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Podium (Pinar Río) ; 19(1)abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550609


La preparación del boxeador conlleva cambios y adaptaciones fisiológicas para garantizar las cargas físicas, psíquicas y sociales a las que han sido sometidos sus practicantes. Finalizada dicha etapa aparece el desentrenamiento deportivo, cuya naturaleza es eminentemente pedagógica y consiste en desinstalar los componentes que garantizaron la acumulación de cargas durante su etapa como boxeador activo, hasta alcanzar los niveles de un practicante sistemático normal de la Cultura Física. El objetivo de este trabajo consistió en diseñar una estrategia pedagógica sustentada en un modelo de igual naturaleza para el desentrenamiento potenciado con la equino-interacción-profiláctica, a partir del uso de ejercicios con caballos como elemento de cambio. Se utilizaron como métodos empíricos y técnicas la observación de las sesiones de deportivo, el análisis de documentos, la encuesta a exboxeadores, entrenadores, médicos deportivos, funcionarios y expertos seleccionados, así como los talleres de opinión crítica y socialización entre entrenadores de boxeo. Como resultados se obtuvo un modelo pedagógico del que se derivó una estrategia. Estos aportes fueron constatados mediante la aplicación parcial de la estrategia en un combinado deportivo en Majibacoa, Las Tunas y se demostró su factibilidad para ser generalizada. El artículo que se ofrece tiene como objetivo socializar resultados de la investigación realizada sobre el desentrenamiento deportivo en el boxeo potenciado con el equino-interacción-profiláctica. De manera conclusiva, los aportes teórico y práctico demostraron el cumplimiento del objetivo de la investigación y la solución del problema científico.

A preparação do boxeador implica em mudanças e adaptações fisiológicas para garantir as cargas físicas, psicológicas e sociais às quais o boxeador foi submetido. Ao final dessa etapa, surge o destreinamento esportivo, cuja natureza é eminentemente pedagógica e consiste em desinstalar os componentes que garantiram o acúmulo de cargas durante sua etapa como boxeador ativo, até atingir os níveis de um praticante normal sistemático de Cultura Física. O objetivo deste trabalho consistiu em projetar uma estratégia pedagógica baseada em um modelo semelhante de destreinamento aprimorado com a interação equino-profilática, baseada no uso de exercícios com cavalos como elemento de mudança. Os métodos e técnicas empíricos utilizados foram a observação de sessões esportivas, a análise de documentos, pesquisas com ex-pugilistas, treinadores, médicos esportivos, oficiais e especialistas selecionados, bem como workshops de opinião crítica e socialização entre treinadores de boxe. Como resultado, foi obtido um modelo pedagógico do qual derivou uma estratégia. Essas contribuições foram confirmadas por meio da aplicação parcial da estratégia em uma equipe esportiva em Majibacoa, Las Tunas, e sua viabilidade de generalização foi demonstrada. O objetivo deste artigo é socializar os resultados da pesquisa realizada sobre o destreinamento esportivo no boxe, aprimorado com a interação equino-profilática. Em conclusão, as contribuições teóricas e práticas demonstraram o cumprimento do objetivo da pesquisa e a solução do problema científico.

The preparation of the boxer entails physiological changes and adaptations to guarantee the physical, psychological and social loads to which its practitioners have been subjected. Once this stage is completed, sports detraining appears, the nature of which is eminently pedagogical and consists of uninstalling the components that guaranteed the accumulation of loads during his time as an active boxer, until reaching the levels of a normal systematic practitioner of Physical Culture. The objective of this work was to design a pedagogical strategy based on a model of the same nature for detraining enhanced with equine-interaction-prophylactics, based on the use of exercises with horses as an element of change. Observation of sports sessions, document analysis, a survey of former boxers, coaches, sports doctors, officials and selected experts, as well as critical opinion and socialization workshops among boxing coaches, were used as empirical methods and techniques. As results, a pedagogical model was obtained from which a strategy was derived. These contributions were verified through the partial application of the strategy in a sports complex in Majibacoa, Las Tunas and its feasibility to be generalized was demonstrated. The article offered aims to socialize results of the research carried out on sports detraining in boxing enhanced with equine-interaction-prophylaxis. Conclusively, the theoretical and practical contributions demonstrated the fulfillment of the research objective and the solution of the scientific problem.

Podium (Pinar Río) ; 19(1)abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550611


El desentrenamiento deportivo es un proceso esencial, para garantizar una transición fluida a los exdeportistas, de un periodo prolongado de vida deportiva a una vida posdeportiva. En este sentido, la investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar el estado actual que presenta el proceso de desentrenamiento de exdeportistas en situaciones de discapacidad físico-motora, en la provincia El Oro. Para el estudio, se seleccionaron, a través de un muestreo aleatorio simple, a ocho exdeportistas en situaciones de discapacidad físico-motora. Los exdeportistas tienen una experiencia promedio en el ámbito deportivo de 8.38 (± 4.92) años. También se interactuó con entrenadores, profesores de Educación Física, médicos, psicológicos, familiares y directivos. Se aplicaron encuestas a todos los participantes en el estudio, y solo a los exdeportistas pruebas antropométricas, médicas, de laboratorios y funcionales. Entre los resultados obtenidos, se pudo identificar que existen limitaciones para afrontar el desentrenamiento como un proceso formativo, pedagógico y social, que los deportistas retirados no cuentan con información suficiente sobre este proceso y tienen carencia de proyectos significativos, por lo que se revela la necesidad de diseñar un proceso de desentrenamiento, ajustado a sus necesidades específicas.

O destreinamento esportivo é um processo essencial para garantir uma transição tranquila para ex-atletas de um período prolongado de vida esportiva para uma vida pós-esportiva. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa teve como objetivo determinar o estado atual do processo de destreinamento de ex-atletas em situações de deficiência físico-motora na província de El Oro. Para o estudo, foram selecionados oito ex-atletas com deficiências físico-motoras por meio de amostragem aleatória simples. Os ex-atletas têm uma média de 8,38 (± 4,92) anos de experiência em esportes. Também interagimos com treinadores, professores de educação física, médicos, psicólogos, familiares e gerentes. Foram aplicados questionários a todos os participantes do estudo, e testes antropométricos, médicos, laboratoriais e funcionais foram aplicados somente aos ex-atletas. Entre os resultados obtidos, foi possível identificar que há limitações em lidar com o destreinamento como processo formativo, pedagógico e social, que os atletas aposentados não têm informações suficientes sobre esse processo e que carecem de projetos significativos, revelando, assim, a necessidade de se desenhar um processo de destreinamento ajustado às suas necessidades específicas.

Sports detraining is an essential process to guarantee a smooth transition for former athletes from a prolonged period of sports life to a post-sports life. In this sense, the objective of the research was to determine the current state of the detraining process of former athletes in situations of physical-motor disability, in the province of El Oro. For the study, through simple random sampling, eight former athletes in situations of physical-motor disability were selected. Former athletes have an average experience in the sports field of 8.38 (± 4.92) years. There was also interaction with coaches, Physical Education teachers, doctors, psychologists, family members and managers. Surveys were administered to all participants in the study, and anthropometric, medical, laboratory and functional tests were administered only to former athletes. Among the results obtained, it was possible to identify that there are limitations to face detraining as a training, pedagogical and social process, that retired athletes do not have sufficient information about this process and have a lack of significant projects, which is why it is revealed the need to design a detraining process, tailored to their specific needs.

Podium (Pinar Río) ; 18(2)ago. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448896


El desentrenamiento deportivo, como competencia profesional específica, constituye objeto de trabajo en la formación inicial del Licenciado en Cultura Física, al ser este un actor social en contextos sociales y desde esta perspectiva, se ha orientado la mirada reflexiva sobre su importancia; se precisa además, como una competencia que posibilita la asesoría para la salud desde el eslabón de base no solo en el alto rendimiento, de ahí la necesidad de desarrollarla con un enfoque salubrista, preventivo y profiláctico. Aunque varios estudios abordan esta temática, se detectaron carencias teóricas en los modelos de referencia; en consecuencia, se trazó como objetivo del trabajo reflexionar sobre el desentrenamiento deportivo como competencia profesional específica en la formación del Licenciado en Cultura Física, desde la actividad laboral investigativa. Se emplearon métodos como el análisis-síntesis y el sistémico estructural funcional que posibilitaron profundizar en investigaciones sobre las competencias profesionales con una óptica analítica, interpretativa y crítica. Como conclusiones, se corroboraron las limitaciones teóricas relacionadas con el desentrenamiento deportivo como competencia profesional específica, así como la posibilidad de complementar y enriquecer el modelo actuante, a partir de la práctica formativa desde el pregrado, lo que contribuyó a brindar mejor solución a los problemas del desentrenamiento en el eslabón de base.

A desformação desportiva, enquanto competência profissional específica, constitui objeto de trabalho na formação inicial do Licenciado em Cultura Física, por ser este um ator social em contextos sociais e nesta perspetiva tem orientado o olhar reflexivo sobre a sua importância; Exige-se também como uma competência que possibilite o aconselhamento em saúde desde a base, não apenas no alto rendimento, daí a necessidade de desenvolvê-la com enfoque sanitário, preventivo e profilático. Embora vários estudos abordem essa questão, foram detectadas deficiências teóricas nos modelos de referência; Diante disso, o objetivo do trabalho foi refletir sobre o destreinamento esportivo como competência profissional específica na formação do Bacharel em Cultura Física, a partir da atividade laboral investigativa. Foram utilizados métodos como análise-síntese e sistêmico-funcional estrutural, que possibilitaram o aprofundamento da pesquisa sobre competências profissionais a partir de uma perspectiva analítica, interpretativa e crítica. Como conclusões, foram corroboradas as limitações teóricas relacionadas à destreinamento esportivo como competência profissional específica, bem como a possibilidade de complementar e enriquecer o modelo de atuação, baseado na prática de treinamento desde a graduação, o que contribuiu para uma melhor solução dos problemas. o elo básico.

Detraining in sports, as a specific professional competence, constitutes an object of work in the initial training of the Bachelor of Physical Culture degree, as this is a social actor in social contexts and from this perspective, the reflective gaze on its importance has been oriented; it is also required as a competence that enables health advice from the base link, not only in high performance, hence the need to develop it with a health, preventive and prophylactic approach. Although several studies address this issue, theoretical deficiencies were detected in the reference models; consequently, the objective of the work was to reflect on sports detraining as a specific professional competence in the formation of the Bachelor of Physical Culture degree, from the research work activity. Methods such as analysis-synthesis and structural-functional systemic were used, which made it possible to deepen research on professional skills from an analytical, interpretative and critical perspective. As conclusions, the theoretical limitations related to sports detraining as a specific professional competence were corroborated, as well as the possibility of complementing and enriching the acting model, based on training practice from undergraduate, which contributed to providing a better solution to problems. detraining in the base link.

Podium (Pinar Río) ; 16(2): 382-394, 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1287561


RESUMEN En la actualidad, en Cuba, muchos atletas que llegan a su edad de retiro no realizan procesos de desentrenamiento deportivo, lo que repercute en su estado de salud a mediano plazo; estos comienzan a sufrir de enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles, además de depresión y estados psicológicos no adecuados. La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar las insuficiencias que se derivan en la conducción del proceso de desentrenamiento deportivo en atletas retirados. Para lograr las metas propuestas, los autores se apoyaron en métodos teóricos y empíricos; se utiliza la herramienta de la estadística descriptiva (cálculo porcentual) para procesar la información, tomando como muestra a atletas juveniles retirados de polo acuático, médicos deportivos, psicólogos y fisioterapeutas de medicina deportiva, a los que se les aplicaron entrevistas y analizaron sus opiniones durante la conducción de este proceso. El resultado final fue que es insuficiente el conocimiento de cómo realizar este proceso de desentrenamiento deportivo en la muestra estudiada, no dominan cabalmente los métodos, procedimientos, contenidos y metodologías, a partir de las investigaciones y preparaciones metodológicas sobre el tema que es vital en el deporte de alto rendimiento. Entre las conclusiones más relevantes de este trabajo, se encuentra que los referentes teóricos del desentrenamiento deportivo en la actualidad no cumplen las expectativas de los atletas que se retiran en las diversas agrupaciones deportivas y los atletas cuando se retiran no poseen información de cómo realizar este proceso.

RESUMO Atualmente, em Cuba, muitos atletas que atingem sua idade de aposentadoria não realizam processos de destreinamento esportivo, o que afeta sua saúde a médio prazo; eles começam a sofrer de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis, assim como depressão e estados psicológicos não adequados. A presente investigação tinha como objetivo determinar as insuficiências que derivam na condução do processo de destreinamento esportivo em atletas aposentados. Para atingir os objetivos propostos, os autores se basearam em métodos teóricos e empíricos; a ferramenta estatística descritiva (cálculo percentual) foi utilizada para processar as informações, tomando como amostra atletas juvenis de pólo aquático, aposentados; médicos esportivos, psicólogos e fisioterapeutas de medicina esportiva, aos quais foram aplicadas entrevistas e analisadas suas opiniões durante a condução deste processo. O resultado final foi que não há conhecimento suficiente de como realizar este processo de destreinamento do esporte na amostra estudada, eles não dominam totalmente os métodos, procedimentos, conteúdos e metodologias, baseados em pesquisas e preparativos metodológicos sobre o tema que é vital no esporte de alto rendimento. Dentre as conclusões mais relevantes deste trabalho, constata-se que as referências teóricas de desvalorização do esporte atualmente não atendem às expectativas dos atletas que se aposentam em vários grupos esportivos e os atletas quando se aposentam não têm informações sobre como realizar este processo.

ABSTRACT At present, in Cuba, many athletes who reach their retirement age do not carry out sports detraining processes, which affects their health in the medium term; they begin to suffer from chronic non-communicable diseases, as well as depression and inadequate psychological states. The objective of this research was to determine the inadequacies derived from the conduction of the sports detraining process in retired athletes. To achieve the proposed goals, the authors relied on theoretical and empirical methods; the descriptive statistics tool (percentage calculation) was used to process the information, taking as a sample retired youth water polo athletes, sports doctors, psychologists and sports medicine physiotherapists, to whom interviews were applied and their opinions during the conduction of this process were analyzed. The final result was that there is insufficient knowledge of how to carry out this sports detraining process in the sample studied, they do not fully master the methods, procedures, contents and methodologies, based on the research and methodological preparations on the subject that is vital in high performance sports. Among the most relevant conclusions of this work, it is found that the theoretical references of sports detraining currently do not meet the expectations of the athletes who retire in the various sports groups and the athletes when they retire do not have information on how to carry out this process.

Rev. Asoc. Méd. Argent ; 133(4): 50-55, 2020. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1444857


La pandemia del covid-19 afectó a todo el planeta, alterando la salud, la libertad, la economía, la cultura y la seguridad. El mundo del deporte no quedó al margen de esta situación. Los deportistas debieron confinarse como el resto de la población, pero esto implicó para ellos un desentrenamiento prolongado (más de cuatro semanas) que provocó la pérdida de muchas de las adaptaciones físicas y psicológicas que genera el entrenamiento. Se generaron alteraciones en los sistemas cardiorrespiratorio, inmune y osteomuscular y endócrino, en el metabolismo, y un aumento de masa grasa en detrimento de la masa magra, lo que puede generar lesiones en el regreso a la actividad. Se tomaron medidas paliativas para que el desentrenamiento no fuera tan profundo, pero, como su nombre lo indica, estas medidas no reemplazan totalmente el entrenamiento. (AU)

The covid-19 pandemic has been affecting the worldwide, not only in relation to the health but also to the liberty, the economy, the culture and the security. However, sports have not been the exception. The athletes fell into confinement as the rest of the population, but these led to a prolonged detraining, (more than four weeks), which caused the loss of all physical and psychological adaptation generated by training. Some alterations were observed in the cardiorespiratory system, in the immunity, in the osteo-muscular apparatus, in the metabolic system, in the endocrine system and in the increase in fat mass at the expense of lean mass, which can cause injuries during the return to activity. Palliative measures were taken so that detraining wasn't so deep, but as the name implies, this measures do not totally replace training. (AU)

Humans , Social Isolation/psychology , Adaptation, Physiological , Exercise , Physical Conditioning, Human/physiology
Rev. bras. ciênc. esporte ; 41(3): 298-307, jul.-set. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1042069


Resumo Foram avaliados os efeitos do destreinamento sobre parâmetros cardiovasculares em idosas. Idosas foram submetidas a oito semanas de treinamento resistido seguidas de oito semanas de destreinamento. Foram avaliadas nove mulheres idosas (idade 62 ± 2,30). Foram feitas coletas de sangue venoso periférico e avaliação da composição corporal antes do início de treinamento, após o treinamento e após a fase de destreinamento. Não houve aumento significativo da PCR na fase de destreino, porém observamos alterações negativas para colesterol total e composição corporal, representada pelo peso gordo. Os resultados sugerem que oito semanas de destreinamento não aumentaram significativamente a PCR, porém influenciaram negativamente em outros parâmetros relacionados aos riscos cardiovasculares, como valores antropométricos e bioquímicos representados pelo colesterol total e massa gorda, respectivamente. De fato, a continuidade do treinamento físico é essencial para adquirir e manter uma boa saúde, caso contrário os benefícios alcançados regridem aos valores iniciais.

Abstract The detraining effects on cardiovascular parameters in the elderly women (EW) were evaluated. EW underwent 8 weeks of resistance training, followed by eight weeks of detraining. 9 EW were evaluated (age 62 ± 2.30). Peripheral venous blood collections and body composition evaluation were performed before training, after training and after the detraining phase. There was no significant increase in CRP in detraining phase, but we observed negative changes for total cholesterol and body composition, represented by fat weight. The results suggest that 8 weeks of detraining did not significantly increase CRP, but had a negative influence on other parameters related to cardiovascular risks, as anthropometric and biochemical values represented by total cholesterol and fat mass, respectively. In fact, continuity of physical training is essential to acquiring and maintaining good health, otherwise the beneficial adaptations achieved will return to initial values.

Resumen Se evaluaron los efectos de la falta de entrenamiento sobre los parámetros cardiovasculares de mujeres mayores. Estas siguieron un entrenamiento resistido durante 8 semanas, seguidas de 8 semanas de falta de entrenamiento. Se evaluó a 9 mujeres de edad avanzada (edad de 62 ± 2,30). Se realizaron extracciones de sangre venosa periférica y evaluación de la composición corporal antes del inicio del entrenamiento, después del entrenamiento y después de la fase de falta de entrenamiento. No hubo un aumento considerable de la PCR en la fase de falta de entrenamiento, pero observamos alteraciones negativas del colesterol total y composición corporal, representada por la grasa. Los resultados sugieren que 8 semanas de falta de entrenamiento no aumentaron considerablemente la PCR, pero influyeron negativamente en otros parámetros relacionados con los riesgos cardiovasculares, como valores antropométricos y bioquímicos representados por el colesterol total y la masa grasa, respectivamente. De hecho, la continuidad del entrenamiento físico es esencial para adquirir y mantener una buena salud; de lo contrario, las adaptaciones beneficiosas alcanzadas vuelven a los valores iniciales.

Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 48(7): 650-653, 07/2015. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-751343


As it is a common observation that obesity tends to occur after discontinuation of exercise, we investigated how white adipocytes isolated from the periepididymal fat of animals with interrupted physical training transport and oxidize glucose, and whether these adaptations support the weight regain seen after 4 weeks of physical detraining. Male Wistar rats (45 days old, weighing 200 g) were divided into two groups (n=10): group D (detrained), trained for 8 weeks and detrained for 4 weeks; and group S (sedentary). The physical exercise was carried out on a treadmill for 60 min/day, 5 days/week for 8 weeks, at 50-60% of the maximum running capacity. After the training protocol, adipocytes isolated from the periepididymal adipose tissue were submitted to glucose uptake and oxidation tests. Adipocytes from detrained animals increased their glucose uptake capacity by 18.5% compared with those from sedentary animals (P<0.05). The same cells also showed a greater glucose oxidation capacity in response to insulin stimulation (34.55%) compared with those from the S group (P<0.05). We hypothesize that, owing to the more intense glucose entrance into adipose cells from detrained rats, more substrate became available for triacylglycerol synthesis. Furthermore, this increased glucose oxidation rate allowed an increase in energy supply for triacylglycerol synthesis. Thus, physical detraining might play a role as a possible obesogenic factor for increasing glucose uptake and oxidation by adipocytes.

Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Agricultural Workers' Diseases/chemically induced , Occupational Exposure/adverse effects , Parkinson Disease, Secondary/chemically induced , Pesticides/toxicity , California , Case-Control Studies , Models, Statistical , Occupational Exposure/statistics & numerical data , Propensity Score , Risk Factors
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; mar. 2015. 120 p. tab, graf, ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-836703


INTRODUÇÃO: O destreinamento físico está relacionado com alterações moleculares associadas à perda de massa muscular, rápido acréscimo da massa adiposa, ganho de peso e resistência à insulina. Estudos apontam que a restrição calórica reduz a gordura corporal, contudo, associada com a inatividade física, altera o metabolismo proteico acelerando o catabolismo muscular. Nesse sentido, estudos com suplementação de aminoácidos essenciais, em especial a leucina, observam aumento na síntese proteica e redução da degradação proteica em situações de restrição ou recuperação nutricional. Dessa forma sugere-se que a restrição calórica associada à suplementação com leucina poderia atenuar os efeitos desencadeados pelo destreinamento físico. OBJETIVO: Investigar a influência da suplementação crônica de leucina na via de sinalização da síntese proteica e degradação proteica no tecido muscular a partir de parâmetros moleculares em ratos destreinados, submetidos à restrição calórica. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 64 ratos Sprague-Dawley machos e adultos, inicialmente distribuídos em 2 grupos: Controle (CON) (n = 16) representados pelos animais sedentários, e Treinamento (TREIN) (n = 48) que foram submetidos ao treinamento em esteira ergométrica durante oito semanas. Após esse período, os animais foram redistribuído em 6 grupos: Sedentário (SED), Treinamento (TREIN), Destreinamento (DT), Destreinamento + Leucina (LEU), Destreinamento + Restrição Calórica (DTRC) e Destreinamento + Restrição Calórica + Leucina (DTRC + LEU). Foram analisados massa corporal, consumo da ração, composição corporal, sensibilidade a insulina bem como os marcadores de inflamação (IL-6; IL-10; MCP-1; TNF-α; 1L-1α; PAI-1; leptina; adponectina) e parâmetros moleculares como genes e proteínas envolvidas na via de sinalização da síntese protéica (mTOR, P-4EBP1, P-s6K1 e eIF4E); degradação proteica (MAFBx e MURF) além de transportadores de aminoácidos (LAT-1 e SNAT 2 e CD98). ESTATÍSTICA: Os valores foram expressos em média e desvio padrão. As comparações entre os grupos após o período de destreinamento físico foram avaliadas por meio de análise de variância (ANOVA), seguida do teste de Tukey. Em todas as análises foi considerado nível de significância de 5%. A análise estatística foi realizada no software SPSS versão 17.0. RESULTADOS: Em relação à composição corporal, foi observada diferença estatisticamente significativa na gordura corporal e massa livre de gordura entre os grupos DTRC e DTRC+LEU, em relação aos demais grupos experimentais. Porém não houve diferença estatística entre o DTRC e DTRC+LEU. No entanto não foi observada diferença estatisticamente significativa quando avaliado a proteína da carcaça. Em relação aos parâmetros moleculares, não foi observada diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos, quando avaliada a expressão de proteínas relacionadas com a via de sinalização de síntese proteica (mTOR, P-4EBP1, P-s6K1 e eIF4E) e transportadores de leucina (LAT- 1;SNAT-2;CD(98). Quanto avaliada a expressão gênica da via de degradação, foi observada uma menor expressão do gene MURF quando suplementado com leucina, porém sem diferença estatisticamente significativa. CONCLUSÃO: A restrição calórica associada com a suplementação com leucina foi efetiva na redução da gordura corporal, e aumento da massa livre de gordura, porém não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os dois grupos DTRC e DTRC+LEU, tampouco quando avaliada a proteína da carcaça desses animais. Dessa forma, pode-se concluir que a suplementação crônica com leucina não reverteu os efeitos desencadeados pelo destreinamento físico, e, além disso, não foi suficiente para alterar os parâmetros moleculares envolvidos na via de sinalização de síntese e degradação proteica desses animais

INTRODUCTION: Physical detraining is related to molecular changes associated with loss of muscle mass, rapid increase in fat mass, weight gain and insulin resistance. Studies show that caloric restriction reduces body fat; however, associated with physical inactivity, it alters protein metabolism accelerating muscle catabolism. Accordingly, studies with supplementation of essential amino acids, particularly leucine, observed increase in protein synthesis and reduced protein degradation in situation of nutritional restriction or recovery. Thus, it is suggested that caloric restriction associated with leucine supplementation could attenuate the effects triggered by physical detraining. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the influence of chronic leucine supplementation in the signaling pathway of protein synthesis and degradation in muscle tissue from molecular parameters in detrained rats, subjected to caloric restriction. METHODS: Sixty-four adult male and female Sprague-Dawley rats were used, initially divided into 2 groups: Control (CON) (n = 16) represented by sedentary animals, and Trained (TRAIN) (n = 48) who underwent treadmill training for eight weeks. After this period, the animals were re-distributed into 6 groups: Sedentary (SED), Trained (TRAIN), Detrained (DT), Detrained + Leucine (LEU), Detrained + Caloric Restriction (DTRC) and Detrained + Caloric Restriction + Leucine (DTRC + LEU). Body mass, food consumption, body composition, insulin sensitivity were analyzed, as well as inflammation markers (IL-6; IL-10; MCP-1; TNF-α; 1L-1α; PAI-1; leptin; adiponectin) and molecular parameters, such as genes and proteins involved in signaling pathways of protein synthesis (mTOR, P-4EBP1, P-s6K1 and eIF4E); protein degradation (MAFBx and MURF) and also amino acid transporters (LAT-1, SNAT 2 and CD98). STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: Values were expressed as mean and standard deviation. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used for comparisons between groups after physical detraining, followed by Tukey's test. A 5% significance level was considered in all analyses. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software, version 17.0. RESULTS: In relation to body composition, a statistically significant difference was observed in body fat and fat free mass between groups DTRC and DTRC+LEU, compared with other experimental groups. However, there was no statistical difference between groups DTRC and DTRC+LEU. Nevertheless, no statistically significant difference was found when carcass protein was assessed. In relation to molecular parameters, no statistically significant difference was observed between groups, when protein expression related to the signaling pathway of protein synthesis (mTOR, P-4EBP1, P-s6K1 and eIF4E) and leucine transporters (LAT-1;SNAT-2;CD(98) was assessed. When gene expression of the degradation pathway was investigated, a lower expression of gene MURF was found with leucine supplementation; however, this was not statistically different. CONCLUSION: Caloric restriction associated with leucine supplementation was effective in reducing body fat, and increasing fat free mass; however, no statistically significant difference was found between groups DTRC and DTRC+LEU, nor when carcass protein of these animals was assessed. Therefore, it was concluded that chronic leucine supplementation did not reverse the effects triggered by physical detraining and, in addition, it was not sufficient to change the molecular parameters involved in the signaling pathway of protein synthesis and degradation of these animals

Animals , Male , Rats , Caloric Restriction , Leucine/administration & dosage , Muscles , Body Composition/physiology , Amino Acids
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 112(6): 519-525, dic. 2014. graf, tab
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: lil-734311


Introducción. El desentrenamiento es la pérdida de las mejoras obtenidas por el ejercicio físico/ entrenamiento tras su cese, aspecto poco estudiado en población infantil obesa. Así, el propósito del presente estudio fue evaluar los efectos del desentrenamiento sobre el perfil lipídico (HDL, LDL, colesterol total y triglicéridos) en niños obesos. Población y métodos. Los estudios fueron recuperados mediante la búsqueda en siete bases de datos. Dicha búsqueda se limitó a programas de ejercicio físico de, al menos, ocho semanas de duración y su desentrenamiento, y se evaluó el perfil lipídico de niños obesos. Se calculó el tamaño del efecto (TE), sus intervalos de confianza del 95% y la heterogeneidad de los estudios a través de la Q de Cochrane (modelo de efectos aleatorios). Resultados. Cinco estudios cumplieron los criterios de inclusión y fueron seleccionados para su revisión (n= 330). En general, los resultados intragrupo (postest vs. desentrenamiento) mostraron que, tras el desentrenamiento, el nivel en sangre del colesterol HDL (TE= 0,12) y el colesterol total aumentaron (TE= 1,41). Del mismo modo, los resultados intergrupo (grupo experimental vs. grupo control) confirmaron el aumento del colesterol HDL tras el desentrenamiento (TE= 0,49). Conclusiones. Los resultados de esta revisión sistemática sugieren que el desentrenamiento tras un programa de ejercicio físico no genera una pérdida significativa de los beneficios obtenidos sobre el perfil lipídico de los niños obesos. No obstante, debido al número de estudios analizados y a la heterogeneidad observada en los análisis y en el tiempo considerado como desentrenamiento (de 12 a 48 semanas), se requiere un mayor número de estudios de calidad para obtener resultados más concluyentes.

Introduction. Detraining is the loss of improvements obtained through the participation in physical exercise/training after training cessation, an aspect that has been poorly studied in obese child population. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to assess the effects of detraining on the lipid profile (HDL, LDL, total cholesterol and triglycerides) of obese children. Population and Methods. Studies were collected through a search across sevendatabases. The search was limited to physical exercise programs that lasted, at least, eight weeks and the corresponding detraining, with an assessment of obese children lipid profile. Effect size (ES), 95% confidence intervals and study heterogeneity were estimated using Cochran's Q test (random effects model). Results. Five studies complied with the inclusion criteria and were selected for review (n= 330). In general, intra-group results (posttest versus detraining) indicated that, following detraining, blood levels of HDL cholesterol (ES= 0.12) and total cholesterol (ES= 1.41) were increased. Likewise, inter-group results (experimental group versus control group) confirmed the increase of HDL cholesterol following detraining (ES= 0.49). Conclusions. The results of this systematic review suggest that detraining after a physical exercise program does not lead to a significant loss of the benefits gained in relation to the lipid profile of obese children. However, given the number of analyzed studies and the heterogeneity observed in the analyses and the period defined as detraining (12 to 48 weeks), a higher number of well designed studies is required to obtain more conclusive results.

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Exercise , Child , Cholesterol , Healthy Lifestyle , Obesity
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-375215


We investigate the effects of training and detraining on the satellite cell activation in thoroughbred horse muscles after an exhaustive exercise. Six horses were subjected to conventional training for 18 weeks and detraining for 6 weeks. Before training (Pre), after 10-week and 18-week training (10Tr and 18Tr), and after 6-week detraining (DTr), an incremental exercise test (IET) was performed on inclined treadmill to measure VO<sub>2</sub>max and the velocity at a plasma lactate of 4 mmol/l (VLA4). Biopsy samples from gluteus medius muscle was obtained before and at 1 minute (1min), 3 hour (3hr), 6 hour (6hr) and 1 day after each IET. Number of muscle satellite cell were counted in type identified muscle fibers by immuno-histochemical stain images. The levels of mRNA expressions were determined using real time RT-PCR system. The number of satellite cells in 10Tr was significantly higher in type IIa fibers (0.31±0.10) than Pre (0.15±0.06). As compared to each value before IET, IL-6 mRNA expression (fold change) increased remarkably at 6hr after IET in 10Tr (x 2290.2) and 18Tr (x 2304.2), but not in both Pre (x 260.0) and DTr (x 853.3). IGF-I and Myogenin mRNA expressions were significantly increased at 1 day after IET in 18Tr (x 6.6 and x 3.3), but not in both Pre and DTr. These results suggested that the increased reactivity of satellite cells by training for 18 weeks is almost disappeared after detraining for 6 week, as well as VO<sub>2</sub>max and VLA4.

Braz. j. morphol. sci ; 29(3): 129-134, jul.-sept. 2012.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-665193


Despite the advances in the treatment and prevention, myocardial infarction (MI) remains the leading causeof morbidity and mortality worldwide. Different degrees of ventricular dysfunction, changes in hemodynamicand molecular mechanisms, as well as neurohumoral derangements, are substantially associated with increasedmortality rate in MI patients. Cardiovascular, metabolic and autonomic benefits of acute and chronic exercise training (ET) have led many researchers to suggest ET as an important tool in the management of coronary artery disease and after MI. Regarding cardiovascular rehabilitation, several factors, such as illness, injury, travel, vacation or even rehabilitation program discharge may often interfere with the ET process, leading toa disruption in physical activity patterns by either decreasing training level or frequency or interrupting thetraining program altogether. Thus, it is necessary to identify the impact of ET after MI, as well as the possibleconsequences of such disruption in infarcted individuals.

Exercise/physiology , Myocardial Infarction/prevention & control , Cardiovascular Deconditioning , Quality of Life , Survival
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-148906


Background: This study was aimed to evaluate the structural changes of the ventricular myocardium in a physiological hypertrophic heart model due to long term aerobic and anaerobic physical training and detraining. Methods: In-vivo experimental study on Wistar rats (8 weeks old), weighing 150-250 grams who were divided into 3 large groups: control group, aerobic exercise group and anaerobic exercise group. Aerobic and anaerobic training were conducted for 4 and 12 weeks. At the end of 4 and 12 weeks of exercising, half of each exercising group was sacrificed to study the morphological and histopathological changes in myocardial structure. The remaining of the groups were given a period of 4 weeks of detraining and sacrificed at the end of the 8th and 16th week. Results: Significant differences in heart weight and left ventricular wall thickness was found in the 4 weeks of aerobic and anaerobic group compared to the control group (751.0 ± 36.5 gr and 791.1 ± 15.8 gr vs 588 ± 19.4 gr ), (3.34 ± 0.12 mm and 3.19 ± 0.1 mm vs 2.80 ± 0.07 mm). An increase in heart mass weight was observed in both 12 weeks aerobic and anaerobic training group compared to the control group (1030.8 ± 82.4 gr and 1140.4 + 0.24 gr vs 871.6 ± 62.0 gr). Heart volume of the 12 weeks aerobic-anaerobic groups showed a significant increase (3.58 ± 0.31 mm and 4.04 ± 0.30 mm) compared to the control group (2.82 ± 0.14 mm). The length of cardiomyocyte was in log 10 to normalize the data. There was a significant increase in the length of the cardiac muscle cells of the 4 weeks aerobic and anaerobic group (1.09± 0.08 μm and 1.00± 0.12 μm) compared with the control group (0.73± 0.1 μm). Width of heart muscle cells in the 4 weeks aerobic-anaerobic group showed a significant increase when compared to the control group (5.38± 1.3 μm and 5.5± 2.11 μm) vs (2.74± 0.53 μm). Significant reduction in the length of cardiac muscle cells in the detrained 4 weeks aerobic group (0.94± 0.08 μm) was found when compared to the treatment group (1.09± 0.08 μm). Significant differences were found between the length of cardiac muscle cells in the 12 weeks aerobic-anaerobic groups (1.3± 0.04 μm and 1.2± 0.07 μm) compared to the control group (0.95± 0.69 μm). Significant width increments of heart muscle cells was found in the 12 weeks aerobic-anaerobic groups (7.3± 1.01 μm and 6.44± 0.08 μm) compared to the control group (4.52 ± 0.91 μm). Conclusion: Long term aerobic and anaerobic training causes an increase in both wall thickness and diameter of the left ventricular cavity, as well as slight fibrosis. The increase in wall thickness, diameter, and fibrosis diminish during detraining period.

Rats, Wistar , Exercise , Fibrosis
Motriz rev. educ. fís. (Impr.) ; 17(2): 235-243, abr.-jun. 2011. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-592676


O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar os efeitos do treino de força (TF) e do respectivo destreinamento entre dois modelos de periodização do volume (linear – ML; não linear - MNL) em jovens voleibolistas. A amostra foi composta por 12 jovens do sexo masculino jogadores de voleibol (17.1 ± 0.5 anos), divididos em dois grupos homogêneos. Os resultados sugerem que 8 semanas de TF induzem modificações significativas nos indicadores da força, independentemente do modelo de periodização utilizado. Contudo, o MNL parece menos eficaz no desenvolvimento da força explosiva em habilidades motoras específicas (salto vertical). Os resultados indicam que 4 semanas de destreinamento são suficientes para provocarem perdas significas na força muscular em jovens voleibolistas. O destreinamento de um ML induz a perdas significativas na força explosiva do trem superior (lançamento de bola medicinal) e inferior (salto vertical), enquanto que no MNL parece diminuir significativamente a força dinâmica máxima (supino) e o desempenho no salto vertical.

This study aimed to compare the effects of strength training (ST) and detraining (DT) of two volume periodization models (linear – LM; non linear - NLM) in young male volleyball players. 12 volleyball players (17.1±0.5 years old) were randomly divided into two groups. The results of the present study suggest that 8 weeks of ST induce changes in the indicators of increased maximal strength and explosive strength, regardless of models used. However, the NLM seems less effective in the development of explosive strength in specific motor skills (vertical jump). As for DT, this study suggests that 4 weeks is sufficient to cause significant losses as an indicator of release between the two models of training. The LM induces significant losses in the explosive strength of the upper (medicine ball throwing) and lower body (vertical jump), while the NLM suggests higher losses in the maximum strength (train top) besides the jumping ability.

Humans , Male , Adult , Exercise/physiology , Muscle Strength/physiology , Physical Education and Training , Volleyball/physiology
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2011. 128 p. tab, graf, ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-837235


Diferentes condições podem alterar as características fisiológicas, metabólicas, nutricionais e morfológicas. Assim, o objetivo desse estudo foi analisar o efeito do treinamento físico, destreinamento e especialmente destreinamento combinado com a suplementação de leucina sobre o peso corporal, composição corporal, homeostase glicêmica e expressão e fosforilação da via de sinalização da proteína alvo da rapamicina em mamíferos (mTOR). Quarenta e seis ratos Wistar adultos machos foram divididos em 4 grupos: 31 ratos foram treinados em esteira por 8 semanas e 15 foram usados como controle (ratos sedentários). Destes, 15 ratos foram eutanasiados imediatamene após o treinamento (grupo treinado = 8 e grupo controle =7), 8 continuaram treinando, 16 foram mantidos sem exercícios (grupo destreinado = 8 e grupo destreinado suplementado com leucina = 7), e os 7 ratos restantes foram usados como controle (ratos sedentários) por mais 6 semanas antes de serem eutanasiados. Os animais do grupo destreinado foram alimentados com uma dieta contendo ~18% de proteínas, suplementados ou não com 5% de leucina. A composição corporal, o consumo alimentar, o volume de adipócitos, a glicose de jejum, o teste oral de tolerância à glicose (TOTG), o teste oral de tolerância à insulina (TTI), a atividade da citrato sintase, as concentrações séricas de leptina, adiponectina, aminoácidos e ácidos graxos não esterificados (AGNE) e a expressão e fosforilação da proteína mTOR foram avaliados. Os resultados de peso corporal, gordura corporal, coxins adiposos epididimal e retroperitoneal, volume de adipócitos, consumo alimentar, concentração sérica de leptina e TOTG foram significantemente menores nos animais treinados do que nos sedentários e destreinados (P < 0,05). Nenhuma diferença significante foi observada nos valores de glicemia de jejum, TTI e AGNE entre os três grupos (P > 0,05). Por outro lado, o grupo treinado apresentou valores significantemente mais altos para a atividade da citrato sintase do que os grupos sedentário e destreinado (P < 0,05). Nenhuma diferença significante (P > 0,05) foi identificada na comparação entre os grupos destreinados (com ou sem suplementação de leucina), incluindo a expressão e fosforilação da proteína mTOR. O exercício moderado exerce um efeito protetor sobre a composição corporal e a homeostase glicêmica, enquanto que a interrupção do treinamento físico teve um efeito negativo sobre essas variáveis. Os resultados sugerem que a suplementação crônica de leucina parece não reduzir os efeitos deletérios do destreinamento

Different conditions may alter physiological, metabolic, nutritional, and morphological characteristics. Thus, the aim of this study was to analyze the effects of training, detraining, and especially detraining combined with leucine supplementation on body weight, body composition, glicemic homeostasis and expression and phosphorylation of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) protein-signaling pathway in epididymal adipose tissue in rats. Fourty-seven male adult Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups: 32 rats were trained on a treadmill for 8 weeks and 15 were used as controls (untrained rats). Of these, 15 rats were euthanized immediately after training (trained group = 8 and control group = 7), 8 continued in training, 16 were caged without exercise (detrained group = 8 and detrained group plus leucine supplementation = 7), and the remaining 7 rats were used as controls (untrained rats) for more 6 weeks before being euthanized. Animals of the detrained groups were fed with a ~18% protein diet supplemented or not with 5% leucine. Body composition, food intake, adipocytes size, fasting glucose, oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), insulin tolerance test (ITT), citrate synthase activity (CS), serum leptin, adiponectin, amino acids and non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) concentrations and expression and phosphorylation of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) protein were measured. Body weight, body fat, epididymal and retroperitoneal fats depots, adipocytes size, food intake, serum leptin concentration and OGTT were significantly lower in trained animals than in untrained and detrained (P < 0.05). No significant differences in the fasting glucose, ITT and NEFA among the three groups were observed (P > 0.05). On the other hand, the trained group showed a significantly higher score in the citrate synthase activity than both untrained and detrained groups (P < 0.05). No significant differences (P > 0.05) were identified in the comparisons between detrained groups (with and without leucine supplementation), including of the mTOR protein expression and phosphorylation. Moderate exercise exerted a protective effect on the body composition and glucose homeostasis while sudden discontinuation of physical training had a negative effect on such variables. Our results suggest that chronic leucine supplementation not seems to decrease the deleterious effects caused by detraining

Rats , Rats , Leucine , Body Composition , Exercise , Adipose Tissue , Nutritional Status , Dietary Supplements
Rev. bras. ciênc. mov ; 18(1): 19-25, jan.-mar. 2010. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-731506


O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar o comportamento da força muscular após três semanas de destreinamento em adultos jovens. Dez homens (22,5±5,5 anos) ativos, saudáveis e experientes no treinamento de força realizaram o teste de 10RM nos exercícios leg press, supino reto e rosca scott, pré e pós um período de três semanas de destreinamento. Para a análise dos dados foi utilizado o teste não paramétrico de Wilcoxon, o nível de significância mantido em 5% e as análises realizadas no software SPSS 15.0. Não foi verificada diferença significativa em nenhum dos exercícios no pré e pós teste (leg press: pré 294,4±46,7, pós 316,7±51,7 kg; supino reto: pré 58,5±8,1, pós 59,4±9,9 kg; rosca scott: pré 31,2±2,3, pós: 31,8±3,9 kg). Entretanto, no leg press e rosca scott houve um incremento da força de 7,8 e 3,2%, respectivamente. Pode-se concluir que não existe alteração na força muscular após três semanas de destreinamento.

The aim of this study was to investigate the behavior of the muscle strength after three weeks of detraining in young adults. Ten active, healthy and experienced in strength training men (22.5±5.5 years), performed 10RM test in leg press, bench press and arm curl exercises, before and after a period of three weeks of detraining. Data was analyzed with nonparametric Wilcoxon test, the significance level was maintained at 5% and the analysis performed in SPSS 15.0. There was no significant difference in exercises in pre and post test (leg press: pre 294.4±46.7, post 316.7±51.7 kg, bench press: pre 58.5 ± 8.1, post 59.4 ± 9.9 kg; arm curl: pre 31.2±2.3, post: 31.8±3.9 kg). However, there was a strength increase of 7.8 and 3.2% in the leg press and arm curl respectively. In conclusion, was verified that no change in muscle strength happened after three weeks of detraining.

Humans , Male , Young Adult , Exercise , Muscle Strength , Physical Education and Training
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-362576


The present study was conducted to examine whether stretching was effective to control muscular atrophy.Subjects were eight male undergraduate students (height 171.4 ± 5.8 cm, body weight 72.2 ± 7.8 kg, and age 20.6 ± 1.1 years) and the muscle analyzed was the vastus lateralis.Firstly, the subjects were instructed to perform strength training for a period of 16 weeks, which was followed by a 12-week detraining period. During the detraining period, either the right or the left leg was stretched daily for 10 minutes (2 sets). The mass of the vastus lateralis muscle was estimated based on its cross-sectional area (CSA), as assessed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Relative decreases in muscle mass were compared between the stretched and the non-stretched control leg.Muscle mass in the non-stretched leg showed significant decreases during detraining, while no significant decreases in muscle mass were detected in the stretched leg. This outcome indicates that stretching can influence muscle plasticity and, therefore, is effective for preventing decreases in muscle mass.In conclusion, this study suggests that, added to its known ability to improve flexibility, accelerate recovery from fatigue, and prevent injuries, static stretching is effective for controlling muscle atrophy.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-719864


OBJECTIVES: This study is to identify the effect of detraining on lipoprotein and body composition after 8 week calorie restriction and different level of aerobic exercise among obese middle-aged women. METHODS: The 30 middle-aged women whose body fat were over 30% were randomly allocated into three groups of control, exercise group of 40% VO2max level, and exercise group of 60% VO2max level. All the participants were taught to record their calorie intake and restrict daily 500kcal intake. After eight-week exercise and daily 500kcal restriction, their body compositions and blood lipid levels were measured again. RESULTS: The weight, BMI, body fat, total cholesterol, triglyceride, and LDL-cholesterol levels showed significant decreases after eight-week exercise and calorie restriction in the two exercise groups. However, detraining tended to increase them again after detraining of 4 weeks, and even more after 8 weeks. CONCLUSIONS: Detrainging after calorie restriction and exercise tended to increase levels of indices for body composition and lipoprotein among obese middle-aged women.

Female , Humans , Adipose Tissue , Body Composition , Cholesterol , Exercise , Lipoproteins
Clinics ; 65(12): 1305-1309, 2010. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-578569


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of short-term exercise detraining on the functional fitness of older women after a 12-week water-based exercise (WE) program. METHODS: Healthy older women (trained (TR) group) were submitted to 12 weeks WE (three 45 min sessions per week) followed by a 6-week detraining period. A group of aged-matched women without any exercise training (UN group) were evaluated during the same period. The aerobic power, measured by VO2max and 800 meters performance, and the neuromuscular fitness and quality of life were evaluated. All assessments were made at baseline, after 12 weeks of training and after 4 and 6 weeks of detraining. RESULTS: No changes were found for the UN group during the follow-up study, but WE induced significant improvement in aerobic capacity, neuromuscular fitness and quality of life score. However, the upper and lower body strength, agility, flexibility, and body balance returned to UN levels (p>0.05) after 6 weeks of detraining. CONCLUSIONS: The results confirmed that 12 weeks of WE improves the functional fitness parameters and quality of life of older women. However, after a short detraining period of 4-6 weeks, the neuromuscular parameters and the quality of life score returns to baseline or untrained subject levels.

Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Aging/physiology , Exercise/physiology , Hydrotherapy/methods , Physical Fitness/physiology , Quality of Life , Follow-Up Studies , Sedentary Behavior , Time Factors , Water
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1435813


Les valeurs érythrocytaires et le statut martial varient en fonction des périodes de la saison chez le sportif de haut niveau. Ces variations chez les pratiquants béninois n'ont jamais été évaluées. La présente étude a pour objectif de comparer le niveau des paramètres érythrocytaires entre de jeunes footballeurs et des non sportifs, en période de compétition et à la fin d'une trêve de 2 semaines. Il s'agit d'une étude prospective et analytique, réalisée sur 20 jeunes footballeurs de troisième division (FB), engagés dans deux compétitions différentes (scolaire et civile) et 25 jeunes non sportifs (NS). Les paramètres érythrocytaires ont été mesurés en simple aveugle, suite à 14 semaines d'entraînement et de compétition (1er prélèvement), puis après une trêve de 2 semaines succédant à 7 autres semaines de compétition (2ème prélèvement). Après les 14 semaines d'entraînement et de compétition, les paramètres étudiés étaient plus élevés chez les footballeurs que chez les non sportifs (p < 0,05). Après les 2 semaines de trêve, les variations entre test et retest ont été non significatives dans le groupe FB, de même que les différences entre les groupes FB et NS (p > 0,05). Les valeurs érythrocytaires des joueurs de football étudiés diffèrent de celles des non sportifs en période de compétition, mais pas en fin de trêve.

Blood Sedimentation , Athletic Performance , Athletes , Soccer , Health Profile , Exercise , Hematologic Agents
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-228760


This study was done to investigate the 12 college volleyball player's food behavior, nutrient intakes, and their serum lipid levels during the periods of training and detraining and to provide basic data for an effective progrm for the volleyball players during the period fo detraining after the game season. The results were summarized as follows : The total daily energy intake of the players was 3,363+/-339kcal and3,692+/-499kcal during the periods of the training and detraining, respectively. During the training period, daily intakes of protein, calcium and vitamin A, and B2 were lower than the recommended dietary allowance for the players. During the detraining period, the players' daily intakes of calcium, iron, and vitamin A were even lower. However, the consumption of alcohol was dramatically increased during the period of detraining. The levels of serum triglyceride and very low density lipoprotein were significantly increased during the detraining period. Basal metabolic rates were significantly increased after the training period and diastolic pressure was decreased during the detraining period. In conclusion, out results suggest that the detraining of volleyball players for 10 days after intensive training, negatively affects their food behavior and serum lipid concentrations. Therefore, for the improvement of performance for the next game season, a planned program for the players' detraining period should be developed.

Basal Metabolism , Blood Pressure , Calcium , Energy Intake , Feeding Behavior , Feeding Behavior , Iron , Lipoproteins , Recommended Dietary Allowances , Seasons , Triglycerides , Vitamin A , Volleyball