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MHSalud ; 21(1): 142-167, ene.-jun. 2024. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1564767


Resumen Propósito: El presente estudio tiene como objetivo explorar la bibliografía existente sobre las habilidades y movimientos visuales en jugadores de tenis. Metodología: Se indagó en las bases de datos Scopus, SPORTDiscus, PubMed y Google Scholar que permn seleccionar 37 estudios empíricos realizados con un método cuantitativo. La elección de los estudios respondió a los criterios establecidos en torno a las palabras clave, temática del estudio y la metodología de investigación. Resultados: Los resultados se organizan en tres tópicos centrales: (a) Antecedentes de habilidades visuales en el siglo XX, (b) Siglo XXI: rol de los movimientos sacádicos y (c) Reflexiones sobre la gesta tenística y los movimientos sacádicos. Conclusiones: A lo largo de varias décadas de investigación y seguimiento al enfoque ''visión y deporte'' en el tenis de campo, específicamente en los movimientos visuales entre fijaciones y movimientos sacádicos, se pueden identificar niveles diferenciales de rendimiento tenístico con el potencial de ser indicadores de mejores desempeños deportivos. Dado que las herramientas utilizadas hasta ahora en esta disciplina para los procesos de selección o evaluación no son determinantes, debido a ser una disciplina deportiva multifactorial de orden perceptivo-motor y de habilidades abiertas, se sugiere que las habilidades visuales pueden ser indispensables para la adquisición de un alto nivel competitivo. Este aspecto plantea una línea de investigación interesante que merece una mayor exploración en el futuro.

Abstract: Purpose: The presente study aims to explore the existing bibliography on visual skills and visual movements in tennis players. Method: We searched the Scopus, SPORTDiscus, PubMed and Google Scholar databases, which allowed us to select 37 empirical studies carried out with a quantitative method. The choice of the studies responded to the criteria established around the Keywords, the subject of the study and the research methodology. Results: The results are organized into three central topics: (a) Antecedents of visual skills in the 20th century, (b) 21st century: Role of saccadic movements, and (c) Reflections on the tennis feat and saccadic movements. Conclusions: Throughout several decades of research and monitoring of the ''vision and sport'' approach in field tennis, specifically in the visual movements between fixations and saccadic movements, differential levels of tennis performance can be identified with the potential to be indicators of better sports performance. Given that the tools used so far in this discipline for the selection and/or evaluation processes are not determinant, due to being a multifactorial sport discipline of perceptual-motor order and open skills, it is suggested that visual skills may be essential for the acquisition of a high competitive level. This aspect raises an interesting line of research that deserves further exploration in the future.

Resumo: Propósito: O presente estudo tem como objetivo explorar a literatura existente sobre habilidades e movimentos visuais em jogadores de tênis. Metodologia: Pesquisamos os bancos de dados Scopus, SPORTDiscus, PubMed e Google Scholar, o que nos permitiu selecionar 37 estudos empíricos realizados com um método quantitativo. A escolha dos estudos atendeu aos critérios estabelecidos em torno das palavras-chave, do tema do estudo e da metodologia da pesquisa. Resultados: Os resultados estão organizados em três tópicos centrais: (a) Precedentes das habilidades visuais no século XX, (b) Século XXI: Papel dos movimentos sacádicos (c) Reflexões sobre a proeza do tênis e os movimentos sacádicos. Conclusões: Ao longo de várias décadas de pesquisa e monitoramento da abordagem ''visão e esporte'' no tênis de campo, especificamente nos movimentos visuais entre fixações e movimentos sacádicos, podem ser identificados níveis diferenciais de desempenho no tênis com potencial para serem indicadores de melhores desempenhos esportivos. Considerando que as ferramentas utilizadas até o momento nessa modalidade para os processos de seleção e/ou avaliação não são determinantes, devido ao fato de ser uma modalidade esportiva multifatorial de ordem perceptivomotora e de habilidades abertas, sugere-se que as habilidades visuais podem ser essenciais para a aquisição de um alto nível competitivo. Esse aspecto levanta uma linha de pesquisa interessante que merece ser mais explorada no futuro.

Humans , Tennis , Eye Movements/physiology , Sports
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 87(2): e2021, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527832


ABSTRACT Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the mechanisms of injury and types of orbital fractures and their relation to concurrent commotio retinae. Methods: This retrospective study evaluated the records of patients with orbital fractures whose diagnoses had been confirmed by computer tomography between July 2017 and September 2019. Patient demographics, the circumstances of injury, ophthalmic examination results, and radiological findings were tabulated. Statistical analysis of the data used two-tailed student's t-tests, chi-squared tests, and odds ratio calculations. Statistical significance was set at p<0.05. Results: Of the 204 patients with orbital fractures included in this study, 154 (75.5%) were male. The mean age was 42.1 years. Orbital fractures involving one orbital wall (58.8%) were more common than those affecting multiple walls (41.2%). The majority of fractures affected the inferior wall (60.3%), with the medial walls being the next most frequently affected (19.6%). The most common cause of injury was assault (59.3%), and the second most common was falls (24%). Commotio retinae was observed in 20.1% of orbital fracture cases and was most associated with injuries caused by assault (OR=5.22, p<0.001) and least associated with those caused by falls (OR=0.06, p<0.001). Eye movement restrictions were more common in central than peripheral commotio (OR=3.79, p=0.015) and with medial wall fractures than fractures to other orbital walls (OR=7.16, p<0.001). The odds of commotio were not found to be higher in patients with multi-walled orbital fractures than in those with single-walled fractures (p=0.967). Conclusions: In the study population, assault was the most common cause of orbital fractures and resulted in commotio retinae than other causes. Ophthalmologists should be aware of the likelihood of commotio retinae in patients with orbital fractures resulting from assault, regardless of the extent of the patient's injuries.

RESUMO Objetivo: Este estudo visou avaliar os mecanismos da lesão e os tipos de fraturas orbitárias e sua relação com commotio retinae simultânea. Métodos: Este estudo retrospectivo avaliou registros de pacientes com fraturas orbitárias cujos diagnósticos foram confirmados por tomografia computadorizada entre julho de 2017 e setembro de 2019. Foram registrados os dados demográficos, circunstâncias da lesão, os resultados do exame oftalmológico e achados radiológicos. A análise estatística dos dados usou os testes de t-Student bicaudal, qui-quadrado e cálculos de odds ratio. O significado estatístico foi fixada em p<0,05. Resultados: Dos 204 pacientes com fraturas orbitárias incluídos neste estudo, 154 (75,5%) eram sexo masculino (75,5%). A média de idade foi de 42,1 anos. As fraturas orbitárias envolvendo uma parede orbital (58,8%) foram mais comuns do que as que acometeram várias paredes (41,2%). A maioria das fraturas acometeu a parede inferior (60,3%), sendo as paredes mediais as próximas mais frequentemente afetadas (19,6%). A causda mais comum de lesão foi agressão (59,3%), e a segunda mais comum foi queda (24%). A commotio retinae foi observada em 20,1% dos casos de fratura orbital e foi mais associada a lesões causadas por agressão (OR=5,22, p<0,001) e menos associada com aquelas causadas por quedas (OR=0,06, p<0,001). As restrições de movimentos oculares eram mais comuns na comoção central do que na periférica (OR=3,79, p=0,015) e com fraturas da parede medial do que com fraturas de outras paredes orbitais (OR=7,16, p<0,001). As chances de comoção não foram maiores em pacientes com fraturas orbitais de paredes múltiplas do que naqueles com fraturas de parede simples (p=0,967). Conclusões: Na população do estudo, a agressão foi a causa mais comum de fraturas orbitais e resultou em commotio retinae mais grave do que qualquer outra causa. Os oftalmologistas devem estar cientes da probabilidade de commotio retinae em pacientes com fraturas orbitais resultantes de agressão, independentemente da extensão das lesões do paciente.

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 87(3): e2022, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550037


ABSTRACT Purpose: To evaluate the saccadic movements of patients with visual field loss due to primary open-angle glaucoma. Methods: Thirteen patients with good visual acuity (0.2 logMAR or better) (seven patients with primary open-angle glaucoma 65 ± 13 years) and six controls (51 ± 6 years) yielded a comprehensive ophthalmological examination, including Humphrey Visual Field tests (SITA-Standard 24-2), and performed a monocular, exploratory digital visual search task that quantifies the duration for finding the number "4" on a random array of digits distributed on the screen. After individual adjustments of the angle and distance positioning, the screen was spatially matched with the 24-2 visual field, and divided into five areas for analysis. During the task, saccades were simultaneously recorded in the same eye with a video-based eye tracker. Results: The patients with primary open-angle glaucoma showed a significantly higher number of saccades/screen (median ± interquartile range, 59.00 ± 29.00 vs. 32.50 ± 19.75 saccades (p=0.027) and visual search time per screen (38.50 ± 60.14 vs. 23.75 ± 8.90 seconds (p=0.035) than the controls did. Although the univariate analysis indicated a significant correlation with visual field mean deviation (coefficient=26.19 (p=0.02), only the visual search time/screen was significantly associated with the number of saccades/screen in the multivariate regression model (coefficient=0.55 (p<0.001). Overall, no significant correlation was observed between the sectorial number of saccades and the sensitivity of the five visual field areas. Conclusions: The patients with primary open-angle glaucoma show impaired search performance and showed a higher number of saccades needed to find stimuli when performing the exploratory visual task.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022979


Objective:To analyze the characteristics of eye movement changes in patients with acute cerebral infarction characterized by dizziness or vertigo.Methods:The clinical data of 114 patients characterized by dizziness or vertigo in the Civil Aviation General Hospital from January 2021 to June 2022 were retrospectively analyzed. Among them, acute cerebral infarction was in 74 cases (acute cerebral infarction group), including anterior circulation infarction 32 cases, posterior circulation infarction 42 cases; benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) was in 40 cases (BPPV group). The clinical manifestation and the results of videonystagmography (VNG) examination were recorded.Results:There were no statistical differences in the incidences of visual shaking, dysarthria and paresthesia between two groups ( P>0.05); the incidence of visual rotation in acute cerebral infarction group was significantly lower than that in BPPV group: 25.68% (19/74) vs. 100.00% (40/40), the incidence of limb weakness and walking instability were significantly higher than those in BPPV group: 29.73% (22/74) vs. 0 and 39.19% (29/74) vs. 0, and there were statistical differences ( P<0.01). The result of VNG examination showed that the abnormal incidences of eye movement and positional test in acute cerebral infarction group were significantly lower than those in BPPV group: 74.32% (55/74) vs. 100.00% (40/40) and 2.70% (2/74) vs. 100.00% (40/40), the abnormal incidences of gaze-holding test, without fixation test, randomly saccade test, smooth pursuit test and optokinetic nystagmus test were significantly higher than those in BPPV group: 10.81% (8/74) vs. 0, 21.62% (16/74) vs. 0, 45.95% (34/74) vs. 2.50% (1/40), 60.81% (45/74) vs. 5.00% (2/40) and 21.62% (16/74) vs. 0, and there were statistical differences ( P<0.01 or <0.05). There were no statistical differences in the incidences of visual rotation, visual shaking, dysarthria, walking instability and paresthesia between anterior circulation infarction patients and posterior circulation infarction patients ( P>0.05); the incidence of limb weakness in patients with anterior circulation infarction was significantly higher than that in patients with posterior circulation infarction: 50.00% (16/32) vs. 14.29% (6/42), and there was statistical difference ( P<0.01). The result of VNG examination showed there were no statistical differences in the abnormal incidences of eye movement, gaze-holding test, without fixation test, randomly saccade test, smooth pursuit test, optokinetic nystagmus test and position test between anterior circulation infarction patients and posterior circulation infarction patients ( P>0.05). Conclusions:The abnormal incidence of eye movements in patients with acute cerebral infarction is relatively high, and VNG examination can help reflect changes of the eye movement pathway in the brain.

Neuroscience Bulletin ; (6): 1246-1262, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010609


During natural viewing, we often recognize multiple objects, detect their motion, and select one object as the target to track. It remains to be determined how such behavior is guided by the integration of visual form and motion perception. To address this, we studied how monkeys made a choice to track moving targets with different forms by smooth pursuit eye movements in a two-target task. We found that pursuit responses were biased toward the motion direction of a target with a hole. By computing the relative weighting, we found that the target with a hole exhibited a larger weight for vector computation. The global hole feature dominated other form properties. This dominance failed to account for changes in pursuit responses to a target with different forms moving singly. These findings suggest that the integration of visual form and motion perception can reshape the competition in sensorimotor networks to guide behavioral selection.

Animals , Pursuit, Smooth , Macaca mulatta , Motion Perception/physiology , Photic Stimulation
Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 521-524, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-972736


Objective@#To analyze the eye gaze pattern during the orienteering exercise and effects of orienteering exercises on myopia prevention and control in primary school students, so as to provide reference for the effective prevention and control of myopia.@*Methods@#Visual acuity screening was conducted on fifth grade students aged 10-11 years old in Shaanxi Normal University Primary School, and 120 primary school students with abnormal visual acuity were selected and randomly divided into experimental group ( n =60) and control group ( n =60). The experimental group practiced orienteering cross country program on the basis of the control group, and compared the differences in myopia improvement between the two groups through the characteristics of eye changes tested by ETG spectacle type oculomotor.@*Results@#The differences between the experimental group and the control group in naked eye visual acuity, refraction and visual fatigue before the intervention were not statistically significant ( t=0.13, 1.94, 0.70, P > 0.05); after ten weeks of intervention, the naked eye visual acuity, refraction and visual fatigue of the experimental group were better than those of the control group, and the differences were statistically significant ( t=11.28, 15.03, -247.01, P <0.05). During the process of map recognition and scene recognition, the differences in fixation time, number, frequency and saccade distance of the experimental group were statistically significant ( t=-13.62, -7.83, 4.82, 7.15, P <0.05); the students in the experimental group showed alternate eye gaze characteristics in the process of map recognition and scene recognition.@*Conclusion@#During orienteering exercises, map recognition and real scene recognition mobilized eye following, sweeping, gaze, focus and alternate visual tracking, which have an improved effect on myopia prevention and control in primary school students.

CoDAS ; 35(1): e20200262, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421278


ABSTRACT Purpose to verify the occurrence of visual symptoms in subjects with dizziness after stroke, to compare the posturographic results and to correlate their clinical aspects with the characteristics of the stroke. Methods This is an observational, cross-sectional study with quantitative analysis. The inclusion criteria for the sample composition were to report dizziness after ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke and at least 18 years old. We evaluated 50 patients through clinical anamnesis and Dynamic Foam-Laser Posturography. Anteroposterior deviations were calculated with the measures of each SOT. The preferences of the functions were analyzed according to the means of the Sensory Organization Test. Results twenty-eight subjects had stroke-related visual symptoms. The prevalent kind of dizziness was imbalance and the most frequent stroke was ischemic, mainly in the carotid territory. The values of tests were below the standard; there was a relationship between older subjects and proprioceptive system, and between visual preference and presence of visual symptoms, as well as the location of the posterior stroke. Conclusion there was a high frequency of visual symptoms among subjects with stroke sequelae and these have significant relationship with the worst values in visual preference system.

RESUMO Objetivo verificar a ocorrência de sintomas visuais em sujeitos com tontura após Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC), comparar os resultados posturográficos e relacionar seus aspectos clínicos com as características do AVC. Método Trata-se de um estudo observacional, transversal, com análise quantitativa. Os critérios de inclusão para composição da amostra foi ter tontura após o AVC isquêmico ou hemorrágico e ter pelo menos 18 anos de idade. Foram avaliados 50 sujeitos por meio de anamnese clínica e os testes da Posturografia Dinâmica Foam Laser. Os desvios anteroposteriores foram calculados de acordo com as médias do Teste de Organização Sensorial. Resultados Vinte e oito sujeitos apresentaram sintomas visuais após o AVC. O desequilíbrio foi o tipo de tontura prevalente e o AVC isquêmico o mais comum, sobretudo no território carotídeo. Os resultados dos testes foram inferiores ao padrão de referência; houve relação com sujeitos mais velhos e o sistema proprioceptivo, e entre o sistema de preferência visual e a presença dos sintomas visuais, bem como com o AVC da circulação posterior. Conclusão Houve alta frequência de sintomas visuais entre os sujeitos com sequelas de AVC com relação significativa com piores valores da preferência visual.

Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 82: e0015, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431667


ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate if participants, subjected to whole-body vibration, two different types of media (paper versus tablet) and two lighting environments (fluorescent versus LED), present a difference in eye-movement parameters during reading tasks. Methods: Fourteen adults silently read two different texts in each one of the eight randomized testing conditions (whole-body vibration versus media versus lighting), resulting in 16 different texts read per individual. Whole-body vibration was applied in the vertical direction, 5Hz and 0.8 m/s2 root-mean-square amplitude, a condition similar to those experienced by forklift truck drivers. Participants were in a sitting position with a backrest. An eye-tracker evaluated the eye-movements during the reading task. Results: Whole-body vibration significantly reduced the number of ocular fixations, and cross-correlation; and increased the reading efficiency, fixation duration, directional attack, and binocular anomalies. Neither the type of media nor the lighting environment interfered significantly with the eye-movements, both in situations with and without vibration. Conclusion: The results indicate that whole-body vibration interfered in the eye-movements during the reading task. This may impose a difficulty to process the visual information and to synchronously coordinate the binocular movements under vibration environments.

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar se participantes submetidos à vibração de corpo inteiro, a dois tipos diferentes de mídia (papel versus tablet) e a dois ambientes de iluminação (fluorescente versus LED) apresentam diferença nos parâmetros de movimento dos olhos durante tarefas de leitura. Métodos: Quatorze adultos leram silenciosamente dois textos diferentes em cada uma das oito condições de teste (vibração de corpo inteiro versus mídia versus iluminação), de forma aleatória, resultando em 16 textos diferentes lidos por indivíduo. A vibração de corpo inteiro foi aplicada no sentido vertical, com amplitude de 5Hz e 0,8m/s² da raiz do valor quadrático médio, em condição semelhante às vivenciadas pelos motoristas de empilhadeiras. Os participantes permaneceram em postura sentada com encosto. Um rastreador ocular avaliou os movimentos oculares durante a leitura. Resultados: A vibração de corpo inteiro reduziu significativamente o número de fixações oculares e a correlação cruzada entre os olhos e aumentou a eficiência de leitura, duração da fixação, ataque direcional e anomalias binoculares. Nem o tipo de mídia nem as condições de ambientes de iluminação interferiram significativamente nos movimentos oculares, tanto em situações com ou sem vibração. Conclusão: Os resultados indicam que a Vibração de Corpo Inteiro pode interferir nos movimentos oculares durante a leitura. Isso pode impor uma dificuldade no processamento da informação visual e na coordenação síncrona dos movimentos binoculares em ambientes de vibração.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Reading , Vibration , Lighting , Computers, Handheld , Eye Movements/physiology , Prospective Studies , Fixation, Ocular/physiology , Light
Rev. Costarric. psicol ; 41(2)dic. 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1422737


Recent studies prove a strong association between reading and eye movements. Few investigations report the role of connectors and prior knowledge during reading in Spanish, as well as their association with eye movements. The present study aims to evaluate the effects of the presence absence of connectors in two argumentative texts on cognitive effort and reading comprehension. Forty-one psychology undergraduate students participated in a reading comprehension task, while their eye movements were recorded. The condition with connectors was related to prior knowledge, the slide time fixation, the slide number fixations, and the slide return fixations. The condition without connectors was related to the return fixations, the time fixation, and the number of fixations. Prior knowledge was correlated with the total time fixation, the total return fixations, and comprehension. This suggests that during reading without connectors more cognitive effort is required, observed in the return fixations; moreover, prior knowledge has an important role in the visual strategies required to process and obtain a representation of text. But participant performance was still good as observed in the scores of the reading comprehension task

Estudios prueban una asociación entre lectura y movimientos oculares al reportar el efecto de los conectores en el procesamiento textual. Pocas investigaciones revelan el papel de los conectores, el conocimiento previo y los movimientos oculares en la lectura de textos en español. El objetivo fue evaluar los efectos de la presencia-ausencia de conectores en dos textos argumentativos sobre el esfuerzo cognitivo y la comprensión lectora. Participaron 41 universitarios en una tarea de lectura con registro de sus movimientos oculares. La comprensión en la condición con conectores estuvo relacionada con conocimiento previo, tiempo y número de fijaciones por diapositiva, además del número de regresos en la lectura por diapositiva. Mientras la comprensión de textos sin conectores estuvo relacionada con conocimiento previo, regresos, tiempo y número de fijaciones, el conocimiento previo se correlacionó con tiempo y número fijaciones, regresos en la lectura y la comprensión. Se sugiere que la lectura de un texto sin conectores requerirá mayor esfuerzo cognitivo observado en los regresos en la lectura; además, el conocimiento previo afecta las estrategias visuales para procesar y representar mentalmente un texto. Pero, el desempeño de los participantes sigue siendo bueno, según lo observado en los puntajes de la tarea de comprensión lectora.

Humans , Reading , Comprehension , Eye Movements , Connectome/psychology
Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 88(2): 181-186, Mar.-Apr. 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374724


Abstract Introduction: Bilateral vestibulopathy is a rare chronic condition with multiple etiologies. Bilateral vestibulopathy is characterized mainly by unsteadiness when walking or standing, which worsens in darkness, as well as oscillopsia. The degree of handicap caused by bilateral vestibulopathy is variable and remains controversial. Objectives: To determine the value of the video Head Impulse Test in quantifying vestibular deficit and to establish its impact on the quality of life. Methods: Twenty patients (mean age, 41.9 years; range 14-80 years) fulfilling the recent Barany criteria of bilateral vestibulopathy, responded to the Situational Vertigo Questionnaire and underwent vestibular examination including fixation, positional tests, oculomotor test battery and video head impulse test. Results: The relation between each of the video head impulse test parameters and the scores from the questionnaire were statistically analyzed. We observed that patients with covert saccades on the video head impulse test were more likely to have a better quality of life than those with both covert and overt saccades, regardless of the vestibulo-ocular reflex gain in each semicircular canal. The presence of covert saccades was found to be associated with an improved quality of life regardless of the severity of vestibule ocular reflex-deficit. Our conclusion was that vestibule ocular reflex gain, measured by video head impulse test, does not quantify the severity of affection of quality of life in patients with bilateral vestibulopathy. Conclusion: Covert saccades are strategies aiming at minimizing the blurring of vision during head movement, that is an adaptive mechanism that improves quality of life. Therefore, we recommend that video head impulse test should be a part of the routine diagnostic workup of bilateral vestibulopathy.

Resumo Introdução: A vestibulopatia bilateral é uma condição crônica rara, com múltiplas etiologias. É caracterizada principalmente por instabilidade ao caminhar ou ficar de pé, que piora na escuridão, e oscilopsia. O grau de deficiência causado pela vestibulopatia bilateral é variável e permanece controverso. Objetivos: Determinar o valor do teste do impulso cefálico na quantificação do déficit vestibular e estabelecer seu impacto na qualidade de vida. Método: Vinte pacientes (média de 41,9 anos; variação de 14 a 80) que atendiam aos critérios recentes da Bárány Society de vestibulopatia bilateral responderam ao Situational Vertigo Questionnaire e foram submetidos a exame vestibular, inclusive fixação, testes posicionais, bateria de testes oculomotores e teste do impulso cefálico com vídeo. Resultados: A relação entre cada um dos parâmetros do teste do impulso cefálico com vídeo e os escores do questionário foram analisados estatisticamente. Observamos que pacientes com sacadas corretivas cobertas do tipo covert no teste de impulso cefálico com vídeo tinham maior probabilidade de ter melhor qualidade de vida do que aqueles com ambas sacadas corretivas cobertas e sacadas corretivas abertas do tipo overt, independentemente do ganho no reflexo vestíbulo-ocular em cada canal semicircular. Verificou-se que a presença de sacadas corretivas do tipo covert está associada a uma melhor qualidade de vida, independentemente da gravidade do déficit no reflexo vestibulo-ocular. Concluímos que o ganho no reflexo vestíbulo-ocular, medido pelo teste do impulso cefálico com vídeo, não quantifica a gravidade do comprometimento da qualidade de vida em pacientes com vestibulopatia bilateral. Conclusão: As sacadas corretivas do tipo covert são estratégias que visam minimizar o embaçamento da visão durante o movimento da cabeça, ou seja, um mecanismo adaptativo que melhora a qualidade de vida. Portanto, recomendamos que o teste do impulso cefálico com vídeo faça parte da rotina de diagnóstico da vestibulopatia bilateral.

Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Vestibular Diseases/diagnosis , Bilateral Vestibulopathy , Quality of Life , Reflex, Vestibulo-Ocular , Head Impulse Test , Middle Aged
CoDAS ; 34(4): e20200333, 2022. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360366


RESUMO Objetivo Avaliar e caracterizar o comportamento oculomotor durante a leitura de pseudopalavras e palavras do português brasileiro caracterizadas quanto à frequência, extensão e regularidade e verificar sua relação com o desempenho em testes neuropsicológicos. Método 21 alunos universitários com média de idade de 20,9 anos realizaram a Tarefa de Leitura de Palavras e Pseudopalavras (TLPP) da Bateria Anele, além de testes de fluência verbal e de memória operacional fonológica. Foram estudados os padrões de duração da primeira fixação do olhar no estímulo, duração total das fixações no estímulo e a taxa de refixações (taxa de retornos ao estímulo). Resultados A duração da primeira fixação e a duração total das fixações foram significativamente menores para palavras em relação às pseudopalavras, bem como a duração total das fixações foi menor para palavras frequentes e curtas. Também foram encontradas interações significativas entre o desempenho na fluência verbal e a duração da primeira fixação. Conclusão Nossos resultados demonstram a aplicabilidade do rastreador ocular para avaliar a leitura no nível da palavra no Português Brasileiro. O rastreador ocular pode ser um instrumento adicional na investigação de transtornos de leitura do desenvolvimento e adquiridos, podendo auxiliar na detecção de dificuldades de leitura a partir da análise de diferenças do comportamento oculomotor entre leitores fluentes e não-fluentes.

ABSTRACT Purpose To evaluate and characterize the oculomotor behavior during the reading of words and pseudowords in Brazilian Portuguese organized by frequency, length and regularity and verify its association with performance on neuropsychological tests. Methods 21 university students, with a mean age of 20.9 years, were submitted to a word and pseudoword reading task (TLPP) from the Anele Battery, in addition to verbal fluency and phonological working memory tests. The patterns of first fixation duration, gaze duration and rate of refixation were studied. Results The first fixation duration and the gaze duration were significantly lower for words if compared to pseudowords and the gaze duration was also lower for high-frequency and short words. Significant interactions were also found between verbal fluency performance and the first fixation duration. Conclusion Our results demonstrate the applicability of eye tracking to study reading patterns at the word-level in Brazilian Portuguese. The eye tracker can be an additional tool in the investigation of acquired and developmental reading disorders and can assist in the detection of reading difficulties based on comparisons of the oculomotor behavior between fluent and non-fluent readers.

Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1413929


Introducción: en la actualidad, se reconocen cuadros vestibulares periféricos y centrales que pueden ser diagnosticados mediante la videonistagmografía (VNG). Los avances en la tecnología han provocado en los profesionales una constante actualización en el uso e interpretación de las distintas pruebas que conlleven, en su lectura cruzada, un diagnóstico acertado y a tratamientos de rehabilitación exitosos. El objetivo fue describir las interpretaciones de los resultados de las pruebas oculomotoras, posicionales y calóricas de la VNG para lograr un diagnóstico detallado de las disfunciones vestibulares. Materiales y métodos: revisión documental obtenida de 40 fuentes reportadas en la literatura científica entre 2010 a 2020 tomadas de bases de datos, tesis de grado y libros. Discusión: dentro de la revisión se encontraron tres categorías (pruebas oculomotoras, posicionales y calóricas) y siete subcategorías (nistagmo espontáneo, nistagmo evocado por la mirada, rastreo, sacadas, optocinético, Dix-Hallpike y roll test). Conclusión: los diversos elementos encontrados en la presente revisión son relevantes ya que precisan no solo el tipo de vértigo, sino también su localización topográfica, lo que favorece el proceso de evaluacióndiagnóstico en la población en general.

Introduction: At present, peripheral and central vestibular frames are recognized that can be diagnosed by videonystagmography (VNG). Advances in technology have caused professionals to constantly update the use and interpretation of the different tests that lead, in their cross-reading, to an accurate diagnosis and successful rehabilitation treatments. The objective was to describe the interpretations of the results of the oculomotor, positional and caloric tests of the VNG, for a detailed diagnosis of the vestibular dysfunctions. Materials and method: Documentary review obtained from 40 sources reported in the scientific literature between 2010 and 2020, taken from databases, thesis and books. Discussion: Within the review, three categories were found (oculomotor, positional and caloric tests) and seven subcategories (spontaneous nystagmus, gaze-evoked nystagmus, tracking, saccades, optokinetic, Dix-Hallpike and roll test). Conclusion: The various elements found in this review are relevant in that they specify not only the type of vertigo but also its topographic location, favoring the evaluation-diagnosis process in the general population.

Humans , Nystagmus, Pathologic , Caloric Tests , Electronystagmography , Eye Movements
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 84(5): 442-448, Sept.-Oct. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1339215


ABSTRACT Purpose: This study aimed to verify if patients with developmental dyslexia present deficits coherent with visual magnocellular dysfunction. Methods: Participants with confirmed diagnosis of developmental dyslexia (n=62; age range=8-25 years; mean age=13.8 years, standard deviation=3.9; 77% male) were compared to a control group with normal development, matched for age, sex, ocular dominance, visual acuity, and text comprehension. The frequency-doubling technology perimetry was used to evaluate the peripheral visual field contrast sensitivity threshold. The Visagraph III Eye-Movement Recording System was used to evaluate ocular motor skills during text reading. Results: The developmental dyslexia group had significantly worse contrast sensitivity in the frequency-doubling technology, with strong effect size, than the matched control group. The developmental dyslexia group had more eyes classified in the impaired range of sensitivity threshold to detect frequency-doubling illusion than the control group. Moreover, the developmental dyslexia group had poorer ocular motor skills and reading performance, revealed by a difference in ocular fixations, regressions, span recognition, reading rate, and relative efficiency between groups. A significant correlation was found between contrast sensitivity and ocular motor skills. Participants with good relative efficiency had significantly better contrast sensitivity than participants with poor relative efficiency. Conclusions: The developmental dyslexia group presented a markedly worse performance in visual variables related to visual magnocellular function (i.e., frequency-doubling technology perimetry and ocular motor skills) compared with a matched control group. Professionals need to be aware of the importance of evaluating vision of individuals with developmental dyslexia beyond visual acuity and including in their assessments instruments to evaluate temporal processing, with contrast sensitivity threshold.

RESUMO Objetivo: Verificar se pacientes com dislexia do de­senvolvimento (DD) apresentam déficits coerentes com uma disfunção magnocelular visual. Métodos: Participantes com diagnóstico confirmado de dislexia do desenvolvimento (n=62; faixa etária=8 a 25 anos; Média da idade=13.8 anos, desvio padrão=3.9; 77% homens) foram comparados a um grupo con­trole com desenvolvimento típico, pareado por idade, sexo, dominância ocular, acuidade visual e compreensão de texto. A perimetria Frequency-Doubling Technology avaliou o limiar de sensibilidade ao contraste do campo visual periférico. O ras­treador ocular Visagraph-III registrou os movimentos dos olhos durante leitura de texto. Resultados: O grupo com dislexia do desenvolvimento apresentou piores limiares de sensibilidade no Frequency-Doubling Technology , com tamanho de efeito forte, do que o grupo controle. O grupo com dislexia do desenvolvimento apresentou mais olhos classificados com déficits na sensibilidade à ilusão de frequência duplicada do que o grupo controle. O grupo com dislexia do desenvolvimento apresentou pior habilidade motora ocular e no desempenho de leitura, revelado pela diferença entre os grupos em relação às fixações oculares, regressões, alcance de reconhecimento, taxa de leitura e eficiência relativa. Foi encontrada correlação significativa entre a sensibilidade ao contraste e as habilidades motoras oculares. Os participantes com boa eficiência relativa apresentaram uma sensibilidade ao contraste significativamente melhor do que os participantes com baixa eficiência relativa. Conclusões: O grupo com dis­lexia do desenvolvimento apresentou desempenho inferior nas variáveis visuais relacionadas à função visual magnocelular (i.e., perimetria de frequência duplicada e habilidades motoras oculares), quando comparado ao grupo controle pareado. Os profissionais precisam estar cientes da importância de investigar a visão dos pacientes com dislexia do desenvolvimento além da acuidade visual e incluir nos seus procedimentos diagnósticos instrumentos para avaliar o processamento temporal, com limiar de sensibilidade ao contraste.

Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 79(5): 457-459, May 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1278404


ABSTRACT Parkinson's disease (PD), known since ancient times as paralysis agitans, was studied and described by James Parkinson in 1817 in his work "An Essay on the Shaking Palsy". Fifty years later, Charcot and his students delved into the disease, naming it as we know it today, as well as defining the classic disease and its variants. One of these students, Arthur Dutil, addressed patients' abnormal eye movements. Nowadays, it is known that the differential diagnosis of PD is relevant for prognosis, treatment and research, and, despite the advances in the area, it remains largely clinical. The relevance of the eye movement exam has grown along with the history of PD and it has proved to be an excellent tool for the differential diagnosis of parkinsonism. Additionally, it can become a support to identify different types of genetic PD and be useful for improving early recognition of cognitive decline in patients with PD.

RESUMO A doença de Parkinson (DP), conhecida desde a antiguidade como paralysis agitans, foi estudada e descrita por James Parkinson em 1817 em seu trabalho An Essay on the Shaking Palsy. Cinquenta anos depois, Charcot e seus alunos aprofundaram os estudos na doença, nomeando-a como a conhecemos atualmente, bem como definindo a doença clássica e suas variantes. Um desses estudantes, Arthur Dutil, investigou os movimentos oculares anormais nos pacientes. Hoje, sabe-se que o diagnóstico diferencial da DP é relevante para o prognóstico, tratamento e pesquisa, e, apesar dos grandes avanços na área, ainda permanece amplamente clínico. A relevância do exame de movimentação ocular cresceu com a história da DP e este se mostrou uma excelente ferramenta para o diagnóstico diferencial do parkinsonismo. Além disso, pode se tornar um auxílio para identificar diferentes formas de DP genética e útil para melhorar o reconhecimento precoce do declínio cognitivo em pacientes com DP.

Humans , Parkinsonian Disorders , Parkinson Disease/diagnosis , Students , Diagnosis, Differential , Eye Movements
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-862584


Abstract@#The visual health of children and adolescents in China has become a major issue that is relevant to the nation s present and its future. This article analyzed the value of map reading and searching for specific features during orienteering projects for myopia prevention and control. The findings suggest that orienteering exercises show good regulatory effects on eye muscles, effectively improve concentration, and help to stimulate mental activity and visual system. Targeted exercises, including scanning maps for specific features, is beneficial for myopia prevention and control. It is proposed that, by changing the teaching style of cross-country orienteering, teaching space, and teaching scene, exercises can be tailored to treat and relieve eye strain, as well as to prevent and control myopia, which is essential to promote the visual health of children and adolescents.

Salud(i)ciencia (Impresa) ; 24(4): 178-184, nov. 2020. tab.
Article in Portuguese | BINACIS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1254097


O objetivo do presente estudo foi revisar os conceitos relativos ao funcionamento e alterações da supressão do reflexo vestíbulo-ocular (SRVO) e as principais formas de avaliação atualmente. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritivo-exploratória, baseada em uma revisão da (El trabajo es una investigación descriptiva-exploratoria, basada en una revisión de la) literatura, realizada no (en el) Portal de Periódicos da Capes, no período de abril de 2020. Os (Los) operadores booleanos utilizados foram vestibulo-ocular reflex (OR), semicircular canal (OR), vestibular (AND) suppression. Como estratégia de pesquisa, na (en la) etapa de triagem (selección) foram utilizados os filtros: descritores no (en) título, publicações dos (de los) últimos dez anos, tipo de material, idioma e artigos revisados por pares. Dos 30 artigos triados (seleccionados), 20 apresentaram resumo de acordo com o tema e 13 estudos atenderam aos critérios de incluso (presentaron resúmenes relacionados al tema y 13 estudios cumplieron los criterios de inclusión). Scopus, Medline/PubMed e Science Citation Index Expanded foram as bases mais abrangentes (fueron las bases más abarcativas). A maioria dos (La mayoría de los) estudos, sobretudo os mais recentes, utilizaram os testes de impulso cefálico com o paradigma ´suppression head impulse test´ (SHIMP) comparando-o ao ´head impulse test´ (HIMP). A cadeira rotatória (La silla rotatoria) com eletronistagmografia foi o segundo teste mais utilizado. Apenas um estudo utilizou a Scleral Search Coil. A partir dessa revisão constata-se que a SRVO é influenciada pela idade, pode ser alterada por disfunções vestibulares periféricas unilaterais ou bilaterais, mas também por alterações neurológicas, como as cerebelares (las cerebelosas). Além da via visual, a SRVO pode ser desencadeada por fontes auditivas, somestésicas e até mesmo imagéticas (e incluso imaginativas, fantasiosas)

The present study aimed to review the concepts related to the functioning and changes in vestibular-ocular reflex suppression (VORS) and the most used assessments today. This is descriptive-exploratory research, based on a literature review, carried out on the Capes Journals Portal, in April 2020. The Boolean operators used were Vestibulo-ocular reflex (OR) Semicircular canal (OR) Vestibular (AND) Suppression. As a research strategy, in the screening stage, with the filters: descriptors in the title, last ten years, type of material, language, and peer-reviewed articles. Thirty articles were screened, 20 presented a summary according to the theme and 13 studies met the inclusion criteria. Scopus, Medline/PubMed, and Science Citation Index Expanded were the most comprehensive databases. Most studies, especially the most recent ones, used cephalic impulse tests with the SHIMP paradigm (suppression head impulse test) comparing it to the HIMP (head impulse test, HIMP). The rotary chair with electronystagmography was the second most used test. Only one study used the Scleral Search Coil. From this review, it appears that the SRVO is influenced by age; it can be altered by unilateral or bilateral peripheral vestibular disorders, but also by neurological changes, such as the cerebellar ones. In addition to the visual pathway, other sources can trigger SVOR, such as auditory, somesthetic and even imagery sources

Vestibular Function Tests , Reflex, Vestibulo-Ocular , Postural Balance , Eye Movements , Locomotion
Medisan ; 24(3)mayo.-jun. 2020. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1125129


El análisis de los movimientos oculares permite diagnosticar enfermedades neurodegenerativas, neuropsiquiátricas y neurooftalmológicas, entre otras, que afectan el desempeño social del individuo. En este análisis ha tomado auge mundial el empleo de la videoculografía, por su simplicidad estructural, exactitud y factibilidad económica a largo plazo. Al respecto, el objetivo de la actual investigación fue desarrollar y evaluar un sistema de estimulación visual y registro de los movimientos oculares. El sistema en cuestión permitió obtener imágenes oculares con buena resolución (2 megapíxeles), nitidez y contraste que facilitaron su posterior procesamiento. De igual modo, las pruebas de estimulación mediante el uso de patrones sacádicos con amplitudes entre 30º y 60º a la frecuencia de 0,5 Hz permitieron obtener con suficiente calidad las imágenes registradas y verificar que los movimientos oculares del centro de la pupila siguen fielmente a dichos patrones.

The analysis of eye movements allows to diagnose neurodegenerative, neuropsychiatric and neuroophthalmologic diseases, among other that affect the individual social performance. In this analysis the use of videoculography is gaining in importance worldwide, due to its structural simplicity, precision and long term economic feasibility. In this respect, the objective of this investigation was to develop and evaluate a system of visual stimulation and record of the eye movements. The system in question allowed to obtain ocular images with good resolution (2 megapixels), clarity and contrast that facilitated its later processing. In a same way, the tests of stimulation by means of the sacadic patterns use with amplitudes between 30º and 60º to the 0,5Hz frequency allowed to obtain with enough quality the images recorded and to verify that the eye movements of the pupil center follow these patterns very closely.

Image Processing, Computer-Assisted , Eye Movement Measurements , Spectrophotometry, Infrared
Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 233-238, 2020.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985110


Objective To analyze the differences in accuracy of different eye movement parameters in distinguishing the cooperation and non-cooperation during image completion test of patients with mental disorders caused by craniocerebral trauma. Methods One hundred and forty cases of patients with mental disorders caused by craniocerebral trauma who took psychiatric impairment assessments were collected. The 21 pictures from "image completion" of Wechsler intelligence test were used as stimulating pictures, then divided into cooperation group and non-cooperation group according to binomial forced-choice digit memory test and expert opinions. The eye movement parameters of research subjects during completion of images were obtained by the SMI eye-tracker. The accuracy of eye movement parameters in distinguishing the cooperation or non-cooperation of patients with mental disorders caused by craniocerebral trauma in psychiatric impairment assessments were evaluated by the ROC curve. Results During the process of the image completion test, the area under curve (AUC) value of frequency of blink, frequency of fixation, pupil size, frequency of saccade, latency of saccade, average acceleration of saccade, the average and peak longitudinal velocity of saccade was above 0.5. When it comed to a specific stimulating picture, the AUC value of frequency of blink in looking at a specific stimulating picture could be above 0.8, and the AUC value of X axis diameter of pupil size could be above 0.7. Conclusion The accuracy of eye movement parameters in distinguishing the cooperation or disguise of patients with mental disorders caused by craniocerebral trauma is related with the stimulating picture. The accuracy of frequency of blink in distinguishing cooperation and non-cooperation is better than that of other eye movement parameters.

Humans , Blinking , Eye Movements , Intelligence Tests
Psicol. (Univ. Brasília, Online) ; 36: e36233, 2020. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1143476


Resumo O presente estudo avaliou o efeito dos controles por seleção e por rejeição sobre a observação de S+ e S- em treinos de emparelhamento com o modelo. Quatro adultos foram expostos a treinos de discriminação condicional e testes de equivalência. Na condição de Linha de Base (LB), nenhuma relação de controle modelo/comparação específica foi favorecida; nas condições de Controle por Rejeição e Controle por Seleção, as relações modelo/S- e modelo/S+ foram favorecidas, respectivamente. Na condição LB, foi verificada uma maior observação do S+ em comparação ao S-. O estabelecimento do controle por rejeição tendeu a ser acompanhado por uma maior observação do S- e por escolhas baseadas na observação exclusiva do S-; no caso do controle por seleção, padrões similares foram verificados, porém para o S+. Foi concluído que o estabelecimento dos controles por seleção e por rejeição são acompanhados de mudanças na observação dos estímulos de comparação.

Abstract The present study investigated the effects of select and reject controls upon S+ and S- observations during a matching-to-sample training. Four adults were exposed to discriminative trainings and equivalence tests. In Baseline (BL), no specific sample-comparison control was biased; in the Reject Control and Select Control conditions, sample/S+ and sample/S- relations were biased, respectively. In BL, participants observed more the S+ than the S-. The establishment of reject control tended to be followed by an increase in the observation of the S- and by choices based on the exclusive observation of the S-; in the case of select control, similar patterns were found, however, for the S+. Thus, the establishment of select and reject controls are followed by changes in the observation of comparison stimuli.

Rev. latinoam. psicol ; 51(2): 166-175, May-Aug. 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1094035


Abstract Dyslexia is a problem of increasing prevalence in school-age students. The latest experiences in the application of neuropsychology to education are interesting because they allow for the evaluation of different neuropsychological variables to obtain a better understanding of the learning processes of students in this population for specific subsequent interventions. The purpose of this study was to explore the following neuropsychological variables related to reading in adolescent students with and without dyslexia. The sample consisted of 60 students between 13 and 15 years of age, 30 with dyslexia and 30 without. The King Devick test was used to assess the saccadic eye movements, specifically the fast and automated denomination of digits; the Harris laterality test was used to evaluate functional laterality, and the ENFEN test for executive functions. The results revealed significant differences between the two groups. Students with dyslexia scored lower on the three neuropsychological skills assessed. These findings suggest that students with dyslexia may manifest poorer performance in those neuropsychological skills that are key to reader development.

Resumen La dislexia es un problema que cada vez afecta más al alumnado en edad escolar. Las últimas experiencias de aplicación de la neuropsicología al ámbito educativo resultan interesantes porque van a permitir evaluar distintas variables neuropsicológicas con el objeto de comprender mejor los procesos de aprendizaje del alumnado para plantear posteriormente intervenciones específicas en esta población. El propósito de este estudio fue explorar variables neuropsicológicas relacionadas con la lectura y escritura en estudiantes con y sin dislexia. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 60 estudiantes de entre 13 y 15 años, 30 con dislexia y treinta sin dislexia. La prueba King Devick fue utilizada para valorar los movimientos oculares sacádicos, la prueba de la lateralidad de Harris para evaluar la lateralidad y la prueba ENFEN para las funciones ejecutivas. Los resultados revelaron diferencias significativas entre los dos grupos. Los estudiantes con dislexia obtuvieron puntuaciones más bajas en las tres habilidades neuropsicológicas evaluadas. Estos hallazgos sugieren que los niños con dislexia podrían manifestar un peor desempeño en habilidades neuropsicológicas que son clave para el desarrollo lector y escritor.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Neuropsychology , Saccades , Students , Dyslexia , Functional Laterality , Neuropsychological Tests