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Licere (Online) ; 25(4): 137-153, 12.2022. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1428140


O presente estudo, caracterizado como qualitativo, descritivo de revisão, objetiva analisar e investigar a inclusão social de pessoas com deficiência no lazer e a sustentabilidade ecológica por meio de uma revisão sistemática. Buscaram-se os principais trabalhos publicados no período de 2011 a 2022, nas bases de dados CAPES e Scielo. Foram realizadas a análise dos dados e a de conteúdos, para então criarem-se as categorizações, geradas pelos próprios artigos. Os resultados, de forma geral, mostraram que o lazer e a sustentabilidade ecológica desenvolvidos por pessoas com deficiência são pouco explorados. A falta de acessibilidade foi citada nas pesquisas como fator predominante, apesar do conhecimento do direito por lei aos espaços para essa prática. Observou-se que estudos futuros são de extrema importância para a compreensão da relevância do lazer na vida desses indivíduos e da sustentabilidade ecológica.

This study, which is characterized as qualitative, descriptive of review, aims to analyze and investigate the social inclusion of disabled people in leisure and ecological sustainability by means of a systematic review. The main works published in the period from 2011 to 2022 were searched in the CAPES and Scielo databases. Data and content analysis were carried out, so that categorizations were created, generated by the articles themselves. The results, in general, showed that leisure and ecological sustainability developed by disabled people are little explored. The lack of accessibility was cited in the surveys as a predominant factor, despite the knowledge of the right by law to spaces for this practice. It was observed that future studies are extremely important for understanding the relevance of leisure in these individuals' lives and ecological sustainability.

Environmental Health , Leisure Activities
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-964010


In the next two decades, the worlds population is expected to grow by 1.7 billion, bringing the total population to 7 billion. Shortages of drinkable water are increasingly common. Air pollution continue to be a problem although many countries have introduced tougher laws, cleaner fuels and installed pollution control equipment. Fifteen percent of the worlds land has now been degraded by human activities. Deforestation is currently estimated at 16.8 million hectares per year. About one quarter of the Earths species risks extinction within the next 30 years. Industry produces environmental problems everywhere-- toxic chemicals and hazardous wastes among others. The ozone layer is being depleted and global warming due to green-house gases affect climte, agriculture, rainfall patterns and upset ocean currents. Cataracts, suppression of the immune system, skin cancers and increased incidence of infectious and other diseases are some of the adverse health effects resulting from one or a combination of these environmental problems The maintenance and improvement of health should be at the center of concern about the environment and development. It is a requirement of health that the global cycles and systems on which all life depends are sustained. Population growth and the way resources are exploited and wastes generated threaten the environmental base on which health and survival depend and transit the growing costs to future generations. The toll they exact on human health and natural resources and systems could be enormously reduced by better environmental management.
