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Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-981015


Se presentan resultados sobre la Cooperativa El Corre Camino, uno de los casos que se estudian en la investigación "Movimientos sociales que resisten la exclusión. Alternativas y dificultades en los procesos de participación y transformación ciudadanas". Sus objetivos son: identificar estrategias asociativas que establecen las organizaciones que resisten la exclusión, así como explorar y describir los niveles de modelamiento y padecimiento subjetivos. El tipo de estudio es exploratorio descriptivo; el diseño participativo, de casos múltiples; el método la Investigación-Acción-Participativa y las técnicas son cualitativas. Las características de un modelo alternativo de gestión cooperativa de reciclado de residuos urbanos responden a la mutación liberal del Estado de Bienestar, correlativa a la metamorfosis laboral y del empleo en Argentina. El caso presenta una combinación singular de cooperativismo, relaciones con la vecindad y otros actores sociales. Al fracasar la apelación al Estado, recurre a la Responsabilidad Social Empresaria, en un vínculo con empresas tradicionales.

Results are presented on the Cooperativa El Corre Camino, one of the cases studied in the research "Social movements that resist exclusion. Alternatives and difficulties in the processes of citizen participation and transformation ". Its objectives are: to identify associative strategies that establish the organizations that resist the exclusion, as well as to explore and to describe the levels of subjective modeling and suffering. The type of study is descriptive exploratory; participatory, multi-case design; the Research-Action-Participatory method and the techniques are qualitative. The characteristics of an alternative model of cooperative management of urban waste recycling respond to the liberal mutation of the Welfare State, correlative to the metamorphosis of labor and employment in Argentina. The case presents a unique combination of cooperativism, relations with the neighborhood and other social actors. When the appeal to the State fails, it resorts to Corporate Social Responsibility, in a link with traditional companies.

Humans , Social Responsibility , Work , State Government , Organizations
Rev. latinoam. bioét ; 12(2): 78-89, jul.-dic. 2012.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-675355


La reproducción neoliberal de la forma-empresa hacia el ámbito de la intimidad del sujeto que se consagra como "empresario de sí mismo" en un espacio de riesgos, de acuerdo con Foucault, obedece a cambios impredecibles e intempestivos; a un "medio ambiente" de incertidumbres, donde cada quien se asegura a sí mismo un escenario de nuevas formas de calcular, programar o planear el ejercicio de su autonomía. Las grandes empresas eluden sus responsabilidades con los riesgos biotecnológicos y la responsabilidad social deviene como categoría apropiada al emprendimiento, la competitividad y el mercadeo que genera buena imagen corporativa para la perdurabilidad de las empresas. La biopolítica se asume como un concepto provisional que sirve de puente entre el modelo bélico de Nietzsche y otro modelo gubernamental, propiamente político; entre las tecnologías políticas de soberanía, disciplina y regulación, como formas preliberales de gubernamentalidad, para atender finalmente los estudios arqueológicos sobre la gubernamentalidad del neoliberalismo expandido como Capitalismo Mundial Integrado, otra manera más depurada de gobernar por "acción a distancia" con estrategias tecnológicas de autorresponsabilización individual desde el espacio o medio (milieu) que se convierte en un emplazamiento de intervención que busca modificar las determinaciones con el fin de conducir la conducta de los gobernados. De otro lado, para Bourdieu, la producción de bienes culturales en el medio reviste una forma particular de enclasamientos, se ejerce un efecto de imposición simbólica desde el gusto ya constituido culturalmente; el deseo implícito de los sujetos se ejerce como un mecanismo en los sistemas de los bienes ofrecidos en el mercado. Se reconoce así la dimensión reproductiva del deseo, en tanto que se dejan "circular" no tanto los flujos de mercancías, sino los flujos de deseos que impactan sobre los beneficios e intereses gubernamentales del Estado...

Neoliberal reproduction enterprise-way towards the field of privacy of the subject that is enshrined as “entrepreneur of himself” in an area of risk, according to Foucault, due to unpredictable and untimely changes, to an “environment” of uncertainties, where everyone is assured himself a stage for new forms of computing, program or plan to exercise their autonomy. Large enterprises shirk their responsibilities with biosafety risks and social responsibility becomes as appropriate category entrepreneurship, competitiveness and marketing that generates good corporate image for the sustainability of enterprises. Biopolitics is assumed as a provisional concept that bridges between the military model of Nietzsche and other governmental model, strictly political; among political technologies of sovereignty, discipline and regulation, as pre-liberal forms of governmentality, to finally meet archaeological studies about governmentality of neoliberalism expanded as integrated world capitalism, otherwise the most refined of rule by “action at a distance” self-responsibility with technology strategies individually from space or environment (milieu) that becomes a site of intervention seeking to modify the determinations In order to direct conduct of the governed. In addition to Bourdieu, cultural production in the middle is of a particular form of enclasamientos, it has an effect of symbolic imposition from taste and made culturally implicit desire of the subjects exercised as a mechanism in systems goods offered in the market. It recognizes the reproductive dimension of desire, while left “circular” not only goods flows, but also flows desires that impact on the benefits and interests of the state government...

Neoliberal reproduction enterprise-way towards the field of privacy of the subject that is enshrined as “entrepreneur of himself” in an area of risk, according to Foucault, due to unpredictable and untimely changes, to an “environment” of uncertainties, where everyone is assured himself a stage for new forms of computing, program or plan to exercise their autonomy. Large enterprises shirk their responsibilities with biosafety risks and social responsibility becomes as appropriate category entrepreneurship, competitiveness and marketing that generates good corporate image for the sustainability of enterprises. Biopolitics is assumed as a provisional concept that bridges between the military model of Nietzsche and other governmental model, strictly political; among political technologies of sovereignty, discipline and regulation, as pre-liberal forms of governmentality, to finally meet archaeological studies about governmentality of neoliberalism expanded as integrated world capitalism, otherwise the most refined of rule by “action at a distance” self-responsibility with technology strategies individually from space or environment (milieu) that becomes a site of intervention seeking to modify the determinations In order to direct conduct of the governed. In addition to Bourdieu, cultural production in the middle is of a particular form of enclasamientos, it has an effect of symbolic imposition from taste and made culturally implicit desire of the subjects exercised as a mechanism in systems goods offered in the market. It recognizes the reproductive dimension of desire, while left “circular” not only goods flows, but also flows desires that impact on the benefits and interests of the state government...

Humans , Ethical Theory , Politics , Social Responsibility