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Sex., salud soc. (Rio J.) ; (39): e22316, 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530494


Resumen El artículo tiene como objetivo analizar el modo en el que se construyen los sentidos de la ciudadanía (a)sexual infantil mediante el análisis discursivo del debate parlamentario sobre la ley de grooming en Argentina en ambas cámaras legislativas. Se consideran como premisas los aportes de estudios de sexualidad(es) y de los estudios sociales de infancia, desde una metodología sociosemiótica. El análisis enfoca específicamente el repertorio temático del debate: las dislocaciones de la espacialidad, la temporalidad y la autoridad familiar que imponen las nuevas tecnologías al gobierno de la infancia, como así también, la función protectora del estado. El relevamiento y análisis de los tópicos emergentes en el debate permiten mostrar cómo los discursos de prevención de la violencia sexual hilvanan una axiología moral que regula los modos aceptables de experimentar la sexualidad en la infancia y la reproducción del orden heterofamiliar.

Abstract The objective of this article is to analyze the way in which the meanings of child (a)sexual citizenship are constructed through the discursive analysis of the parliamentary debate on the grooming law in Argentina in both legislative chambers. The contributions of sexuality(ies) studies and social studies of childhood, from a socio-semiotic methodology, are considered as premises. The analysis focuses specifically on the thematic repertoire of the debate: the dislocations of spatiality, temporality and family authority imposed by new technologies to the government of childhood, as well as the protective role of the state. The survey and analysis of the emerging topics in the debate allow us to show how the discourses of prevention of sexual violence weave a moral axiology that regulates the acceptable ways of experiencing sexuality in childhood and the reproduction of the heterofamilial order.

Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a forma como os significados da cidadania (a)sexual infantil são construídos através da análise discursiva do debate parlamentar sobre a lei do aliciamento na Argentina, em ambas câmaras legislativas. As contribuições dos estudos da(s) sexualidade(s) e dos estudos sociais da infância são considerados como premissas, utilizando uma metodologia socio-semiótica. A análise centra-se especificamente no repertório temático do debate: os deslocamentos de espacialidade, temporalidade e autoridade familiar que as novas tecnologias impõem ao governo das crianças, bem como o papel protetor do Estado. O levantamento e a análise dos temas emergentes no debate permitem demonstrar como os discursos de prevenção da violência sexual tecem uma axiologia moral que regula as formas aceitáveis de vivência da sexualidade na infância e a reprodução da ordem hetero-familiar.

Rev. CES psicol ; 15(2): 23-43, mayo-ago. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387204


Resumen El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo estudiar si los problemas emocionales (depresión y ansiedad) y la Personalidad Oscura eran predictores del sexting y el grooming, y si este comportamiento varía según el género y la edad. Se constituyó una muestra de 728 adolescentes entre 11 y 18 años (38% hombres) de tres escuelas secundarias privadas ubicadas en Buenos Aires y Paraná, Argentina. Completaron un Cuestionario de sexting, el Cuestionario de Solicitación e Interacción Sexual a menores online por parte de adultos para evaluar el comportamiento de grooming, la Escala de síntomas psicosomáticos de Rosenberg, el Inventario de depresión de Kovacs para niños y el Dirty Dozen para los rasgos de Personalidad Oscura. Los resultados mostraron que 12% de los adolescentes admitió haber padecido una conducta de grooming. Las formas más frecuentes fueron el envío de mensajes escritos de carácter sexual (11%) y fotos (10%) y luego, en orden de frecuencia, el envío de videos (4%), pero no se detectaron diferencias por género. Los predictores significativos de sexting y el tamaño de su varianza explicada variaban según el género (R² = 47% para mujeres y R² = 12% para hombres, respectivamente). En el caso de las mujeres, mayor edad y puntajes de psicopatía fueron predictores significativos, y en el de los hombres, menor ansiedad fue el predictor significativo. Un modelo estructural explicó una varianza del 6% para el sexting y 21% para el grooming, indicando que no hubo invarianza, según el género. Las regresiones lineales para predecir el grooming a partir del sexting también sugirieron que el género moderaba esta relación.

Abstract The present study aimed to study if emotional problems (depression and anxiety) and Dark Personality were predictors of sexting and grooming, and if this behavior differs by gender and age. A sample of 728 adolescents between 11 and 18 years of age (38% male) from three private high schools located in Buenos Aires and Paraná, Argentina, was drawn. They completed a Sexting questionnaire, the Questionnaire for Online Sexual Solicitation and Interaction of Minors with Adults for grooming behavior, Rosenberg Scale of Psychosomatic Symptoms, the Kovacs Depression Inventory for Children and the Dirty Dozen for dark personality traits. Results showed that 12% of adolescents admitted having carried out a sexting behavior. Sending written messages of a sexual nature (11%) and photos (10%) were the most prevalent ways, followed by videos (4%), but no differences were detected according to gender. Significant predictors of sexting and the size of its explained variance ranged by gender (R² = 47% for females and R² = 12% for men, respectively). In the case of females, older age and psychopathy were the significant predictors. In the case of males, less anxiety was the significant predictors. A structural model explained a variance of 6% for sexting and 21% for grooming, indicating that there was no inavariance, according to gender. Linear regressions to predict grooming from sexting also suggested this relationship was moderated by gender.

Aval. psicol ; 20(4): 486-494, out.-diez. 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1350180


The paper presents an exploratory and descriptive quantitative study, involving 560 Portuguese parents with school children, aged between 6 and 17 years. Data collection was carried out through a questionnaire that was made available online and focused on the use of social networks, the Internet and the risk of online grooming. The results showed that about half of the participants did not know the term 'online grooming'. After defining the phenomenon, 97% of the participants considered it very seriously. To prevent risk, 52% of the participants reported talking with their children about online risks and taking precautions to reduce the children's vulnerability. Approximately 89% of the respondents said they knew where to report cybercrime. The study aimed to contribute to a greater awareness of the risks associated with the Internet, involving parents and caregivers in the prevention of situations of victimization of children and adolescents. (AU)

O artigo apresenta um estudo quantitativo exploratório e descritivo, envolvendo 560 pais portugueses que tinham filhos em idade escolar entre 6 e 17 anos. A recolha de dados foi feita por meio de um inquérito por questionário, disponibilizado online, focado no uso das redes, da internet e no risco do online grooming. Os resultados mostraram que cerca de metade dos participantes não conhecia o termo "online grooming". Depois de definir o fenómeno, cerca de 97% dos participantes consideram-no muito grave. Para prevenir, 52% dos participantes disseram conversar com seus filhos sobre os riscos online e tomar precauções para reduzir a vulnerabilidade das crianças. Cerca de 89% dos entrevistados disseram saber onde denunciar crimes cibernéticos. O estudo visa contribuir para uma maior conscientização dos riscos associados à internet, envolvendo pais e cuidadores na prevenção de situações de vitimação de crianças e adolescentes. (AU)

El artículo presenta un estudio cuantitativo exploratorio y descriptivo, en el que participaron 560 padres portugueses que tenían hijos en edad escolar entre 6 y 17 años. La recolección de datos se llevó a cabo a través de una encuesta, disponible en línea, enfocada en el uso de redes, Internet y el riesgo del online grooming. Los resultados mostraron que aproximadamente la mitad de los participantes no conocían el término "online grooming". Tras definir el fenómeno, alrededor del 97% de los participantes lo consideró muy grave. Para prevenirlo, el 52% de los encuestados afirmaron hablar con sus hijos sobre los riesgos digitales y tomar precauciones para reducir la vulnerabilidad de los niños. Alrededor del 89% de los encuestados dijeron que sabían dónde denunciar los delitos cibernéticos. El estudio tiene como objetivo contribuir a una mayor conciencia de los riesgos asociados a Internet, involucrando a los padres y cuidadores en la prevención de situaciones de victimización infantil y adolescente. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Parents/psychology , Child Abuse, Sexual/psychology , Crime Victims/psychology , Internet Access , Portugal , Safety , Surveys and Questionnaires , Factor Analysis, Statistical
Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 60(2): 141-144, dic.2020. tab.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1510398


La prevalencia de los parásitos intestinales presenta una mayor incidencia en los niños con respecto a los casos de los adultos. Se ha notado un crecimiento sostenido de la ocurrencia de casos de parasitosis en los niños en épocas reciente. Es por ello que el presente estudio presenta como fin estimar la prevalencia y factores asociados de protozoarios intestinales en niños 3 a 7 años en la Unidad Educativa del Milenio, parroquia de Quisapincha. Ambato- Ecuador 2018. Para lo cual el estudio se desarrolló de corte transversal, siendo una investigación de campo, la cual posee un nivel descriptivo. La población estuvo integrada por 79 niños, quienes son estudiantes de la etapa inicial, primero y segundo año de la Unidad Educativa el Milenio y sus 79 representantes. Como técnica de recolección de datos se empleó la encuesta y las muestras biológicas, como instrumentos se utilizó el cuestionario y la prueba de Graham. Como técnica de análisis de datos se contó con la tabulación y el procesamiento de los datos se realizó mediante el programa SPSS statistics 22. El resultado obtenido fue que 58 escolares resultaron parasitados lo que arroja un nivel de contagio del 73,42%, de este porcentaje de infectado los estudiantes masculinos presentan el 41,75% de los casos, mientras que las niñas obtuvieron el 31,62%. Siendo la edad con la mayor prevalencia los 6 años con un porcentaje de casos de 18,98%(AU)

in children compared to adult cases. A sustained growth in the occurrence of parasitic cases in children has been noted in recent times. That is why the present study aims to estimate the prevalence and associated factors of intestinal protozoa in children 3 to 7 years old at the Millennium Educational Unit, Quisapincha parish. Ambato- Ecuador 2018. For which the study was developed in a cross section, being a field investigation, which has a descriptive level. The population was made up of 79 children, who are students of the initial, first and second years of the Millennium Educational Unit and its 79 representatives. The data collection technique used was the survey and biological samples, as instruments the questionnaire and the Graham test were used. As a data analysis technique, tabulation was used and the data was processed using the SPSS statistics 22 program. The result obtained was that 58 schoolchildren were parasitized, which gives a contagion level of 73.42%, of this percentage of infected male students present 41.75% of cases, while girls obtained 31.62% . The age with the highest prevalence being 6 years with a percentage of cases of 18.98%(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Parasites , Protozoan Infections , Intestinal Diseases , Parasitic Diseases , Hand Disinfection , Hygiene , Giardia lamblia , Blastocystis hominis , Amoeba
Braz. j. biol ; 80(3): 601-606, July-Sept. 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1132409


Abstract Campomanesia phaea (Myrtaceae), popularly known as cambuci, is one of several species of plants producing comestible fruits, largely used in human nutrition. Despite its consumption and economic potential, limited scientific research is available on the Campomanesia, especially those related to its therapeutic benefits. It is reported by traditional medicine the use of the plant in the treatment of different disorders, such as cardiovascular and nervous system disturbances. So, the aim of this study was to carry out the pharmacological evaluation of the hydro-alcoholic extract (HAE) of Campomanesia fruits in rats by screening consisting of tests: a) neuropharmacological observation, b) test on the cardiovascular system. The HAE, prepared from the extraction of fruits with water/ethanol, was concentrated and freeze-dried. Behavioral responses in rats were investigated in open field test and the cardiovascular actions were investigated by a register of indirect blood pressure and the register of spontaneous beating rate right atrium. The results revealed that HAE induced grooming, hypotension and bradycardia. So, this study identified an action on the central nervous system, represented by grooming, and a cardiovascular activity of Campomanesia. The hypotension, attributed in part to bradycardia, was not related to a cholinergic effect, discarding a possible cholinomimetic action of the plant that could justify both cardiovascular and central actions.

Resumo Campomanesia phaea (Myrtaceae), popularmente conhecida como cambuci, é uma das várias espécies de plantas que produzem frutos comestíveis amplamente utilizados na nutrição humana. Apesar de seu consumo e potencial econômico, há poucas pesquisas científicas sobre a Campomanesia, especialmente aquelas relacionadas aos seus benefícios terapêuticos. É relatado pela medicina tradicional o uso da planta no tratamento de diferentes distúrbios, tais como distúrbios do sistema nervoso e cardiovascular. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi realizar a avaliação farmacológica do extrato hidroalcoólico (EHA) dos frutos de Campomanesia phaea em ratos através de triagem composta pelos testes: a) observação neurofarmacológica, b) testes no sistema cardiovascular. O EHA, preparado a partir da extração de frutos com água/etanol, foi concentrado e liofilizado. As respostas comportamentais em ratos foram investigadas em teste de campo aberto e as ações cardiovasculares foram investigadas pelo registro da pressão arterial indireta e o registro da taxa de batimentos cardíacos espontâneos em preparações isoladas de átrio direito. Os resultados revelaram que EHA induziu grooming, hipotensão e bradicardia. Assim, este estudo identificou uma ação da Campomanesia sobre o sistema nervoso central, representada por grooming, e uma atividade cardiovascular. A hipotensão, atribuída em parte à bradicardia, não está relacionada a um efeito colinérgico, descartando uma possível ação colinomimética da planta que pudesse justificar tanto as ações cardiovasculares quanto as centrais.

Humans , Animals , Rats , Myrtaceae , Fruit , Plant Extracts , Rats, Wistar , Ethanol
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-213956


Background:Mustard honey, a monofloral honey derived from mustard flower is considered a great source of nutritional and medicinal values. The honey is traditionally used as ethnomedicinein different parts of the world to cure many health problems. The present study aimed to evaluate its sedative-anxiolytic potential by integrating three conventional methods in a sequential order. Methods:Open field, hole cross and elevated plus maze experiments were performed in a row with a single oral administration of honey to the Swiss Albino mice. Behavioral parameters like square crossing, rearing, grooming, hole crossing and entry/duration in open arm were observed for each animal in different time intervals.Results:The findings were compared to that of a standard drug, diazepam (1mg/kg). Mustard honey at higher doses showed sedative activity (4g/kg and6g/kg) whereas with low doses (2g/kg) exhibited anxiolytic potential. The physicochemical properties of honey were also screened in this study.Conclusions:The integrated method proved to be an effective approach for assessment of neuropharmacologicalpotential for crude or standard medicine. However, further analysis was recommended to investigate active compound which may lead to a new drug development

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-204923


Background: Professional grooming and professional development are important for growth not just positive image but also respect in the place of work. Objectives: The objective of the study was to check the influence of personal characteristics of preceptor on professional grooming of nursing students. Materials and methods: A crosssectional, descriptive, qualitative, correlational study design was used to check the relationship between preceptor characteristics and professional grooming of nursing students. The study was carried out in 117 students of under graduation from LSN, the University of Lahore. Convenient sampling technique was used for data collection. Inventory of Learning Environment (CLEI=19), preceptorship relationship scale, self-esteem scale, assessment of clinical professional competence questionnaire and registered nurse ‘readiness’ for work questionnaire were used in this study after informed consent. Results: The results of the study was positive significant relationship was found between personal characteristics of preceptor and professional grooming of student nurses which was checked by Pearson correlational test on SPSS version 23. The responses of significant values of preceptor personal characteristics and professional grooming were 1 and 0.616 and significant values were p>0.000. Above values showed the positive significant relationship between variables. Conclusion: Preceptor knowledge based on theoretical and practical, and personal characteristics of the preceptor was proved important components in this study. Most of the students, who participated in this research, have perceived the positive significant relationship between preceptor characteristics and professional grooming which enhanced the self-esteem, nursing professional behavior/competence and readiness for work related to the clinical learning environment. Moreover, according to the results of the study, efforts should be involved by stakeholders to develop the relationship between preceptor and students for the production of competent nurses in the future.

Sex., salud soc. (Rio J.) ; (31): 101-118, enero-abr. 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1004710


Resumen Basado en el análisis sociosemiótico de los discursos, deudor de Bajtin, Foucault y Angenot, el presente trabajo se propone abordar las diversas significaciones de la (a)sexualidad infantil en los discursos de prevención del acoso sexual de niños, niñas y adolescentes a través de internet -grooming- en la Argentina actual. En primera instancia, indagaremos en el espesor histórico del dispositivo de (a)sexualización infantil, regido por el modelo de estratificación de la sexualidad por edad. En segundo lugar, atenderemos cómo, en la industria cultural contemporánea, esas normas se ven desplazadas por otra tópica: la "hipersexualización" de la infancia. Ambas figuras cobran una particular complejidad en los discursos de prevención del grooming, que proponen un modo de gobierno fuertemente punitivo de la agencia sexual infantil.

Abstract Based on the sociosemiotic analysis of discourses inspired by Bajtin, Foucault and Angenot, the present work addresses the different meanings of child (a)sexuality in the sexual harassment of children and adolescents prevention discours on the internet-or grooming-in Argentina. We investigate the history of the (a)sexualization device of children, governed by the stratification model of sexuality by age. We will also analyze how in contemporary cultural industry these norms are displaced by another topic: the "hyper-sexualization" of childhood. Both figures are particularly complex in the grooming prevention discourses, which propose a strongly punitive mode of governing the sexual agency of children.

Resumo Baseado na análise sócio semiótica dos discursos, inspirada em Bajtin, Foucault e Angenot, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo abordar os diferentes significados da (a)sexualidade infantil nos discursos de prevenção do assédio sexual de crianças e adolescentes na internet - ou grooming - na Argentina. No primeiro caso, investigaremos a espessura histórica do dispositivo de (a)sexualização infantil, regido pelo modelo de estratificação da sexualidade por idade. Em segundo lugar, veremos como, na indústria cultural contemporânea, essas normas são substituídas por outro tópico: a "hipersexualização" da infância. As duas figuras possuem uma particular complexidade nos discursos de prevenção de grooming, que propõem um modo de governo fortemente punitivo da agência sexual infantil.

Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Argentina/ethnology , Child Abuse, Sexual , Child , Child Behavior , Risk , Sexuality/ethnology , Internet , Sociological Factors
Rev. chil. pediatr ; 89(3): 352-360, jun. 2018. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-959533


INTRODUCCIÓN: Niños y adolescentes experimentan su bienestar cada día más relacionado con internet y las nuevas tecnologías digitales. El objetivo del manuscrito es describir la presencia de Ciberbullying (acoso o agresión entre menores o pares en internet), Sexting (difundir intimidad sexual) y Groo ming (engaño online a menores de edad por parte de adultos) en los estudiantes en Chile según sexo y tipo de administración escolar. SUJETOS Y MÉTODO: Estudio de carácter exploratorio y descriptivo. El diseño muestral fue no probabilístico por cuotas en 60 establecimientos de carácter transaccional. La muestra se ponderó considerando rango de edad y sexo según datos nacionales. Se aplicó el Cuestionario de Alfabetización Digital "Divergente-SerDigital" (2010) a una muestra de 12.926 estudiantes, rango de edad: 5 a 18 años. 4.790 hombres y 8.136 mujeres. Edad promedio 13,17 años. Se analizaron frecuencias y se utilizó el estadístico de contraste Chi cuadrado para determinar diferencias estadísticamente significativas. RESULTADOS: El ítem Grooming total (engaño) se presenta como el principal riesgo, 12,6% en Colegios Municipales (CM), 8,2% en Colegios Particulares Subvencionados (CPS) y 8,4% Colegios Particulares Privados (CPP). Al considerar el sexo se observa Grooming principal mente en Hombres, 20,4% en CM, 19,9% CPS y 16,9% CPP. Destaca que las Mujeres realizan menos Ciberbullying (activo) según administración escolar con 4,2% en CM, 2,4% CPS y 2,6% CPP, con diferencias estadísticamente significativa (p < 0,05) en relación a los Hombres. Además destaca el indicador Sexting (enviar) en Hombres, más alto en los CPP con 10,6%. CONCLUSIÓN: Los riesgos Grooming, Ciberbullying y Sexting se presentan en los tres tipos de administración con características específicas. Estos datos pueden ser guía del trabajo en promoción y prevención como en la tematización de casos según tipo de administración escolar.

INTRODUCTION: Children, teenagers and young men are increasingly experiencing their well-being related to the internet and the new digital technologies. The objective of this study is to describe the presence of Cyberbullying, Sexting and Grooming in students in Chile according to gender and type of school management or administrative dependency. SUBJECTS AND METHOD: Exploratory and descriptive study. The sample design was non-probabilistic by quotas in 60 transactional establish ments. The sample was weighted considering the age range and gender according to national data. The Digital Literacy Questionnaire "Divergente-SerDigital" (2010) was applied to a sample of 12,926 students, aged 5 to 18 years. 4,790 men and 8,136 women. Average age 13.17 years. Frequencies were analyzed and the Chi-squared contrast statistic was used to determine statistically significant differences. RESULTS: The item Total Grooming (cheating) is presented as the main risk, 12.6% in municipal dependent schools (MDS), 8.2% in subsidized private schools (SPS), and 8.4% in private schools (PS). When considering gender, Grooming is observed mainly in Men, 20.4% in MDS, 19.9% in SPS and, 16.9% in PS. It is noteworthy that Women perform less Cyberbullying (active) according to school administration with 4.2% in MDS, 2.4% in SPS and, 2.6% in PS, with statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) in relation to Men. It also highlights the indicator Sexting (send) in Men, higher in PS with 10.6%. CONCLUSION: Grooming, Cyberbullying and Sexting risks are presented in the three types of administration with specific characteristics. These data can be a guide to work in promotion and prevention as well as in the schematization of cases according to type of school administration.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Schools/organization & administration , Sexual Harassment/statistics & numerical data , Internet , Bullying/statistics & numerical data , Text Messaging/statistics & numerical data , Chile , Sex Factors
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-199641


Background: Anxiety affects around 7.3% of the total population worldwide. Benzodiazepines are preferred anxiolytic agents and are still frequently used in spite of the side effect profile including muscle relaxation, memory disturbances, sedation, physical dependence. Arnica montana, a traditional herb is known to possess significant anxiolytic effect at the dose of 100mg/kg. In this study, Arnica montana has been compared for the first time with alprazolam, a most commonly used anxiolytic drug.Methods: Forced swim test was used to induce anxiety. Anxiolytic action of study drugs which were given orally, was evaluated using Open field test (OFT) in healthy wistar rats of either sex. Behavior of rats, locomotion and number of squares crossed was recorded. Rats were divided into four groups with eight rats in each group. Study groups were Group I Control; Group II Alprazolam 0.08mg/kg; Group III Arnica montana extract (AME) 100mg/kg; Group IV AME + Alprazolam group 100mg/kg+0.08mg/kg. Statistical analysis was done using ANOVA followed by Tukey抯 test (p<0.05).Results: Increase in frequency of rearing was significant (p<0.05) in AME group and highly significant (p<0.001) in Alprazolam and combination group in comparison to control. Decrease in frequency of grooming was highly significant (p<0.001) in Alprazolam and combination group. AME also showed significant (p<0.05) decrease in grooming activity.Conclusions: Arnica montana extract showed anxiolytic activity and can be used as an add on drug after further studies and validation in the treatment of anxiety disorders.

Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1255218


El objetivo de este estudio ha sido identificar las creencias erróneas sostenidas por los adolescentes sobre el fenómeno del Ciberacoso Sexual Juvenil a partir de la realización de 5 grupos de discusión con un total de 37 estudiantes valencianos de Secundaria y Bachiller entre 14 y 18 años. El análisis interpretativo de los datos revela que los estudiantes entienden el fenómeno como una dinámica interaccional con varias fases mediante las que un adulto fácilmente identificable ("mito del viejo verde") emplea estrategias predominantemente agresivas pretende obtener beneficios de tipo sexual contactándoles a través de Internet. Los participantes reconocen que es una situación habitual pero evitable si se detectan ciertas señales de alarma ("mito de la detectabilidad" y "falacia de control") que derivan únicamente de su sentido común ("mito de la invencibilidad"), por lo que consideran a las víctimas responsables de su situación y atribuyen su silencio al "miedo razonable", a la reprobación social, la estigmatización y el castigo. Además, interpretan los intentos de protección de los adultos como faltas de confianza y amenazas para su libertad de acción online, rechazando por ello su supervisión y/o saltándose las normas. En conclusión, existen creencias erróneas que podrían contribuir al inicio y mantenimiento de la dinámica de victimización cuya identificación puede servir para diseñar programas de prevención más eficaces y estrategias de intervención más específicas.

The main objective of this study was to identify misconceptions of teenagers about online sexual harassment. In order to do this five discussion groups were held with a total of 37 high-school students from Valencia, between 14 and 18 years of age. Interpretative analysis of the data reveals that teenagers understand the phenomenon as an interactional dynamics with several phases through which an easily identifiable man ("myth of the dirty old man") that contacts them through Internet intends to obtain sexual benefits by using predominantly aggressive strategies. They recognize this is a very frequent yet easily avoidable situation if certain signs of alarm are detected ("detectability myth" and "control fallacy") by using one's own common sense ("the myth of invincibility") -this is why they consider the victim responsible for his/her own situation and attribute the victim's silence to the "reasonable fear" of social disapproval, stigmatization and punishment. In addition, teenagers interpret any adult attempt of protection as a lack of trust and as a threat to their freedom regarding their online-activity, so they reject this supervision and/or break the rules. In conclusion, misconceptions that might contribute to the onset and maintenance of the dynamics of victimization exist and their identification can help design more effective prevention programs and more specific intervention strategies

Humans , Sexual Harassment , Internet , Cyberbullying , Students , Crime Victims , Hazards , Disaster Alarm and Alert System , Trust , Fear , Freedom
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1467325


Abstract Campomanesia phaea (Myrtaceae), popularly known as cambuci, is one of several species of plants producing comestible fruits, largely used in human nutrition. Despite its consumption and economic potential, limited scientific research is available on the Campomanesia, especially those related to its therapeutic benefits. It is reported by traditional medicine the use of the plant in the treatment of different disorders, such as cardiovascular and nervous system disturbances. So, the aim of this study was to carry out the pharmacological evaluation of the hydro-alcoholic extract (HAE) of Campomanesia fruits in rats by screening consisting of tests: a) neuropharmacological observation, b) test on the cardiovascular system. The HAE, prepared from the extraction of fruits with water/ethanol, was concentrated and freeze-dried. Behavioral responses in rats were investigated in open field test and the cardiovascular actions were investigated by a register of indirect blood pressure and the register of spontaneous beating rate right atrium. The results revealed that HAE induced grooming, hypotension and bradycardia. So, this study identified an action on the central nervous system, represented by grooming, and a cardiovascular activity of Campomanesia. The hypotension, attributed in part to bradycardia, was not related to a cholinergic effect, discarding a possible cholinomimetic action of the plant that could justify both cardiovascular and central actions.

Resumo Campomanesia phaea (Myrtaceae), popularmente conhecida como cambuci, é uma das várias espécies de plantas que produzem frutos comestíveis amplamente utilizados na nutrição humana. Apesar de seu consumo e potencial econômico, há poucas pesquisas científicas sobre a Campomanesia, especialmente aquelas relacionadas aos seus benefícios terapêuticos. É relatado pela medicina tradicional o uso da planta no tratamento de diferentes distúrbios, tais como distúrbios do sistema nervoso e cardiovascular. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi realizar a avaliação farmacológica do extrato hidroalcoólico (EHA) dos frutos de Campomanesia phaea em ratos através de triagem composta pelos testes: a) observação neurofarmacológica, b) testes no sistema cardiovascular. O EHA, preparado a partir da extração de frutos com água/etanol, foi concentrado e liofilizado. As respostas comportamentais em ratos foram investigadas em teste de campo aberto e as ações cardiovasculares foram investigadas pelo registro da pressão arterial indireta e o registro da taxa de batimentos cardíacos espontâneos em preparações isoladas de átrio direito. Os resultados revelaram que EHA induziu grooming, hipotensão e bradicardia. Assim, este estudo identificou uma ação da Campomanesia sobre o sistema nervoso central, representada por grooming, e uma atividade cardiovascular. A hipotensão, atribuída em parte à bradicardia, não está relacionada a um efeito colinérgico, descartando uma possível ação colinomimética da planta que pudesse justificar tanto as ações cardiovasculares quanto as centrais.

Indian J Exp Biol ; 2014 Jan; 52(1): 30-35
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-150329


The behavioural assays were carried out in a Y-maze wherein intact, castrated and testosterone-treated male mice were exposed to oestrus and non-oestrus urine samples. The intact male mice investigated more frequently and spent more time in the Y-maze arm with oestrus urine than in that with non-oestrus urine. In contrast, the castrated mice were not attracted to oestrus urine, whereas testosterone-treated mice showed preference for oestrus urine. The rate of self-grooming was higher in intact males in case of exposure to oestrus urine while the rate was lower with respect to non-oestrus urine. However, castrated mice exhibited less self-grooming behaviour which was partially restored by testosterone treatment. The results suggest that self-grooming behaviour is an indicator of detection and discrimination of oestrus by males, and supports the androgen role in male chemosensory ability to discriminate between oestrus and non-oestrus female odours.

Animals , Castration , Estrous Cycle/metabolism , Estrous Cycle/physiology , Estrus/metabolism , Estrus/physiology , Female , Grooming/physiology , Male , Mice , Odorants , Sexual Behavior, Animal/physiology , Testosterone/metabolism
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 36(1): 109-112, jan.- mar. 2014.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-849252


Varroa destructor mite causes mortality of Apis mellifera bees throughout the world. Its greatest damage to these colonies has been reported in European countries and North America. The impact of the mite is related to the climate and the bee race on each region in which the plague has been established. Varroa causes little damage to the colonies of africanized honeybees in Brazil and the levels of infestation are relatively small and stable. The reproductive ability of Varroa females was evaluated in pupae of workers of 17-18 days of age, obtained from eight beehives of africanized bees for twelve months. The average number of offspring (deutonymphs, protonymphs and eggs) each Varroa produced was 3.18 ± 0.19. The average total number of deutonymph and protonymph was, respectively, 1.57 ± 0.15 and 1.61 ± 0.14. The levels of infestation demonstrated that the plague continue reaching low levels, the average was 4.11 ± 3.42.

O ácaro Varroa destructor é causador da mortalidade de abelhas Apis mellifera em várias partes do mundo. Seus principais danos foram relatados nos países da Europa e América do Norte. O impacto desse ácaro está relacionado às condições climáticas e à raça de abelhas em cada região onde a praga se estabeleceu. A Varroa causa poucos danos nas colônias de abelhas africanizadas no Brasil e os níveis de infestação são relativamente baixos e estáveis em crias e adultos. A habilidade reprodutiva das fêmeas do ácaro, foi avaliada em pupas de operárias de 17-18 idade, obtidas de oito colmeias de abelhas africanizadas, durante 12 meses. O numero médio total de descendentes (deutoninfas, protoninfas e ovos) que cada varroa produziu foi de 3.18 ± 0.19. Para o numero médio total de deutoninfas e protoninfas foi, respectivamente, 1.57 ± 0.15 e 1.61 ± 0.14. Os índices de infestação demonstram que a praga continua alcançando baixos níveis; a média foi de 4.11 ± 3.42.

Bees , Mites , Mortality , Permissiveness
Rev. etol. (Online) ; 12(1/2): 1-11, Dec. 2013. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-772581


The ethogram description of confined goats is an alternative that helps identify animals' behaviour, their main behavior and the importance of developing production systems that provide better welfare conditions. This paper aims to describe the ethogram of three genetic groups of confined goats: Azul, Moxotó and Graúna, through monitoring video images, using 9 animals kept in individual pens, monitored by video cameras mounted on the roof of each pen. As for the design and description of ethogram, 810 hours of video image were recorded and analysed, these being from being nine hours a day periods; three in the morning, afternoon and night. We identified 34 visual behaviours, which were grouped into eight categories according to their functional character: food = 4), social interaction (n = 6), displacement (n = 2), resting (n = 3), grooming (n = 4), neutral position (n = 3), bipedal (n = 5) and other activities (n = 7). In conclusion, behaviors described in the ethogram were similar for all three genetic groups. Goats conduct their daily routine with sequences of behaviour that involve eating (food intake or selection) and resting or ruminating, with social interactions and other activities having happened more frequently in the afternoon and at that time in the afternoon before being provided with food.

Animals , Behavior, Animal , Goats/psychology , Social Behavior
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-147668


Background & objectives: Sleep restriction is a common feature of modern lifestyle and its effects can be extended to pregnancy. Several neurobehavioural consequences of sleep restriction during pregnancy have been reported, among which stand out perinatal depression and maternal fatigue, however, its effects over mother-infant relationship warrant further investigation. Thus, this study was aimed to evaluate the effects of sleep restriction during pregnancy over maternal behaviour and maternal aggression through animal models. Methods: Eighteen 90-day-old female Wistar rats were distributed in two groups: (i) Control - not submitted to any manipulation during pregnancy, and (ii) Sleep restriction - submitted to sleep restriction during the entire pregnancy (21 days) through the multiple platforms technique. In the postpartum day 5, resident-intruder paradigm and the latencies test were performed to assess both maternal behaviour and maternal aggression. Results: The sleep-restricted females displayed grooming in less frequency and duration, and with higher latency when compared to normal animals, while maternal aggression and maternal behaviour parameters remained equivalent between groups. Interpretation & conclusions: Considering the maintenance of maternal behavioural parameters, the inhibition of grooming seems to exert an adaptive mechanism, enabling sleep-restricted rats to display maternal behaviour properly.

Psychol. neurosci. (Impr.) ; 5(1): 105-112, Jan.-June 2012. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-654436


Grooming behavior has been reported to be a response to novelty and other stressors. However, studies that sought to identify anxiety-related measures in the elevated plus-maze have not found grooming as a reliable index. Grooming has been implied with dearousal after a stressful experience. In the present work, a detailed investigation of this behavior was performed in a test with a longer duration (i.e., 10 min) than the usual duration in the elevated plus-maze. The level of anxiety was manipulated prior to the test by confining male rats to environments known to differ in the degree of aversive stimulation, including a familiar cage, a closed arm of the elevated plus-maze, and an open arm (i.e., the most aversive arm) of the elevated plus-maze. Grooming behavior was classified into three constituent elements: rostral grooming, head grooming, and body grooming. The groups were compared with regard to conventional measures of the elevated plus-maze and grooming behavior. Prior confinement to an open arm led to a delayed effect of decreased open-arm exploration undetectable during the first half of the test compared with rats previously confined to a closed arm. Prior confinement to an open arm also increased the total duration of grooming during the second half of the test. These increases were found to be partially attributable to increases in the rostral element of grooming. The percentage of interrupted bouts was also found to discriminate the group previously confined to an open arm. These results indicate that prolongation of the session can reveal effects that are otherwise undetectable and that under such conditions some grooming measures can be useful in the evaluation of anxiety-like behavior.

Animals , Male , Rats , Anxiety , Behavior, Animal , Grooming , Maze Learning
Salud ment ; 34(4): 309-314, Jul.-Aug. 2011. ilus
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-632846


The forced swim test (FST) is commonly employed to test the potency of drugs to reduce immobility as an indicator of anti-despair. Certainly, antidepressant drugs reduce the total time of immobility and enlarge the latency to the first immobility period. FST is preceded by the open field test (OFT) to discard any influence of changes in general motor activity that could interfere with immobility in the FST. Albeit progesterone and its a-reduced metabolite allopregnanolone produce antidepressant-like effects in the FST, the timing of actions is unknown. We hypothesized that the latency and duration of effects produced by progesterone and allopregnanolone may be characterized by repeated FST sessions; we therefore devised a serial-FST experimental design to evaluate the timing effects of these steroids on immobility, locomotion in the open field test, and grooming in the later as an indicator of response to stress. We included fifty-one ovariectomized adult Wistar rats weighing 200-250 g at the beginning of the experiments. They were ovariectomized by abdominal approach under anesthesia. Rats were housed six per cage, at room temperature (25 ± 1°C) under a 12 h/12 h light/dark cycle (lights ON at 7:00 a.m.) with ad libitum access to purified water and food. All of the experimental procedures followed National Institutes of Health Guidelines. The local Ethics Committee (Biomedical Research Institute, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) approved the experimental protocol. A first group received vehicle (2-hidroxypropyl-γ-cyclodextrin dissolved in injectable sterilized water to obtain a 35% solution, control group n=17), the second group progesterone (1.0 mg/kg, n=17), and the third group allopregnanolone (1.0 mg/kg, n=17). All single injections were applied by intraperitoneal route at a volume of 0.8 ml/kg. The effects of treatments were evaluated in the serial-FST at 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, and 24 h after injection, in a rectangular pool (height, 60 cm; length, 30 cm; width, 50 cm), with 24 cm deep water (25 ± 1°C). We evaluated the total time of immobility, during 5 min, considered as the principal indicator of an anti-despair effect. Before each session of serial-FST, locomotion was evaluated in the OFT during 5 minutes. The apparatus consisted on an acrylic box (height, 20 cm; length, 44 cm; width, 33 cm), with twelve squares delineated on the floor (11x11 cm). In the same OFT sessions, grooming was evaluated as an indicator of response to stress. Statistical analysis consisted in two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Student-Newman-Keuls as post hoc test. Total time in immobility was the highest and remained at similar levels only in the control group throughout the seven sessions of the serial-FST. In the allopregnanolone group a reduction in immobility was observed beginning 0.5 h after injection and lasted approximately 1.5 h. Similarly, progesterone reduced immobility beginning 1.0 h after injection, and the reduction lasted for approximately 5.0 h. In all groups, locomotion in the OFT was reduced after the first serial-FST session and remained at similar low levels during the serial-FST. In the control group, grooming was reduced after the first serial-FST session and lasted 24 h, but grooming did not change in the progesterone-or allopregnanolone-treated rats. From a serial-FST design, we conclude that progesterone and allopregnanolone exert short time-dependent reductions in immobility and anti-stress-like effects no longer than 24 hrs, and seemingly a reduction in the response to stress, which may have some clinical applications.

Introducción La progesterona y su metabolito activo alopregnanolona se han estudiado ampliamente en modelos experimentales de ansiedad y depresión, y por su propiedad de ser sintetizadas en el cerebro se les considera como neuroesteroides. Entre las pruebas que permiten determinar la potencia antidepresiva de ciertos fármacos se encuentra la prueba de nado forzado, la cual se diseñó originalmente para detectar la potencia de sustancias con propiedades antidepresivas. Estas sustancias reducen el tiempo de inmovilidad y alargan la latencia al primer periodo de inmovilidad, lo cual es considerado como un efecto antidepresivo. Usualmente, la prueba de nado forzado se aplica dos veces, una sesión de preprueba que dura 15 minutos, en la cual la rata o ratón desarrolla el estado de desesperanza. La preprueba es seguida de la sesión de prueba que se realiza 24 horas después durante 5 minutos. En ella se evalúa el efecto de las sustancias con propiedades antidepresivas. Además, la prueba de nado forzado es precedida por la prueba de campo abierto con la finalidad de identificar cambios en la actividad motora general (hipoactividad o hiperactividad) que pudiera interferir con la interpretación de las variables evaluadas en la prueba de nado forzado. Algunos esteroides, como la progesterona y alopregnanolona, reducen la inmovilidad y alargan la latencia a la primera inmovilidad en la prueba de nado forzado, lo que indica su efecto tipo-antidepresivo. Sin embargo, la latencia y la duración de los efectos farmacológicos son desconocidas. La hipótesis de este trabajo fue que, si utilizábamos la prueba de nado forzado de forma repetida, podríamos identificar el tiempo de duración de los efectos de estos esteroides. Por lo tanto, diseñamos un experimento con la prueba de nado forzado seriada para evaluar el tiempo de permanencia de los efectos de progesterona y alopregnanolona en esta prueba conductual. Materiales y métodos Sujetos: En este estudio se incluyeron 51 ratas adultas ovariectomizadas de la cepa Wistar, con peso entre 200 y 250 g al inicio de los experimentos. Las ratas fueron anestesiadas y ovariectomizadas por aproximación ventral y fueron alojadas en cajas de acrílico trasparente (n=6), con una temperatura ambiente de 25 ± 1°C y con un ciclo de luz-oscuridad de 12 ×12 h (la luz se encendió a las 7:00 am). Las ratas tuvieron libre acceso al agua purificada y al alimento (Purina). Todos los procedimientos realizados en este estudio fueron de acuerdo con las normas éticas en el uso de animales de experimentación, basándonos en la Guía del National Institute of Health, y el protocolo fue aprobado por el Comité de Ética del Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Grupos y tratamientos: Las ratas del grupo control recibieron el vehículo (solución al 35% de 2-hidroxipropil-g-ciclodextrina), el segundo grupo recibió progesterona (1.0 mg/kg) y el tercero recibió alopregnanolona (1.0 mg/kg) por vía intraperitoneal, en un volumen de 0.8 ml/kg. Pruebas conductuales: El efecto de los tratamientos fue evaluado en la prueba de nado forzado a las 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6 y 24 horas después de la administración. Utilizamos un estanque rectangular (base 50 × 34 cm, altura 60 cm), con agua a 25°C y una altura de 24 cm. Sólo se evaluó el tiempo total de inmovilidad, considerando que es el principal indicador de un efecto antidesesperanza. Antes de cada sesión de nado forzado se evaluó la actividad motora (cuadros deambulados) y el acicalamiento en campo abierto. Esta prueba consistió en colocar a la rata en una caja de acrílico (base 33 × 44 cm, altura 20 cm) con el piso dividido en 12 cuadros de 11 × 11 cm. Los resultados obtenidos de ambas pruebas fueron evaluados por medio de una ANOVA de dos vías y como prueba post hoc se aplicó Student-Newman-Keuls. Resultados La prueba de nado forzado aplicada de forma repetida resultó ser útil para evaluar los efectos temporales producidos por dos esteroides con potencia antidepresiva. Las ratas del grupo control mostraron los valores más altos de inmovilidad en la prueba de nado forzado, los cuales se mantuvieron así durante las sesiones de prueba. En los grupos tratados con progesterona o alopregnanolona hubo una reducción de la inmovilidad, gradual y temporal. Los animales tratados con alopregnanolona redujeron la inmovilidad a partir de las 0.5 horas después de la administración, efecto que se mantuvo por un periodo de 1.5 h. Los animales tratados con progesterona redujeron la inmovilidad a partir de 1.0 hora después de la administración, efecto que se mantuvo por un periodo de 5.0h. En campo abierto, independientemente del tratamiento, hubo una reducción del número de cuadros cruzados después de la primera sesión de nado forzado, efecto que permaneció hasta las 24h. En el acicalamiento, se observó que sólo los animales del grupo control redujeron significativamente el tiempo empleado en esta conducta, mientras que los animales inyectados con progesterona o alopregnanolona no modificaron esta variable. Es decir, mantuvieron niveles semejantes durante todas las sesiones de prueba y estuvieron por arriba de los valores encontrados en los animales control. Conclusión La progesterona y la alopregnanolona ejercen un efecto antidesesperanza de breve latencia, no mayor a 24 horas. Este hallazgo podría tener implicaciones clínicas en pacientes con depresión refractaria al tratamiento convencional.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-375056


<b>Introduction</b><br> Seifu, devised in 1992 by Xu, is a therapeutic technique of “pulling the skin”. Its effects on the blood pressure, edema, and pain were previously reported in part 1. In this report,Electroencephalography (EEG) changes between before and after Seifu were evaluated.<br><b>Subjects and Methods</b><br> The electroencephalograph was performed using an FM-717 biofeedback system (FUTEK, Yokohama, Japan).<br> EEG was recorded for 1 minute each before and after Seifu, and changes in brain waves were analyzed. <br> The subjects were 7 males and 39 females with a mean age of 74.7±16.2 years who underwent Seifu for 5 minutes or longer (5-30 mins, mean : 13.8±6.3 mins) a total of 131 times.<br> EEG was also recorded for 1 minutes each before and after Seifu by 2 Seifu therapists.<br><b>Results</b><br> The percentages of β-dominant (p<0.05) and θ-dominant (p<0.001) periods significantly decreased, and the percentages of α2-distribution (p<0.01) and α3-distribution (p<0.05) periods significantly increased.<br> With one therapist, β waves decreased, after both the first and second Seifu treatments. With the other therapist, α1 and α2 waves increased, but θ waves decreased, after both the first and second Seifu treatments.<br><b>Discussion</b><br> The results indicate that sleepiness was resolved, tension was mitigated, and the level of relaxation rose, after Seifu. In other words, Seifu brought about a feeling of calm wakefulness.<br> This suggests an increase in serotonin secretion after Seifu.<br> Serotonin generated from tryptophan is a neurotransmitter with an antidepressant effect and causes composure and a sense of stability. An increase in serotonin secretion is reported to induce calm wakefulness and α2-dominant EEG traces. Therefore, the results of our study suggest that Seifu treatment of a sufficient duration stimulates serotonin secretion.<br> Seifu is performed by “simple and constant rhythmic movements”. The technique of Seifu closely resembles that of grooming.<br> Such simple and constant rhythmic movements are considered to stimulate serotonin secretion, and grooming reportedly increases serotonin secretion in both the groomer and groomed.<br> Therefore, the health of not only the Seifu recipient but also Seifu therapist is considered to be promoted by increased serotonin secretion.<br><b>Conclusion</b><br> The changes in EEG traces after Seifu of a sufficient duration suggested increased serotonin secretion.<br> Seifu is considered to promote the health of not only the recipient but also the therapist by increasing serotonin secretion.

Invest. clín ; 50(4): 479-489, dic. 2009. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-574439


La gabapentina es un agente útil para el alivio de la neuralgia del trigémino y el dolor orofacial fantasma. Sin embargo, existe poca información sobre el efecto antinociceptivo de la gabapentina en los modelos de dolor orofacial. En este trabajo se investigó el efecto antinociceptivo de la gabapentina sobre el acicalado facial en la rata, provocado por la inyección de la formalina, un paradigma de dolor orofacial. La dosis de 10 mg/kg IP de la gabapentina produjo una drástica disminución del acicalado facial en la fase I y II indicando un claro efecto antinociceptivo. Sin embargo, en la dosis de 1 mg/kg IP, la gabapentina tuvo un efecto antinociceptivo sólo en la fase I. La D-serina (100 µg, ICV) no produjo efecto inyectada sola y no antagonizó el efecto antinociceptivo de la gabapentina. Por el contrario, la combinación de la gabapentina-1 mg/kg IP más D-serina redujo significativamente el acicalado facial en la fase II. Este resultado muestra una diferencia con estudios en que la gabapentina induce antinocicepción en la prueba de la formalina en la pata de la rata sólo en la fase II y la D-serina antagoniza a la gabapentina. Los resultados se discuten en relación al proceso de dolor en la pata posterior versus la estimulación dolorosa orofacial.

Gabapentin is a useful agent for the relief of trigeminal neuralgia and orofacial phantom pain. However, there is scarce information on the gabapentin analgesic effect in orofacial pain models. We tested the analgesic action of gabapentin on the formalin-induced face grooming in the rat, an orofacial pain paradigm. IP Gabapentin (10 mg/kg), induced a drastic reduction in face grooming during phase I and II, indicating a clear-cut antinociceptive effect. However, at 1 mg/kg, gabapentin had an analgesic effect only on phase I. D-serine (100 µg, ICV) was silent when given alone and did not antagonize the antinociceptive effect of gabapentin. On the contrary, gabapentin 1 mg/kg plus D-serine significantly reduced face grooming in phase II. These results show a difference between gabapentin induced orofacial analgesia and previous studies showing gabapentin-induced hind paw analgesia in the formalin test, only during phase II, as well as D-serine antagonism of gabapentin. The results are discussed in terms of different pain processing of hind paw, versus orofacial nociceptive stimulation.

Animals , Rats , Analgesics/therapeutic use , Pain Measurement/methods , Facial Pain/therapy , Trigeminal Neuralgia/therapy