralized samples (DS); Group Remineralized samples (NaF- 0.05% /8 weeks); Group ICON® samples. The samples were etched and next, a total etch bonding system was applied followed by resin composite. Then, they were submitted to microtensile test in a universal testing machine (10 Kg 1 mm/min). Results: Data were evaluated by ANOVA. There were statistically significant differences among groups (p = 0.28), with the following mean values (MPa): Group: Sound samples ((20,20 ± 2,97), Group: Demineralized Samples (21.99 ± 4.25), Group: Remineralized Samples (23.48 ± 4.03), Group: ICON® samples (22.10 ± 3,37). Conclusion: The treatments did not interfere in bond strength of the composite resin to enamel, providing values similar to those of the control group

Diferentes técnicas são empregadas como forma de controle da progressão da lesão cariosa, como a remineralização com flúor e a infiltração com resina (ICON®). No entanto, a interferência destas técnicas sobre futuros procedimentos adesivos no tecido tratado ainda mostra-se controversa. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a resistência adesiva (RA) em esmalte bovino desmineralizado e tratado com flúor ou com ICON®. Materiais e Métodos: Fragmentos dentais foram divididos aleatoriamente em 4 grupos: Grupo Espécimes íntegros (controle); Grupo Espécimes desmineralizados (ED); Grupo Espécimes Remineralizados (NaF- 0,05% /8 semanas); Grupo Espécimes ICON®. Sobre os espécimes tratados foi feito condicionamento ácido, aplicação de adesivo total etch e resina composta, sendo submetidos ao teste de microtração em máquina de ensaio universal (10Kg 1mm/min). Resultados: Os dados foram avaliados pelo teste ANOVA. Não houve diferença significante entre os grupos (p=0,28) sendo que, os valores médios em MPa obtidos para os diferentes grupos foram: Grupo: Espécimes Íntegros (20,20 ± 2,97), Grupo: Espécimes Desmineralizados (21,99 ± 4,25), Grupo: Espécimes Remineralizados (23,48 ± 4,03), Grupo: Espécimes ICON® (22,10 ±3,37). Conclusão: os tratamentos não interferiram na RA da resina composta ao esmalte, fornecendo valores semelhantes ao controle.

Animals , Cattle , Dental Caries , Dental Cements , Tooth Remineralization
Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 16(4): 73-78, jul.-ago. 2011. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-604328


OBJETIVO: avaliar a resistência ao cisalhamento de braquetes metálicos colados com sistema autocondicionante utilizado imediatamente e após 2, 5 e 9 dias depois da ativação e armazenagem. MÉTODOS: utilizaram-se 64 dentes bovinos divididos igualmente em quatro grupos e devidamente preparados para receber a colagem dos braquetes. Em T1, realizou-se a ativação de 7 blisters de adesivos autocondicionantes (de acordo com as normas do fabricante) e procedeu-se à colagem imediata apenas dos braquetes do grupo I. Os adesivos ativados foram, então, armazenados à temperatura de 4ºC e reutilizados em períodos de 2 dias (T2), 5 dias (T3) e 9 dias (T4) para a colagem dos braquetes dos grupos II, III e IV, respectivamente. RESULTADOS: não se observou diferença estatística quando comparados os valores médios de tensão para resistência ao cisalhamento entre os grupos I, II e III. Entretanto, diferença estatística foi encontrada quando esses valores foram comparados aos do grupo IV. CONCLUSÃO: o armazenamento do adesivo autocondicionante depois de ativado, à temperatura média de 4ºC, por até 5 dias, parece não afetar os resultados quanto às tensões de resistência ao cisalhamento; novos estudos são necessários para avaliação das demais características do material quando de sua utilização por período de tempo prolongado após sua ativação.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the shear bond strength of metallic brackets using the self-etching system after its activation and storage for 2, 5 and 9 day periods. METHODS: A total of 64 bovine teeth were divided in four groups and prepared to receive the brackets. Initially, seven self-etching primer blisters were activated and used to bond the brackets of group I. The blisters were store at a constant temperature of 4ºC for 2, 5 and 9 days and used to bond the brackets of groups II, III and IV, respectively. RESULTS: No statistic difference was found in shear bond strength comparing groups I, II and III. However, a significant difference was found in group IV. CONCLUSION: The shear bond strength seems not to be affected by activation and storage of the self-etching primer for a 5 day period. More studies are necessary to evaluate other characteristics of the material after its activation and storage for long periods of time.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-42029


This study was done to evaluate whether vital bleaching agents could influence on the translucency of the bovine enamel. The anterior bovine teeth that were extracted one day before and without any gross discoloration were obtained and then were preserved in physiologic saline. 6 mm cylindrical tooth specimens were fabricated with diamond puncher perpendicularly on labial surface of bovine tooth. After embedded in transparent acrylic resin with labial surface being exposed, they were cut to a thickness of 1.2 mm with low speed diamond saw (Isomat, Buehler Co., Lake Bluff, IL, USA). They were smoothly ground to 1 mm thickness of enamel with sandpaper. 24 specimens were randomly divided into 3 groups and control group respectively. Opalescence (10% carbamide peroxide, Ultradent, South Jordan, USA), Rembrandt (10% carbamide peroxide, DenMat, USA) and Opalescence F (15% carbamide peroxide with fluoride, Ultradent, USA) were applied on labial sides of the bovine enamel for 7 days (bleaching agents were reapplied every 24 hours) and the opposite surface was contacted to cotton that soaked in distilled water. The control group was soaked in distilled water. Three stimulus value X, Y and Z were evaluated with colorimeter (Color & Color Differencemeter, Model TC-6FX, Tokyo Denshoku Co., Japan) on the labial surface of all specimen three times on white and black background plate before the bleaching agents were applied and on 3rd, 5th and 7th day after applied. The degree of translucency was normally assessed by measuring the inverse property, opacity (contrast ratio). 10% Opalescence, 15% Opalescence-F, and control group showed no significant variation in the translucency of bovine enamel, However Rembrandt decreased the translucency of it (p < 0.01).

Bleaching Agents , Dental Enamel , Diamond , Fluorides , Jordan , Lakes , Tooth , Urea , Water
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-654193


Recent reports indicate that shorter etching times than 60 seconds can be adopted without affecting the bond strength and clinical disadvantages. The purpose of this in vitro study was to compare the shear bone strength and to measure depth of etch at different etching time length. One hundred and eight extracted bovine lower central incisors were embedded each in a tooth cup with cold-cure acrylic resin, The facial surfaces of the teeth were ground wet with 600-, 800-, 1000-, and 1200-grit Sic papers, and finally polished with a water slurry of extrafine silicon carbide powder, washed with tap water, and dried with hot air. Nine groups of nine prepared teeth were etched with a commercial(38% phosphoric acid solution) for 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 60, 90, and 120 seconds, respectively, rinsed with tap water, and dried with hot air. One conditioned teeth from every group was selected randomly for the scanning electron microscopic examination, and the remaining eight teeth of the groups were used for measuring the push shear bond strength after bonding brackets and immensing them in the 36.5degrees C water for 24 hours. Another nine groups of three teeth were used for measuring the depth of etch and surface roughness with a surface profilometer. after pieces of adhesive tape of 3mm inner diameter positioned on the ground enamel surfaces, and etched with the above mentioned. The data obtained form the above experiments were analysed statistically with one way ANOVA and Dunkan's multiple range test with the 95% confidence level. The results and conclusion of the study were as follows; 1. The results of shear bond strength for the given experimental etching times were not statistically different, but showed the tendency of decreasing shear bone strength after over 60 seconds etching times. 2. On the scanning election microscopic examination, it was observed that the morphological patterns of etched enamel surface for 5 to 20 seconds were similar and consitent, and those for 30 to 120 seconds showed increasing over-etched patterns depending on the length of etching times. 3. The depth of etch was increased almost proportionally by the length of etching times, but it was not associated with the shear bond strength. 4. The surface roughness increased depending on the length of etching times, but it was not associated with the shear bond strength. 5. This experiment indicated that proper etching time with 38 % phosphoric acid solution is in the range of 5 to 30 seconds.

Adhesives , Dental Enamel , Incisor , Tooth , Water