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Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 89(3): 189-197, jun. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569785


Esta revisión narrativa explora el papel potencial del estetrol (E4), un esteroide estrogénico natural, en la anticoncepción, analizando sus propiedades farmacológicas, su efectividad y su seguridad. Se revisaron estudios preclínicos, ensayos clínicos y evaluaciones de seguridad del E4 como anticonceptivo oral combinado (AOC). Se investigó el impacto en parámetros endocrinos, metabólicos y hemostáticos, así como su tolerabilidad. En los resultados, el E4 tiene menor afinidad por el receptor de estrógeno-α de membrana, pero mantiene la actividad agonista en los receptores nucleares. E4/DRSP (drospirenona) demostró ser un AOC eficaz, con ciclos de sangrado regulares y predecibles en la mayoría de las mujeres. La tolerabilidad fue favorable, con eventos adversos leves o moderados y bajas tasas de interrupción. El sangrado fue el evento adverso más común, y se reportaron casos raros de migrañas con aura, trombosis venosa profunda, hiperpotasemia y depresión. E4/DRSP tuvo mínimo impacto en los parámetros lipídicos, hepáticos, de globulina fijadora de hormonas sexuales y de metabolismo de hidratos de carbono, y efecto neutral o mínimo en los parámetros hemostáticos. Se concluye que E4/DRSP parece ser una opción anticonceptiva eficaz y segura, con reducido riesgo trombótico y mínimo impacto en los parámetros endocrinos y metabólicos. Se requiere más investigación para confirmar su seguridad y eficacia a largo plazo.

This narrative review explores the potential role of estetrol (E4), a natural estrogenic steroid, in contraception, analyzing its pharmacological properties, effectiveness, and safety. Preclinical studies, clinical trials, and safety assessments of E4/DRSP (drospirenone) as a combined oral contraceptive (COC) were reviewed. The impact on endocrine, metabolic, and hemostatic parameters, as well as tolerability, was investigated. In results, E4 exhibits lower affinity for estrogen transmembrane receptor-α but maintains agonistic activity on nuclear receptors. E4/DRSP proved to be an effective COC with regular and predictable bleeding cycles in most women. Tolerability was favorable with mild or moderate adverse events and low discontinuation rates. Bleeding was the most common adverse event, and rare cases of aura migraines, deep vein thrombosis, hyperkalemia, and depression were reported. E4/DRSP had minimal impact on lipid, hepatic, sex hormone-binding globulin, and carbohydrate metabolism parameters, with a neutral or minimal effect on hemostatic parameters. The conclusion is that E4/DRSP seems to be an effective and safe contraceptive option, with reduced thrombotic risk and minimal impact on endocrine and metabolic parameters. Further research is needed to confirm long-term safety and efficacy.

Humans , Female , Sterols/therapeutic use , Contraceptives, Oral, Combined/therapeutic use , Sterols/pharmacology , Contraceptive Agents , Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions/complications
Hepatología ; 5(2): 148-155, mayo-ago. 2024. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1556384


La hepatotoxicidad inducida por medicamentos es un diagnóstico de descarte. Típicamente, se presenta en pacientes que desarrollan cambios clínicos y bioquímicos compatibles con hepatitis, pero relacionados con el inicio reciente de agentes farmacológicos, y que se resuelven tras el retiro de la noxa. Su desarrollo se ha descrito con el uso de algunos antibióticos, antituberculosos, estatinas, herbolarios y antiinflamatorios no esteroideos; sin embargo, hay pocos reportes de casos con el uso de anticonceptivos orales, en los cuales el surgimiento de mecanismos idiosincráticos puede llevar a la presentación de características clínicas como ictericia y anormalidades en los exámenes de laboratorio, como la elevación de las transaminasas. Esto requiere de estudios extensos para descartar otras patologías que pueden presentarse de esta forma, lo que representa un reto clínico. En este artículo se muestra el reporte de un caso de una paciente con antecedente de uso crónico de anticonceptivos implantables y que, tras el ajuste de la terapia con el inicio de anticonceptivos orales, desarrolla un episodio de elevación marcada de transaminasas e ictericia.

Drug-induced liver injury is a rule-out diagnosis. Typically, it occurs in patients who develop clinical and biochemical changes compatible with hepatitis, but related to a history of recent onset of pharmacological agents, and resolves after withdrawal of the noxious substances. Its development has been described with the use of some antibiotics, antituberculosis agents, statins, herbal and nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs; however, there are few reports of cases with the use of oral contraceptives, in which the appearance of idiosyncratic mechanisms can lead to the presentation of clinical features such as jaundice and laboratory tests abnormalities, like transaminase elevation, requiring extensive studies to rule out other pathologies that may have this clinical presentation, wich represents a clinical challenge. We present a case report of a patient who had chronic use of implantable contraceptives and who, after adjustment of therapy with the start of oral contraceptives, developed an episode of marked elevation of transaminases and jaundice.

Rev. obstet. ginecol. Venezuela ; 84(1): 4-11, mar. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1568291


Objetivo: Determinar los factores que se asocian con el uso de la doble protección anticonceptiva en estudiantes de obstetricia de una universidad pública de Lima, Perú. Métodos: Estudio analítico transversal, realizado en 217 estudiantes de obstetricia de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Se aplicó la prueba chi cuadrado, además de la razón de prevalencia cruda y ajustada. Resultados: La prevalencia del uso de la doble protección anticonceptiva fue 41,5 %. En el análisis bivariado los factores asociados incluyeron la edad de 25 a 29 años (razón de prevalencia cruda: 1,57), procedencia de Lima (razón de prevalencia cruda: 2,07), embarazo previo (razón de prevalencia cruda: 1,91), aborto previo (razón de prevalencia cruda: 1,92), antecedente de infecciones de transmisión sexual en la pareja (razón de prevalencia cruda: 1,81), conocimiento sobre la doble protección (razón de prevalencia cruda: 3,16) y orientación en planificación familiar (razón de prevalencia cruda: 1,76). En el análisis multivariado, el conocimiento sobre la protección anticonceptiva mantuvo la asociación significativa (razón de prevalencia ajustada: 2,44). Conclusión: El conocimiento sobre la protección anticonceptiva es el único factor reproductivo que se asoció con una mayor probabilidad de uso de este método(AU)

Objective: To determine which factors are associated with the use of dual protection in obstetrics students from a public university in Lima, Peru. Methods: Analytical cross-sectional study, done in 217 obstetrics students from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. The chi-squared test was applied, in addition to the raw and adjusted prevalence ratio (PR) Results: The prevalence of the use of dual protection was 41.5%. In the bivariate analysis, the factors associated with it included: age from 25 to 29 years old (raw prevalence ratio: 1.57), Lima as a place of origin (raw prevalence ratio: 2.07), previous pregnancy (raw prevalence ratio: 1.91), previous abortion (raw prevalence ratio: 1.92), antecedent of STI in the couple (raw prevalence ratio: 1.81), knowledge about dual protection (raw prevalence ratio: 3,16), and orientation in family planning (raw prevalence ratio: 1.76). In the multivariate analysis, knowledge about contraceptive protection maintained its significant association (adjusted prevalence ratio: 2.44). Conclusions: Knowledge about contraceptive protection is the only reproductive factor that was associated with a higher probability of using this method(AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Communicable Disease Control , Contraceptive Agents , Pregnancy, Unplanned , Sexual Health
Int. j. cardiovasc. sci. (Impr.) ; 37: e20230060, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528767


Abstract Background Garlic is an herbal medicinal plant with several pharmacological properties used for the management of various ailments. However, its potential in the reversal of ischemic heart disease induced by combined oral contraceptive pills is not well reported. Objective This study investigated the cardioprotective potential of aqueous garlic extract against cardiotoxicity induced by oral contraceptive pills. Methods Forty-six rats were used for this study. Six were used to determine the lethal dose (LD50), and 40 rats were divided randomly into 5 groups of 8 rats each. Group A received feed and distilled water. Group B received 0.6 mg/kg of oral contraceptive pills. Group C received 500 mg/kg of garlic extract. Group D received 0.6 mg/kg of oral contraceptive pills + 500 mg/kg garlic extract. Group E received 0.6 mg/kg of oral contraceptive pills + 700 mg/kg garlic extract. The animals were sacrificed, and blood and tissue samples were collected for biochemical and histological analysis. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS, and p values < 0.05 were considered significant. Results The acute toxicity dose of combined oral contraceptive pills was 1.5 mg/kg for albino rats. Combined oral contraceptive pills induced ischemic necrosis as revealed by the photomicrographs, in addition to elevation of serum cardiac troponin-1, lactate dehydrogenase, creatine kinase, and malondialdehyde levels. Treatment with garlic extract demonstrated significant reduction in cardiac troponin-1 (p = 0.000), lactate dehydrogenase (p = 0.002), creatine kinase (p = 0.001), and malondialdehyde (p = 0.001) levels, as well as restoration of the cardiac cytoarchitecture changes caused by the combined oral contraceptive pills. Conclusion This study has demonstrated that aqueous garlic juice can reverse ischemic heart disease, lessen cytoarchitectural alterations of the heart caused by combined oral contraceptive pills, and thus ameliorate cardiac dysfunction.

Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1556428


Cet article intitulé«Déterminants communs et différents de l'utilisation des services de Planification Familiale danstrois communes à faible prévalence contraceptive du Burkina Faso, du Mali et du Nigeresttiré des résultats d'une étude transversale quantitative,menée par un consortium de trois instituts de recherche à savoir, le Centre Muraz au Burkina Faso,l'Institut Nationalde Santé publique au Mali etl'Initiative OASIS au Niger. L'étude a concerné 660 ménages, 790 femmes et 520 hommes. La collecte des données a été effectuée à l'aide d'un questionnairesemi-directif. Nous avons fait à une analyse descriptive uni-variée et bi-variée en utilisant le test de Khi-deux au seuil de 5%.Les déterminants identifiés étaient entre autres: le niveau descolarisation du chef de ménage, le statut matrimonial, l'occupation et l'autonomie reproductive de la femme et enfin sa connaissance des méthodes contraceptives modernes.

This article entitled "Common and different determinants of the use of Family Planning services in three communes with low contraceptive prevalence in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger is drawn from the results of a quantitative cross-sectional study, conductedby a consortium of three research institutes namely, the Muraz Center in Burkina Faso, the National Institute of Public Health in Mali,and the OASIS Initiative in Niger. The study involved 660 households, 790 women and 520 men. Data collection was carried out using a semi-structured questionnaire. We carried out a univariate and bivariate descriptive analysis using the Chi-square test at the 5% threshold.The determinants , among others: the level of education of the head of , the , the occupation,and reproductive autonomy of the woman and finally her knowledge of modern contraceptive methods.

Humans , Male , Female , Facilities and Services Utilization
Ethiopian Journal of Reproductive Health ; 16(3): 1-10, 2024. figures, tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1570772


BACKGROUND: Effective postpartum contraception is crucial for maternal health and birth spacing. Postnatal care (PNC) visits represent a pivotal opportunity to encourage its use. Despite this, postpartum contraceptive uptake remains low in Ethiopia. Thus, this systematic review and meta-analysis seeks to evaluate the impact of postnatal visits on the utilization of postpartum contraception in Ethiopia. METHODS: A systematic review and meta-analysis of published studies were conducted. Articles were systematically searched across multiple databases, including PubMed, HINARI, Science Direct, Cochrane Library, ETH Library, and Google Scholar. Data were analyzed using STATA 14 software. Publication bias was assessed using funnel plots and Egger's test. A random-effects model was employed to estimate the pooled prevalence of postpartum contraceptive use in Ethiopia. RESULTS: The findings of the present systematic review and meta-analysis revealed that postnatal care visits significantly increase the utilization of postpartum contraception [pooled effect size 2.92 (95% CI, 2.21, 3.881)]. Postnatal care can provide critical information and support to women during the postpartum period, including information about family planning and contraceptive options. CONCLUSION: Postpartum contraception is pivotal for maternal and child health. Postnatal care visits represent a crucial opportunity to promote its uptake. Healthcare providers can use these visits to educate women about contraceptive methods, discuss their advantages and potential risks, and help them choose the most suitable option for their needs.

Postnatal Care , Maternal and Child Health , Contraception , Contraceptive Agents , Postpartum Period , Family Planning Services , Maternal Health , Meta-Analysis , Systematic Review
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552606


Os métodos contraceptivos desempenham um papel vital na saúde sexual e reprodutiva, oferecendo opções que permitem o planejamento familiar e a prevenção de gravidezes indesejadas. Este artigo busca descrever os benefícios e desvantagens dos principais anticoncepcionais presentes na atualidade por meio de uma revisão integrativa da literatura, que buscou identificar os achados científicos publicados nos últimos 10 anos (2013 a fevereiro de 2023). A seleção de artigos foi feita nas bases eletrônicas de dados da PubMed, BVS, SciELO e no Google Acadêmico. Para a realização da revisão integrativa foi estabelecida a pergunta norteadora, para possibilitar a busca na base dados: Quais os benefícios e as desvantagens dos anticoncepcionais adesivo combinado, anel vaginal, sistema intrauterino de liberação de Levonorgestrel (SIU-LNG), contracepção de emergência (pílula de emergência), implante hormonal e anticoncepcional oral (ACO). Um dos pontos mais notáveis nesta revisão foi a grande variedade de métodos contraceptivos e suas peculiaridades, que se adequam à necessidade da usuária, sendo, portanto, preciso uma análise cuidadosa do método a ser escolhido. Outro ponto de destaque, foi que apesar dos benefícios dos contraceptivos, também estão presentes os efeitos adversos e possíveis complicações, além das precauções em sua utilização.

Contraceptive methods play a vital role in sexual and reproductive health, offering options that allow for family planning and the prevention of unwanted pregnancies. This article seeks to describe the benefits and disadvantages of the main contraceptives currently available through an integrative literature review, which sought to identify scientific findings published in the last 10 years (2013 to February 2023). The selection of articles was made in the electronic databases of PubMed, VHL, SciELO and Google Scholar. To carry out the integrative review, the guiding question was established, to enable the search in the database: What are the benefits and disadvantages of contraceptives combined patch, vaginal ring, Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (LNG-IUS), emergency contraception (emergency pill), hormonal implant and oral contraceptive (OC). One of the most notable points in this review was the wide variety of contraceptive methods and their peculiarities, which adapt to the user's needs, therefore requiring a careful analysis of the method to be chosen. Another highlight was that despite the benefits of contraceptives, adverse effects and possible complications are also present, in addition to precautions in their use.

Los métodos anticonceptivos desempeñan un papel vital en la salud sexual y reproductiva, ofreciendo opciones que permiten la planificación familiar y la prevención de embarazos no deseados. Este artículo busca describir los beneficios y desventajas de los principales anticonceptivos actualmente disponibles a través de una revisión integrativa de la literatura, que buscó identificar hallazgos científicos publicados en los últimos 10 años (2013 a febrero de 2023). La selección de artículos se realizó en las bases de datos electrónicas PubMed, BVS, SciELO y Google Scholar. Para realizar la revisión integradora se estableció la pregunta orientadora, para posibilitar la búsqueda en la base de datos: Cuáles son los beneficios y desventajas de los anticonceptivos combinados parche, anillo vaginal, sistema intrauterino liberador de levonorgestrel (SIU-LNG), anticoncepción de emergencia (emergencia píldora), implante hormonal y anticonceptivo oral (AO). Uno de los puntos más destacables de esta revisión fue la gran variedade de métodos anticonceptivos y sus peculiaridades, que se adaptan a las necesidades del usuario, requiriendo por tanto un análisis cuidadoso del método a elegir. Otro destaque fue que a pesar de los beneficios de los anticonceptivos, también están presentes efectos adversos y posibles complicaciones, además de precauciones en su uso.

Contraceptive Agents , Contraceptive Effectiveness , Adhesives , Contraceptive Devices, Female , Contraceptives, Postcoital , Metabolic Side Effects of Drugs and Substances , Systematic Reviews as Topic
Rev. saúde pública (Online) ; 58: 02, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536767


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe the prevalence of contraindicated use of combined hormonal contraceptives, progesterone-only contraceptives, and intrauterine devices in mothers participating in the 2015 Pelotas Birth Cohort according to the WHO medical eligibility criteria. METHODS The biological mothers of children belonging to the 2015 Pelotas birth cohort who attended the 48-month follow-up were studied. The 48-month follow-up data were collected from January 1, 2019, to December 31, 2019. Contraindicated use of modern contraceptives was considered to occur when these women presented at least one of the contraindications for the use of modern contraceptives and were using these methods. The prevalence of contraindicated use was calculated according to each independent variable and their respective 95% confidence intervals (95%CI). RESULTS The analyzed sample consisted of 3,053 women who used any modern contraceptive method. The prevalence of contraindicated use of modern contraceptives totaled 25.9% (95%CI: 24.4-27.5). Combined hormonal contraceptives showed the highest prevalence of contraindicated use (52.1%; 95%CI: 49.3-54.8). The prevalence of contraindicated use of modern contraceptives methods was greater in women with family income between one and three minimum wages, a 25-30 kg/m2 body mass index, indication by a gynecologist for the used method, and purchasing the contraceptive method at a pharmacy. The higher the women's education, the lower the prevalence of inappropriate use of modern contraceptives. CONCLUSION In total, one in four women used modern contraceptives despite showing at least one contraindication. Policies regarding women's reproductive health should be strengthened.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Progesterone , Contraceptive Agents , Contraceptives, Oral, Combined , Contraindications , Intrauterine Devices
Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 92(2): 41-51, ene. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557854


Resumen OBJETIVO: Determinar la frecuencia de aceptación y los factores asociados con la anticoncepción moderna posaborto en pacientes atendidas en un hospital público de Perú. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio observacional y transversal efectuado en pacientes en el posaborto inmediato atendidas de junio a diciembre de 2022 en el servicio de Urgencias del Hospital San Juan de Lurigancho, Lima, Perú, seleccionadas por conveniencia. Se utilizó un cuestionario validado. Se aplicó la prueba χ2 de Pearson con un nivel de significación del 5%. RESULTADOS: Se estudiaron 166 pacientes en el posaborto inmediato de las que el 94% (n = 156) aceptó algún método anticonceptivo moderno; el más frecuente fue el inyectable mensual (44.0%) y el menos aceptado el dispositivo intrauterino (0.6%). Los factores personales asociados con la aceptación del método anticonceptivo moderno fueron: edad (p < 0.01), no tener pareja (p < 0.001) y ésta estuviera de acuerdo con el anticonceptivo elegido (p < 0.001). Los factores institucionales asociados fueron: tiempo de la consejería en planificación familiar (p = 0.047), privacidad-confidencialidad de la consejería (p < 0.001) y satisfacción con la atención ofrecida durante la orientación (p = 0.026). CONCLUSIONES: La edad, carecer de pareja y estar de acuerdo con ésta acerca de la elección del método anticonceptivo posaborto junto con los factores institucionales (tiempo de consejería en planificación familiar, importancia de la privacidad-confidencialidad y percepción de la atención en consejería en planificación familiar) se asociaron, significativamente, con la aceptación de algún método anticonceptivo moderno posaborto.

Abstract OBJECTIVE: To determine the frequency of acceptance and factors associated with modern postabortion contraception in patients attended at a public hospital in Peru. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Observational and cross-sectional study conducted in immediate postabortion patients attended from June to December 2022 at the Emergency Department of the Hospital San Juan de Lurigancho, Lima, Peru, selected by convenience. A validated questionnaire was used. Pearson's test c2 was used with a significance level of 5%. RESULTS: We studied 166 patients in the immediate postabortion period, of whom 94% (n = 156) accepted some modern contraceptive method; the most common was the monthly injectable (44.0%) and the least accepted was the intrauterine device (0.6%). Personal factors associated with modern contraceptive method acceptance were age (p < 0.01), no partner (p < 0.001), and partner's agreement with the chosen contraceptive method (p < 0.001). Associated institutional factors were agreeing with the time of family planning counseling (p = 0.047), considering the importance of privacy-confidentiality of counseling (p < 0.001), and agreeing with the care offered during counseling (p = 0.026). CONCLUSIONS: Age, lack of a partner, and agreeing with the partner about the choice of postabortion contraceptive method along with institutional factors (time of family planning counseling, importance of privacy-confidentiality, and perception of care in family planning counseling) were significantly associated with acceptance of some modern postabortion contraceptive method.

Saúde debate ; 48(140): e8775, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560519


RESUMO Este relato apresenta uma proposta do que a escritora Conceição Evaristo chama de 'escrevivência' - escrita da mulher negra, que se mescla com vivência, relato de memórias e memórias de seu povo, visando incomodar consciências e ecoar nossas histórias. O 'escrever, viver e se ver' da autora é reconhecido como 'escrita da alma', lugar onde cada mulher escreve considerando o mundo que vive, de uma forma integrada. Visa fazer uma breve reflexão sobre o acesso aos medicamentos, tomando o acesso aos métodos contraceptivos em Angola como recorte, tendo em conta a vivência da autora. É um estudo qualitativo e a coleta de dados foi feita por meio de pesquisa documental, estudo de campo e entrevistas. Para o tratamento de dados foi adotada a análise de conteúdo. Identificou-se que o acesso aos métodos contraceptivos em território angolano é incipiente, resultado de políticas públicas e boa governança pouco efetivas, bem como a interferência externa pouco resolutiva. Estes, são reforçados pela herança colonial, que propicia abordagens em desacordo com as necessidades locais. É fundamental que os direitos sexuais e reprodutivos sejam encarados como questão política, de saúde pública e inerente à dignidade humana, para além da perspectiva eugenista de controle de natalidade.

ABSTRACT This report consists of what Conceição Evaristo calls 'writing and living' - the writing of black women, which mixes with experience, their memories, and the memories of their people, aiming to disturb consciences and echo our stories. The author's 'writing, living and self-seeing' is recognized as the 'writing of the soul', from where each woman writes considering the world she lives in. It aims to briefly reflect on access to medicines, focusing on the access to contraceptive methods in Angola, based on the author's experience. It is a qualitative study, and data were collected through documentary research, field study, and interviews. Content analysis was adopted for data processing. Access to contraceptive methods in Angolan territory is incipient, a result of ineffective public policies and good governance, as well as ineffective external interference. These are reinforced by colonial heritage, which provides approaches in disagreement with local needs. Sexual and reproductive rights must be seen as a political and public health issue inherent to human dignity, beyond the eugenic perspective of birth control.

Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1567001


Los anticonceptivos orales combinados constituyen hoy en día uno de los métodos anticonceptivos más populares a nivel mundial. Su composición consiste en una combinación de análogos de hormonas sexuales femeninas que se administran en bajas dosis diarias, manteniendo constante su concentración sanguínea y evitando de esta forma los cambios en el eje endócrino que estimulan la ovulación. Con el objetivo de recrear los procesos fisiológicos, la mayoría de las formulaciones comprenden un intervalo de 4 a 7 días libres de hormonas en el cual se genera el sangrado por deprivación.A partir de una viñeta clínica en la que una paciente sana desea posponer su hemorragia por deprivación, y tras realizar una búsqueda bibliográfica que prioriza las investigaciones más recientes y de mejor calidad, la autora revisa la evidencia sobre el uso de hormonas sin intervalo libre, especialmente su efectos sobre la eficacia y la incidencia de efectos adversos. (AU)

Nowadays, combined oral contraceptives are one of the most popular contraceptive methods worldwide. Its composition consists of a combination of similar female sex hormones administered in low daily doses, keeping their blood concentration constant and thus avoiding changes in the endocrine axis that stimulate ovulation. In order to recreate physiological processes, most formulations include an interval of 4 to 7 hormone-free days in which withdrawal bleeding occurs.Starting from a clinical vignette in which a healthy patient desires to postpone her withdrawal bleeding, and after conducting a bibliographic search that prioritizes the most recent and best-quality research, the author reviews the evidence about the use of hormones without free interval, especially their effects on efficacy and the incidence of adverse effects. (AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Levonorgestrel/administration & dosage , Contraceptives, Oral, Combined/administration & dosage , Ethinyl Estradiol/administration & dosage , Menstrual Cycle/drug effects , Drug Administration Schedule , Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic , Levonorgestrel/adverse effects , Contraceptives, Oral, Combined/adverse effects , Ethinyl Estradiol/adverse effects , Contraceptive Effectiveness , Systematic Reviews as Topic , Menstruation/drug effects
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 88(6): 359-365, dic. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530034


Objetivo: Evaluar la prevalencia de fallo en la regulación de la fertilidad posparto y la asociación con otros factores en un municipio colombiano (2017). Método: Estudio observacional de corte transversal con 148 mujeres. Se aplicó un muestreo no aleatorio para incluir mujeres que hubieran tenido un parto en los últimos 5 años. Se calcularon la prevalencia y las razones de prevalencia. Se exploró la asociación con la prueba χ2 o la prueba exacta de Fisher bajo una significancia estadística de 0,05. Resultados: Se encontró una prevalencia de fallo de la regulación de la fertilidad posparto del 40,5%. La prevalencia se asoció con ejercer oficios del hogar, tener uno o dos hijos, no planificar o no acceder a métodos de planificación y haber tenido un embarazo con periodo intergenésico menor de 2 años (p < 0,05). Conclusiones: Es necesario implementar estrategias para identificar barreras de acceso a la planificación, impactando en el espaciamiento entre embarazos y el acceso a los servicios. Lo anterior para generar múltiples beneficios para la madre, su hijo/a, el sistema de salud y la sociedad.

Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of regulated postpartum fertility failure and possible associated factors in a Colombian municipality (2017). Method: Cross-sectional observational study of 148 women. A non-random sampling method was used to include women who had given birth to a child in the last five years. Prevalence and prevalence ratios were calculated. Associations were examined at 0.05 statistical significance using χ2 test or Fishers exact test. Results: The prevalence of postpartum fertility failure was found to be 40.5%. The prevalence was associated with household work, having one or two children, not planning, or not having access to planning methods, and having a pregnancy with an interval between pregnancies of less than 2 years (p < 0.05). Conclusions: It is necessary to implement strategies to identify barriers to access to planning, which have an impact on the spacing between pregnancies and access to services. This will have multiple benefits for mother, child, health system and society.

Humans , Female , Family Development Planning , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Analysis of Variance , Colombia/epidemiology , Contraception
Medisan ; 27(5)oct. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1529004


Introducción: La educación sexual y reproductiva puede prevenir o reducir cualquier daño físico o mental, o ambos, ocasionado por las prácticas sexuales de riesgo y el uso inadecuado de métodos anticonceptivos. Objetivo: Describir el uso de anticonceptivos de emergencia en estudiantes universitarias y la percepción de estas en cuanto a los perjuicios de dichos métodos para la salud. Métodos: Se efectuó un estudio descriptivo y transversal, de abril a octubre de 2021, de 372 féminas mayores de 18 años de edad, matriculadas en universidades ubicadas en Medellín, Colombia, quienes fueron seleccionadas mediante un muestreo no probabilístico. La información se obtuvo a través de una encuesta, en la cual se incluyeron variables relacionadas con el empleo de los anticonceptivos de emergencia y la percepción sobre sus perjuicios. Resultados: En la serie, 67,7 % de las jóvenes había usado anticonceptivos de emergencia, de las cuales 8,7 % refirió consumir hasta 3 píldoras de levonorgestrel al mes y 0,8 %, más de 10 durante un año; en tanto, 97,8 % consideró que este tipo de método afecta la salud. Entre los principales efectos secundarios figuraron los sangrados irregulares (65,8 %), las náuseas (31,7 %), los vómitos (31,7 %), la migraña (3,2 %) y los cambios de ánimo (25,4 %). Conclusiones: Aunque la mayoría de las estudiantes universitarias que usaban anticonceptivos de emergencia se guiaban por las recomendaciones médicas, un pequeño grupo lo hacía de manera inadecuada, lo cual se asoció a una baja percepción sobre los perjuicios de este método para la salud.

Introduction: Sexual and reproductive education can prevent or reduce any physical or mental harm, or both, caused by risky sexual practices and inadequate use of contraceptive methods. Objective: To describe the use of emergency contraception among female university students and their awareness regarding the harms of these methods for their health. Methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted, from April to October 2021, of 372 women over 18 years of age, enrolled in universities located in Medellin, Colombia, who were selected through non-probabilistic sampling. The information was obtained through a survey, which included variables related to the use of emergency contraception and the awareness of its harms. Results: In the series, 67.7% of the young women had used emergency contraceptives, of whom 8.7% reported consuming up to 3 levonorgestrel pills per month and 0.8% more than 10 during a year, while 97.8% considered that this type of method affects their health. Among the main adverse effects were irregular periods (65.8%), nausea (31.7%), vomiting (31.7%), migraine (3.2%) and mood changes (25.4%). Conclusions: Although most of female university students who used emergency contraceptives were guided by medical recommendations, a small group did so inappropriately, which was associated with a low perception of the health harms of this method.

Femina ; 51(9): 557-563, 20230930. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532484


As irregularidades menstruais representam uma série de desordens na quantida- de, duração, frequência ou regularidade do sangramento uterino. Entre suas cau- sas destaca-se o sangramento secundário ao uso de anticoncepcionais, uma razão frequente de descontinuidade dos contraceptivos, podendo aumentar as taxas de gestações não planejadas. Boa parte dos contraceptivos pode levar a mudanças no padrão de sangramento uterino, e a abordagem inicial do sangramentos irregula- res inclui a avaliação de outras possíveis causas, o reforço do uso correto da medi- cação, a tranquilização da paciente quanto à benignidade do quadro e à tendência a melhora com a continuidade do uso. Os anti-inflamatórios podem ser usados como estratégia inicial, e, não havendo resposta satisfatória, há alternativas espe- cíficas para cada método. Este trabalho visa identificar as recomendações atuais sobre o manejo do sangramento anormal decorrente de contraceptivos, por meio de revisão narrativa de estudos publicados sobre o tema nos últimos vinte anos.

Abnormal uterine bleeding represents a series of disorders in the amount, du- ration, frequency and or regularity of uterine bleeding. Among its causes, uterine bleeding secondary to the use of contraceptives stands out as a frequent reason for contraceptive discontinuity, which could lead to unplanned pregnancies. Most contraceptives can cause changes in the pattern of uterine bleeding, and the ini- tial approach of the abnormal bleeding includes assessing other possible cau- ses, reinforcing the correct use of medication, and reassuring the patient about the benignity of the condition and the tendency to improve with the continuity of the treatment. Anti-inflammatory drugs can be used as an initial strategy, and, if there is no satisfactory answer, there are specific alternatives for each contracep- tive method. This work aims to identify them current recommendations on the management of abnormal bleeding resulting from contraceptives use, through a narrative review of studies published on the subject in the last twenty years.

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Contraceptive Agents/adverse effects , Menstruation Disturbances/chemically induced , Uterine Hemorrhage/complications , Contraceptive Agents/administration & dosage , Pregnancy, Unplanned/ethics , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/therapeutic use
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218047


Background: In India, sizeable population of pregnancies are either unplanned or unwanted and thus these pregnancies add to the population burden or the women may resort to pregnancy termination by traditional or harmful methods leading to serious health consequences. Emergency contraception, developed from trials and research during the past 10 years with aim to cut down the occurrence of unwanted and unintended pregnancies and abortion is one most important step being taken to solve the problem. Aims and Objectives: The objectives of the study were to assess the awareness regarding contraception and emergency contraceptive pills among female patients of reproductive age group and to evaluate any association between marital status, type of family and family member as a sister, education, and awareness about contraception and emergency contraceptive pills. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among women of reproductive age group over a period of 3 months after obtaining written informed consent. Data were collected regarding demographic parameters, knowledge of different contraceptive measures, and emergency contraceptive pills using an anonymous pretested structured questionnaire. Statistical analysis was done using Microsoft Excel sheet and Medcalc software. Results: A total of 253 women were included in the study. Majority of them were married (94.5%), literate (74.7%), belong to joint family (71.5%), having no history of abortion (69.2%), and having sister in their family (76.7%). About 67.2% know contraceptive methods and the most common source of information was a hospital (58.3%). About 15% were aware of emergency contraceptive pills and audio-visual (71%) is the most common source of information. Awareness about contraception was more in literate women and opposite to this awareness about emergency contraceptives pills was more in illiterate women. Those having sister in their family having more knowledge about contraception and emergency contraceptive pills. Conclusions: Awareness about emergency contraceptive pills is very low. Education can play important role either directly or indirectly to create awareness about emergency contraceptive pills.

FEMINA ; 51(5): 299-308, 20230530. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512411


Objetivo: Investigar o impacto dos contraceptivos orais hormonais na função sexual de mulheres. Métodos: Estudo transversal realizado por meio do questionário traduzido e validado "Índice da Função Sexual Feminina", capaz de estimar o risco de disfunção sexual feminina. Dados sociodemográficos, ginecológicos, medicamentosos e outros foram avaliados e correlacionados estatisticamente a esse escore, estimando possíveis causas da disfunção sexual, com destaque para o uso de anticoncepcional oral. O estudo foi baseado em uma amostragem por conveniência, incluindo mulheres > 18 anos em idade reprodutiva, de 04/01/2021 a 04/01/2022, obedecendo aos critérios de inclusão e exclusão. Resultados: Participaram deste estudo 105 mulheres com média e desvio-padrão de idade de 23,4 ± 3,8 anos, predominantemente heterossexuais (84,0%) e bissexuais (13,2%). A maioria delas (93,4%) utiliza métodos contraceptivos, sendo esses anticoncepcional oral (45,3%), DIU hormonal (19,8%) e camisinha (17,0%). A composição hormonal mais utilizada foi levonorgestrel (26,4%) e etinilestradiol (25,5%). Oitenta por cento das mulheres são sexualmente ativas, 69,3% delas têm parceria fixa, 42,5% tinham relações quase sempre e 33,0% referiam que as relações sexuais eram sempre satisfatórias. Houve boa adequação da amostra (0,865) e significância estatística (p < 0,0001). Utilizar ou não método contraceptivo apresentou diferença nos domínios desejo, satisfação e dor. Contudo, as questões do histórico sexual foram as que mais apresentaram relevância estatística em relação aos domínios. Conclusão: Apesar de outros estudos serem necessários para provar a hipótese de que os contraceptivos orais têm impacto negativo na função sexual feminina, é clara a importância de os profissionais de saúde já estarem cientes dessa possibilidade e saberem como abordá-la.

Objective: To investigate the impact of hormonal oral contraceptives on women's sexual function. Methods: Cross-sectional study carried out using the translated and validated questionnaire "Index of Female Sexual Function", capable of estimating the risk of female sexual dysfunction. Sociodemographic, gynecological, medication and other data were evaluated and statistically correlated to this score, estimating possible causes of sexual dysfunction, with emphasis on the use of oral contraceptives. The study was based on a convenience sample, including women > 18 years of reproductive age, from 01/04/2021 to 01/04/2022, following inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: The study included 105 women with a mean and standard deviation of (23.4 ± 3.8) years old, predominantly heterosexual (84.0%) and bisexual (13.2%). Most of them (93.4%) use contraceptive methods, these being (45.3%) oral contraceptives, (19.8%) hormonal IUDs and (17.0%) condoms. The most used hormonal composition was levonorgestrel (26.4%) and ethinylestradiol (25.5%). Eighty percent of the women are sexually active, 69.3% of them have a steady partner, 42.5% almost always had sex and 33.0% said that sex was always satisfactory. There was good sample adequacy (0.865) and statistical significance (p < 0.0001). Using or not using a contraceptive method showed a difference in the desire, satisfaction and pain domains. However, sexual history questions were the ones that showed the most statistical relevance in relation to the domains. Conclusion: Although further studies are needed to prove the hypothesis that oral contraceptives have a negative impact on female sexual function, it is clear that health professionals are already aware of this possibility and know how to approach it.

Humans , Female , Adult , Women's Health/trends , Contraceptives, Oral/adverse effects , Sexual Dysfunctions, Psychological , Quality of Life , Sexual Behavior , Condoms , Contraceptive Agents, Hormonal , Gynecology , Health Services Accessibility/statistics & numerical data , Intrauterine Devices , Libido/drug effects
Rev. Fac. Med. Hum ; 23(2)abr. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514789


Introducción : En el Perú, el 78,1% de mujeres, entre 15 a 49 años, utilizan un método anticonceptivo, lo cual se ve mermado por diversos factores asociados a su no adherencia; ello ha generado embarazos no deseados y contagio de enfermedades de transmisión sexual. Objetivo : Determinar los factores asociados a la no adherencia de métodos anticonceptivos en mujeres en edad fértil en el Perú, según la ENDES 2021. Métodos : Estudio de tipo observacional, analítico y transversal. La información utilizada se encuentra en la base de datos pública de la ENDES 2021. La población está constituida por peruanas de 15 a 49 años. El análisis estadístico se realizó con el programa estadístico SPSS versión 26.0. Las variables cualitativas fueron representadas en una tabla univariada con frecuencias y coeficientes de variación. El valor de significancia estadística aprobado fue de confianza al 95%. Resultados : El 43,7% de mujeres no tuvieron adherencia al método anticonceptivo. Hubo asociación significativa para las variables: área de residencia rural (RPa 1,05, IC 1 - 1,1) , estado civil separada (RPa 1,1, IC 1 - 1,1) , estado civil viuda (RPa 1,3, IC 1,1 - 1,5), estado civil conviviente (RPa 1,1, IC 1,1 - 1,2), índice de riqueza pobre(RPa 1,03, IC 0,9 - 1,0). Conclusiones : Los factores asociados a la no adherencia de métodos anticonceptivos en mujeres de edad fértil en el Perú, los cuales se asocian de manera significativa son: el área de residencia rural, el estado civil separada, viuda y conviviente y poseer un índice de riqueza pobre.

Introduction: In Peru, 78.1% of women between the ages of 15 and 49 use a contraceptive method, which is diminished by various factors associated with non-adherence to the contraceptive method, thus producing unwanted pregnancies and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Objective: To determine the factors associated with non-adherence to contraceptive methods in women of childbearing age in Peru according to ENDES 2021. Methods: Observational, analytical and cross-sectional study. The information used is found in the ENDES 2021 public database. The population of this research is made up of peruvian women between the ages of 15 and 49. Statistical analysis was performed with the statistical program SPSS version 26.0. The qualitative variables were represented in a univariate table with frequencies and coefficients of variation. The approved statistical significance value was p <0.05 with 95% confidence intervals. Results: 43.7% of women did not adhere to the contraceptive method. There was a significant association for the variables: area of rural residence (RPa 1.05 IC 1 - 1.1), separated marital status (RPa 1.1, IC 1 - 1.1), widow marital status (RPa 1.3, IC 1.1 - 1.5), cohabiting marital status (RPa 1.1, IC 1.1 - 1.2) , poor wealth index (RPa 1.03, IC 0.9 - 1.0) Conclusions: The factors associated with non-adherence to contraceptive methods in women of childbearing age in Peru, which are significantly associated are: rural area of residence, separate marital status, widow and cohabitant and have a poor wealth index.

Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 88(2): 101-109, abr. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1441416


Introducción: Los métodos anticonceptivos se han utilizado desde hace ya bastante tiempo. Han ido evolucionando con el paso de los años y existen diversos tipos, que satisfacen cada necesidad de los usuarios. Objetivo: Analizar el conocimiento y uso de métodos anticonceptivos (MAC) en la diversidad sexual de los alumnos de la Universidad Andrés Bello (UNAB) entre 18 y 25 años en el año 2022. Método: Estudio con un enfoque transversal cualitativo, llevado a cabo por medio de una encuesta realizada a los estudiantes de las tres sedes de la UNAB de entre 18 y 25 años, con un tamaño de muestra de 140 estudiantes. Resultados: Según las características sociodemográficas; la «edad» mantuvo un grupo control de 70 personas en ambas categorías; en «sede» el 87% de los encuestados pertenecía a la sede de Santiago; en «identidad de género» la mujer cisgénero con un 79% y en «orientación sexual» fueron las personas heterosexuales con un 47%. Conclusión: Existe una relación estadística entre las variables «uso de MAC» y «orientación sexual». También las variables de «orientación sexual» y «tipo de MAC», y «orientación sexual» con «frecuencia en el uso de preservativo interno y externo».

Background: Contraceptive methods have been used since a lot of time, which have been evolved over the years, having a lot of types satisfying every necessities of the users. Aim: Analyze the knowledge and use of contraceptive methods in the sexual diversity of Universidad Andrés Bello (UNAB) students between 18 and 25 years old in the year 2022. Method: Study with a cross sectional qualitative approach, carried out through a survey of students from the three campuses of UNAB between 18 to 25 years old with a sample size of 140 students. Results: According to sociodemographic characteristics; “Age” was maintained in the control group with 70 people in both categories; in “Campus” 87% of the surveyed belonged to the Santiago campus; in “Gender identity” the cisgender woman with 79% and “Sexual orientation” were straight people with 47%. Conclusion: There is a statistical relationship between the variables “Use of contraceptive methods” and “Sexual orientation”. Also, the variables of “Sexual orientation” and “Type of contraceptive methods”, and “Sexual orientation” with “Frequency in use of internal and external preservative”.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Students/psychology , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Contraception Behavior , Gender Diversity , Universities , Chile , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Sexuality , Qualitative Research , Sociodemographic Factors , Motivation
Femina ; 51(3): 190-192, 20230331.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1428737


Anticoncepção são todas as técnicas e métodos utilizados para evitar a concepção. Os estudantes de Medicina se destacam nesse contexto, por representarem uma população em um período no qual a gravidez e doenças sexualmente transmissíveis são emergenciais. Logo, este estudo analisou a eficácia dos métodos contraceptivos na comunidade acadêmica médica e verificou se há ou não diferença na taxa de eficácia, em comparação com a população em geral. Sendo assim, realizou- -se uma revisão narrativa e encontraram-se 2.182 artigos; desses, 1.513 cumpriram o critério de inclusão, porém somente quatro artigos atendiam a todos os critérios e foram utilizados. A conclusão do estudo foi de que a taxa de Pearl é maior na população estudada devido ao mau uso dos contraceptivos, necessitando da melhora na qualidade da educação sexual nas universidades de Medicina ao redor do mundo, a fim de se evitarem a perpetuação da má utilização de contraceptivos e a desinformação no meio acadêmico médico.

Contraception is all the techniques and methods that are used to prevent conception. Medical students stand out in this context because they represent a population in a period in which pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases are emergencies. Therefore, this study analyzed the effectiveness of contraceptive methods in the medical academic community and verified whether or not there is difference in the rate of effectiveness compared to the general population. A narrative review was conducted and 2,182 articles were found, of these 1,513 met the inclusion criteria, but only four articles met all the criteria and were used. The conclusion of the study was that Pearl's rate is lower in the studied population due to the misuse of contraceptives, requiring improvement in the quality of sex education in medical universities around the world in order to avoid perpetuation of misuse of contraceptives and misinformation in the medical academic environment.

Humans , Male , Female , Students, Medical , Contraceptive Effectiveness/statistics & numerical data , Pregnancy, Unplanned