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Ciudad de México; s.n; 20240216. 126 p.
Thesis in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1537448


Introducción. A nivel mundial, la obesidad es considerada como un problema de salud pública debido a que afecta a la población de todas las edades, incluso al mismo personal que trabaja en instituciones de salud, situación que repercute en su ámbito personal, familiar, pero sobre todo laboral, causando en el trabajador dificultad para realizar algunos procedimientos, ausentismo laboral, discapacidad parcial o total y/o necesidad de cuidado, entre otros.  Objetivo.  Evaluar el efecto de una intervención de autocuidado en hábitos de vida saludable con relación a la obesidad en personal de salud de una institución de tercer nivel.  Metodología. Estudio cuasi experimental, muestra 30 trabajadores con sobrepeso o algún grado de obesidad de una institución de salud de tercer nivel. Se impartieron 10 temas con relación a la obesidad, para cambiar hábitos deficientes por hábitos saludables, además de 10 sesiones de actividad física.    Resultados. Al final de la intervención, dos personas bajaron el nivel de su índice de masa corporal, una persona con obesidad grado III y una de grado II bajaron a peso normal. En cuanto a las medidas antropométricas posterior a la intervención, hubo reducción en cada uno de los parámetros, referente a la evaluación del cuestionario hábitos de vida saludable, relacionados con la obesidad posterior a la intervención, se encontraron cambios positivos en cada una de las dimensiones. Sin embargo, tanto en la reducción de IMC, así como en las dimensiones del cuestionario, la diferencia encontrada, no fue estadísticamente significativa.  Conclusiones. Los resultados sugieren que una intervención educativa en hábitos de vida saludable vinculados con la obesidad en personal de salud, son eficaces para contribuir al autocuidado de los trabajadores en el ámbito laboral

Introduction. Worldwide, obesity is considered a public health problem because it affects the population of all ages, including the same personnel who work in health institutions, a situation that has repercussions in their personal and family environment, but above all at work, causing the worker difficulty in performing some procedures, absenteeism, partial or total disability and/or need for care, among others. Objective. To evaluate the effect of a self-care intervention on healthy life habits in relation to obesity in health personnel of a third level institution. Methodology. Quasi-experimental study, sample of 30 workers with overweight or some degree of obesity in a tertiary health institution. Ten topics related to obesity were taught in order to change deficient habits for healthy habits, in addition to 10 sessions of physical activity. Results. At the end of the intervention, two people lowered their body mass index level, one person with grade III obesity and one with grade II obesity lowered to normal weight. Regarding the anthropometric measures after the intervention, there was a reduction in each one of the parameters, regarding the evaluation of the healthy life habits questionnaire, related to obesity after the intervention, positive changes were found in each one of the dimensions. However, both in the reduction of BMI and in the dimensions of the questionnaire, the difference found was not statistically significant. Conclusions. The results suggest that an educational intervention on healthy lifestyle habits related to obesity in health personnel is effective in contributing to the self-care of workers in the workplace

Introdução. A nível mundial, a obesidade é considerada um problema de saúde pública porque afecta a população de todas as idades, incluindo o próprio pessoal que trabalha nas instituições de saúde, situação que tem repercussões no seu ambiente pessoal e familiar, mas sobretudo no trabalho, causando ao trabalhador dificuldade na realização de alguns procedimentos, absentismo, incapacidade parcial ou total e/ou necessidade de cuidados, entre outros. Objectivos. Avaliar o efeito de uma intervenção de autocuidado sobre hábitos de vida saudáveis em relação à obesidade em profissionais de saúde de uma instituição de cuidados terciários. Metodologia. Estudo quase-experimental, amostra de 30 trabalhadores com excesso de peso ou algum grau de obesidade numa instituição de saúde terciária. Foram ensinados dez temas relacionados com a obesidade, com o objetivo de mudar hábitos deficientes por hábitos saudáveis, além de 10 sessões de atividade física. Resultados. No final da intervenção, duas pessoas baixaram o índice de massa corporal, uma pessoa com obesidade de grau III e uma com obesidade de grau II passaram para o peso normal. Relativamente às medidas antropométricas após a intervenção, verificou-se uma redução em cada um dos parâmetros, e relativamente à avaliação do questionário de hábitos de vida saudáveis relacionados com a obesidade após a intervenção, verificaram-se alterações positivas em cada uma das dimensões. No entanto, tanto na redução do IMC como nas dimensões do questionário, a diferença encontrada não foi estatisticamente significativa. Conclusões. Os resultados sugerem que uma intervenção educativa sobre hábitos de vida saudáveis ligados à obesidade no pessoal de saúde é eficaz para contribuir para o autocuidado dos trabalhadores no local de trabalho

Humans , Self Care/adverse effects
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218072


Background: Healthcare workers (HCWs) in India are facing physical and psychological pressure. The pandemic has significant psychological impacts. Hence, we wanted to assess the mental stress and social stress among HCWs during the second wave of COVID-19. Aim and Objectives: Assessment of the mental distress among HCWs of tertiary care level institution during second wave of COVID-19 with the following objectives: (1) To know the sociodemographic characteristics of the HCWs of tertiary care center and (2) to assess the psychological stress among healthcare workers of a tertiary health center. Material and Methods: It is a cross-sectional and observational study conducted in hospital setting, in a tertiary care setting. Data were collected from 196 HCWs of the institute. Institutional ethical clearance was taken before the study. Structured questionnaire included sociodemographic variables, work-related variables, and variables to assess social stress. We used hospital anxiety and depression scoring questionnaire to assess anxiety and depression. Data were collected through personal interviews and online through Google forms after taking informed consent. Descriptive statistics and Chi-square tests are used analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences Version 21 for Statistical analysis. Results: A total of 196 HCWs, 121 doctors, 74 nursing staff, and one ward staff participated in the study. Nursing staff were at higher risk for anxiety and depression, that is, 29% and 25% than others. Females were slightly more anxious (29%) and depressed (17%) than males. HCWs who are Muslim by religion were at more mental distress. Media exposure of more than 3 h had increased risk of mental distress. HCWs with other frontline COVID warrior as a partner were both anxious (40%) and depressed (20%). Anxiety (35%) was more among those who’s family members got COVID positive. About 25% of them faced social stigma, 55% of them faced issue of isolation with in the community, and 14% of them faced acts of violence which is unacceptable. Conclusions: Although its second wave HCWs are still having psychological distress which needs to be addressed. Social stress that they are facing is significant and is associated with higher anxiety and depression, which has to be taken seriously.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218038


Background: The risk of exposure to COVID-19 pandemic was substantially higher in frontline young health care workers. Due to repeated exposure while treating patients, the viral load is exponentially higher than the other population. Lungs being the earliest organ to be affected carry more risk of long-term morbidity. Thus, pulmonary function tests (PFTs) on post-COVID young health care workers provide a better view on the impact, recovery and residual effects. Aim and Objectives: The objectives of the study are as follows: (i) To assess the PFT in study group who have recovered from COVID-19 within the past 3 months; (ii) to compare their lung function with that of health care workers who have not been infected by COVID-19; and (iii) to determine obstructive, restrictive or mixed pulmonary changes if any in health care workers after 3 months of recovery. Materials and Methods: This study involving 50 young health care workers was done in the department of pulmonary medicine for a period of 4 months between January and April 2021. The study (mild COVID-19 positive) control group involved 25 participants each. PFT and diffusing capacity of lung for carbon monoxide (DLCO) were measured using computerized spirometer and single breath method. Results were analyzed using Shapiro–Wilk test, Independent sample t test, and Chi-square test. Results: A statistically significant difference was observed among the subjects of case and control group with respect to the level of FEV1 (P < 0.05), FEV1/Forced vital capacity (FVC) (P < 0.01), and FEF. FVC, Peak expiratory flow (PEF), forced expiratory time, DLCO, and peak inspiratory flow (PIF) were not statistically different between the study and control group. (P > 0.05).The 3-month post recovery values were high in males when compared to females, except for PIF, PEF and FEV1%. Conclusion: PFT and DLCO values were normal in young health care workers after 3 months of COVID-19 infection except for a decrease in FEF 25–75%.

Horiz. sanitario (en linea) ; 22(1): 131-135, Jan.-Apr. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528697


Resumen Objetivo: Identificar el nivel de conocimiento sobre bioética en el personal salud que labora en un hospital de tercer nivel de atención, para que los dilemas bioéticos se turnen al Comité Hospitalario de Bioética. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal y prospectivo. Mediante un muestreo probabilístico por estratos, se calculó el tamaño de muestra para una población finita n=302 con un 95% de nivel de confianza, se realizó una visita a las áreas por turnos, se aplicó un cuestionario obtenido de 2 cuestionarios validados por Lynch y cols, y Hernández y cols. Dentro de las consideraciones éticas se aplicó un consentimiento informado previo a contestar el cuestionario. Se realizó un análisis estadístico descriptivo. Resultados: Los principios bioéticos que revisa el cuestionario son: Autonomía la cual fue identificada de manera correcta en 17.2%, Justicia en 10.3% y Los principios bioéticos que revisa el cuestionario son: Autonomía la cual fue identificada de manera correcta en 17.2%, Justicia en 10.3% y Beneficencia en 14.6%. Con respecto al nivel de conocimiento se encontró un2% de conocimiento alto, 33% de conocimiento regular, 33% de conocimiento bajo y 32% de conocimiento nulo. Conclusiones: Todos los días se presentan dilemas éticos, el identificarse de manera adecuada por el personal de salud y canalizarlos al Comité Hospitalario de Bioética sería el ideal de todo hospital que permitiría coadyuvar de manera adecuada en una mejor toma de decisiones en la atención al paciente.

Abstract Objective: Identify the level of knowledge about Bioethics in the health care workers in a third level hospital, so that the bioethical dilemmas turn to the Hospital Committee of Bioethics. Materials and Methods A descriptive, cross-sectional and prospective study was conducted. By means of a probabilistic sampling by strata, the sample size was calculated for a finite population n = 302 with a 95% confidence level, a visit to the areas was made in shifts, a questionnaire obtained from 2 questionnaires validated by Lynch et al., and Hernández et al. was applied. Within the ethical considerations, a prior informed consent was applied to answer the questionnaire. A descriptive statistical analysis was performed. Results: The bioethical principles that the questionnaire reviews are autonomy which was correctly identified in 17.2%, justice in 10.3%and charity in 14.6%. With respect to the level of knowledge, a 2% high knowledge, 33% regular knowledge, 33% knowledge low and 32% of null knowledge was found. Conclusions: Ethical dilemmas are presented every day, identifying properly by health care workers and channeling them to the Bioethics Hospital Committee would be the ideal of every hospital that would allow us to properly contribute toa better decision -making in patient care.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217957


Background: Health care workers (HCWs) exposed to COVID-19 are at increased risk of developing mental health problems. This study aims to access the prevalence of psychological stress among HCWs during COVID-19 pandemic. Aims and Objectives: The aim of the study was to assess the prevalence of psychological stress among HCWs during COVID-19 pandemic. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among HCWs working in a tertiary care teaching hospital. A total of about 100 HCWs who participated in the study were randomly distributed prestructured questionnaire pertaining to sociodemographic parameters and variables related to psychological stress and their responses were graded accordingly. Results: It was found that HCWs showed significant rise in psychological distress with moderate-to-severe elevated levels of anxiety (69%), depression (21%), and insomnia (41%). Nurses were significantly more likely to experience anxiety than other HCWs in our present study and the most of the participants were engaged in some form of stress reduction activities. Conclusion: The high levels of psychological distress were reported in HCWs in hospital dealing with COVID-19 patients. Increase efforts are needed for promotion of mental health well-being of HCWs exposed to COVID-19

Arch. argent. pediatr ; 121(1): e202202595, feb. 2023. tab
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1413001


Introducción. En Argentina, el personal de salud ha sido el primero en vacunarse contra COVID-19, pero todavía existen pocos datos sobre la producción de anticuerpos IgG anti-S. Objetivos. Evaluar IgG específica contra glicoproteína spike del SARS-CoV-2 (IgG anti-S) posvacunación en personal de un hospital pediátrico. Explorar la asociación entre presencia de dichos anticuerpos, edad y antecedente de infección previa. Población y métodos. Estudio transversal que incluyó 193 trabajadores vacunados con los dos componentes de la vacuna Sputnik V. Se pesquisó el título de IgG anti-S y se registraron edad, antecedente de infección previa por SARS-CoV-2 y fecha de la vacunación. Resultados. El 98,6 % de los sujetos generó IgG anti-S. El título fue mayor en quienes habían cursado infección previamente (p <0,001), pero no hubo relación con la edad de los sujetos. Conclusión. Aportamos datos de generación de anticuerpos IgG anti-S posvacunación en personal de salud de un hospital pediátrico y exploramos algunos predictores.

Introduction. In Argentina, health care workers have been the first ones to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, but there are still few data on the production of anti-S IgG antibodies. Objectives. To assess specific IgG against the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein (anti-S IgG) after the vaccination of health care workers from a children's hospital. To explore the association between the presence of these antibodies, age, and history of prior infection. Population and methods. Cross-sectional study in 193 workers who received both doses of the two component Sputnik V vaccine. The anti-S IgG antibody titer was measured and age, history of prior SARS-CoV-2 infection, and date of vaccination were recorded. Results. Anti-S IgG antibodies were produced in 98.6% of the subjects. The titer was higher in those with prior infection (p < 0.001), but no relationship was established with subjects' age. Conclusion. We provide data on post-vaccination production of IgG anti-S antibodies among health care workers from a children's hospital and explore some predictors.

Humans , Health Personnel , SARS-CoV-2/immunology , COVID-19/immunology , Immunoglobulin G , Cross-Sectional Studies , Spike Glycoprotein, Coronavirus , COVID-19 Vaccines , Hospitals, Pediatric , Antibodies, Viral
J Indian Med Assoc ; 2023 Jan; 121(1): 33-36
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-216670


Background : Health Care Workers are among the frontline COVID warriors who have been fighting all odds in serving their patients at the cost of their lives. Bangalore has been one among the hot cities in news during this pandemic and our centre, being one of the busiest working hospitals right in the middle of the city, we hereby throw limelight to the Health Care Workers of our centre who have been fighting over COVID-19 with all might and courage. This study was done to know the prevalence of COVID-19 and its ENT manifestations among Health Care Workers in our centre. Materials and Methods : A cross sectional study was done in KIMS Hospital, Bangalore, targetting all Health Care Workers of our centre, divided into 3 groups. Prevalence of ENT manifestations was studied. Results : In our study, majority who tested positive for COVID-19 were Doctors (67.6%) followed by staff nurse (27.9%) and auxiliary HCW (4.5%). One fourth of the study subjects had anosmia as the most common ENT manifestation followed by nasal obstruction (24.3%), cough and loss of taste (19.8% each). Conclusion : With inadequate precautions being taken with the mutating virus in air, causing a surge in cases, the health care workers are the most vulnerable group to acquire the deadly infection, during both the waves of the pandemic. We hereby, stress on this, with the help of our study, done during the first wave, targeting our Health Care Workers.

Palliative Care Research ; : 183-191, 2023.
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986402


Purpose: In today’s medical field, it is an essential quality competency for staff to not only recognize the importance of patient decision-making and the skills to support it, but also implement it. This study aimed to establish a training program on decision support for healthcare professionals and examine its effectiveness. Method: We conducted the training at a medical institution and conducted a questionnaire survey at two points before and after the training. A total of 88 nurses and doctors participated in the survey. Result: We developed a two-hour training on the knowledge and skills needed for decision support. Questionnaire results showed improvements in literacy and efficacy before and after the training. Discussion: It was confirmed that the training led to an in-depth understanding of the participants’ decision support, and increased the sense of efficacy in their daily work, particularly through responding to patients according to patients’ cognitive and physical assessments, and in actively supporting those who have difficulty in making decisions. There were references to the significance of re-learning and the possibility of applying the training to difficult situations in participants comments. In the future, it is necessary to study decision support with reference toco-operation in the medical field where collaboration among multiple professions is indispensable.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005165


Introduction@#Globally, COVID – 19 (SARS COV -2) became an enormous challenge with serious threat to the healthcare workers. This study aimed to provide the psychological coping mechanisms among healthcare workers in tertiary hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic in the locale of Eastern Visayas.@*Objective@#This study was conducted to determine the psychological coping mechanisms among healthcare workers in tertiary hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic. The secondary objectives were to determine the demographic profile of health care workers as to: age, sex, civil status, profession and area of assignment, to identify the issues of concern that contribute to the mental or psychological stress affecting the healthcare workers, to identify the psychological coping mechanisms of healthcare workers to ease their stress and to determine the correlation between issues of concern and coping mechanisms to the demographic profile of the healthcare workers. @*Methods@#Utilized a cross-sectional descriptive study with analytical component. Sample size of 142 was computed using the Epi Info 7 software with confidence interval of 95% and the margin of error of 5%. Descriptive analysis was utilized to identify the socio- demographic profile of HCWs and Pearson r tests in SPSS used in correlation to issues of concern and psychological coping mechanisms.@*Results@#One hundred forty two healthcare workers were included in the study. Of these, almost all respondents belong to aged 20-39 (92.3%). Majority were female and single. As to profession, many were physicians and nurses while as to area of assignments, some in the COVID Ward (24.6%). As to issues of concern, the results showed moderately in physical issues (2.55), mental and emotional issues (2.12). With regards to coping mechanisms, appraisal- focused (adaptive –cognitive) (3.55), emotion- focused (3.50) and problem- focused (adaptive – behavioral) coping mechanisms (3.18) were all very important. The correlational analysis showed that issues of concern and psychological coping mechanisms experienced by HCWs were not significantly related or associated to their demographics profile. @*Conclusion@#Based on the findings, the appraisal- focused (adaptive – cognitive), emotion- focused and problem- focused (adaptive – behavioral) coping mechanisms were all very important coping mechanisms among HCWs. Demographic profiles were not significantly associated with issues of concern and psychological coping mechanisms of HCWs in a tertiary hospital during COVID-19 pandemic.

J. Public Health Africa (Online) ; 14(2): 1-6, 2023. tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1418685


Background. Healthcare workers (HCWs) can play a significant role in tobacco prevention by delivering smoking cessation (SC) interventions to patients who smoke. Objective: To identify and explore the perceived barriers which prevent healthcare workers from delivering SC counselling to patients in Zambezi region, Namibia. Methods: A regional-based, concurrent mixed-methods study was conducted between March and October 2020 among HCWs of the 8 constituencies of Zambezi region, Namibia. In the study, 129 respondents, who had been residents of the selected constituencies for over 5 years and aged between 17 to 60 years, participated. Results: 129 respondents participated in the study. Majority of respondents were females (62.9% and 68.1%) compared to (37.1% and 31.9%) males. The mean age of respondents was 35.91 (SD=9.3) and 36.61 (SD=8.7) respectively and their ages ranged between 18 and 59 years. Key barriers were identified: (i) HCWs based barriers included lack of time to provide SC, inadequate training and insufficient knowledge on SC interventions; (ii) system-based barriers identified lack of SC guidelines and educational materials for patients, and specialists to refer patients; and (iii) patient/client-based barriers included lack of patient interest in SC information, patients not adhering to advise given on SC. Conclusions: This study showed that SC delivery in Zambezi region is inadequate. Barriers were identified regarding the delivery of SC intervention for the first time. Targeted SC interventions are required to combat these identified specific barriers. There is a crucial need to improve HCWs skills and knowledge in providing SC intervention.

Humans , Male , Female , Smoking , Tobacco Use , Prevalence , Smoking Cessation , Health Personnel , Methods
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514842


ABSTRACT Health care workers (HCW) are the frontline workforce for COVID-19 patient care and, consequently, are exposed to SARS-CoV-2 infection due to close contact to infected patients. Here, we evaluate the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection among HCW from an infectious disease hospital, reference center for COVID-19 care in the metropolitan area of Sao Paulo city, Brazil. Among 2,204 HCW, 1,417 (64.29%) were subjected to detection of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies by chemiluminescent immunoassay. Out of the total, 271 (19.12%) presented anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. Prevalence varied according to HCW categories. The highest prevalence was observed in workers from outsourced companies, cooks and kitchen assistants, hospital cleaning workers, and maintenance workers. On the other hand, resident physicians and HCW from the institution itself presented lower prevalence (nurses, nursing assistants, physicians, laboratory technicians). Social and environmental factors are important determinants, associated with exposure in the hospital environment, which can determine the greater or lesser risk of infection by pathogens that spread rapidly by air.

Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.);88(supl.5): 4-11, Nov.-Dec. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420895


Abstract Introduction: The nose and throat are areas of high viral load, which could place otolaryngologists at an even higher risk for COVID-19 than other health-care workers. Objective: To investigate the prevalence of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in otorhinolaryngologists in southern Brazil, its relationship to demographic data, professional practice and reported symptoms of COVID-19, and compare it with official data on other health-care workers of the state and the general population in the same period. Methods: In this cross-sectional multicenter study, otolaryngologists actively practicing officially registered in Rio Grande do Sul were screened for IgM and IgG antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 from August 1 to September 15, 2020. A questionnaire was also applied. Results: We screened 358 (80.1%) of 447 actively practicing otolaryngologists (195 [54.5%] male; mean [SD] age, 47.77 [13.57] years; range, 26-84 years). Twenty-three were positive for IgM and/or IgG (6.4%). This result was significantly associated with reports of infected household contacts (19/315 negatives and 8/23 positives; p<0.001). From 23 seropositive participants, 14 were asymptomatic (60.9%; p< 0.001). There were no significant associations between seroconversion and age, sex, number of patient appointments and surgical procedures, workplace (hospital or private practice), patients with or without respiratory symptoms, or level of personal protective equipment used. The rate of COVID-19 in all health-care workers in the state was 7.69% at the end of the same period. Data from state government seroprevalence was 5.26 (risk ratio [RR]; 95% CI 3.27-8.45) and 4.66 (RR; 95% CI 2.93-7.43) times higher in otolaryngologists than in the general population in August and September, respectively. Conclusion: Otolaryngologists had a higher seroconversion rate than the general population. Using personal protective equipment, the level of occupational exposure did not result in higher rates of infection than other health-care workers, but the presence of infected household contacts was associated with higher rates of seroconversion.

Rev. argent. microbiol ; Rev. argent. microbiol;54(4): 61-70, dic. 2022. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1422967


Abstract Health care workers (HCWs) are at high risk for SARS-CoV-2. In addition, pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic transmission accounts for around half of the cases. Saliva testingis an option to detect SARS-CoV-2 infection. To determine the performance of saliva samplesfor screening, HCWs were tested for SARS-CoV-2 by RT-PCR. Those with a positive result insaliva were tested by nasopharyngeal swabbing for viral RNA detection and blood collectionto search for the presence of specific antibodies. In September---October 2020, 100 HCWs wereenrolled and followed up. Six subjects (6%) tested positive in saliva. Of them, 5/6 were positivein a subsequent nasopharyngeal swab and 4/6 developed signs and symptoms compatible withCOVID-19. Among the latter, 3 seroconverted while asymptomatic HCWs remained seronega-tive. Saliva screening was helpful for identifying SARS-CoV-2 infection in HCWs. This screeningpermitted rapid personnel isolation avoiding further transmission of the virus in the hospitalsetting.

Resumen El personal de salud (PS) tiene un alto riesgo de contraer SARS-CoV-2. La transmisión presintomática/asintomática representa alrededor de la mitad de los casos y el análisis a partir de muestras de saliva puede ser una opción para detectar la infección. Para determinar el rendimiento de estas muestras, 100 voluntarios del PS se sometieron a la detección de SARS-CoV-2 por RT-PCR en muestras de saliva en el período septiembre-octubre de 2020. De aquellos con resultado positivo en saliva, se tomaron hisopados nasofaríngeos para detectar ARN viral y muestras de suero para evaluar anticuerpos específicos. Se detectó ARN viral en la saliva de seis individuos (6%). De ellos, 5/6 fueron SARS-CoV-2 positivos en hisopado nasofaríngeo y 4/6 desarrollaron signos y síntomas compatibles con COVID-19. Entre estos últimos, tres serocon-virtieron, en tanto que los voluntarios asintomáticos permanecieron seronegativos. La muestra de saliva fue útil para identificar la infección por SARS-CoV-2 en esta cohorte del personal de salud y así proceder al rápido aislamiento de los individuos infectados, lo que evitó una mayor transmisión del virus en el ámbito hospitalario.

Univ. salud ; 24(supl.1): 279-286, Sep.-Dec. 2022. graf
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1424724


Introduction: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was originally identified in the city of Wuhan, China, in December 2019. Current evidence indicates that the COVID-19-causing virus is transmitted person-to-person through direct contact and droplets. Objective: To estimate Sars-CoV-2 virus infection rate in hospital employees according to their job responsibilities. Materials and methods: Retrospective cohort study to detect Sars-CoV-2 infection in hospital employees, carried out between February 2020 and October 2021. The Kaplan Meier procedure was carried out to estimate the virus infection rate based on variables such as gender, age and job description. Results: There was a difference in infection rate between young and older adult age groups (Log Rank=18.6 gl=1 p=<0.0001). A significant difference was also found between young adult and older adult groups (Log Rank=10.6 gl=1 p=0.0011). Conclusions: The older adult group showed a higher infection rate than that observed in younger age groups. These findings highlight the occupational risk of Sars-CoV-2 infection in health workers, especially in older employees. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain safety measures in order to reduce infection risks.

Introducción: La enfermedad por coronavirus 2019 se identificó originalmente en la ciudad de Wuhan, China, en diciembre de 2019. La evidencia actual indica que el virus que causa la COVID-19 se transmite de persona a persona a través del contacto directo y gotitas. Objetivo: Estimar la tasa de infección por el virus Sars-CoV-2 en empleados de hospitales según sus responsabilidades laborales. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de cohorte retrospectivo para detectar infección por Sars-CoV-2 en empleados de hospitales, realizado entre febrero 2020 y octubre 2021. Se realizó el procedimiento de Kaplan Meier para estimar la tasa de infección del virus según género, edad y descripción del trabajo. Resultados: Hubo una diferencia en la tasa de infección entre los grupos de edad de adultos jóvenes y mayores (Log Rank=18,6 gl=1 p=<0,0001). Se encontró una diferencia significativa entre grupos de adultos jóvenes y adultos mayores (Log Rank=10.6 gl=1 p=0.0011). Conclusiones: Los adultos mayores presentaron una tasa de infección superior a la observada en grupos de edades más jóvenes. Se resalta el riesgo ocupacional de infección por Sars-CoV-2 en los trabajadores de la salud, especialmente en los empleados de mayor edad. Es necesario mantener las medidas de seguridad para reducir los riesgos de infección.

Humans , Male , Female , SARS-CoV-2 , Hospitals , Viruses , Occupational Health , Health Personnel , Infections
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217724


Background: SARS-COV-2, a virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was first identified in Wuhan, China, is a highly pathogenic and has spread globally. Numerous vaccines such as Covaxin, Covishield, Sputnic, and Moderna are available for use in Indian population for prophylaxis and treatment of the same. As vaccine campaign kickoff worldwide and with several doses predicted to be administered in near future, there are more possibilities of vaccine related adverse drug reactions. By and large the benefits of vaccinations clearly outweigh the risks. Aim and Objectives: The aim of the study was to identify the possible adverse events following COVID-19 vaccine immunization (AEFI) in Tumkur district, Karnataka. Materials and Methods: Following Ethics Committee approval and permission from District Health Officer (DHO), Tumkur, Karnataka, telephonic interview of 2650 health-care workers who had received their first dose of Covisheild vaccine and willing to respond was done. A follow-up telephonic interview was done after the second dose as well. Their answers were noted, tabulated, and analyzed. Results: About 98% of HCW who received the first dose received the second dose. Following the first dose, 55.3% showed symptoms whereas only 11% showed symptoms after the second. About 81.4% of individuals who showed symptoms post first dose had no symptoms after the second. The most commonly reported symptoms were pain at site of jab, fever, myalgia, cough, and headache. The majority of the individuals recovered with OTC medications. Conclusion: ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 coronavirus vaccine was first administered in health-care workers. There was no study published on the vaccination related ADR in Tumkur population. The vaccination rates were high among HCW with frequency of adverse events following first dose were higher, which was almost similar to the AEFI from the innovator prescribing information.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217715


Background: Prescription auditing is an important tool to assess and evaluate the drug utilization pattern and rational use of medicines. A successful prescription audit is crucial for health care workers, patients, and the community to ensure that their patients receive the best possible treatment. The purpose of drug audit is to improve patients care and to avoid potential fatal errors. Aim and Objectives: This study has been conducted to evaluate and analyze existing prescription errors in tertiary care hospital of Rajasthan and their magnitude. Materials and Methods: A retrospective observational study was carried out in Jhalawar Medical College, a tertiary care hospital in Rajasthan. Around 1000 prescriptions were collected randomly from medical college pharmacies. Outpatient prescriptions from all the major clinical departments available at hospital pharmacies were analyzed using the WHO prescribing indicators. Information regarding the patient, doctor, drug, and legibility of the prescription were obtained. Results: In our study, we found that most common age group mentioning in prescriptions were 18� years (55.7%), most common gender are males (60.2%). Generic names were prescribed in all prescriptions (100%). Patient information was mentioned in 73.2% prescriptions. Warning signs were not mentioned in any prescription whereas 10.2% prescription mentioned medicines name in capital letter. Average number of medicines per prescription was 4.1. Prescription with drugs prescribed from essential drug list was 88%. Conclusions: In our study, we found many insufficiencies, lack of clarity and important instructions in different parts of prescriptions. There is immediate requirement of improvement in prescribing habits of doctors. Proper steps such as workshops, practical training, and continuing medical education should be needed to guide the physicians to promote rational prescription.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217710


Background: COVID vaccines have been rolled out all over the world after emergency use authorization in the prevailing pandemic situation. However, hesitancy about its safety and efficacy exists among beneficiaries. Vaccine hesitancy can be a barrier to adequate immunization coverage. Aims and Objectives: This qualitative study was undertaken among health care workers in the rural field practice area of a tertiary care hospital, to find out their perceptions about COVID vaccines, and reasons behind hesitancy toward the same. Materials and Methods: Six focused group discussions (FGD) were held with the help of moderator. Each FGD had five members, so 30 members were included in the study. Health care workers included doctors, nurses, ANM/ASHAs, and other health care workers. Results: There were 17 males and 13 females. Doctors had a positive attitude toward vaccination, but other health care workers had mixed perception regarding vaccination. Most grass root level workers were sceptical about the efficacy of the vaccine. Conclusion: Mostly positive attitude toward COVID vaccines was observed in the present study. Hesitancy toward vaccines was observed in some health care workers, and it likely rooted from their inadequate knowledge about the vaccine.

An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) ; 55(2): 25-31, 20220801.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1380296


Introducción: El personal de salud constituye un grupo de riesgo para la infección por el virus de las hepatitis B. Objetivos: Evaluar la frecuencia de vacunación contra Hepatitis B en profesionales médicos y de enfermería de tres grandes centros hospitalarios del Departamento Central de Paraguay. Materiales y métodos: Estudio cuantitativo, observacional, descriptivo, de corte transversal. Se aplicó un cuestionario al personal médico y de enfermería en estudio, elaborado según trabajos afines. Resultados: Fueron encuestadas 1097 personas, siendo médicos 412 (37.6%) yersonal de enfermería 685 (62.4%). Se encontró un nivel de vacunación completa del 48.2% sobre el total de encuestados, 49.5% de los varones presentaron esquema completo y 47.7% de las mujeres. Según la profesión, el personal de enfermería tiene mejor acatamiento con 51% de vacunación completa contra 47% del personal médico. En el Hospital Central del Instituto de Previsión Social, casi un 62% tenía esquema completo, el Hospital de Clínicas alcanzó 40.9% y solamente 36.6% de los encuestados del Hospital Nacional de Itauguá tenían todas las dosis de vacuna anti-Hepatitis B. Para riesgo biológico bajo, el nivel de vacunación completa fue del 36.0%, alcanzó el 36.8% para riesgo moderado y 57.3% para los de alto riesgo de exposición. Conclusión: Ante la baja prevalencia de vacunación completa contra Hepatitis B en el personal de salud, esta debe mejorarse considerando el riesgo biológico de exposición. El equipo de control de infecciones y el Departamento de salud laboral deben llevar un registro de vacunación del personal y tener un plan de inmunizaciones obligatorio.

Introduction: Health care personnel constitute a risk group for hepatitis B virus infection. Objectives: To evaluate the frequency of vaccination against Hepatitis B in medical and nursing professionals of three large hospital centers in the Central Department of Paraguay. Materials and methods: Quantitative, observational, descriptive, cross-sectional, cross-sectional study. A questionnaire was administered to medical and nursing personnel included in the study, based on related studies. Results: A total of 1097 people were surveyed, 412 (37.6%) were physicians and 685 (62.4%) were nurses. In general, a complete vaccination level of 48.2% of the total respondents was reached, 49.5% of men had a complete vaccination schedule and 47.7% of women. According to profession, the nursing staff had a better compliance with complete vaccination with 51% versus 47% of the medical staff. In the Hospital Central del Instituto de Previsión Social almost 62% had a complete schedule, the Hospital de Clínicas reached 40.9% and only 36.6% of the respondents of the Hospital Nacional de Itauguá had all the doses of anti-Hepatitis B vaccine. For low biological risk, the level of complete vaccination was 36.0%, reaching 36.8% for moderate risk and 57.3% for those at high risk of exposure. Conclusion: The level of complete vaccination against Hepatitis B in health personnel was low and should be improved, taking into account the biological risk of exposure. The infection control team and the occupational health department should keep a record of staff vaccination and have a mandatory immunization plan for it.

Hepatitis B , Hepatitis Viruses , Occupational Health , Immunization , Vaccination , Health Personnel , Hepatitis B Vaccines
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217629


Background: Intractable COVID-19 outbreak has placed extraordinary demands on health-care systems worldwide. Increased workload, inadequate personal equipment, nosocomial transmission, and the need to make ethically difficult decisions on the rationing of care may have dramatic effects on their physical and mental well-being. Healthcare workers (HCWs) are, therefore, especially vulnerable to mental health problems. Aim and Objectives: This study was conducted to assess the quality of sleep in medical HCWs during COVID-19 pandemic and to assess its relation with demographic variables. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted using anonymized and self-reported questionnaire survey which includes sociodemographic characteristics and Pitsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI) questionnaire. The questionnaire was completed by participant on their own smartphone. Chi-square tests were used to compare categorical variables. P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Out of 208 respondents who served in COVID-19 pandemic, 137 were having poor sleep quality (PSQI score >5). It has been observed that 20–40 years age group was more affected than 40–60 years group. Nurses were more affected than doctors and technicians. Conclusion: During COVID-19 pandemic, medical healthcare workers had poor sleep quality due to stress of workload and social pressure. This can lead to physical or psychological health problems in the future. Further interventions should be administrated for them, aiming to maintain their health.

Indian J Public Health ; 2022 Jun; 66(2): 203-205
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-223820


There were reports of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection cases among health?care workers from all around the world. We did a cross sectional study among 533 COVID19 affected health?care workers. About 87.43% of participants were involved in duties not directly related to COVID?19 management. About 19.6% contracted the disease from their colleagues. About 15% of the affected health?care workers had at least one comorbidity and diabetes mellitus was the most common (5%). 57% of participants presented with fever followed by body ache in 40%. Only 0.4% of the participants needed ventilator support during treatment. 36% of the participants reported household transmission from them. Adequate personal protective equipment (PPE) usage and functioning infection control committee in their hospital were reported by most of the participants. The study points towards the need of adequate PPE use in the nonCOVID settings and the need for periodical assessment of infection control practices.