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Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2023 Apr; 71(4): 1441-1445
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-224942


Purpose: To know the magnitude and determinants of dry eye syndrome among health professionals and to study the correlation of computer vision syndrome with dry eye disease. Methods: In total, 501 participants took part in the study, which included history followed by baseline ocular examination, which included visual acuity using Snellen’s chart and anterior segment examination using a slit lamp. Later, a questionnaire was administered to health professionals to be filled out for analysis in the present study. Results: The symptoms reported occasionally were burning (35.5%), itching (34.5%), foreign body sensation 22.6%, and tearing (35.3%). The majority of participants used mobiles and laptops (56.1%) as a display. Also, 53.3% of participants have heard about dry eye syndrome, and the source of information was from friends and doctors in 17% of participants. One hundred twenty?one participants (24.2%) had taken the consultation for ocular symptoms. Eighty?six participants had mild, 29 participants had moderate, and 6 participants had severe dry eye disease, respectively. Conclusion: The pandemic effect, and the drastic shift of educational media from the classroom to the digital platform have increased the use of mobiles, laptops, or other digital pads for learning. This has increased the risk for health professionals.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-204505


Background: Over usage of electronic gadgets has a serious impact on physical activity of children leading to obesity, depression, anxiety, poor scholastic performance, strain on the eyes and triggering factor for' neck and back pain (due to spondylitis).It is very important to know how to control the screen time of children by parents.Methods: Here, 75 parents were subjected to questionnaire study which contained questions on the information on usage of electronic devices among children and the adverse effects noticed. Results were analyzed using Microsoft excel software.Results: Almost all the 75 cases had access to television, 64 had access to smart phones, 24 had access to IPAD/Tablet, 8 had access to laptop and 4 had access to gaming console. It was found that 45 % were depressed / anxious when gadgets were withdrawn from them. 21 kids had no idea what to do when gadgets were not available. 54 kids had no interest in outdoor playing and 38 children were found to have decreased interaction with other family members.Conclusions: Exposure to gadgets in paediatrics population leads to poor scholastic performance, obesity, depression, decreased interaction with family and many other problems. So, it is very important to have control on child's day to day activities and have constant vigilance on their gadget usage.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-203989


Background: The objective is to study the sleep pattern and occurrence of sleep problems in children aged 6 to 15 years, visiting the Outpatient clinic at a tertiary care hospital, as perceived by the parents and to establish the common causal association as perceived by the parents for developing sleep problems. 'Methods: The study design was based on the descriptive study. The duration of the study was from 1st June to 31st July. Data was collected from all the children visiting the Pediatric OPD and those who are admitted, Department of Pediatrics, Father Muller Medical College. Sample size: convenient sampling. Considering the prevalence of sleep disturbance in children as 10%, estimated error of 5% and confidence interval of 5%, sample size was 139. Children who followed the inclusion and exclusion criteria were considered for the study. Informed consent was taken from the parent. Relevant details were asked to the parents of the child and a pre-designed proforma was filled by the investigator accordingly. SDSC questionnaire was used and a cut off score of 39 was considered.Results: Out of the 140 children who completed the survey, 48% of the children had sleep disturbances.' The most common was disorder of initiating and maintaining sleep. The most common association was with need for accompaniment, followed by use of gadgets. The prevalence of sleep disorders is underestimated, and it is important to recognize them early.Conclusions: The increasing use of electronic gadgets could be a possible cause of sleep disturbances, which suggests that the exposure of children to these gadgets maybe reduced.

Health Sciences Journal ; : 45-51, 2019.
Article | WPRIM | ID: wpr-793255


INTRODUCTION: Gadget use with its diverse range of functions from communication to navigation andentertainment, has brought increasing concerns about its effects on psychological health. Despitegrowing evidence on its effect among children, its effect on the adolescent age group, particularly onthe socio-emotional dimension remains uncertain.METHOD: An analytical cross-sectional study was done to identify a possible association between durationof gadget use and socio-emotional difficulties of an adolescent. A cluster sample of junior high schoolstudents aged 13-17 years old from four selected private schools were invited to answer the Strengthsand Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) to measure socio-emotional difficulties and provide information onthe type and duration of gadget use. Scores derived from the SDQ were classified as normal, borderlineand abnormal based on the questionnaire's scoring guide. Association between duration of gadget useand strengths and difficulties was tested using chi-square, controlling for sex and age groups.RESULTS: Majority of the 315 respondents had normal scores on the strengths and difficulties sub-scales.Regardless of the duration of gadget use, majority of the respondents had normal prosocial behaviorand likewise scored normal on all dimensions of the Difficulties subscale. There was no significantassociation between duration of gadget use and Strength (p = 0.47) and Difficulties scores (p = 0.35).Stratifying by sex and age groups likewise resulted in insignificant associations (p > 0.05). Those withprolonged gadget use were 1.68 times more likely to have abnormal scores on the Difficulties subscalecompared with those with normal gadget use but the association was not significant (95% CI 0.82, 3.34).CONCLUSION: There was no significant association between duration of gadget use and socio-emotionaldifficulties of adolescents in selected private schools, controlling for sex and age groups.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-195330


Background: Approximately more than 2.5 billion cell phones are projected for 2017. The blue lightemitted by screens on cell phones, computers, tablets, and televisions restrain the production of melatoninis the hormone that controls the sleep/wake cycle or circadian rhythm. There is ample evidence that anovel, short-wavelength-sensitive photoreceptor system is primarily responsible for a variety of non-visuallight responses, in particular, resetting the timing of the circadian pacemaker, suppressing melatoninproduction.Methods: The study investigates the effect of exposure to LED backlit screens used in cell phones by 50undergraduate girls of Goa and Mumbai in the age group of 18 to 22. Data was collected using the KristinDehmler Technology usage scale, the Insomnia impact scale, Epworth Sleepiness scale. [Pittsburgh sleepquality index (PSQI)], and sleep-wake behavior [Munich chronotype questionnaire (MCTQ). T-tests andcorrelations using the SPSS to assess differences in the two groups of semi urban and metropolitan girlswere done.Results: The study predicts that this light exposure will extend day length and impact sleep characteristicsin the form of number of awakenings, difficulties in initiating and maintaining sleep, non-restorative sleepand nighttime restlessness. The endogenous evening rise in melatonin occurred later in the LED-backlightcondition; due to the use of cell phones affected the circadian pacemaker located in the suprachiasmaticnuclei which most likely received a longer “day” signal, inducing a phase delay.Conclusion: Participants reported higher amounts of nocturnal cell phone use reported spending less timesleeping and poorer sleep quality No significant differences were found between the urban Mumbai groupand the semi urban Goa group..

Arch. latinoam. nutr ; 67(supl. 1): 11-23, oct. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1026443


Food advertising on TV is a common marketing practice, and it is suspected of promoting obesogenic behaviours. The study aimed at evaluating if gadgets (toys) packaged with food increase food consumption, and if contemporary exposure to TV and/or advertising is a further promoting factor. Onehundred and twenty children (balanced according to gender and age groups, 3-6 and 7-10 years old) were randomised in an experimental setting designed as a 2x5 full factorial ad libitum eating study. The first factor was represented by the exposure to gadgets, organized on two levels, "food with gadget" (TOY) and "food alone" (NoTOY). The second one consisted in the exposure to TV and advertising along five levels (no exposure to TV, exposure to TV without advertising, exposure to TV and 1, 2, or 3 advertsements). Our results showed no significant differences when considering the groups even after taking into account the dependent variables. The medium spot group showed the lowest energy intake, but the difference between the other groups was not significant. TV advertising and the presence of gadgets (toys) do not influence caloric intake in children(AU)

La publicidad de alimentos en la televisión es una práctica común de comercialización, y se cree que puede promover comportamientos obesogénicos. El estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar si los gadgets (juguetes) empaquetados con alimentos aumentan el consumo de alimentos y si la exposición contemporánea a la televisión y / o la publicidad es un factor promotor adicional. Ciento veinte niños (agrupados por sexo y edad, 3-6 y 7-10 años de edad) fueron asignados al azar en una escuela de San Luis Potosí -México. Los niños fueron asignados al azar en el contexto experimental de un estudio de diseño factorial completo 2x5 de consumo de alimentos ad libitum. El primer factor estuvo representado por la exposición a juguetes y estuvo organizado en dos niveles: "alimento con juguetes" (TOY) y "alimento solo" (NoTOY). El segundo consistía en la exposición a la televisión y a publicidad televisiva a lo largo de cinco niveles (sin exposición a TV, exposición a TV sin publicidad, exposición a TV y a 1, 2 o 3 anuncios publicitarios). Nuestros resultados no mostraron diferencias significativas entre los grupos, incluso teniendo en cuenta las variables dependientes. Sólo en el grupo mediano al que se mostraron dos publicidades se observó el consumo de energía más bajo. La diferencia entre los otros grupos no fue significativa(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Play and Playthings , Dietary Fats , Fast Foods/adverse effects , Pediatric Obesity/complications , Television , Public Health , Advertising , Diet, Food, and Nutrition
Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam ; 17(3,supl.1): 652-665, Jul-Sep/2014. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-736291


O texto considera a atualidade discursiva do capitalismo e seus vieses perversos, lembrando a aspiração sadeana de república regida pelo imperativo e singularidade do gozo, onde se imbricam os consumidores, todos proletários e na exigência do mais-de-gozar. Percorre a fantasia perversa, o desejo perverso e a fetichização de um objeto alçado à condição de causa de desejo, para além da estrutura perversa. Chega à solidão dos indivíduos reduzidos a seus corpos no predomínio dos gadgets, e ao mundo da falta de vergonha. A psicanálise lacaniana é a norteadora, e o Japão é exemplo que ensina.

This text discusses the present-day discourse on capitalism and its perverse aspects in the light of Sade's aspiration of a republic governed by the imperative and the singularity of jouissance. This system captures consumers, all of whom are proletarians, in the demand for surplus-jouissance. This is related to the fantasy of perversion, the perverse structure, perverse desire and the fetishization of objects that are attained through the cause of desire. We touch on the loneliness of individuals reduced to their bodies surrounded by gadgets and in a world of shamelessness. Lacanian psychoanalysis is the guide and Japan is an example that teaches.

Ce texte considère l'actualité discursive du capitalisme et ses biais pervers, tout en rappelant l'aspiration sadienne à une république régie par l'impératif et la singularité de la jouissance, où s'enchevêtrent les consommateurs, tous prolétaires et dans l'exigence du plus-de-jouir. Il parcourt le fantasme pervers, le désir pervers et la fétichisation d'un objet hissé à la condition de cause de désir, au-delà de la structure perverse. On arrive à la solitude des individus réduits à leurs corps sous l'emprise des gadgets et au monde du manque de honte. La psychanalyse Lacanienne sert de repère et le Japon est l'exemple qui nous enseigne.

El texto considera la actualidad del discurso del capitalismo y sus sesgos perversos, recordando la aspiración sadeana de república regida por el imperativo y la singularidad del goce, en donde se imbrican los consumidores, todos proletarios y en la exigencia del plus de gozar. El texto atraviesa la fantasía perversa, el deseo perverso y la fetichización de un objeto elevado a la condición de causa del deseo, más allá de la estructura perversa. Llega a la soledad de los individuos reducidos a sus cuerpos con el predominio de gadgets y el mundo de la desvergüenza. El psicoanálisis lacaniano es la guía y Japón el ejemplo que enseña.

Humans , Antisocial Personality Disorder , Capitalism , Pleasure , Shame
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-724158


En esta etapa de nuestra investigación, nos proponemos interrogar el modo adictivo en que algunos hombres y mujeres se relacionan con los gadgets. A menudo usados como muletas en que sostenerse para armar un posible lazo con otro, existe el riesgo de que la muleta se independice y comience a andar sola, con lo cual el uso del Gadget implica un cortocircuito absoluto con el Otro, convirtiéndose en un goce autista, que conduce a una retracción que denominaremos “virtual”. Por otro lado, encontramos que en otras subjetividades, su utilización puede convertirse en un modo de armar un lazo posible al Otro. De modo que estamos poniendo el acento, no tanto en la toxicidad del objeto, sino en la función que cumple para cada sujeto, cortocircuitando la relación al Otro; o bien, en ocasiones, propiciando una regulación posible.

Humans , Case Reports , Internet , Psychoanalytic Theory , Psychoanalysis , Psychotic Disorders/psychology
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-708429


En cada recorte de la historia, de cada cultura, podemos extraer las coordenadas y condiciones de producción de un tipo de satisfacción, asociadas a un discurso imperante, y entramadas en un modelo socio-económico-político particular. La época freudiana planteaba ciertas condiciones que S. Freud advirtió genialmente, y que J. Lacan resaltó en sus consecuencias. La época actual plantea otras cuestiones, en tanto el declive de la autoridad paterna conlleva otras vicisitudes. Es necesario poner en valor algunos conceptos y replantearse algunas coordenadas para estar a la altura de la época y de lo que la clínica actual requiere. A través de dos recortes clínicos se intenta, en este trabajo, subrayar el alcance "paradojal", traumático y operativo, que toman medios hiper-modernos, como los juegos virtuales y el Facebook, en la clínica con los adolescentes y jóvenes de hoy.

In each cut in history, every culture, we will be able to extract the coordinates and production conditions of a type of satisfaction associated with a dominant discourse, and framed in a socio-economic -political particular model . The Freudian age raised certain conditions that S. Freud famously said, and J. Lacan emphasized in its consequences. The present age raises other issues, while the decline of paternal authority involves other vicissitudes. It's necesary to revalue some concepts and issues to be at the height of the era and what the current clinical needs. Through two clinical cut is attempted, in this paper emphasize the scope "paradoxical", traumatic and operative taking hyper-modern media such as virtual games and Facebook at the clinic with adolescents and young people today.