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Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559536


Resumo Objetivo analisar e comparar a percepção da qualidade da dieta hospitalar entre pessoas idosas e adultos hospitalizados. Método pesquisa quali-quantitativa, desenvolvida em um hospital público do interior paulista, com pessoas idosas (n=185) e adultos (n=185), hospitalizados há pelo menos três dias, recebendo dieta via oral geral/branda e distribuídos segundo o tipo de dieta prescrito: sem restrição de alimentos (GSR), para controle glicêmico (GDM) ou hipossódica (GHSS). Os dados foram coletados por entrevistas individuais, empregando-se questionário validado. A qualidade da dieta foi avaliada por meio da escala Likert, considerando-se as categorias sabor, temperatura, quantidade, aparência, horário das refeições, higiene e disponibilidade para substituição de alimentos. Os dados qualitativos foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo temática e, os quantitativos à análise descritiva e estatística pelos testes Kruskal-Wallis (variáveis quantitativas) e qui-quadrado (variáveis qualitativas). Resultados independentemente da dieta prescrita (p≥0,05), pessoas idosas e adultos hospitalizados consideraram a qualidade da dieta hospitalar satisfatória (Bom/Ótimo) entre as categorias de satisfação avaliadas, exceto o sabor, que para as pessoas idosas, apresentou associação significativa com a dieta prescrita (p=0,05). Três categorias temáticas emergiram dos relatos, mostrando que pessoas idosas e adultos compreendem a importância da dieta hospitalar para recuperação da saúde, mas ainda se vê a expectativa negativa quanto à refeição ofertada. Conclusão a dieta hospitalar com restrição influencia a percepção de sabor em pessoas idosas. Conhecer essa particularidade pode auxiliar na criação de estratégias de adequação e melhor aceitação da dieta hospitalar para esse grupo etário.

Abstract Objective To analyze and compare the perception of hospital diet quality between older adults and hospitalized adults. Method Quali-quantitative research conducted at a public hospital in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, involving older adults (n=185) and adults (n=185) who have been hospitalized for at least three days, receiving a general/soft oral diet, and classified according to the prescribed diet type: unrestricted diet (GSR), for glycemic control (GDM), or low-sodium (GHSS). The data were collected through individual interviews, utilizing a validated questionnaire. Diet quality was assessed using a Likert scale, considering the categories of taste, temperature, quantity, appearance, meal timing, hygiene, and availability for food substitution. The qualitative data were subjected to thematic content analysis, while the quantitative data underwent descriptive and statistical analysis using Kruskal-Wallis tests (for quantitative variables) and chi-square tests (for qualitative variables). Results Regardless of the prescribed diet (p≥0.05), both older adults and hospitalized adults considered the quality of hospital food satisfactory (Good/Excellent) across the assessed satisfaction categories, except for taste, which showed a significant association with the prescribed diet for older adults (p=0.05). Three thematic categories emerged from the reports, indicating that both older adults and adults understand the importance of hospital diet for health recovery, yet a negative expectation regarding the offered meal is still prevalent. Hospital diets with restrictions influence taste perception in older adults. Understanding this particularity can assist in the creation of strategies for adaptation and better acceptance of hospital diets for this age group.

Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Aging , Diet, Food, and Nutrition , Food Service, Hospital , Aged
Arch. latinoam. nutr ; 73(1): 8-18, mar. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1427673


Introduction. Frequent use of ultra-processed foods (UPF) leads to poor health outcomes, and the population must avoid their consumption. Objective. To assess the occurrence of ultra-processed foods (UPFs) in culinary lunch menus from various institutional food services. Materials and methods. Over one month, the five institutional food services analyzed served 1,128 culinary preparations; and a total of 3,863 ingredients were classified according to the extent and purpose of processing using the NOVA classification system. Associations between the occurrence of UPFs and the type, size, and management of food service establishments were analyzed. Five institutional food services in three municipalities (Bauru, Limeira, and Campinas), Brazil. Results. We found 8.4 % up to 12.6 % UPF ingredients used in culinary preparations. The highest frequency of UPFs was associated with private cafeterias (p = 0.002). Most UPFs were part of the recipe or the main ingredient in protein dishes and desserts (p < 0.05) and in university and hospital food services, respectively. UPF use was associated with food service size and type of management (p ≤ 0.003) and was more prevalent in protein dishes (p = 0.003) and large-size institutional food services (28.8 %). Self-managed units (p = 0.03) also use high amounts of UPFs in protein dishes (20.3 %). Conclusions. The presence of UPF rounded 10%; the validity of this value needs further studies. There are no comparative data in the scientific literature regarding the use of these ingredients in institutional food service culinary preparations. Therefore, it is necessary to stimulate reflection to promote healthy food habits and adequate nutrition for diners(AU)

Introducción. El uso frecuente de alimentos ultraprocesados (UPF) conduce a complicaciones de salud, y la población debe evitar su consumo. Objetivo. Evaluar la presencia de alimentos ultraprocesados (UPFs) en los menús de almuerzos de diversos servicios de alimentación institucionales. Materiales y métodos. Durante un mes, los cinco servicios de alimentación institucionales analizados sirvieron 1.128 preparaciones culinarias; y se clasificaron un total de 3.863 ingredientes según el alcance y el propósito del procesamiento, utilizando el sistema de clasificación NOVA. Se analizaron las asociaciones entre la ocurrencia de UPFs y el tipo, tamaño y gestión de los establecimientos de servicio de alimentos. Cinco servicios institucionales de alimentación en tres municipios (Bauru, Limeira y Campinas), Brasil. Resultados. Se encontró entre un 8,4 % hasta un 12,6 % de ingredientes UPF utilizados en las preparaciones culinarias. La mayor frecuencia de UPF se asoció a cafeterías privadas (p = 0,002). La mayoría de los UPFs formaban parte de la receta o eran el ingrediente principal en platos proteicos y postres (p < 0,05) y en los servicios de alimentación universitarios y hospitalarios, respectivamente. El uso de UPFs se asoció con el tamaño del servicio de alimentación y el tipo de gestión (p≤ 0,003) y fue más frecuente en platos proteicos (p = 0,003) y servicios de alimentación institucional de gran tamaño (28,8 %). Las unidades autogestionadas (p = 0,03) también utilizan altas cantidades de UPF en platos proteicos (20,3 %). Conclusiones. La presencia de UPF ronda el 10 %; la validez de este valor necesita más estudios. No existen datos comparativos en la literatura científica sobre el uso de estos ingredientes en las preparaciones culinarias de los servicios de alimentación institucional. Por ello, es necesario estimular la reflexión para promover hábitos alimentarios saludables y una adecuada nutrición de los comensales(AU)

Feeding Behavior , Food Services , Food, Processed , Diet , Eating , Habits
Rev. Bras. Saúde Mater. Infant. (Online) ; 23: e20220054, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449151


Abstract Objectives: characterize the availability and assess the nutritional quality of children's menus ofered in regular and fast food restaurants in Brazilian malls. Methods: this is an observational and cross-sectional study. Data were collected on the websites of each restaurant and in food sales applications, with a questionnaire consisting of two sections: characterization of the restaurant and characterization of the children's menu. Data collection took place in ten capitals in the fve regions of Brazil. Results: 116 children's menus were evaluated. The study identifed a higher number of regular (n=70, 60%) than fast-food (n=46,40%) restaurants. The cooking methods most used in the main dishes were grilled (n=236, 64%) and boiled (n=74, 20%), and in the side dishes were boiled (n=204, 53%) and fried (n=109, 28%). Only 40% (n=46) of the menus contained vegetables. Less than 10% (n=seven) ofered fruit as dessert, 31% (n = 36) had drinks included in the children's menu and 22% (n=25) ofered gifts associated with the menu. Only 32 (28%) restaurants had the combination of beans and rice. Conclusion: most of the options ofered to children were of low nutritional quality, with low ofer of vegetables, fruits and the traditional beans and rice. The beverages included in the menus, most of them sugary, can contribute to a high-energy intake. There is a need to provide healthy options and encourage these choices.

Resumo Objetivos: caracterizar a disponibilidade e a qualidade nutricional dos menus infantis nos restaurantes e estabelecimentos de fast-foods em Shoppings Centers no Brasil. Métodos: trata-se de um estudo observacional e transversal. Os dados foram coletados nos websites de cada estabelecimento e em aplicativos de vendas de alimentos, com questionário composto por duas seções: Caracterização do estabelecimento e caracterização do menu infantil. A coleta dos dados ocorreu em dez capitais distribuídas nas cinco regiões do Brasil. Resultados: foram avaliados 116 menus infantis. Maior número de estabelecimentos foi classifcado como restaurante do que fast-food. Os métodos de cocção mais utilizados nos pratos principais foram grelhados (n=236, 64%) e cozidos (n=74, 20%), e nos acompanhamentos foram cozidos (n=204, 53%) e fritos (n=109, 28%). Apenas 40% (n=46) dos menus continham hortaliças. Menos de 10% (n=sete) ofertavam fruta como sobremesa; 31% (n=36) constavam bebida inclusa no menu infantil; 22% (n=25) ofereciam brindes associados ao menu. Apenas 32 (28%) estabelecimentos apresentavam a combinação feijão e arroz. Conclusão: a maioria das opções ofertadas às crianças era de baixa qualidade nutricional, com pouca oferta de hortaliças, frutas e do tradicional feijão e arroz. As bebidas incluídas nos menus, a maioria açucaradas, podem contribuir para uma elevada ingestão energética. Constata-se a necessidade de disponibilizar opções saudáveis e incentivar essas escolhas.

Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Restaurants , Food Quality , Eating , Child Nutrition , Fast Foods , Food, Processed , Nutritive Value , Brazil , Diet, Healthy
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219574


Background: Unsafe food processing and preservation among food handlers has been one of the common causes of food and waterborne diseases. This study aimed to identify factors contributing tounsafe food processing and preservation practices among food handlers in Obio-Akpor LGA of Rivers state. Materials and Methods: The study was a descriptive cross-sectional study whichassessed 365 food handlers in Obio/Akpor Local Government Area of Port Harcourt, Nigeria. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect relevant data. Quantitative datawas presented as frequencies and percentages. All statistical tests were set at a significance level of p< 0.05. Results: Findings show that out of the 365 food handlers who participated in the study, only 43.0% had a set of standard practice guidelines. 47.4% of the food handlers practiced unsafe food processing and preservation methods.Duration of practice for more than 5 years (63.6% vs. 36.4%; p=0.04) and scale of business (large/small) (turnover>NGN50, 000.00) ((58.4%, vs. 10.4%, p=0.05) were significantly associated with unsafe food processing and preservation practicesas handlers who have been in the food business longer and those with larger scale food outlets tended to have better standards. Conclusion: Unsafe food processing practices exist among food handlers with nearly half of the food handlers studied having poor practices. Inadequate working experience and the presence of more small and medium scale businesses was found to be the factors affecting unsafe food processing and preservation practices in our locality.

Physis (Rio J.) ; 32(2): e320214, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1386844


Resumo O estudo objetivou analisar como o ambiente do trabalho de um grupo de trabalhadores de baixa renda configura as práticas alimentares no meio urbano. Foram realizadas dez entrevistas com trabalhadores de uma empresa de prestação de serviços de alimentação para um Restaurante Cidadão. O comer fora de casa prevaleceu e o espaço do trabalho se mostrou como o principal para a realização das refeições. Identificou-se uma desestruturação das práticas alimentares, referente ao horário para realizar a refeição, ao tipo de comida e à divisão do almoço em dois momentos. Aproximadamente uma vez por mês, alguns trabalhadores se cotizavam para comprar ingredientes e elaborar uma preparação por eles mesmos escolhida. Era através da "comida feita por eles e para eles" que se criava uma relação ou se fortalecia a relação já existente. A discussão girou em torno de como determinado espaço social, entrelaçado por forças político-econômicas, necessidades biológicas e sistemas simbólicos, contribui na estruturação das práticas alimentares de determinado grupo social. O trabalho no contexto em que está inserido mostrou uma estreita relação com a modernidade alimentar, contribuindo na modificação da relação entre os seres humanos e sua rotina alimentar.

Abstract The study aimed at analyzing how the work environment of a group of low-income workers sets up eating practices in the urban environment. Ten in-depth interviews were held with workers from a food service company for the Restaurante Cidadão. Eating out was prevalent and the workspace proved to be the main place for meals. A disruption of historically and culturally consolidated eating practices were identified regarding the time and type of food. Once a month, some workers prepare a meal chosen and paid by them. It was through "food made by them and for them" that a relationship was created, or the existing relationship was strengthened. The discussion brings forward how a social space intertwined with political-economic forces, biological needs and symbolic systems structure the eating practices of a social group. The work showed a close relationship between man and his food routine.

Humans , Restaurants , Nutrition Programs and Policies , Feeding Behavior , Working Poor , Working Conditions , Nutritional Requirements , Socioeconomic Factors , Brazil , Cultural Factors , Nutritionists , Population Groups , Health Policy
S. Afr. j. clin. nutr. (Online) ; 35(4): 133-141, 2022. figures, tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1401050


Objectives: This study aimed to determine the energy and protein content of meals served and consumed by hospitalised patients compared with their needs, to assess patients' food satisfaction and investigate associations with energy and protein intake. Design: This was an exploratory quantitative cross-sectional study. Setting: Three public hospitals within the Cape Town metropole were recruited; a central hospital (945 beds), large district hospital (372 beds) and a medium district hospital (172 beds). Subjects: Adult inpatients 18+ years admitted to medical or surgical wards, on a non-therapeutic/normal hospital diet were recruited by purposive sampling method between 2018 and 2019.Outcomes measures: Each participant's weight and height were measured to calculate body mass index (BMI) and to determine energy/protein requirements. The Acute Care Hospital Foodservice Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire was administered. Meals were weighed before and after consumption to calculate energy and protein intake per patient/day. Results: A total of 128 patients (males = 71) participated. Total protein served did not meet patient requirements in any of the hospitals. Consumed energy and protein were significantly below requirements in all hospitals (p < 0.002). Perceived food quality (r = 0.38, p = 0.039) and staff/service issues (r = 0.39; p = 0.035) were significantly positively correlated with protein intake, while appetite correlated positively (r = 0.42, p = 0.006; r = 0.41, p = 0.008) and length of stay (LOS) correlated negatively (r = −0.46, p = 0.002; r = −0.42, p = 0.008) with energy and protein intake, respectively. Conclusion: Energy and protein served was significantly lower than participants' requirements in all three hospitals and none achieved the official ration scale amounts. Nearly 40% reported having a normal appetite and did not receive additional food from family or friends, which may lead to hospital-acquired malnutrition and increased hospital length of stay (LOS). Improved hospital food quality, quantity, mealtimes and staff training should be a focus to improve patient energy and protein intake

Humans , Male , Female , Patient Satisfaction , Protein-Energy Malnutrition , Malnutrition , Diet, Food, and Nutrition , Food Service, Hospital , Hospitals, Public , Inpatients , Nutritive Value
Medicina (Ribeirao Preto, Online) ; 54(3)dez. 2021. Tabela
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1352837


Modelo: Estudo caracteriza-se como transversal, qualitativo. Objetivo: Avaliar qualitativamente as preparações de cardápios oferecidos em hospitais no município de Uberaba - MG. Metodologia: A análise foi realizada pelo método "Avaliação Qualitativa de Preparações do Cardápio" dos almoços oferecidos em cinco Unidades de Alimentação e Nutrição hospitalares públicas ou particulares durante três semanas alternadas entre os meses de fevereiro a junho de 2018. Avaliou-se as ofertas de frutas, folhosos, repetições de cores, presença de alimentos sulfurados, doces, frituras, carnes gordurosas e frituras + doces na mesma refeição. Resultados: Os itens foram classificados como "ótimo" a baixa oferta de frituras (6,7%), carnes gordurosas (8,0%) e nenhuma oferta de doce + frituras no mesmo dia (0%), "bom" para oferta de folhosos (75%) e doces (22,7%), "regular" para repetição de cores (42.7%), "ruim" quanto aos alimentos sulfurados (56%) e "péssimos" quanto a oferta de frutas (9,3%). Conclusão: Os cardápios possuíam aspectos positivos como ausência de doce + fritura, baixa utilização de frituras e carnes gordurosas, boa oferta de folhosos e doces; os aspectos preocupantes relacionaram-se com a repetição de cores e negativos com a presença de alimentos sulfurados e ausência de frutas. (AU)

Study design: Cross-sectional, qualitative study. Objectives: To qualitatively evaluate the menu preparations offered at hospitals from the city of Uberaba - MG Methods: The analysis was conducted using the method "Qualitative evaluation of menu preparations" to evaluate lunch menus offered at 5 Food and Nutrition Units from public or private Hospitals for 3 weeks alternated between February and June 2018. The offer of fruits, leafy vegetables, sweets, fried food, fatty meats and fried food + sweets in the same meal were evaluated, as well as the color repetitions and the presence of sulphurated food. Results: Items rated as "Excellent" showed low offer of fried food (6.7%), fatty meats (8.0%) and no offer of sweet + fried food on the same day (0%); "Good" showed the offer of leafy vegetables (75%) and sweets (22.7%); "Regular" indicated color repetition (42.7%); "Bad" indicated sulphurated food (56%) and "Very bad" stood for fruit offer (9.3%). Conclusion: The menus had positive aspects such as the absence of sweet + fried food, low presence of fried food and fatty meats, good offer of leafy vegetables and sweets. The worrying aspects were associated with color repetition and the negative aspects were related to the presence of sulphurated food and absence of fruits. (AU)

Candy , Diet , Meals , Food Service, Hospital , Fruit , Qualitative Evaluation of Menu Preparations , Menu Planning
Rev. bras. cancerol ; 67(2): e-201351, 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1223745


Introdução: Pacientes com câncer são mais suscetíveis à infecção e à maior gravidade da doença causada pelo novo coronavírus (Covid-19). Objetivo: Apresentar o cenário da assistência nutricional e o perfil clínico-nutricional de pacientes hospitalizadas com Covid-19 em uma instituição de tratamento de câncer de mama. Método: Foram apresentadas as práticas da assistência nutricional realizadas no Hospital do Câncer III do Instituto Nacional de Câncer José Alencar Gomes da Silva (HC III/INCA) durante a pandemia da Covid-19. Os dados clínicos das pacientes com câncer de mama e Covid-19 foram coletados em prontuários. Resultados: Algumas mudanças na rotina foram a suspensão das visitas dos nutricionistas em casos confirmados; a utilização de equipamentos de proteção individual; e as alterações na avaliação nutricional. Um total de 23 pacientes foi incluído, sendo hipertensão a comorbidade mais comum (56,5%) e o estadiamento clínico IV o mais frequente (43,5%). Dispneia (60,9%), febre (30,4%), tosse (13%), anemia, neutrofilia, proteína C reativa elevada, hipoalbuminemia e necessidade de oxigenioterapia durante a internação (73,9%) foram as principais características encontradas. A maioria recebeu dieta via oral líquida (52,2%) e, para 43,5%, foi prescrito suplemento nutricional. O excesso de peso foi o estado nutricional mais prevalente. Conclusão: Além do câncer de mama, podem se associar ao aumento do risco de complicações por Covid-19 nessas pacientes a alta prevalência de comorbidades, o excesso de peso e a metástase pulmonar. A presença de sintomas que influenciam na ingestão alimentar levou à necessidade de modificações na dieta para melhor aceitação alimentar.

Introduction: Cancer patients are more susceptible to infection and to the greatest severity of the disease caused by the new coronavirus (COVID-19). Objective: To present the scenario of nutritional care, clinical and nutritional profile of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 in a breast cancer treatment institution. Method: The nutritional care practices performed at the Hospital of Cancer III of the National Cancer Institute José Alencar Gomes da Silva (HC III/INCA) during the COVID-19 pandemic were presented. Clinical data from patients with breast cancer and COVID-19 were collected from medical records. Results: Some changes in the routine were the suspension of consultations with the nutritionists in confirmed cases, the use of personal protective equipment and changes in nutritional assessment. A total of 23 patients were included, hypertension was the most frequent comorbidity (56.5%), and the most frequent clinical staging was IV (43.5%). Dyspnea (60.9%), fever (30.4%), cough (13%), anemia, neutrophilia, high C-reactive protein, hypoalbuminemia and need for oxygen therapy during hospitalization (73,9%) were the main characteristics found. The majority received a liquid oral diet (52.2%) and 43.5% were prescribed a nutritional supplement. Overweight was the most prevalent nutritional status. Conclusion: In addition to breast cancer, an increased risk of complications from COVID-19 in these patients was associated with high prevalence of comorbidities, overweight and lung metastasis. The presence of symptoms influencing food intake led to the necessity of changes in the diet for better food acceptance.

Introducción: Los pacientes con cáncer son más susceptibles a la infección y a la mayor gravedad de la enfermedad provocada por el nuevo coronavirus (Covid-19). Objetivo: Presentar el escenario de asistencia nutricional y el perfil clínico y nutricional de pacientes hospitalizadas con Covid-19 en una institución de tratamiento de cáncer de mama. Método: Se presentaron las prácticas de asistencia nutricional realizadas en el Hospital do Cáncer III del Instituto Nacional del Cáncer José Alencar Gomes da Silva (HC III/INCA) durante la pandemia de Covid-19. Los datos clínicos de pacientes con cáncer de mama y Covid-19 se obtuvieron de los registros médicos. Resultados:Algunos cambios en la rutina fueron la suspensión de visitas de nutricionistas en casos confirmados, el uso de equipo de protección personal y cambios en la valoración nutricional. Se incluyeron un total de 23 pacientes, siendo la hipertensión la comorbilidad más común (56,5%) y la estadificación clínica IV más frecuente la (43,5%). Disnea (60,9%), fiebre (30,4%), tos (13%), anemia, neutrofilia, proteína C reactiva alta, hipoalbuminemia y necesidad de oxigenoterapia durante la hospitalización (73,9%) fueron las principales características encontradas. La mayoría recibió dieta líquida por vía oral (52,2%) y al 43,5% se le prescribió un suplemento nutricional. El sobrepeso fue el estado nutricional más prevalente. Conclusión: Además del cáncer de mama, un mayor riesgo de complicaciones por Covid-19 en estas pacientes se asoció con una alta prevalencia de comorbilidades, sobrepeso y metástasis pulmonares. La presencia de síntomas que influyen en la ingesta de alimentos llevó a la necesidad de cambios en la dieta para una mejor aceptación de los alimentos.

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Breast Neoplasms , Coronavirus Infections , Food Service, Hospital , Nutritional Support
Rev. chil. nutr ; 47(3): 443-448, jun. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1126142


This study evaluated the food environment (FE) of a Brazilian public university regarding availability, accommodation and economic accessibility. Audits and check lists were used. Foods and meals marketed in the university were classified according to their level of processing. FE of the university was composed of 21 food services (FS), a central university restaurant (UR) and four satellite UR. Accommodations in most FS included furniture for customers and two provided free water. UR had an adequate physical structure and provided water during meals. Meal prices were much higher in FS compared to the UR. With respect to availability, the highest percentage of foods marketed were ultra-processed. Fruits, vegetables were offered daily at the UR. The university food environment was characterized by providing a large supply of ultra-processed foods in FS located on all campuses; however, fresh or minimally processed food options were available only at UR.

Este estudio evaluó el entorno alimentario de una universidad pública brasileña con respecto a las dimensiones de disponibilidad, alojamiento y accesibilidad económica. Se realizó una auditoría y se aplicó una lista de verificación. Los alimentos y comidas comercializados por los establecimientos alimentarios se clasificaron según su grado de procesamiento. El entorno alimentario de la universidad estaba compuesto por 21 Servicios de Alimentación, un Restaurante Universitario central y cuatro Comedores Satélites. El alojamiento en la mayoría de los servicios de alimentación incluía muebles para los clientes y sólo dos ofrecían agua gratuitamente. El Restaurant Universitario tenía una estructura física adecuada y proveía agua durante las comidas. Los precios de las comidas en los Servicios de Alimentación fueron más altos que en el Restaurant Universitario. En la dimensión disponibilidad, el mayor porcentaje de alimentos comercializados en los Servicios de Alimentación eran ultraprocesados. En el Restaurant Universitario disponía diariamente de frutas y verduras. En resumen, el entorno alimentario universitario, dominado por los Servicios de Alimentación ubicados en todos los campus se caracterizó por proporcionar un gran suministro de alimentos ultraprocesados. Sin embargo, las opciones de alimentos frescos o mínimamente procesados solo estaban disponibles en Restaurant Universitario.

Humans , Universities , Environment , Food Services , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies , Food Supply
Rev. bras. med. trab ; 18(1): 59-65, jan-mar.2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1116141


Introdução: Atualmente, há uma crescente preocupação com o corpo, seja por questões de saúde, seja por estética, contribuindo para o aumento da insatisfação e da distorção corporal. Objetivo: Avaliar o ganho de peso, a insatisfação e a distorção da imagem corporal de trabalhadores de um restaurante universitário de Juiz de Fora, MG. Métodos: Estudo transversal no qual se avaliaram peso, altura e índice de massa corporal (IMC) dos participantes. A insatisfação e a distorção da imagem corporal foram avaliadas pela escala de silhuetas. Aplicou-se um questionário para avaliação do ganho de peso e de mudanças no hábito alimentar durante o tempo de trabalho. As características da amostra e os fatores relacionados com a insatisfação corporal foram apresentados por frequências e comparados pelo teste χ2 , utilizando-se o programa Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) versão 17.0. Resultados: Foram avaliados 46 funcionários (82,61% do sexo feminino). O ganho de peso durante o tempo de trabalho foi relatado por 63% dos participantes, sendo o ganho médio de 3,4 kg. As mulheres relataram piora nos hábitos alimentares ao longo desse período. O excesso de peso atingiu 68,4% das mulheres e 75% dos homens. A insatisfação corporal no sexo feminino foi de 100%, e 76,3% desejavam perder peso. Entre os homens, 50% estavam insatisfeitos e desejavam perder peso. A distorção da imagem corporal apresentou elevada prevalência: 94,7% das mulheres e 100% dos homens. Conclusão: O ganho de peso, as mudanças de hábitos alimentares e a distorção e a insatisfação corporal remetem à necessidade de programas de educação alimentar e nutricional que promovam hábitos alimentares saudáveis e mudanças de comportamento diante do alimento e da imagem corporal.

| Background: People manifest a growing concern with their bodies due to health-related or esthetic reasons which contributes to increase their body dissatisfaction and distortion. Objective: To analyze weight gain, body image dissatisfaction and distortion among employees of a university restaurant in Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Methods: Cross-sectional study in which we analyzed the participants' body weight, height and body mass index. Body image dissatisfaction and distortion were investigated with a figure scale. We administered a questionnaire to investigate weight gain and changes in dietary habits since starting in the job. Sample characteristics and factors related to body image dissatisfaction are described as frequencies and were compared by means of the χ2 test with software SPPS version 17.0. Results: We analyzed 46 employees (82.61% female) 63% of whom gained weight since starting in the job, 3.4 kg on average. Women reported having acquired poorer dietary habits. About 68.4% of the women and 75% of the men exhibited overweight. All the women (100%) and 50% of the men reported body image dissatisfaction and 76.3 and 50% respectively a desire to lose weight. We found a high prevalence of body image distortion, of 94.7% for the women and 100% for the men. Conclusion: Weight gain, changes in dietary habits, body image distortion and dissatisfaction point to the need for dietary and nutritional educational programs which promote healthy eating habits and changes in behavior relating to diet and body image.

Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz (Online) ; 79: 1-7, 31 mar. 2020. tab


This study evaluated the good handling practices in the ten Hospital Nutrition Services of the respective hospitals in the South of Brazil, classified as general hospitals. For data collection, there was used a Checklist for Good Handling Practices for Food Services based on current legislation. Among the results, the average of adequacy of the hospitals stand out, showing that the items related to responsibilities and edifications had the lowest adequacies, 67% and 73%, respectively, followed by the food handler block, with 76% of adequacies. The block referring to food handlers showed that few of them sanitize the hands during the change of activity. The classification of hospitals in relation to Good Handling Practices was satisfactory, however, greater failure was observed related to the practices of the food handlers, which are crucial for the safety of food produced in Hospital Nutrition Services. (AU)

Este estudo avaliou as boas práticas de manipulação em 10 serviços de nutrição e dietética de hospitais do Sul do Brasil, classificados como hospital geral. Para a coleta de dados, utilizou-se uma Lista de Verificação em Boas Práticas para Serviços de Alimentação baseada na legislação vigente. Dentre os resultados destacam-se a média de adequação dos hospitais, mostrando que os itens relacionados a responsabilidades e edificações apresentaram as menores adequações, 67% e 73%, respectivamente, seguidos com o bloco de manipuladores, com 76% de adequações. O bloco referente aos manipuladores de alimentos mostrou que poucos deles higienizam as mãos durante a troca de atividade. A classificação dos hospitais em relação à Boas Práticas de Manipulação foi satisfatória, no entanto, observou-se que falta o cumprimento de alguns itens, relacionados com as práticas dos manipuladores, que são cruciais para a segurança dos alimentos produzidos nos serviços de alimentação. (AU)

Quality Control , Brazil , Food Hygiene , Food Handling , Food Service, Hospital , Hospitals
Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz (Online) ; 79: e1796, 31 mar. 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1489622


This study evaluated the good handling practices in the ten Hospital Nutrition Services of the respective hospitals in the South of Brazil, classified as general hospitals. For data collection, there was used a Checklist for Good Handling Practices for Food Services based on current legislation. Among the results, the average of adequacy of the hospitals stand out, showing that the items related to responsibilities and edifications had the lowest adequacies, 67% and 73%, respectively, followed by the food handler block, with 76% of adequacies. The block referring to food handlers showed that few of them sanitize the hands during the change of activity. The classification of hospitals in relation to Good Handling Practices was satisfactory, however, greater failure was observed related to the practices of the food handlers, which are crucial for the safety of food produced in Hospital Nutrition Services.

Este estudo avaliou as boas práticas de manipulação em 10 serviços de nutrição e dietética de hospitais do Sul do Brasil, classificados como hospital geral. Para a coleta de dados, utilizou-se uma Lista de Verificação em Boas Práticas para Serviços de Alimentação baseada na legislação vigente. Dentre os resultados destacam-se a média de adequação dos hospitais, mostrando que os itens relacionados a responsabilidades e edificações apresentaram as menores adequações, 67% e 73%, respectivamente, seguidos com o bloco de manipuladores, com 76% de adequações. O bloco referente aos manipuladores de alimentos mostrou que poucos deles higienizam as mãos durante a troca de atividade. A classificação dos hospitais em relação à Boas Práticas de Manipulação foi satisfatória, no entanto, observou-se que falta o cumprimento de alguns itens, relacionados com as práticas dos manipuladores, que são cruciais para a segurança dos alimentos produzidos nos serviços de alimentação.

Food Service, Hospital/standards , Food Services/standards , Dietary Services/standards , Good Manipulation Practices , Brazil , Quality Control , Food Hygiene , Food Handling
Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 6(3): 74-92, 2020. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1128080


Introdução:Há diferentes ferramentas para gerenciamentode estoque e ter um bom controle garantirá melhor resultado financeiro e qualidade dos produtos armazenados em um estabelecimento. Como por exemplo o sistema de custeio ABCqueé um método eficaz e de baixo custo. Objetivo: Elaborar e analisar a curva ABCde duas Unidades de Alimentação e Nutrição de um órgão federaldo Rio Grande do Norte.Metodologia:Trata-se deum estudo de caso com delineamento descritivo, recorte transversal e abordagem quantitativa realizadoem dois restaurantes universitários.Para a obtenção dos dados, houve a necessidade da análise dos cardápios semanais planejados para desjejum, almoço e jantar de ambas as entidades. O custo anual de cada gênero alimentício consumido nos restaurantes foiorganizado em planilha no Microsoft Excel para cálculo do percentual individual e acumulado. Posteriormente foram elaboradas as curvas ABC, de modo que itens com percentual acumulado até 80% foram classificados como A, de 80,01% e 95% como B e de 95,01% a 100%comoC.Resultados:Foram identificados 198 gêneros alimentícios presentes no estoque do restaurante 1 e 111 presentes no restaurante 2. Na curva ABC do restaurante 1 foi encontrado na categoria A: 79,72% (31 itens); na categoria B: 15,18% (49 itens); e na categoria C: 5,09% (118 itens). Norestaurante 2 na categoria A: 79,73% (36 itens); categoria B: 15,21% (36 itens); e categoria C: 5,06% (39 itens).Conclusões:Devido as instituições serem de portes diferentes, as curvas ABC foram divergentes. Entretanto, alguns alimentos foram comuns, principalmente na categoria A, composta por itens proteicos e de alto custo. Percebeu-se que para um gerenciamento adequado é necessário um controle de custos eficiente, o qual necessita da aplicação de sistemas de análise sobre as informações gerenciais disponibilizadas,como a curva ABC (AU).

Introduction:There are different tools for managing inventory and having a good control willguarantee better financial results and quality of the products stored in an establishment. For example, the ABC costing system, since it is an effective and low cost method.Objective:Develop and analyze the ABC curve of two Food and Nutrition Units of afederal agency located in Rio Grande do Norte.Methodology:This is a case study with descriptive design, cross-sectional and quantitative approach performed in two University Restaurants. To obtain the data, it was necessary to analyze the weekly menus planned for breakfast, lunch and dinner for both entities. The annual cost of each foodstuff consumed in restaurants was organized in an Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to calculate the individual and accumulated percentage. Subsequently, the ABC curves were elaborated, so that items with an accumulated percentage of up to 80% were classified as A, 80.01% and 95% as B and 95.01% to 100%asC.Results:198 foodstuffs present in the stock of Restaurant 1 and 111 present in Restaurant 2 were identified. On the ABC curve of restaurant 1,category Awas found: 79.72% (31 items); Category B: 15.18% (49 items); Category C: 5.09% (118 items). In restaurant 2 incategory A: 79.73% (36 items); Category B: 15.21% (36 items); Category C: 5.06% (39 items).Conclusions:Because the institutions are of different sizes, the ABC curves were divergent. However, some foods were common, mainly in category A, consisting of protein items and high cost. It was noticed that for an adequate management it is necessary an efficient cost control, which requires the application of systems of analysis on the management information made available as the ABC curve (AU).

Introducción: Existen diferentes herramientas para lagestióndelinventario y tener un buen control garantizará mejores resultados financieros y la calidad de los productos almacenados en un establecimiento. Por ejemplo, el sistema de costeo ABC, que es un método efectivo y de bajo costo.Objetivo: Desarrollar y analizar la curva ABC de dos Unidades de Alimentos y Nutrición de una agencia federal ubicada en Rio Grande do Norte.Metodología: Este es un caso de estudio con diseño descriptivo, enfoque transversal y cuantitativo realizado en dos restaurantes universitarios. Para obtener los datos, fue necesario analizar los menús semanales planificados para el desayuno, el almuerzo y la cena para ambas entidades. El costo anual de cada alimento consumido en restaurantes se organizó en una hoja de cálculoMicrosoftExcel para calcular el porcentaje individual y acumulado. Posteriormente, se elaboraron las curvas ABC, de modo que los artículos con un porcentaje acumulado de hasta el 80% se clasificaron como A, del 80.01% y 95% B y del 95.01% al 100% C. Resultados: Se identificaron 198 alimentos presentes en el stock del Restaurante 1 y 111 presentes en el Restaurante 2. En la curva ABC del restaurante 1, se encontró la categoría A: 79.72% (31 artículos); Categoría B: 15,18% (49 artículos); Categoría C: 5.09% (118 artículos). En el restaurante2 de la categoría A: 79.73% (36 artículos); Categoría B: 15,21% (36 artículos); Categoría C: 5.06% (39 artículos).Conclusiones: Debido a que las instituciones son de diferentes tamaños, lascurvas ABC eran divergentes. Sin embargo, algunos alimentos eran comunes, principalmente en la categoría A, compuestos por elementos proteicos de alto costo. Se observó que para una gestión adecuada es necesario un control de costos eficiente, que requiere la aplicación de sistemas de análisis sobre la información de gestión disponible como la curva ABC (AU).

Restaurants , Universities , Costs and Cost Analysis , Food Services , Health Care Costing Systems , Brazil , Case Reports
Mundo saúde (Impr.) ; 44: e1752019, 2020-00-00.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568059


Ao ingressar no ensino superior os indivíduos apresentam mudanças que se refletem em seu estilo de vida. Portanto, objetivou-se conhecer o estilo de vida, composição corporal e consumo de alimentos de universitários atendidos pelo Programa Nacional de Assistência estudantil. Para tal, foi desenvolvido um estudo transversal com 70 estudantes e aplicado questionários para obter informações acerca do estilo de vida, nível de atividade física, como consideravam sua alimentação e questionário de frequência alimentar para avaliar o consumo de alimentos; aferiu-se o peso e estatura para o índice de massa corpórea; circunferência da cintura e as quatro pregas cutâneas para o percentual de gordura corporal. Realizou-se análise descritiva e correlação de Spearman no IBM SPSS Statistics 21.0 para caracterizar respectivamente, a amostra e avaliar a relação entre as variáveis renda, como está a alimentação, estado nutricional, atividade física, sexo e a área de estudo; a alimentação foi avaliada a partir dos grupos alimentares. Os estudantes se consideraram pretos e pardos (80%), com renda mensal menor que um salário mínimo (54,29%) e 45,71% eram etilistas. Foram encontrados 67,14% de eutróficos, 87,14% sem risco para doenças metabólicas, 47,14% com percentual de gordura corporal acima da média e com histórico familiar para doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (77,14%). Apresentaram alimentação variada, composta por todos os grupos alimentares e resultando em um perfil alimentar saudável. Conclui-se que, os estudantes têm estilo de vida não compatível com o saudável, ainda que o perfil alimentar esteja mais próximo de tal padrão.

Upon entering higher education, individuals experience changes that are reflected in their lifestyle. Therefore, the objective of this study was to know the lifestyle, body composition and food consumption of university students attended by the National Student Assistance Program. To this end, a cross-sectional study with 70 students was developed and questionnaires were applied to obtain information about lifestyle, level of physical activity, how they considered their food and a food frequency questionnaire to assess food consumption; weight and height were measured for the body mass index; waist circumference and a four skinfolds were measured for body fat percentage. Spearman's descriptive analysis and correlation was performed on IBM SPSS Statistics 21.0 to characterize, respectively, the sample and evaluate the relationship between the variables of income, their diet, nutritional status, physical activity, sex and area of study; food was assessed using food groups. The students considered themselves black and brown (80%), with a monthly income below one minimum wage (54.29%) and 45.71% were alcoholics. 67.14% were found to be eutrophic, 87.14% were not at risk for metabolic diseases, 47.14% had a body fat percentage above average and had a family history of chronic non-communicable diseases (77.14%). They demonstrated a varied diet, composed of all food groups resulting in a healthy diet profile. It is concluded that the students have a lifestyle that is not compatible with a healthy one, even though the food profile is closer to such a pattern.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-766381


This study examined sanitary education and performance of sanitary management among employees related to cooking in school food services in Sejong. A total of 193 subjects (19.2% for kindergarten, 42.5% for elementary school, and 38.3% for middle and high school) participated in this questionnaire survey. The frequency of sanitary education was highest at 63.7% once a month, and it was higher in the order of middle and high school, elementary school, and kindergarten (P < 0.001). The most important contents of sanitary education were personal sanitary management (43.5%), food material management (25.9%), and sanitary and safety management of equipment and utensils (17.6%). The necessity of sanitary education recognized by the subjects was absolutely necessary at 69.9% and necessary at 28.0%. The application of knowledge from sanitary education is high in proper application at 50.8% and absolute application at 40.4%. The improvement effect after sanitary education was higher in kindergarten than in elementary school and middle and high school (P < 0.01). The performance of sanitary management was high at 4.7 out of 5. In particular, personal sanitary management was the highest in elementary school at 4.8 followed in order by middle and high school (4.7) and kindergarten (4.6) (P < 0.01). The necessity of sanitary education and the application of knowledge obtained from sanitary education to the food service showed a significant and positive correlation with the sanitary management performance (P < 0.05, P < 0.001). These results highlight that the need for customized sanitary education for institution types and an awareness of sanitary education by employees will enhance sanitary management in school food service.

Humans , Cooking , Education , Food Services , Safety Management
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-766384


This study was conducted to determine parents' recognition of the Center for children's foodservice management (CCFSM) and to compare preschoolers' satisfaction for meals served by childcare centers and some aspects regarding the vegetable intake according to the parents' recognition of CCFSM. The subjects were 255 parents, whose children were 2~5 year old and attended a childcare center, were grouped according to the recognition of CCFSM (high recognition, HR, 27.5%; medium recognition, MR, 47.4%; low recognition, LR, 25.1%). Information was obtained by a self-administered questionnaire and data were analyzed by SPSS 25.0. Only 58.6% of HR and 10.7% of MR answered the they had participated education/event held by the CCFSM. More parents in the HR group (88.6%) acknowledged the helpfulness of CCFSM on the children's food habits compared to those in the MR group (63.6%) (P<0.001). Compared to the MR and LR groups, more parents in the HR group answered not only that they were ‘satisfied’/‘very satisfied’ with the meals served by childcare centers (P<0.05), but also they tended to think that their children were also satisfied (P=0.061). Up to 31.2% of parents in the LR group answered that there was no need for education to increase the vegetable intake of their child compared to 14.3% and 17.4% in the HR and MR groups, respectively (P<0.05). Moreover, up to 26.6% of parents answered that school cook planned menus compared to 5.7% and 13.2% in the HR and MR group, respectively (P<0.001). In conclusion, the results provided the association between parents' high recognition of CCFSM and preschoolers' satisfaction for meals from childcare centers as well as a better chance for a desirable food life regarding vegetable intake.

Child , Humans , Education , Feeding Behavior , Food Services , Meals , Parents , Vegetables
Rev. Nutr. (Online) ; 32: e180168, 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1041294


ABSTRACT Objective To evaluate the job satisfaction of nutritionists who work in food service in the state of Paraná (Brazil). Methods A survey was carried out with 249 nutritionists through a semi-structured online questionnaire, which assessed their profile, professional activities, and job satisfaction. The Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests and the ordinal logistic regression at a 5% significance level were applied to evaluate the differences and relationship between job satisfaction and the independent variables. Results The average age of the survey participants was 31.9±6.4 years, the majority was female (95.58%), and graduated between 2000 and 2016 (90.36%). The survey revealed that 55.41% of the nutritionists were satisfied at work, 33.68% were indifferent, 6.86% were highly satisfied, and 4.04% were dissatisfied. The variables that influenced job satisfaction the most were age, years of training, income, and workdays in the week. Income explained satisfaction positively. There was statistical difference in relation to the satisfaction of participants regarding their knowledge on food service (p=0.0350), completion of postgraduate courses (p=0.0082), and interest in working in an area of nutrition other than food service (p<0.0001). Conclusion Although most professionals are satisfied, many were indifferent to job satisfaction, which may reflect a low perspective on their current job or poor experience in the food service. These results suggest the need for further actions aiming at raising nutritionists' perceived professional importance.

RESUMO Objetivo Avaliar a satisfação no trabalho dos nutricionistas que atuam na área de alimentação coletiva no estado do Paraná. Métodos Pesquisa realizada com 249 nutricionistas, por meio de um questionário semiestruturado online, que avaliou o perfil, o exercício profissional e a satisfação do nutricionista. O teste Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis e a regressão logística ordinal com nível de significância de 5% foram utilizados para avaliar a diferença e relação entre a satisfação e as variáveis. Resultados A idade média dos respondentes foi de 31,9±6,4 anos, sendo a maioria do sexo feminino (95,58%) e graduado entre 2000 e 2016 (90,36%). Constatou-se que 55,41% dos nutricionistas estavam satisfeitos no trabalho, 33,68% indiferentes, 6,86% altamente satisfeitos e 4,04% insatisfeitos. As variáveis que mais influenciaram a satisfação foram a idade, os anos de formação, o salário e os dias da semana de trabalho, sendo que a renda explicou positivamente a satisfação. Houve diferença estatística com relação à satisfação dos participantes com a avaliação do conhecimento sobre alimentação coletiva (p=0,0350), a realização de pós-graduação (p=0,0082) e o interesse em atuar em outra área da nutrição que não a alimentação coletiva (p<0,0001). Conclusão Apesar de a maioria dos profissionais estarem satisfeitos, muitos foram indiferentes à satisfação no trabalho, podendo refletir ausência de perspectiva sobre seu trabalho atual ou indicar a falta de familiaridade com a alimentação coletiva. Os dados indicam a necessidade de mais ações de valorização junto a esses profissionais.

Humans , Male , Female , Nutritionists , Collective Feeding , Food Services , Job Satisfaction
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 23(12): 4033-4042, Dec. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-974775


Abstract The objective of this study was to evaluate the food safety performance of food services and its associated factors. The study involved 84 food businesses in the city of Santos as follows: street food kiosks and beach kiosks (street food), commercial restaurants, hospitals and school meal services (institutional food services). A food safety checklist with 81 items was applied. The overall percentage of adequacy was lower in street food kiosk (49.7%) and beach kiosk (62.0%) than in restaurants (69.7%), hospitals (83.9%) and schools (86%). Institutional and commercial restaurants showed higher scores of food safety performance than street food services, mainly regarding risker practices. The variables positively associated with food safety performance in commercial restaurants were: presence of a nutritionist as leader and adequate structure. These results show that street food services need, in a mediate way, the implementation of new strategies and regulations to improve food safety. A nutritionist acting as food safety leader may improve the food safety performance at commercial restaurants.

Resumo O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar o desempenho dos serviços de alimentação e seus fatores associados. O estudo envolveu 84 serviços de alimentação na cidade de Santos, sendo estes: ambulantes, quiosques de praia (grupo comida de rua), restaurantes (grupo alimentação comercial), hospitais e escolas (grupo alimentação institucional). Uma lista de verificação com 81 itens foi aplicada. Classificações de risco sanitário foram utilizadas para cada item. O percentual geral de adequação foi menor nos ambulantes (49,7%) e quiosques de praia (62,0%) do que em restaurantes (69,7%), hospitais (83,9%) e escolas (86%). Serviços de alimentação institucionais e comerciais apresentaram escores mais elevados no desempenho em segurança dos alimentos do que os pertencentes ao grupo comida de rua nos quesitos de maior risco sanitário. As variáveis positivamente associadas com o desempenho em restaurantes comerciais foi a presença de nutricionista e estrutura adequada. Esses resultados indicam a necessidade de novas estratégias e políticas para os serviços de comida de rua e que o nutricionista atuando como líder de segurança dos alimentos pode melhorar o desempenho de restaurantes comerciais em relação à segurança dos alimentos.

Humans , Restaurants/standards , Food Safety/methods , Nutritionists/organization & administration , Food Handling/standards , Food Services/standards , Schools , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies , Checklist , Food Service, Hospital/standards
Hig. aliment ; 32(286/287): 43-49, dez. 2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1382373


Para regulamentar e fiscalizar os restaurantes, a Resolução da Diretoria Colegiada n°216/2004 da Anvisa aprova o regulamento técnico de Boas Práticas para Serviços de Alimentação, de modo a garantir as condições higienicossanitárias do alimento preparado. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as condições higienicossanitárias e físico-estruturais de um restaurante comercial de cozinha japonesa do município de Caxias do Sul, RS. O instrumento de coleta de dados foi uma lista de verificação em Boas Práticas baseada na legislação vigente. Os requisitos foram avaliados em: adequado, inadequado e não se aplica. Após, foram classificados de acordo com o percentual de adequação em excelente, bom, regular, ruim e péssimo. O item com maior índice de adequação, classificado como excelente foi o abastecimento de água, com 100% de adequação. Os itens com menor percentual de adequação, classificados como péssimo foram higiene das instalações, equipamentos, móveis e utensílios, manejo de resíduos e documentação e registros. Verificou-se que o restaurante apresentou 63,63% do total itens em inadequação acima dos 50%, mostrando que não está cumprindo adequadamente com as Boas Práticas para manipulação de um alimento seguro. Os resultados encontrados são preocupantes, pois alguns pratos tradicionalmente são servidos crus, como sushi e sashimi. Por fim, verificou-se a necessidade de o restaurante possuir um responsável técnico, acompanhando e orientando a equipe para cumprimento da legislação e assim atingir maior qualidade e segurança do alimento preparado

In order to regulate and supervise restaurants, the Resolution of the Collegiate Board 216 approves the technical regulation of Good Practices for Food Services. It aims to ensure the hygienic-sanitary conditions of the prepared food. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the hygienic-sanitary and physical-structural conditions of a Japanese commercial restaurant kitchen in the city of Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The data collection instrument was a checklist in Good Practices of the current legislation. The requirements were evaluated in: Adequate, Inadequate and Not applicable. After that, they were classified according to the percentage of adequacy in: Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor and Terrible. The item with the highest adequacy index, classified as Excellent, was the water supply, with 100% of adequacy. The items with the lowest percentage of suitability, classified as Poor, were hygiene of facilities, equipment, furniture and utensils, waste management and documentation and licenses. It was verified that the restaurant presented 63.63% of the total items in inadequacy above 50%, showing that it is not complying adequately with the Good Practices to produce a safe food. The results are worrying, as some dishes are traditionally served raw, such as sushi and sashimi. Finally, it was verified the need for the restaurant to have a technical responsible, accompanying and guiding the team to comply with the legislation and thus achieve higher quality and safety of the prepared food

Hig. aliment ; 32(286/287): 43-49, dez. 2018. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1481868


Para regulamentar e fiscalizar os restaurantes, a Resolução da Diretoria Colegiada nº216/2004 da Anvisa aprova o regulamento técnico de Boas Práticas para Serviços de Alimentação, de modo a garantir as condições higienicossanitárias do alimento preparado. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as condições higienicossanitárias e físico-estruturais de um restaurante comercial de cozinha japonesa do município de Caxias do Sul, RS. O instrumento de coleta de dados foi uma lista de verificação em Boas Práticas baseada na legislação vigente. Os requisitos foram avaliados em: adequado, inadequado e não se aplica. Após, foram classificados de acordo com o percentual de adequação em excelente, bom, regular, ruim e péssimo. O item com maior índice de adequação, classificado como excelente foi o abastecimento de água, com 100% de adequação. Os itens com menor percentual de adequação, classificados como péssimo foram higiene das instalações, equipamentos, móveis e utensílios, manejo de resíduos e documentação e registros. Verificou-se que o restaurante apresentou 63,63% do total itens em inadequação acima dos 50%, mostrando que não está cumprindo adequadamente com as Boas Práticas para manipulação de um alimento seguro. Os resultados encontrados são preocupantes, pois alguns pratos tradicionalmente são servidos crus, como sushi e sashimi. Por fim, verificou-se a necessidade de o restaurante possuir um responsável técnico, acompanhando e orientando a equipe para cumprimento da legislação e assim atingir maior qualidade e segurança do alimento preparado.

ln order to regulate and supervise restaurants, the Resolution of the Collegiate Board 216 approves the technical regulation of Good Practices for Food Services. It aims to ensure the hygienic-sanitary conditions of the prepared food. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the hygienic-sanitary and physical-structural conditions of a Japanese commercial restaurant kitchen in the city of Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The data collection instrument was a checklist in Good Practices of the current legislation. The requirements were evaluated in: Adequate, Inadequate and Not applicable. After that, they were classified according to the percentage of adequacy in: Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor and Terrible. The item with the highest adequacy index, classified as Excellent, was the water supply, with 100% of adequacy. The items with the lowest percentage of suitability, classified as Poor, were hygiene of facilities, equipment, furniture and utensils, waste management and documentation and licenses. It was verified that the restaurant presented 63.63% of the total items in inadequacy above 50%, showing that it is not complying adequately with the Good Practices to produce a safe food. The results are worrying, as some dishes are traditionally served raw, such as sushi and sashimi. Finally, it was verified the need for the restaurant to have a technical responsible, accompanying and guiding the team to comply with the legislation and thus achieve higher quality and safety of the prepared food.

Good Manipulation Practices , Restaurants/statistics & numerical data , Food Services/standards , Raw Foods , Checklist