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Acta ortop. mex ; 37(2): 85-93, mar.-abr. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556737


Resumen: Introducción: evaluar los resultados radiográficos y funcionales obtenidos a largo plazo en pacientes adultos que presentaron no-consolidaciones atróficas diafisarias de húmero asociadas a osteoporosis; tratadas quirúrgicamente mediante reducción abierta y fijación interna con placas e injerto óseo. Material y métodos: evaluamos retrospectivamente 22 pacientes, con edad promedio de 72 años, el tiempo desde el trauma inicial hasta la cirugía definitiva promedió, 18 meses. Once pacientes eran fumadores y cuatro presentaban infección activa. El score de Constant y el DASH preoperatorios promediaron 23.13 y 81.04, respectivamente. El valor de la escala analógica del dolor preoperatorio promedió 7.45 puntos. Resultados: el seguimiento promedió 69 meses. Se obtuvo la consolidación en todos los casos, luego de un promedio de 4.68 meses. Al último seguimiento, los valores del DASH promediaron 20.27 puntos y el score de Constant promedió 79.31 puntos. La escala analógica del dolor promedió 0.77 puntos. La estabilización se realizó utilizando clavos placa bloqueados en 12 no-consolidaciones, placas bloqueadas de compresión en seis y doble placa en cuatro. Los pacientes con infección activa fueron tratados en dos etapas utilizando la técnica descripta por Masquelet. Se asoció injerto óseo en todas las reconstrucciones (autoinjerto esponjoso de cresta ilíaca en 17, aloinjerto en tres y se combinó aloinjerto estructural con autoinjerto esponjoso en dos). Dos gramos de vancomicina en polvo fueron asociados localmente al injerto óseo. Conclusión: la combinación de reducción abierta y fijación interna con placas e injerto óseo permitió obtener la consolidación y resultados funcionales objetivos y subjetivos buenos y predecibles a largo plazo en todos los casos, sin complicaciones mayores ni la necesidad de intervenciones quirúrgicas sucesivas.

Abstract: Introduction: to evaluate the long term radiographic and functional results achieved in adult patients with osteoporotic, atrophic, non-unions of the diaphyseal humerus, treated surgically by open reduction and internal fixation with plates and bone graft. Material and methods: we retrospectively evaluated 22 patients. Patient's age averaged 72 years. Time from initial trauma to definitive surgery averaged 18 months. Eleven patients were smokers, and four had active infection. Pre-operative Constant score and DASH score averaged 23.13 and 81.04, respectively. Pre-operative pain scale averaged 7.45 points. Results: follow-up averaged 69 months. Union was achieved in all cases after an average of 4.68 months. DASH score at last follow-up averaged 20.27 points and Constant score 79.31 points. Analog pain scale averaged 0.77 points. Stabilization was performed using locking blade plates in 12 non-unions, locking compression plates in six cases, and double plating in four non-unions. Patients with active infection were treated in two stages using Masquelet's technique. Bone graft was associated in all cases (cancellous iliac crest autograft in 17, allograft in three, and combined structural allograft and cancellous autograft in two). Two grams of vancomycin powder were associated to the bone graft in all cases. Conclusion: the use of open reduction and internal fixation with plates associated to bone graft with local antibiotics, aloud achieving bony union and good predictable long-term objective and subjective functional results in all cases, without major complications or the need of further surgical intervention.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-992763


Objective:To compare the effects of anterograde elastic stable intramedullary nailing (ESIN-A), retrograde K-wires fixation (KW-R) and retrograde precision shaping of elastic stable intramedullary nailing (ESIN-RPS) in the treatment of fractures of distal radial metaphyseal diaphyseal junction (DRMDJ) in children.Methods:A retrospective study was conducted to analyze the data of 112 eligible children with DRMDJ fracture who had been treated at Department of Orthopedics, Children's Hospital, Anhui Medical University and Department of Orthopedics, The People's Hospital of Fuyang City,Anhui Medical University, from January 2016 to May 2022. There were 64 males and 48 females, with an age of (8.4±2.3) years. The children were divided into 3 groups according to different surgical fixation methods: group ESIN-A of 36 cases, group KW-R of 52 cases, and group ESIN-RPS of 24 cases. The operation time, intraoperative bleeding, fluoroscopy times, alignment rates and residual angulations by the anteroposterior and lateral X-ray films immediately after reduction were compared among the 3 groups. The Gartland-Werley evaluation of wrist function and complications were compared at the last follow-up.Results:There was no statistically significant difference in the preoperative general data among the 3 groups, indicating comparability ( P>0.05). In the operation time, group KW-R [(71.2±9.2) min] > group ESIN-A [(65.1±13.1) min] > group ESIN-RPS [(51.7±17.1) min]; in the fluoroscopy times, group KW-R [(13.9±6.3) times] > group ESIN-A [(9.0±2.8) times] > group ESIN-RPS [(6.4±2.0) times]; in the alignment rates by the anteroposterior and lateral X-ray films immediately after reduction, group ESIN-RPS (93.1%±4.6% and 95.2%±3.3%) > group KW-R (82.1%±11.0% and 88.1%±7.4%) > group ESIN-A (80.4%±9.9% and 86.7%±6.9%); in the residual angulations by the anteroposterior and lateral X-ray films immediately after reduction, group ESIN-RPS (3.3°±1.8° and 2.9°±2.1°) < group ESIN-A (5.2°±1.0° and 5.0°±3.2°) < group KW-R (6.6°±1.6°and 7.5°±2.7°). Pairwise comparisons in the above items were statistically significant ( P<0.05). In group ESIN-A, the incision length [(1.8±0.3) cm] was significantlylonger than that in group ESIN-RPS [(1.4±0.2) cm], and the intraoperative blood loss [(8.3±2.2) mL] significantly larger than that in group ESIN-RPS [(5.5±1.6) mL] ( P<0.05). One year after operation, the excellent and good rate by the Gartland-Werley evaluation of wrist function in groups ESIN-RPS, ESIN-A and KW-R, respectively, were 95.8% (23/24), 86.5% (31/36) and 86.1% (46/52), showing no statistically significant difference between the 3 group ( P>0.05), and the major incidence of complications in group KW-R (25.0%, 13/52) and in group ESIN-A (25.0%, 9/36) were significantly higher than that in group ESIN-RPS (4.2%, 1/24) ( P<0.05). Conclusion:In the treatment of DRMDJ fractures in children, compared with ESIN-A and KW-R, ESIN-RPS is an effective choice due to its advantages of shorter operation time, less intraoperative blood loss, less radiation, better alignment, and fewer complications.

Mali méd. (En ligne) ; 38(3): 10-14, 2023. figures, tables
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1516387


But : Evaluer les résultats initiaux de nos des différents traitements des fractures ouvertes de l'humérus. Méthode: Il s'agissait d'une étude rétrospective réalisée à Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire) sur une période de 10 ans, portant sur 16 fractures ouvertes de la diaphyse humérale. Elle incluait 10 hommes et six femmes d'âge moyen de 32,8 ans (Extrêmes : 21 et 61). L'ouverture cutanée était classée selon Cauchoix et Duparc. Les fractures étaient, soit traitées par parage suivi de plâtre brachio-anti-brachial, soit traitées par plaque vissée ou fixateur externe. Les patients étaient suivis selon un protocole strict. Les résultats globaux étaient évalués par la cotation fonctionnelle de Stewart et Hundley. Résultats : Au recul minimum de 24 mois, tous les patients avaient consolidé. On notait un cas d'infection locale, trois cas de raideur du coude et quatre cas réversibles de paralysie du nerf radial. Les résultats fonctionnels selon le score de Stewart et Hundley étaient très bons dans 11 cas, bons dans quatre cas et assez-bon dans un cas, et aucun mauvais résultat. Conclusion : En fonction des indications thérapeutiques, les résultats initiaux sont satisfaisants tant sur le plan clinique que fonctionnel.

Aim: To evaluate the initial results of our different treatments of open humeral shaft fractures. Method: This was a retrospective study conductecd in Abidjan (Ivory Coast) over a period of 10 years, involving 16 open humeral shaft fractures. It included 10 men and six women with a mean age of 32.8 years (Extremes: 21 and 61). The skin opening was classified according to Cauchoix and Duparc. Fractures were either treated by trimming followed by a brachial-ante-brachial cast, or treated with a screwed plate or external fixator. Patients were followed according to a strict protocol. Overall results were assessed by Stewart and hundley functional scoring. Results: At a minimum follow-up of 24 months, all patients had consolidated. There was one case of local infection, three cases of elbow stiffness and four reversible cases of radial nerve palsy. The functional results according to the Stewart and Hundley score were very good in 11 cases, good in four cases and fair in one case, with no poor result. Conclusion: Depending on the therapeutic indications, the initial results are satisfactory both clinically and functionally.

Humans , Male , Female , Treatment Outcome , Adult , Fractures, Open
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559896


Introducción: Las fracturas humerales diafisarias multifragmentarias con extensión proximal son patrones infrecuentes de lesión causados principalmente por trauma de alta energía. La forma anatómica del húmero, la presencia de la tuberosidad deltoidea y la proximidad del nervio radial al surco radial representan retos a tratar, por ello se recomiendan incisiones mínimamente invasivas y la estabilización de la fractura con placa proximal humeral internal locking system. Objetivo: Demostrar la eficacia de la técnica minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis con el moldeamiento helicoidal de la placa proximal humeral internal locking system. Presentación del caso: Paciente de 29 años que sufrió accidente de tránsito y presentó fractura diafisaria multifragmentaria extendida al húmero proximal. Se trató con la técnica minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis y placa helicoidal proximal humeral internal locking system. Alcanzó la consolidación completa y rápida recuperación funcional. Conclusiones: La técnica minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis con placa helicoidal proximal humeral internal locking system es una opción quirúrgica eficaz y segura para las fracturas humerales diafisarias multifragmentarias con extensión proximal, ya que preserva la inserción muscular deltoidea, mejora el contacto placa hueso con riesgo mínimo de lesión neurológica axilar y radial, favorece la curación ósea y mejora el resultado funcional.

Introduction: Multifragmentary diaphyseal humeral fractures with proximal extension are infrequent patterns of injury caused mainly by high-energy trauma. The anatomical shape of the humerus, the presence of the deltoid tuberosity and the proximity of the radial nerve to the radial groove represent challenges to be treated, therefore minimally invasive incisions and fracture stabilization with the proximal humeral internal locking system plate are recommended. Objective: To establish the efficacy of the minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis technique with helical molding of the proximal humeral plate internal locking system. Case report: We report the case of a 29-year-old patient who suffered a traffic accident and had a multifragmentary diaphyseal fracture extended to the proximal humerus. He was treated with the minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis technique and the humeral proximal helical plate internal locking system. He achieved complete consolidation and rapid functional recovery. Conclusions: The minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis technique with the humeral proximal helical plate internal locking system is an effective and safe surgical option for multifragmentary diaphyseal humeral fractures with proximal extension, since it preserves the deltoid muscle insertion, improves bone-plate contact with minimal risk of fracture. Axillary and radial neurological injury, promotes bone healing and improves functional outcome.

Acta ortop. mex ; 36(6): 346-351, nov.-dic. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533530


Resumen: Introducción: el estándar de oro de tratamiento para la mayoría de las fracturas diafisarias de tibia está representado por el clavo endomedular (CEM). El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la importancia del diámetro del CEM sobre la consolidación de fracturas diafisarias de tibia. Material y métodos: se realizó un estudio retrospectivo en pacientes con fracturas cerradas de tibia 42 OTA/AO, tratados con un CEM fresado y acerrojado, entre Enero de 2014 y Diciembre de 2020. Las variables analizadas fueron género, edad, comorbilidades, cantidad de cerrojos utilizados, relación clavo/canal (diferencia entre el diámetro del canal medular y clavo), el índice clavo/canal (razón entre diámetro del clavo y el canal medular), en relación con la tasa de consolidación y falla (retardo de consolidación y seudoartrosis). Resultados: la serie final se conformó por 96 pacientes y la tasa de consolidación fue de 91.7% (n = 88). Se observó un diámetro de clavo significativamente mayor en los pacientes que consolidaron respecto a los que fallaron (p = 0.0014), incrementando la posibilidad de consolidación 5.30 (p = 0.04) veces, por cada milímetro que el clavo aumentó su diámetro. Se observó un incremento de probabilidad de consolidación de 13.56 (p = 0.018) veces utilizando un clavo > 10 mm de diámetro. El índice clavo/canal ≥ 0.80 aumentó la posibilidad de consolidación 23.33 veces (p = 0.005). Conclusión: nuestros hallazgos sugieren que los CEM fresados y acerrojados en fracturas diafisarias de tibia deben colocarse del mayor diámetro posible (> 10 mm y con un índice clavo/canal ≥ 0.80) para favorecer la consolidación.

Abstract: Introduction: the gold standard for tibial diaphyseal fracture treatment is represented by the intramedullary nail (IMN). This study aimed to assess the relevance of nail diameter in bone healing of tibial diaphyseal fractures. Material and methods: a retrospective study was conducted analyzing patients with closed 42 OTA/AO tibial fractures, treated with a reamed and locked IMN between January 2014 and December 2020. The variables assessed were gender, age, comorbidities, number of bolts used, canal/nail index (difference between the diameter of the medullary canal and nail), nail/canal ratio (ratio between nail diameter and medullary canal), related to consolidation and failure rates (delay - and non-union). Results: 96 patients were included. The consolidation rate was 91.7% (n = 88). Patients with consolidation had a significantly larger nail diameter than those who failed (p = 0.0014), increasing the chance of consolidation 5.30 (p = 0.04) times for each millimeter that the nail increased its diameter. Using a nail > 10 mm increased the chance of consolidation 13.56 times (p = 0.018). A nail/canal ratio ≥ 0.80 increased the chance of consolidation 23.33 times (p = 0.005). Conclusion: our findings suggested that reamed and locked IMN in tibial diaphyseal fractures should be implanted with the largest possible diameter (> 10 mm and with a nail-to-canal ratio ≥ 0.80) to promote bone healing.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-215359


Childhood injuries have become a global public health concern. It is estimated that 10-25 % of paediatric injuries are fractures. The definitive treatment of paediatric diaphyseal fractures has always remained controversial and determined by surgical experience and local trends of practice. The aim of this study was to study the outcome of surgically managed diaphyseal fractures in children.METHODSA prospective interventional study was done comprising of 42 fractures in 28 children having displaced diaphyseal fractures of major long bones. Flynn’s scoring criteria was used to study the outcome.RESULTSThe observations of this study are based on 42 surgically managed diaphyseal fractures in long bones in 28 children. The mean age of patients was 10.85 years. The commonest mode of injury was fall while playing (from level ground) (18 cases, 4.29%). The commonest bones to get fractured were both radius and ulna together (50%), followed by femur (25%), tibia (21.43%) and ulna singly (3.57%). The commonest location of fracture was middle third shaft (25 fractures, 59.52%). Transverse fractures accounted for major proportion of this series. Among the 42 fractures, 39 fractures were treated with titanium elastic nailing and 2 compound fractures were treated with debridement and external fixator application. One 15 year old girl was treated by femur interlock nailing. Among the 25 children who could be followed up, the average follow up period was 22.08 weeks. The mean period of union was 10.69 weeks. Majority of the fractures had excellent outcome (30 fractures, 76.92%), 7 fractures (17.95%) had satisfactory outcome while only 2 fractures (5.13%) had poor outcome.CONCLUSIONSTitanium elastic nailing (TENS) is found to be an effective method of treating closed displaced diaphyseal fractures in children. It is better than plaster cast immobilization due to shorter period required for union, better fracture reduction and stabilization besides prevention of stiffness of adjacent joints and fracture disease. More use of this method is recommended due to these advantages

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-202744


Introduction: Fractures of shaft of femur are among themost common fractures encountered in orthopaedic practice.The femur is the largest and strongest bone in the bodyarticulating with hip joint proximally forming knee joint withtibia at its distal end. As industrialization and urbanizationare progressing year to year with rapid increase in traffic,incidence of high energy trauma increasing with samespeed. Hence, the aim of the present study was to assess thetreatment of unstable diaphyseal fracture femur with femurintramedullary interlocking nailing.Material and methods: The present study was done among40 patients where skin traction or upper tibial traction forskeletal traction was given with the link supported in a BohlerBraun splint. All routine investigation and surgical fitnesswere asked for intramedullary nailing was chosen for fracturebelow the lesser trochanter and distally fracture within 8 cmfrom the femoral articular surface were chosen.Results: About 60% fractures involved upper 3rd as the site offracture. The pattern of fracture was found to be comminutedwhich was around 35%. The oblique pattern was around32.5% and transverse pattern of fracture was observed to be22.5%.The complications included were implant bending andbreaking, infection,delayed and nonunion,rotational deformityand shortening.Conclusion: Unstable diaphyseal fractures with femurintramedullary interlocking nailing gives excellent result withthis system there are minimal complications which help earlyreturn of patients to activity and work.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-848126


BACKGROUND: A large number of studies have confirmed that expandable intramedullary nails and interlocking intramedullary nails have a good effect in repairing limb fractures. However, for the treatment of femoral shaft fractures, the advantages and disadvantages of the two kinds of fixation methods are not inconclusive. OBJECTIVE: To systematically review the safety and effectiveness of expandable intramedullary nail and interlocking intramedullary nail for treatment of femoral shaft fracture. METHODS: A computer-based online search was conducted in PubMed, Web of Science, EBSCO, The Cochrane Library, CNKI, VIP and Wanfang databases to screen the relevant clinical controlled trials of expandable intramedullary nail versus interlocking intramedullary nail for the treatment of femoral shaft fractures. Two reviewers screened the literature according to the strict inclusion criteria, and assessed the research quality of the finally included literatures, and extracted the data. Meta-analysis was performed using Stata 13. 0 software. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: (1) A total of 7 studies (3 randomized controlled and 4 non-randomized controlled trials) were included, involving 492 patients. Expandable intramedullary nailing group contained 246 patients. Interlocking intramedullary nailing contained 246 patients. (2) The results of meta-analysis showed that compared with the interlocking intramedullary nailing group, fracture healing time, operation time, fluoroscopy time and hospital stay were shorter in the expandable intramedullary nailing group [SMD=-0. 87, 95%CI(-1. 20, -0. 54), P=0; SMD=-2. 45, 95%CI(-3. 33, -1. 58), P=0; SMD=-2. 83, 95%CI(-3. 68, -1. 97), P=0; SMD=-0. 96, 95%CI(-1. 73, -0. 18), P=0. 016]. Intraoperative blood loss was less in the expandable intramedullary nailing group than that in the interlocking intramedullary nailing group [SMD=-4. 12, 95%CI(-6. 38, -1. 87), P=0]. There was no significant difference in the rate of bone nonunion or delayed healing and the overall incidence of complications between the two groups. (3) Therefore, we theoretically believe that expandable intramedullary nailing is more advantageous than interlocking intramedullary nailing in the treatment of femoral shaft fractures, but the postoperative recovery is similar. Limited to the quality of the methodology of this study, it fails to consider the effect of the type of fracture and the interference of the field. The results need to be treated with caution, and more randomized controlled trials are needed to confirm.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-209173


Introduction: Minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis (MIPO) has been advocated as a safe approach to humeral shaft fracturemanagement.Aim: This study aims to analyze and evaluate the functional outcome of surgical management of comminuted shaft of humerusby minimally invasive anterior plate osteosynthesis.Materials and Methods: In this prospective study, patients with humeral shaft fractures were included in the study. All thepatients with a comminuted diaphyseal fracture of humerus underwent MIPO technique. Constant–Murley score for shoulderand Mayo Elbow Performance Score (MEPS) for elbow were assessed postoperatively at 3 months, 6 months, and 2 yearsfollow-up and score calculated at each visit.Results: In 15 patients, the mean Constant score was 87 on the affected side and 90.67 on the unaffected side. The meanMEPS was 97.33 ranging from 85 to 100. The mean surgical time with MIPO was 69 min (range: 60–90 min). The averageblood loss with MIPO was 109 ml (range: 75–150 min).Conclusion: MIPO of the humerus gives good functional and cosmetic results and should be considered one of the managementoptions in the treatment of humeral diaphyseal fractures.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-213879


Background:A retrospective case series study was done onforearm diaphyseal fracture in adolescents treated with TENS (titanium elastic nailing system).Purpose of the study was analysis of functional outcome of TENS in forearm diaphyseal fractures in children between 12-18 year age group. Methods:We retrospectively evaluated 30 patients operated by same senior surgeon during the period from March 2014 to February 2015 with closed diaphyseal forearm fractures in age group 12–18 years treated with TENS in whom closed reduction could not be achieved. Nail diameter taken as 33-40% of narrowest diameter of diaphysys were introduced proximally in ulna and distally in radius under image intensifier in closed manner. Postoperatively, patients encouraged for active shoulder, elbow and finger movements and suture removal done after 2 weeks. Patients were followed up for minimum period of one year.Results:In terms of union and range of motion using Anderson et al criteria 24 patients had excellent results, 4 patients had satisfactory results and one patienthad poor result having non-union of ulna. Two patients had superficial infection at the nail entry site which eventually resolved. One patient lost for follow up.Conclusions:We conclude that TENS in both bone forearm fractures in adolescent age group interms of union and range of motion is a minimally invasive and effective method of fixation.

Acta ortop. mex ; 33(1): 50-57, ene.-feb. 2019. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1248634


Resumen: Se presenta una guía terapéutica de la seudoartrosis diafisaria con los diferentes grados de dificultad a que se enfrenta el cirujano ortopédico, mencionando los principios que deben seguirse para obtener óptimos resultados.

Abstract: We present a therapeutic guide of diaphyseal pseudoarthrosis with the different degrees of difficulty faced by the orthopedic surgeon, mentioning the principles that must be followed to obtain optimal results.

Humans , Pseudarthrosis/therapy , Algorithms , Bone Transplantation , Diaphyses
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-203190


Purpose: To demonstrate the effectiveness of intramedullaryfixation of displaced long bones shaft fractures in skeletallyimmature children using the elastic stable intramedullary nails.Patients and Methods: The case records of 20 children whounderwent fixation with titanium intramedulary nails because oflong bones fractures were reviewed. There were 2 humeral, 3forearm, 10 femoral and 5 tibial fractures. The average age ofthe patients was 11 years, and they were followed-upto 20months. Subjective satisfaction was assessed.Results: All patients achieved complete healing at a mean of7.5 weeks. Complications observed in patients were: oneneuropraxia, six entry site skin irritations, two protrusions of thewires through the skin and two skin infections at the entry site.In a subjective measure of outcome at follow-up, 89% ofpatients were very satisfied while 11% were satisfied. Therewas no report of patient’s unsatisfaction. The implants wereremoved at a median time of six months from the indexoperation.Conclusion: Elastic Stable Intra-medullary Nailing isthe method of choice for the pediatric patients, because it isminimally invasive and shows very good functional andcosmetic results. It allows an early functional and cast-freefollow-up with a quick pain reduction.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-187170


A prospective observational study was conducted in Government Victoria Hospital, Visakhapatnam from 2013 to 2018 to evaluate Arogyasri scheme. Arogyasri scheme provides end to end cashless services for identified diseases in Andhra Pradesh. During this period, 891 gynecological surgeries were conducted under this scheme. Out of them, 44 were not approved for claim. A total of 10,880,238 rupees were claimed.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-187688


Background: There is a little disagreement concerning the treatment of long bone fractures in children less than 6 years ( plaster of paris cast) and adolescents older than 16 years (locked intramedullary nailing). Controversy persists regarding the age between 6 to 16 years, with several available options. Whatever the method of treatment, the goals should be to stabilize the fracture, to control length and alignment, to promote bone healing, and to minimize the morbidity and complications for the child and his/her family. The objective of this prospective clinical study was to evaluate the results of operative treatment of pediatric long bone fractures in the age group between 5 to 16 years using titanium elastic nailing system (TENS) nails. Methods: All children and adolescent patients between 5-16 years of age with diaphyseal fractures of long bones were admitted at Mamatha general and superspeciality hospital, Khammam. Meeting the inclusion and the exclusion criteria during the study period were the subjects for the study. Totally, 30 cases were studied without any sampling procedure. Patients were followed up at 6, 12 and 24 weeks after surgery and assessed clinically and radiologically. The final outcome is assessed as per Flynn’s criteria as excellent/ satisfactory/poor. Results: The final outcome was excellent in 22 (73.33%) cases, satisfactory in 8 (26.67%) cases and there were no poor outcome cases. Conclusion:Titanium elastic nail fixation is a simple, easy, rapid, reliable, excellent and effective method for management of pediatric long bone fractures between the age of 5 to 16 years, with shorter operative time, lesser blood less, lesser radiation exposure, shorter hospital stay, and reasonable time to bone healing.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-181817


Background: Diaphyseal fracture of the femur in children is one of the common causes of paediatric morbidity. These fractures in children above the age of five years, depending upon the fracture personality, can usually be managed satisfactorily using different intramedullary implants, including Kirchner wires, Rush nail, as well as extramedullary implants using various combinations of plates and screws. Each of these methods of fracture fixation has its own merits and demerits. The current study is aimed at assessing the efficacy of internal fixation of these fractures using closed reduction and percutaneous ‘K’ wire fixation. Methods: Twenty six (n=26) children with a mean age of 7.2 years (range 5-14 years) were treated using closed reduction and multiple percutaneous K wire fixation under image intensifier. The minimum follow up period was twelve months. The final clinical and radiological assessment of patient was done at the end of one year. Three patients (n=3) were lost to final follow-up and were excluded from the final statistical calculations. Results: Twenty one fractures (n=21) united at an average time interval of 4.1 months (range 3- 6.5 months). Two patients had delayed union and one had malunion. Superficial wound infections were seen in two (8.7%) patients. Impingement of bent k wires was felt by another two (8.7%) patients. Stiffness of the knee joint was seen in three patients (13%) during follow-up. Out of three (n=3) patients with knee stiffness two responded well to vigorous physiotherapy programme, while one (n=1) patient had limited knee range of motion even at the final follow-up. Malunion was seen in one (n=1) patient. Conclusion: Closed reduction and percutaneous K wire fixation is a safe, economical, technically non-demanding and highly efficacious technique for the treatment of paediatric femoral diaphyseal fractures.

Rev. colomb. reumatol ; 23(3): 218-222, jul.-set. 2016. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-960215


La enfermedad de Camurati-Engelmann es una entidad poco común debida a mutaciones en el gen que codifica el TGF-(3. Se caracteriza por hiperostosis de huesos largos y cráneo, acompañada de dolor óseo intenso, ocasionalmente debilidad muscular, marcha de pato. El tratamiento se basa en el uso de glucocorticoides en dosis altas y en casos severos la descompresión quirúrgica está indicada. Desde nuestro conocimiento este es el primer caso reportado en Colombia

Camurati-Engelmann disease is a rare entity due to mutations in the gene encoding the TGF-(3. It is characterised by hyperostosis of long bones and skull, accompanied by severe bone pain, and occasionally muscular weakness and a waddling gait. The treatment is based on the use of high doses of glucocorticoids, and in severe cases surgical decompression is indicated. As far as we know, this is the first case reported in Colombia

Humans , Hyperostosis
Indian Pediatr ; 2016 Apr; 53(4): 347-348
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-178978


Background: Ghosal Type Hematodiaphyseal Dysplasia is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by refractory anemia and diaphyseal bone dysplasia. Case characteristics: A 3 y 9 mo-old male child presented with progressive anemia and bowing of thighs. Child was found to have a previously reported homozygous point mutation c.1238G>A, (p.Arg413Glu) in Exon 16 of TBXAS1 gene. Outcome: Low dose steroid therapy resulted in normalization of hemoglobin and prevented further progression of bony changes. Message: Refractory anemia in association with bony deformities should prompt pediatricians to investigate for inherited bony dysplasia.

Medisan ; 19(12)dic.-dic. 2015. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-770944


Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, longitudinal y retrospectivo de 123 pacientes con fractura diafisaria de tibia, quienes fueron intervenidos mediante la técnica quirúrgica de fijación con clavo intramedular de Küntscher sin fresado del canal, desde agosto del 2012 hasta diciembre del 2013, en el Hospital Especial de Tumbi, de Kibaha, Tanzania, con vistas a evaluar los resultados de dicho procedimiento. En la serie predominaron el sexo masculino (74,0 %), el grupo etario de 26-35 años (37,4 %), los accidentes de tránsito como causa principal de las lesiones (74,0 %) y la reducción de la fractura de forma abierta (90,2 %); asimismo, 29,4 % de los pacientes presentó complicaciones y 80,5 % mostró buenos resultados en la evaluación final. Finalmente, se pudo concluir que el uso del clavo intramedular de Küntscher sin fresado del canal, es una técnica quirúrgica viable para solucionar las fracturas diafisarias de tibia.

A descriptive, longitudinal and retrospective study of 123 patients with tibial diaphyseal fracture who were surgically treated by means of the surgical technique of fixation with Küntscher intramedullary nail without reaming of channels was carried out from August, 2012 to December, 2013, in Tumbi Special Hospital, Kibaha, Tanzania, with the aim of evaluating the results of this procedure. The male sex (74.0%), the age group 26-35 years (37.4%), the traffic accidents as main cause of the lesions (74.0%) and the reduction of the fracture in an open way (90.2%) prevailed in the series; also, 29.4% of the patients presented complications and 80.5% showed good results in the final evaluation. Finally, it could be concluded that the use of Küntscher intramedullary nail without reaming channels, is a viable surgical technique to solve the tibial diaphyseal fractures.

Tibial Fractures , Bone Nails , Tanzania
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-166551


Background: Treatment of femoral fractures in age group of 6 – 12 years is controversial. Operative treatment is becoming better accepted. Various modalities of fixation include plate osteosynthesis, External fixation; Antegrade locked nailing, and flexible intramedullary nailing. Methods: 60 children aged 6-12 years (Average age – 8.2 years) with 66 femoral diaphyseal fractures (61 closed and 05 open) in 60 patients were managed with closed Ender’s nailing. Pathological fractures due to unicameral bone cyst were evident in 5 patients. Femoral shaft fractures at the level proximal to distal three fifth with canal diameter of ≥ 6mm were included in the study. Out of 66 traumatic fractures 42 fractures had stable pattern and 19 had unstable fracture pattern. The results were evaluated clinically and radiologically. Results: All the 42 stable femoral fractures showed bridging callus in a mean time of 3.83 weeks (2.5 to 6.5 weeks). Full weight bearing was possible in a mean time of 4.19 weeks. Radiological union was seen in a mean time of 9.4 weeks. 34 fractures were evaluated by scanogram one year after injury and they revealed lengthening of 0.3cms. All the children returned to their previous level of activities. All the 19 unstable femoral fractures showed bridging callus in a mean time of 5.53 weeks (4 – 8 weeks). Full weight bearing was possible in a mean time of 6.21weeks. Radiological union was seen in a mean time of 12 weeks. 8 patients were readmitted for adjunctive procedures like nail impaction, traction and cast immobilization. 20% patients with unstable group had shortening of 1.3cms and 20% had external rotation of lower limb. Conclusions: Ender’s nailing is simple, cost-effective and minimally invasive procedure in 6-12 years of age. It offers stable fixation with rapid healing. There is prompt return of child to normal activity.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-173481


Background: Skeletal trauma accounts for 10-15% of all childhood injuries. The increasing incidence of fractures in children mainly attributed to increased road traffi c accidents and sports participation. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted from October 2012 to April 2015 at Terna Medical College, Navi Mumbai. A 28 pediatric patients (20 male and 8 female), who came to emergency department with long bone fractures subsequently, underwent surgical fi xation of long bones by titanium elastic nailing (TENS) were included in this prospective study. Results: Road traffi c accident was the main mode of injuries. The most common long bone fracture was femur 40% and 60% tibia fracture. Pattern of fracture 33.3% transverse, 13.3% commiunited, 20% oblique, 26.7% spira, 6.7% segmental. The level of fracture 80% middle third. The time interval between trauma and surgery was average 3.65 days. Average duration in 50.20 min. Average duration of immobilization is 7.2 weeks. Duration of stay in hospital was 10.25 days. Time of union is 10.35 weeks. Time of weight bearing in the present study is 11.8 weeks. Follow-up done for period of 24 weeks. According to Flynn’s criteria, 89% of patients were excellent and 11% satisfi ed; no patients reported their outcome as not satisfi ed. Conclusion: TENS is the method of choice for the management of long bone fractures in children, because its elastic mobility promoting rapid union at fractures site, stability ideal for early mobilization. It gives lower complication rate, good outcome. It allows an early functional and cast-free follow-up, quick pain reduction compared plating technique including a minimally invasive technique. A less time-consuming procedure and easier metal work removal, cosmetically a small scar. Our study results provide new evidence that expands the inclusion criteria for this treatment and shows that TENS can be successfully used regardless of fracture location and fracture pattern.