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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-996068


Objective:To explore the block-based charging method for centralized dispensing of neonatal drugs in pharmacy intravenous admixture service (PIVAS), analyze its effect on drug savings and inpatient drug cost, so as to provide the reference for the appropriate charging method of neonatal drugs.Methods:According to the balance quantity and amount of neonatal intravenous drugs that were centrally allocated by the PIVAS of our hospital, refer to the doctor′s orders, the dosage per dose as well as the number of patients per dose were analyzed, then the drug types and plans for block-based charging were formulated. Before and after the implementation of the plan, the monthly average drug balance quantity and amount, the average number of drug charges for the neonates, the average daily drug cost, and the adverse events of related drugs were used as the indicators to be investigated to clarify the implementation effect of the block-based charging mothod.Results:Fourteen medicines were charged by block-based, including 4 antibiotics, 2 ordinary infusion preparations, and 8 parenteral nutrition solution preparations. The monthly average drug balance quantity was reduced from 5 047±541 to 1 856±225, and the monthly average balance amount was reduced from 65 811±10 265 yuan to 20 659±6 002 yuan. The average drug dosage for children in the trial drug was significantly reduced with a decrease range of 39.2% to 90.1%. Both the inpatient daily drug cost of neonatus and the daily average antibacterial drug cost was decreased. During the centralized dispensing of neonatal drugs, no related adverse drug events occurred.Conclusions:The block-based charging method of centralized drug distribution can improve the utilization rate of drugs, reduce drug waste, reduce the cost of inpatient medicines the financial burden on children′s families, which is worthy of further promotion and implementation.

Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica ; (12): 3198-3203, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-999087


A flavoring agent and a suspension agent were prepared for extemporaneous compounding. The stability of the two agents before and after drug loading was investigated, and the taste of the suspension after extemporaneous compounding was evaluated by electronic tongue technology. The two agents remained stable under the conditions of influence factor test, accelerated test and long-term test. The appearance properties of the two agents did not change. The relative density of the flavoring agent was maintained at 1.053-1.075, and the pH was stable at 4.2-4.5. The relative density of the suspension agent was maintained at 0.999-1.022, and the pH was stable at 4.0-4.5. Seven kinds of drugs, including warfarin sodium tablets and spironolactone tablets, were mixed with these two oral solvents, and the content uniformity and stability were detected respectively. The results showed that the preparations could be evenly dispersed and the physical and chemical properties were stable. The results of taste evaluation showed that in captopril group and chloral hydrate group, the flavoring agent had the best effect on taste correction. In warfarin sodium group, rifampicin group, spironolactone group, vitamin B1 group and vitamin B2 group, the blending agents had the best effect on taste correction.

Vigil. sanit. debate ; 10(3): 29-37, agosto 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1392889


Introdução: Medicamentos manipulados são preparações farmacêuticas extemporâneas, em sua maioria utilizadas para viabilizar a farmacoterapia de populações especiais por meio de formulações personalizadas. Desta forma, não são submetidos a testes clínicos anteriores a sua utilização, sendo as ações de farmacovigilância fundamentais para a garantia de sua segurança. Objetivo: Descrever o perfil dos medicamentos manipulados registrados nas notificações de queixas técnicas reportadas ao Sistema Nacional de Notificação em Vigilância Sanitária (Notivisa). Método: Estudo exploratório descritivo, retrospectivo ao período de 2006-2016 das notificações de medicamentos manipulados reportadas ao Notivisa. Resultados: Foram analisadas 303 notificações de queixas técnicas referentes a 26 medicamentos oficinais, 268 magistrais e nove não classificadas. Foram identificados 107 diferentes ativos. Os de ação no aparelho digestivo e metabolismo foram os mais frequentes (42,00%), seguidos daqueles com ação no sangue e órgãos hematopoiéticos (10,00%), dermatológicos (10,00%) e aparelho cardiovascular (9,70%). Os principais desvios de qualidade notificados foram relacionados às formas farmacêuticas líquidas, sendo a presença de corpo estranho, partículas ou precipitados, a mais frequente (22,40%), seguida de alterações na embalagem e rotulagem (18,60%). Conclusões: Foi possível descrever os principais medicamentos manipulados notificados ao Notivisa, suas características e substâncias ativas veiculadas nas formulações, o que pode contribuir para as ações de vigilância sanitária no âmbito magistral, tão incipiente ainda no Brasil.

Introduction: Compounded drugs are extemporaneous pharmaceutical preparations, mostly used to enable the pharmacotherapy of special populations through personalized formulations. In this way, they are not subjected to clinical tests prior to their use, and pharmacovigilance actions are fundamental to guarantee their safety. Objective: to describe the profile of compounded drugs registered in the notifications of technical complaints reported to the National Health Surveillance Notification System (NOTIVISA). Method: Descriptive exploratory study, retrospective to the period 2006-2016, of the notifications of compounded drugs reported to Notivisa. Results: 303 notifications of technical complaints regarding 26 officinal, 268 magistral and 09 unclassified medicines were analyzed. 107 different assets were identified. Those with action on the Digestive System and Metabolism were the most frequent (42.00%), followed by those with action on the Blood and Hematopoietic Organs (10.00%), Dermatological (10.00%) and Cardiovascular System (9.70%). The main quality deviations reported were related to liquid dosage forms, with the presence of foreign bodies, particles or precipitates being the most frequent (22.40%), followed by changes in packaging and labeling (18.60%). Conclusions: It was possible to describe the main compounded drugs notified to Notivisa, their characteristics and active substances conveyed in the formulations, which can contribute to the actions of Health Surveillance in the masterful scope, which is still incipient in Brazil.

Vigil. sanit. debate ; 10(3): 38-45, agosto 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1393038


Introdução: Medicamento manipulado é a preparação farmacêutica obtido por procedimento farmacotécnico a partir de uma prescrição de profissional habilitado destinada a um paciente individualizado ou cuja fórmula esteja inscrita no Formulário Nacional ou Internacional. Objetivo: Descrever o perfil das notificações relacionadas aos medicamentos manipulados, reportadas ao Sistema Nacional de Notificação em Vigilância Sanitária (Notivisa). Método: Estudo exploratório descritivo, retrospectivo ao período de 2006-2016 das notificações de medicamentos manipulados reportadas ao Notivisa. Os dados foram registrados e analisados no programa Excel versão para Windows 3.5.4. Resultados: De um total de 108.400 notificações referentes a medicamentos no período estudado, 335 (0,32%) foram relacionadas a notificações de medicamentos manipulados. As queixas técnicas (QT) obtiveram 90,40% das notificações, enquanto os eventos adversos (EA) obtiveram 9,60%. A Região Sudeste foi a principal notificadora (66,00%) e o estado de São Paulo, responsável por 54,00% do total das notificações. Os hospitais foram as instituições com maior frequência de notificação (81,00%). Foi possível avaliar os motivos que geraram as notificações, das quais as alterações relacionadas ao aspecto da preparação farmacêutica foram as predominantes dentre as QT, enquanto para os EA destacaram-se as reações adversas a medicamentos. Conclusões: As ocorrências observadas na farmacovigilância de medicamentos manipulados são próprias de cada produto com suas particularidades, embora o que se busque seja um padrão. Desta forma, tal observação poderá prevenir a ocorrência de danos à população exposta a situações semelhantes, se for devidamente notificada e amplamente divulgada.

Introduction: Compounded drug is a pharmaceutical preparation obtained by a pharmacotechnical procedure from a prescription of a qualified professional intended for an individualized patient, or whose formula is registered in the National or International Form. Objective: To describe the profile of notifications related to compounded drugs, reported to the National Health Surveillance Notification System (Notivisa). Method: Descriptive exploratory study, retrospective to the period 2006-2016, of the notifications of compounded drugs reported to Notivisa. Data were recorded and analyzed using the Excel program, version for Windows 3.5.4. Results: Of a total of 108,400 notifications referring to medicines in the studied period, 335 (0.32%) were related to reports of compounded drugs. Technical complaints (QT) obtained 90.40% of the notifications, while adverse events (AE) obtained 9.60%. The Southeast region was the main notifier (66.00%), and the state of São Paulo was responsible for 54.00% of the total notifications. Hospitals were the institutions with the highest frequency of notification (81.00%). It was possible to evaluate the reasons that generated the notifications, of which the changes related to the aspect of the pharmaceutical preparation were the predominant among the QT, while for the AEs, the adverse drug reactions stood out. Conclusions: The occurrences observed in the pharmacovigilance of compounded drugs are specific to each product with its particularities, although, what is sought is a pattern. In this way, such observation can prevent the occurrence of damages to the population exposed to similar situations, if it is duly notified and widely disseminated.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2022 May; 70(5): 1869
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-224340


Background: Bevacizumab vials that are commercially available are fractionated into smaller quantities into the form of pre?filled syringes in a sterile and aseptic laboratory setting. Purpose: To share the long term experience of aliquoting of bevacizumab injections in a tertiary eye care center in India. Synopsis: Compounding of bevacizumab was found to be a cost?effective and sustainable practice that has benefited more patients with an affordable cost, while maintaining high levels of quality. Highlights: Compounding of bevacizumab, when done with aseptic precautions can be a safe and cost?effective practice, the benefits of which can be passed on to needful patients.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-954398


This paper summarizes the current situation and problems of the research on the theory of "Taibai Seven Medicines" through literature summary and surveys. Although the "Four Beams and Eight Pillars" theory of compounding has a long history, the current research progress of "Taibai Seven Medicines" is mostly focused on plant resources. There lacks researches on the theory of compounding, or development of compounding and large varieties based on "Taibai Seven Medicines". We call for the inheritance and protection of folk experience, and hope that the "Four Beams and Eight Pillars" theory can guide the application and development of the seven Taibai medicines. Therefore, increasing the research on the theory and teaching in undergraduate courses formulary in Chinese medicine are necessary in our province.

Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 58: e20139, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403755


Abstract Compounding pharmacies play an important role not only in compounding personalized formulations, but also preparing drugs at the same concentration and dosage as those from commercial manufacturers. The excipients used in compounding are generally standardized for many drugs, however they do not consider the intrinsic properties, such as the poor water solubility, of each substance. The excipient performance of commercially available compounded furosemide capsules in 7 compounding pharmacies from Manaus was evaluated and compared them to the performance of the reference medicinal product (Lasix® tablets) and 2 batches of capsules made in-house (T2 and T4) with a standardized excipient. All batches were subjected to tests for weight variation, assay, uniformity of dosage units, disintegration and dissolution profile. Of the 7 different compound formulas acquired in the compounding pharmacies, only 2 passed all tests. Most formulas passed the tests for weight determination, disintegration time and assay, however batches from 2 establishments failed in regards to the uniformity of the content and 5 batches failed the dissolution test. The reference medicinal product was approved in all tests, as were the T2 capsules made in-house with drug-excipient ratio 1:2. These results confirm the importance of the excipient composition, especially for poorly soluble drugs.

Tablets/adverse effects , Capsules/analysis , Excipients/analysis , Furosemide/analysis , Pharmacies/standards , Quality Control , Pharmaceutical Preparations/classification , Good Manipulation Practices , Dosage , Dissolution
Rev. méd. hered ; 32(3)jul. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1508751


Objetivo: Determinar la correlación y concordancia de fórmulas recomendadas para calcular la tasa de filtración glomerular (TFG) con el aclaramiento de creatinina medido (Clcr) en una población hospitalaria peruana. Material y métodos: Estudio de correlación y concordancia de personas con estados diferentes de función renal. Fueron estudiados 175 pacientes agrupados según el Clcr: Grupo 1: valores mayores de 140, Grupo 2: entre 140 a 90, Grupo 3: entre 90 a 60 y Grupo 4 cuyos valores fueron menores de 60 ml/min/1,73 m2 de SC. Se excluyeron los pacientes obesos (IMC>29). En una junta de orina de 24 horas y una muestra de sangre matutina se midió el Clcr (normalizado a 1,73 m2 de superficie corporal). Las fórmulas consideradas fueron: Cockcroft y Gault, MDRD, CDK- EPI y una fórmula peruana propuesta por Vásquez. Se analizó la correlación de Pearson entre las diversas fórmulas consideradas y el Clcr medido y su concordancia mediante el estudio de Bland Altman, de las diversas fórmulas usando la diferencia entre el resultado de cada fórmula para cada sujeto estudiado y el Clcr medido. Resultados: Todas las fórmulas propuestas tuvieron buen grado de correlación con el Clcr pero la fórmula CKD-EPI mostró importante imprecisión. Las fórmulas de Vásquez y MDRD mostraron leves diferencias favorables en pacientes con Clcr<60 ml/min. Conclusión: Recomendamos en nuestra población el uso de cualquiera de las fórmulas propuestas excepto CKD-EPI.

SUMMARY Objective: To determine the correlation and agreement between the most frequently used formulas estimate the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and the measured Creatinine Clearance (CrCl), in a Peruvian population. Methods : Study of correlation and agreement in a population with different stages of renal function. 175 patients were included, grouped by CrCl: Group 1: higher than 140, Group 2: between 140 and 90, Group 3: Between 90 and 60, Group 4: less than 60 ml/min/1,73 m2 . Height and weight were measured to calculate body mass index (BMI). Obese patients (BMI>29) were excluded. Using a 24-hour urine collection and a serum creatinine sample, creatinine clearance was measured (normalized for 1.73 m2 of body surface). Formulas considered for analysis were: Cockroft and Gault, MDRD, CKD-EPI and a Peruvian formula proposed by Vásquez. Correlation was analyzed by Pearson coefficient between studied formulas and the measured CrCl; and its agreement was studied by Bland Altman analysis using the difference between the result obtained by each formula and the measured CrCl. Results : All studied formulas showed an acceptable degree of correlation but CKD-EPI formula had considerable imprecision. The formulas by Vásquez and MDRD showed slightly favorable differences in patients with CrCl<60 ml/min. Conclusion : We recommend the use of any of the studied formulas with exception of CKD-EPI in our population.

Rev Rene (Online) ; 22: e59963, 2021. graf
Article in Portuguese | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1149524


RESUMO Objetivo identificar as atividades farmacológicas da manteiga de bacuri (Platonia insignis Mart.). Métodos revisão integrativa, realizada nas bases de dados Literatura Latino-americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, EMBASE, MEDLINE/PubMed, Web of Science, Cochrane Library e SCOPUS, sem delimitação temporal e de idioma. A seleção se constituiu de 13 ensaios pré-clínicos. A avaliação das informações ocorreu de forma descritiva, confrontando com os achados pertinentes. Resultados observou-se que 50,0% das publicações foram indexadas na MEDLINE/PubMed, maioria das publicações ocorreram na Inglaterra (61,5%), seguidas do Brasil e dos Estados Unidos, ambos com 13,3%. Destaca-se que 100,0% dos artigos foram ensaios pré-clínicos; atividades farmacológicas para antioxidante (38,4%) e antileishmanicidas (30,7%). Registrou-se que 38,4% dos ensaios apresentaram testes de toxicidade. Conclusão a manteiga de bacuri (Platonia insignis Mart.) apresentou atividades farmacológicas em ensaios pré-clínicos, como antioxidantes, antileshimaniose, anticonvulsivante e cicatrização de feridas.

ABSTRACT Objective to identify the pharmacological activities of bacuri butter (Platonia insignis Mart.). Methods an integrative review, carried out in the databases of Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, EMBASE, MEDLINE/PubMed, Web of Science, Cochrane Library and SCOPUS, without the time and language restriction. The selection consisted of 13 pre-clinical trials. The information assessment descriptively took place, comparing with the pertinent findings. Results it was observed that 50.0% of the publications were indexed in MEDLINE/PubMed, most publications were from England (61.5%), followed by Brazil and the United States, both with 13.3%. It is noteworthy that 100.0% of the articles were pre-clinical trials; pharmacological activities for antioxidants (38.4%) and antileishmanicides (30.7%). It was found that 38.4% of the trials presented toxicity tests. Conclusion bacuri butter (Platonia insignis Mart.) Showed pharmacological activities in pre-clinical trials, such as antioxidants, antileshimaniasis, anticonvulsant and wound healing.

Benzophenones , Clusiaceae , Drug Compounding , Drug Synergism , Drug Therapy
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-786522


PURPOSE: This study aimed to investigate the characteristics of poisoning drug ingested by younger children, and to compare the clinical outcome by drug forms.METHODS: This was a retrospective analysis based on medical records from the Emergency Department based Injury In-depth Surveillance (EDIIS) registry in Korea from January to December 2015. Patients aged 7 years or younger visiting the emergency department (ED) with drug poisoning were included. We classified the forms of drugs as tablets or syrup, and analyzed the characteristics by size, color, and shape. In addition, clinical outcomes and ED length of stay were compared according to the drug forms.RESULTS: A total of 308 cases were collected, and 202 patients finally were analyzed. Tablets and capsules (TACs) were more common than syrup (67.3% vs. 32.7%). Regarding clinical outcomes, patients who took TACs had higher admission rate (17.6% vs. 7.6%, P = 0.040) without a significant difference in ED length of stay compared to those who took syrups. While commonly ingested drugs in TACs were hormones, sedative and analgesics, frequent drugs in syrup were antihistamines and cold drugs. In 136 case of TACs, median long and short axes were 0.85 cm (interquartile range [IQR], 0.7–1.1 cm) and 0.72 cm (IQR, 0.59–0.82 cm), respectively. Chromatic TACs were 80 cases (58.8%) and more common than achromatic TACs. Round shapes were preferred than angular ones (96.3% vs. 3.7%).CONCLUSION: In younger children poisonings, the TACs showed higher incidence and admission rate compared to syrups. Especially, chromatic TACs and round shapes were preferred. Therefore, drugs with these characteristics need to be stored more carefully.

Child , Humans , Analgesics , Capsules , Dosage Forms , Drug Compounding , Emergency Service, Hospital , Histamine Antagonists , Incidence , Korea , Length of Stay , Medical Records , Poisoning , Retrospective Studies , Tablets
Intestinal Research ; : 87-93, 2019.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-740027


BACKGROUND/AIMS: Oral mesalazine is an important treatment for ulcerative colitis (UC), and non-adherence to mesalazine increases the risk of relapse. Controlled-release (CR) mesalazine has 2 formulations: tablets and granules. The relative acceptabilities of these formulations may influence patient adherence; however, they have not been compared to date. This study aimed to evaluate the acceptabilities of the 2 formulations of CR mesalazine in relation to patient adherence using a crossover questionnaire survey. METHODS: UC patients were randomly assigned to 2 groups in a 1:1 ratio. Patients in each group took either 4 g of CR mesalazine tablets or granules for 6 to 9 weeks, and then switched to 4 g of the other formulation for a further 6 to 9 weeks. The acceptability and efficacy were evaluated by questionnaires, and adherence was assessed using a visual analog scale. The difference in acceptabilities between the 2 formulations and its impact on adherence were assessed. RESULTS: A total of 49 patients were prospectively enrolled and 33 patients were included in the analysis. Significantly more patients found the tablets to be less acceptable than the granules (76% vs. 33%, P=0.0005). The granules were preferable to the tablets when the 2 formulations were compared directly (73% vs. 21%, P=0.004), for their portability, size, and numbers of pills. The adherence rate was slightly better among patients taking the granules (94% vs. 91%) during the observation period, but the difference was not significant (P=0.139). CONCLUSIONS: CR mesalazine granules are more acceptable than tablets, and may therefore be a better option for long-term medication.

Humans , Colitis, Ulcerative , Drug Compounding , Medication Adherence , Mesalamine , Patient Acceptance of Health Care , Patient Compliance , Prospective Studies , Recurrence , Tablets , Ulcer , Visual Analog Scale
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 55: e18015, 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1055313


Currently, medications used in children are typically modified from pharmaceutical dosage forms designed for adults. Captopril is widely adapted to liquid formulations for use in hospitals. Its stability in the aqueous medium is reduced since it undergoes oxidation producing captopril disulfide (its main metabolite). The aim of this formulation study was to suggest favorable conditions for the development of a stable captopril formulation. The compatibility between the drug and excipients was evaluated by differential scanning calorimetry analysis (DSC). For studies in solution, different formulations were prepared according to a factorial design varying EDTA concentration, water purity and pH. The resultant formulations were stored at 60°C and analyzed over a twelve-day period using HPLC. The DSC curves obtained suggested, although not conclusive to elucidation, interactions of captopril with citric acid and sucralose. The stability study of these solutions revealed that the variables significantly influenced captopril content, which degraded at zero order kinetics and rates differing by a factor of up to 7 times, where pH proved the most influential factor. Interactions between variables were observed. Therefore, development of a stable captopril formulation is feasible provided EDTA and a buffering agent is used at suitable concentrations (0.08% and pH 3.85).

Vigil. sanit. debate ; 6(3): 22-27, ago. 2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-913043


Introdução: Doses incorretas do ativo nas preparações magistrais configuram erros comuns na manipulação, podendo ocasionar agravos à saúde do paciente, refletindo possível ausência das Boas Práticas de Manipulação (BPM). Objetivo: Relatar desvios de qualidade nos medicamentos solução de ácido acético, xarope de cetoconazol e cápsulas de T4. Método: Identificação por reações químicas e por CLAE, teor por titulação e CLAE, pH por potenciometria. Resultados: Identificação positiva, para ácido acético com teor de 98,20% compatível com ácido acético glacial, em desacordo com a prescrição de solução a 5%. O teor de cetoconazol de 16,20 mg/mL encontrado no xarope corresponde a 81,00% do declarado, com especificação mínima de 90,00%; pH 8,0; identificação positiva para tensoativo aniônico componente saponáceo, no xarope. Os resultados encontrados: cápsulas de T4 de 25 µg foi de 177,70 µg e as de 200 µg foi de 174,44 µg, correspondendo a 710,96% e 87,22% do teor declarado, respectivamente, em desacordo com a especificação de 90,00% a 110,00%. Conclusões: O trabalho ilustrou a detecção de desvios de qualidade em medicamentos manipulados de diferentes farmácias, decorrentes de erros farmacotécnicos, ausência de controle de qualidade e falta de implementação das BPM. A frequente fiscalização previne riscos sanitários à população.

Introduction: Incorrect doses of the active ingredient in compounding formulations make up common errors in the manipulation, which can cause harm to the patient's health,reflecting the possible absence of Good Handling Practices (GHP). Objective: To report quality deviations in the medicines acetic acid solution, ketoconazole syrup and T4 capsules. Method: Identification by chemical reactions and by HPLC, content by titration and HPLC, pH by potentiometry. Results: Positive identification for acetic acid with 98.20% content compatible with glacial acetic acid, in disagreement with the prescription of 5% solution. The ketoconazole content of 16.20 mg/mL found in the syrup corresponds to 81.00% of the declared, the minimum specification is 90.00%; pH 8.0; positive identification for anionic surfactant component in the syrup. The results found were: 25 µg T4 capsules were 177.70 µg and for the 200 µg capsules it was 174.44 µg, corresponding to 710.96% and 87.22% of the declared content, respectively, in disagreement with specification 90.00% and 110.00%. Conclusions: The study illustrated the detection of quality deviations in manipulated drugs from different pharmacies, due to pharmacotechnical misconceptions, lack of quality control and lack of GHP implementation. Frequent inspection prevents health risks to the population.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-700397


A lock solution composed of gentamicin sulfate (5 mg/mL) and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt (EDTA-Na2, 30 mg/mL) could fully eradicate in vivo bacterial biofilms in totally implantable venous access ports (TIVAP). In this study, fabrication, conditioning and sterilization processes of antimicrobial lock solution (ALS) were detailed and completed by a stability study. Stability of ALS was conducted for 12 months in vial (25 °C ± 2 °C, 60% ± 5% relative humidity (RH), and at 40 °C ± 2 °C, RH 75% ± 5%) and for 24 h and 72 h in TIVAP (40 °C ± 2 °C, RH 75% ± 5%). A stability indicating HPLC assay with UV detection for simultaneous quantification of gentamicin sulfate and EDTA-Na2 was developed. ALS was assayed by ion-pairing high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) needing gentamicin derivatization, EDTA-Na2 metallocomplexation of samples and gradient mobile phase. HPLC methods to separate four gentamicin components and EDTA-Na2 were validated. Efficiency of sterility procedure and conditioning of ALS was confirmed by bacterial endotoxins and sterility tests. Physicochemical stability of ALS was determined by visual inspection, osmolality, pH, and sub-visible particle counting. Results confirmed that the stability of ALS in vials was maintained for 12 months and 24 h and 72 h in TIVAP.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-702645


Components and compounding of parenteral nutrition solutions were different in different hospitals and different parts of China.In order to raise awareness,reduce improper compounding and improve patient safety,Pharmacy Cooperative Group of Chinese Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition composed the Consensus for Parenteral Nutrition Solutions Compounding,providing evidence for standardization in this field.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-719012


Recently, in Korea, the importance of preparation and use of injectable drugs has been emphasized due to successive fatal accidents caused by injection infections. Parenteral nutrition (PN) has also been identified as a cause of infection. Cases of infection due to PN have been reported not only in Korea, but also abroad, and contamination occurs mainly during the preparation of PN. Because sterile preparation and compounding of injections are very important for infection control and patient safety, this article reviews the major guidelines outlined thus far. The Korea Ministry of Food and Drug Safety in 2006 published guidelines and the KSHP (Korean Society of Health-System Pharmacists) recently issued guidelines for the aseptic preparation of injections. In addition, as US guidelines, the ASHP (American Society of Health-System Pharmacists) guidelines and United States Pharmacopeia (USP) are also reviewed. The recent guidelines published by the KSHP have significance in that they were adopted in accordance with the domestic reality, even though they conform to foreign guidelines, and are expected to be guidelines for hospital pharmacists performing aseptic preparation work. In addition, the Korea Ministry of Health and Welfare is considering appropriate guidelines for the safe management of medications, training staff for infection prevention and strengthening staff capacity. Furthermore, the gradual expansion of aseptic compounding facilities and human resources, as well as the provision of adequate medical costs are also considered. Based on the establishment and standardization of injectable drugs compounding guidelines for Korean hospitals, it is believed that if human resources and facilities are supported and medical charges are improved, it will be possible to expect the safer preparation and use of injections.

Humans , Drug Compounding , Infection Control , Korea , Parenteral Nutrition , Patient Safety , Pharmacists , United States
J. bras. pneumol ; 43(6): 437-444, Nov.-Dec. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-893878


ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the impact that the 2009 changes in tuberculosis treatment in Brazil had on the rates of cure, tuberculosis recurrence, mortality, treatment abandonment, and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB). Methods: An ordinary least squares regression model was used in order to perform an interrupted time series analysis of secondary data collected from the Brazilian Tuberculosis Case Registry Database for the period between January of 2003 and December of 2014. Results: The 2009 changes in tuberculosis treatment in Brazil were found to have no association with reductions in the total number of cases (β = 2.17; 95% CI: −3.80 to 8.14; p = 0.47) and in the number of new cases (β = −0.97; 95% CI: −5.89 to 3.94; p = 0.70), as well as having no association with treatment abandonment rates (β = 0.40; 95% CI: −1.12 to 1.93; p = 0.60). The changes in tuberculosis treatment also showed a trend toward an association with decreased cure rates (β = −4.14; 95% CI: −8.63 to 0.34; p = 0.07), as well as an association with increased mortality from pulmonary tuberculosis (β = 0.77; 95% CI: 0.16 to 1.38; p = 0.01). Although there was a significant increase in MDR-TB before and after the changes (p < 0.0001), there was no association between the intervention (i.e., the changes in tuberculosis treatment) and the increase in MDR-TB cases. Conclusions: The changes in tuberculosis treatment were unable to contain the decrease in cure rates, the increase in treatment abandonment rates, and the increase in MDR-TB rates, being associated with increased mortality from pulmonary tuberculosis during the study period. Keywords: Tuberculosis, pulmonary/epidemiology; Tuberculosis, pulmonary/drug therapy; Tuberculosis, pulmonary/mortality; Interrupted time series analysis; Drug resistance, multiple; Drug compounding.

RESUMO Objetivo: Analisar o impacto das mudanças do tratamento da tuberculose implantadas no Brasil em 2009 no número de casos de cura, de recidiva, de óbitos, de abandono e de tuberculose multirresistente (TBMR). Métodos: Foi realizada uma análise de séries temporais interrompida utilizando o modelo de regressão pelo método dos mínimos quadrados ordinários a partir de dados secundários coletados do Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação da Tuberculose entre janeiro de 2003 e dezembro de 2014. Resultados: A análise mostrou independência entre as mudanças do tratamento e a redução do número total de casos (β = 2,17; IC95%: −3,80 a 8,14; 189 p = 0,47), a redução do número de novos casos (β = −0,97; IC95%: −5,89 a 3,94; p =190 0,70) e do abandono do tratamento (β = 0,40; IC95%: 199 −1,12 a 1,93; p = 0,60). Demonstrou ainda tendência à associação com a diminuição da cura (β = −4,14; IC95%: −8,63 a 0,34; p = 0,07) e associação com aumento da mortalidade por tuberculose pulmonar (β = 0,77; IC95%: 0,16 a 1,38; p = 0,01). A TBMR aumentou significativamente tanto no período anterior quanto no período posterior às mudanças do tratamento (p < 0,0001), embora de forma independente da intervenção (β = 0,13; IC95%: −0,03 a 0,29; p = 0,12). Conclusões: As mudanças no tratamento não impediram nem a diminuição na taxa de cura e nem o aumento do abandono e da TBMR; por outro lado, se associaram ao aumento de óbitos por tuberculose pulmonar durante o período do estudo.

Humans , Tuberculosis, Pulmonary/prevention & control , Tuberculosis, Multidrug-Resistant/prevention & control , Antitubercular Agents/therapeutic use , Tuberculosis, Pulmonary/mortality , Tuberculosis, Pulmonary/drug therapy , Brazil/epidemiology , Risk Factors , Tuberculosis, Multidrug-Resistant/mortality , Tuberculosis, Multidrug-Resistant/drug therapy , Disease Notification , Drug Resistance, Bacterial , Interrupted Time Series Analysis , Mycobacterium tuberculosis/drug effects
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-122306


The use of artificial insemination (AI) in buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) is limited by poor ovarian activity during the hot season, seasonal qualitative patterns in semen, low resistance of sperm cells in the female tract, difficulties in estrus detection, and variable estrus duration. Although AI procedures are commonly used in bovine, use of AI has been limited in buffalo. In the zootechnical field, different studies have been conducted to develop techniques for improvement of fertilizing ability of buffalo spermatozoa after AI. In this study, for the first time, the use of alginate encapsulation and cryopreservation of buffalo spermatozoa is described, and the same procedure was performed with Holstein Friesian (Bos taurus) semen. Results obtained from in vitro analyses indicate that the encapsulation process does not have detrimental effects (compared to controls) on quality parameters (membrane integrity, progressive motility, path average velocity) in either species. Similarly, there were no detrimental effects after cryopreservation in either species. The fertilizing potential of encapsulated and cryopreserved semen was evaluated after AI in 25 buffalo and 113 bovine females. Pregnancy rates were not affected in either species. The results of this study show proof of concept for the use of frozen semen controlled-release devices in buffalo.

Female , Humans , Buffaloes , Cryopreservation , Estrus , Estrus Detection , In Vitro Techniques , Insemination, Artificial , Pregnancy Rate , Seasons , Semen , Semen Preservation , Spermatozoa , Water
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-176852


The evaluation of the physicochemical quality of amoxicillin (500 mg) capsules produced in Compounding Pharmacies at Diadema - SP - Brazil, was performed by comparing these capsules with reference, generic and similar drugs, through the dissolution, assay, average weight, water content analysis, all according to the pharmacopeial methodology. The compounded drug samples were acquired on 8 different Compounding Pharmacies of Diadema (M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7, M8), and five (reference, generic and similar) drug samples (R, G1, G2, S1, S2) produced by distinct pharmaceutical industries were obtained from different Drugstores also at the same area. The samples were evaluated using the methodology proposed by the American and Brazilian Pharmacopoeia. All samples were approved in the dissolution and water content assay. Only samples R and S1 were approved assay of dose. Samples M3, M4 and S1 were disapproved in the average weight assay. The non-fulfillment of the Brazilian Good Manufacturing Practices recommended procedures for industries and compounding pharmacies show the need for improvements in the overall drug quality control manufacturing process of finished products in consonance with the actual health legislation, guaranteeing access to safe, effective medicines, control of bacterial resistance and rational use of antibiotics.

Braz. j. pharm. sci ; 51(2): 317-322, Apr.-June 2015. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-755055


Compounding pharmacies have been cited by some athletes as being responsible for compounding capsules contaminated with drugs banned by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). Therefore, the present study was carried out to quantify the amount of residue remaining in the equipment and utensils used for compounding capsules after standard cleaning procedures. For this purpose, captopril (CAP) and acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) were used since these are hard to clean, in addition to hydrochlorothiazide (HTZ) as a banned drug by the IOC. The amounts of residues found in the equipment were: 181.0 ± 91.8, 1208 ± 483.8 and 431.7 ± 71.3 ppm for ASA, CAP and HTZ, respectively. The continuous compounding of these drugs, followed each time by the standard cleaning procedure, showed a linear accumulation of residues for ASA (r2=0.96) and CAP (r2= 0.88). The residues quantified were greater than the FDA limit for impurities for CAP (>0.1%) but not for HTZ. However, the HTZ residue may be detected in the urine of athletes on IOC tests. Therefore, it was concluded that compounding pharmacies should therefore improve their cleaning procedures and test these in order to attain limits below 10 ppm, thereby avoiding the contamination of other products...

As farmácias de manipulação têm sido citadas por alguns atletas como sendo responsáveis pela manipulação de cápsulas contaminadas com fármacos proibidos pelo Comitê Olímpico Internacional (COI). Portanto, o presente estudo foi realizado para quantificar o montante de resíduo remanescente nos equipamentos e utensílios usados para manipular cápsulas após o procedimento padrão de limpeza. Para este propósito, o captopril (CAP) e o ácido acetilsalicílico (ASA) foram usados por serem fármacos de difícil remoção e a hidroclorotiazida (HTZ), por ser um fármaco proibido pelo COI. As quantidades de resíduos encontradas nos equipamentos após a limpeza foram 181,0 ± 91,8, 1208 ± 483,8 e 431,7 ± 71,3 ppm para ASA, CAP e HTZ, respectivamente. A manipulação contínua dos fármacos seguida pelo procedimento de limpeza mostrou acúmulo de resíduo linear para ASA (r2=0,96) e CAP (r2=0,88). A quantidade de resíduo de CAP foi maior que o limite de impureza sugerido pelo FDA (>0,1%), mas não para HTZ, mas mesmo assim, o resíduo de HTZ pode ser detectado na urina dos atletas submetidos aos testes do COI. Em conclusão, as farmácias de manipulação deveriam, portanto, melhorar o procedimentos de limpeza e testá-los para que alcancem limites abaixo de 10 ppm para evitar contaminação nos outros produtos...

Humans , Chemical Phenomena , Pharmacies/supply & distribution , Laboratory Equipment , Aspirin , Captopril , Good Manipulation Practices , Hydrochlorothiazide , Quality Control