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Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 221-226, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005536


In major public health incident emergencies, the cultivation of medicine students’ dedication is the need of the times to ensure the predecessors of health cause successors, the value highlights of people-centred, and the main demand to help the growth and development of medical students. The cultivation of medical students’ dedication in major public health emergencies is confronted with the impact of diverse social ideologies, the deconstruction of the network and the fragmentation of the cultivation, etc. On the choice of specific countermeasures, it is necessary to strengthen the education of ideals and beliefs to enhance the initiative of the times, make good use of the practical carrier to improve the effectiveness, firmly establish the classroom position to reinforce the pertinence, incorporate the main force of family and society to enhance cooperation, and practice the community of mankind common health to highlight universality.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 332-337, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005554


【Objective:】 To summarize the research status, problems and countermeasures of ethical issues related to volunteer action in public health emergencies by reviewing relevant literature. 【Methods:】 Using four keywords: public health emergencies, volunteers, ethics, and research, this paper searched the Chinese and English databases for the literature published from December 2006 to December 2021 (15 years in total) on "ethical research on volunteer action in public health emergencies". After searching, it was found that there were not many related papers. A total of 31 papers were retrieved, and only 23 papers were selected. 【Results:】 The ethical problems faced by volunteers in public health emergencies were complex and diverse, and the individual ethical behavior of volunteers was affected by many factors. The strategies to solve the relevant ethical issues were not yet perfect. 【Conclusions:】 The ethical issues related to volunteer actions in public health emergencies needed to be further studied.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 933-940, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005653


The purpose of medicine is to preserve and develop the treatment in the process of saving lives and helping injuries. Medical professionalism is a comprehensive expression of physician’s clinical abilities, relationships and values between different subjects. In practice, white robed doctors utilize high standards of professionalism to practice the medical purpose and goals of "always centering on the interests of the patient" in specific diagnosis and treatment behaviors. At the same time, fulfilling the promises and expectations of medicine to the public. For these reasons, selfless dedication, self-sacrifice, and one-way pure altruism are all internalized into the basic requirements of medical professionalism: doctors should not only have the skill to revive the dead, but also have the benevolence of evangelists; they not only need to achieve maximum efficiency in technology, but also achieve the highest truth, goodness, and beauty in virtue. When these qualities are exaggerated or unattainable due to uncontrollable reasons, there will be a rift between the entrenched value systems and practical needs. In recent years, the global epidemic has had a huge impact on the medical system and medical staff, and the moral beliefs, role expectations, and value systems of doctors have also been impacted unprecedentedly, resulting in moral injury. The international research on moral injury in medical field has also received attention. China is currently in the adjustment period of epidemic related policies, with medical personnel bearing the brunt. Therefore, referring to relevant international research on moral injury to re-examine the relationship between the medical professionalism, which emphasizes one-way pure altruism, dedication and weakening or even neglecting personal well-being, and current medical practices. And constructing a moral injury early warning-repair system that focuses on doctors, patients, medical teams, medical institutions, medical environments, health systems, and other stakeholders, and ensuring its healthy operation. Not only in extreme periods, but also in ordinary daily diagnosis and treatment, it can support doctors to actively, safely, and healthily fulfill their mission of saving lives and helping injuries.

Interacciones ; 8Jan.-Dec 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421850


Introducción: Los niveles de estrés parental aumentaron durante la temporada de educación virtual de sus hijos. Esto hace que los padres se sientan desbordados ante las demandas propias del rol paterno, promoviendo sentimientos negativos sobre sí mismos o sobre sus hijos. Por lo tanto, se pretende determinar la relación entre estrés parental y dedicación a la educación virtual de sus hijos en padres de la ciudad de Tingo María, Perú. Métodos: Es un estudio de diseño no experimental transversal descriptivo de alcance correlacional. En la recolección de datos se utilizó los instrumentos: Escala de Estrés Parental y el Cuestionario Dedicación a la Educación Virtual de sus Hijos, en la cual participaron 356 padres de familia de 18 a 59 años (Me=37; DE=7.49) de la Amazonía peruana dedicados a la agricultura. Resultados: Donde se encontró que no existe relación entre estrés parental y dedicación a la educación virtual de los hijos (rho = -0.096; p = 0.071). Sin embargo, se encontró una relación altamente significativa entre las dimensiones recompensas parentales (rho = 0.384; p=0.000) y factores estresantes (rho = -0.270; p = 0.000) con la variable dedicación a la educación virtual con un tamaño del efecto moderado y pequeño respectivamente. Así mismo, se encontró diferencias significativas entre el estrés parental según el estado civil (U= 12056.0, p<0.05, d= 1.703) y la dedicación a la educación virtual de los hijos según la edad (U=3360.0, p<0.05, d= 1.343). Conclusión: En los padres que participaron en el estudio, a mayores factores estresantes menor es la dedicación a la educación virtual de sus hijos y un incremento de recompensa parental aumentó la dedicación a la educación virtual de sus hijos. Estudios posteriores pueden explorar la relación de estas variables en padres con otras condiciones socioeconómicas y en muestras representativas de otras regiones.

Background: The parental stress levels increased during their children's virtual education season. This makes parents feel overwhelmed by the demands of the parental role, promoting negative feelings about themselves or their children. Therefore, the aim is to determine the relationship between parental stress and dedication to the virtual education of their children in parents from the city of Tingo Maria, Peru. Methods: It is a cross-sectional descriptive non-experimental design study with a correlational scope. The instruments used in the data collection were: The parental Stress Scale and the Questionnaire Dedication to the Virtual Education of their Children, in which 356 parents aged 18 to 59 years (Me=37; SD=7.49) from the Peruvian Amazon dedicated to agriculture participated. Results: Where it was found that there is no relationship between parental stress and dedication to the virtual education of children (rho = -0.096; p = 0.071). However, a highly significant relationship was found between the dimensions of parental rewards (rho = 0.384; p=0.000) and stress factors (rho = -0.270; p = 0.000) with the variable dedication to virtual education with moderate effect size and small respectively. Likewise, significant differences were found between parental stress according to marital status (U= 12056.0, p<0.05, d= 1.703) and children's dedication to virtual education according to age (U=3360.0, p<0.05, d= 1.343). Conclusions: In the parents who participated in the study, the greater the stressors, the lower the dedication to their children's virtual education, and an increase in parental reward increased the dedication to their children's virtual education. Further studies can explore the relationship of these variables in parents with other socioeconomic conditions and representative samples from other regions.

Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 20(6)dic. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1409422


Se tiene presente el principio martiano de que "Educar es depositar en cada hombre toda la obra humana, es ponerlo a nivel de su tiempo, es preparar al hombre para la vida", por eso, esta semblanza es un homenaje a la ilustre académica Alicia Evarista Fernández Hernández, quien con 12 años edad comenzó su labor como educadora al incorporarse a la Campaña de Alfabetización y a otras tareas asignadas por la Revolución; martiana ferviente, educadora por excelencia, ha transmitido durante más de cuatro décadas sus experiencias y sus doctrinas de amor y sabiduría a distintas generaciones de estudiantes de Enfermería, Medicina, profesores, profesionales de la salud de Cuba y otros pueblos del mundo. Es objetivo de esta semblanza referir los aspectos más relevantes de su magistral obra educativa, académica y revolucionaria, apoyados en testimonios, revisión de documentos, entrevistas a familiares y compañeros, que, sin dudas, describen de modo fehaciente su trayectoria como estudiante, enfermera, profesora, académica e investigadora. Alicia Fernández constituye un referente teórico-práctico, ejemplo de dedicación, altruismo y un modelo de conducta a seguir por las nuevas generaciones de galenos, enfermeros, profesores y otros profesionales de la salud que se forman integralmente en las universidades de las Ciencias Médicas cubanas(AU)

We keep in mind Marti's principle that "to educate is to deposit all human work in each man, to put him at the level of his time, and to prepare him for life"; therefore, this semblance is a tribute to the illustrious academician Alicia Evarista Fernández Hernández who began her work as an educator at the age of twelve by joining the literacy campaign and other tasks assigned by the Revolution. She has been a passionate defender of Marti's ideas and an educator par excellence who has passed her experiences and doctrines of love and wisdom to different generations of nursing and medical students, professors and other health professionals from Cuba and other peoples of the world for more than four decades. The objective of this semblance is to present the most relevant aspects of her masterful educational, academic and revolutionary work supported by evidence, document reviews, and interviews with family members and colleagues which undoubtedly describe her career as a student, nurse, professor, academician, and researcher. Alicia Fernández is a theoretical and practical referent, an example of dedication and altruism, and a behavior model to the new generations of doctors, nurses, professors and other health professionals who are fully trained in the Cuban universities of Medical Sciences(AU)

Humans , Female , Students, Medical , Students, Nursing , Family Characteristics , Life
Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 20(4): e3265, 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1289612


Doctora Caridad Felicia Pérez Batista profesional abnegada, competente, compañera y amiga, que todos conocimos por sus valores éticos, disciplina, tenacidad y rigor en su trabajo; la recordaremos también por su dedicación en las actividades de los Eventos de Profesores; distinguida por su excelente trabajo en el Servicio de Dermatología del Hospital General Docente "Dr. Enrique Cabrera", donde realizó una incansable labor de colaboración en programas docentes. Asimismo, es destacable su `participación en eventos nacionales e internacionales, y como especialista en Dermatología resaltan sus importantes investigaciones sobre la lepra. Con esta semblanza, hemos querido rendirle tributo bien merecido, pues su vida y quehacer profesional fue un ejemplo para todos(AU)

Dr. Caridad Felicia Pérez Batista was an unselfish, competent, good colleague and friend who was known for her ethical values, discipline, tenacity and rigor of her work. She will also be remembered for her dedication to academic events. She distinguished herself by her excellent work in the Dermatology Service of "Dr. Enrique Cabrera" Teaching and General Hospital where she conducted a tireless collaboration with teaching programs. Her participation in national and international events is remarkable. As a specialist in Dermatology, some of her important research on leprosy are also highlighted. In this semblance we want to pay a well-deserved tribute to her life and professional activity which have been a good example for all(AU)

Humans , Female , Specialization , Dermatology , Faculty
CienciaUAT ; 15(2): 122-134, ene.-jun. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1285896


Resumen Las empresas han integrado estrategias de flexibilidad como parte importante en los procesos de recursos humanos, principalmente como un componente más de su salario emocional. El objetivo de esta investigación fue establecer de qué manera la flexibilidad laboral se relaciona con la dedicación, el reto intelectual y el ambiente laboral que perciben las personas en su lugar de trabajo. Se realizó una investigación de tipo cuantitativo durante el mes de noviembre de 2018, en el que se aplicó un cuestionario en línea de 38 reactivos, obteniendo una muestra de 282 trabajadores mexicanos de la ciudad de Monterrey, Nuevo León, México. El 95.4 % de los entrevistados manifestaron interés por al menos una de las variantes de trabajo flexible. La modalidad de trabajo en espacios abiertos fue la opción menos aceptada, con una preferencia del 7.8 %. Se encontró correlación positiva entre el ambiente laboral y el balance positivo por trabajo flexible. El ambiente laboral también mostró alta correlación positiva con la dedicación y el reto intelectual. Lo anterior resulta de interés en el contexto actual para las estrategias de recursos humanos y el ambiente empresarial.

Abstract Currently, there are many companies in the world that have been integrating flexibility strategies as an important part in the human resources processes, mainly as an additional component of their emotional salary. The aim of this research is to understand the correlation between job flexibility and dedication, intellectual challenge and the work environment that people perceive in their workplace. A quantitative research was carried out during November 2018. An online questionnaire of 38 items was administered to a sample of 282 Mexican workers from the city of Monterrey, Nuevo León in Mexico. Findings indicate that 95.4 % of interviewees showed an interest for at least one of the flexible work variants. The open space work modality was the least desirable with a 7.8 % preference. A positive correlation between work environment and a positive balance due to flexible work was found. The working environment similarly showed a high positive correlation with dedication and intellectual challenge. The foregoing findings are of interest to the current context for human resource strategies and the business environment.

Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 50(2): e1373, 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1341443


Se bosqueja la trayectoria del Coronel (R) Juan Benigno Castañer Moreno, luchador incansable que ha dedicado su vida a la medicina y a la Revolución. Se exploró su labor investigativa a través de una revisión documental, en su expediente, búsqueda de información disponible en internet, sus trabajos y una entrevista efectuada por los autores, con la cual, se logró precisar pasajes importantes de tan extensa vida. Con este trabajo, los autores se proponen divulgar los principales logros de la trayectoria laboral, científica y docente del profesor Castañer como merecido reconocimiento a la obra de toda su vida(AU)

The trajectory of Colonel (R) Juan Benigno Castañer Moreno, a tireless fighter who has dedicated his life to medicine and the Revolution, is outlined. His investigative work was explored through a documentary review, in his employment record, a search for information available on the internet, his works and an interview carried out by the authors, with which it was possible to specify important passages of such long life. With this work, the authors intend to disseminate the main achievements of Professor Castañer's work, scientific and teaching career as well-deserved recognition of his life's work(AU)

Humans , Male , Teaching , Life , Faculty , Medicine
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1281759


El objetivo principal de la investigación fue analizar la estructura factorial y la consistencia de una escala de compromiso académico a través del análisis factorial exploratorio, confirmatorio y multigrupo; y también, con el coeficiente Alfa. La muestra estuvo conformada por 1110 estudiantes de diversas universidades de Lima, Perú y el instrumento analizado fue la Escala de Utrecht de Engagement Académico (UWES-S) de 17 ítems. Durante el análisis factorial exploratorio, se evidenció que los ítems se agrupan en tres factores: dedicación, vigor y absorción; y se eliminó el ítem 10 por presentar carga factorial en más de una dimensión. El análisis factorial confirmatorio indicó que el modelo es óptimo; por otra parte, el análisis factorial multigrupo señaló que el instrumento presenta un ajuste adecuado para la muestra de varones y mujeres. Además, la escala final de 16 ítems obtuvo un coeficiente Alfa igual a .83. Con lo anterior, se aporta un instrumento válido para la evaluación del compromiso académico en estudiantes universitarios peruanos.

The main purpose of the research was to analyze the factor structure and consistency of an academic engagement scale through exploratory, confirmatory and multigroup factor analysis; and also, with the Alpha coefficient. The sample consisted of 1,110 students from several universities in Lima, Peru and the instrument analyzed was the Utrecht Academic Engagement Scale (UWES-S) of 17 items. During the exploratory factor analysis, it was evident that the items are grouped into three factors: dedication, vigor and absorption; and item 10 was eliminated for presenting factor loading in more than one dimension. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the model is optimal; on the other hand, the multigroup factor analysis indicated that the instrument presents an appropriate adjustment for a sample of men and women. Furthermore, the final scale of 16 items obtained an alpha coefficient equal to .83. With the above, a valid instrument is provided for the evaluation of academic engagement in Peruvian university students.

O principal objetivo da investigação foi analisar a estrutura fatorial e a consistência de uma escala de engajamento acadêmico por meio de análise fatorial exploratória, confirmatória e multigrupo; e também com o coeficiente alpha. A amostra foi composta por 1110 estudantes de várias universidades de Lima, Peru, e o instrumento analisado foi a Escala Utrecht de Engajamento Acadêmico (UWES-S) de 17 itens. Durante a análise fatorial exploratória, demonstrou-se que os itens estão agrupados em três fatores: dedicação, vigor e absorção; e o item 10 foi eliminado por apresentar carga fatorial em mais de uma dimensão. A análise fatorial confirmatória indicou que o modelo é ótimo; Por outro lado, a análise fatorial multigrupo indicou que o instrumento apresenta um ajuste adequado para a amostra de homens e mulheres. Além disso, a escala final de 16 itens obteve um coeficiente alfa igual a .83. Com o exposto, este trabalho fornece um instrumento válido para avaliar o engajamento acadêmico em estudantes universitários peruanos.

Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Research , Factor Analysis, Statistical , Universities , Absorption
Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 19(5): e3399, sept.-oct. 2020. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1149959


RESUMEN Este trabajo refiere la trayectoria del Dr. Gregorio Miguel Delgado García, investigador incansable que ha dedicado la vida a la Historia de la Medicina, además de su ejemplo de consagración al trabajo y a la Revolución. El acercamiento a su trayectoria investigativa se realizó a través de una revisión documental de su expediente docente, búsqueda de información realizada en la base de datos Scielo, en el Google académico y Biblioteca Virtual de Salud sobre sus trabajos realizados y una entrevista efectuada por los autores, con la que se logró que narrara los momentos más importantes de una larga trayectoria llena de logros y vivencias inolvidables. Es por eso que el objetivo es divulgar los principales aspectos de la trayectoria profesional, docente y científica del historiador Dr. Gregorio Miguel Delgado García como reconocimiento a la obra de toda la vida.

ABSTRACT This paper presents the professional career of Dr. Gregorio Miguel Delgado García, a tireless researcher who has devoted all his life to the history of Medicine and whose dedication to work and the Revolution has been admirable. The approach to his research path was carried out through a document review of his teaching records, a search carried out in SciELO and Google Scholar databases, a review of all his works carried out in the Health Virtual Library and an interview made by the authors in which he recounted the most significant moments of his lifelong career that has been full of achievements and unforgettable memories. Therefore, this work aimed at spreading the main aspects of the professional, teaching and scientific career of the historian Dr. Gregorio Miguel Delgado García as a recognition of his lifetime work.

Humans , Male , Research Personnel , Life , Libraries, Digital , History of Medicine , Cuba
Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 19(1)ene.-feb. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1508618


Consideramos esta semblanza del Dr. Jorge Díaz Mayo, fallecido recientemente, un digno homenaje a un querido profesor de este Hospital "Enrique Cabrera"; admirado y respetado por todos, quien, por su dedicación profesional, constituyó un ejemplo no solo para los que trabajaron a su lado, sino para los que, de forma directa o indirecta, conocieron sus excelentes cualidades como médico y como ser humano. Su trayectoria como estudiante fue culminada como diplomado en Doctor en Medicina, en cuyo perfil se distinguiría con una prolífera labor durante años en varios centros médicos, en los cuales mantuvo siempre los principios y ética de médico íntegro y revolucionario, además de destacarse en actividades colaterales, políticas, deportivas y en la defensa al país. Su labor como dirigente fue ejemplar.

This is to pay tribute to the recently deceased professor Dr. Jorge Díaz Mayo, who was admired and respected by everyone during all his work at "Enrique Cabrera" Hospital. He was also an example of professional dedication not only to all the persons who worked directly with him but to those who, directly or indirectly, knew about his excellent qualities as a doctor and a human being. He ended up his student´s formation with the Degree of Doctor of Medicine. He distinguished himself for his prolific work in different medical centers for many years and he always kept the principles and ethics of upright and revolutionary doctor. He also distinguished himself for his collateral, political, and sports activities, as well as other actions for homeland defense. He was considered an inspiring leader.

Rev. adm. pública (Online) ; 53(1): 101-123, Jan.-Feb. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-990499


Resumo Este estudo constitui uma abordagem quantitativa com base na análise de um modelo hipotético sobre o serviço público e sua relação com a construção social em torno do gênero. O universo da pesquisa consiste em mulheres altamente qualificadas que trabalham no serviço público e em empresas privadas de médio e grande portes no Brasil. A amostra final foi composta por 1.464 questionários válidos; destes, 18,6% de servidoras públicas. Foram testadas hipóteses para verificar a relação de dependência entre as variáveis: rendimento da mulher em relação ao seu par amoroso e o tipo de carreira; responsabilidade da mulher pelas atividades do lar e o tipo de carreira; rendimento em relação ao seu par amoroso e responsabilidade pelas atividades do lar; tempo de cuidado das mulheres com seus filhos e o tipo de carreira; motivadores do interesse em permanecer na carreira.

Resumen Este estudio proporciona un enfoque cuantitativo basado en el análisis de un modelo hipotético del servicio público y su relación con la construcción social en torno al género. El universo de la investigación se limita a las mujeres altamente calificadas que trabajan en el servicio público y en las empresas privadas medianas y grandes en Brasil. Son 1.464 cuestionarios válidos, el 18,6 % de estos respondidos por servidoras públicas. Se probaron hipótesis para determinar la relación de dependencia entre las siguientes variables: rendimiento de la mujer con relación a su compañero y el tipo de carrera; responsabilidad de la mujer para con las actividades del hogar y el tipo de carrera; rendimiento con relación a su pareja y responsabilidad con las actividades del hogar; tiempo dedicado por las mujeres al cuidado de sus hijos y el tipo de carrera; factores motivadores de su interés en permanecer en la carrera.

Abstract This quantitative approach study analyzes a hypothetical model for the public service and its relationship with the social construction around gender. The research universe was limited to highly qualified women working in the public service and medium and large private companies in Brazil. From 1,464 valid questionnaires, 18.6% were completed by public servants. Hypotheses were tested to verify the relationship of dependence between the variables: women's income in relation to their husbands' and the type of career; women's responsibility for household chores and the type of career; women's and their husbands' income in relation to mutual responsibility for household chores; time spent by women and their husbands with their children and the type of career; and motivators of interest in remaining in the career.

Women , Women, Working , Spouses , Empowerment , Housing
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-626279


This study investigates work engagement of employed breast cancer survivors in comparison to unmatched control samples of healthy working women without cancer and any other chronic diseases from the general population. A case-control study design using unmatched controls was adopted in this study. The case comprised of 80 female breast cancer survivors who have returned to full-time employment selected using purposive sampling technique. Meanwhile, controls were 88 healthy female working women in full time paid employment, selected using quota sampling. Questionnaire covering socio-demographic characteristics and self-rated work engagement measured using Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) was distributed to the cancer survivors through face-to-face meeting during their hospital visits. For the healthy controls the questionnaires were distributed using drop-and-collect method through the human resource personnel of the participating organization. The results revealed, after controlling for age, marital status, ethnic group and tenure with organization, no significant differences in the overall work engagement was found between the breast cancer survivors [mean (SD) = 4.66 (0.92)] and the healthy controls [mean (SD) = 4.75 (0.85)]; F(1, 163) =1.70. In comparison to the work engagement domains, only the Vigor domain was found to be significantly lower for the survivors, survivors [F (1, 163) =14.94; p<.001] compared to healthy controls. However, the effect size was small (2= 0.004). No significant difference was found in the mean absorption and dedication domain scores. The findings suggest, except for vigor domain, work engagement of breast cancer survivors who have returned to work do not differ from individuals without cancer.​

Breast Neoplasms , Survivors , Work
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-623365


Diagnostics is the bridge from basic medicine to clinical medicine.For the students contacting the clinic for the first time,we take measures to cultivate the consciousness of showing love to patients and dedicating yourself to work.It is beneficial to cultivate the students'ability in clinical practice.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-516431


This paper briefly discusses a necessity of current cultivating dedication spirit and the connotations of dedication. Also it puts forward some suggestions on affecting the factors of dedication spirit and how to cultivate dedication spirit.