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Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 28: e230174, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534630


O objetivo deste estudo foi compreender as motivações e as implicações do cuidado de familiares idosos dependentes realizado por homens. Com base em pesquisa qualitativa realizada entre julho e dezembro de 2018 em seis cidades nas cinco regiões brasileiras, foram entrevistados 11 homens que desempenham a tarefa de cuidadores informais. Eles assumiram essa tarefa em razão de as mulheres estarem exaustas e adoecidas, assim como por reciprocidade afetiva e marital. Os filhos manifestaram desconforto na administração de cuidados pessoais aos pais, enquanto os cônjuges apresentaram dificuldades com atividades domésticas. Os cuidadores solitários estavam cansados, com dores, privação do sono, sintomas depressivos e solidão. O suporte prestado por familiares e cuidadores formais mostrou-se valioso para amenizar o sofrimento dos cuidadores que relutavam em pedir ajuda. Há necessidade de os profissionais de saúde estarem atentos aos prestadores de cuidados informais aos familiares.(AU)

El objetivo de este estudio fue comprender las motivaciones y las implicaciones del cuidado de familiares ancianos dependientes realizado por hombres. A partir de una investigación cualitativa realizada entre julio y diciembre de 2018 en seis ciudades en las cinco regiones brasileñas, se entrevistaron 11 hombres que desempeñan la tarea de cuidadores informales. Los hombres asumieron esta tarea porque las mujeres estaban exhaustas y enfermas y por reciprocidad afectiva y marital. Los hijos manifestaron incomodidad en la administración de cuidados personales a los padres, mientras que los cónyuges presentaron dificultades con actividades domésticas. Los cuidadores solitarios estaban cansados, con dolores, privación de sueño, síntomas depresivos y soledad. El soporte prestado por familiares y cuidadores formales se mostró valioso para disminuir el sufrimiento de los cuidadores que titubeaban en pedir ayuda. Existe la necesidad de que los profesionales de salud estén atentos a los prestadores de cuidados informales a los familiares.(AU)

The objective of study was to understand the motivations and implications of care given by men for dependent elderly family members. Qualitative research happened between July and December 2018 in six cities in the five Brazilian regions, interviewing 11 men who perform tasks as informal caregivers. The men assumed this task because the women's exhaustion and sickness, added to affective and marital reciprocity. Their sons expressed discomfort in taking personal care of their parents, while the spouses had difficulties with domestic activities. Lonely caregivers were tired, in pain, sleep deprived, experiencing depressive symptoms and loneliness. Support provided by family members and formal caregivers proved to be valuable in alleviating the suffering of caregivers who were reluctant to ask for help. Health professionals are called to pay attention to informal care providers for family members.(AU)

Texto & contexto enferm ; 33: e20240002, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1570090


ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the profile of women who use prescribed psychotropic drugs in a female prison unit. Method: this is a quantitative, exploratory, descriptive cross-sectional study developed with the population of a female penitentiary complex in the state of Minas Gerais. The total population admitted to the institution during the collection period was 363 people deprived of liberty and all were included in the analysis. Data were collected between August and December 2022 from the institutional database and were analyzed according to statistical tests (descriptive statistics and dispersion measures, Mann-Whitney test and Chi-squared test). Results: the sample was composed of young women of African descent, with a low education level, mothers and who did not receive visitors. Approximately 70% (n=250) used some prescribed psychotropic drug. The most frequent psychiatric diagnoses were anxiety disorders, followed by mood disorders. Women who used prescribed psychotropic drugs had a higher median length of incarceration. There was a significant association between the use of psychotropic drugs and chronic diseases. Conclusion: the identified profile reaffirms the effects of existing differences regarding gender. Even with the increase in public policies aimed at women, their specificities are often disregarded. Regarding the use of psychotropic drugs, it is suggested that the high rate corresponds to the conditions generated by incarceration.

RESUMEN Objetivo: analizar el perfil de las mujeres consumidoras de psicofármacos prescritos en una unidad penitenciaria femenina. Método: se trata de un estudio cuantitativo, exploratorio y descriptivo, de carácter transversal, desarrollado con la población de un complejo penitenciario femenino del estado de Minas Gerais. La población total ingresada en la institución durante el período de recolección fue de 363 personas privadas de libertad y todas fueron incluidas en el análisis. Los datos fueron recolectados entre agosto y diciembre de 2022, de la base de datos institucional y analizados según pruebas estadísticas (estadística descriptiva y medidas de dispersión, prueba de Mann-Whitney y prueba de Chi-cuadrado). Resultados: La muestra estuvo conformada por mujeres jóvenes, afrodescendientes, con bajo nivel educativo, madres y que no recibieron visitas. Aproximadamente el 70% (n=250) consumía algún psicofármaco prescrito. Los diagnósticos psiquiátricos más frecuentes fueron los trastornos de ansiedad, seguidos de los trastornos del estado de ánimo. Las mujeres que consumían psicofármacos recetados tenían una mediana de duración de encarcelamiento mayor. Hubo una asociación significativa entre el uso de psicofármacos y enfermedades crónicas. Conclusión: el perfil identificado reafirma los efectos de las diferencias existentes en cuanto al género. Incluso con el aumento de las políticas públicas dirigidas a las mujeres, a menudo se ignoran sus especificidades. En cuanto al uso de psicofármacos, se sugiere que la alta tasa corresponde a las condiciones generadas por el encarcelamiento.

RESUMO Objetivo: analisar o perfil das mulheres usuárias de psicotrópicos prescritos em uma unidade prisional feminina. Método: trata-se de um estudo quantitativo, exploratório e descritivo, de caráter transversal, desenvolvido com a população de um complexo penitenciário feminino do estado de Minas Gerais. A população total admitida na instituição no período de coleta era de 363 privadas de liberdade e todas foram incluídas na análise. Os dados foram coletados entre agosto e dezembro de 2022, a partir do banco de dados institucional e foram analisados de acordo com testes estatísticos (estatística descritiva e medidas de dispersão, teste de Mann-Whitney e teste Qui-quadrado). Resultados: a amostra foi composta por mulheres jovens, afrodescendentes, com baixo nível de escolaridade, mães e que não recebiam visitas. Aproximadamente, 70% (n=250) usavam algum psicotrópico prescrito. Os diagnósticos psiquiátricos mais frequentes foram os transtornos ansiosos, seguidos pelos de humor. As mulheres que utilizavam psicotrópicos prescritos apresentaram uma mediana maior em relação ao tempo de reclusão. Houve associação significativa entre o uso de psicotrópicos e doenças crônicas. Conclusão: O perfil identificado reafirma os efeitos das diferenças existentes no que tange ao assunto gênero. Mesmo com o aumento de políticas públicas destinadas às mulheres, as suas especificidades, muitas vezes, são desconsideradas. Quanto ao uso de psicotrópicos, sugere-se que a alta taxa corresponde às condições geradas pelo encarceramento.

Interaçao psicol ; 27(3): 242-251, ago.-dez. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1531326


O objetivo deste estudo foi compreender as relações entre gênero e violência nos relacionamentos afetivo-sexuais de adolescentes. Para tanto, foram realizados grupos focais com 29 adolescentes, estudantes do 9o ano do ensino fundamental e EJA de três escolas públicas de uma cidade no interior do Rio Grande do Sul. Os participantes tinham entre 13 e 17 anos de idade. Os dados coletados foram submetidos à Análise Temática Reflexiva, o que possibilitou a elaboração de dois temas. No primeiro, a violência apresentou-se como ferramenta para a construção das masculinidades. A violência física ocupa um lugar central no imaginário desses jovens, sendo uma via de descarga para agressividade, bem como uma prática sujeita a sanções legais. No segundo tema, a violência evidenciou-se como um dispositivo de coerção e amedrontamento das meninas adolescentes. Foi possível observar que as situações de violência são onipresentes nas vivências das adolescentes, sendo mais intensas no contexto dos relacionamentos e após o término. Conclui-se que a violência é um importante marcador das desigualdades de gênero nos relacionamentos entre adolescentes, colocando as meninas adolescentes em situação de desvantagem em relação aos meninos.

The aim of this study was to understand the relationship between gender and violence in adolescents' affective-sexual relationships. Focal groups were carried out with 29 adolescents, students of the 9th year of elementary school and EJA from three public schools in a city in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul. The participants were between 13 and 17 years old. The collected data were submitted to Reflexive Thematic Analysis, which allowed the elaboration of two themes. In the first theme, violence was a tool for the construction of masculinities. Physical violence particularly occupies a central place in the imagination of these adolescents, being a way of discharge for aggression, as well as a practice subject to legal sanctions. In the second theme, violence was a tool of coercion and intimidation of adolescent girls. It was possible to observe that situations of violence are omnipresent in the experiences of adolescents, being more intense in the context of relationships and after the breakup. We conclude that violence is an important marker of gender inequalities in relationships between adolescents, placing adolescent girls at a disadvantage compared to boys.

Vínculo ; 20(1): 3-15, 20230000.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1510075


Considerando as transformações na maternidade ao longo da história e a atual crise identitária na relação da mulher com a maternidade, ou seja, o conflito entre os ideais de maternidade relacionados à figura da mulher/mãe e as demandas contemporâneas de realização individual no trabalho, realizou-se este estudo transversal, exploratório-descritivo de abordagem qualitativa, cujo objetivo consistia em descrever e analisar, a partir da psicanálise de casal e família, a experiência de mães que abandonaram da carreira profissional para a dedicação exclusiva à maternidade. Foram entrevistadas oito mulheres de classe média, entre 30 e 50 anos, que eram mães e abandonaram suas carreiras profissionais para se dedicarem à maternidade. As entrevistas que compuseram os resultados foram transcritas e as análises de conteúdo temática apontaram as múltiplas exigências, tanto sociais, quanto relacionadas à herança psíquica, que trazem implicações para a construção identitária dessas mulheres. Concluímos que um processo de elaboração dessa herança exige uma rede vincular de apoio e pressupõe a desidealização da maternidade, entendendo-a como plural, tanto no sentido de ser múltipla e diversa, quanto no sentido de ser uma construção vincular.

Noticing the history transformations in motherhood, and the current identity crisis in the woman's relationship between femininity and maternity, that is, the conflict between the ideas of motherhood related to the figure of the woman/mother and the contemporary demands of individual realization at work, this exploratory-descriptive, cross-sectional, study of a qualitative approach was carried out, whose objective was to describe and analyze, from the perspective of psychoanalysis of the linking configurations, the experience of mothers who abandoned the professional career for the exclusive dedication to motherhood. Eight middle-class women, aged between 30 and 50, who were mothers and abandoned their professional careers to dedicate themselves to motherhood-retirar, were interviewed. The interviews that composed the results were transcribed, and thematic content analyses pointed out the multiple demands, both social and related to psychic heritage, which have implications for the identity construction of these women. We conclude that an elaboration of this heritage requires a link network of support and presupposes the non-idealization of motherhood, understanding it as plural, both in the sense of being multiple and diverse, and in the sense of being a bonding construction.

Considerando los cambios en la maternidad a lo largo de la historia y la actual crisis de identidad en la relación de la mujer con la maternidad, es decir, el conflicto entre los ideales de maternidad relacionados con la figura de la mujer/madre y las demandas contemporáneas de realización individual en el trabajo, se realizó este estudio transversal, exploratorio-descriptivo de abordaje cualitativo, cuyo objetivo consistía en describir y analizar, a partir del psicoanálisis de las configuraciones vincular, la experiencia de madres que abandonaron de la carrera profesional para la dedicación exclusiva a la maternidad. Fueron entrevistadas ocho mujeres de clase media, entre 30 y 50 años. que eran madres y abandonaron sus carreras profesionales para dedicarse a la maternidad-retirar. Las entrevistas que compusieron los resultados fueron transcritas y los análisis de contenido temático señalaron las múltiples exigencias, tanto sociales, como relacionadas a la herencia psíquica, que traen implicaciones para la construcción identitaria de esas mujeres. Concluimos que un proceso de elaboración de esa herencia exige una red vincular de apoyo y presupone la desidealización de la maternidad, entendiéndola como plural, tanto en el sentido de ser múltiple y diversa, como en el sentido de ser una construcción vincular.

Humans , Female , Psychoanalysis , Gender Role , Mother-Child Relations
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1513958


El sexismo es el conjunto de creencias y características que son socialmente consideradas apropiadas para hombres y mujeres, en el caso de los varones, actividades asociadas a la fuerza, virilidad, entre otras características, mientras que a las damas se ligan actividades como la belleza, expresión corporal, entre otras. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue analizar las diferencias en el sexismo en los estudiantes en formación de pedagogía en educación física de una Universidad de Santiago de Chile según diversas variables sociodemográficas. Para ello se aplicó el Inventario de Sexismo Ambivalente (ISA) a 201 participantes. Los resultados evidenciaron bajos niveles de sexismo, los niveles de sexismo hostil y benevolente disminuyen conforme avanza la carrera y que los hombres puntúan más alto que las mujeres los dos tipos de sexismo. Se concluye que el sexo, año de carrera, orientación sexual y las creencias religiosas influyen en los niveles de sexismo de los estudiantes de Educación Física.

Sexism is the set of beliefs and characteristics that are socially considered appropriate for men and women, in the case of men, activities associated with strength, and virility, among other features, while the ladies are related to activities such as beauty and body expression, among others. The objective of the present research was to analyze the differences in sexism among the students in pedagogy training in physical education at the University of Santiago de Chile according to various sociodemographic variables. The Ambivalent Sexism Inventory (ASI) was applied to 201 participants. The results showed low levels of sexism, the levels of hostile and benevolent sexism decrease as the career progresses, and that men score higher than women in the two types of sexism. It is concluded that sex, career year, sexual orientation, and religious beliefs influence the sexism levels of physical education students.

Sexismo é o conjunto de crenças e características que são socialmente consideradas apropriadas para homens e mulheres, no caso dos homens, atividades associadas à força, virilidade, entre outras características, enquanto as mulheres estão ligadas a atividades como beleza, expressão corporal, entre outras. O objetivo da presente pesquisa foi analisar as diferenças no sexismo nos estudantes em formação de pedagogia em educação física de uma Universidade de Santiago do Chile segundo diversas variáveis sociodemográficas. Para este fim, o Inventário do Sexismo Ambivalente (ISA) foi aplicado a 201 participantes. Os resultados mostraram baixos níveis de sexismo, com níveis de sexismo hostil e benevolente diminuindo à medida que o curso avançava, e que os homens pontuavam mais alto que as mulheres em ambos os tipos de sexismo. Conclui-se que gênero, ano de estudo, orientação sexual e crenças religiosas influenciam os níveis de sexismo dos estudantes de Educação Física.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Students/psychology , Sexism/statistics & numerical data , Universities , Chile , Surveys and Questionnaires , Gender Role , Sociodemographic Factors
Agora USB ; 23(1)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533564


La violencia en relaciones transitorias y de noviazgo puede considerarse una violencia huérfana en Colombia por su falta de reconocimiento y protección jurídica. El objetivo de esta investigación cualitativa fue analizar la violencia en las relaciones de pareja, incluyendo noviazgo y otras relaciones equiparables a éste, en Colombia. Se empleó la teoría fundamentada. La información se recopiló mediante ocho grupos focales con 63 estudiantes de universidades en las ciudades de Medellín, Quibdó, Pereira y Cali. Con frecuencia establecen relaciones transitorias de pareja donde existen diferentes formas de violencia naturalizadas, que requieren medidas legislativas específicas para su protección.

Dating violence in Colombia, can be considered an orphan violence because it lacks right to justice due it does not occur within the family, or in stable couples. The objective of this qualitative research was to analyze violence in intimate partner relationships, by including dating and other temporary relationships comparable to dating, in Colombia. Grounded theory was used. Information was collected through eight focus groups with 63 university students in the following cities: Medellin, Quibdó, Pereira, and Cali. They frequently establish transitory relationships where different forms of violence against women, that are naturalized and require specific legislative measures for their prevention and protection.

São Paulo med. j ; 141(2): 146-153, Mar.-Apr. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424665


Abstract BACKGROUND Stigmatization, which emerges depending on the sexual behavior of young individuals, leads to negative health and social outcomes, such as shame, social marginalization, violence, and mental health morbidity. Objective: This study aimed to examine the correlation between the level of sexual and reproductive health stigma and gender perception in female university students. DESIGN AND SETTING: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted at the Faculty of Health Sciences of a university in Turkey. METHODS: The data of this study were collected from digital media between July and October 2020 from a study population of 385 students. The data were collected using the Personal Information Form, including the socio-demographic characteristics of students, the Sexual and Reproductive Health Stigmatization Scale in Young Women and the Perception of Gender Scale. Descriptive statistics, independent samples t-test, analysis of variance, and Pearson's correlation test were used to assess the data. RESULTS: It was determined that there was a negative correlation between the Sexual and Reproductive Health Stigmatization Scale in Young Women and the Perception of Gender Scale (r = -0.173, P = 0.001). CONCLUSION: It was determined that as the gender perception in the young women who participated in the study increased, the sexual and reproductive health stigmatization level decreased. The sexual and reproductive health stigmatization levels of the participants were at an above average level, and gender perception was at a medium level.

Dement. neuropsychol ; 17: e20220065, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439976


ABSTRACT. Executive functions have been widely studied in the extreme of ages, but studies in middle-aged adults remain largely neglected. Education and gender are known to influence cognitive performance; however, their effect on executive function in middle-aged adults remains unclear. Objective: The study aimed to observe the effect of hierarchy of educational qualifications (graduate, postgraduate, and PhD) and gender on various executive function tests across middle-aged adults with or without comorbidity. Methods: A total of 66 middle-aged individuals volunteered for the study (mean age=48.45±5.45 years; 20 graduates, 28 postgraduates, and 18 PhD; 36 males and 30 females; 38 healthy adults and 28 adults with comorbidities). Each subject performed a test assessing short-term memory, spatial working memory, and multitasking abilities on the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery with rest periods in no specific order of tests. Key parameters of cognitive tests were analyzed for differences in educational qualifications (ANOVA), gender (t-test), and the effect of comorbidity as a covariate (ANCOVA). Results: PhDs performed significantly better (p<0.05) in multitasking than graduates and had superior visuospatial working memory (fewer errors). Differences in simultaneous matching abilities, lower incongruence cost and multitasking cost were statistically significant in healthy females than in males. Conclusion: On considering adults with comorbidity, those with higher educational attainment retained the ability to multitask compared to their healthy counterparts, which was not seen in the group with lower educational attainment. Thus, higher educational attainment attenuated the influence of comorbidities and deterioration of executive functions in general in middle-aged adults.

RESUMO. As funções executivas têm sido amplamente estudadas no extremo das idades, mas os estudos na meia-idade permanecem amplamente negligenciados. Educação e gênero são conhecidos por influenciar o desempenho cognitivo, no entanto, seu efeito na função executiva em adultos de meia-idade ainda não está claro. Objetivo: O estudo teve como objetivo observar o efeito da hierarquia de qualificações educacionais (graduação, pós-graduação e doutorado) e gênero em vários testes de função executiva em adultos de meia-idade com ou sem comorbidade. Métodos: Sessenta e seis indivíduos de meia idade se voluntariaram para participar do estudo (idade média=48,45±5,45 anos, 20 graduados, 28 pós-graduados e 18 doutores; 36 homens e 30 mulheres; 38 saudáveis e 28 adultos com comorbidades). Cada sujeito realizou um teste avaliando memória de curto prazo, memória de trabalho espacial e habilidades multitarefa na Bateria Automatizada de Testes Neuropsicológicos de Cambridge (Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery — CANTAB) com períodos de descanso em nenhuma ordem específica de testes. Os principais parâmetros dos testes cognitivos foram analisados quanto às diferenças nas qualificações educacionais (ANOVA), sexo (teste t) e efeito da comorbidade como uma covariável (ANCOVA). Resultados: Os doutores tiveram desempenho significativamente melhor (p<0,05) em multitarefa do que os graduados e tiveram memória de trabalho visual-espacial superior (menos erros). As diferenças nas habilidades de correspondência simultânea, menor custo de incongruência e custo de multitarefa foram estatisticamente significativas em mulheres saudáveis do que em homens. Conclusão: Ao considerar os adultos com comorbidade, aqueles com maior escolaridade mantiveram a capacidade de multitarefa como seus pares saudáveis, o que não foi observado no grupo com menor escolaridade. Assim, maior escolaridade atenuou a influência de comorbidades e deterioração das funções executivas em geral, em adultos de meia-idade.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Middle Aged , Cognition , Educational Status , Multitasking Behavior , Gender Role
Rev. panam. salud pública ; 47: e135, 2023. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515482


RESUMEN La pandemia de la enfermedad por el coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19, por su sigla en inglés) demostró la necesidad de reforzar el enfoque de género desde una perspectiva integradora y multisectorial para el abordaje de las problemáticas en salud. Este artículo busca destacar la importancia de incorporar y fortalecer el enfoque de género en las políticas de construcción de sistemas de salud resilientes, equitativos y universales. Con este objetivo, se aborda el papel de las mujeres en el sector de salud desde dos ámbitos. El primero da cuenta de las condiciones de acceso de las mujeres a los sistemas de salud de la Región de las Américas, donde resalta la necesidad de superar los obstáculos que impiden la realización plena de su derecho a la salud. El segundo plantea el papel preponderante de las mujeres en el mercado laboral del sector de salud, y la necesidad de aumentar su liderazgo en la toma de decisiones del sector. Por último, se hace un llamado para avanzar en la implementación de recomendaciones para fortalecer el enfoque de género y el papel de las mujeres en las políticas y los sistemas de salud.

ABSTRACT The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic demonstrated the need to strengthen the focus on gender from an integrative and multisectoral perspective to address health care problems. This article seeks to highlight the importance of incorporating and strengthening the gender focus in policies for building resilient, equitable, and universal health care systems. With this objective in mind, the role of women in the health sector is addressed from two directions. The first examines women's conditions of access to health systems in the Region of the Americas and highlights the need to overcome the obstacles that prevent the full realization of their right to health care. The second discusses the preponderant role of women in the health labor market, and the need to expand their leadership in decision-making in the sector. Finally, an appeal is made for progress in the implementation of recommendations to strengthen the focus on gender and the role of women in health policies and systems.

RESUMO A pandemia da doença do coronavírus de 2019 (COVID-19) demonstrou a necessidade de fortalecer a abordagem de gênero a partir de uma perspectiva integradora e multissetorial ao tratar das questões de saúde. Este artigo procura ressaltar a importância de incorporar e fortalecer a abordagem de gênero nas políticas para o desenvolvimento de sistemas de saúde resilientes, equitativos e universais. Com esse objetivo, este trabalho aborda o papel das mulheres no setor da saúde a partir de duas perspectivas. A primeira está ligada às condições de acesso das mulheres aos sistemas de saúde na Região das Américas, destacando a necessidade de superar os obstáculos que impedem o pleno exercício de seu direito à saúde. A segunda destaca o papel proeminente das mulheres no mercado de trabalho do setor da saúde e a necessidade de aumentar o seu papel de liderança na tomada de decisões no setor. Por fim, é feito um apelo para avançar com a implementação de recomendações destinadas a fortalecer a abordagem de gênero e o papel das mulheres nas políticas e sistemas de saúde.

Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 35: eAPE03427, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1402912


Resumo Objetivo Desvelar as implicações para os homens do afastamento pai-filho(a) em decorrência de medida protetiva por violência conjugal. Métodos Estudo descritivo exploratório, abordagem qualitativa, desenvolvido com nove homens que respondiam a processo judicial por violência conjugal junto às 1ª e 2ª Varas de Justiça pela Paz em Casa de Salvador, Bahia, Brasil. A pesquisa ocorreu por meio da entrevista semiestruturada, tendo seu conteúdo gravado, transcrito e, em seguida, submetido à validação pelos homens. Os dados foram sistematizados com base nos passos preconizados pela análise de conteúdo temática categorial. Resultados O estudo revela que o afastamento pai-filho em decorrência da medida protetiva de urgência suscita no rompimento do vínculo paterno, fomentando o desenvolvimento de problemas psicoemocionais, como ansiedade, depressão e ideação suicida, muitas vezes somatizados e expressos desde cefaleia até condições que necessitam de cuidados hospitalares. Conclusão O comprometimento do exercício da paternidade viola também o direito de crianças e adolescentes ao convívio com a figura paterna. Deste modo, há grande necessidade de que a Política Nacional de Atenção Integral à Saúde dos Homens contemple uma gestão que priorize ações preventivas para a violência, assim como desempenhe acompanhamento psicossocial aos homens.

Resumen Objetivo Revelar el impacto en los hombres del distanciamiento padre-hijo(a) como consecuencia de medidas protectoras por violencia conyugal. Métodos Estudio descriptivo exploratorio, enfoque cualitativo, llevado a cabo con nueve hombres que respondían a juicio por violencia conyugal en el 1º y 2º Juzgado de Justicia por la Paz en Casa de Salvador, estado de Bahia, Brasil. La investigación se realizó a través de encuesta semiestructurada, con grabación y transcripción del contenido, y luego sometido a su validación por los hombres. Los datos fueron sistematizados con base en los pasos preconizados por el análisis de contenido temático de la categoría. Resultados El estudio revela que el distanciamiento padre-hijo como consecuencia de medidas protectoras de urgencia provoca la ruptura del vínculo paterno y fomenta el desarrollo de problemas psicoemocionales, como ansiedad, depresión e ideación suicida, muchas veces somatizados y expresados desde una cefalea hasta condiciones que necesitan cuidados hospitalarios. Conclusión El comprometimiento del ejercicio de la paternidad también viola el derecho de niños y adolescentes a convivir con la figura paterna. De este modo, hay una gran necesidad de que la Política Nacional de Atención Integral a la Salud de los Hombres contemple una gestión que establezca prioridades en acciones preventivas contra la violencia, así como también realice un seguimiento psicosocial de los hombres.

Abstract Objective To unveil the implications for men of father-son estrangement as a result of a protective measure for conjugal violence. Methods This is an exploratory descriptive study, with a qualitative approach, developed with nine men who were responding to a lawsuit for conjugal violence at the 1st and 2nd Courts of Justice of the Peace in Casa de Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. The research took place through a semi-structured interview, with its content recorded, transcribed and then submitted for validation by the men. Data were systematized based on the steps recommended by the categorical thematic content analysis. Results The study reveals that the father-son estrangement as a result of an emergency protective measure causes paternal bond rupture, promoting the development of psycho-emotional problems, such as anxiety, depression and suicidal ideation, often somatized and expressed from headache to conditions that require hospital care. Conclusion The commitment to the exercise of paternity also violates the right of children and adolescents to live with their father figure. Thus, there is a great need for the Brazilian National Policy for Comprehensive Care for Men's Health to include a management that prioritizes preventive actions against violence as well as providing psychosocial support to men.

Humans , Male , Adult , Middle Aged , Parent-Child Relations , Paternity , Security Measures , Masculinity , Intimate Partner Violence , Family Separation , Gender Role , Rupture , Violence , Nuclear Family , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Evaluation Studies as Topic
Neuroscience Bulletin ; (6): 201-216, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-952016


It is unknown whether the famous sex-related difference in emotion processing is accounted for by biological sex, gender role, or their interaction. To clarify the issue, in Study 1 we recorded event-related potentials in response to negative and positive images of diverse intensities when 47 masculine (26 males) and 47 feminine (22 males) subjects performed a non-emotional task. The occipital P1 and N1 amplitudes were larger in women than in men, while feminine subjects showed larger N1 amplitudes than masculine subjects, regardless of sex. Moreover, feminine subjects showed enhanced frontocentral N2 (210–270 ms) amplitudes for highly and mildly negative than for neutral stimuli, while masculine subjects showed an emotion effect only for highly negative stimuli. The feminine-specific effect for mildly negative stimuli was positively correlated to the feminine score, and this correlation was located to the anterior cingulate and the superior and medial frontal gyri. Furthermore, feminine but not masculine subjects showed enhanced parietal P3 (330–560 ms) amplitudes for highly and mildly positive than for neutral stimuli, an effect positively related to the feminine score and localized to the precuneus, posterior cingulate, and superior temporal gyrus. Machine learning analyses verified that single-trial N2 and P3 amplitudes of feminine subjects reliably discriminated the intensity of negative and positive stimuli, respectively. For ecological considerations, in Study 2 we used an observational approach (n = 300) and confirmed that feminine gender role, rather than biological sex, predicted individual differences in daily experience of emotion-related psychopathological symptoms. These findings provide solid evidence for the critical impact of gender role rather than sex on emotional susceptibility.

Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387036


Abstract The present empirical study inquires on the relations among sexism, gender role ideology and domestic and care work in heterosexual women who share a home with their couples and at least one child, in CABA and GBA (Argentina) in 2019. Two previously existent (Moya, Expósito & Padilla, 2006; Glick & Fiske, 1996) and validated in Argentina scales were used, and a new scale for measuring domestic and care activities was created. A correlational and transversal study with a quantitative approach was carried out, and the data was recollected through an auto-administrated evaluation instrument sent by Facebook and Whatsapp social media. The sample includes 437 cases. Regarding the constructed scale, reliability, exploratory and confirmatory analysis were performed. Additionally, a moderate positive correlation among the dependent and independent variables was identified. It is possible to suggest that the hypothesis presented in this study is partially corroborated, that is, that the domestic and care work type of division is explained by the level of adhesion to the Gender Role Ideology.

Resumen El presente estudio empírico indaga respecto a las relaciones entre el sexismo, la adhesión a la ideología del rol de género y la división del trabajo doméstico y de cuidados en mujeres heterosexuales que viven en pareja y tienen al menos une hije compartiendo el mismo hogar, en CABA y GBA (Argentina) en 2019. Se utilizaron dos escalas existentes (Moya, Expósito y Padilla, 2006; Glick y Fiske, 1996) previamente validadas en Argentina, y se construyó una escala nueva para medir las tareas domésticas y de cuidado. Se realizó un estudio correlacional de corte transversal con un abordaje cuantitativo y los datos fueron recolectados a través de un instrumento de evaluación de índole autoadministrable mediante las redes sociales Facebook y Whatsapp. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 437 casos. Se realizaron los correspondientes análisis de fiabilidad, exploratorio y confirmatorio para la escala construida. Asimismo, se identificó una correlación positiva moderada entre la variable dependiente y las variables independientes. Es posible sugerir que se corrobora parcialmente la hipótesis planteada en este trabajo, es decir, que el tipo de división del trabajo doméstico y de cuidados se explica por el nivel de adhesión a la ideología del rol de género.

Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 10(1): 36-48, abr. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1149041


Resumen El fundamentalismo religioso expresa un conjunto de creencias basadas en una interpretación literal de un manuscrito considerado sagrado, con una exigencia intransigente de sometimiento a una doctrina. Diferentes variables psicosociales como el autoritarismo, la dominancia social, la necesidad de cierre y la ideología del rol de género han sido estudiadas en relación con fundamentalismo religioso. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo revisar estas relaciones y proponer un modelo teórico que las vincula, en una muestra de judíos ortodoxos. Se trabajó con una muestra no probabilística de judíos ortodoxos, compuesta por 426 adultos entre hombres y mujeres, con un rango etario de 18 a 69 años. Los resultados observados, en convergencia con estudios previos, confirman las relaciones positivas entre el fundamentalismo religioso y la necesidad de cierre cognitivo, el autoritarismo del ala de derechas, la orientación a la dominancia social y la ideología de roles de género. A partir de ello, se propone un modelo teórico en el que autoritarismo y dominancia social modulan los niveles de necesidad de cierre y fundamentalismo religioso los que, a su vez, inciden en los niveles de ideología del rol de género. Los hallazgos de este estudio pueden contribuir al análisis de los efectos de la radicalización y brindar insumos para el desarrollo e implementación de las medidas preventivas necesarias. Se discuten los alcances y límites de la propuesta teórica.

Abstract Religious fundamentalism expresses a set of beliefs based on a literal interpretation of a manuscript considered sacred, with an intransigent demand for submission to a doctrine. Different psychosocial variables such as authoritarianism, social dominance, the need for closure and the gender role ideology have been studied in relation to religious fundamentalism. On the one hand, authoritarianism and social dominance have been considered as predictors of religious fundamentalism while, on the other hand, the need for closure and the gender role ideology have been studied in their relations with religious fundamentalism. The aim of this work was to review these relationships and propose a theoretical model that links them, in a sample of Orthodox Jews. We worked with a non-probabilistic sample of Orthodox Jews, composed of 426 adults between men and women, with an age range of 18 to 69 years. The results observed, in convergence with previous studies, confirm the positive relationships between religious fundamentalism and the need for cognitive closure, the authoritarianism of the right wing, the orientation to social dominance and the ideology of gender roles. From this, a theoretical model is proposed in which authoritarianism and social dominance modulate the levels of need for closure and religious fundamentalism which, in turn, affect the levels of ideology of the gender role. The scope and limits of the theoretical proposal are discussed.

Diversitas perspectiv. psicol ; 15(2): 257-270, jul.-dic. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1375264


Resumen El objetivo del presente estudio consistió en evaluar las propiedades psicométricas de un inventario para medir el concepto de masculinidad hegemónica en varones residentes en una ciudad colombiana intermedia. Se seleccionaron mediante muestreo no probabilístico por disponibilidad 600 participantes con edades comprendidas entre 18 y 65 años (M=29, DE=10.7). Se aplicó un inventario de 30 ítems que mide la adherencia a los roles de masculinidad hegemónica versión modificada (IRMH-M). El Análisis Factorial Exploratorio (AFE) arrojó cinco factores que explican el 64 % de la varianza común. El Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio (AFC) confirmó muy buen ajuste de este modelo pentafactorial en una versión reducida de 17 ítems S-B x2 =343.29, gl =109, NNFI =0.97; CFI=0.98. RMSEA = 0.06 IC95 % (0.053 - 0.067). Los coeficientes Alfa y Omega obtenidos para estimar consistencia interna estuvieron entre 0.70 y 0.79. El constructo "roles de masculinidad hegemónica" discriminó adecuadamente según la edad, el nivel educativo, el estrato y la ocupación. Se concluye que IRMH-M posee propiedades psicométricas adecuadas.

Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of an inventory to measure the hegemonic masculinity in men residing in an intermediate city in Colombia. A sample of 600 participants between 18 to 65 years old were selected using a non-probabilistic sampling for availability (M = 29, SD = 10.7). A 30 items inventory that measure the adherence to the roles of hegemonic masculinity modified version MNRI-M was applied. Exploratory Factor Analysis EFA showed five factors that explain 64 % of the common variance. Confirmatory Factor Analysis CFA confirmed very good fit of this penta-factorial model in a reduced version of 17 items S-B x2 = 343.29, gl = 109, NNFI = 0.97; CFI = 0.98. RMSEA = 0.06 IC95 % (0.053, 0.067). Internal consistency, Alpha and Omega coefficients, were between 0.70 and 0.79. Constructed roles of hegemonic masculinity discriminated adequately according to age, educational level, socioeconomic classification, and occupation. It is concluded that MNRI-M has adequate psychometric properties.

Arch. Clin. Psychiatry (Impr.) ; 45(4): 94-99, July-Aug. 2018. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-961986


Abstract Background: Homophobic harassment can compromise mental health of sexual minority youths. Objectives: This study examined the rates of persistent and multisite homophobic harassment and their associations with school difficulties during childhood and adolescence among gay and bisexual men in Taiwan. Methods: Participants were recruited through advertisements on the Facebook, Bulletin Board Systems, and the home pages of health promotion and counseling centers for the gay, lesbian, and bisexual community. The experiences of traditional and cyber harassment based on gender role nonconformity and sexual orientation of 500 gay or bisexual men were examined. The associations of multisite and persistent harassment victimization with school difficulties were evaluated. Results: A total of 239 (47.8%) and 131 (26.2%) participants experienced persistent and multisite harassment victimization, respectively. Harassment victimization was significantly associated with low satisfaction with academic performance in any stage of study. Moreover, the participants who were harassed in senior high schools were more likely to miss classes or be truant than those who were not harassed. The victims of multisite harassment at senior high schools were more likely to miss classes or be truant than those of school-only harassment. Discussion: Prevention and intervention programs are warranted to reduce homophobic harassment in sexual minority youths.

Rev. chil. neuro-psiquiatr ; 56(1): 46-56, 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-959456


Resumen Introducción: El comprar compulsivo (CC) ha sido observado principalmente en mujeres modernas (hasta 95%) en nuestra sociedad occidental. Objetivo: Describir analíticamente la relación entre el CC y factores biopsicosociales que favorecen su desarrollo. Método: Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica sobre la relación entre CC y factores biopsicosociales mediante las bases de datos Medline/PubMed, SciELO y textos especializados. Resultados: El CC es un trastorno del control de los impulsos (a menudo dentro de un patrón multiimpulsivo), con severa interferencia en el funcionamiento psicosocial y financiero, que emerge en un contexto postmoderno, con una significativa asociación con los cambios de identidad de género en el sexo femenino, con comorbilidades, principalmente, trastornos de ansiedad, del ánimo, alimentarios, uso/abuso de sustancias y de personalidad (obsesivo-compulsivo, evitativo, limítrofe). Habitualmente es desencadenado por afectos negativos (angustia, tristeza, ira, frustración, soledad), baja autoestima, estímulos externos favorecidos por el sistema de mercado, valoración de la aprobación social por el consumo y/o satisfacción hedonista. El tratamiento combinado de psicoterapia cognitivo-conductual, psicoeducación y fármacos ISRS parece ser más efectivo. Conclusiones: La evidencia muestra que el CC correspondería a un fenómeno biopsicosocial, más prevalente en mujeres, en un trasfondo histórico sociocultural postmoderno, que sobrepasa la autonomía, igualdad y competencia en ámbitos masculinos logrados por la mujer actual, convirtiéndose en un trastorno del espectro impulsivo incluido en la CIE-10.

Background: Compulsive buying (CB) has been observed mainly in modern women (up to 95%) in our Western society. Objective: To describe analytically the relationship between CB and biopsychosocial factors that encourage its development. Method: A review of specialised textbooks and the available literature in Medline/PubMed and SciELO on the relationship between CB and biopsychosocial factors was conducted. Results: CB is an impulse control disorder (ojien within a multi-impulsive pattern), with severe interference in psychosocial and financial functioning, which emerges in a postmodern context, with a significant association with changes in the female gender identity, with comorbidities mainly anxiety, mood, eating disorders, use/abuse of substances and personality (obsessive-compulsive, avoidant, borderline). It is usually triggered by negative affects (anguish, sadness, anger, frustration, loneliness), low self-esteem, external stimuli reinforced by the marketing system, value of social approval for consumption and/or hedonistic satisfaction. The combined treatment of cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy, psychoeducation and SSRI drugs seems to be more effective. Conclusions: The evidence shows that CB could be considered as a biopsychosocial phenomenon, more prevalent in women, in a postmodern socio-cultural historical background, that exceeds the autonomy, equality and competence in masculine domains achieved by the current woman, becoming a psychopathological disorder within the impulsive spectrum that has been included in the ICD-10.

Humans , Female , Anxiety , Psychotherapy , Social Behavior , Compulsive Behavior , Economics
Rev. mex. trastor. aliment ; 8(1): 40-48, ene.-jun. 2017. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-902394


El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer los roles de género que predicen las actitudes negativas hacia la alimentación entre adolescentes de dos diferentes contextos socioculturales (tradicional vs. no tradicional) de México. Participaron 392 mujeres de entre 13 y 18 años de edad (M = 15.02, DE = 1.32) provenientes de dos contextos socioculturales diferentes, uno considerado tradicional (Pungarabato, Guerrero) y uno considerado no tradicional (Ciudad de México), quienes completaron el Inventario de Masculinidad y Feminidad (IMAFE) y el Test de Actitudes Alimentarias (EAT-40). Los resultados muestran que las características negativas del rol de género predicen las actitudes negativas hacia la alimentación: Sumisión para las adolescentes de los contextos tradicionales, y Machismo para las de contextos no tradicionales. Este estudio propone que los contextos sociales en los que se desarrollan los jóvenes influyen en sus actitudes hacia la alimentación y, por tanto, pudieran conformarse como un factor que eleva el riesgo de aparición de la sintomatología asociada a los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria. Esta investigación fundamenta la necesidad de diseñar campañas de prevención específicas al tipo de población.

The objective of this study was to know the gender roles that predict negative attitudes towards eating among adolescents from two different sociocultural contexts of Mexico (traditional vs. non-traditional). Participants were 392 women between 13 to 18 years old (M = 15.04; SD= 1.32) from two different sociocultural contexts: traditional (Pungarabato, Guerrero) and non-traditional (Mexico City) who answered the Masculinity and Femininity Inventory (IMAFE) and the Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-40). Results showed that negative characteristics of gender role predict negative attitudes towards eating: Submission for adolescents from traditional contexts, and Machismo for those from non-traditional contexts. This study proposes that social contexts in which young population grow influence their eating attitudes and therefore, may be considered as a risk factor for the development of symptomatology of eating disorders. This research supports the need to design prevention campaigns according the type of population.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-39467


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between gender role conflict for men in nursing, job satisfaction, and turnover intention. METHODS: The study data were collected between August 1 and September 1, 2015 from 225 men in nursing currently working in 36 Korean general hospitals, each with ≥100 beds. Frequency and percentages were analyzed, and Pearson correlation coefficient, t-test, ANOVA, and Duncan's test were used. RESULTS: There was no significant difference in gender role conflict based on the general characteristics of the men. In contrast, significant differences in gender role conflict were found in association with the following job-related characteristics: work experience at the present hospital, work department, work unit, and type of work. A significant negative correlation was detected between male gender role conflict and job satisfaction, a positive correlation was found between male gender role conflict and turnover intention. CONCLUSION: In order to increase job satisfaction and decrease the turnover intention of men in nursing, measures to reduce gender role conflict are needed.

Humans , Male , Gender Identity , Hospitals, General , Intention , Job Satisfaction , Nursing , Personnel Turnover
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-208207


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to identify the level of sexual assertiveness in women students in nursing and also, to investigate factors that influence sexual assertiveness. METHODS: In this study, 373 women students in nursing who were enrolled in a university in B city, Korea and who gave written consent completed the questionnaire between May 15 and May 30, 2016. Data were analyzed using t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficients and multiple regression. RESULTS: The level of sexual assertiveness in the women students in nursing was 54.84±5.82. Sexual assertiveness showed negative correlations with gender role stereotypes (r=-.37, p<.001), and permissiveness of dating violence (r=-.15, p<.005), and a positive correlation with self-esteem (r=.36, p<.001). Models including the variables explained 18% of the variance for sexual assertiveness. Gender role stereotypes and self-esteem were the influential factors. CONCLUSION: Based on the outcomes of this study, it is necessary to design intervention programs that emphasize sexual assertiveness of women students in nursing.

Female , Humans , Assertiveness , Gender Identity , Intimate Partner Violence , Korea , Nursing , Permissiveness
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-85939


PURPOSE: This study undertakes to identify factors influencing the perception university students in Korea hold toward having children. METHODS: A cross-sectional, descriptive study was conducted on 187 university students (79 males and 108 females) from one university located in a metropolitan area. Participating students completed a packet of self-report questionnaires on values concerning gender roles, marriage, family and children along with their personal demographic details. The resulting data were analyzed using t-tests, one-way ANOVA and Pearson's correlation coefficients as well as descriptive statistics. Stepwise multiple regression was performed to identify factors that most influenced the value of children held among university students. RESULTS: The value of having children was negatively associated with the value of family, but positively associated with the value of marriage. In addition, the value of family had a negative relationship with the value of marriage, but a positive relationship with the value of gender role. Stepwise multiple regression found that the equation consisting of gender and value of marriage explained about 42.0% of the variance of the value of having children. CONCLUSION: Considering the findings from this study, programs promoting the positive values of marriage are required for university students to have positive values toward having children.

Child , Humans , Male , Gender Identity , Korea , Marriage , Surveys and Questionnaires