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An. Fac. Med. (Perú) ; 84(3)sept. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520000


Introducción. Una de las consecuencias psicológicas más frecuentes del COVID-19 es el miedo. Éste podría ocasionar una adherencia terapéutica no óptima y permitir la progresión de la enfermedad en personas con VIH. Objetivo. Evaluar la asociación entre el miedo a contraer COVID-19 y la adherencia al tratamiento antirretroviral en personas con VIH entre la tercera y cuarta ola epidémica de COVID-19 en el Perú. Métodos. Estudio transversal analítico en adultos con VIH del centro especializado Vía Libre enrolados por muestreo no probabilístico. Se empleó la escala Fear of COVID-19 Scale para medir el miedo a contraer COVID-19, y el cuestionario SMAQ para evaluar la adherencia terapéutica. Los resultados se presentaron de forma descriptiva, usando chi cuadrado para el análisis bivariado y modelos lineales generalizados familia Poisson para estimar razones de prevalencia crudas y ajustadas (RPa). Resultados. Entre febrero - julio del 2022, se enrolaron 149 personas con una mediana de edad de 35 años, el 91,3% fueron varones, y el 75,2% con carga viral indetectable. No se halló asociación entre el miedo a contraer COVID-19 y la adherencia terapéutica (RPa: 0,99; IC95%: 0,97 a 1,02). Adicionalmente, encontramos que las personas que presentaban alguna comorbilidad fueron 89% más adherentes que los que no las presentaban (RPa: 1,89; IC95%: 1,52 a 2,35). Conclusión. El miedo a contraer COVID-19 no se asoció a la adherencia al TARGA durante la tercera ola de pandemia en el Perú. Sin embargo, el presentar alguna comorbilidad se asoció a una adherencia terapéutica óptima. Se debe poner énfasis en los posibles factores que afecten la adherencia en personas con VIH durante la pandemia por COVID-19.

Introduction. One of the most frequent psychological consequences of COVID-19 is fear, which could lead to non-optimal therapeutic adherence and, therefore, to the disease progression. Objectives. To evaluate the possible association between the fear of contracting COVID-19 and adherence to antiretroviral therapy in persons with HIV during the period between the third and fourth epidemic wave of COVID-19 in Peru. Methods. Analytical cross-sectional study in adults with HIV from the specialized center "Vía Libre" enrolled by non-probabilistic sampling. The validated "Fear of COVID-19 Scale" was used to measure the fear of getting sick from COVID-19, and the "SMAQ" questionnaire to assess therapeutic adherence. Results were presented descriptively, using chi-square for bivariate analysis and generalized linear models, Poisson family to calculate crude and adjusted prevalence ratios (aPR). Results. Between February and July of 2022, 149 adults with a median age of 35 years were enrolled, 91.3% being male, and 75,2% had undetectable viral load levels. No association was found between fear of contracting COVID-19 and HAART adherence (aPR: 0,99; 95% CI 0,97 to 1,02). Persons with a comorbidity were 89% more adherent than persons withoutcomorbidities (RPa: 1,89; 95% CI 1,52 to 2,35). Conclusion. The fear of contracting COVID-19 was not associated with adherence to HAART during the third wave of COVID-19 pandemic in Peru. However, presenting a comorbidity was associated with optimal HAART adherence. Emphasis should be placed on potential factors affecting medication adherence in people with HIV during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221890


Introduction: The knowledge of the effect of sociodemographic and disease-related factors on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) among people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) is important for planning comprehensive health-care services for them. Material and Methods: Two hundred PLWHA on antiretroviral therapy (ART) volunteered to complete a self-reported World Health Organization’s Quality of Life?HIV brief questionnaire (WHOQoL-HIV-BREF) that examines six domains each with four items (physical, psychological, level of independence, social, environmental, and spiritual) with 25 facets and additional 5 facets specific to PLWHA (symptoms of HIV, social inclusion, forgiveness, worries about the future, and death and dying). Results: Only 135 questionnaires from 73 (53.3%) men and 63 (46.7%) women (male: female – 1.14:1) aged 20–82 years(mean ± standard deviation: 42.9 ± 10.5 years) were found complete. Eighty-five (63%) individuals were aged 41–60 years, 78 (57.8%) individuals were matriculates, graduates, or postgraduates, 76 (56.3%) respondents were married, and 38 (28.1%) were widows/widowers. Staying-alone workers comprised 43 (31.8%) individuals. Overall health and HRQoL were rated satisfactory (n = 85.2%) and good/very good (n = 74.8%) by a significantly greater number of individuals (P = 0.001). Pearson’s Chi-squared test showed no statistically significant (P > ?) associations between good HRQoL and variables such as age >40 years, gender, education, marital status, duration of disease, disclosure of serostatus to family, ART for >3 years, and CD4 >200 cells/mL. Conclusion: Regular ART can result in adequate control of immunosuppression and no comorbidities in a majority of PLWHA, family and social acceptance, and financial security can result in overall good HRQoL in all six domains within the WHOQoL-HIV-BREF. The study is limited by its cross-sectional study design and small sample size.

Rev. cienc. salud (Bogotá) ; 21(1): 1-17, ene.-abr. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1427745


Aim: To adapt and validate an existing instrument to assess the barriers to antiretroviral treatment adherence among individuals with hiv in Córdoba, Argentina. Materials and methods: The final sample population included 180 Argentinian people. The mean age of the participants was 40.61 (sd = 12.032) years and 82.8% were men. Various internal structure and reliability and validity studies with other variables were conducted on the study population (n = 180). Results: The results of confirmatory factor analysis were consistent with the factorial structure of the original study. However, to achieve this, items that had low factorial loads and were redundant had to be eliminated. Coefficient ω values of .833 on the Information sub-scale, .759 on the Motivation subscale, and .888 on the Behavioral Skills subscale were obtained. Significant correlations were determined between the results of adherence and barriers to treatment. Conclusion: The results suggest that the instrument can be used to assess the barriers to antiretroviral treatment adherence in Córdoba, Argentina. Although further research is warranted, these results are promising.

adaptar y validar un instrumento para evaluar barreras a la adherencia antirretroviral en personas que conviven con el vih en Córdoba (Argentina). Materiales y métodos: la muestra final incluyó 180 participantes argentinos. La media de edad fue de 40.61 (de = 12.032) y el 82.8 % fueron hombres. Sobre la muestra (n = 180) se efectuaron estudios de estructura interna, confiabilidad y validez con otras variables. Resultados: el análisis factorial confirmatorio arrojó resultados congruentes con la estructura factorial del estudio original, aunque para ello fue necesario eliminar ciertos ítems que presentaban bajas cargas factoriales y que pueden ser representados por otros ítems, debido a información redundante. Se obtuvieron coeficientes ω = 0.833 en la subescala información; ω = 0.759 en la subescala motivación, y ω = 0.888 en la subescala habilidades comportamentales. Se encontraron correlaciones significativas entre los resultados de adherencia al tratamiento y barreras al tratamiento. Conclusión: aunque se requieren de mayores investigaciones, los resultados son promisorios, sugieren que el instrumento puede usarse para evaluar barreras de la adherencia al tratamiento antirretroviral en Córdoba.

adaptar e validar um instrumento de barreiras à adesão anti-retroviral em pessoas vivendo com hivem Córdoba, Argentina. Materiais e métodos: A amostra final incluiu 180 participantes argentinos. A idade média era de 40,61 anos (sd = 12,032) e 82,8% eram homens. Com a amostra (n = 180) foram realizados estudos de estrutura interna, confiabilidade e validade com outras variáveis. Resultados: a análise fatorial confirma-tória apresentou resultados adequados com a estrutura fatorial do estudo original, embora para isso tenha sido necessário eliminar alguns itens que apresentavam baixas cargas fatoriais e poderiam ser representados por outros itens devido a informações redundantes. Os coeficientes ω = 0,833 foram obtidos na subescala informação; ω = 0,759 na subescala motivação, y ω = 0,888 na subescala competências comportamentais. Correlações significativas foram encontradas entre os resultados do adherencia al tratamiento e do barreiras à adesão ao tratamento. Conclusão: embora mais pesquisas sejam necessárias, os resultados são promissores, sugerindo que o instrumento pode ser usado para avaliar as barreiras à adesão ao tratamento anti-retroviral em Córdoba, Argentina.

Humans , Psychometrics , Research , Therapeutics , Reproducibility of Results , HIV , Methods
Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 39(1): e00099622, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421017


A adesão à terapia antirretroviral (TARV) é fundamental para obter o controle da infecção por HIV, evitando complicações clínicas e o desenvolvimento de cepas de HIV resistentes. Vários municípios brasileiros estão comprometidos com a meta 90-90-90, que prevê que 90% dos casos de HIV/aids sejam diagnosticados, que 90% destes estejam em tratamento e, destes, 90% alcancem a supressão viral. Entretanto, existem apenas três estudos brasileiros que avaliam a adesão à TARV a partir de dados secundários de dispensação. Este estudo objetivou estimar a prevalência de adesão ao tratamento no Município de Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil, examinando sua associação com aspectos demográficos, de utilização de saúde e características clínicas. Realizou-se um estudo transversal com o uso de dados secundários do prontuário eletrônico e dados nacionais, dos Sistema de Controle Logístico de Medicamentos (SICLOM) e Sistema de Controle de Exames Laboratoriais (SISCEL), de pessoas vivendo com HIV/aids no município de abril de 2020 a março de 2021. A prevalência de adesão à TARV foi de cerca de 85%. Pessoas brancas, do sexo masculino, que tinham acompanhamento tanto na atenção primária à saúde (APS) quanto na atenção secundária tinham maior adesão ao tratamento. A idade e o número de consultas apresentaram associação direta com adesão à TARV. O processo de descentralização do cuidado ao usuário vivendo com HIV/aids é o caminho para uma assistência mais integral, porém desafios técnicos e éticos ainda precisam ser enfrentados. A qualificação profissional, o correto referenciamento com articulação em rede e a atenção às questões de sigilo e confidencialidade precisam ser reforçadas de forma a ampliar a adesão ao tratamento.

Adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) is essential to control HIV infections and avoid clinical complications and the development of resistant HIV strains. Several Brazilian municipalities have committed themselves to the 90-90-90 target, which aims at diagnosing 90% of HIV/AIDS cases, treating 90% of them, and virally suppressing 90% of them. However, only three Brazilian studies have assessed adherence to ART from secondary dispensing data. This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of adherence to treatment in the Municipality of Florianópolis, Santa Catarina State, Brazil, examining its association with demographic, health access, and clinical characteristics. A cross-sectional study was conducted using secondary national data from electronic medical records and Medication Logistic Control System (SICLOM) and Laboratory Test Control System (SISCEL) regarding people living with HIV/AIDS in the municipality from April 2020 to March 2021. We found an about 85% prevalence of adherence to ART. White men with follow-ups both in primary and secondary care showed greater adherence to treatment. Age and number of consultations directly related to adherence. Decentralizing care for users living with HIV/AIDS is the way to more comprehensive care but technical and ethical challenges still require solutions. Professional training, correct network referrals, and attention to confidentiality issues must be reinforced to expand treatment adherence.

La adherencia a la terapia antirretroviral (TARV) es fundamental para controlar la infección por VIH, evitando complicaciones clínicas y el desarrollo de cepas de VIH resistentes. Varios municipios brasileños están comprometidos con la meta 90-90-90, que estima el diagnóstico del 90% de los casos de VIH/SIDA, que el 90% de estos reciban tratamiento y, de estos, el 90% logran llegar a la supresión viral. Sin embargo, solo hay tres estudios brasileños que evalúan la adherencia al TARV con base en datos secundarios sobre la dispensación. Este estudio tuvo por objetivo estimar la prevalencia de adherencia al tratamiento en la ciudad de Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil y su asociación con aspectos demográficos, uso de la salud y características clínicas. Se realizó un estudio transversal con los datos secundarios de la historia clínica electrónica y los datos nacionales del Sistema de Control Logístico de Medicamentos (SICLOM) y Sistema de Control de Pruebas de Laboratorio (SISCEL) de las personas que viven con VIH/SIDA en ese municipio en el período de abril de 2020 a marzo de 2021. La prevalencia de adherencia al TARV fue casi del 85%. Las personas de raza blanca, del sexo masculino, que recibían seguimiento en la atención primaria o en la atención secundaria tuvieron mayor adherencia al tratamiento. La edad y el número de consultas se asociaron directamente con la adherencia al TARV. El proceso de descentralización de la atención a los usuarios que viven con VIH/SIDA y sida es la forma de brindar una atención más integral, pero aún se deben enfrentar desafíos técnicos y éticos. Es necesario mejorar la calificación profesional, la correcta derivación con articulación en red y tener cuidado al secreto y la confidencialidad para que se intensifique aún más la adherencia al tratamiento.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1528282


Objetivo: Comprender las experiencias de mujeres transgénero con VIH que viven con síntomas asociados al tratamiento antirretroviral en Bucaramanga. Material y Método: se realizó un estudio fenomenológico basado en el método de Colaizzi durante los meses de febrero a marzo de 2022; los participantes fueron invitados a contribuir en el estudio por intermedio de una madre transgénero, contactada a través de una red comunitaria; se utilizó un muestreo de "bola de nieve"; el primer contacto se realizó de manera telefónica con cada una de las posibles participantes, verificando los criterios de inclusión; se realizaron entrevistas a profundidad y la saturación teórica se dio al realizar la séptima entrevista, pero se decidió completar 10 entrevistas para ampliar el análisis. Resultados: Se identificaron 5 unidades temáticas: cerrando los ojos a la verdad, experimentado expresiones negativas, entre el ir y venir de los síntomas, generando estrategias para el control de síntomas y renaciendo a una nueva vida. Conclusiones: En las mujeres transgénero, la experiencia de síntomas asociados al tratamiento antirretroviral, es un proceso difícil, pero se posibilita por el apoyo en el control de síntomas y el apoyo familiar y social.

Objective: To understand the experiences of HIV-positive transgender women living with antiretroviral treatment-related symptoms in Bucaramanga, Colombia. Material and Method: A phenomenological study was conducted based on Colaizzi's, between February and March 2022; participants were invited to contribute to the study through a Transgender mother, contacted through a community network; a snowball sampling method was used, the initial contact was made via telephone with each potential participant, verifying inclusion criteria; in-depth interviews were conducted and theoretical saturation was achieved after the seventh interview, but it was decided to complete 10 interviews to further expand the analysis. Results: Five thematic units were identified: closing eyes to the truth, experiencing negative expressions, the coming and going of symptoms, generating strategies for symptom control, and rebirth to a new life. Conclusion: Among transgender women, the experience of symptoms associated with antiretroviral treatment is a difficult process, but is made possible by symptom management support, as well as family and social support.

Objetivo: Compreender as vivências de mulheres transgênero com HIV que convivem com sintomas associados ao tratamento antirretroviral em Bucaramanga, Colômbia. Material e Método: Foi realizado um estudo fenomenológico baseado no método de Colaizzi durante os meses de fevereiro a março de 2022; os participantes foram convidados a contribuir para o estudo através de uma mãe transgênero, contactada através de uma rede comunitária; foi utilizada amostragem "bola de neve"; o primeiro contato foi feito por telefone com cada um dos possíveis participantes, verificando os critérios de inclusão; foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidade e a saturação teórica ocorreu quando foi realizada a sétima entrevista, mas optou-se por realizar 10 entrevistas para ampliar a análise. Resultados: Foram identificadas cinco unidades temáticas: fechar os olhos para a verdade, vivenciar expressões negativas, o ir e vir dos sintomas, gerar estratégias para o controle dos sintomas e renascer para uma nova vida. Conclusão: Entre as mulheres transgênero, a experiência dos sintomas associados ao tratamento antirretroviral é um processo difícil, mas que é possível graças ao apoio na gestão dos sintomas e ao apoio familiar e social.

Hematol., Transfus. Cell Ther. (Impr.) ; 44(3): 307-313, July-Sept. 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1404986


ABSTRACT Introduction: Hematologic abnormalities are common in HIV and involve all blood cell lineages. A study on cytopenias, as correlated with disease progression, can be valuable in resource-limited settings. This study aimed to determine the hematologic profile of HIV patients and its association with CD4 count and antiretroviral (ARV) treatment. Methods: This is a retrospective cohort study involving adult Filipino HIV patients with complete blood count (CBC) and CD4 count determinations prior to the initiation of ARV treatment and after ≥6 months of ARV treatment. Logistic regression was performed to determine the association between cytopenias and a CD4 count <200 cells/μL. Results: The study included 302 patients. Anemia was the most common cytopenia. Anemia and leukopenia were associated with an increased likelihood of having a CD4 count <200 cells/μL in ARV-naïve patients. In ARV-treated patients, leukopenia was associated with an increased probability of having a CD4 count <200 cells/μL. An increase in hemoglobin, white blood cell (WBC) and platelet counts was observed after ≥6 months of ARV treatment. Conclusion: Anemia and leukopenia can be used as markers of immune status in HIV-infected individuals and improvement in the CBC parameters can be used to assess response to ARV treatment. Routine monitoring of hematologic parameters is recommended.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , HIV Infections , Antiretroviral Therapy, Highly Active , Leukopenia , CD4 Antigens , Anemia
Indian J Med Sci ; 2022 Aug; 74(2): 99-102
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222850


People with chronic diseases, old age, obesity, and immunosuppression are more susceptible to infections, including COVID-19. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is widely prevalent in India, yet, the number of COVID cases in people living with HIV is low. We report six cases of COVID-19 in patients with HIV who face various challenges in the intensive care unit. The severity of their COVID infection varies from patient to patient depending on their immune status and treatment with antiretroviral therapy

Rev. bras. enferm ; 75(2): e20210019, 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1341067


ABSTRACT Objective: To verify the association between adherence to antiretroviral treatment by adults with HIV/AIDS and sociodemographic factors, social and clinical support. Methods: Cross-sectional study, with a quantitative approach. Participation of 230 patients. Questionnaires of sociodemographic characterization, social and clinical support, and assessment of adherence to antiretroviral treatment were used. Descriptive and inferential statistics were performed. Results: Adherence was classified as good/adequate. An association with sex, income, employment, and level of education was noted. In social support: having access to health services; communication with health professionals; health education; having support to allow venting/talking about issues; information on HIV/AIDS; and company for leisure. In the clinical profile: non-interruption of the drug treatment due to absence from the service or due to changes in the medical prescription. Conclusion: Adherence was classified as good/adequate and especially associated with social support factors, which should be enhanced in clinical practice.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Verificar la relación entre la adhesión al tratamiento antirretroviral de adultos con VIH/SIDA y los factores sociodemográficos, apoyo social y clínico. Método: Estudio transversal, con abordaje cuantitativo. Participaron 230 pacientes. Utilizaron encuestas de caracterización sociodemográfica, apoyo social, clínico y evaluación de la adhesión al tratamiento antirretroviral. Realizó estadística descriptiva e inferencial. Resultados: La adhesión fue clasificada como buena/adecuada. Percibió relación con el sexo, renta, empleo y nivel de instrucción. En el apoyo social: ter acceso al servicio de salud; comunicación con los profesionales de salud; educación en salud; recibir apoyo para desahogar/conversar; información sobre VIH/SIDA; y compañía para el ocio. En el perfil clínico: no dejar de tomar los medicamentos por ausencia en el servicio o por alteración en la prescripción médica. Conclusión: La adhesión fue clasificada como buena/adecuada y relacionada, especialmente, a los factores de apoyo social, los cuales deben ser potencializados en la práctica clínica.

RESUMO Objetivo: Verificar a associação entre a adesão ao tratamento antirretroviral de adultos com HIV/aids e os fatores sociodemográficos, apoio social e clínico. Métodos: Estudo transversal, com abordagem quantitativa. Participaram 230 pacientes. Utilizaram-se questionários de caracterização sociodemográfica, apoio social, clínico e avaliação da adesão ao tratamento antirretroviral. Realizou-se estatística descritiva e inferencial. Resultados: A adesão foi classificada como boa/adequada. Percebeu associação com o sexo, renda, emprego e nível de instrução. No apoio social: ter acesso ao serviço de saúde; comunicação com os profissionais de saúde; educação em saúde; receber apoio para desabafar/conversar; informação sobre HIV/aids; e companhia para o lazer. No perfil clínico: não deixar de tomar os medicamentos por ausência no serviço ou por alteração na prescrição médica. Conclusão: A adesão foi classificada como boa/adequada e associada, especialmente, aos fatores de apoio social, os quais devem ser potencializados na prática clínica.

Rev. cuba. med. trop ; 73(3)dic. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1408876


RESUMEN Introducción: El aumento de la expectativa de vida en personas que viven con VIH ha obligado a buscar alternativas de terapia antiretroviral simplificadas y con menor potencial de toxicidad que favorezcan la adherencia, y con ello alcanzar metas de indetectabilidad de la carga viral. Varias alternativas se han propuesto en los últimos años y es necesario saber la efectividad de estas a mediano y largo plazo. Objetivo: Determinar la efectividad y seguridad de la terapia de cambio, en pacientes mayores a 12 años que viven con el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana. Métodos: Se realizó la búsqueda de la literatura en bases de datos electrónicas y literatura gris. La medida de desenlaces para mantenimiento de carga viral (menos de 50 copias por mililitro), niveles de linfocitos T CD4+ y eventos adversos de la terapia de cambio frente a continuación de la terapia estándar se estimó de forma combinada. Resultados: Se incluyeron seis ensayos clínicos aleatorizados que compararon terapia de cambio (Rilpivirina/Emtricitabina/Tenofovir alafenamida, Dolutegravir/Rilpivirina, Abacavir/Dolutegravir/Lamivudina), frente a la continuación de la terapia estándar. El mantenimiento de la carga viral no fue diferente entre los grupos (OR: 0,77; IC95% 0,59; 1,02), tampoco el recuento de linfocitos T CD4+ (DME: 6;76; IC95% -5,05;18,57), al igual que los eventos adversos serios (OR: 1,03; IC95% 0,74; 1,42). Conclusiones: No se encontró diferencia en la efectividad y seguridad de la terapia de cambio frente a continuar la terapia estándar. Los resultados apoyan en uso de estas estrategias terapéuticas para favorecer la adherencia a la terapia antirretroviral.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Increase in the life expectancy of people living with HIV has led to the search for simplified antiretroviral therapy alternatives of lower toxicity potential which foster adherence and thus contribute to achieve viral load undetectability goals. Several options have been proposed in recent years, and it is necessary to be aware of their mid- and long-term effectiveness. Objective: Determine the effectiveness and safety of switch therapy in patients aged over 12 years who live with the human immunodeficiency virus. Methods: A bibliographic search was conducted in electronic databases and the gray literature. Combined estimation was made of the measure of outcomes for viral load maintenance (less than 50 copies per milliliter), CD4+ T lymphocyte levels and adverse events of switch therapy versus continuing standard therapy. Results: Six randomized clinical trials were included which compared switch therapy (rilpivirine / emtricitabine / tenofovir alafenamide, dolutegravir / rilpivirine, abacavir / dolutegravir / lamivudine) with continuing standard therapy. Viral load maintenance was not different between the groups (OR: 0.77; CI 95% 0.59, 1.02), nor was there any difference in the CD4+ T lymphocyte count (DME: 6.76; CI 95% -5.05;18.57) or the serious adverse events (OR: 1.03; CI 95% 0.74; 1.42). Conclusions: Differences were not found in the effectiveness and safety of switch therapy versus continuing standard therapy. Results support the use of these therapeutic strategies to foster adherence to antiretroviral therapy.

Medicina (Ribeirão Preto) ; 54(1)jul, 2021. fig.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1353674


ABSTRACT: Aims: To identify the frequency in changes of bone metabolism, including below the average value for age, osteopenia, and osteoporosis, in people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) and to compare the frequency of factors associated with bone mineral density (BMD) and body composition between sex. Methods: This observational study assessed 106 PLWHA (65 male) recruited from the University Hospital of Ribeirão Preto Medical School from 2013 to 2014. BMD was measured using Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA). Standard deviation values for Z- and T-score proposed by the International Society for Clinical Densitometry were adopted to classify participants below the average value for age, osteopenia, and osteoporosis. Qui-square and Fischer's exact tests were employed to compare males and females based on their factors associated with BMD reduction. Results: Fifty-two (49%) PLWHA presented at least one diagnosis for below the average value for age, osteopenia, and osteoporosis, being 37 (57%) and 15 (37%) male and female, respec-tively. Frequency of alcohol consumption was higher in males (n=20; 30.8%) than females (n=05; 12.2%) (p=0.028).Conclusions: A high rate of PLWHA showed changes in bone metabolism, with a higher frequency in males. The fre-quency of alcohol consumption was higher in males, and it may partially explain the possible causes of the increased rates of bone metabolism changes observed in this group. This information may help develop strategies for reducing the frequency of diagnosis for below the average value for age, osteopenia, osteoporosis improving quality of life in PLWHA. (AU)

RESUMO: Objetivos: Identificar a frequência de alterações no metabolismo ósseo, incluindo valores abaixo do estimado para idade, osteopenia e osteoporose, em pessoas vivendo com HIV/Aids (PVHA) e comparar a frequência de fatores associados à redução da densidade mineral óssea (DMO) e composição corporal entre sexos. Métodos: Estudo observacional que ava-liou 106 PVHA (65 do sexo masculino) recrutadas do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo entre os anos 2013 e 2014. A DMO foi medida utilizando a Absorciometria Radiológica de Dupla Energia (DXA). Valores de desvio padrão Z- e T- scores propostos pela Sociedade Internacional para Densitometria Clí-nica foram adotados para classificar os participantes em abaixo do valor estimado para idade, osteopenia e osteoporose. Os testes do qui-quadrado e exato de Fischer foram empregados na comparação entre os sexos baseado em seus respec-tivos fatores associados à redução da densidade mineral óssea. Resultados: Cinquenta e dois (49%) PVHA apresentaram ao menos um diagnóstico para abaixo do valor estimado para idade, osteopenia e osteoporose, sendo 37 (57%) do sexo masculino e 15 (37%) feminino. A frequência de consumo de álcool foi maior no sexo masculino (n=20; 30,8%) compara-do ao feminino (n=5; 12,2%) (p=0,028). Conclusões: Uma alta taxa de PVHA apresentaram alterações no metabolismo ósseo, com maior frequência no sexo masculino. A frequência no consumo de álcool foi maior no sexo masculino, podendo explicar parcialmente as possíveis causas para taxa aumentada de alterações no metabolismo ósseo observada nesse grupo. Essa informação pode contribuir no desenvolvimento de estratégias para redução da frequência do diagnóstico para valores abaixo do estimado para idade, osteopenia e osteoporose, melhorando a qualidade de vida em PVHA

Humans , Male , Female , Osteoporosis , Bone Diseases, Metabolic/diagnosis , Bone Diseases, Metabolic/epidemiology , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome , HIV , Antiretroviral Therapy, Highly Active , Densitometry
Braz. j. infect. dis ; 25(1): 101044, jan., 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249298


ABSTRACT Background: Clinical improvements following highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) may increase high-risk behaviors resulting in sexually transmitted infections (STI). Optimism related to the success of HAART in slowing disease progression, reducing viral load, and improving health status might be important factors for increasing sexual risk behaviors such as less use of condoms. Objective: To determine the prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, syphilis, hepatitis B and C, high-risk HPV, and cervical cytological abnormalities among women living with HIV (WLHIV) who attended a Reference Center for STI/AIDS in Brazil. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 151 WLHIV attending an STI Clinic in Vitória city, Brazil. A structured questionnaire, including demographic, behavioral, and clinical information, was used for data collection. Serological tests for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis C and B, CD4 counts, and viral load determination were performed. Cervical samples were collected for cytology and real-time PCR for HPV, Chlamydia, and Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Results: In this study, 59% of women had at least one diagnosed STI at the time of the first clinic visit; 31% had clinical forms of anogenital HPV, 10% syphilis, 8%Neisseria gonorrhoeae, 5.0% trichomoniasis, 3% Chlamydia trachomatis, 1% hepatitis B, and 1% hepatitis C; 6.7% of the women presented with cervical cytological abnormalities. Furthermore, 46.3% of women had HR-HPV, and 17.6% had HPV 16/18. Only 5% of the women had a CD4 count <200 cells/mm3, 61.6% had undetectable HIV viral load, and 81.3% were currently on HAART. Conclusion: A high prevalence of STI and HR-HPV infections were observed among HIV-infected women in this investigation. Prevention programs need to focus on counseling WLHIV and their regular partners with focused interventions such as couples counseling and education programs.

Humans , Female , Chlamydia Infections/epidemiology , Gonorrhea , HIV Infections/complications , HIV Infections/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/epidemiology , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Human papillomavirus 16 , Human papillomavirus 18
African Journal of Health Sciences ; 34(4): 464-474, 2021.
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1337581


Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) is undoubtedly the only proven remedy known to improve the health outcomes and reduce AIDS-related mortality. However, just like other chronic diseases, HIV presents significant challenges in achieving and maintaining adherence to medication. The effectiveness of HAART solely depends on adherence. For maximum medication benefits, a nearperfect adherence levels of >95% is required yet data from different studies indicate that few, if any patients have achieved perfect adherence. The main objective of the study was to the determine predictors of adherence to Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy among HIV patients attending selected comprehensive care centres in Kericho County. MATERIALS AND METHODS A descriptive cross-sectional study was adopted, involving 280 HIV patients (≥ 15 years) on HAART from three selected Comprehensive Care Centres in Kericho County, Kenya. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected using interviewer administered semi-structured questionnaires and key informant interviews, respectively. Purposive sampling was used to select the three health facilities while systematic sampling was used for participant selection. Adherence was measured using viral load. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 25. Logistic regression analysis was used to determine the association between adherence to HAART and various independent variables. Results were considered to be significant at p < 0.05). RESULTS AND CONCLUSION Seventy six percent (76%) of the respondents had optimal adherence while 24% had sub-optimal adherence. More females than males were on treatment. Use of HAART alternatives was a risk factor for sub-optimal adherence (p=0.011). Having someone/tool to remind of when to take medication and disclosure of HIV positive status to spouse were found to significantly promote adherence to HAART with p=0.034) and p=0.048, respectively. African Journal of Health Sciences Volume 34, Issue No.4, July- August 2021 465 RECOMMENDATIONS Several studies have been done on the socio-demographic and socio-economic factors associated with adherence to HAART. Findings from this study indicate that attitudes and practices towards HAART have significant effects on adherence hence more research should be done on attitudes and practice aspects of adherence

Humans , Patient Compliance , Antiretroviral Therapy, Highly Active , HIV Long Terminal Repeat , Kenya
Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 37(9): e00143520, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1345635


Immune recovery reflects health conditions. Our goal was to estimate the time it takes to achieve immune recovery and its associated factors, in people living with HIV (PLHIV), after antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation. A historical cohort study was performed among PLHIV (> 18 years-old) in Minas Gerais State, Brazil, using data from healthcare databases. Patients initiating ART between 2009-2018, with T-CD4+ lymphocytes and viral load recorded before and after antiretroviral therapy were included. The outcome is achievement of immune recovery, defined as the first T-CD4+ > 500 cells/µL after ART initiation. Explanatory variables were age, gender, place of residence, year of ART initiation, baseline viral load and T-CD4+, viral load status, and adherence to ART at follow-up. Descriptive analysis, cumulative, and person-time incidences of immune recovery were estimated. Median-time to immune recovery was estimated using Kaplan-Meier method. Factors associated with immune recovery were assessed by Cox regression. Among 26,430 PLHIV, 8,014 (30%) were eligible. Most were male (67%), mean age 38.7 years, resided in non-central region, median-baseline T-CD4+ = 228 cells/µL (< 200 cells/µL = 43%) and viral load median-baseline = 4.7 log10 copies/mL (detectable viral load = 99%). Follow-up time = 15,872 person-years. Cumulative and incidence rate were 58% (95%CI: 57-58) (n = 4,678) and 29.47 cases/100 person-years, respectively. Median-time to immune recovery was of 22.8 months (95%CI: 21.9-24.0). Women living with HIV, younger than 38 years of age, with T-CD4+ baseline > 200 cells/µL, detectable viral load (baseline), antiretroviral therapy-adherence and undetectable viral load (follow-up) were independently associated with immune recovery. Time to immune recovery remains long and depends on early treatment and antiretroviral therapy-adherence.

A recuperação imunológica reflete condições de saúde. Nosso objetivo foi estimar o tempo até a recuperação imunológica e fatores associados em pessoas vivendo com HIV (PVHIV) após de iniciar a terapia antirretroviral (TARV). Foi conduzida uma coorte histórica de PVHIV (> 18 anos) no Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil, usando bancos de serviços públicos de saúde. Foram incluídos pacientes que iniciaram a TARV entre 2009 e 2018, com linfócitos T-CD4+ e carga viral registrados antes e depois do início da TARV. O desfecho foi a recuperação imunológica, definida como a primeira contagem de T-CD4+ > 500 cel/µL após o início da TARV. As variáveis explanatórias foram idade, sexo, local de residência, ano de início de TARV, carga viral basal, T-CD4+ na linha de base e carga viral e adesão à TARV no seguimento. Foi realizada uma análise descritiva com estimativa de incidência acumulada e taxa de incidência (pessoa-ano). O tempo mediano até a recuperação imunológica foi estimado pelo método Kaplan-Meier. Fatores associados à recuperação imune foram avaliados por meio de regressão de Cox. Entre as 26.430 PVHIV, 8.014 (30%) foram elegíveis. A maioria era do sexo masculino (67%), com média de idade = 38,7 anos, residência em regiões fora da região metropolitana, mediana de T-CD4+ baseline = 228 células/µL (< 200 células/µL = 43%) e mediana de carga viral baseline = 4,7 log10 cópias/mL (carga viral detectável = 99%). Tempo de seguimento = 15.872 pessoas-ano. A incidência acumulativa e a taxa de incidência foram foram 58% (IC95%: 57-58) (n = 4.678) e 29,47 casos/100 pessoas-ano, respectivamente. Tempo mediano até recuperação imune = 22,8 meses (IC95%: 21,9-24,0). Os fatores independentemente associados com recuperação imunológica foram sexo feminino, idade < 38 anos, T-CD4+ basal > 200 células/µL, carga viral detectável (linha de base), adesão à TARV e carga viral indetectável (no seguimento). O tempo até a recuperação imunológica ainda é longo e impactado pelo tratamento precoce e da adesão à TARV.

La recuperación inmunológica refleja condiciones de salud. Nuestra meta fue estimar el tiempo y los factores asociados a la recuperación inmunológica en personas que viven con VIH (PVVIH), tras iniciar una terapia antirretroviral (TAR). Se realizó sobre una cohorte histórica entre PVVIH (> 18 años de edad) en Minas Gerais, Brasil, usando datos de las bases de datos del sistema de salud. Se incluyeron a pacientes que comenzaron una TAR entre 2009-2018, con T-CD4+ linfocitos y carga viral, registrada antes/después de TAR. El resultado fue el logro de recuperación inmunológica, definida como la primera T-CD4+ > 500 células/µL tras la iniciación TAR. Las variables explicatorias fueron: edad, género, lugar de residencia, año de iniciación TAR, base de referencia de carga viral, base de referencia de T-CD4+ y estatus de la carga viral y adherencia al TAR en el seguimiento. Se estimó: análisis descriptivo, acumulativo e incidencias persona-tiempo de recuperación inmunológica. La media de tiempo para la recuperación inmunológica se estimó usando el método Kaplan-Meier. Los factores asociados con la recuperación inmunológica se evaluaron mediante la regresión de Cox. Entre las 26.430 PVVIH, 8.014 (30%) fueron elegibles. La mayoría eran hombres (67%), media de edad = 38,7 años, residentes en una región no central, media de base de referencia T-CD4+ = 228 células/µL (< 200 células/µL = 43%) y carga viral media de base de referencia = 4,7 log10 copias/mL (carga viral detectable = 99%). El tiempo de seguimiento = 15.872 persona-años. La tasa acumulativa y de incidencia fue 58% (95%CI: 57-58) (n = 4.678) y 29,47 casos/100 persona-años, respectivamente. El tiempo de media para la recuperación inmunológica = 22,8 meses (95%CI: 21,9-24,0). Género femenino, PVVIH < 38 años de edad, T-CD4+ base de referencia > 200 células/µL, carga viral detectable (base de referencia), adherencia al TAR e carga viral indetectable (seguimiento) estuvieron independientemente asociadas con la recuperación inmunológica. El tiempo para la recuperación inmunológica sigue siendo largo y depende de un tratamiento temprano y de adherencia a la TAR.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , HIV Infections/drug therapy , Anti-HIV Agents/therapeutic use , Brazil , Cohort Studies , Viral Load , Antiretroviral Therapy, Highly Active
Rev. cuba. enferm ; 36(4): e3479, tab
Article in Spanish | CUMED, LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1280295


Introducción: Uno de los problemas que afecta los pueblos indígenas latinoamericanos es la falta de datos epidemiológicos respecto a la prevalencia del VIH-sida, debido a que los sistemas de información y vigilancia no registran la variable etnicidad. Objetivo: Proponer una política pública transcultural para prevenir factores asociados a la no adherencia a la terapia antirretroviral de gran actividad del VIH-Sida de la etnia Amazónica Kusu Pagata. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo, transversal, con 18 pobladores diagnosticados de VIH-sida en la comunidad Kusu Pagata, Perú. 2018-2019. Se aplicó cuestionario validado por expertos y confiabilidad alfa de Cronbach (0,71). La variable investigada fue factores asociados a la no adherencia a terapia antirretroviral, la propuesta fue una política pública basada en la Teoría de Madeleine Leininger. Se utilizaron estadísticas descriptivas (promedio, desviación estándar) e inferencial (prueba de comparación de promedios para varianzas homogéneas Shapiro-Wilk y prueba F para comparación de varianzas de 1 cola). Resultados: La edad promedio del paciente no adherente al tratamiento fue 21 años, significativamente mayor que la de los adherentes (18,2) años. El 80 por ciento de los que acudieron al curandero fueron no adherentes al tratamiento, el 50 por ciento fueron adherentes y acudieron al establecimiento sanitario. El 64 por ciento consumió tratamientos con productos elaborados con plantas, los que se consideraron no adherentes al tratamiento farmacológico, el 71 por ciento tomó otros tratamientos alternos. Conclusión: Se propuso una política pública transcultural según Teoría de Madeleine Leininger para prevenir factores asociados a la no adherencia a la terapia antirretroviral del VIH-sida de la etnia Amazónica Kusu Pagata(AU)

Introduction: One of the problems affecting Latin American indigenous peoples is the lack of epidemiological data regarding the prevalence of HIV-Aids, due to the fact that the information and surveillance systems do not register the ethnicity variable. Objective: To propose a cross-cultural public policy to prevent factors associated with non-adherence to highly active antiretroviral therapy for HIV-Aids of the Amazon Kusu Pagata ethnic group. Methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional study with 18 residents diagnosed with HIV-Aids in the Kusu Pagata community, Peru. 2018-2019. An expertly validated questionnaire and Cronbach's alpha reliability (0.71) were applied. The variable investigated was factors associated with non-adherence to antiretroviral therapy; the proposal was a public policy based on the Theory of Madeleine Leininger. Descriptive (mean, standard deviation) and inferential statistics (means comparison test for homogeneous Shapiro - Wilk variances and F-test for comparison of 1-tail variances) were used. Results: The average age of the patient not adherent to the treatment was 21 years, significantly higher than that of the adherents (18.2) years. 80.00 percent of those who went to the healer were non-adherent to the treatment, 50.00 percent were adherent and went to the health facility. 64.00 percent consumed treatments with products made with plants, those who were considered non-adherent to the pharmacological treatment, 71.00 percent took other alternative treatments. Conclusion: A cross-cultural public policy was proposed according to Madeleine Leininger's Theory to prevent factors associated with non-adherence to antiretroviral therapy for HIV-AIDS of the Amazon Kusu Pagata ethnic group(AU)

Humans , Public Policy , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/diagnosis , Antiretroviral Therapy, Highly Active/adverse effects , Indigenous Peoples , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-209767


Aim:This study assesses the effects of HAART on liver and renal functions in HIV infected individuals on HAART.Study Design:Cross sectional study.Place and Methods:This study was conducted in Tamale, Ghana from August, 2015 to November 2017. Original Research Article Methodology:A total of 300 HIV infected participants with ages ranging from 19 to 79 years who have been administered with HAART for at least 6 months were recruited. Pre-HAART administration (baseline) demographic and clinical information, with initial liver and renal function test results were retrieved from the medical records of the participants present at the ART center. Post HAART administration blood sample (5mLs) was taken from each participant into a gel separated vacutainer tube, allowed to clot and spun at 3000rpm for 3 minutes to produce serum. The product (serum) was used for liver and renal function test analysis using a fully automated chemistry analyser (Vital Scientific Selectra Flexor XL). Results: Of the study population, 72% were administered with AZT/3TC/EFV, 13% with AZT/3TC/NVP, 6.7% with TDF/3TC/LPV/r and TDF/3TC/NVP, 1% with AZT/3TC/EFV while 0.7% were administered with TDF/FTC/EFV. The following parameters were significantly increased post HAART administration; ALT (25.53 ± 16.90 to 30.87 ± 19.28 U/L), ALP (163.7 ± 141.0 to 215.2 ± 143.4 U/L), GGT (37.27 ± 25.21 to 53.19 ± 41.71 U/L), Total protein (73.97 ± 17.08 to 82.31 ± 11.62 g/L), Albumin (38.02 ±9.331 to 41.01 ± 7.471 g/L), Globulin 38.02 ± 15.71 to 42.79 ± 25.20 (g/L). There were however significant reductions in Total bilirubin (12.13 ± 10.85 to 9.434 ± 4.560 μmol/L), Direct bilirubin (6.616 ± 5.770 to 4.184 ± 2.806 μmol/L), (Creatinine 73.19 ±36.13 to 63.14 ± 27.14 μmol/L) and Urea (3.515 ± 2.552 to 3.011±1.274 mmol/L).Conclusion: HAART improves renal function, induces elevation in liver enzymes, stimulates the production of plasma proteins and reduces serum bilirubin concentration

Organ Transplantation ; (6): 677-2020.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-829680


With the advent of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) has gradually evolved from an incurable terminal disease to a controllable chronic disease. Due to the extended survival of AIDS patients, chronic renal failure and (or) chronic liver failure have become the main cause of death, and AIDS patients with chronic liver failure are constantly complicated with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection was previously considered as a contraindication for liver transplantation. With the deepening of medical cognition and improvement of surgical management experience, the quantity of HIV positive liver transplantation recipients has been steadily elevated and high long-term survival rate has been achieved. Nevertheless, the 3-, 5-, and 10-year survival rates after liver transplantation of HIV combined with HCV positive patients remain extremely low. In this article, the development of liver transplantation in HIV positive patients, the disease progression of HIV combined with HCV positive patients, and the treatment for the recurrence of viral hepatitis C after the operation were summarized.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-822689


Objective@#To investigate the survival status and influencing factors of HIV/AIDS patients after receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy(HAART)in Shangluo,Shaanxi Province,so as to provide evidence for improving the effect of HAART.@*Methods@#HIV/AIDS patients who received HAART for the first time in Shangluo from 2010 to 2018 were investigated. Life table method was used to analyze the survival rate,mortality rate and median survival time of the subjects. A proportional hazards model was used to analyze the influencing factors for the survival time of HIV/AIDS patients.@*Results@#A total of 286 HIV/AIDS patients were collected,and 27 of them died of AIDS. After HAART,the 1-year,cumulative survival rates of less than 1 year,4 years and 8 years were 93.95%,89.71% and 88.39%,respectively. The results of multivariate proportional hazards regression analysis showed that the patients aged 30 years when first received HAART had higher risk of death than those aged 18-29 years(RR:4.208-24.095,95%CI:1.219-79.491);patients with AIDS had higher risk of death than those with HIV(RR=38.590, 95%CI:15.451-96.382);patients by homosexual transmission(RR=3.425,95%CI:1.385-8.470)and non-sexual transmission(RR=10.299,95%CI:3.602-29.446)had higher risk of death than those by heterosexual transmission;patients with baseline CD4+T lymphocytes number of 200/μL and more(RR:0.133-0.170,95%CI:0.048-0.604)had lower risk of death than those with less than 200/μL. @*Conclusions @#The survival rate of HIV/AIDS patients in Shangluo after receiving HAART is relatively high. Age at the start of treatment,course of disease,route of infection and the number of CD4+T lymphocytes at baseline are the influencing factors of survival time.

Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 53: e20200333, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | SES-SP, ColecionaSUS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1136832


Abstract INTRODUCTION: Achieving viral suppression (VS) in children is challenging despite the exponential increase in access to antiretroviral therapy (ART). We evaluated VS in children >1 year of age and adolescents 5 years after they had begun ART, in Manaus, Amazonas state, Brazil. METHODS: HIV-infected, ART-naive children >1 year of age between 1999 and 2016 were eligible. Analysis was stratified by age at ART initiation: 1-5 y, >5-10 y, and >10-19 y. CD4+ T-cell count and viral load were assessed on arrival at the clinic, on ART initiation, and at 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, and 5 years after ART initiation. The primary outcome was a viral load <50 copies/mL 5 years after ART initiation. RESULTS: Ultimately, 121 patients were included. The mean age at diagnosis was 4.8 years (SD 3.5), mean CD4% was 17.9 (SD 9.8), and mean viral load was 4.6 log10 copies/ml (SD 0.8). Five years after ART initiation, the overall VS rate was 46.9%. VS by patient age group was as follows: 36.6% for 1-5 y, 53.3% for >5-10 y, and 30% for >10-19 y. Almost all children (90,4%) showed an increase in CD4%+ T cell count. There were no statistically significant predictors for detecting children who do not achieve VS with treatment. VS remained below 65% in all the evaluated periods. CONCLUSIONS: Considerable immunological improvement is seen in children after ART initiation. Further efforts are needed to maintain adequate long-term VS levels and improve the survival of this vulnerable population.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , HIV Infections/drug therapy , Brazil , HIV , CD4 Lymphocyte Count , Anti-HIV Agents/therapeutic use , Viral Load , Antiretroviral Therapy, Highly Active
Cogit. Enferm. (Online) ; 25: e67768, 2020. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1142803


RESUMO Objetivo: analisar o conhecimento sobre o HIV/aids e os fatores que influenciam na adesão à terapia antirretroviral de pessoas vivendo com HIV/aids. Método: estudo transversal, quantitativo, com 36 pacientes que se encontravam internados, distribuídos em G1-adesão (25) e G2-não adesão (11), em um hospital no estado da Paraíba. Utilizou-se um instrumento estruturado e os dados foram analisados mediante os testes Chi-Squared Automatic Interaction Detection, Modelo de Análise de Variância Multivariada, M de box, Lambda de Wilks e F da análise de variância univariada. Resultados: o determinante ter acompanhamento psicológico possui influência muito forte na classificação de um indivíduo em algum dos grupos G1 e G2. Conclusão: é imprescindível a atenção focada nos aspectos biopsicossociais dos pacientes, constituindo fator essencial na adesão à terapêutica. Este estudo traz como contribuições novos conhecimentos científicos acerca da adesão à terapia antirretroviral na região nordeste do Brasil.

RESUMEN: Objetivo: analizar el conocimiento acerca del HIV/sida y los factores que influencian la adhesión a la terapia antirretroviral de personas con HIV/sida. Método: estudio transversal, cuantitativo, con 36 pacientes internados, agrupados en G1-adhesión (25) y G2-no adhesión (11), en un hospital del estado de Paraíba. Se utilizó un instrumento estructurado y se analizaron los datos por medio de pruebas Chi-Squared Automatic Interaction Detection, Modelo de Análisis de Variancia Multivariada, M de box, Lambda de Wilks y F del análisis de variancia univariada. Resultados: el determinante acompañamiento psicológico tiene mucha influencia en la clasificación de un individuo de los grupos G1 y G2. Conclusión: es imprescindible el enfoque en la atención a los aspectos biopsicosociales de los pacientes, constituyendo factor esencial en la adhesión a la terapéutica. Este estudio trae como contribuciones nuevos conocimientos científicos acerca de la adhesión a la terapia antirretroviral en la región nordeste de Brasil.

ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze knowledge about HIV/AIDS and the factors that influence adherence to antiretroviral therapy of people living with HIV/AIDS. Method: Cross-sectional quantitative study with 36 hospitalized patients, distributed in the groups G1-adherence (25) and G2-non-adherence (11), in a hospital in the state of Paraíba. A structured instrument was used, and data were analyzed using Chi-Squared Automatic Interaction Detection tests, Multivariate Analysis of Variance Model, Box's M test, Wilks' Lambda, and F-test in One-Way ANOVA. Results: The determinant Receiving psychological counseling has a very strong impact on the classification of an individual in any of the G1 and G2 groups. Conclusion: Focus on patients' biopsychosocial aspects is essential, and this is a key factor in adherence to therapy. New scientific knowledge on adherence to antiretroviral therapy in the northeastern region of Brazil is the contribution of this study.

Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 53: e20200360, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | SES-SP, ColecionaSUS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1143859


Abstract INTRODUCTION The first Brazilian HIV treatment recommendation was put forward in 1996, resulting in 12 subsequent guidelines. Several changes were made regarding "when" and "how" to begin treatment. The latest guideline recommends immediate initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART). This study aimed to describe the evolution of HIV treatment among people living with HIV (PLHIV) who initiated ART between 2004 and 2018 based on the national guideline recommendations concerning T-CD4+ and VL measurements. METHODS A cross-sectional analysis of data of PLHIV aged >18 years, in Minas Gerais who received ART between 2004 and 2018 was conducted. Clinical, therapeutic, and demographic information were obtained from national healthcare databases. The study was divided into four periods: 2004-2007, 2008-2012, 2013-2016, and 2017-2018. Descriptive analyses were performed. RESULTS A total of 60,618 PLHIV initiated ART (67% male and 48% aged 25-39 years), 36% of whom had CD4 counts at ART initiation and 51% documented VL after ART initiation. The median CD4 count ranged from 288 to 373 cells/µL. The median time to ART initiation decreased from 604 to 28 days and was lower among males (p <0.01). The median time from ART initiation to the first VL result decreased from 101 to 62 days over the study period, while the median VL after ART initiation ranged from 2.3 to 1.7 log10 copies/ml. CONCLUSIONS Although our results demonstrated that most recommendations were followed, there seemed to be little impact on CD4 counts and VL testing. This may result in an inadequate evaluation of ART effectiveness.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , HIV Infections/drug therapy , Anti-HIV Agents/therapeutic use , Brazil/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , CD4 Lymphocyte Count , Viral Load