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Geriatr Gerontol Aging ; 18: e0000043, Apr. 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566893


Objective: To describe the psychotropic drug deprescription process in older patients of a geriatric psychiatry outpatient clinic. Methods: We conducted a quasi-experimental study of people aged ≥ 60 years who were treated at Hospital São Lucas' Geriatric Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic, which is affiliated with Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Data on 150 older people were collected from March 2021 to August 2022 and were evaluated by the pharmacists. The inclusion criteria were age ≥ 60 years, being a patient of the hospital's Geriatric Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic, use of at least one psychotropic drug, and agreeing to participate in the study. Those unable to report their medications and those who only came to the first appointment were excluded. Results: Overall, deprescription of at least one psychotropic drug was indicated in 61.3% (n = 92) of the participants, and it was effectively implemented in 68.5% (n = 63) of this group. Deprescribing, which was more frequent in the youngest age group (60­69 years) (p = 0.049), was indicated for 37.4% (n = 136) of psychotropic drugs, 67.6% (n = 92) of which were effectively deprescribed. The main classes indicated for deprescription were hypnotics and sedatives (90.0%; n = 18) and anxiolytics (73.3%; n = 11). Conclusions: At least 1 psychotropic drug was indicated for deprescription in the majority of the patients, and in most cases it was effectively implemented. One-third of the prescribed psychotropic drugs were indicated for deprescription, and more than half were successfully deprescribed. (AU)

Humans , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Deprescriptions , Geriatric Psychiatry , Psychopharmacology
Geriatr., Gerontol. Aging (Online) ; 14(4): 294-297, 31-12-2020.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1151617


Prescribing medications involves complex cognitive processes, and mistakes in prescription can cause serious adverse events. Deprescribing is one of the last opportunities to prevent patient harm from the use of drugs that should be avoided, especially among older patients. This viewpoint article aims to discuss the prescription process and some essential concepts, such as polypharmacy, prescription of potentially inappropriate medications, and, particularly, the relevance of deprescribing and its relationship with the appropriate prescription of medications in older people.

A prescrição de medicamentos envolve processos cognitivos complexos e erros na prescrição podem causar eventos adversos graves. A desprescrição é uma das últimas oportunidades de prevenir danos ao paciente decorrentes do uso de medicamentos que devem ser evitados, principalmente entre pacientes mais velhos. Este artigo teve como objetivo discutir o processo de prescrição e alguns conceitos essenciais, como a polifarmácia, a prescrição de medicamentos potencialmente inadequados e, particularmente, a relevância da desprescrição e sua relação com a prescrição adequada de medicamentos em idosos.

Humans , Polypharmacy , Prescription Drugs/administration & dosage , Deprescriptions , Drug Prescriptions , Pharmaceutical Preparations
Rev. Méd. Clín. Condes ; 31(2): 204-210, mar.-abr. 2020. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1223700


De acuerdo a las estimaciones mundiales, el año 2050, habrá más de 2000 millones de personas mayores (PM) de 60 años. En Chile, la situación no es distinta, el país está envejeciendo y esta situación nos expone a nuevos desafíos. Las PM, suelen presentar una mayor carga de enfermedad con el consiguiente aumento en la utilización de medicamentos para controlar su comorbilidad y multimorbilidad. Esta polifarmacia (uso de 5 o más medicamentos) trae consigo riesgos tales como el aumento de caídas, mayor fragilidad, aumento de los costos, entre otros. Para abordar estos riesgos en las PM, aparece el concepto de deprescripción como la práctica de retiro de medicamentos considerados inapropiados, supervisado por un profesional de la salud con el objetivo de gestionar la polifarmacia y mejorar los resultados clínicos. La deprescripción de medicamentos tales como las benzodiazepinas podrían mejorar la calidad del sueño y la calidad de vida, el retiro de analgésicos antinflamatorios no esteroidales y betabloqueadores disminuyen las caídas entre otros resultados. Esta práctica, debiese plantearse, por ejemplo, cuando los síntomas o síndromes coinciden con los efectos adversos a algunos de los medicamentos, cuando el paciente se encuentra en estadío avanzado de su enfermedad, con extrema fragilidad, con demencia avanzada o en cuidados de fin de vida. A pesar de que cada vez aparece más literatura que muestra la utilidad de deprescribir, queda aún pendiente expandir el conocimiento para generar evidencia de mejor calidad metodológica que oriente en qué escenarios se obtienen los mejores resultados para los pacientes.

According to global estimates, in the year 2050, there will be more than 2000 million older people (OP) of 60 years. In Chile, the situation is no different, the country is aging and this situation exposes us to new challenges. The OP, usually present a greater burden of disease resulting in an increase in the use of medications to control their comorbidity and multimorbility. This polypharmacy (the use of 5 or more drugs) it brings risks such as the increase in falls, greater fragility, increased costs, among others. To address these risks in the OP, the term deprescribing appears as the process of withdrawal of inappropriate medication, supervised by a health care professional with the goal of managing polypharmacy and improve clinical outcomes. Deprescribing medications such as benzodiazepines could improve the quality of sleep and quality of life, the withdrawal of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesics and beta-blockers decrease falls among other results. This practice should arise, for example, when the symptoms or syndromes coincide with adverse effects to some of the medicines, when the patient is in advanced stage of their illness, with extreme fragility, with advanced dementia or end-of-life care. Despite the fact that every time appears more literature that shows the usefulness of deprescribir, to expand the knowledge to generate evidence of better quality that show in which scenarios are obtained the best results for patients.

Humans , Aged , Polypharmacy , Deprescriptions
Rev. Bras. Med. Fam. Comunidade (Online) ; 15(42): 2105-2105, 20200210. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1052944


Introdução: Algumas alterações fisiológicas que ocorrem no indivíduo idoso favorecem o acúmulo e a intoxicação por medicamentos. Dentre estes, podemos citar a classe dos benzodiazepínicos, medicamentos que, apesar de amplamente prescritos, principalmente para tratamento de distúrbios do sono e ansiedade, são considerados potencialmente inapropriados para o uso em idosos. Portanto, a elaboração de protocolos para desprescrição desses medicamentos é estratégia necessária na gestão do cuidado dos pacientes geriátricos. Objetivo: Elaborar e validar um protocolo de desprescrição do clonazepam para idosos que fazem uso deste medicamento para ansiedade ou insônia. Métodos: Estudo metodológico, desenvolvido em duas etapas, sendo elas a elaboração e a validação do protocolo de desprescrição do clonazepam para idosos que fazem uso desse medicamento para ansiedade ou insônia, excetuando-se aqueles que preenchem os critérios de exclusão. A elaboração do protocolo resultou em três produtos: um fluxograma de desprescrição, um folheto sobre higiene do sono e um folheto contendo os benefícios da desprescrição do clonazepam sob supervisão médica. A validação do protocolo foi realizada por médicos especialistas, por meio da Técnica de Delphi. Já na validação dos folhetos, participaram, além dos especialistas, indivíduos com 60 anos ou mais, de ambos os sexos, que não fizessem uso do clonazepam. A partir dos resultados obtidos, foi analisada a concordância da avaliação por meio do Coeficiente de Validade de Conteúdo (CVC), uma vez que essa ferramenta objetiva medir o grau de concordância dos juízes participantes do processo de validação. Resultados: O fluxograma foi considerado validado após a segunda rodada de avaliação, pois todos os itens avaliados obtiveram CVC igual ou superior a 0,8 nesta rodada. Os folhetos foram considerados validados já na primeira rodada de avaliação, pois todos os itens também obtiveram CVC superior a 0,8 durante esta rodada. Conclusão: Considerando os resultados obtidos, o protocolo se apresenta como uma ferramenta importante ao guiar a conduta médica no processo de desprescrição do clonazepam.

Introduction: Some physiological changes that occur in the elderly individual favor the accumulation and intoxication by drugs. Among these, we can mention the class of benzodiazepines, medicines which, although widely prescribed mainly for the treatment of sleep disorders and anxiety, are considered potentially inappropriate for use in the elderly. Therefore, the elaboration of protocols for the deprescribing of those drugs is a necessary strategy in the management of the care of geriatric patient. Objective: To elaborate and validate a protocol for the Deprescribing of clonazepam for the elderly who use this medication for anxiety or insomnia. Methods: Methodological study, developed in two stages ­ elaboration and validation of the protocol of deprescribing of clonazepam for elderly people who use this medication for anxiety or insomnia, except those who meet the exclusion criteria. The elaboration of the protocol resulted in three products: a flowchart of deprescribing, a leaflet of sleep hygiene, and a leaflet containing the benefits of the clonazepam Deprescribing under medical supervision. The validation of the protocol was performed by medical specialists, through the Delphi Technique. In addition to the specialists, individuals of both sexes, aged 60 years or more who did not use clonazepam, took part in the validation of the leaflets. Based on the results obtained, the agreement of the evaluation was analyzed using the Content Validity Coefficient (CVC), since this tool aims to measure the degree of agreement of the judges participating in the validation process. Results: The flowchart was considered validated after the second round of evaluation, since all items assessed had a CVC equal to or greater than 0.8 in this round. The leaflets were considered validated in the first evaluation round, since all items also obtained CVC greater than 0.8 during this round. Conclusion: Considering the results obtained, the protocol presents itself as an important tool in guiding medical conduct in the process of Deprescribing of clonazepam

Introducción: Algunas alteraciones fisiológicas que ocurren en el individuo mayor favorecen el acumulación y la intoxicación por medicamentos. Entre estas, podemos citar la clase de los benzodiazepínicos, medicamentos que, a pesar de ampliamente prescritos, principalmente para el tratamiento de disturbios del sueño y de la ansiedad, son considerados potencialmente inapropiados si usados por personas mayores. Por lo tanto, la elaboración de protocolos para desprescripción de esos medicamentos son estrategias necesarias en la gestión al cuidado de los pacientes geriátricos. Objetivo: Elaborar y validar un protocolo de desprescripción de clonazepam para mayores que hacen uso de esta medicina para ansiedad o insomnio. Métodos: Estudio metodológico, desarrollado en dos etapas, siendo ellas la elaboración y la validación del protocolo de desprescripción del clonazepam para mayores que hacen uso de ese medicamento para ansiedad o insomnio, exceptuando aquellos que cumplen los criterios de exclusión. La elaboración del protocolo resultó en tres productos: un flujograma de desprescripción, un folleto sobre la higiene del sueño y un folleto conteniendo los beneficios de la desprescripción del clonazepam bajo supervisión médica. La validación del protocolo fue realizada por médicos especialistas, por medio de la Técnica de Delphi. Ya en la validación de los folletos, participaron, además de los especialistas, individuos con 60 años o más, de ambos sexos, que no hiciesen uso de clonazepam. A partir de los resultados obtenidos, fue analizada la concordancia de la evaluación por médio del Coeficiente de Validez de Contenido (CVC), una vez que esa herramienta objetiva medir el grado de concordancia de los jueces partícipes del proceso de validación. Resultados: El flujograma fue considerado validado después de la segunda ronda de evaluación, pues todos los ítems evaluados obtuvieron CVC igual o superior a 0,8 en esta rodada. Los folletos fueron considerados validados ya en la primera rodada de evaluación, pues todos los ítems también obtuvieron CVC superior a 0,8 durante esta rodada. Conclusión: Considerando los resultados obtenidos, el protocolo se presenta como una herramienta importante al guiar la conducta médica en el proceso de desprescripción del clonazepam.

Humans , Aged , Clinical Protocols , Clonazepam , Deprescriptions , Geriatrics
Rev. salud pública ; 20(1): 23-26, ene.-feb. 2018. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-962088


RESUMEN Objetivo Realizar la notificación y verificar el seguimiento de cinco alertas sanitarias de medicamentos a un grupo de prestadores de salud en Colombia. Métodos Estudio cuasi-experimental, prospectivo, antes y después, sin grupo control, mediante una intervención en médicos prescriptores de ketoconazol, metoclopramida, nimesulida, diacereina, ranelato de estroncio. Se tomó como población universo a los afiliados al régimen contributivo del Sistema de Salud Colombiano en 13 entidades promotoras de salud (EPS) de Colombia. Se identificaron los pacientes que recibían mensualmente estos medicamentos previamente a la alerta. Se realizó una intervención educativa y posteriormente se midió la proporción de cambio en la dispensación. Resultados Se realizaron en total unas 26 actividades diferentes a 500 médicos prescriptores. De un total de 4 121 954 de personas se identificaron 13 979 pacientes mensuales en 2013 que recibían alguno de los cinco medicamentos y se observó una reducción en 1 470 sujetos al mes (-10,5%) para 2014. El medicamento con el que se consiguió la mayor reducción fue ketoconazol (-31,1% de casos), seguido de ranelato de estroncio (-30,3%) y metoclopramida (-8,6%). Para nimesulida (+0,7%) y diacereina (+16,4%) no se obtuvieron resultados favorables. Conclusiones Se mantienen prescripciones potencialmente riesgosas en pacientes de Colombia. Con intervenciones basadas en farmacovigilancia posterior al reporte de alertas por agencias reguladoras sanitarias, se puede disminuir la proporción de pacientes que utilizan estos medicamentos.(AU)

ABSTRACT Objective Make the notification and monitoring compliance with five health drug alerts to a group of health care providers in Colombia. Methods Quasi-experimental, prospective, before-after study, without control group, by intervening in physician prescribers of ketoconazole, metoclopramide, nimesulide, diacerein, strontium ranelate. The affiliated population of the contributory system of the Colombian Health System was taken as the universe population sample from 13 health promoting entities (EPS) of Colombia. Patients receiving monthly these drugs prior to the alert were identified. An educational intervention was performed and then the rate of change in the dispensation was measured. Results About 26 different activities were conducted on 500 prescribers. Out of a total of 4 121 954 people, 13 979 patients were identified monthly in 2013, who received some of the five medications. Likewise, a reduction in 1,470 subjects per month (-10.5%) for 2014 was observed. The drug which achieved the greatest reduction was ketoconazole (-31.1% of cases), followed by strontium ranelate (-30.3%) and metoclopramide (-8.6%). For nimesulide (+ 0.7%) and diacerein (+ 16.4%) no favorable results were obtained. Conclusions Patients with potentially risky prescriptions remain in Colombia; educational pharmacovigilance interventions made after the report alerts given by drug regulatory agencies may decrease the proportion of patients using these drugs.(AU)

Humans , Drug Utilization/standards , Medical Order Entry Systems/organization & administration , Pharmacovigilance , Deprescriptions , Prospective Studies , Non-Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic/instrumentation , Ketoconazole/supply & distribution , Metoclopramide/supply & distribution
Rev. ciênc. farm. básica apl ; 39: [5], 01/01/2018.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1100197


Potentially Inappropriate Medication for the elderly (PIM) are drugs in which the safety risks may exceed the benefits, especially when there are safer alternatives. The use of PIM is associated with increased hospitalizations and it is estimated that one every five prescriptions presents at least one PIM. In this context, there are several assessment tools for identification of PIM. The first assessment tool developed was Beers criteria and since its publication, new tools have been developed. The objective of this scoping review is to explore studies presenting assessment tools of PIM to map characteristics, justifications, and therapeutic equivalents. This review will consider studies that developed or validated an assessment tool of PIM. Electronic searches will be performed in PubMed and Scopus with no time limit. Two researchers, independently, will select registries and extract data of studies and tool characteristics, PIM and potentially inappropriate interaction, condition, justification, and therapeutic equivalents. The findings will be presented in narrative form including tables and figures to aid in data presentation, where appropriate.(AU)

Humans , Aged , Deprescriptions , Potentially Inappropriate Medication List/standards , Review Literature as Topic