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Ter. psicol ; 42(1)abr. 2024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565919


Romantic love myths refer to culturally shared beliefs about love, falling in love and relationships. Their study and evaluation are of utmost importance, given that they have been recognized as a risk factor in dating violence with serious implications for the well-being and mental health of young people. The aim of the present study was therefore to develop a scale to evaluate beliefs about romantic love, establishing evidence of reliability and validity for the interpretation of the scores obtained. An instrumental cross-sectional design was carried out, applying the Multidimensional Romantic Love Myths Scale (MRL-MS) to a sample of 1001 Chilean young people between 18 and 25 years of age. As a result, a scale composed of 40 items assessing 8 interrelated dimensions was obtained, with evidence of validity based on internal structure, adequate levels of reliability, and evidence of metric and scalar invariance between sexes. Finally, the limitations of the study are discussed and possible applications and guidelines for future research are proposed.

Los mitos del amor romántico refieren a creencias culturalmente compartidas sobre el amor, el enamoramiento y las relaciones de pareja. Su estudio y evaluación son de suma importancia, dado que se han reconocido como un factor de riesgo en la violencia en el noviazgo con graves implicancia en el bienestar y salud mental de los jóvenes. Por tanto, el objetivo del presente estudio es desarrollar una escala que permita evaluar las creencias sobre el amor romántico, estableciendo evidencias de fiabilidad y validez para la interpretación de las puntuaciones obtenidas. Se llevó a cabo un diseño transversal de tipo instrumental, aplicando la Escala Multidimensional Mitos del Amor Romántico (MRL-MS) a una muestra de 1001 jóvenes chilenos entre 18 y 25 años. Como resultado, se obtuvo una escala compuesta por 40 ítems que evalúan 8 dimensiones interrelacionadas, con evidencia de validez basada en la estructura interna, adecuados niveles de fiabilidad, y evidencias de invarianza métrica y escalar entre sexos. Finalmente, se discuten las limitaciones del estudio y se proponen posibles aplicaciones y directrices para futuras investigaciones.

Psicol. reflex. crit ; 37: 13, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1558771


Abstract Background Violent behaviors in romantic relationships among adolescents and young people are pressing social matter as they have an effect on both victims and aggressors. Moreover, in the last decades, new forms of harassment, control, and abuse through social networks and mobile phones have arisen. Therefore, now forms of online and offline dating violence coexist. Objectives The aim was to analyze the prevalence rates by sex and age and the co-occurrence of online and offline dating violence. Moreover, the roles of online and offline dating violence aggressors and victims for their self-esteem, hostility, general psychological state, and emotional intelligence were investigated. Method Three hundred forty-one university students from the Basque Country, Spain, participated in the study. They completed six validated instruments related to the mentioned variables. Results Results highlight the high prevalence of online and offline dating violence in the sample and the co-occurrence of both types. No gender nor sex differences were found for online and offline dating violence perpetration and victimization. The correlation between online and offline dating violence was confirmed, and the reciprocity of violence is greater for offline violence. In relation to the role, both types of victims (online and offline) showed higher levels of hostility and psychological symptomatology than non-victims, but differences in self-esteem and emotional regulation were found in these modalities. Online and offline perpetrators shared hostility and some psychological symptoms as characteristics compared to non-victims, but differed in other symptoms and emotional intelligence. Conclusion There is a continuum between offline and online victimization perpetration albeit differences in the characteristics such as self-esteem, emotional intelligence, and general functioning exist.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Students/psychology , Adolescent Behavior/psychology , Internet , Intimate Partner Violence/statistics & numerical data , Spain , Universities , Interpersonal Relations
Suma psicol ; 30(1)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536898


Introducción: los estudios sobre resiliencia y violencia psicológica en parejas adolescentes en Colombia son escasos, pues se ha explorado con mayor frecuencia la violencia en parejas adultas; además, la disposición de óptimos instrumentos de medida de la violencia psicológica en el cortejo adolescente es limitada. Objetivos: analizar la influencia de la resiliencia en la violencia psicológica en parejas adolescentes; para ello, inicialmente se validó el Cuestionario de Violencia Psicológica en el Cortejo (PDV-Q). Método: el estudio es explicativo-predictivo y de tipo instrumental. La muestra incidental estuvo conformada por 700 adolescentes colombianos, con edades entre 15 a 20 años (M = 18.40; DT = 1.56; 29.3 % hombres). Se reconoció la confiabilidad, la validez de contenido y de constructo con análisis factoriales; posteriormente, se analizaron los modelos de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM). Resultados: se reconocieron evidencias adecuadas de validez y valores óptimos de confiabilidad del PDV-Q. El modelo SEM sugiere influencias inversas de la competencia personal sobre el rol de agresión y victimización; así como una influencia directa de la aceptación de uno mismo y la vida sobre la victimización. Conclusiones: los bajos niveles de aceptación de sí mismo y de la vida podrían ser un factor de riesgo de victimización; mientras que un alto desarrollo de competencias personales sería un factor de protección ante la victimización y la agresión en el cortejo adolescente. El PDV-Q posee óptimas propiedades psicométricas y es adecuado para medir la violencia psicológica en parejas de adolescentes colombianos.

Introduction: Studies on resilience and psychological violence in adolescent couples in Colombia are scarce, since violence in adult couples has been explored more frequently; in addition, the availability of optimal instruments for measuring psychological violence in adolescent courtship is limited. Objectives: Analyze the influence of resilience on psychological violence in adolescent couples; for this, the Psychological Violence Questionnaire in Partners (PVD-Q) was initially validated. Method: The study is explanatory-predictive and instrumental. The incidental sample consisted of 700 Colombian adolescents, aged 15 to 20 years (M = 18.40; SD = 1.56; 29.3 % men). Reliability, content and construct validity were recognized with factor analysis; Subsequently, structural equation models (SEM) were analyzed. Results: Adequate evidence of validity and optimal reliability values of the PVD-Q were recognized. The SEM model suggests inverse influences of personal competence on the role of aggression and victimization; as well as a direct influence of the acceptance of oneself and life on victimization. Conclusions: Low levels of acceptance of oneself and of life could be a risk factor for victimization; while a high development of personal skills would be a protective factor against victimization and aggression in adolescent courtship. The PVD-Q has optimal psychometric properties and is suitable for measuring psychological violence in couples of Colombian adolescents.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 28(6): 1675-1684, jun. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439843


Resumen Estudios sugieren la presencia de patrones de violencia en las relaciones de noviazgo durante la adolescencia. En la población adolescente mexicana se conoce poco sobre los patrones de abuso cara a cara y digital en el noviazgo y cómo pueden ser explicados por el consumo de alcohol. El objetivo de esta investigación fue identificar los patrones de victimización por abuso en las relaciones de noviazgo y determinar si el consumo de alcohol predice los patrones encontrados. Fue un estudio transversal con alcance explicativo. Participaron 398 adolescentes estudiantes (62.8% mujeres) de 15 a 18 años de edad (M = 16.1 años; DT = 1). Se usó un análisis de clases latentes y se encontraron tres clases: 1) violencia generalizada baja (45%), 2) violencia psicológica moderada y control digital alto (38%) y 3) violencia generalizada alta (17%). Se encontró que el consumo de alcohol se asoció con la pertenencia a la clase de violencia psicológica moderada y control digital alto (β = 0.48, p = .022) y con la pertenencia a la clase de violencia generalizada alta (β = 0.66, p = .004). Es importante considerar, en la generación de intervenciones, la existencia de patrones de violencia en el noviazgo en adolescentes y la influencia que tiene el consumo de alcohol sobre estos.

Abstract Studies suggest the existence of patterns of dating violence during adolescence. In the adolescent Mexican population, little is known about the patterns of face-to-face and cyber dating abuse and to what extent they can be explained by alcohol consumption. The aim of this research was to identify patterns of dating abuse victimization and to determine whether alcohol use predicts the patterns found. It was a cross-sectional study with an explanatory scope. A total of 398 adolescent students (62.8% women) from 15 to 18 years of age (M = 16.1 years; SD = 1) participated in the study. Latent class analysis was used, and three classes were found: 1) low generalized violence (45%); 2) moderate psychological violence and high digital control (38%); and 3) high generalized violence (17%). Alcohol consumption was found to be associated with the membership in the moderate psychological violence and high digital control (β = 0.48, p = .022) and were included in the high generalized violence class (β = 0.66, p = .004). It is important to consider, in the generation of interventions, the existence of patterns of violence in dating relationships among adolescents and the influence that alcohol consumption has on them.

Acta colomb. psicol ; 26(1): 56-77, Jan.-June 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1419870


Resumen Un grupo creciente de investigaciones ha sugerido la existencia de diferentes patrones de violencia en las relaciones de pareja durante la adolescencia. El objetivo de este estudio fue revisar y sintetizar la evidencia científica respecto a patrones de violencia en las relaciones de pareja en adolescentes, a través de una revisión sistemática de la literatura. La búsqueda se realizó en las bases de datos Pubmed, Scopus, SCIELO, EBSCO, Web of Science, Sage Journals, Taylor and Francis Journals, Wiley, y el motor de búsqueda Google Académico; no hubo restricciones en el año de publicación. Se incluyeron investigaciones que analizaron la violencia desde una perspectiva centrada en la persona (e.g., uso de análisis de clases latentes). Para evaluar la calidad de los estudios transversales se usó la herramienta Axis de 20 ítems, y para los estudios longitudinales, la lista de verificación de Tooth et al. (2005) de 33 ítems. Se identificaron 212 estudios y después de elegir por criterios de elegibilidad, se incluyeron 27. Los patrones de violencia con mayor frecuencia fueron: violencia multiforme (34%), victimización o perpetración por violencia psicológica y física (26%), violencia bidireccional psicológica/verbal (26 °/o), baja violencia (26 °%) y alta violencia (23 °/o). Los patrones de violencia se relacionaron con diferentes variables tales como experiencias adversas en la infancia, variables sociodemográficas, relación familiar e indicadores de salud mental. Estos patrones evidencian que la violencia en las relaciones de pareja durante la adolescencia son un fenómeno complejo y multifactorial.

Abstract A growing body of research has suggested different patterns of teen dating violence. The aim of this study was to review and synthesize the scientific evidence on patterns of teen dating violence, through a systematic review of the literature. The search was conducted in the databases Pubmed, Scopus, SCIELO, EBSCO, Web of Science, Sage Journals, Taylor and Francis Journals, Wiley, and the Google Scholar search engine; there were no restrictions on the year of publication. Studies that indicate analyzing violence from a person-centered perspective (e.g., use of latent class analysis) were included. The 20-item Axis tool was used to assess the quality of the cross-sectional studies, and the 33-itemTooth et al. (2005) Checklist was used for longitudinal studies. Two hundred and twelve studies were identified and after screening for eligibility criteria, 27 studies were included. The most frequent patterns of violence were multiform violence (34%), victimization or perpetration by psychological and physical violence (26%), bidirectional psychological/verbal violence (26%), low violence (26%) and high violence (23%). Violence patterns were related to different variables such as adverse childhood experiences, sociodemographic variables, family relationship, and mental health indicators. These patterns show that teen dating violence is a complex and multifactorial phenomenon.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535255


Objetivo: Revisar los estudios sobre violencia en el noviazgo (VN) de jóvenes, desarrollados en Colombia y América Latina (2016-2020), para dar cuenta de sus características metodológicas y principales hallazgos. Metodología: La búsqueda de artículos sobre VN se realizó en siete bases de datos y aquellos debían cumplir los siguientes criterios de inclusión: 1) muestra de jóvenes, 2) estudio realizado en Colombia o en otro país latinoamericano, y 3) publicados entre 2016 y 2020. Se clasifican los estudios teniendo en cuenta su metodología. Resultados: Se incluyeron 38 artículos, de los cuales 23 cumplieron con los criterios de análisis: 13 de Colombia, 4 de México, 4 de Brasil, 2 de Chile y 1 en Argentina. Solo 3 de 23 artículos utilizaron metodología mixta, dos en Brasil y uno en Colombia; el resto utilizó metodología cuantitativa. Se describe cómo se ha conceptualizado la VN y se clasifican los estudios en hallazgos epidemiológicos, estudios instrumentales y estudios sobre las creencias de los/as jóvenes sobre VN, clasificación dada por el objetivo de la investigación. Conclusiones: Conocer cómo se conceptualiza la VN y las prevalencias de la VN en jóvenes para entenderla en el contexto Latinoamericano resulta fundamental para prevenir este problema. Los hallazgos presentados en este artículo pueden servir de insumo para las instituciones y organizaciones sociales, para comprender la violencia en el noviazgo y generar herramientas para su prevención.

Objective: To review the studies on dating violence (dv) of young people, developed in Colombia and Latin America (2016-2020), to account for their methodological characteristics and main findings. Methodology: The search for articles on vn was carried out in seven databases and those had to meet the following inclusion criteria: 1) sample of young people, 2) study carried out in Colombia or in another Latin American country, and 3) published between 2016 and 2020. Studies are classified taking into account their methodology. Results: 38 articles were included, of which 23 met the analysis criteria: 13 from Colombia, 4 from Mexico, 4 from Brazil, 2 from Chile, and 1 from Argentina. Only 3 of 23 articles used mixed methodology, two in Brazil and one in Colombia; the rest used quantitative methodology. It describes how vn has been conceptualized and studies are classified into epidemiological findings, instrumental studies, and studies on young people's beliefs about vn, classification given by the objective of the research. Conclusions: Knowing how vn is conceptualized and the prevalence of vn in young people to understand it in the Latin American context is essential to prevent this problem. The findings presented in this article can serve as an input for social institutions and organizations to understand dating violence and generate tools for its prevention.

Objetivo: Revisar os estudos sobre violência no namoro (dv) de jovens, desenvolvidos na Colômbia e na América Latina (2016-2020), para dar conta de suas características metodológicas e principais achados. Metodologia: A busca de artigos sobre vn foi realizada em sete bases de dados e os mesmos deveriam atender aos seguintes critérios de inclusão: 1) amostra de jovens, 2) estudo realizado na Colômbia ou em outro país latino-americano e 3) publicado entre 2016 e 2020. Os estudos são classificados de acordo com sua metodologia. Resultados: foram incluídos 38 artigos, dos quais 23 atenderam aos critérios de análise: 13 da Colômbia, 4 do México, 4 do Brasil, 2 do Chile e 1 da Argentina. Apenas 3 dos 23 artigos utilizaram metodologia mista, dois no Brasil e um na Colômbia; o restante utilizou metodologia quantitativa. Descreve como o vn foi conceituado e os estudos são classificados em achados epidemiológicos, estudos instrumentais e estudos sobre as crenças dos jovens sobre o vn, classificação dada pelo objetivo da pesquisa. Conclusões: Saber como vn é conceituado e a prevalência de vn em jovens para entendê-lo no contexto latino-americano é essencial para prevenir esse problema. Os achados apresentados neste artigo podem servir de subsídio para que instituições e organizações sociais compreendam a violência no namoro e gerem ferramentas para sua prevenção.Palavras-chave: América Latina, Colômbia, violência de gênero, violência por parceiro íntimo, violência no namoro.

Interdisciplinaria ; 39(1): 41-56, jun. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360479


Resumen La violencia en las parejas adolescentes es un tema de especial importancia por la implicación en la salud y en las relaciones afectivas de los adolescentes. El propósito de este estudio fue determinar la influencia del género y de la religión en la violencia física, de comunicación/relación y psicológica, recibidas por los adolescentes, y en la satisfacción con la vida que estos presentan, además, del papel que juegan las conductas sexistas en esta violencia. Los participantes han sido 1 036 adolescentes pertenecientes a siete centros de educación secundaria del sudeste español, de edades comprendidas entre 14 y 19 años, de los que el 48.1 % eran hombres y el 51.9 %, mujeres. Para alcanzar los objetivos de la investigación, junto con los datos demográficos y personales, se aplicó la Escala de Satisfacción con la Vida (SWLS), la Escala de Violencia en la pareja desarrollada y validada para este estudio que recoge tres subescalas: violencia psicológica, violencia física, y violencia en la comunicación y relación con otros. Finalmente, el cuestionario sobre conductas sexistas da información sobre creencias falsas y conductas sexistas. Los resultados muestran niveles más altos de violencia física, psicológica y de comunicación/relación sufrida por los hombres. Aunque son los hombres los que se sienten más satisfechos con la vida y los que manifiestan más conductas sexistas. La creencia religiosa no interviene en la violencia ejercida, pero son los adolescentes practicantes los que se muestran más satisfechos con la vida.

Abstract Teen dating violence is defined as the physical, sexual, psycho-emotional violence that occurs within couple relationships during adolescence. These are relationships that threaten the well-being, health or integrity of the couple and that use mechanisms of control or domination of the couple through coactive or coercive tactics. With this research we have tried to find out about life satisfaction, the physical, psychological and communicative violence suffered by adolescent men and women who are religious or not. In addition, detect sexist behaviours in young people of both sexes and assess behaviours based on religious practice. A descriptive, cross-sectional and predictive study was carried out. Cluster random sampling was carried out when selecting secondary schools in South-eastern Spain. The study included 1 036 adolescents with ages between 14 and 19 years old, of whom 48.1 % were men and 51.9 % women. To fulfill the objectives together with demographic and personal data, the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) is applied, which assesses the cognitive aspects of well-being. The Psychological Violence Scale is applied with the objective of assessing the psychological and emotional violence. To know the physical violence and authoritarian behaviour, the Physical Violence Scale is applied. Finally, the Violence in Communication and Relationship with Others Scale is introduced for studying online violence and relationship violence. The three violence scales have been adapted, developed and validated by Soriano and Aguilera (2017). Finally, the questionnaire on sexist behaviours collects information on false beliefs and sexist behaviours. The data collection procedure followed the standards set out in the Helsinki Convention (2013) for scientific research involving human participants. Regarding the results, in the first of the logistic regression models, it is good for boys to go out with many girls, but not the other way around (Wald = 14.461; p = .000; OR = 4.047), it is observed to be that boys are 4.047 times more likely to agree with this attitude than girls. Also, it is statistically significant that sometimes you have to threaten others to know who is in charge, (Wald = 8.107; p = .004; OR = 2.173), which indicates that the boys are 2.173 times more likely in accordance with that conduct that the girls. It is also statistically significant that when a woman is assaulted by her partner she will have done something to provoke him, (Wald = 16.315; p = .000; OR = 3.538), making it 3.538 times more likely that boys support this attitude than girls. At the same time, it is statistically significant that the violence that occurs within the home is a family matter and should not leave there, (Wald = 4.132; p = .042; OR = 1.694), which also indicates that boys are 1.694 times more likely to adopt this behaviour than girls. Regarding the perception of violence, it is observed that men perceive more violence than women, being significant for the three types of violence studied (p < .05): Communication, psychological and physical. Personal satisfaction also shows significant results (Z = -2.61; p = .009). In this case, men perceive greatersatisfaction with their life than women. For students with religious beliefs and practices, statistically significant results were evident only in personal satisfaction (Z = -3.42; p = .001), showing that students who practice a religion have more satisfaction with life. The results show higher levels of physical, psychological and communication / relationship violence suffered by men. However, men feel more satisfation with life and show more sexist behaviour. Religious belief does not intervene in violence, but the practicing adolescents are those most satisfied with life.

Rev. colomb. psicol ; 31(1): 93-107, Jan.-June 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388964


Abstract The aim of this study was to examine the prevalence and frequency of perpetration and victimization of different types of dating violence (DV), among adolescents from 13 to 19 years old in five capital cities of Colombia (Bogotá, Bucaramanga, Ibagué, Tunja, and Yopal), making comparisons by sex. The Spanish version of the Conflict in Adolescent Dating Relationships Inventory was used and various statistical analyses, including the one-way MANOVA, were performed. The results show a high prevalence of DV, particularly verbal/emotional and bi-directional (almost 90 % of the participants), pointing out that sex could have a statistically significant effect on the prevalence of the different types of DV, being higher the proportion of men who perpetrated sexual violence and higher the proportion of women who perpetrated verbal/emotional and physical violence. These results indicate the need to continue investigating the phenomenon in Colombia, to carry out different prevention campaigns that are sensitive to differences by sex in prevalence.

Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue examinar la prevalencia y la frecuencia de la perpetración y la victimización de diferentes tipos de violencia en el noviazgo (VN), entre adolescentes de 13 a 19 anos de cinco ciudades capitales de Colombia (Bogotá, Bucaramanga, Ibagué, Tunja y Yopal), efec-tuándose comparaciones por sexo. Se utilizò la versión en espanol del Conflict in Adolescent Dating Relationships Inventory, implementándose varios análisis estadísticos, incluyendo el MANOVA unidireccional. Los resultados evidencian una alta prevalencia de VN, particularmente verbal/ emocional y bi-direccional (casi el 90 % de los participantes), senalando que el sexo podría tener un efecto estadísticamente significativo en las prevalencias de los diferentes tipos de VN, siendo mayor la proporciòn de hombres que ejercieron violencia sexual y mayor el de mujeres que ejercieron violencia verbal/emocional y física. Estos resultados evidencian la necesidad de seguir investigando el fenòmeno en Colombia, para así adelantar diferentes campanas de prevenciòn que sean sensibles a las diferencias por sexo en las prevalencias.

Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 51(1)mar. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1408776


RESUMEN Introducción: Siete de cada diez mujeres peruanas entre 15 a 49 años reportan que fueron víctimas de violencia por su pareja alguna vez. Los estudios en Perú acerca de la violencia en el enamoramiento, son escasos; muchos no incluyen ambos sexos o a la población universitaria. Objetivo: Determinar la frecuencia de los tipos de violencia, así como las conductas reportadas durante el enamoramiento en estudiantes universitarios. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal descriptivo en 71 estudiantes de una universidad en Perú; se usó un instrumento elaborado por el Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables del país, para medir los tipos de violencia (física, psicológica y sexual) y las conductas asociadas y ejercidas por la pareja. Resultados: Del total, el 85,5 % reportó padecer de algún tipo de violencia. El 57,7 % de la muestra reportó violencia psicológica, mientras que el 7 % mencionó ser víctima de violencia física, psicológica y sexual. El 11,3 % reportó recibir palabras insinuantes al sexo por parte de su pareja. Entre quienes recibieron simultáneamente violencia física, psicológica y sexual, el 80 % fueron mujeres. Conclusiones: Los estudiantes sufren algún tipo de violencia y la mitad es violentada psicológicamente. Una mayor frecuencia de violencia se reporta en estudiantes mujeres.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Seven out of ten Peruvian women between the ages of 15 and 49 reported that they were victims of intimate partner violence at some time. Studies on dating violence in Peru are scarce, and many do not include both sexes and the university population. Objective: To identify the frequency of the types of violence, as well as the behaviors reported during dating in university students. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in 71 students from a university in Peru, using an instrument created by the Peruvian Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations to measure the types of violence (physical, psychological, and sexual) and associated behaviors by partners. Results: Of all participants, 85,5 % reported suffering from some type of violence. Also, 57,7 % reported psychological violence, while 7 % indicated to be a victim of physical, psychological, and sexual violence. Receiving words suggestive of sex from their partner was reported in 11,3 %. Among those who received simultaneous physical, psychological, and sexual violence, 80 % were women. Conclusions: Students suffer some type of violence and half of them are psychologically abused. A higher frequency of violence is reported in female students. Effective mental health counseling is recommended to help relevant institutions to better address dating violence.

Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1382202


Diversos estudios han demostrado que los malos tratos en el noviazgo son un problema de alta prevalencia que afecta a adolescentes de diferentes edades y diversos contextos socioculturales, comprometiendo su desarrollo integral y bienestar. El objetivo general de este estudio fue conocer los síntomas psicopatológicos y emocionales asociados a los malos tratos por parte de la pareja entre adolescentes de Floridablanca, Colombia. Los participantes fueron 261 estudiantes de dos colegios de Floridablanca con edades entre los 13 y 19 años (M = 15; DT = 1.80). Los instrumentos utilizados fueron la Conflict in Adolescent Dating Re-lationships Inventory (CADRI), versión española, y la Lista de Síntomas SCL-90-R. Se encontró, teniendo en cuenta la direccionalidad en la violencia de género en el noviazgo, una prevalencia general de un 94.2 % de los participantes. En cuanto al género, el 41 % de los hombres participó en alguno de estos roles (perpetración, victimización y violencia mutua), sin encontrarse diferencias estadísticamente significativas. Además, se hallaron correlaciones estadísticamente significativas entre la puntuación global de victimización y violencia mutua y las escalas del SCL90-R, además de los tres indicadores que reflejan aspectos diferenciales de los síntomas. Los hallazgos se discuten en relación con los desafíos de desarrollo que enfrentan los adolescentes

Several studies have shown that dating abuse is a highly prevalent problem that affects adolescents of different ages and diverse sociocultural contexts, compromising their comprehensive development and well-being. The general objective was to know the psychopathological and emotional symptoms associated with abuse by the couple among adolescents from Floridablanca, Colombia. The participants were 261 students from two Floridablanca schools aged between 13 and 19 years old (M = 15; SD = 1.80). The instruments used were the Conflict in Adolescent Dating Relationships Inventory (CADRI), Spanish version, and the List of Symptoms SCL-90-R. Taking into account the directionality in gender violence in courtship, a general prevalence of 94.2 % of the participants was found. Regarding gender, 41 % of the men participated in one of these roles (perpetration, victimization and mutual violence), with no statistically significant differences being found. In addition, statistically significant correlations were found between the global victimization and mutual violence score and the SCL90-R scales, in addition to the three indicators that reflect differential aspects of the symptoms. Findings are discussed in relation to developmental challenges faced by adolescents

Humans , Adolescent , Psychology, Adolescent , Psychopathology , Aggression/psychology , Gender-Based Violence/psychology , Interpersonal Relations
Rev. crim ; 64(3): 79-94, 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1416944


Introducción: La violencia de pareja (VP) perpetrada y sufrida es un problema de salud pública mundial. Una de las variables asociadas más estudiadas ha sido la victimización infantil-juvenil (VI). Objetivo: Analizar el rol de la VI en la VP en población general de Argentina, considerando a las modalidades específicas de violencias tanto sufridas, como ejercidas, y a posibles diferencias entre hombres y mujeres. Método: Se encuestó a 243 adultos de Argentina. Se evaluaron sus datos sociodemográficos, la VI y la VP perpetrada y sufrida en la adultez, mediante el Juvenile Victimization Questionnaire (JVQ) y la Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS2). Se llevaron a cabo análisis bivariados y multivariados para calcular asociaciones entre las variables. Resultados: Un 99% de la muestra total indicó haber sufrido al menos un acto de VI, sin diferencias entre los sexos. En cuanto a la VP perpetrada y sufrida, ambos sexos presentaron prevalencias similares, con la única excepción de la violencia sexual perpetrada, significativamente mayor en varones (41.70%) que en mujeres (19.10%). Las asociaciones registradas entre VI y VP fueron específicas. Conclusiones: Las asociaciones sugieren que determinados tipos de VI constituyen un factor de riesgo para ciertos tipos de VP en la adultez. Se discuten las implicancias de los hallazgos para la prevención y la investigación.

Introduction: Perpetrated and experienced intimate partner violence (IPV) is a global public health problem. One of the most studied associated variables has been child-juvenile victimization (CV). Objective: To analyze the role of IPV in IPV in the general population of Argentina, considering the specific modalities of violence both suffered and perpetrated, and possible differences between men and women. Method: We surveyed 243 adults in Argentina. Their sociodemographic data, the VI and the VP perpetrated and suffered in adulthood were assessed by means of the Juvenile Victimization Questionnaire (JVQ) and the Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS2). Bivariate and multivariate analyses were conducted to calculate associations between variables. Results: 99% of the total sample indicated having suffered at least one act of VI, with no differences between sexes. Regarding perpetrated and suffered PV, both sexes presented similar prevalences, with the only exception of perpetrated sexual violence, which was significantly higher in males (41.70%) than in females (19.10%). The associations recorded between VI and VP were specific. Conclusions: The associations suggest that certain types of VI constitute a risk factor for certain types of VP in adulthood. Implications of the findings for prevention and research are discussed.

Introdução: A violência do parceiro íntimo (IPV) perpetrada e vivenciada é um problema de saúde pública global. Uma das variáveis associadas mais estudadas tem sido a vitimização de crianças e adolescentes (CV). Objetivo: Analisar o papel do IPV na população geral da Argentina, considerando as modalidades específicas de violência tanto sofridas como perpetradas, e as possíveis diferenças entre homens e mulheres. Método: 243 adultos na Argentina foram pesquisados. Seus dados sociodemográficos, VI, e a violência perpetrada e sofrida na vida adulta foram avaliados utilizando o Questionário de Vitimização Juvenil (JVQ) e a Escala de Táticas de Conflito (CTS2). Foram realizadas análises bivariadas e multivariadas para estimar associações entre as variáveis. Resultados: 99% da amostra total relatou ter experimentado pelo menos um ato de VA, sem diferenças de gênero. Em termos de IPV perpetrado e experimentado, ambos os sexos mostraram prevalências semelhantes, com a única exceção da violência sexual perpetrada, que foi significativamente maior nos homens (41,70%) do que nas mulheres (19,10%). As associações registradas entre VI e VP foram específicas. Conclusões: As associações sugerem que certos tipos de VI são um fator de risco para certos tipos de IPV na vida adulta. São discutidas as implicações dos resultados para a prevenção e a pesquisa.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Intimate Partner Violence , Argentina , Violence , Crime Victims
Suma psicol ; 28(2): 71-78, jul.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1352274


Resumen Introducción/objetivo: Los estudios realizados en algunos países, incluyendo a Colombia, indican altas prevalencias de ciberviolencia en el noviazgo. Sin embargo, en dicho país no se cuenta con instrumentos validados para medir esta forma de violencia. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la confiabilidad y la validez de la Escala de Abuso Online en Relaciones de Noviazgo. Método: Participaron 2023 estudiantes de colegio y universitarios (53% mujeres), entre 13 y 40 años. Resultados: El análisis factorial exploratorio demostró la conveniencia de conservar la estructura original de 20 ítems de las dos escalas del instrumento (perpetración y victimización) y las dos subescalas de cada una ("agresiones directas" y "monitoreo/control"), estructura que fue ratificada por el análisis factorial confirmatorio con índices adecuados de ajuste. Además, las cuatro subescalas correlacionaron significativamente entre sí y con las escalas de la Lista de Chequeo de Experiencias de Maltrato Psicológico en la Pareja. Los índices alfa oscilaron entre .75 y .87. Conclusiones: Estos resultados indican que el instrumento presenta unas propiedades psicométricas que avalan su uso con adolescentes y adultos jóvenes colombianos.

Abstract Introduction/objective: Studies carried out in some countries, including Colombia, indicate high prevalences of cyber dating abuse. However, in that country there are no validated instruments to measure this form of violence. The objective of this study was to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Cyber Dating Abuse Questionnaire. Method: The participants were 2023 college and university students (53% female), 13-40 years aged. Results: The exploratory factor analysis showed the convenience of preserving the original structure of 20 items on the two scales of the instrument (perpetration and victimization) and the two subscales of each ("direct aggression" and "monitoring/control"). This structure was ratified by confirmatory factor analysis with adequate adjustment indices. In addition, the four subscales correlated significantly with each other and with the scales of the Checklist of Experiences of Psychological Abuse in the Couple. Alpha indices ranged from .75 to .87. Conclusions: These results indicate that the instrument has psychometric properties that ensure its use with Colombian adolescents and young adults.

Rev. medica electron ; 43(4): 1001-1016, 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1341531


RESUMEN Introducción: la violencia en el noviazgo es reconocida como una de las principales manifestaciones de violencia en estudiantes universitarios; requiere estudio e intervención. Objetivo: caracterizar la violencia en el noviazgo de estudiantes de Medicina de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Cienfuegos. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo en 240 estudiantes de segundo año de Medicina. Se utilizó un cuestionario autoadministrado. Las variables fueron: sexo, edad, años de estudio, tipos de violencia más frecuentes en el noviazgo, manifestaciones de tipos de violencia, direccionalidad, conocimiento de las consecuencias negativas, y tipos de consecuencias. Se empleó la estadística descriptiva. Resultados: un 62,5 % percibió la violencia psicológica como la más frecuente. El 85,8 % describió diversas manifestaciones y el 14,2 % no pudo hacerlo. Se reconoció entre las manifestaciones o expresiones conductuales psicológicas la cosificación, degradación y las amenazas. En la violencia física, los golpes, y en la sexual, mirar a las mujeres como objetos sexuales e infidelidad. Imperó bidireccionalidad en las agresiones (63 %). Se demostró con un 87,5 % que la violencia tiene consecuencias negativas en la esfera cognitivo-afectivo-conductual. Conclusiones: los estudiantes percibieron que la violencia en el noviazgo es bidireccional, con predominio de la violencia psicológica, que genera daños a la salud. La convergencia entre la percepción del evento y los escasos conocimientos que poseen acerca de la violencia en el noviazgo, entorpece develar la magnitud de este problema de salud. Aquí radica la necesidad de realizar un conjunto de actuaciones dirigidas a su reducción (AU).

ABSTRACT Introduction: dating violence is recognized as one of the main manifestations of violence in university students; it requires study and prevention. Objective: to characterize dating violence of medical students of the University of Medical Sciences of Cienfuegos. Materials and methods: a descriptive study was carried out in 240 second-year medical students. A self-administered questionnaire was used. The variables were: sex, age; years of study, most frequent types of dating violence, manifestations of violence types, directionality, knowledge of the negative consequences and types of consequences. Descriptive statistics was used. Results: 62.5 % of students perceived psychological violence as the most frequent. 85.8 % described several manifestations and 14.2 % were unable to do so. Among psychological behavioral manifestations or expressions, they recognize reification, degradation and threats; blows are integrated into the physical violence, and looking at women as sexual objects and infidelity into the sexual violence. Bi-directionality prevailed in aggressions (63 %). It was shown in 87.5 % that violence has negative consequences in the cognitive-affective-behavioral sphere. Conclusions: the students perceived that dating violence is bidirectional with a predominance of psychological violence generating health damages. The combination between their perception of the event and the little knowledge they have about dating violence hinders disclosing the magnitude of this health problem. Herein lays the need of carrying out a group of actions aimed at reducing it (AU).

Humans , Male , Female , Students, Medical/psychology , Intimate Partner Violence/psychology , Universities , Violence Against Women , Intimate Partner Violence/prevention & control
Agora USB ; 21(1): 358-365, ene.-jun. 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1349932


Resumen La violencia en el noviazgo (VN) se considera un problema de salud pública por los efectos a nivel físico, emocional, social, además al ser una etapa previa a la conformación de familias, los eventos violentos serán posiblemente replicados y generen violencia intrafamiliar. Se requiere de estrategias de intervención individual, familiar, comunitario y poblacional; surge entonces la necesidad de identificar si existen o no políticas públicas y legislación que aborden de manera directa la VN para el caso de colombiano.

Abstract Dating violence (DV) is considered a public health problem due to the physical, emotional, social effects. In addition to being a pre-family stage, violent events will possibly be replicated and could generate domestic violence. Individual, family, community, and population intervention strategies are required. There is then a need to identify whether or not public policies and legislation exist, which directly address DV in the Colombian case.

Acta colomb. psicol ; 24(1): 154-166, Jan.-June 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1278131


Resumen La violencia en el noviazgo es un fenómeno multifactorial que requiere de estudios que profundicen respecto a los efectos que tienen las creencias culturales en el comportamiento tanto del agresor como de la víctima. Teniendo esto en cuenta, el objetivo de la presente investigación fue determinar la relación entre las creencias acerca de la violencia y la prevalencia de la violencia en el noviazgo. Para ello, se contó con una muestra de 420 estudiantes de dos universidades públicas mexicanas que respondieron el Inventario de creencias acerca de la violencia hacia la esposa, el Inventario de conflictos en las relaciones de noviazgo, y un cuestionario de información sociodemográfica. Los datos recolectados fueron examinados por medio de un análisis de correlación canónica, y los resultados mostraron que el modelo en general fue estadísticamente significativo (Wilks X = .654, F(20, 677.54) = 4.626,p < .05); que el tamaño del efecto del modelo general fue de .346, lo que indica que este explicó el 34.6 % de la varianza compartida por los dos conjuntos de variables; y que, específicamente en la primera función, el coeficiente de mayor magnitud fue el de la variable de justificación de la violencia (r2 s = 76.2; h 2 = 90.0), seguido por la del apoyo que se le puede brindar a la víctima (r2 s = 57.1; h2 = 94.5).

Abstract Dating violence is a multifactorial phenomenon that requires in-depth studies regarding the effects that cultural beliefs have on the behavior of both the aggressor and the victim. With this in mind, the objective of this research was to determine the relationship between beliefs about violence and the prevalence of dating violence. To this end, a sample of 420 students from two Mexican public universities answered the Inventory of Beliefs about Wife Violence, the Inventory of Conflicts in Dating Relationships, and a sociodemographic information questionnaire. The data collected were examined through a canonical correlation analysis, and the results showed that the overall model was statistically significant (Wilks X = .654, F (20, 677.54) = 4.626, p < .05); that the effect size of the overall model was .346, indicating that it explained 34. 6 % of the variance shared by the two sets of variables; and that, specifically in the first function, the coefficient of greatest magnitude was that of the variable of justification of the violence (r2 s = 76.2; h2 = 90.0), followed by that of the support that can be given to the victim (r2 s = 57.1; h2 = 94.5).

Diversitas perspectiv. psicol ; 17(1): 134-150, Jan.-June 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1375315


Resumen La violencia en el noviazgo durante la juventud se transcribe en un problema social de gran importancia en razón al impacto y consecuencias que conlleva para la vida, incluyendo el hecho de ser un fuerte predictor de la violencia en la adultez. El propósito del presente estudio fue identificar la relación entre las conductas violentas en el noviazgo, la tipología familiar y algunos factores sociodemográficos, en una muestra de jóvenes universitarios de la Sabana de Bogotá. Para tal fin se realizó un estudio cuantitativo de corte transversal, con un diseño de tipo descriptivo correlacional a una muestra de 515 estudiantes universitarios de cinco instituciones de educación superior de la región sabana de Bogotá, con edades comprendidas entre los 18 y 25 años. Dentro de los hallazgos, para la muestra en estudio, se encontraron relaciones entre dichos factores de violencia y algunas tipologías familiares y los factores sexo y nivel socioeconómico. En conclusión, variables como la edad, el nivel socioeconómico y la tipología familiar se relacionan con la presentación de algunos tipos de violencia presentada durante el noviazgo.

Abstract Dating violence during youth transforms into a social problem of great importance because of its impact and consequences for life, including the fact that it is a strong predictor of violence in adulthood. The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between dating violence, family typology and some sociodemographic factors in a sample of young university students from the Bogota savanna. To this end, a cross-sectional quantitative study was carried out with a descriptive correlational design on a sample of 515 university students from five higher education institutions in the Bogotá savanna region, aged between 18 and 25 years. Among the findings, for the sample under study, relationships were found between these factors of violence and some family typologies and the sex and socioeconomic level factors. In conclusion, variables such as age, socioeconomic level and family typology are related to the appearance of some types of dating violence.

Acta colomb. psicol ; 23(2): 460-470, jul.-dic. 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1124052


Abstract Previous studies indicate that being a victim of child maltreatment and witnessing parental violence are predictors of dating violence in adolescence. The influence of the peer group, alcohol use and being female also increase the risk for dating violence, although they are still poorly researched variables. Thus, this descriptive cross-sectional study investigated personal and contextual variables associated with the perpetration of dating violence in 403 adolescents, aged 14-19, from public and private schools in the Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre, Brazil. A multivariate logistic regression analysis indicated that having suffered psychological maltreatment in childhood increases 5.37 (95% IC = 2.30-12.57) the likelihood of an adolescent being a perpetrator of verbal/emotional dating violence. Other predictive variables (witnessing parental violence, peer group influence, alcohol use and being female) were not significant. This study gathers evidence of intergenerational aspects of dating violence and indicates the need for preventive work with adolescents.

Resumen Los estudios previos sobre el tema indican que ser víctima de malos tratos en la infancia y ser testigo de violencia conyugal en los padres son variables predictoras de la violencia en el noviazgo entre adolescentes; así como que la influencia del grupo de pares, el uso del alcohol y el sexo femenino aumentan el riesgo para la violencia en el noviazgo, aunque estas son variables todavía poco investigadas. Teniendo esto en cuenta, con el presente estudio transversal y descriptivo se investigó respecto a las variables personales y contextuales asociadas a la perpetración de violencia en el noviazgo en 403 adolescentes, de 14 a 19 años, de escuelas públicas y privadas en la Región Metropolitana de Porto Alegre, Brasil. Como resultados, una regresión logística multivariada indicó que haber sufrido maltrato psicológico en la infancia aumenta 5.37 veces (95 % IC = 2.30-12.57) la probabilidad de que un adolescente sea perpetrador de violencia verbal-emocional en el noviazgo. Otras variables, como ser testigo de violencia conyugal, la influencia del grupo de pares, el consumo de alcohol y el sexo femenino, no se mostraron significativas. Este estudio recoge evidencia de aspectos intergeneracionales de la violencia en el noviazgo e indica la necesidad de programas de prevención e intervención con los adolescentes.

Resumo Estudos prévios indicam que ser vítima de maus-tratos na infância e testemunhar a violência conjugal dos pais são preditores da violência no namoro na adolescência. A influência do grupo de pares, o uso de álcool e ser do sexo feminino igualmente aumentam o risco para a violência no namoro, embora ainda sejam variáveis pouco investigadas. Dessa forma, este estudo transversal descritivo investigou variáveis pessoais e contextuais associadas à perpetração de violência no namoro em 403 adolescentes, de 14 a 19 anos, de escolas públicas e privadas da Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre, Brasil. Uma análise de regressão logística multivariada indicou que ter sofrido maus-tratos psicológicos na infância aumenta em 5,37 (IC 95 % = 2,30-12,57) a probabilidade de um adolescente ser perpetrador de violência verbal ou emocional no namoro. Demais variáveis preditoras (testemunhar violência parental, influência do grupo de pares, uso de álcool e ser do sexo feminino) não se mostraram significativas. Este estudo reúne evidências de aspectos intergeracionais da violência no namoro e indica a necessidade de programas de prevenção com adolescentes.

Psicol. Caribe ; 37(2): 68-87, mayo-ago. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1287619


Resumen El objetivo del estudio fue analizar la relación entre el historial de maltrato infantil y la perpetración y victimización de violencia en el noviazgo. En la investigación, participaron 443 jóvenes de Bogotá (Colombia), con una edad media de 20,64 (DT = 3,911). El instrumento utilizado incluía la versión modificada de la Conflicts Tactics Scale (M-CTS) y otras preguntas de elaboración propia. Los resultados reportan que el maltrato infantil continúa siendo un grave problema: el 43 % manifiesta que ha sido víctima de maltrato psicológico; y el 36 %, de maltrato físico en la infancia. Los antecedentes de maltrato infantil parecen estar asociados con la violencia en las relaciones de pareja en la juventud. Las personas de la muestra que han sido objeto de maltrato físico y psicológico en la infancia, en comparación con las que no, puntúan significativamente más en distintas formas de perpetración y victimización de violencia en el noviazgo. Estos resultados pueden servir para poner en marcha acciones de prevención y sensibilización que impidan la reproducción de la violencia.

Abstract The objective of this research is to analyze the relation between the history of child abuse and the victimization and perpetration of dating violence. The research sample consists of 443 young adults from Bogotá (Colombia) and their mean age is 20.64 years (SD = 3.911). The instrument is composed of the modified version of the Conflicts Tactics Scale (M-CTS) and other questions (ad hoc). The results show that, during childhood, 43% of participants suffered psychological abuse and 36% of them suffered physical abuse. The history of child abuse appears to be associated with dating violence in emerging adulthood. Participants who have experienced physical and psychological abuse in childhood, compared to those who have not, score significantly higher in different forms of perpetration and victimization of dating violence. The results can be used to implement educational actions to prevent the reproduction of violence

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 25(8): 3119-3130, Ago. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, ColecionaSUS, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1133109


Resumo Este estudo investigou a associação entre a exposição aos maus tratos na infância e a perpetração de violência física nas relações afetivo-sexuais de adolescentes (n = 397; 14-19 anos). Um modelo de mediação foi conduzido para determinar se tais relações podem ser mediadas por Esquemas Iniciais Desadaptativos (EIDs), a partir da abordagem teórica da Terapia dos Esquemas. Além disso, buscou-se verificar se o modelo é invariante para adolescentes do sexo feminino e masculino. Os resultados indicaram que adolescentes perpetradores de violência no namoro, com histórico de maus tratos na infância, tiveram escores significativamente mais altos na perpetração de violência íntima, do que adolescentes sem histórico de maus tratos. Os EIDs do domínio de Desconexão e Rejeição foram considerados mediadores entre a exposição aos maus tratos e a violência no namoro na adolescência, sendo que este modelo se mostrou mais adequado ao sexo feminino. Implicações clínicas destes achados foram discutidas.

Abstract This study investigated the association between exposure to child maltreatment and dating physical violence in the affective-sexual relationship among adolescents (n =397, 14-19 years). A mediation model was conducted to determine whether these associations can be mediated by early maladaptive schemas (EMS), from the Schema Therapy's theoretical approach. Also, it sought to verify the invariant model by gender. The results showed that teen dating violence perpetrators with a history of child maltreatment had significantly higher scores in the perpetration of intimate violence than adolescents with no history of maltreatment. Disconnection and rejection realm schemas were mediators between exposure to child maltreatment and dating physical violence in adolescence, and this model was adequate to females. The clinical implications of these findings were also discussed.

Humans , Female , Child , Adolescent , Child Abuse , Intimate Partner Violence , Violence , Sexual Partners , Physical Abuse
Pensando fam ; 24(1): 160-174, jan.-jun. 2020. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1135468


Este estudo teve como objetivo apreender as Representações Sociais (RS) de adolescentes acerca da violência no namoro (VN). Trata-se de um estudo misto, quantitativo e qualitativo, de caráter descritivo e exploratório, que contou com a participação de 30 adolescentes, com idades entre 14 e 18 anos (M=15,66; DP=1,29), predominantemente do sexo masculino (53,3%). Para coleta de dados utilizou-se um questionário sociodemográfico e entrevistas semiestruturadas, tendo suas respostas submetidas a Análise Hierárquica Descendente (CDH) e de Similitude (AS), desempenhadas com o software IRaMuTeQ. Tais análises apontaram para uma compreensão multifacetada da VN por parte dos atores sociais do estudo, percebendo-se a tentativa de transformar o saber reificado acerca da violência em teorias do senso comum. Espera-se que esse estudo possibilite aprofundamentos teóricos-conceituais acerca da VN entre adolescentes, bem como, auxilie no planejamento de práticas interventivas voltadas a esta população.

This study aimed to apprehend the Social Representations (SR) of dating violence (DV) by adolescents. It is a mixed study, qualitative and quantitative, of a descriptive and exploratory character; it had the participation of 30 adolescents, aged between 14 and 18 (M = 15,66; SD = 1.29), prominently males (53.3%). For data collection, it was utilized a socio-demographic questionnaire and semi-structured interviews, and their answers were submitted to the Descending Hierarchical Classification (DHC) and a Similarity Analysis (SA), carried out by the IRaMuTeQ software. These analyses pointed towards a multifaceted comprehension of DV by this study's social actors; the teenagers conceptualized DV, its modalities, and consequences; which, by the way, require the importance of social support to the ones involved. It is expected that this study allows further theoretical-conceptual developments on DV among adolescents, as well as help to plan interventional practices aimed towards this specific population.