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Arq. bras. oftalmol ; Arq. bras. oftalmol;88(2): e2023, 2025. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1574011


ABSTRACT Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the perception and degree of satisfaction of blind individuals regarding an electronic cane prototype with a wearable haptic interface. Methods: Two scenarios with different obstacles were created to conduct tests with the canes (the user's cane and the prototype one). The perception and satisfaction of participants regarding the electronic cane were assessed using a questionnaire, the number of collisions during the tests, and the time each individual took to complete the course in each scenario. Results: Ten blind individuals who used the white cane participated in this study. Eight were males, and two were females. Their age ranged from 23 to 43 (average 32.3 ± 7.13 years and median 32 years). There was a tendency for fewer collisions with ground obstacles when the electronic cane was used than when the white cane was used. However, there was no statistically significant difference between the number of collisions and the course completion time in each scenario with either canes tested. Conclusion: Overall, the perception and satisfaction of individuals regarding the prototype used were positive.

Rev. Investig. Innov. Cienc. Salud ; 6(2): 56-72, jul.-dic. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1575797


Resumen Objetivo: Ante la escasez de investigaciones que traten de manera conjunta el conocimiento, la calidad y la higiene del sueño en el adolescente, el objetivo del presente estudio es analizar las diferencias y las relaciones que existen entre estas variables en función de características sociodemográficas y personales. Método: A través de los instrumentos Sleep Beliefs Scale (SBS), Spanish Adolescents and Young Adults Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (AYA-PSQI-S) y Adolescents Sleep Hygiene Scale Revied (ASHSr), se midieron las características del sueño de 140 estudiantes (M = 16,75; DE = 0,75). Resultados: El 89,3% de los adolescentes presentaban problemas de sueño, subyacentes de la mejorable higiene del sueño por parte del 62,2% y de un escaso conocimiento general del sueño. El sexo femenino y el alumnado en cursos superiores presentaron mayores problemas para conciliar el sueño, somnolencia y una baja gestión cognitiva-emocional (p < 0,05). La higiene del sueño (β = - 0,344), la edad (β = 0,154) y el autoconcepto (β = -0,349) son los factores que predijeron significativamente (p < 0,05) la calidad del sueño del adolescente. Conclusiones: La adquisición de una adecuada higiene del sueño se vuelve fundamental para mejorar la calidad del descanso y la funcionalidad diurna en adolescentes, destacando su importancia, sobre todo, en niveles académicos avanzados y en el caso específico de las mujeres.

Abstract Objective: Given the scarcity of research addressing the intersection of knowledge, sleep quality, and hygiene among adolescents, the primary objective of this study is to analyse the variations and correlations among these variables based on socio-demographic and personal characteristics. Method: The Sleep Beliefs Scale (SBS), the Spanish Adolescents and Young Adults Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (AYA-PSQI-S), the Adolescents Sleep Hygiene Scale Revied (ASHSr) were used to measure the sleep characteristics of the 140 Spanish students (M = 16,75; SD = 0,75). Results: Sleep problems were found in 89,3% of the adolescents, underlying poor sleep hygiene in 62,2% and poor general sleep knowledge (SBS = 12,04). Females and students in higher grades presented greater problems in falling asleep, sleepiness, and poor cognitive-emotional management (p < 0,05). Sleep hygiene (β = - 0,344), age (β = 0,154), and self-concept (β = -0,349) were the factors that significantly (p < 0,05) predicted adolescent sleep quality. Conclusions: The acquisition of proper sleep hygiene becomes crucial to enhance the quality of rest and daytime functionality in adolescents, emphasizing its significance, especially in advanced academic levels and specifically in the case of females.

Medicina (B.Aires) ; Medicina (B.Aires);84(3): 426-432, ago. 2024. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1575220


Resumen Introducción : La prescripción es el nodo del manejo y uso de medicamentos que con mayor frecuencia presen ta errores de medicación, según diversos estudios. Este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar las prescripciones antes y después de la incorporación de una ronda multi disciplinar en el área de cuidados intensivos pediátricos y su implicación en la ocurrencia de eventos adversos por medicamentos. Métodos : Se trata de un estudio antes y después, no controlado. Resultados : Se estudiaron 100 pacientes antes y 100 después, rango 1-17 años, edad media: 6.4 DE: 8.7. El 55.5% (n = 111) eran varones. Se detectó un error de prescripción antes de la intervención del 12% (n = 12) y después de intervención, del 0%, p = 0.001. Se detectó un total de 45 eventos adversos por 100 ingresos y 38 eventos por 100 ingresos, antes y después de la inter vención respectivamente (p > 0.05). Conclusión : La intervención fue útil para disminuir el error de prescripción en esta muestra de pacientes.

Abstract Introduction : Prescription is the node of medication management and use that most frequently presents medication errors, according to various studies. This study aims to analyze prescriptions before and after the incorporation of a multidisciplinary round in the pediatric intensive care area and its implication in the occurrence of adverse drug events. Methods : This is an uncontrolled before and after study. Results : 100 patients were studied before and 100 after, range 1-17 years, mean age: 6.4 SD: 8.7. 55.5% (n = 111) were men. A prescription error was detected before the intervention of 12% (n = 12) and after 0% of the inter vention, 0%, p = 0.001. A total of 45 adverse events were detected, that is, 45 adverse events per 100 admissions and 38, that is, 38 events per 100 admissions, before and after the intervention respectively (p > 0.05). Conclusion : The intervention was useful to reduce prescription error in this sample of patients.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-227978


The rapidly expanding realm of Electronic Sports (eSports) has captivated global attention, blurring the lines between virtual entertainment and traditional athletics. As participation in eSports continues to rise, these competitive gaming platforms are increasingly recognized as legitimate sports. However, with this surge in participation, there's a simultaneous increase in the susceptibility to health hazards, spanning both physical and psychological domains. Musculoskeletal injuries, caused by extended sedentary postures and repetitive motions, afflict eSports athletes, resulting in discomfort in the wrists and hands, alongside back and neck problems. The prolonged exposure to screens predisposes participants to vision-related concerns, highlighting the imperative of addressing ocular health within the eSports community. Simultaneously, the intense cognitive demands and competitive pressures exacerbate mental health challenges, resulting in depression and anxiety among players. Similar to traditional athletes, eSports competitors need appropriate protocols to minimize injury risks, alongside access to medical intervention to manage potential health hazards. This review comprehensively analyses the health dynamics of eSports, elucidating injury profiles, intervention strategies, and health optimization protocols essential for safeguarding the well-being of eSports athletes and enhancing awareness within the eSports community.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-227965


The COVID pandemic has instilled fear in the community creating challenges for household data collection. A community-based household survey was planned to assess knowledge and perception about air pollution caused by vehicular traffic and related ailments among residents of Delhi along with willingness to accept (WTA)/willingness to pay (WTP) discount/premium to discontinue/continue the use of private vehicles for their daily office commute. Access into households was difficult due to heightened sensitivity in post COVID situation. Respondents were not available during working hours. Researchers reached out to participants at workplaces, community events, during weekends or after office hours. Safety of researchers due to odd working hours was a concern. Researchers in post-pandemic world need to plan for multiple modes to access participants. Timelines of the data collection phase need to be sensitive for higher proportion of refusals and necessary permissions. Higher investments in effective communication skills are necessary.

Hacia promoc. salud ; 29(1): 102-117, ene.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1574953


Resumen Objetivo: Comparar la efectividad de los chicles de nicotina frente al uso de cigarrillos electrónicos y mostrar si resultan más efectivos en la reducción del hábito tabáquico. Metodología: se incluyeron artículos en español, inglés y portugués disponibles en SciELO, Google Académico, EBSCO, Cochrane Library y LILACS, a través de ecuaciones construidas con MeSH y DeCS y operadores booleanos AND y OR (("Cigarrillos electrónicos" OR "e-Cigs" OR "Cigarros electrónicos") OR ("Chicle" OR "Goma de mascar de nicotina") AND ("Cesación de tabaquismo")), se clasificaron por nivel de evidencia y grado de recomendación. Las consideraciones éticas se adoptaron conforme a la Resolución 8430 de 1993. Resultados: la búsqueda inicial arrojó 1.468 artículos, que se redujeron a 28 textos que cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Se construyeron cinco temáticas en las que se incluyen comparación de métodos, formas de evaluación, rangos etarios, índices de adicción, patologías asociadas e índice de mortalidad, componentes y efectos fisiológicos del cigarrillo electrónico y convencional. Conclusiones: se evidencia que las cantidades de nicotina de los cigarrillos electrónicos producen efectos adversos irreversibles para la salud y pueden generar mayor dependencia.

Abstract Objective: Compare the effectiveness of nicotine gum versus the use of electronic cigarettes and show whether they are more effective in reducing smoking. Methodology: Articles in Spanish, English and Portuguese, available from SciELO, Google Academic, EBSCO, Cochrane Library and LILACS, were included through equations built with MeSH and DeCS and Boolean operators AND Dec's OR (("Electronic cigarettes" OR "E-Cigs" OR "Electronic Cigars") OR ("Chewing gum" OR "Nicotine chewing gum") AND ("Smoking cessation")). The articles were critically read, and classified by level of evidence and degree of recommendation. Ethical considerations were adopted in accordance with Resolution 8430 of 1993. Results: The initial search yielded 1,468 articles, which were reduced to 28 units that contributed to the stated objective. Five themes were built, which include a comparison of methods, evaluation forms, age ranges, addiction rates, associated pathologies and mortality rate, components and physiological effects of the conventional and electronic cigarette. Conclusions: It is evident that the amounts of nicotine of e-cigarettes produce irreversible adverse health effects and can lead to increased dependency.

Resumo Objetivo: Compare a eficácia da goma de mascar de nicotina versus o uso de cigarros eletrônicos e mostre se eles são mais eficazes na redução do tabagismo. Metodologia: Os artigos em espanhol, inglês e português, disponíveis na SciELO, no Google Acadêmico, na EBSCO, na Cochrane Library e na LILACS, foram incluídos por meio de equações construídas com os operadores MeSH e DeCS e booleanos AND e OR (("cigarros eletrônicos" OU "E-Cigs" ou "charutos eletrônicos") OR ("goma de mascar" ou "goma de mascar de nicotina") AND ("cessação do tabagism")). Os artigos foram lidos criticamente e classificados por nível de evidência e grau de recomendação. Considerações éticas foram adotadas de acordo com a Resolução 8430 de 1993. Resultados: A pesquisa inicial produziu 1.468 artigos, reduzidos a 28 unidades que contribuíram para o objetivo declarado. Foram construídos cinco temas que incluem a comparação de métodos, formas de avaliação, faixas etárias, taxas de dependência, patologias e taxa de mortalidade associadas, componentes e efeitos fisiológicos dos cigarros convencionais e eletrônicos. Conclusões: É evidente que as quantidades de nicotina dos Os cigarros eletrônicos produzem efeitos adversos irreversíveis à saúde e podem levar ao aumento da dependência.

Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 2(64): 31-44, mai-ago.2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1567266


O cigarro eletrônico (CE) surgiu como uma alternativa ao uso do cigarro convencional (CC) atuando como um meio de combate ao tabagismo. Apesar de ser considerado menos prejudicial à saúde do que o cigarro convencional, por muitos autores, seu uso não é isento de riscos. O presente estudo visa discutir e elucidar os impactos do uso de cigarros eletrônicos na saúde oral de pacientes adultos jovens. Esta revisão de literatura foi elaborada através da seleção de artigos científicos nos idiomas português e inglês, que abordam os temas de cigarro eletrônico e saúde oral. Utilizaram-se os bancos de dados Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), PubMed e Google acadêmico, a busca foi baseada nos seguintes descritores de saúde: cigarro eletrônico, vaping e saúde bucal, e os respectivos em inglês, com limite temporal de 2019 a 2023. Diversas pesquisas relatam os efeitos dos cigarros eletrônicos na saúde bucal, como a xerostomia, halitose, cárie dental, perda e avulsão de elementos dentários, doença periodontal e diversas patologias orais. Além disso, os componentes químicos presentes nos líquidos dos cigarros eletrônicos também podem afetar a saúde bucal, podendo levar a danos no esmalte dentário e riscos desconhecidos as células e tecidos da cavidade oral. Logo, é necessário abordar o impacto que os cigarros eletrônicos causam e seus riscos à saúde bucal, além dos riscos já conhecidos para saúde geral dos usuários. Os profissionais de saúde devem estar atentos a essa questão e incluir informações sobre o uso de cigarros eletrônicos em suas avaliações e orientações aos pacientes.

The electronic cigarette (EC) emerged as an alternative to conventional cigarette (CC) use, acting as a means to combat smoking. Despite being considered less harmful to health than conventional cigarettes by many authors, its use is not without risks. The present study aims to discuss and elucidate the impacts of electronic cigarette use on the oral health of young adult patients. This literature review was conducted through the selection of scientific articles in Portuguese and English languages, addressing the topics of electronic cigarettes and oral health. The databases used included the Virtual Health Library (BVS), PubMed, and Google Scholar. The search was based on the following health descriptors: electronic cigarette, vaping, and oral health, and their English equivalents, with a time limit from 2019 to 2023. Several studies report the effects of electronic cigarettes on oral health, such as xerostomia, halitosis, dental caries, tooth loss and avulsion, periodontal disease, and various oral pathologies. Furthermore, the chemical components present in electronic cigarette liquids can also impact oral health, potentially leading to dental enamel damage and unknown risks to oral cavity cells and tissues. Therefore, it is necessary to address the impact and risks of electronic cigarettes on oral health, in addition to the known risks to users' overall health. Health professionals should be attentive to this issue and include information about electronic cigarette use in their assessments and patient guidance.

Oral Health , Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems , Vaping , Mouth Diseases
Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 45(1): 65-68, jan.-abr. 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1553267


A Revista Odontológica de Araçatuba é um periódico online, de acesso gratuito cujo as publicações são indexadas em importantes bases de dados, divulgando deste modo trabalhos científicos produzidos por instituições do estado de São Paulo e de outros centros de pesquisa de todo o país. O intuito deste trabalho é analisar de modo quantitativo as publicações realizadas no período de 2018 a 2023, as classificando de acordo com a sua natureza (Pesquisa cientifica, Revisão de literatura ou relato de caso) e de acordo com a sua origem (UNESP ­ FOA, misto ou outro centro de ensino) e comparar os resultados obtidos aos dados presentes nos estudos referentes ao período de 2001 a 2011 e ao estudo referente ao período de 2012 a 2017. Foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica que compreendeu as publicações dos anos de 2018 a 2023, abrangendo 18 periódicos e um suplementar, totalizando 167 artigos. Neste intervalo de tempo, houve uma predominância de relatos de casos (55,08%) em comparação as revisões de literatura (22,15%) e as pesquisas cientificas (22,75%). Os artigos oriundos de outros centros de pesquisa foram a maioria (82,03%) e 8 dos artigos presentes foram em língua inglesa. Podemos concluir que a Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba se tornou um periódico de relevância nacional com predominância de compromisso clinico e que está em processo de internacionalização(AU)

The Dental Journal of Araçatuba is an online journal, with free access, whose publications are indexed in important databases, publishing scientific works produced by institutions in the state of São Paulo and other research centers across the country. The purpose of this work is to analyze, in a quantitative way, the publications carried out in the period from 2018 to 2023, classifying them according to their nature (Scientific research, Literature review or case report) and according to their origin (UNESP ­ FOA , mixed or other teaching center) and compare the results obtained with the datas presents in the studies referring to the period from 2001 to 2011 and the study referring to the period from 2012 to 2017. A bibliographical research was carried out that included publications from the years 2018 to 2023, covering 18 periodicals and one supplementary, totaling 167 articles published. In this time period, case report articles predominated (55,08%) compared to literature reviews (22.15%) and scientific research (22,75%). The majority of articles came from other research centers (82.03%) and 8 of the published articles were in English. We can conclude that Journal Dental of Araçatuba became a periodical of national relevance with a predominance of clinical commitment and which is in process of internationalization(AU)

Dentistry , Periodical , Scientific Communication and Diffusion , Scientific and Technical Publications
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-227926


Background: Electronic devices here means devices like computer, laptop, smart phones, e-games etc. Recently the ownership, use and time-spent on electronic devices has increased dramatically on all age groups for the purpose of communication, entertainment, education, work, etc. and mostly adults are dependent on these devices. Methods: A descriptive cross sectional was done among 248 BPH students of Kathmandu valley. Four colleges were selected through lottery method and 62 students of 1st, 2nd and 3rd year were conveniently selected from each college by disproportionate stratified sampling. Semi-structured self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data which was analysed in SPSS version 21.0 and interpreted using bivariate test. Results: All the respondents owned at least one electronic device. Smart phones were found to be the mostly used electronic device and entertainment was the main purpose for which the devices were used. 10.5% showed range of health adversities in relation to electronic device use with eye symptoms being the most common adversity. 80% were found to use electronic device before going to bed which was associated with the sleep quality of the respondents. Conclusions: This study concluded that time-spent on electronic device is high and using electronic devices before bed time was significantly associated with the sleep quality. Not just sleep quality but excessive use of these devices for long run had the risk of developing health effects like headache, eye, ear and musculoskeletal symptoms and few had mild health effects.

RECIIS (Online) ; 18(1)jan.-mar. 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1552963


O fenômeno da judicialização da saúde carece de dados organizados e comparáveis entre estudos sobre o tema. Diversas fontes, recortes prévios e intermediários geram resultados conflitantes e de difícil repro-dução. Esta nota argumenta a necessidade de definir um padrão/elemento comum nos processos judiciais em saúde, propondo o sistema JUDJe, que utiliza o Diário de Justiça Eletrônico para extrair, organizar e classificar esses dados. O JUDJe gerou um banco de dados aberto com 100 mil movimentações processuais sobre casos de câncer. Defende mais qualidade e conexão dos dados, e mais acesso a esses últimos, pro-movendo equidade e visão multidimensional. Propõe a "judicialização 2.0" com dados em rede conectando saúde e direito.

The phenomenon of health judicialisation lacks organised and comparable data between studies on the subject. Different sources, previous and intermediate pieces of information generate conflicting results that are difficult to reproduce. This note argues the need to define a common standard/element in health lawsuits and proposes the JUDJe system, using the online Official Gazette to extract, organize and classify such data. JUDJe generated an open geo-referenced database with 100 thousand legal proceedings on cancer cases. It advocates more quality and connection of data, and more access to them, promoting equity and a multidimensional vision. It proposes a "judicialization 2.0" connecting the health and law domains.

El fenómeno de la judicialización de la salud carece de datos organizables y comparables entre los estudios sobre el tema. Diferentes fuentes, cortes previos y intermedios generan resultados contradictorios y dificiles de reproduzir. Esta nota argumenta la necesidad de definir un elemento común/estándar en los procesos judiciales de salud, proponiendo el sistema JUDJe, que utiliza el Diario Oficial Electrónico de Justicia para extraer, organizar y clasificar esos datos. El JUDJe generó una base de datos abiertos georreferenciada con 100 mil actuaciones judiciales sobre casos de cáncer. Defiende más calidad y conexión de datos, y más acceso a esos últimos, promoviendo la equidad y una visión multidimensional. Propone la "judicialización 2.0" con datos en red que conecten salud y derecho.

Information Storage and Retrieval , Information Management , Database , Health's Judicialization , Data Aggregation , Information Science , Access to Information
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005247


Seeds are the source for the production of Chinese medicinal materials. The seed authenticity and quality of directly affect the effectiveness and safety of Chinese medicinal materials. The seed quality is faced with the problems such as mixed sources, existence of adulterants and seeds stocked for years, low maturity, and low purity. To ensure the high-quality and sustainable development of the Chinese medicinal material industry, it is urgent to standardize the seed market and identify and evaluate the quality of the seeds circulating in the market. Seed identification methods include visual inspection, microscopic observation, micro-character identification, chemical fingerprinting, molecular identification, electronic nose, X-ray diffraction, electrochemical fingerprinting, spectral imaging, and artificial intelligence. These methods have different application scopes and unique advantages and disadvantages. According to the different species of Chinese herbal medicines and different requirements of testing sites, suitable methods can be selected to achieve rapid and accurate identification with low costs. In the future, the seed identification methods should be developed based on emerging technologies with interdisciplinary knowledge, and intelligent, nondestructive, and single-grain detection methods are needed for the modern Chinese medicinal material industry. This paper introduces the seed identification technologies currently applied in research and production, compares the principles, applicability, advantages, and disadvantages of different technologies, and provides an outlook on the future development of seed identification technologies, aiming to provide a reference for the identification and quality evaluation of seeds of Chinese medicinal material.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019561


Objective·To establish a nomogram for the differential diagnosis of early systemic lupus erythematosus(SLE)and other autoimmune diseases based on laboratory indications,and to evaluate its efficacy.Methods·A total of 535 SLE patients admitted to the First Hospital of Lanzhou University from January 2017 to December 2021 were selected as SLE group,and 535 patients with other autoimmune diseases during the same period were selected as control group.Basic information and laboratory test indicators of the SLE group and control group were collected and compared.The SLE group and control group were randomly assigned to the training set and the validation set at a ratio of 7∶3,respectively.LASSO regression method and multivariate Logistic regression were used to select the main risk factors of SLE.The nomogram for differential diagnosis of early SLE(SLE nomogram)was established according to the selected main risk factors.Bootstrap method was used to conduct internal repeated sampling for 1 000 times to calibrate the nomogram.The receiver operator characteristic curve(ROC curve)and decision curve analysis(DCA)were performed to evaluate the differential diagnosis ability and the value in clinical application of SLE nomogram,respectively.The"DynNom"package of R language was used to convert the nomogram into an electronic calculator,and its consistency with SLE nomogram was verified by data from 3 groups of patients.Results·LASSO regression and multivariate Logistic regression identified six major risk factors for SLE,including antinuclear antibody(ANA),anti-double-stranded DNA(anti-dsDNA)antibody,anti-ribonucleoprotein antibody/anti-Simth antibody(anti-nRNP/Sm),anti-ribosomal P protein(anti-P)antibody,anti-nucleosome antibody(ANuA)and urinary protein(PRO),which were used to construct the SLE nomogram.The calibration curve of the SLE nomogram had standard errors of 0.009 and 0.015 in the training set and validation set,respectively,and its area under the curve(AUC)was 0.889 and 0.869,respectively.The results of DCA showed that when the risk threshold of SLE nomogram was 0.15?0.95,the model achieved more net benefit.The prediction results of the electronic calculator showed that when ANA(titer 1∶100)was positive in SLE patient No.1,the prevalence was 0.166;when both ANA(titer 1∶100)and ANuA(titer 1∶100)were positive in patient No.2,the prevalence was 0.676;when all of PRO,ANA(titer 1∶100),ANuA(titer 1∶100)and anti-P antibody(titer 1∶100)were positive in patient No.3,the prevalence was 0.990,which was consistent with the differential diagnosis results of the SLE nomogram.Conclusion·The established SLE nomogram based on ANA,anti-dsDNA antibody,anti-nRNP/Sm,anti-P antibody,ANuA and PRO and its conversion into an electronic calculator can effectively distinguish early SLE from other autoimmune diseases,and have important clinical application value.

Tianjin Medical Journal ; (12): 311-314, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021016


Objective To explore the correlation between neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio(NLR)and Behcet's disease(BD)activity.Methods A total of 103 BD patients were divided into the low activity group(0-4,61 cases)and the high activity group(5-11,42 cases)according to electronic medical record-based disease activity index(EMRAI)score.The white blood cell(WBC),neutrophil(NEU),lymphocyte(LY),platelet(PLT),red blood cell(RBC),hemoglobin(Hb),erythrocyte sedimentation rate(ESR),C-reactive protein(CRP),IgG,IgA,IgM,complement C3 and C4 were detected.NLR and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio(PLR)were calculated.The correlation between NLR,PLR and ESR,CRP,EMRAI were analyzed.Logistic regression was used to analyze the influencing factors of BD disease activity.Receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve was drawn to evaluate the effectiveness of NLR in judging BD disease activity.Results WBC,NEU,PLT,ESR,CRP,NLR,PLR,complement C3 and C4 in patients were higher in the high activity group than those in the low activity group(P<0.05),and there were no significant differences in other indexes(P>0.05).NLR was positively correlated with ESR,CRP and EMRAI in the whole group,while PLR was positively correlated with ESR,CRP and EMRAI in the whole group(P<0.05).Logistic regression analysis showed that high NLR was a risk factor for BD disease activity(OR=1.511,95%CI:1.080-2.113,P<0.05).ROC curve analysis showed that the area under the curve(AUC)of NLR in evaluating BD disease activity was 0.706(95%CI:0.603-0.809).Conclusion NLR is effective in judging the disease activity of BD patients,and can be used as a biological index to evaluate the disease activity of BD.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021674


BACKGROUND:Current studies have shown that electronic moxibustion can improve memory function in amnestic mild cognitive impairment;however,its mechanism of action needs to be further investigated.The atrophy of hippocampal volume and impairment of functional connectivity are important imaging markers of amnestic mild cognitive impairment.Whether electronic moxibustion can regulate the volume of hippocampal subregion of partients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment is worth studying. OBJECTIVE:To observe the effect of electronic moxibustion on the volume of hippocampal subregions in patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment. METHODS:Forty patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment were recruited from April 1,2018 to January 31,2019 at the community service centers around the Second Affiliated Hospital of Shenzhen University(Baoan Hospital of Southern Medical University),Shenzhen,China.They were randomly divided into treatment group(n=20)and control group(n=20).The treatment group was treated with electronic moxibustion of regulating the mind and benefiting the intelligence,while the control group was treated with placebo moxibustion.Moxibustion was given at 45 oC,20 minutes each time,once a day,5 times a week,for 8 weeks in total.Memory evaluation using Rivermead behavioral memory test and magnetic resonance imaging scanning for detecting the hippocampal subregion volume were performed for each patient before and after treatment,and cognitive function of each patient was assessed using Montreal cognitive assessment and mini-mental state examination.Correlation of hippocampal subregion volumes with scores on each scale was analyzed. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:After treatment,the volumes of the left parasubiculum and the left hippocampal-amygdala migrating area increased in the treatment group but decreased in the control group,and there was a significant difference between the two groups(P<0.05).Compared with the pre-treatment data,the Rivermead behavioral memory test,Montreal cognitive assessment,and mini-mental state examination scores were significantly higher in the treatment group after treatment(P<0.05),while there was no significant change in the three scale scores in the control group after treatment(P>0.05).The three scale scores were higher in the treatment group than in the control group after treatment(P<0.05).Pearson correlation analysis showed that the changes in the volume of the left parasubiculum was significantly and positively correlated with the Rivermead behavioral memory test scale score in the treatment group(r=0.418,P=0.014).To conclude,electronic moxibustion can improve memory in patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment,and the mechanism may be the regulation of structural plasticity in hippocampal subregions.

China Medical Equipment ; (12): 189-192, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026510


According to the high failure rate and high maintenance cost of SIF-Q260 enteroscope in Endoscopy Center of Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University,the causes for the failure of SIF-Q260 enteroscope were analyzed by the Reason model from four aspects of environmental impact,unsafe supervision,unsafe behavior precursor and unsafe behavior.In view of the analyzed causes of failures at all levels,measures should be proposed from three aspects of regular training to standardize the decontamination and use of endoscopes,appointment of special personnel to manage endoscopes,regular supervision and evaluation of the standardization of endoscopic decontamination,and improvement of the supervision system of endoscopes to block the"loopholes"in the system and provide a basis for the formulation of endoscopic quality control measures,which can prevent and reduce the occurrence of endoscopic failures.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029115


The adherence of inhalational drug administration is closely related the treatment effectiveness for patients with chronic respiratory diseases; on the other hand, poor adherence may increase healthcare costs or even lead to the death of patients. Electronic inhaler monitoring, currently considered the gold standard for assessing adherence, can provide clinicians with objectively accurate medication data, thereby assisting in clinical decision-making. This article provides a review of the significance of inhalation administration, the newly concept of medication adherence, the challenges faced in chronic respiratory diseases, and the current status of the application and value of electronic inhaler monitoring in improving adherence of inhalational drug administration for respiratory disease patients.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031041


【Objective】 To investigate the electronic screen exposure of preschool children in Longhua District of Shenzhen, and to analyze the influencing factors. 【Methods】 A total of 25 266 children in kindergarten in Longhua District of Shenzhen were selected as study subjects. A self-designed questionnaire (completed by their guardians) was used to investigate the use of electronic products in the families of preschoolers in April 2019. 【Results】 A total of 23 407 valid questionnaires were collected in this survey, of which 12 593 (53.80%) were boys and 10 814 (46.20%) were girls; and 17 188(73.43%) children were 5 years old. Among the surveyed children, the rate of excessive exposure to electronic screens (>1h/d) was 37.72%, and 6.40% of preschool children used electronic products for more than 2 hours per day. There were statistically significant differences between the excessive exposure group and the non-excessive exposure group in gender, household registration, parents′ educational level, average monthly household income, whether exclusive electronic products,whether restriction of children′s use of electronic products, whether living with elders, only children or not, and the type of main caregiver (P<0.05). Multivariate binary Logistic regression analysis showed that girls, mothers with college education or above,not living with elders,primary caregivers being parents or nannies/others,and no exclusive electronic products were protective factors for children′s excessive exposure to electronic products(P<0.05).Non-household resident population,not-only child,and non-restriction of children′s use of electronic products were risk factors for children′s excessive exposure to electronic products(P<0.05). 【Conclusions】 The excessive use of electronic products in preschoolers is a common phenomenon in Longhua district, Shenzhen. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the intervention on the use time of electronic products in preschoolers, and pay more attention to the influence of family environmental factors.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031155


Objective@#To compare theeffectiveness of the use of electronic media and the use of printed media in obtaining a higher general weighted average (GWA) among 1st to 3rd year medical students at Centro Escobar University (CEU), A.Y. 2021—2022@*Research Design@#Cross sectional@*Setting@#Centro Escolar University, San Miguel, Manila@*Patient/Subject Selection@#The 140 subjects were selected by stratified random sampling design. Those currently enrolled full—time as regular CEU medical students and attending a complete number ofunits in the year level were included in the selection.@*Methods@#The GWA of the participants were obtained from the Administrative Office of CEU— School of Medicine, while data fortheindependent variables were collected using questionnaires patterned after the Academic Reading Format International Study (ARFIS) and Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). Ethical considerations of the questionnaires were approved prior to the study proper. Both the questionnaires were administered using Google Forms.@*Outcome Measures@#Hypothesis testing and RxC contingency table were utilized to determine any significant difference and association among the groupswho use printed and electronic on GWA.

Mass Media
China Occupational Medicine ; (6): 81-84, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1038731


ObjectiveTo explore the effect of occupational stress on work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) in electronics manufacturing workers. Methods A total of 392 front-line workers in two electronic manufacturing enterprises in Guangdong Province were selected as the research subjects using the judgment sampling method. The prevalence of WMSDs and the level of occupational stress of the research subjects were investigated using the Musculoskeletal Disorders Questionnaire and the Core Occupational Stress Scale. Results The total WMSDs detection rate was 39.5%, and the multi-site WMSDs detection rate was 30.6%. The detection rate of occupational stress was 14.8%. The total WMSDs detection rate and multi-site WMSDs detection rate in the occupational stress group were higher than those in the non-occupational stress group (65.5% vs 35.0%, 56.9% vs 26.0%, both P<0.01). Binary logistic regression analysis result showed that the risk of WMSDs in the occupational stress group was higher than that in the non-occupational stress group after adjusting the effect of confounding factors such as age, gender, job type and work days per week (P<0.01). Conclusion The occupational stress may increase the risk of WMSDs in electronics manufacturing workers. Reducing the level of occupational stress among workers in electronic manufacturing enterprises is beneficial for reducing the risk of WMSDs.