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Rev. Asoc. Méd. Argent ; 133(4): 39-49, 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1444850


En junio de 2019 comenzó a aplicarse el nuevo Código Procesal Penal Federal, que adopta como sistema de enjuiciamiento el modelo acusatorio. Este modelo implementa la oralidad, la inmediatez, la contradicción y la publicidad como guías de los procesos judiciales. En este sistema el rol de los peritos juega un papel fundamental para el que deben estar preparados. (AU)

In June 2019, the new Federal Criminal Procedure Code began to be used, which adopts the adversarial model as a system of prosecution. This model implements orality, immediacy, contradiction and publicity as guides to judicial processes. In this system the role of the experts plays a fundamental role for which they must be prepared. (AU)

Peer Review, Health Care , Coroners and Medical Examiners , Criminal Law/legislation & jurisprudence , Civil Codes , Argentina , Psychiatry , Psychology , Criminal Law/methods
Med. leg. Costa Rica ; 30(2): 35-42, sep. 2013.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-685239


El incidente de enfermedad, también denominado en otros países como estado de salud, es un mecanismo legal derivado de un derecho fundamental inherente a todo ser humano, que es el derecho a la vida, el cual busca garantizar en todo momento que el privado de libertad cuente con una adecuada atención de su salud, estableciendo que si se determina la existencia de un deterioro o daño, que pueda poner en riesgo la salud del privado de libertad por su permanencia en el centro penal, y que ésta no pueda ser tratada dentro del mismo, pueda recibir la atención de salud necesaria para corregirlo, la cual puede ir desde un traslado urgente a un centro de salud especializado, un internamiento o hasta una conmutación de la pena.

The incident of disease also named in other countries as health condition. It`s a legal mechanism from a human right that belongs to every citizen in the world which is the right to life. The incident of disease is one of many ways to guarantee, in every moment, a proper health care for a person condemned by the law. It determines if the imprisoned person himself has an illness as a reason to justify that his or her life is in danger during their deprivation of freedom. If the medical exam practiced by the forensic specialist establishes that the illness that the prisoner presents can be worsened by the imprisonment or if the prisoner needs a specialized medical attention that can only be provided in a hospital, then he or she can be treated out of prison until the illness disappears or the physical condition is as good as to be able to stay in prison.

Humans , Male , Female , Delivery of Health Care , Health Status , Patient Care
Med. leg. Costa Rica ; 26(2): 99-109, sep. 2009. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-637487


En los últimos quince años la inseguridad que soporta la sociedad costarricense, se ha agravado de manera vertiginosa, mientras la política criminal de los últimos gobiernos ha sido inconsistente e ineficaz. Algunos sostienen que el problema es más de percepción o de simple temor, aunque de julio de 2007 a julio de 2008, el 28% de los hogares del país, manifestaron haber sido víctimas de algún tipo de delito o agresión, mientras en 1997 ese porcentaje era del 15%, además el nivel de respuesta judicial a las víctimas de la delincuencia no supera el 10% y la impunidad ha crecido exageradamente. Las soluciones a nivel legislativo, policial, judicial y carcelario, son sencillas, pero tienen un gran obstáculo: la falta de voluntad de los dirigentes políticos.

Over the past fifteen years, the insecurity that supports Costa Rican society, has worsened dramatically, while the criminal policy of recent governments has been inconsistent and ineffective. Some mantain that the problem is of perception or simple fear, but from July 2007 to July 2008, 28% of of the homes of these country said that they had been victims of any crime or aggression, while in 1997 this percentage was of 15%. Also the judicial level of answer to the victims of delinquency does not superpasse 10% and impunity has grown excessively. The solutions at the legislative, police, judiciary and prisons levels are simple but they have a great obstacle: the lack of will of politician leaders.

Humans , Politics , Civil Rights/legislation & jurisprudence , Costa Rica , Public Defender Legal Services , Human Rights Abuses/legislation & jurisprudence , Human Rights/legislation & jurisprudence , Juvenile Delinquency/legislation & jurisprudence