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Horiz. sanitario (en linea) ; 22(2): 383-391, may.-ago. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534549


Resumen Objetivo: Detectar y cuantificar residuos de glifosato en cereales de desayuno comercializados en la ciudad de Saltillo, Coahuila. Materiales y Métodos: Se analizaron tres muestras de 12 marcas de cereal distintas. Para la extracción de plaguicidas se utilizó un equipo Soxhlet y la cuantificación se realizó por medio de Cromatografía Líquida de Alta Eficiencia (HPLC), utilizando un equipo marca Agillent modelo 1100 Series acoplado a un detector UV-Vis. Resultados: Se detectó glifosato en el 100% de las muestras analizadas, se obtuvieron concentraciones de entre 170 a 2 400 mg/kg, las muestras que presentaron mayores concentraciones fueron las de marcas internacionales. Conclusiones: Se detectaron residuos de glifosato en las 24 muestras analizadas de cereales de desayuno, las cuales sobrepasaron los LMR establecidos en el CODEX ALIMENTARIUS, por lo que es importante realizar más estudios con el fin de monitorear y asegurar la inocuidad de los productos procesados que son consumidos.

Abstract Objective: To detect and quantify glyphosate residues in breakfast cereals marketed in the city of Saltillo, Coahuila. Materials and Methods: Two samples of 12 different cereal brands were analyzed. A Soxhlet apparatus was used for pesticide extraction and quantification was performed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) using an Agillent model 1100 Series equipment coupled to a UV- Vis detector. Results: Glyphosate was detected in 100% of the samples analyzed, with concentrations ranging from 170 to 2 400 mg/kg; the samples with the highest concentrations were those of international brands. Conclusions: All the concentrations detected in the commercial cereal samples exceeded the MRLs established in CODEX ALIMENTARIUS, so it is important to carry out more studies in order to monitor and ensure the safety of the processed products that are consumed.

Demetra (Rio J.) ; 18: 72319, 2023. tab, ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532630


Introdução: Os cereais sãoamplamente utilizados na alimentação das crianças. Objetivo: avaliar a composição nutricional e a rotulagem de alimentos infantis à base de cereais, em relação à legislação vigente. Material e Métodos: Estudo transversal, analítico e descritivo que avaliou alimentos à base de cereais, bem como a conformidade da rotulagem em relação à legislação brasileira vigente. Resultados: Avaliaram-se 72 amostras de alimentos: cereal para alimentação infantil; mistura para o preparo de mingaus e farinha de cereais; 100% das amostras apresentaram alguma não conformidade em relação à legislação, incluindo a presença de falso conceito de vantagem e segurança, ilustrações não permitidas, ausência de advertências obrigatórias e ausência da idade mínima para consumo do produto. Nas análises bromatológicas e de rotulagem, o teor de carboidratos de todas as categorias ultrapassou 80% do valor energético total do produto. Os teores de proteínas, lipídios, carboidratos e energia da categoria cereal para alimentação infantil mostraram diferenças significativas, sendo, respectivamente, p=0,015, p<0,001, p=0,013 e p<0,001. A categoria "mistura para preparo de mingaus" também mostrou diferenças significativas para proteínas, lipídios, carboidratos e energia (p<0,001). Na categoria de farinhas de cereais, somente o teor de proteínas apresentou diferença (p=0,05). Conclusão: Considerando o universo amostral do estudo, é possível concluir que mesmo na vigência de legislações específicas, ainda encontramos não conformidades legais na rotulagem de alimentos à base de cereais destinados à alimentação infantil, sendo que esses alimentos apresentam composição nutricional diferente das informações apresentadas em seus rótulos, impactando negativamente a segurança alimentar de crianças.

Introduction: Cereals are widely used in children's nutrition. Objective: to evaluate the nutritional composition and labeling of cereal-based infant foods, in relation to current legislation. Material and Methods: cross-sectional, analytical and descriptive study that evaluated cereal-based foods, as well as labeling compliance with current Brazilian legislation. Results: 72 food samples were evaluated: cereal for baby food; mixture for the preparation of porridge and cereal flour. One hundred percent of the samples showed some non-compliance with the legislation, including the presence of a false concept of advantage and safety, illustrations not allowed, absence of mandatory warnings and, absence of the minimum age for consumption of the product. In bromatological and labeling analyses, the carbohydrate content of all categories exceeded 80% of the total energy value of the product. The protein, lipid, carbohydrate and energy contents of the cereal category for infant feeding showed significant differences, being, respectively, p=0.015, p<0.001, p=0.013 and p<0.001. The mix category for porridge preparation also showed significant differences for proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and energy (p<0.001). In the category of cereal flours, only the protein content showed a difference (p=0.05). Conclusion: considering the sample universe of the study, it is possible to conclude that even in the presence of specific legislation, we still find legal non-conformities in the labeling of cereal-based foods intended for infant feeding, and these foods have a nutritional composition different from the information presented on their labels, negatively impacting children's food safety.

Edible Grain , Food Composition , Food Labeling , Infant Food , Legislation, Food , Brazil , Food Supply
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219616


Objective and scope: To increase our knowledge on how climate change can affect microbiological food safety in Sweden, during this century, a risk profile was developed. The focus of the report is to identify existing and emerging microbiological hazards (pathogenic microorganisms and toxins) that may be of concern and may affect the safety of food and water consumed in Sweden. Specific issues addressed are how the different stages in the food chain can be affected, and which hazards are most relevant for different food groups. The report is based on published scientific literature and governmental reports. Climate change scenarios: Human emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases affect a range of climate-related factors and lead to changes beyond those natural variations that have always occurred. These climate changes are already evident and will, according to various scenarios, continue during the rest of the century. The scenario assessed in the report was RCP8.5. Globally, this means higher annual average temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, reduced access to freshwater in many regions, rising sea levels, and acidification of the oceans. In Sweden, the climate will become warmer compared to today, especially in winter. Rainfall will generally increase, mostly in winter and spring, especially in the northern parts of Sweden. In the southeastern part of the country, increased drought and water shortages are expected. Climate change is also expected to lead to more frequent extreme weather, for instance floods and heat waves. Impact on food safety: A changed climate will have several effects on the environment and society that can affect food safety. Examples of such effects are changing conditions for crop production, livestock production, infrastructure, energy supply, and water availability. Climate change can influence food safety in different ways and through different routes along the entire food chain. Much of the impact occurs at the first stage, primary production, and can then propagate in the rest of the chain. Two scenarios were highlighted in the report, both of which are relevant for all stages of the food chain, although they may be of varying importance depending on the stage and type of operation considered: The first scenario includes the impact on food safety due to a change in the normal conditions with higher average temperature, increased precipitation or drought, and milder winters. The second scenario includes an increased frequency of extreme events such as torrential rains, floods, and dry periods, with potential consequences such as power failures and other disruptions of infrastructure that can have a major impact on the food chain and, in turn, on food safety. Climate change adaptations: In order to address the challenges associated with new “normal conditions”, climate change adaptation is needed in the production chains of food and drinking water. The normal conditions in Sweden may become similar to the current situation in southern Europe. This description of the new potential situation in this scenario is useful for communication purposes, and gives the stakeholders an idea of what adaptation measures may be needed. Additionally, an increased preparedness is needed to prevent and manage extreme events in the second scenario that can lead to an increased occurrence of pathogens and toxins in the raw materials and in drinking and process water as well as to increased frequency of disturbances in infrastructure. To some extent, changed conditions in primary production can be addressed through the application of Good Agricultural Practice and/or certification standards. However, despite these frameworks, the challenges in this first stage of the food chain can be expected to be particularly high. It is more difficult to implement direct management measures here than at later stages of the food chain. There, HACCP-based procedures and PRPs such as good hygiene practices and good production practices have been used with good results. Microbiological hazards: Assessing the impact of climate change on microbiological hazards is complex. This is partly because the changes that will take place are interrelated and can affect our environment in several different ways. It is also due to the fact that the available studies on which the assessment is based vary greatly, both in terms of the hazards that are studied and in terms of scope and methodological designs. Bacteria that are likely to increase in the environment, water, animals, plants, and/or food raw materials due to a changing climate, and for which the level of evidence is considered high, are Bacillus anthracis, Francisella tularensis, Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., and Vibrio spp. Potentially, all food-borne viruses are expected to increase in occurrence due to climate change. However, the level of evidence is intermediate for noroviruses and low for hepatitis A virus and hepatitis E virus. Most parasites will potentially increase in occurrence due to climate change, but the level of evidence is low for most. For Cryptosporidium spp., Giardia intestinalis, and Toxoplasma gondii, the level of evidence is intermediate. Among the mycotoxins, it is estimated that all Fusarium toxins addressed (DON, T2/HT2, ZEN, and fumonisins) will increase, of which the evidence level is highest for DON and fumonisins. Further, aflatoxins are expected to increase with a high level of evidence. In addition to the microbiological hazards listed, several other species of bacteria, viruses, and parasites as well as types of mycotoxins are also considered likely to increase, but due to a lack of data and in some cases conflicting indications, these assessments are uncertain. None of the microbiological hazards discussed in the report have been assessed likely to decrease in occurrence due to climate change. However, it should be noted that some climatic factors may influence microbiological hazards in both positive and negative directions. At the local level, it may thus be the case that certain hazards that have been assessed as potentially increasing instead remain unchanged or even decrease in occurrence. The final outcome also depends on the effectiveness of measures taken to address the challenges of climate change. Microbiological hazards and food groups: The microbiological hazards increasing in importance due to a changing climate are likely to vary for different food groups. The pathogenic microorganisms and toxins judged potentially to increase in occurrence and of relevance in different food groups due to a changed climate have been compiled (Table 1). It has not been possible, on the basis of existing data, to rank the hazards. The assessment suggests that it is of greatest importance to consider which pathways and types of hazards (properties, resistance) may be relevant in the different food groups because the control measures will in most cases be similar for different types of hazards. Capture4.PNG Concluding remarks: Many sources of uncertainty for the assessments were identified. The main sources include knowledge gaps associated with data on the extent to which the climate will impact on microbiological hazards, difficulties in identifying causal relationships based on correlations, knowledge gaps associated with the methodology of carrying out this type of complex assessment against uncertain future scenarios, and knowledge gaps regarding the future climate and its effects. A further contributing uncertainty is knowledge gaps on potential feedback mechanisms between climate change and its effects. Despite the uncertainties, the increased food safety challenges qualitatively identified in this report are considered likely. These challenges are the consequences of the impacts that climate change under the RCP8.5 scenario may have on several of the microbiological hazards in terms of increased or potentially increased occurrence in the environment, water, animals, plants, and/or food raw materials. Conclusions on the change of specific microbiological hazards, the extent of the impact, and the rate of change are subject to significantly greater uncertainty. This is not least because the impact of climate change depends on the accuracy of the climate scenarios and on what measures are put in place. The risk profile is an initial and general compilation of knowledge that can form a basis for further and more detailed studies and activities in the various sectors in the food chain. The complete report can be downloaded from: L 2021 — No 19 — Microbiological hazards (

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226267


In order to achieve the healthy life, it is important to follow the first principal of Ayurveda which is Ahara (diet). The importance of Ahara in life is described by Acharaya charak in classical texts, where every aspect of Ahara including its regular intake, different categories has been elaborated aptly. In Charak samhita, Acharya has classified the Ahara in 12 different categories. Among these, Shookdhanya (cereals) is first one. Shashtika (rice) Vrihi (rice), Yava (barley), Godhum (wheat) are categorized under Shookdhanya (cereals). The food of these groups has similar pharmacological properties with Madhur rasa (sweet in taste), Madhur vipak (sweet after digestion) and Vata kaphahar action. According to modern science Shook dhanya dravya are included in monocotyledon and energy giving food. Energy giving food mainly includes cereal groups like wheat, rice, maize (corn), oats, Jowar, Ragi, and Bajra. Here an attempt has been made to study the fundamental characteristics and health benefits of the class of cereals (Shookadhanya group of Ahara).

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219560


This study evaluated the nutritional composition of some of the most consumed cereals and legumes in Nigeria. The study is aimed at providing nutritional facts about these grains, which will guide its consumption based on nutritional requirement of individuals. These cereal grains were millet (Pennisetum glaucum), maize – hybrid IART, hybrid Oba super 6, hybrid Oba 98 and Native maize (Zea mays), rice (Oryza sativa) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) while legume grains were brown cowpea and black-eyed pea (Vigna unguiculata), soybean (Glycine max) and groundnut (Arachis hypogaea). These samples were sourced from different parts of Nigeria and handpicked to remove impurities and damaged seeds. The proximate composition (ash, moisture, carbohydrate, protein, lipid and fibre) and mineral contents (K, Na, Ca, Mg, Zn and Fe) were determined following standard procedures. The study showed that carbohydrate content ranged from 50.40 – 66.90% and 20.02 – 48.98% for cereals and legumes, respectively, while the protein content ranged thus: 10.36 – 18.38% and 17.50 – 23.19%. Rice and groundnut had the lowest fibre value of 2.64% and 3.84%, while the highest fibre value of 12.24% and 17.80% were obtained for maize hybrid Oba super 6 and brown cowpea, in that order. Ash content of sorghum was low (0.038%) and significantly different from other cereals (millet, maize varieties and rice) that ranged from 1.38 – 1.92% while brown cowpea had high ash content of 4.20% and other legumes ranged from 0.68 – 1.20%. The average moisture and lipid contents of cereals were 12.08% and 5.98%, respectively, while 14.24% and 14.17% were for legume grains. However, among the grains, groundnut’s moisture and lipid content were 23.65% and 28.10%, which was significantly different from other grains. The mineral contents varied among the legumes. Black-eyed pea had high K, Mg and Ca contents when to others while groundnut had the least values for K, Mg, Fe and Zn. Brown cowpea had the highest Na and Fe contents. The study has shown that cereals and legumes have varied nutritional content and high nutritional content that is capable of sustaining the energy requirement of human system.

Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 73(5): 1180-1186, Sept.-Oct. 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1345257


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of sorghum silage substitution with different proportions of triticale silage on the performance and carcass of Braford heifers. Twenty-four Braford heifers were randomly assigned to four diets where sorghum silage was replaced at 0%, 30%, 60%, and 100% for triticale silage in a feedlot system. During sixty-tree days of the experiment, the feed intake, feed ratio conversion, and average daily gain were measured. The heifers were slaughtered and the effects of the sorghum and triticale silage in carcass characteristics were evaluated. The replacement of sorghum silage with triticale silage did not affect the feed intake and average daily gain (P> 0.05). Feed gain ratio was higher for the heifers that received lower proportions of triticale silage (0% and 30%) in replace sorghum silage (P <0.05). Eye loin area and fat thickness were similar among treatments (P<0.05). Other carcass characteristics, such as slaughter live weight, dressing percentage, conformation and fat classification were similar among experimental treatments (P<0.005). Triticale silage can replace sorghum silage for finishing beef heifers in feedlot system and provides similar carcass characteristics.(AU)

O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da substituição da silagem de sorgo por diferentes proporções de silagem de triticale no desempenho e na carcaça de novilhas Braford. A silagem de sorgo foi substituída em 0%, 30%, 60% e 100% pela silagem de triticale como fonte de volumoso na alimentação de 24 novilhas da raça Braford, em um sistema de confinamento. O período experimental total foi de 63 dias para a avaliação do consumo dos componentes da ração, a conversão alimentar e o ganho médio diário. Ao final do experimento, os animais foram abatidos e avaliados em relação às características de carcaça. A substituição da silagem de sorgo pela silagem de triticale não apresentou efeito no consumo dos componentes da ração e no ganho médio diário entre as novilhas (P>0,05). A conversão alimentar foi melhor para as novilhas que receberam menores proporções de silagem de triticale (0% e 30%) em substituição à silagem de sorgo (P<0,05). As características das carcaças foram semelhantes entre os animais independentemente da fonte de volumoso. A silagem de triticale apresenta-se como alimento alternativo à silagem de sorgo em regiões de transição climática para a terminação de novilhas de corte, proporcionando o mesmo desempenho animal e as mesmas características de carcaça.(AU)

Animals , Female , Cattle , Silage , Sorghum , Triticale , Edible Grain
Rev. argent. microbiol ; Rev. argent. microbiol;52(4): 121-130, dic. 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1340927


Abstract Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites produced by fungal species that mainly belong to Aspergillus, Fusarium, Penicillium and Alternaria, which can grow in a variety of crops including cereals, oilseeds and fruits. Consequently, their prevalence in foods and by-products not only affects human and animal health but also causes important losses in both domestic and international markets. This review provides data about toxigenic fungal species and mycotoxin occurrence in different crops commonly grown in Argentina. This information will be relevant to establish adequate management strategies to reduce the impact of mycotoxins on human food and animal feed chains and to implement future legislation on the maximum permitted levels of these fungal metabolites.

Resumen Las micotoxinas son metabolitos secundarios producidos por diferentes especies fúngicas pertenecientes, principalmente, a los géneros Aspergillus, Fusarium, Penicillium y Alternaria. Dichos microorganismos pueden crecer en una gran variedad de cultivos, entre los que se incluyen cereales, oleaginosas y frutas. La presencia de micotoxinas en alimentos y subproductos no sólo afecta la salud humana y animal, sino que también causa pérdidas importantes en los mercados nacionales e internacionales. Esta revisión proporciona datos sobre la prevalencia de especies fúngicas toxigénicas y de micotoxinas en diferentes cultivos y productos cosechados en Argentina. Dicha información será relevante para establecer estrategias de manejo adecuadas para reducir la entrada de las micotoxinas en las cadenas alimentarias del hombre y de los animales, así como para establecer futuras legislaciones sobre los niveles máximos permitidos de dichos metabolitos.

Animals , Humans , Fusarium , Mycotoxins , Argentina , Food Contamination/analysis , Fungi
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 14(2): 198-204, June 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090675


La masticación se ha estudiado desde diferentes puntos de vista, utilizando alimentos de prueba naturales y artificiales. La evidencia es escasa cuando se analizan alimentos a base de cereales, que van desde cereales para el desayuno hasta barras de granola. El investigar este tipo de alimentos, se vuelve importante para entender el comportamiento de la masticación frente a alimentos con diferentes composiciones y texturas, y como estas características pueden influir en el proceso masticatorio. Se analizó la masticación desde un punto de vista cinemático, en sujetos jóvenes dentados. El alimento de prueba utilizado fue granola prototipo y maní, este último se ha estudiado en sujetos con rehabilitación protésica y su consumo se recomienda en esta población. Se analizaron las características cinemáticas de la masticación como numero de ciclos, frecuencia masticatoria, velocidad de masticación de ascenso y descenso, y el área de masticación en los tres planos del espacio. Se relacionaron los movimientos masticatorios con los movimientos mandibulares bordeantes que conformaron el polígono de Posselt, este también se analizó en los tres planos espaciales. En todas las variables analizadas la granola presento valores mayores, excepto en el número de ciclos masticatorios, sólo se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p= 0,03) al comparar la velocidad (ascenso y descenso) y el área de masticación en el plano horizontal.

Chewing has been studied from different points of view, using natural and artificial foods test. When analyzing cereal-based foods, from breakfast cereals to granola bars, the evidence is scarce. Investigate this type of food is important to understand the behavior of chewing, with foods of different compositions and textures, and how these characteristics can influence the chewing process. Chewing was analyzed from a cinematic point of view, in young subjects complete dental. The test food used was prototype granola and peanuts, last one has been studied in subjects with prosthetic rehabilitation and its consumption is recommended in this population. The kinematic characteristics of chewing were analyzed: number of cycles, chewing frequency, ascent and descent chewing speed, and the chewing area in the three planes of space. The masticatory movements were related to the bordering mandibular movements, that formed the Posselt polygon, which was also analyzed in the three spatial planes. In all the variables analyzed, granola showed higher values, except in the number of chewing cycles, only statistically significant differences (p = 0.03) were found when comparing speed (ascent and descent) and the chewing area in the horizontal plane.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Biomechanical Phenomena , Mandible/physiology , Mastication/physiology , Arachis , Edible Grain , Electromagnetic Phenomena
Rev. chil. nutr ; 47(2): 238-246, abr. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1115494


Oryza sativa L. rice has large amounts of proteins and minerals, besides presenting several pigmented varieties. Red rice is distinguishable due to its great nutritional value compared to the regular white variety. Its red pericarp pigmentation is due to the bioactive compounds that are responsible for its health benefits. The objective of this study was to evaluate the physical-chemical characterization, antioxidant, antihyperglycemic and antihypertensive capacity of flours of three different red rice cultures (Rubi, Virgínia and Pequeno). All samples presented specific levels of carbohydrates for cereals with low fat content and excellent levels of protein and resistant starch. In addition, the samples had a high antioxidant, antihyperglycemic and antihypertensive capacity. Antihyperglycemic capacities were measured as percent inhibition for amylase (56.7-76.5%) and glycosidase (81.0-76.6%), respectively, and antihypertensive capacity as the percentage inhibition of the angiotensin converting enzyme (38.4-34.7%). In addition, Pequeno flour presented the best results for antioxidant and antihyperglycemic capacity in comparison to the two flours tested. Thus, all red rice flours can be a source of functional compounds when added to food.

El arroz integral (Oryza sativa L.) posee importantes cantidades de proteínas, vitaminas, minerales y fitoquímicos. El arroz rojo se destaca por su gran valor nutricional. La pigmentación roja del pericarpio está asociado al contenido de compuestos bioactivos, que están directamente relacionados a los beneficios de salud humana. Teniendo en cuenta lo antes expuesto se propuso evaluar las caracteristicas físico-químicas, capacidad antioxidante, anti-hiperglucémica y antihipertensiva de las harinas de tres diferentes cultivos de arroz rojo (Rubí, Virginia y Pequeño). Todas las muestras presentaron niveles específicos de carbohidratos para cereales con bajo contenido de grasa y altos contenidos de proteína y almidón resistente. Además, las muestras presentaron una alta capacidad antioxidante, anti-hiperglucémica y antihipertensiva. La capacidad anti-hiperglicémica se midió en porcentaje de inhibidores de α-amilasa (56.7-76.5%) y α-glucosidasa (81.0-76.6%), respectivamente; y capacidad antihipertensiva como el porcentaje de inhibición de la enzima convertidora de la angiotensina (38.4-34.7%). El cultivar Pequeño presentó mayor capacidad antioxidante y anti-hiperglucémica en comparación a los demás cultivares. Así, todas las harinas de arroz rojo pueden ser vehículos de compuestos funcionales en los alimentos.

Oryza/chemistry , Hypoglycemic Agents/chemistry , Antihypertensive Agents/chemistry , Antioxidants/chemistry , Phenols/analysis , Starch , Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors , Edible Grain , Proanthocyanidins/analysis , Glucosidases/antagonists & inhibitors , Amylases/antagonists & inhibitors
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-846955


Cadmium (Cd) is an element that is nonessential and extremely toxic to both plants and human beings. Soil contaminated with Cd has adverse impacts on crop yields and threatens human health via the food chain. Cultivation of low-Cd cultivars has been of particular interest and is one of the most cost-effective and promising approaches to minimize human dietary intake of Cd. Low-Cd crop cultivars should meet particular criteria, including acceptable yield and quality, and their edible parts should have Cd concentrations below maximum permissible concentrations for safe consumption, even when grown in Cd-contaminated soil. Several low-Cd cereal cultivars and genotypes have been developed worldwide through cultivar screening and conventional breeding. Molecular markers are powerful in facilitating the selection of low-Cd cereal cultivars. Modern molecular breeding technologies may have great potential in breeding programs for the development of low-Cd cultivars, especially when coupled with conventional breeding. In this review, we provide a synthesis of low-Cd cereal breeding.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-826618


Cadmium (Cd) is an element that is nonessential and extremely toxic to both plants and human beings. Soil contaminated with Cd has adverse impacts on crop yields and threatens human health via the food chain. Cultivation of low-Cd cultivars has been of particular interest and is one of the most cost-effective and promising approaches to minimize human dietary intake of Cd. Low-Cd crop cultivars should meet particular criteria, including acceptable yield and quality, and their edible parts should have Cd concentrations below maximum permissible concentrations for safe consumption, even when grown in Cd-contaminated soil. Several low-Cd cereal cultivars and genotypes have been developed worldwide through cultivar screening and conventional breeding. Molecular markers are powerful in facilitating the selection of low-Cd cereal cultivars. Modern molecular breeding technologies may have great potential in breeding programs for the development of low-Cd cultivars, especially when coupled with conventional breeding. In this review, we provide a synthesis of low-Cd cereal breeding.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-805089


Objective@#To evaluate the dietary exposure to deoxynivalenol (DON) from cereals and health risk in Chinese residents in different regions.@*Methods@#The data of DON concentration in cereals was derived from the national food safety risk surveillance from 2010 to 2017, with 15 422 samples of cereals included. China was roughly divided into north part and south part, along with the Qinling Mountains-Huaihe River line. Sample size of each type of cereals, i.e. wheat flour, maize meal, oats and rice was 4 948, 696, 626, 1 006 in the north, while 5 648, 1 068, 266, 1 164 in the south. The data of cereals consumption was derived from China National Nutrition and Health Survey in 2002 and 68 335 respondents aged 3 and above, with 34 234 from the north and 34 101 from the south, were included. Simple distribution model was applied for calculation and comparison of the dietary exposure to DON from cereals in northern and southern residents based on individual consumption of cereals, body weight and average DON concentration in each type of cereals.@*Results@#Average DON concentration in wheat flour, maize meal, oats, and rice sampled in northern China were 235.4, 121.6, 7.0 and 4.6 μg/kg, respectively, while 239.1, 124.3, 29.0 and 15.5 μg/kg in cereals sampled in southern China. The average DON exposure from cereals in surveyed Chinese inhabitants was 0.78 μg/(kg·d). Among them, the DON exposure of northern residents was higher than that of southern residents (P<0.001), and the average exposures were 1.15 and 0.41 μg/(kg·d), respectively. A total of 49.2% of northern residents exceeded provisional maximum tolerable daily intake for DON exposure from cereals, which was much higher than that of southern residents (8.6%) (P<0.001). Wheat-based food products were the main source of DON exposure, with a contribution rate of 96.5% in the north and 68.3% in the south. Average DON exposure was the highest in the 3-6 years [2.12 μg/(kg·d) for children in north and 0.73 μg/(kg·d) in south].@*Conclusion@#Exposure to DON from cereals in northern residents of China was considerably high, with a certain health risk. Northern children aged 3 to 6 exposed even more DON and needed significant attention.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-805572


Objective@#To investigate the aluminium content in unprocessed grains from different areas of China.@*Methods@#From June 2013 to December 2014, nine provinces (Jilin, Shandong, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Henan, Anhui and Jiangsu) were selected as sampling areas using stratified random sampling method. Three cities, counties or townships were randomly selected from each sampling area. Grain stations, grain depots, planting areas or farmers′ markets located in non-aluminium mining areas or non-aluminium-involved industrial pollution areas were selected from each sampling area using a purposive sampling method. A total of 470 unprocessed grain samples (500 g per sample) including wheat, rice, corn, millet and soybean were collected from local grain stations, grain depots, planting areas and farmers′ markets. The dried grains samples were analysed for aluminium content by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Bootstrap resampling method was applied to calculate the upper bound values of 95%CI of P99 of aluminium contents for each kind of grain, which could be regarded as levels of concern for corresponding categories.@*Results@#A total of 454 grain samples, including 109 wheat samples, 111 rice samples, 78 corn samples, 69 millet samples and 87 soybean samples, were used for analysis after excluding outlier values. There were 420 positive samples with detected aluminium and the overall detection rate was 92.5%. Among them, the aluminium contents were high in wheat and soybean with median values about 9.59 and 7.12 mg/kg, and maximum values about 31.55 and 28.80 mg/kg, respectively. The median and maximum values of aluminium contents in corn were about 4.65 and 26.79 mg/kg. Aluminium contents were low in rice and millet, with median values about 1.49 and 2.21 mg/kg, and maximum values about 7.56 and 8.07 mg/kg, respectively. Based on Bootstrap resampling method, the upper bound values of 95%CI of P99 of aluminium contents in wheat, soybean, corn, rice and millet were 29.86, 28.80, 26.79, 7.56 and 8.07 mg/kg, respectively, which could be regarded as levels of concern for corresponding grains.@*Conclusion@#Aluminium has been detected in most unprocessed grains. The accumulation of aluminium varies in different grains species.

Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 49(3): e20180925, 2019. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1045311


ABSTRACT: Horse leukoencephalomalacia (ELEM) is a disease caused by the ingestion of mycotoxins (fumonisins) produced by fungi of the genus Fusarium that infect corn and/or its byproducts. This disease has been described by ingestion of mature corn with humidity above 15% at temperatures below 20°C. The aim of this paper was to report an outbreak of leukoencephalomalacia in horses fed with immature corn. Two horses out of three showed neurological signs approximately seven days after eating immature corn in its reproductive phase (R2, milky grains). Corn was harvested and administered directly to the animals, with no storage. Deaths occurred approximately 24 hours after the onset of clinical signs. Grossly, there were multifocal dark red to brown areas in the white matter of the telencephalon and hyppocampus and thalamus. Histologically, there was edema and hemorrhage in several areas of the telencephalon white matter, which corresponded to dark red to brown areas observed in the macroscopy. There was also foci of malacia with presence of reactive astrocytes with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm and inflammatory cells. Diffuse capillary wall degeneration and endothelial cell swelling were also observed. Two ppm of fumonisin were detected by immunoaffinity column method (VICAM) in the immature corn sample. The water activity in this cereal, when the grain is still milky, is 0.98 and can predispose it to growth of mycotoxin-producing fungi. In the present case, fumonisin was found in milky grains in the beginning of the reproductive phase (R2), which suggested that even immature corn may be infected by Fusarium spp. and should not be administered to horses.

RESUMO: A leucoencefalomalácia dos equinos (ELEM) é uma doença causada pela ingestão de micotoxinas (fumonisinas) produzidas por fungos do gênero Fusarium que infectam o milho e/ou seus subprodutos. A doença tem sido descrita pela ingestão de milho maduro com umidade acima de 15% em temperatura ambiente abaixo de 20°C. O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar um surto de leucoencefalomacia em equinos alimentados com milho verde. Dois equinos de três animais apresentaram sinais clínicos neurológicos aproximadamente sete dias após iniciarem a ingestão de milho verde na fase reprodutiva (R2, grãos leitosos) com palha e talos, colhido no máximo 24 horas antes de ser administrado. A morte ocorreu aproximadamente 24 horas após o início dos sinais clínicos. Macroscopicamente havia no sistema nervoso central áreas multifocais acinzentadas e amareladas na substância branca do telencéfalo, no hipocampo e no tálamo. Histologicamente observou-se edema e hemorragia em diversas áreas da substância branca do telencéfalo, que correspondiam às áreas acinzentadas observadas na macroscopia. Havia, também, próximo as áreas hemorrágicas, focos de malacia com presença de astrócitos reativos com abundante citoplasma eosinophilico e algumas células inflamatórias. Degeneração das paredes dos capilares e tumefação das células endoteliais também foram observadas. Na análise da amostra de milho pelo método de colunas de imunoafinidade (VICAM) foram detectados 2ppm de fumonisina. A atividade de água neste cereal, quando o grão ainda está leitoso, é de 0,98, o que predispõe ao crescimento de fungos produtores de micotoxinas. No presente caso fumonisina foi encontrada nos grãos leitosos no início da fase reprodutiva (R2), o que sugere que mesmo o milho ainda imaturo pode estar infectado por Fusarium spp. e não deve, também, ser administrado aos equinos.

CienciaUAT ; 13(1): 146-164, jul.-dic. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001745


RESUMEN Los arabinoxilanos son polisacáridos presentes en los granos de los cereales, y como tales, forman parte de la fibra dietética consumida por humanos y animales. La hidrólisis química o enzimática de los arabinoxilanos produce arabinoxilo-oligosacáridos, los cuales pueden estar ramificados o no, con arabinosa. El objetivo de este trabajo fue exponer el uso potencial de los arabinoxilanos y arabinoxilo-oligosacáridos, como prebióticos, y el efecto de su consumo en la promoción de la buena salud, al estimular selectivamente el crecimiento y actividad metabólica de la microbiótica colónica benéfica. La información generada indica que los arabinoxilanos y arabinoxilo-oligosacáridos actúan modificando la microbiota de manera selectiva, y estimulan la respuesta biológica, favoreciendo la buena salud del hospedero, por su efecto antiobesogénico, regulador de la glucosa, antioxidante, anticancerígeno e inmunomodulador, con resultados similares o mejores en relación a prebióticos reconocidos. No obstante, es necesario ampliar el conocimiento que se tiene de ellos para sustentar su aplicación en la industria alimentaria, farmacéutica o biomédica.

ABSTRACT Arabinoxylans are polysaccharides present in grains and as such, are part of dietary fiber intake in humans and animals. Enzymatic or chemical hydrolysis of arabinoxylans produces arabinoxilo-oligosaccharides, which can be branched or unbranched with arabinose. The objective of this work was to describe the potential use of arabinoxylans and arabinoxylan-oligosaccharides as prebiotics to promote good health, by selective enhancement of beneficial colonic microbiota growth and metabolic activity. The information generated indicates that arabinoxylans and arabinoxylan-oligosaccharides act by modifying the microbiota selectively and stimulate the biological response favoring good health in the host, by antio-obesity effect, glucose regulator, antioxidant, anticancer, immunomodulator, with similar or better results than recognized prebiotics. However, it is necessary to expand the knowledge we have about arabinoxylans in order to support their application in the food, pharmaceutical, and biomedical industry.

Rev. colomb. cienc. pecu ; 30(4): 286-298, oct.-dic. 2017. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-900627


Abstract Background: Although the use of non-starch polysaccharide-degrading enzymes (NSPases) in corn, oat, rye, barley or wheat-based broiler diets has already been researched for some years, little attention has been given to the mixture of wheat and barley, as basic raw materials for broiler feed. Objective: To evaluate the effect of different inclusion levels of commercial NSP enzymes in corn or in the mixture of wheat/barley-based diets on growth performance, carcass quality and blood parameters of broilers. Methods: Three hundred 1 d-old male broiler chicks (Ross-308) were fed two basal diets (corn and a wheat/barley-based diets), two commercial feed enzymes (Kemin® and Rovabio®), and two enzyme levels (0.025 and 0.05%) in a 2×2×2 factorial arrangement, from 1 to 42 d of age. Results: Overall, birds fed corn-based diets with or without enzyme supplementation consumed more feed (p<0.05) over the entire experiment, experienced higher weight gain (p<0.05) and lower feed conversion ratio (FCR; p<0.05) when compared with wheat/barley-based diet. Notwithstanding, FCR did not improve in birds fed corn-based diets with enzymes, while gain and FCR improved (p<0.05) feeding wheat/barley-based diets with 0.05% NSPases. Economical traits of carcass were not affected (p>0.05) by the treatments, while blood biochemistry parameters, such as glucose, VLDL and HDL changed (p<0.05) when enzymes were supplied. Conclusion: Our results show bio-efficacy of feeding xylanases and glucanases in wheat/barley based-poultry diets, rich in NSPases, which could translate into economic benefits.

Resumen Antecedentes: Aunque el uso de enzimas degradadoras de polisacáridos no amiláceos (NSPasas) en dietas a base de maíz, avena, centeno, cebada o trigo ha sido investigado, se ha prestado poca atención a la mezcla de trigo y cebada como materias primas básicas para la alimentación del pollo de engorde. Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto de la inclusión de diferentes niveles de enzimas NSP comerciales en dietas basadas en maíz y en la mezcla de trigo/cebada sobre el crecimiento, calidad de la canal y metabolitos sanguíneos del pollo de engorde. Métodos: Trescientos pollos machos de 1 d de edad (Ross-308) fueron alimentados con dos dietas (una dieta a base de maíz y una dieta basada en trigo/cebada), dos enzimas comerciales (Kemin® y Rovabio®), y dos niveles de enzimas (0,025 y 0,05%) en un arreglo factorial de 2×2×2, desde el d 1 al 42 de edad. Resultados: En general, las aves alimentadas con dietas a base de maíz (con o sin suplementación enzimática) consumieron más alimento (p<0,05) durante todo el experimento, mostraron mayor aumento de peso (p<0,05) y menor FCR (p<0,05) en comparación con la dieta basada en trigo/cebada (con o sin suplementación enzimática). Sin embargo, cuando se proporcionaron las enzimas, la FCR no mejoró en las aves alimentadas con la dieta a base de maíz. Por el contrario, en las aves alimentadas con trigo/cebada aumentó el peso corporal y la conversión alimenticia mejoró (p<0,05) con la inclusión de 0,05% NSPasas. Los tratamientos dietarios no afectaron (p>0.05) las características económicas de la canal, mientras que parámetros de bioquímica sanguínea como glucosa, colesterol, VLDL y HDL cambiaron (p<0,05) al incorporar enzimas en la dieta. Conclusión: Los resultados muestran la bioeficacia de xilanasas y glucanasas en dietas avícolas a base de trigo/cebada, ricas en NSPasas, lo que se podría traducir en beneficios económicos para el productor.

Resumo Antecedentes: Embora o uso de enzimas degradadoras de polisacarideos não amiláceos (NSPasas) em dietas de frangos de corte à base de milho, aveia, centeio, cevada ou trigo já venha a ser estudada há vários anos, pouca atenção tem sido dada à mistura de trigo e cevada como matérias-primas básicas para a ração de frangos. Objetivo s: Avaliar o efeito de diferentes níveis de enzimas NSP comerciais em dietas à base de milho e à base da mistura de trigo/cevada sobre o desempenho produtivo, a qualidade da carcaça e os parâmetros bioquímicos sanguíneos em frangos de corte. Métodos: Trezentos frangos de corte machos de 1 d de idade (Ross-308) foram alimentadas com duas dietas basais (uma à base de milho e outra à base de trigo e cevada), dois produtos enzimáticos comerciais (Kemin® e Rovabio®) e dois níveis dessas enzimas (0,025 e 0,05%), num arranjo fatorial 2×2×2, de 1 a 42 d de idade. Resultados: Em geral, as aves alimentadas com dietas à base de milho (com ou sem suplementação enzimática) consumiram mais alimentos (p <0,05) ao longo do experimento, apresentaram maior ganho de peso (p <0,05) e menor RRF (p<0,05) em comparação com a dieta à base de trigo/cevada (com ou sem suplementação enzimática). No entanto, quando as enzimas foram fornecidas, o FCR não melhorou em aves alimentadas com a dieta à base de milho. Em contraste, em aves alimentadas com trigo/cevada, o peso corporal aumentou e a conversão alimentar melhorou (p<0,05) com inclusão de 0,05% de NSPasas. Os tratamentos dietéticos não afetaram as características econômicas da carcaça (p>0,05), enquanto os parâmetros bioquímicos do sangue, como glicose, colesterol, VLDL e HDL, mudaram (p<0,05) ao incorporar enzimas na dieta. Conclusão: Os resultados confirmam a bioeficiência da inclusão de xilanases e glucanases nas dietas à base de trigo e cevada, ricas em NSPasas, o que poderá trazer benefícios económicos para o produtor.

Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 69(3): 725-732, jun. 2017. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-846955


O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a produção de fitomassa fresca e de fitomassa seca, assim como a composição física e bromatológica do feno do trigo cultivar BRS Umbu sob efeitos de dois níveis de adubação nitrogenada (120kg ha-1 e 180kg ha-1) e dois estádios fenológicos de colheita (pré-florescimento e grão farináceo). O delineamento experimental foi blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 2x2, composto por quatro tratamentos com quatro repetições. Não houve interação (P>0,05) entre os níveis de adubação nitrogenada e os estádios fenológicos de colheita para todas as variáveis. A produção de fitomassa seca (P<0,05) nos estádios de grão farináceo e pré-florescimento foi de 10.171 e 4.982kg ha-1, respectivamente. A maior dose de N incrementou a produção de fitomassa seca em 775kg ha-1. Houve aumento da participação de espigas com o avanço do ciclo, apresentando-se 43,0% e 16,2% nos estádios grão farináceo e pré-florescimento, respectivamente. No estádio fenológico de pré-florescimento, a participação de folha verde foi superior (37,1% contra 9,8% da MS total). O feno colhido em estádio de grão farináceo apresentou menores teores de proteína bruta e fibra em detergente neutro. Os fenos produzidos apresentaram características distintas, o que permite seu uso em diferentes estratégias de alimentação de ruminantes.(AU)

The objective was to evaluate the production of the fresh and dry weight, physical and chemical composition of wheat hay, cv. BRS UMBU, under effects of two levels of nitrogen fertilization (120kg ha-1 and 180kg ha-1) and two harvest stages (pre-flowering and grain dough). The experimental design was randomized blocks in factorial 2X2, composed of four treatments with four replications. There was no interaction (p>0.05) between the levels of nitrogen fertilization and growth stages of harvest for all variables. The production of dry matter in the dough stage and pre-flowering were 10.171 and 4.982kg ha-1, respectively. The higher N rates increased the production of dry matter of 775kg ha-1. There was increased participation of spikes with the advancement of the cycle, presenting 43.0% and 16.2% in the dough stage and pre-flowering, respectively. In the growth stage of pre-flowering, the share of green leaf was higher (37.1% against 9.8% of the total MS). The hay harvested at dough stage had lower NDF and CP levels. Thus, each treatment presented favorable characteristics allowing its use in different strategies in ruminant nutrition.(AU)

Crop Production , Nitrogen , Nutritive Value , Triticum , Edible Grain , Food Analysis , Urea
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-611846


A method for simultaneous determination of 25 kinds of fungicides in cereals, vegetables and fruits using SPE-LC-Q-TOF/MS technique was developed.The samples were extracted with acetonitrile containing 1% (V/V) acetic acid, purified by solid phase extraction (SPE) with a Crabon/NH2 cartridge, eluted with acetonitrile-toluene(3∶1, V/V), separated by a reversed phase C18 column, gradiently eluted with acetonitrile and 0.1% formic acid solution (Containing 5 mmol/L ammonium acetate), determined by LC-Q-TOF/MS, and quantified by external standard method.A data base of the accurate mass numbers and a library which contains 25 kinds of fungicides were established.The automatic retrieval of detection results was carried on according to the characteristics of the compound, such as accurate mass, retention time, isotope peak distribution, isotopic ratios, and so on.Based on the above results, the qualitative identifications of the 25 new fungicides were accomplished without the contrast of standard substances.The results indicated that 25 fungicides showed good linearity in the range of 0.02-200 μg/L, and the limits of detection (LOD) and the limits of quantification (LOQ) were 0.01-5.00 μg/kg and 0.02-20.00 μg/kg, respectively.The linear relative coefficients were greater than 0.995.The recoveries were in the range 71.8%-114.0% and the relative standard deviations (RSD) were ranged from 0.1% to 21.3% (n=3).The method has some advantages such as simplicity, rapidity and high sensitivity, and is suitable for the rapid determination of the common fungicides in cereals, vegetables and fruits.

Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam ; Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam;50(3): 435-443, set. 2016. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-837621


El contenido de calcio (Ca) y de compuestos que afectan su absorción son relevantes en dietas ricas en harinas integrales y frutos secos, tanto en vegetarianos estrictos, individuos con intolerancia a lácteos, como en celíacos. Se determinaron Ca, fibra dietaria y perfil de inositoles fosfato (IP) en harinas integrales/refinadas y/o extrudidas de cereales (trigo, maíz, arroz, sorgo), pseudocereales (trigo sarraceno, amaranto), leguminosas (arveja), oleaginosas (soja, lino). Se cuantificó Ca por espectrometría de absorción atómica, fibra dietaria por método enzimático-gravimétrico y perfil de IP por HPLC. Mediante factores de conversión, se calculó el contenido de ácido fítico (AF) y la relación molar AF/Ca como indicador de su disponibilidad potencial. El Ca (mg/100 g) fue muy bajo en harinas de cereales (<20 trigo refinada, maíz integral, arroz integral, sorgo integral y refinada), en pseudocereales fue variable (4 trigo sarraceno, 115 amaranto) y fue superior en harinas de arveja, soja y lino (102-257) pero no aumentó en galletitas con agregado de estas últimas harinas. El contenido de fibra dietaria fue acorde al grado de extracción (1,4-13,3 g/100 g). En todos los casos la relación molar AF/Ca superó 0,17-0,24, valor límite que disminuiría la absorción del Ca.

Calcium (Ca) content and compounds that affect its absorption are relevant in wholemeal flours and tree nuts. These foods are specially recommended for vegetarians, people with intolerance to dairy products and celiac patients. Ca, dietary fibre and inositol profile (IP) where analyzed in wholemeal/refined/ extruded flours, in cereals (wheat, maize, rice, sorghum), pseudocereals (buckwheat, amaranth), leguminous (peas) and oilseeds (soy, flax). Ca was assessed by atomic absorption spectrometry, dietary fibre using an enzymatic method and IP profile by HPLC. Phytic acid content (AF) was obtained using conversion factors. Molar ratio AF/Ca was calculated as an index of potential Ca availability. Ca (mg/100 g) was very low in cereal flours (<20 in refined wheat, wholemeal maize and rice and refined and wholemeal sorghum). In pseudocereals, Ca varied (4 buckwheat, 115 amaranth). It was high in peas, soy and flax (102-257), but this was not enough to improve Ca in cookies made with these mix flours. Dietary fibre content was coincidental with the extraction grade (1.4-13.3/100 g). In all cases, AF/Ca molar ratios exceeded 0.17-0.24, limit value that represents the negative effect of AF over calcium availability.

O teor de cálcio (Ca) e de compostos que afetam sua absorção são relevantes em dietas ricas em farinhas integrais e frutos secos, tanto em vegetarianos rigorosos, indivíduos com intolerância a laticínios e quanto celíacos. Determinaram-se Ca, fibra alimentar e perfil inositol fosfato (IP) em farinhas integrais/refinadas e/ ou extruidas de cereais (trigo, milho, arroz, sorgo), pseudocereais (trigo sarraceno, amaranto), leguminosas (ervilha), oleaginosas (soja, linhaça). Quantificou-se Ca por espectrometría de absorção atômica, fibra alimentar pelo método enzimático-gravimétrico e perfil de IP por HPLC. A través de fatores de conversão foi calculado o conteúdo de ácido fítico (AF) e a relação molar AF/Ca como indicador de sua disponibilidade potencial. O Ca (mg/100 g) foi muito baixo em farinhas de cereais (<20 trigo refinada, milho integral, arroz integral, sorgo integral e refinada), em pseudocereais foi variável (4 trigo sarraceno, 115 amaranto) e foi superior em farinhas de ervilha, soja e linhaça (102-257), mas não aumentou em biscoitos com estas últimas farinhas adicionadas. O conteúdo de fibra alimentar foi conforme ao grau de extração (1,4-13,3 g/100 g). Em todos os casos a relação molar AF/Ca superou 0,17-0,24, valor limite que diminuiria a absorção do Ca.

Calcium/analysis , Food Analysis/statistics & numerical data , Diet, Food, and Nutrition
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 15(4): 215-232, jul. 2016. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-907539


To investigate potential sources of novel grain protector compounds against Sitophilus zeamais (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), which is an important insect pest of stored cereals, this study evaluated the bioactivity of ethanolic extracts (66) prepared from 29 species belonging to 11 different genera of Neotropical Annonaceae. A screening assay demonstrated that the most pronounced bioactive effects on S. zeamais were caused by ethanolic extracts from Annona montana, A. mucosa, A. muricata, and A. sylvatica seeds, causing the death of all weevils exposed, almost complete inhibition of the F1 progeny and a drastic reduction in grain losses. Furthermore, the ethanolic extracts obtained from the leaves of A. montana, A. mucosa, A. muricata, and Duguetia lanceolata, especially A. montana and A. mucosa, demonstrated significant bioactive effects on the studied variables; however, the activity levels were less pronounced than in the seed extracts, and the response was dependent on the concentration used. This study is the first to report the activity of secondary metabolites from D. lanceolata on insects as well as the action of A. sylvatica on pests associated with stored grains.

Para investigar las posibles fuentes de nuevos compuestos protectores de granos contra Sitophilus zeamais (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), una importante plaga de los cereales almacenados, este estudio evaluó la bioactividad de los extractos etanólicos (66) preparados a partir de 29 especies pertenecientes a 11 géneros distintos de Anonaceas Neotropicales. Un ensayo de selección demostró que los efectos bioactivos más relevantes sobre S. zeamais fueron causados por los extractos etanólicos de las semillas de Annona montana, de A. mucosa, de A. muricata y de A. sylvatica, que causaron la muerte de todos los gorgojos expuestos, la inhibición parcial de la progenie F1 y una drástica reducción de las pérdidas de grano. Además, los extractos etanólicos obtenidos de las hojas de A. montana, de A. mucosa, de A. muricata y de Duguetia lanceolata, especialmente de A. montana y de A. mucosa, demostraron efectos bioactivos significativos sobre las variables estudiadas. Sin embargo, los niveles de bioactividad fueron menores en comparación con los extractos de semillas, y la respuesta fue dependiente de la concentración utilizada. Este estudio es el primer relato sobre la actividad de los metabolitos secundarios de D. lanceolata sobre insectos, así como la acción de A. sylvatica sobre plagas asociadas a los granos almacenados.

Animals , Annonaceae/chemistry , Insect Repellents/analysis , Insecticides/analysis , Plant Extracts/chemistry , Weevils , Edible Grain , Food Storage , Insect Control