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Pensar Prát. (Online) ; 26: 72801, 20230227.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1435940


O presente trabalho acompanha o desenvolvimento das categorias natureza e história no pensamento filosófico-social ocidental até o século XVIII. O estudo centrado nestas categorias as entendem como importantes pressupostos para uma ontologia do ser social marxiana-lukasciana. Também entende como necessária a revisão da elaboração destes fundamentos para se compreender o corpo e a corporeidade humana constituídos no complexo relacional destas categorias. Conclui-se que a antinomia entre o natural e histórico-social neste período não possui resoluções concretas e satisfatórias para o entendimento do complexo, mas é possível observar a tentativa de cisão e superação da natureza pelo espírito racional.

This present paper follows the development of the nature and history categories in Western social-philosophical thought until the 18th century. The study focused on these categories, understanding them as important assumptions for a Marxian-Lukascian ontology of social being. It is also understood as necessary to review the elaboration of these foundations in order to understand the human body and corporeality constituted in the relational complex of these categories. It is concluded that the antinomy between the natural and the historical-social in this period does not have concrete and satisfactory resolutions for the understanding of the complex, but it is possible to observe the attempt to split and overcome nature by the rational spirit.

Este ensayo sigue el desarrollo de las categorías naturaleza e historia en el pensamiento socio-filosófico occidental hasta el siglo XVIII. El estudio centrado en estas categorías, las entiende como presupuestos importantes para una ontología del ser social presente en la obra de Marx, Engels y Lukács. Entiende también como necesaria, la revisión de la elaboración de estos fundamentos para comprender el cuerpo y la corporeidad humana constituida en el complejo relacional de estas categorías. Se concluye que la antinomia entre lo natural y lo histórico-social en este período no tiene resoluciones concretas y satisfactorias para la comprensión del complejo, pero es posible observar el intento de escisión y superación de la naturaleza por parte del espíritu racional.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-973438


ObjectiveTo establish an High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (HPLC-ICP-MS) method for determination of six arsenic species in human urine,including arseniccholine (AsC), arsenobetaine (AsB), arsenite (As3+), dimethylarsinic acid (DMA5+), monomethylarsonic acid (MMA5+), and arsenate (As5+). MethodsThe pH value of mobile phase and the content of anhydrous ethanol were optimized. Ammonium carbonate (50 mmol·L-1, containing 2% anhydrous ethanol, pH-8.5) mobile phase was selected. Cl- interference was eliminated by He mode. The arsenic species in 10-fold diluted human urine samples were separated by an Hamilton PRP X-100 anionic column. A method for the determination of six arsenic species was established. ResultsSix arsenic species could be separated in 13 minutes. The linear correlation coefficients were above 0.999. The limits of detection were 0.10‒0.20 μg·L-1, and the limits of quantification were 0.30‒0.50 μg·L-1. Precision experiments showed that RSD ranged from 5.96% to 9.07% when adding concentration 0.20 μg·L-1; from 2.48% to 6.38% when adding concentration 2.00 μg·L-1; and from 1.41% to 2.57% when adding concentration 5.00 μg·L-1. Accuracy test showed that the recoveries were 80%‒125%. ConclusionThe established HPLC-ICP-MS method for determination of six arsenic species in human urine is rapid, accurate and sensitive. It can be applied to the determination of arsenic species in human urine.

Psicol. rev ; 31(1): 11-26, jun. 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1399108


A Clínica Ampliada é uma das diretrizes que a Política Nacional de Huma-nização propõe, a fim de qualificar o modo de se fazer saúde pública. Está fundamentada em ideias que remetem à revisão do entendimento tradicional da saúde, o qual privilegia doença, sintoma e cura, objetivismo positivista e intervenção prioritariamente orgânica. Como alternativa, a Clínica Ampliada propõe a valorização do humano em seu contexto e em sua história de vida. O artigo desenvolve o pensamento de que a essa ampliação da clínica subjaz uma concepção de ser humano, uma vez que a caracterização de qualquer fenômeno humano implica um entendimento a respeito de como é o humano. Argumenta-se que a concepção analítico-existencial de ser humano, elabo-rada pelo filósofo Martin Heidegger, é compatível com a visão de ser humano implícita na abordagem da Clínica Ampliada à saúde, uma vez que também amplia a visão tradicional de ser humano, ao descrevê-lo como ser-no-mundo.

The Expanded Clinic is one of the National Humanization Policy's guidelines, which aims to improve the public healthcare. It is based on ideas that rethink traditional healthcare which is characterized by emphasis on diseases, symp-toms and cure, positivistic objectivity and primarily organic intervention. Alternatively, The Expanded Clinic approach highlights the priority of valuing the human in its context and in its life history. The article unfolds arguing that rethinking traditional healthcare practices implies an underlying conception of human being, since the definition of any human phenomenon is related to an understanding of what it is to be human. It is stated that Martin Heidegger's existential-analytical conception of human being is in line with the implicit vision of human being of the Expanded Clinic's approach, in so far as it broa-dens the long-established conception of the human being by describing it as being-in-the-world.

La Clínica Ampliada es uno de los lineamientos que propone la Política Nacional de Humanización, para calificar la forma de hacer salud pública; se basa en ideas que se refieren a la revisión de la comprensión tradicional de la salud, que privilegia la enfermedad, el síntoma y la cura, el objetivismo positivista y la intervención principalmente orgánica. Como alternativa, la Clínica Ampliada propone valorar al humano en su contexto y en su historia de vida. El artículo desarrolla el pensamiento de que a esta revisión subyace una concepción del ser humano, una vez que la caracterización de cualquier fenómeno humano implica un entendimiento de cómo es el ser humano. Se propone que la concepción analítico-existencial del ser humano, elaborada por el filósofo Martín Heidegger, es compatible con la visión del ser humano implícita en la abordaje de la Clínica Ampliada, ya que también expande la visión tradicional del ser humano, al describirlo como un ser-en-el-mundo.

Humans , Male , Female , Humanization of Assistance , Existentialism , Brazil , Comprehensive Health Care , Health Policy
Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 27: e27046, 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1351136


Resumo A presente revisão de literatura visa apresentar o desenvolvimento das categorias natureza e história na obra hegeliana. Entende-se que neste filósofo encontram-se indícios mais sólidos, ainda que abstratos, de um percurso para uma ontologia do ser social. Tal percurso permite observar o trato lógico-conceitual destas categorias, assim como torna possível a compreensão inicial sobre o corpo - tema tão presente no debate da Educação Física - no interior deste processo. Conclui-se que tal desenvolvimento apresenta uma operação lógico-dialética acerca destas categorias e sobre a própria noção sobre o corpo. Porém, ainda apresenta limites quanto ao trato excessivamente abstrato ao apostar no espírito e na lógica para tratar destas e de outras categorias.

Resumen La presente revisión de literatura tiene como objetivo presentar el desarrollo de las categorías naturaleza e historia en la obra hegeliana. Se entiende que en los escritos de este filósofo se encuentran indicios más sólidos, aunque abstractos, de un recorrido hacia una ontología del ser social. Tal recorrido permite observar el tratamiento lógico-conceptual de estas categorías y hace posible la comprensión inicial sobre el cuerpo -tema tan presente en los debates de la Educación Física- en el interior de este proceso. Se concluye que tal desarrollo presenta una operación lógico-dialéctica acerca de estas categorías y sobre la propia noción sobre el cuerpo. Sin embargo, aún presenta límites en cuanto al enfoque excesivamente abstracto al apostar por el espíritu y la lógica para abordar estas y otras categorías.

Abstract This literature review presents the development of nature and history as categories in Hegel's work. More solid - albeit abstract - indications are found in his work of a path towards an ontology of social being. Such a path enables us to observe the logical-conceptual treatment of these categories and to achieve an initial comprehension about the body - a major topic in the Physical Education debate - within this process. We conclude that such development presents a logical-dialectical operation about these categories and about the notion of the body itself. However, it is still limited in its excessively abstract treatment, by focusing on spirit and logic to address these and other categories.

Humans , Philosophy , Nature , Comprehension , Humans
Rev. psicol. (Fortaleza, Online) ; 11(1): 111-124, 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1253356


É corrente em publicações de psicologia sobre saúde a rejeição ao modelo biomédico e a compreensão de que seus fundamentos estão no pensamento cartesiano. Como contraponto, os trabalhos de psicologia enfatizam a visão biopsicossocial, os aspectos contextuais e o papel do comportamento e do estilo de vida no processo saúde-doença. Subjacente a este debate, há uma concepção de ser humano, a partir da qual os trabalhos de psicologia estudam o fenômeno da saúde. A proposta deste artigo é desenvolver a ideia de que a concepção de ser humano, implícita, em trabalhos de psicologia sobre saúde é compatível com o entendimento do modo de ser humano apresentado pelo filósofo alemão Martin Heidegger, em sua obra Ser e Tempo. Para isso, faz-se uma aproximação entre argumentos presentes em publicações de psicologia acerca da saúde e o entendimento heideggeriano do modo de ser humano como ser-no-mundo

Psychology publications about health tend to reject the biomedical model and point out its Cartesian origins. As a counterpoint psychologists emphasize the biopsychosocial view, the contextual aspects and the role of behavior and lifestyle in the health-disease process. Underlying this debate there is a conception of human being from which psychology publications approach the phenomenon of health. The purpose of the article is to present the idea that German philosopher Martin Heidegger's conception of human being is harmonious with psychologists' implicit conception of man displayed in publications on health. For this, psychological points of view related to health will be discussed considering their relationship to Heidegger's understanding of the human mode of being as being-in-the-world

Humans , Health-Disease Process , Existentialism , Psychology, Social
Agora USB ; 19(2): 537-546, jul.-dic. 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1054794


Resumen El proyecto de la naturaleza y el proyecto del conocimiento han sido intervenidos por la razón como instrumento de la acumulación de la riqueza y el poder. La hermana naturaleza, a la cual pertenecemos, ha sido convertida en recursos extraíbles y utilizables, no como bienes de uso para un mejor vivir, sino como valor de cambio al servicio de la acumulación del capital, de allí su deterioro (y el nuestro). Ahora bien, si es la razón de la producción para el mercado, la que condujo al deterioro ambiental y a la fragmentación del saber y a la valoración ciega de lo instrumental como conocimiento prevalente, bien vale hacer un alto en el camino y, en las casas del saber, volver a pensar en libertad dos puntos nodales: el equilibrio de la naturaleza y el desarrollo del saber para la emancipación.

Abstract The project of nature and the project of knowledge have been intervened for reason as an instrument of the accumulation of wealth and power. Sister nature, to which we belong, has been converted into removable and usable resources, not as goods of use for a better living, but as a value of exchange at the service of the accumulation of capital. Hence, its deterioration (and ours). However, if it is the reason for the production for the market, which led to environmental deterioration and fragmentation of knowledge, and the blind assessment of the instrumental as prevalent knowledge, it is good to make a stop on the way. In addition, in the houses of knowledge, to rethink two nodal points in freedom: the balance of nature and the development of knowledge for emancipation.

Acta Anatomica Sinica ; (6): 363-368, 2019.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-844666


Objective To present the performance of mandibular torus of Chinese in the Holocene, to analyze the age variation and the intercrowd variation of the mandibular torus and to explore related reasons. Methods Image comparison and combination description of the mandibular torus with seeds of the specified size, such as peanuts, soybeans, pumpkin seeds, etc,and compare them in different eras,genders,and locations. Results The result showed that the male's mandibular torus was distinctively stronger than that of the female. It was larger in the Neolithic Age than in the Bronze and Iron Age and the size decreased further as human beings moved into the modern era. Iri comparison of mandibular torus in different locations, Jiangjialiang was the largest, Xinjiang was the second, and Tuchengzi and Lamadong were the smallest. Conclusion During the Holocene period, the degree of bulging of the mandibular torus is reduced from time to time, and the difference in the performance of the mandibular torus may be closely related to the difference in mastication pressure caused by food differences.

NOVA publ. cient ; 14(25): 67-93, 2016. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-955157


Objetivo. Identificar plantas con valor de uso medicinal usadas en la comunidad de San Basilio de Palenque entre el 2009 y el 2014. Métodos. Se utilizó el enfoque metodológico consenso de informantes. Resultados. Se registró el uso medicinal de 135 plantas, de las cuales se identificaron 57 especies y 124 géneros pertenecientes a 58 familias botánicas. Lo anterior permitió establecer la relación entre la historia social de usos medicinales que vincula a África y América, así como una clasificación por temperaturas (frío-caliente) que enlazan directamente el ciclo de vida de la planta, el territorio y el cuerpo humano. Los resultados indican una relación ser humano-territorio-uso medicinal, lo que determina la posología del tratamiento y el ciclo vital de la planta.

Objective. Identify plants with value ofmedicinal use in the community ofSan Basilio de Palenque between 2009 and 2014. Methods. It was used the informants consensus methodological approach. Results. It was registered 135 medicinal plants, of which 57 species and 124 genera belonging to 58 botanical families were identified. This allowed to establish the relationship between social history of medicinal uses linking Africa and America, as well as a classification temperature (cold-hot) that directly link the life cycle of the plant, the territory and the human body. The results indicate a relationship between human being-territory-medicinal use, which determines the dosage of the treatment and the life cycle of the plant.

Humans , Medicine, Traditional , Botany , Ethnobotany , Medicine
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-167189


ABSTRACT: The discussion is based around these issues, history of Human Rights, timeline for Human Rights history, question asked in this regard and enemy and friend of „human rights‟. Describing the problems and its resolve from logical reasoning perspective; intellectual argumentation based on logical reason of, what is universal human right, democracy and illegal wars in the world by super powers as example America? Attempt to describe the inner construction of a human being-perfection-. Introduction to the concept of infallibility in different parts in the article, purify yourself and being purified. What is it, is it possible for a creation named human to be not fallible, is the idea or practicing it impossible or there is a great sphere of being able to practicing it and reaching the status if one finds guidance for the right way with peace and human rights prevailed in the world. Majority of the thought in the text, based on hadith-tradition- from the Prophet of Islam Peace upon Him and His family Ahl al-Bait Peace upon Them.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-167179


Abstract: The discussion is based around these issues, history of Human Rights, timeline for Human Rights history, question asked in this regard and enemy and friend of ‘human rights’. Describing the problems and its resolve from logical reasoning perspective; intellectual argumentation based on logical reason of, what is universal human right, democracy and illegal wars in the world by super powers as example America? Attempt to describe the inner construction of a human being-perfection-. Introduction to the concept of infallibility in different parts in the article, purify yourself and being purified. What is it, is it possible for a creation named human to be not fallible, is the idea or practicing it impossible or there is a great sphere of being able to practicing it and reaching the status if one finds guidance for the right way with peace and human rights prevailed in the world. Majority of the thought in the text, based on hadith-tradition- from the Prophet of Islam Peace upon Him and His family Ahl al-Bait Peace upon Them.

Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-915567


La posibilidad de darse forma a sí mismo o de autodeterminarse convoca a pensar en el ser humano, pues es éste el único llamado a hacerse constantemente; por lo tanto, vislumbrar lo que aquí se plantea a partir de la psicología humanista-existencial y la pedagogía crítica, implica comprender la idea de ser humano y los cuatro supuestos: apertura al mundo, excentricidad, coexistencia y formabilidad, los cuales se presentan como entramados para develar la propuesta de formación. Se ha utilizado una metodología de corte cualitativo y una perspectiva hermenéutica para comprender e interpretar los autores y construir inferencia teórica

The possibility to shape yourself, to determine oneself, makes you think about the human being; because it is the only one who can constantly transform him or herself; That is why to envision what is stated here from the humanistic existential psychology and the critical pedagogy implies understanding the idea of being human and these four characteristics: openness to the world, eccentricity, coexistence and formality, which are the basis for the educational proposal. A qualitative methodology and a hermeneutics perspective have been used to understand and interpret the authors and building up the theoretical inference.

Humans , Existentialism/psychology , Thinking , Humans , Humanism
Ciênc. rural ; 43(9): 1623-1628, set. 2013.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-683167


The present study aims to identify dermatological alterations due to the work carried out by women on dairy farms and presents an intervention process on dermatology health with women working in these locations. It is a quasi-experimental study, in an intervention form, in which each subject is independent. It was performed with 20 women working on a dairy farm in Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, between July and October 2011. Most (60%) women identified dermatological changes due to the work. During the intervention, dermatological care action was focused on. The knowledge of these results offers valuable information for those who teach and advice people about dermatological care in rural working places, where such rates of occurrence are high.

O presente estudo teve como objetivos identificar alterações dermatológicas decorrentes do trabalho de mulheres trabalhadoras de ordenha mecânica animal e apresentar um processo de intervenção sobre a saúde dermatológica com mulheres trabalhadoras de ordenha mecânica animal. Um estudo quase-experimental de intervenção, em que cada sujeito é controle dele mesmo, foi conduzido com 20 mulheres trabalhadoras de ordenha mecânica animal em Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, entre julho e outubro de 2011. A maioria (60%) das mulheres identificaram alterações dermatológicas decorrentes do trabalho. Durante intervenção, foram enfocadas ações de cuidados dermatológicos. O conhecimento desses resultados são informações valiosas para aqueles que ensinam e aconselham sobre cuidados dermatológicos nos locais de trabalho rural, local em que as taxas de lesões são altas.

Psicol. teor. prát ; 14(3): 180-188, dez. 2012.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-693031


Do ponto de vista biológico, a morte é algo natural. Todavia, como uma experiência desafiadora, implica a vivência de diversas manifestações, o que também inclui as dimensões psicológica, social e noética. O presente estudo de caso apresenta, sob um enfoque qualitativo e vivencial, a possibilidade da descoberta de sentido na vivência do luto de uma paciente. Para isso, foi realizado um processo psicoterapêutico orientado pela logoterapia. Esse recurso utilizado, além de indicar a importância da apelação a algumas das capacidades de uma pessoa, conceituadas por Frankl como autotranscendência, valores criativos e de atitude, o amor e a responsabilidade, mostrou- -se também relevante e eficaz para a descoberta de sentido para o luto no processo de mudança preconizado numa psicoterapia.

From the biological point of view, death is something natural. However, while a challenging experience involves the experience of various events which also includes psychological dimensions, social and noetic. This case study presents under a qualitative and experiential approach, the possibility of discovery of meaning in the experience the mourning of a patient. For this was accomplished a psychotherapeutic process oriented by Logotherapy. This feature used, besides to indicate the importance of the appeal to some of the capabilities of a person, conceptualized by Frankl as selftranscendence, creative values and attitudinal values , love and responsibility, was also relevant and effective for the discovery of meaning for the mourning in the change process in psychotherapy recommended.

Del punto de vista biológico, la muerte es algo natural. Todavía, como una experiencia desafiadora, implica en la vivencia de diversas manifestaciones que tambien incluyen las dimensiones psicológica, social y noética. El presente estudio de caso presenta, a partir de un enfoque cualitativo y vivencial, la posibilidad de la descubierta de sentido en la vivencia del luto de una paciente. Para esto fue realizado un proceso psicoterapéutico orientado por logoterapia. Ese recurso utilizado, además de indicar la importancia de la apelación a algunas de las capacidades de una persona, conceptuadas por Frankl como autotranscendencia, valores creativos y valores de actitud, el amor y la responsabilidad, se mostró también relevante y eficaz para la descubierta del sentido para el luto en el proceso de cambio que es preconizado en una psicoterapia.

Nat. Hum. (Online) ; 14(2): 177-191, 2012. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-702508


El artículo busca discutir la impresión según la cual el pensamiento de Heidegger deconstruye las bases metafísicas del ser humano. La tesis que espero sostener es que hay una concepción ontológica del ser humano en el pensamiento de Heidegger y que, al respecto, se pueden distinguir tres niveles: a) las críticas de Heidegger a la antropología filosófica tradicional, formuladas en Ser y Tiempo (1927) y Kant y el problema de la metafísica (1929); b) el replanteamiento de la pregunta por el ser humano desde la perspectiva metafísica u ontológica de Heidegger, de finales de los años veinte y c) la rehabilitación de la noción de "ser humano" (Mensch) en esa misma época.

O presente artigo pretende discutir a impressão segundo a qual o pensamento de Heidegger desconstrói as bases metafísicas do ser humano. A tese que espero sustentar é que há uma concepção ontológica do ser humano no pensamento de Heidegger, e que a este respeito se podem diferenciar três níveis: a) as críticas de Heidegger à antropologia filosófica tradicional, formuladas em Ser e Tempo (1927) e Kant e o Problema da Metafísica (1929), b) a recolocação da questão do ser humano a partir da perspectiva metafísica ou ontológica de Heidegger no final dos anos vinte, e c) a reabilitação da noção de "ser humano" (Mensch) no mesmo período.

This article seeks to discuss the impression which the thought of Heidegger deconstructs the metaphysical basis of human beings. The thesis I hope to argue is that there is an ontological conception of the human being in Heidegger's thought and, in this regard, there are three levels: a) the criticism of Heidegger to traditional philosophical anthropology, formulated in Being and Time (1927) and Kant and the problem of Metaphysics (1929), b) the reconsideration of the question of the human being from the metaphysical or ontological perspective of Heidegger, in the late twenties and c) the rehabilitation of the notion of "human "(Mensch) in the same period.

Ciênc. rural ; 41(4): 640-645, abr. 2011. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-585971


O begging test tem sido usado para testar a capacidade dos cães em interpretar a atenção humana. Pistas faciais, como o olhar e a posição da cabeça são os principais sinais na comunicação entre cães e humanos. Até o momento, a estrutura do begging test utilizado em pesquisas não permitiu verificar se há uma graduação na atenção. Desse modo, não é possível dizer se a cabeça e o olhar diretamente dirigidos (muita atenção) ao cão aumentam o desempenho em relação a somente a posição da cabeça, mas sem olhar diretamente (pouca atenção) ou cabeça plus olhar desviados (desatenção). Nesse sentido, um teste envolvendo 58 cães de raça pura (Golden Retrievers) e mista foi realizado, nas três condições de atenção, com homens e mulheres estranhos aos animais servindo de sujeitos experimentais. Resultados demonstraram que independente da raça, do sexo dos cães ou do sexo das pessoas, os cães erraram pouco na condição de desatenção. Por outro lado, o desempenho dos cães não diferiu entre as condições de muita atenção e de pouca atenção, mas foi significativamente superior do que na condição de desatenção. Em conclusão, os cães são bons interpretadores da atenção humana, mas se baseiam em pistas mais relacionadas à posição da cabeça do que o olhar. Assim, sugere-se que não há uma graduação na interpretação da atenção de humanos em cães. O estímulo emocional gerado pelo olhar direto, sustentado entre animais sociais, pode explicar porque o olhar é evitado como pista da atenção humana em um teste com pessoas estranhas ao cão.

The begging test has been used to test the ability of dogs to interprete human attention. Facial cues, such as gaze and head position are the main signs in the communication between humans and dogs. Yet, the structure of the begging test used in research did not allow checking whether there are graduations of attention. Thus, it's not possible to say if the head and look directly driven (much attention) to the dog increases the performance in relation only to head position, but without looking directly (little attention) or head plus eyes diverted (inattention). Hence, a test using 58 mixed and pure bred dogs (Golden Retrievers) was performed, in three attention conditions, with men and women strangers to these animals, which served as experimental subjects. Results showed that regardless of race, dogs' gender of or people's gender, dogs have fewer errors on inattention condition Conversely, the performance of the dogs did not differ between the conditions of much attention and little attention, but was significantly higher than in the condition of inattention. In conclusion, dogs are good interpreters of human attention, but they make their choices based on cues related more to the head position than the look. Therefore, it is suggested that there isn't a interpretation degree of human attention in dogs. The emotional stimulus generated by the direct gaze, sustained among social animals, may explain why the gaze is averted as a cue of human attention in a test with strangers to the dog.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-413029


The discussion of the moral status of the embryo mainly focuses on the debating of human beings and human persons in western country.From the angle of the localizing view,the embryo is not a real person.The abortion can get defended.Considering the embryo has potential and value relationship,it has the limited moral status.In dealing with the problem,we should not protect the embryos by emphasizing the embryo's moral position,but we should control abortion appropriately by humanitarian perspective to respect the embryo.

Rev. med. Risaralda ; 16(1): 53-62, mayo 2010. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-565328


La palabra “competencia” es ambigua. Talvez no exista escenario académico contemporáneo en el que no aparezca acompañada de una especial resonancia. Su empleo cada vez más frecuente e indiscriminado, llevaría a pensar que sobre ella no existe una definición uniforme o unívoca, sino que, por el contrario, allí se mezclan multitud de significaciones, a veces tan alejadas entre sí, que harían pensar que no existe conexión alguna entre ellas. El presente ensayo pretende, a partir de una reflexión pedagógica e histórica ubicar el concepto de competencia en el campo de las Ciencias de la Salud. Lo anterior implica en primer lugar describir el proceso de formación de los conceptos y su inscripción en lo que denominamos pensamiento moderno. En segundo lugar, argumentar que la tradicional distinción mente-cuerpo es cada vez menos obvia y que lo “sensorial” es un componente crucial en el proceso de formación de los conceptos. Por último, proponer un concepto de competencia para las Ciencias de la Salud que, si responde adecuadamente a los dos pasos anteriores, debe llevar a la formación de seres competentes y médicos integrales. El contenido del presente ensayo se apoya en las reflexiones de diferentes autores ubicados en los campos de la Filosofía, la Pedagogía, la Semiótica y las ciencias cognitivas, entre otros.

The word "competence" is ambiguous. Perhaps we may not find an academic setting in which the word competence is not accompanied by a special significance. It is currently used in a common and indiscriminate way in academic and extra-academic realms. One would think that a uniform or univocal definition of competence does not exist. On the contrary, a number of meanings are suggested, which may indicate these have no connection at all. This essay stems from pedagogical and historical reflections and places the concept of competence within the Health Sciences field. Initially, the process of concepts formation is described, along with its inclusion into what is known as modern thought. Then, there is the argument that the traditional mind-body distinction is becoming less obvious and the “sensorial issue” is a crucial component in the concepts formation process. Finally, a new concept of competence for the Health Sciences is proposed. If it correctly addresses the two previous steps, it should lead to the formation of competent beings and integral physicians. The content of the current essay is supported by authors reflections from Philosophy, Pedagogy, Semiotic and Cognitive Sciences fields, among others.

Knowledge , Competency-Based Education
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-402331


Objective To establish the cell line from specimens of resectable human gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) and to verify the characteristics of cell biology in vitro. Methods The tissues from biopsies of human GIST were cultured in RPMI 1640 media supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum. After growing to 90% confluence,the cells were detached for subculture and their characteristics,including morphology,growth kinetics,karyotype analysis,immunohistochemical analysis and tumorigenicity in nude mice were determined. Results GIST named GIST-H1 was successfully established. The cell line was passaged for more than 60 times 1 year. The characteristics demonstrated: The population doubling time calculated in the log phase of growth was 47.5 h. The cloning efficiency in the soft agar averaged 24.8%.Electronmicroscopically,there were rich ribosomes and mitochondrion in the cytoplasm. Immunohistochemical analysis showed CD117(+),SMA(+),dog-1(+),CD34(-),and S-100(-).Karyotype analysis illustrated aneuploidy with the modal chromosomal number 60-98.The GIST cells transplanted in nude mice had high tumorigenicity. Conclusion The immortalized GIST cells are devoloped in vitro and have specific characteristics of GIST.

ARS méd. (Santiago) ; 18(18): 11-31, 2009.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-563118


El concepto de dignidad humana ha ido evolucionando en la historia de la cultura occidental hasta verla como algo intrínseco a la persona humana y no vinculado a una o más de las cualidades del ser humano con más o menos gradación; “todas las cosas tienen precio; pero el hombre tiene dignidad”. Más bien, es propio cuando el hombre pierde sus cualidades físicas, intelectuales, morales que resplandece más su pura dignidad. Por tanto, si el embrión es un ser humano (porque ha empezado un desarrollo específicamente humano) se le debe el mismo respeto que a un adulto. Negarle este respeto, como ocurre con frecuencia, significa haber elegido una ética racionalista, utilitarista, de búsqueda de consensos sociales, una ética que ha reducido el ser humano a objeto. Sólo una concepción del ser humano como ser abierto al Absoluto, un "yo inhabitado por Dios" (F. Rielo) tendrá la garantía de ser respetado en su dignidad, siempre y por todos.

The concept of human dignity has developed in western culture until it is now seen as something intrinsic to human beings and not linked to one or more of the qualities of human beings to a greater or lesser degree. All things have a price; but man has dignity. In fact, it is precisely when man loses his physical, intellectual and moral qualities that his dignity shines most. Consequently, if the embryo is a human being (because a specific human development has begun), he/she deserves the same respect as an adult. To deny this respect, which is often the case, means choosing rationalistic or utilitarian ethics, in search of social consensus, an ethic that reduces human beings to things. The article ends with an analysis of changes in the concept of dignity after 1948 according to the Human Right Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The individualistic conception transformed the way to understand dignity. Only a conception of human being as a being open to the Absolute, an "I inhabited by God" (F. Rielo), will guarantee to respect him in his dignity, always.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Beginning of Human Life , Bioethics , Embryonic Structures
ARS méd. (Santiago) ; 18(18): 61-91, 2009.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-563122


En nuestro país recientemente se han presentado dos mociones parlamentarias destinadas a la legalización del llamado aborto terapéutico, concepto difuso y equívoco. Se analiza esta posibilidad legislativa a la luz de la doctrina y la normativa constitucional chilena que protege expresamente la vida del que está por nacer, procurando distinguir aquellas figuras de interrupción del embarazo validadas por el Derecho de las que constituyen aborto provocado, reconociendo quela despenalización de una forma de estas últimas es, necesariamente, admitir el aborto en Chile.

Two parliamentary motions have recently been introduced to discuss the legalization of so-called therapeutic abortion, an ambiguous and equivocal concept. The goal is to analyze this possible legal reform under legal doctrine and the Chilean constitution, which expressly protects the life of the fetus, trying to distinguish all forms of pregnancy termination that are allowed by Chilean law, versus others that are induced and not permitted, recognizing that the decriminalization of the latter will necessarily lead to allowing abortion in Chile.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Abortion , Abortion, Therapeutic/legislation & jurisprudence , Human Rights , Chile