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Sex., salud soc. (Rio J.) ; (39): e22201, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1450502


Resumo Este artigo tem como ponto de partida uma reflexão sobre a produção de imagens e narrativas circunscritas em torno do dispositivo antes e depois. Argumenta que a divulgação de padrões estéticos, especialmente nas redes sociais, opera de modo a prescrever uma necessária transformação e aprimoramento de si. Analisa relatos de experiências de mulheres que realizaram a chamada cirurgia íntima (ninfoplastia ou redução dos pequenos lábios vaginais) com a intenção de melhoria estética. Os depoimentos provêm de um grupo de discussão em torno desses procedimentos na internet. Nos casos em que as intervenções cirúrgicas são avaliadas negativamente, o antes e depois não se realizam da forma prevista. Nesse cenário, as mulheres tendem a ressignificar a necessidade da cirurgia e a reconhecer a imposição, por parte da sociedade, de padrões corporais idealizados. Este processo é discutido por meio do debate acerca do pós-feminismo e constrangimentos de gênero.

Abstract This article analyzes the production of images and narratives circumscribed around the dispositive before and after. It argues that the dissemination of aesthetic standards, especially on social networks, operates in order to prescribe a necessary transformation and improvement of the self. It analyzes reports of experiences of women who underwent the so-called intimate surgery (nymphoplasty or reduction of the labia minora) with the intention of aesthetic improvement. The testimonies come from a discussion group around these procedures on the internet. In cases where surgical interventions are negatively evaluated, the before and after are not performed as expected. In this scenario, women tend to resignify the need for surgery and recognize the imposition, by society, of idealized body standards. This process is discussed through the debate about post-feminism and gender constraints.

Resumen Este artículo tiene como punto de partida una reflexión sobre la producción de imágenes y narrativas circunscritas en torno al dispositivo antes y después. Argumenta que la difusión de normas estéticas, especialmente en las redes sociales, opera para prescribir una necesaria transformación y mejora del yo. Analiza relatos de experiencias de mujeres que se sometieron a la llamada cirugía íntima (ninfoplastía o reducción de labios menores) con la intención de mejorar estéticamente. Los testimonios provienen de un grupo de discusión sobre estos procedimientos en Internet. En los casos en que las intervenciones quirúrgicas son evaluadas negativamente, el antes y el después no se realizan como se esperaba. En ese escenario, las mujeres tienden a resignificar la necesidad de la cirugía y reconocen la imposición, por parte de la sociedad, de patrones corporales idealizados. Este proceso se discute a través del debate sobre el posfeminismo y las restricciones de género.

Humans , Female , Patient Satisfaction , Plastic Surgery Procedures/adverse effects , Gynecologic Surgical Procedures/adverse effects , Sexuality/psychology , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Social Media/trends
Int. j interdiscip. dent. (Print) ; 14(3): 246-252, dic. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385228


RESUMEN: Objetivo: Describir los cambios de la pirámide nasal al realizar una osteotomía Le Fort I y el manejo cosmético complementario a la cirugía ortognática. Material y método: Se realizó una búsqueda electrónica en las bases de datos PubMed, EBSCO, Scopus, The Cochrane Library, y en el metabuscador Epistemonikos a través de las palabras clave "Le Fort 1", "Orthognathic Surgery", "Maxillary Surgery", "Nasolabial Changes", "Nasal Change", "Nasolabial Esthetics", "Soft Tissue", "Nasal Profile", "Nose" y "Cosmetic", relacionadas entre sí con los términos booleanos AND y OR. Resultados: se seleccionaron 25 artículos: 15 estudios observacionales, 5 revisiones narrativas, 3 ensayos clínicos y 2 notas técnicas. Conclusión: se establece cierto patrón que permitiría predecir cambios que sufrirá la nariz: aumento en la proyección nasal, disminución del largo columelar y ensanchamiento de la base alar son uno de ellos. En otros aspectos como el ángulo nasolabial o la posición final de la punta nasal no se ha logrado definir un patrón común. Para evitarlos se han descrito muchas técnicas. Sin embargo, falta mayor evidencia.

ABSTRACT: Objective: To describe the changes of the nasal pyramid when performing a Le Fort I osteotomy and its cosmetic management complementary to the orthognathic surgery. Materials and Methods: An electronic search was made in PubMed, EBSCO, Scopus, The Cochrane Library and Epistemonikos using the keywords "Le Fort 1", "orthognathic surgery", "maxillary surgery", "nasolabial changes", "nasal change", "nasolabial esthetics", "soft tissue", "nasal profile", "nose" and "cosmetic" related to each other with the Boolean terms AND and OR. Results: 25 articles were selected; 15 observational studies, 5 narrative reviews, 3 clinical trials and 2 technical notes. Conclusion: Nasal changes tend to follow a certain pattern that allows to predict them when facing surgery: increase of nose projection, decrease in columellar length and widening of the alar base, among others. As for other aspects such as the nasolabial angle or the final position of the nasal tip, it has not been possible to define a common pattern. To avoid them, several techniques have been described. However, more evidence is needed.

Humans , Surgery, Plastic , Nose , Osteotomy, Le Fort , Orthognathic Surgery
Cuarzo ; 26(2): 18-26, 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1370927


Introducción. La Lipoinyección de grasa autóloga con fines estéticos es una de las técnicas más jóvenes que permiten resolver problemas relacionados con valores concernientes a las elecciones personales que apuntan hacia la belleza, es un procedimiento quirúrgico sencillo y con resultados rápidos. Es una alternativa segura, real, sencilla y accesible que abarata costos, sobre todo con el uso de equipos y tecnología. Objetivos. Caracterizar los resultados estéticos de la Lipoinyección Labial con Grasa Autóloga en pacientes que asistieron a la consulta externa de Cirugía Plástica del Hospital Universitario "General Calixto García". Material y Método. Se realizó un estudio prospectivo, descriptivo, de corte transversal, en el período comprendido entre octubre de 2018 a septiembre del 2019. Se seleccionaron aquellos que cumplieron los criterios de inclusión y aceptaran a participar en el estudio voluntariamente. La muestra quedó constituida por 23 pacientes. La información obtenida se procesó mediante bases de datos confeccionadas en Excel, lo que permitió la realización de la estadística descriptiva simple para las variables individuales como media, desviación estándar y razón. La disposición a colaborar en el estudio se recogió en el modelo de Consentimiento Informado elaborado para esta investigación. Resultados. Predominio del sexo femenino en el 60.87 % de los operados. El grupo de edad entre 51 a 61 años fue el de mayor número de pacientes. Las complicaciones inmediatas más frecuentes en los labios fueron: la inflamación y los hematomas; las tardías fueron nodulaciones y endurecimiento. El 82.60 % de los pacientes se mostró satisfecho con los resultados. Conclusiones. La Lipoinyección labial con Grasa Autóloga se caracterizó por ser un método capaz de satisfacer el resultado estético. Las variables edad y sexo evidencian que las mujeres se realizaron más Cirugía Estética Labial que los hombres. Las variables clínicas labios finos y volumen evidencian que el aumento de la edad es una condición importante que se asocia a la demanda de esta técnica quirúrgica y que el ser hombre o mujer no establece una diferencia para la solitud de este tipo de técnica quirúrgica. Se presentaron complicaciones inmediatas y tardías. Los niveles de satisfacción expresados por los pacientes fueron altos.

Introduction. Autologous fat lipoinjection for aesthetic purposes is one of the youngest techniques that allow solving problems related to values concerning personal choices that point towards beauty, it is a simple surgical procedure with quick results. It is a safe, real, simple and accessible alternative that lowers costs, especially with the use of equipment and technology,Objectives. To characterize the aesthetic results of Lip Lipoinjectionwith Autologous Fat in patients who attended the Plastic Surgery outpatient clinic at the "General Calixto García" University Hospital. Material and Method. A prospective, descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted in the period from October 2018 to September 2019. Those who met the inclusion criteria and voluntarily agreed to participate in the study were selected. The sample consisted of 23 patients. The information obtained was processed through databases prepared in Excel, which allowed the performance of simple descriptive statistics for individual variables such as mean, standard deviation and ratio. The willingness to collaborate in the study was included in the Informed Consent model prepared for this research. Results. female predominance in 60.87% of those operated on. The age group between 51 and 61 years was the one with the largest number of patients. The most frequent immediate complications on the lips were: inflammation and bruising; the later ones were nodulations and hardening. 82.60% of the patients were satisfied with the results.Conclusions. Lip Lipoinjection with Autologous Fat was characterized as a method capable of satisfying the aesthetic result. The age and sex variables show that women underwent more cosmetic lip surgery than men. The clinical variables thin lips and volume show that increasing age is ́t a condition that is associated with the demand for this technique and that the Being male or female does not make a difference to the solitude of this type of surgical technique. There were immediate and late complications. The satisfaction levels expressed by the patients were high.

Surgery, Plastic , Minor Surgical Procedures , Surgery, Plastic/methods , Surgery, Plastic/trends
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-715915


As cosmetic procedures receive increasing attention from the media, female genital cosmetic surgery (FGCS) has become quite popular in Korea. The safety and efficacy of these surgeries and procedures have yet to be thoroughly documented. We report a case of a 47-year-old woman who underwent a vaginal sling implantation, which resulted in the misdiagnosis of a rectal subepithelial tumor during endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR). This patient suffered an iatrogenic rectal perforation during the EMR, which necessitated an exploratory operation. The sling implant was removed via the vaginal approach, and a primary repair of the vaginal and rectal walls was performed. The patient subsequently showed no sign of complication at her 6-month follow-up. Patients need to be educated about the importance of reporting a history of FGCS prior to undergoing surgical or endoscopic procedures. Also, physicians have to check the medical history of patient thoroughly to avoid misdiagnoses and unnecessary treatment.

Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Diagnostic Errors , Follow-Up Studies , Genitalia, Female , Korea , Rectal Neoplasms , Surgery, Plastic
rev. psicogente ; 20(38): 222-239, jul.-dic. 2017. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-963557


Resumen El objetivo de esta investigación fue investigar los Esquemas Desadaptativos Tempranos (EDT) en mujeres con cirugías estéticas, e indagar si existían relaciones con: satisfacción, motivación hacia nuevas cirugías y variables relacionadas a la intervención quirúrgica. Se trabajó con una muestra de 67 mujeres de entre 18 y 40 años con al menos una cirugía, administrando el Cuestionario Esquemas Desadaptativos Tempranos de Young y una encuesta Ad Hoc. Como resultado el es quema Estándares Inflexibles se encontró en más del 50 % y se encontraron correlaciones significativas con las variables analizadas: motivación, satisfacción y variables quirúrgicas con EDT (cantidad, edad y antigüedad). Se discuten los resultados en función de la influencia entre los EDT y las intervenciones quirúrgicas estéticas.

Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the Early Maladaptative Schemas (EMS) in women who have undergone cosmetic surgeries (CS) and to research if there was a relation to the satis faction with the CS, the motivation to undergo more surgeries and the variables related to cos metic surgery. A non-experimental, cross-sectional, descriptive correctional study was carried out. The deliberately selected sample was comprised of 67 women between 18 and 40 years old who had undergone, at least, one cosmetic surgery. Data was collected from the responses to Jeffrey Young's questionnaire entitled Early Maladaptive Schemas and an ad hoc survey. As a result, from the investigation, it was observed that the schema of Unrelenting Standards was found in more than 50 % of the sample, and meaningful correlations with the analyzed variables were found: motivation, satisfaction and surgical variables with EMS (quantity, age and age of the first one). The results are discussed in relation to the influence among the EMS and the cosmetic surgeries.

Rev. bras. mastologia ; 27(1): 59-62, jan.-mar. 2017. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-832050


De maneira geral, a mesma técnica de reconstrução mamária deve ser utilizada nas duas mamas, seguindo os preceitos básicos da oncoplastia. No entanto, o mastologista ou o cirurgião de ma- mas pode lançar mão de duas técnicas diferentes, em casos de tumores em localizações pouco comuns. O relato de caso se refere a uma mulher com tumor de mama EC: IIIB, localizado na li- nha paraesternal da mama direita, em uma região chamada, por autores americanos, de "terra de ninguém". Para conseguir resultado estético satisfatório, os autores deste trabalho usaram duas técnicas de oncoplastia: na mama direita, onde havia tumor, optaram por Batwing e, na mama esquerda, sadia, para corrigir a ptose e dar simetria, utilizaram a técnica de Lejour. O resultado nal motivou a apresentação deste caso clínico.

It should be used the same technique of mammary reconstruction in both breasts, in oncoplastic. However, the breast cancer specialist or the breast surgeon can opt for two di erent surgical tech- niques, when he/she faced tumor in unusual locations. is case report refers to a woman with breast tumor EC: IIIB, located near sternum bone, in a region called 'no man's land' by American authors. To achieve satisfactory aesthetic result, the authors of this case report used two di erent oncoplastic techniques. On the right breast, where there was the tumor, they decided for Batwing and, for the oth- er breast, healthy, the choice was Lejour technique. e result led to the publication of this case report.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-183722


Objective: The main aim of this paper is to examine the relationship between cosmetic surgery and psychological variables such as self-esteem and marital satisfaction along with its components in Iran. Methods: The study had an ex-post facto, pre-post-test design. Using purposive sampling method, a total of 30 married women, who had referred for cosmetic surgery to clinics in Tehran, were incorporated during a six-month period. Data collection instruments included Enrich Marital Satisfaction Scale and Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory. The obtained data were analyzed using inferential statistics (analysis of variance for repeated measures, related sample test, and Pearson correlation coefficient). Results: According to the results of this study, some components of marital satisfaction (such as marital relations, financial management, leisure, and sex) and self-esteem of women before and after cosmetic surgery is statistically significant also there is a relationship betwean marital satisfaction and self-esteem, as self-esteem increases, marital satisfaction rises too. Conclusion: Performance of such surgeries always presents risks, and advice should be sought before making any decision about the surgery.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-101383


BACKGROUND: The impairment of the appearance is a major problem for patients with carcinomas of the oral cavity. These patients want to recover their preoperative facial appearance. Some do not realize that this is not always possible and hence develop a desire for further cosmetic and reconstructive surgery (CRS) which often causes psychological problems. METHOD: The desire of patients for CRS (N = 410; 26%) has been acquired in this DÖSAK rehab study including multiple reasons such as medical, functional, aesthetic and psychosocial aspects. They relate to the parameters of diagnosis, treatment and postoperative rehabilitation. Patients without the wish for CRS (N = 1155; 74%) served as control group. For the surgeons, knowledge of the patient’s views is relevant in the wish for CRS. Nevertheless, it has hardly been investigated for patients postoperatively to complete resection of oral cancer. In this retrospective cross-sectional study, questionnaires with 147 variables were completed during control appointments. Thirty-eight departments of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery took part, and 1652 German patients at least 6 months after complete cancer resection answered the questions. Additionally, a physician’s questionnaire (N = 1489) was available. Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS vers. 22. RESULTS: The patient’s assessment of their appearance and scarring are the most important criteria resulting in wishes for CRS. Furthermore, functional limitations such as eating/swallowing, pain of the facial muscles, numb regions in the operating field, dealing with the social environment, return to work, tumour size and location, removal and reconstruction are closely related. CONCLUSION: The wish for CRS depends on diverse functional psychosocial and psychological parameters. Hence, it has to be issued during conversation to improve rehabilitation. A decision on the medical treatment can be of greater satisfaction if the surgeon knows the patients’ needs and is able to compare them with the medical capabilities. The informed consent between doctor and patient in regard to these findings is necessary.

Humans , Appointments and Schedules , Cicatrix , Cross-Sectional Studies , Depression , Diagnosis , Facial Muscles , Informed Consent , Methods , Mouth Neoplasms , Mouth , Quality of Life , Rehabilitation , Retrospective Studies , Return to Work , Social Environment , Surgeons , Surgery, Oral , Surgery, Plastic
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-21730


BACKGROUND: Settlements between doctors and patients provide a solution to complicated disputes. However, some disputes may be renewed as a result of negligence by both parties. The purpose of this study was to review the legal issues that may potentially arise during the preparation of settlement agreements and to propose a list of requirements for ensuring the effectiveness of these settlement agreements. METHODS: Data from 287 civil cases concerning aesthetic surgery that took place between 2000 and 2015 were collected from a court database in South Korea. Factors that influenced the effectiveness of settlement agreements were analyzed. RESULTS: Among the 287 court precedents, there were 68 cases of covenant not to sue. Eighteen cases were dismissed because the settlement agreements were recognized as effective, and 50 cases were sent forward for judgment on their merits because the agreements were not recognized as effective. The types of surgery and types of complications were classified by frequency. We evaluated the geographical distribution of the precedents, the settlement timing, and the effectiveness and economic impact of the settlements. We found that there was no statistically significant relationship among these factors. Four major factors that made a settlement agreement legally effective were identified, and the data showed that fee-free reoperations were not considered by the court in determining the compensation amount. CONCLUSIONS: When preparing a settlement agreement, it is advisable to review the contents of the agreement rather than to take the preparation of a settlement agreement per se to be legally meaningful.

Humans , Compensation and Redress , Dissent and Disputes , Judgment , Jurisprudence , Korea , Malpractice , Plastics , Surgery, Plastic
Journal of Medical Postgraduates ; (12): 785-789, 2016.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-495611


Plastic and cosmetic surgery is an emerging disci-pline which can create beauty with medical intervention.It can be say that plastic and cosmetic surgery can combine medicine with aesthetics and art.Plastic surgeon is the angel of this perfect combination.In this paper, the author discusses how to be a qualified plastic surgeon to real-ize the combination of medical, aesthetics and art through more than 30 years clinical experience and teaching practice in plastic and cosmetic surgery.

Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol ; 80(5): 394-400, ago. 2015. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-764070


ANTECEDENTES: La cosmetoginecología se ha instalado, no exenta de controversia, en la práctica ginecológica durante la última década. OBJETIVO: Presentar los resultados obtenidos en una serie de 500 labioplas-tías de labios menores realizadas por dos cirujanos en el curso de 10 años. MÉTODO: Estudio descriptivo del universo de labiobioplastías practicadas por dos cirujanos entre octubre de 2003 y abril de 2014. La decisión de intervención quirúrgica se basó en razones estéticas, funcionales y psicológicas, y no por una clasificación de hipertrofia de labios menores. RESULTADOS: Aproximadamente la mitad se realizó utilizando láser y la otra mitad electrobisturí, sin ventajas de alguna técnica sobre la otra, en cuanto a complicaciones, grado de satisfacción y resultado final estético. Las indicaciones fueron: estética en 95,4% de las intervenciones, funcional en 37,2% y psicológicas en 17,4%. Los resultados fueron satisfactorios en el 99% de las pacientes, según un autoreporte. No hubo complicaciones importantes y sólo en dos casos se presentó hemorragia post operatoria que requirió una sutura. El procedimiento, cuando fue único, fue ambulatorio, requiriendo no más de 8 horas de hospitalización. En esta experiencia, el 46% se asoció a otra cirugía ginecológica. CONCLUSIÓN: A nuestro parecer, la hipertrofia de labios menores, aún cuando pueda considerarse subjetiva, es una condición que merece ser corregida cuando es requerido por la paciente y que las técnicas actuales ofrecen resultados seguros y satisfactorios.

BACKGROUND: Cosmetogynecology is installed, not without controversy, in gynecological practice in the last decade. Aims: We present a descriptive study of 500 labia minora labiaplasty performed by two surgeons in the course of 10 years. METHOD: A descriptive study of the universe of labiobioplastys performed by two surgeons between October 2003 and April 2014. The decision for surgery was based on aesthetic, functional and psychological reasons and not on a classification of labia minora hypertrophy. RESULTS: Approximately, half was performed using laser, and electrocautery the other half, without any technical advantages over the other, in terms of complications, satisfaction and aesthetic final outcome. Indications for surgery were: in 95.4% of interventions, functional in 37.2% and 17.4% psychological. The results were satisfactory in 99% of patients, according to a self-report. There were no major complications and only two cases presented postoperative bleeding that required stitches. The procedure was ambulatory when it was unique, requiring no more than 8 hours of hospitalization. In this experience, 46% was associated with another gynecological surgery. CONCLUSION: In our view, the labia minora hypertrophy, even though it may be considered subjective, is a condition that should be corrected as required by the patient and the current techniques provide safe and satisfactory results.

Humans , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Gynecologic Surgical Procedures/methods , Gynecologic Surgical Procedures/statistics & numerical data , Vulva/surgery , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Plastic Surgery Procedures/statistics & numerical data , Chile , Treatment Outcome , Patient Satisfaction , Electrocoagulation , Laser Therapy , Self Report , Hypertrophy
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-103871


BACKGROUND: In all branches of medicine, it is the surgeon's responsibility to provide the patient with accurate information before surgery. This is especially important in cosmetic surgery because the surgeon must focus on the aesthetic results desired by the patient. METHODS: An experimental protocol was developed based on an original questionnaire given to 72 patients. The nature of the responses, the patients' motivation and expectations, the degree of patient awareness regarding the planned operation, and the patients' perceptions of the purpose of the required consent for cosmetic surgery were all analyzed using Fisher's exact test. RESULTS: Candidates for abdominal wall surgery had significantly more preoperative psychological problems than their counterparts did (P=0.035). A significantly different percentage of patients under 40 years of age compared to those over 40 years of age searched for additional sources of information prior to the operation (P=0.046). Only 30% of patients with a lower educational background stated that the preoperative information had been adequate, whereas 92% of subjects with secondary schooling or a postsecondary degree felt that the information was sufficient (P=0.001). A statistically significant difference was also present between patients according to their educational background regarding expected improvements in their quality of life postoperatively (P=0.008). CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that patients require more attention in presurgical consultations and that clear communication should be prioritized to ensure that the surgeon understands the patient's expectations.

Humans , Abdominal Wall , Informed Consent , Motivation , Quality of Life , Referral and Consultation , Surgery, Plastic , Surveys and Questionnaires
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-199041


Literature indicates an increased risk of suicide among women who have had cosmetic breast implants. An explanatory model for this association has not been established. Some studies conclude that women with cosmetic breast implants demonstrate some characteristics that are associated with increased suicide risk while others support that the breast augmentation protects from suicide. A systematic review including data collection from January 1961 up to February 2014 was conducted. The results were incorporated to pre-existing suicide risk models of the general population. A modified suicide risk model was created for the female cosmetic augmentation mammaplasty candidate. A 2-3 times increased suicide risk among women that undergo cosmetic breast augmentation has been identified. Breast augmentation patients show some characteristics that are associated with increased suicide risk. The majority of women reported high postoperative satisfaction. Recent research indicates that the Autoimmune syndrome induced by adjuvants and fibromyalgia syndrome are associated with silicone implantation. A thorough surgical, medical and psycho-social (psychiatric, family, reproductive, and occupational) history should be included in the preoperative assessment of women seeking to undergo cosmetic breast augmentation. Breast augmentation surgery can stimulate a systematic stress response and increase the risk of suicide. Each risk factor of suicide has poor predictive value when considered independently and can result in prediction errors. A clinical management model has been proposed considering the overlapping risk factors of women that undergo cosmetic breast augmentation with suicide.

Female , Humans , Breast , Breast Implants , Data Collection , Fibromyalgia , Mammaplasty , Risk Factors , Silicone Oils , Suicide , Surgery, Plastic
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-473041


Objective To explore the effect of propofol-remifentanil total intravenous anesthesia in cosmetic surgery and the controllability of anesthesia.Methods According to the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA),levels Ⅰ-Ⅱ hospitalized patients for elective cosmetic surgery (100 cases) were randomly divided into two groups,namely propofol-remifentanil total intravenous anesthesia group (Group T) and combined intravenous inhalational anesthesia group (Group C),50 cases each.Observatory items of patients included intraoperative cardiovascular drug use,body movement,waking-up time,extubation time,leaving time from operation theatre,postoperative adverse reaction,hypoxemia (SpO2<95%) and anesthesia satisfaction.Results In Group C,waking-up time,extubation time and leaving time from operation theatre were (12.2 ± 3.6),(13.8± 4.6) and (4.6 ±5.8) min,respectively,which were longer than those (6.7±2.6),(7.8±3.3) and (3.3±3.8) min in Group T (P<0.05).In Group T,intraoperative ephedrine usage (6/50,12.0%) and body moving rates (4/50,8.0%) were higher than those (1/50,2.0%) and (1/50,2.0%) in the Group C (P<0.05).The Group T had lower incidence of postoperative adverse reactions,including lethargy (2/50,4.0%),irritability (1/50,2.0%),nausea and vomiting (8/50,16.0%),which were lower than those (8/50,16.0%),(7/50,14.0%) and (17/50,34.0%) in the Group C (P<0.05).The incidence of postoperative chill was similar between the two groups with no statistical significance (P>0.05).Satisfactory rate with anesthesia was 84.0% (42/50) in Group T that was higher than 52.0% (26/50) in Group C (P<0.05).Conclusions Propofol-remifentanil intravenous anesthesia has definite effects with faster postoperative recovery,less adverse reaction and complications,safety and operablity.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 30(1): 64-75, 2015. ilus, tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-881


Introdução: Diferentes técnicas para mamoplastia redutora e mastopexia são descritas na literatura, visando a resultados que reconstituam o polo superior, ofereçam melhor projeção e proporcionem tratamento adequado para a ptose mamária. No entanto, devemos nos atentar para a segurança da técnica, com manutenção da vascularização, inervação dos tecidos e possibilidade de amamentação. Análise comparativa com pacientes operadas pela técnica com retalho de pedículo inferior e pacientes operadas pela técnica com sutura circular em bolsa. Métodos: Análise de 85 pacientes submetidas à mamoplastia redutora ou mastopexia sem implantes, entre janeiro de 2011 e dezembro de 2012, no Hospital de Clínicas da Unicamp. Foram excluídos 31 pacientes, as quais foram submetidas apenas à mamoplastia redutora pela técnica de Pitanguy (sem utilização de retalhos ou sutura circular). Dentre as 54 pacientes restantes, cinco foram posteriormente excluídas devido ao não comparecimento à consulta ou à não realização da ultrassonografia pós-operatória. Foram agrupadas 16 pacientes submetidas à sutura circular contínua e 33 pacientes operadas pela técnica de pedículo inferior. Resultados: Dados demográficos foram semelhantes nos dois grupos. Maior número de pequenas complicações e resultados insatisfatórios foi observado no grupo submetido à técnica de pedículo inferior, bem como maior índice de achados ultrassonográficos relevantes no pós-operatório. Conclusão: A técnica de sutura circular contínua apresentou elevado índice de satisfação, menor número de complicações e resultados mais duradouros quando comparados com a técnica de pedículo inferior, durante o período analisado.

Introduction: Several reduction mammoplasty and mastopexy techniques are described in the literature, with the aim of reconstituting the upper pole, offering better projection, and providing adequate treatment for breast ptosis. However, particular attention should be devoted to the safety of the technique, with maintenance of vascularization, tissue innervation, and the capability of breastfeeding. Female patients operated on with the inferior pedicle flap technique were compared with those operated on with purse-string circular suturing. Methods: Eighty-five patients who had undergone reduction mammoplasty or mastopexy without implants, between January 2011 and December 2012 at Unicamp's Clinical Hospital, were evaluated. Thirty-one patients who only underwent reduction mammoplasty by Pitanguy's technique (without the use of flaps or circular sutures) were excluded. Of the remaining 54 patients, five were subsequently excluded for not attending medical appointments or failure to have postoperative ultrasonography. A group of 16 patients who had undergone circular suturing and a group of 33 operated on by the inferior pedicle technique were considered. Results: Demographic data were similar for both groups. A higher number of minor complications and unsatisfactory results were observed in the group that underwent the inferior pedicle technique, who also had a higher rate of relevant post-operative ultrasonography events. Conclusion: The circular suturing technique resulted in a high satisfaction rate, lower number of complications, and longer lasting results than the inferior pedicle technique, during the period analyzed in this study.

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , History, 21st Century , Surgery, Plastic , Surgical Flaps , Breast , Retrospective Studies , Suture Techniques , Mammaplasty , Evaluation Study , Mammary Glands, Human , Surgery, Plastic/methods , Surgical Flaps/surgery , Breast/surgery , Breast/pathology , Suture Techniques/adverse effects , Mammaplasty/methods , Mammary Glands, Human/surgery , Mammary Glands, Human/pathology
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-154621


Background: Smile is the defining element of the face, its impact holding utmost importance in the perception of feelings. Lip is an integral part for a perfectly perceived smile. The aim of the present manuscript is to present an innovative approach to smile improvement by lip design in Indian context. Materials and Methods: Thirty‑five patients who had undergone smile design (lip) in the institute were taken up for retrospective analysis. The technique of using fillers for lip augmentation was assessed, and the final result evaluated. Results: Demographic details are presented. We observed that the upliftment of the lips was more visible, and the fillers enhanced the volume resulting in an attractive smile. Conclusion: Smile reconstruction has been revolutionized by the new filler materials for volume augmentation of lips. We advocate this novel approach of lip design using fillers to generate a gorgeous smile.

Humans , India , Collagen , Hyaluronic Acid/therapeutic use , Lip/surgery , Smiling , Surgery, Plastic/methods , Surgery, Plastic/statistics & numerical data
International Eye Science ; (12): 1533-1534, 2014.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-641915


AIM: To explore the surgical methods and clinical effects on young patients with congenital lower eyelid entropion. METHODS: There were 27 patients ( 45 cases ) who suffered congenital lower eyelid entropion accepted the modified blepharosphincterectomy. The clinical effects and complications were evaluated. RESULTS: After followed up for 6mo, 42 eyes were fully recovered, 3 eyes were unsuccessful and the cure rate was 93%, 5 eyes suffered minor lower eyelid skin folds, none had lower eyelid retraction and ectropion.CONCLUSION: Modified blepharosphincterectomy is an ideal cosmetic surgical treatment for young patients with congenital lower eyelid entropion. It is an effective surgical treatment with fewer complications.

Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-905564


En los últimos años se ha incrementado la cantidad de investigaciones encaminadas al estudio del perfeccionismo como una variable que puede tener un profundo impacto sobre la salud y el bienestar psicológico. Por otra parte, la cirugía estética es cada vez más popular a nivel mundial. Como es evidente al sentido común, un ideal de perfección debe estar presente en los millones de personas que se someten a cirugía estética cada año. Después de presentar una aproximación psicométrica para el abordaje del perfeccionismo (como rasgo de personalidad y en la modalidad de auto-presentación perfeccionista), y tras revisar algunas tendencias actuales sobre los procedimientos estéticos, este artículo reseña los principales hallazgos e implicaciones de la reciente investigación desarrollada por la psicología respecto a la relación entre el perfeccionismo y el interés en la cirugía estética. Finalmente, se sugieren ideas y recomendaciones para estudios futuros.

The amount of research on perfectionism has increased over the years for being a variable that can have a deep impact on health and psychological wellbeing. On the other hand, cosmetic surgery is becoming more popular globally. The ideal of perfection must be present in the millions of individuals who undergo cosmetic surgery every year. After first presenting a psychometric approach for the study of perfectionism (trait perfectionism and perfectionistic self-presentation) and after reviewing some current trends in cosmetic procedures, this article reviews the main findings and implications of the recent research developed by psychology regarding the relationship between perfectionism and interest in cosmetic surgery. Finally, ideas and recommendations for future studies are suggested.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-144926


Despite the popularity of breast-conserving surgery (BCS), which constitutes 50-60% of all breast cancer surgeries, discussions regarding cosmetic results after BCS are not specifically conducted. The simple conservation of breast tissue is no longer adequate to qualify for BCS completion. The incorporation of oncological and plastic surgery techniques allows for the complete resection of local disease while achieving superior cosmetic outcome. Oncoplastic BCS can be performed in one of the following two ways: 1) volume displacement techniques and 2) volume replacement techniques. This study reports volume displacement surgical techniques, which allow the use of remaining breast tissue after BCS by glandular reshaping or reduction techniques for better cosmetic results. Thorough understanding of these procedures and careful consideration of the patient's breast size, tumor location, excised volume, and volume of the remaining breast tissue during the surgery in choosing appropriate patient and surgical techniques will result in good cosmetic results. Surgery of the contralateral breast may be requested to improve symmetry and may take the form of a reduction mammoplasty or mastopexy. The timing of such surgery and the merits of synchronous versus delayed approaches should be discussed in full with the patients. Because Korean women have relatively small breast sizes compared to Western women, it is not very easy to apply the oncoplastic volume displacement technique to cover defects. However, we have performed various types of oncoplastic volume displacement techniques on Korean women, and based on our experience, we report a number of oncoplastic volume displacement techniques that are applicable to Korean women with small- to moderate-sized breasts.

Female , Humans , Breast , Breast Neoplasms , Cosmetics , Displacement, Psychological , Mammaplasty , Mastectomy, Segmental , Surgery, Plastic
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-144939


Despite the popularity of breast-conserving surgery (BCS), which constitutes 50-60% of all breast cancer surgeries, discussions regarding cosmetic results after BCS are not specifically conducted. The simple conservation of breast tissue is no longer adequate to qualify for BCS completion. The incorporation of oncological and plastic surgery techniques allows for the complete resection of local disease while achieving superior cosmetic outcome. Oncoplastic BCS can be performed in one of the following two ways: 1) volume displacement techniques and 2) volume replacement techniques. This study reports volume displacement surgical techniques, which allow the use of remaining breast tissue after BCS by glandular reshaping or reduction techniques for better cosmetic results. Thorough understanding of these procedures and careful consideration of the patient's breast size, tumor location, excised volume, and volume of the remaining breast tissue during the surgery in choosing appropriate patient and surgical techniques will result in good cosmetic results. Surgery of the contralateral breast may be requested to improve symmetry and may take the form of a reduction mammoplasty or mastopexy. The timing of such surgery and the merits of synchronous versus delayed approaches should be discussed in full with the patients. Because Korean women have relatively small breast sizes compared to Western women, it is not very easy to apply the oncoplastic volume displacement technique to cover defects. However, we have performed various types of oncoplastic volume displacement techniques on Korean women, and based on our experience, we report a number of oncoplastic volume displacement techniques that are applicable to Korean women with small- to moderate-sized breasts.

Female , Humans , Breast , Breast Neoplasms , Cosmetics , Displacement, Psychological , Mammaplasty , Mastectomy, Segmental , Surgery, Plastic