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Rev. bras. ativ. fís. saúde ; 29: 1-10, abr. 2024. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555426


This study aimed to map the national publications that address the variable physical activity and associated factors among Brazilian university students during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is a scop-ing review based on original studies developed and published in Brazil between 2020 and 2023. They were conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic scenario and indexed in the databases Web of Science, PubMed, Scopus, LILACS (Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences), and Google Scholar. By identifying the different approaches and factors associated with the subject, the descriptive synthesis explored the subtopics "level of physical activity and sedentary behavior," "mental health," and "sleep". Out of the 1,180 initial papers, 11 papers composed the synthesis, featuring different sampling patterns, ranging from 68 to 5,720 students, and taking place in several Brazilian states. Despite the geographical variety, few studies were conducted in the North and Midwest regions. The prevalence of physical inactivity among students ranged from 40.0% to 49.3%, and social isolation and restrictions contributed to this trend. Mental health was also affected, with the symptoms of anxiety and depression being more common among the inactive. On the other hand, active students reported better mental health. The relationship between physical activity and sleep was unclear, but the pandemic intensified sleep problems in general. In short, future studies are necessary to explore causes, effects, and regional influences. Combining qualitative and quantitative methods may offer a more comprehensive perspective on the students' experiences regarding physical activity during public health crises

Neste estudo objetivou-se mapear as publicações nacionais que abordam a variável atividade física e fato-res associados entre estudantes universitários brasileiros durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Trata-se de uma revisão de escopo a partir de estudos originais, desenvolvidos no Brasil, publicados entre 2020 e 2023, realizados no cenário clínico da pandemia de COVID-19 e indexados nas bases de dados: Web of Science, PubMed, Scopus, LILACS (Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde) e Google Scholar. Ao constatar-se diferentes abordagens e fatores associados a problemática, a síntese descritiva foi explorada em subtópicos "nível de atividade física e comportamento sedentário" "saúde mental " e "sono". Dos 1.180 artigos iniciais, 11 artigos compuseram a síntese, abrangendo distintos padrões amostrais, variando de 68 a 5.720 estudantes, conduzidos em diferentes estados brasileiros. Apesar dessa variedade regional, observou-se uma escassez de estudos nas regiões Norte e Centro-Oeste. A prevalência de inatividade física entre os estudantes variou de 40,0% a 49,3%. O isolamento social e as restrições contribuíram para essa ten-dência. A saúde mental também foi acometida, com sintomas de ansiedade e depressão mais comuns entre os inativos. Por outro lado, os estudantes ativos relataram melhor saúde mental. A relação entre atividade física e sono não foi clara, mas a pandemia intensificou os problemas de sono em geral. Em suma, futuras pesquisas são relevantes para explorar causas, efeitos e influências regionais. A combinação de métodos qualitativos e quantitativos podem oferecer perspectivas mais abrangentes das experiências dos estudantes em relação à atividade física durante crises de saúde pública.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Public Health , Life Style , Review Literature as Topic , Health Promotion
Int. braz. j. urol ; 50(2): 164-177, Mar.-Apr. 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558065


ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the surgical anatomy of the kidney collecting system through a narrative review of the literature, highlighting its importance during diagnosis and its approach during surgical procedures for the treatment of renal stones. Material and Methods: We carried out a review about the anatomy of the kidney collecting system. We analyzed papers published in the past 40 years in the databases Pubmed, Embase and Scielo, and we included only papers in English and excluded case reports, editorials and opinions of specialists. Results: Renal collecting system could be divided in four groups: A1 - kidney midzone (KM), drained by minor calyx that are dependent on the superior or the inferior caliceal groups; A2 - KM drained by crossed calyx, one draining into the superior caliceal group and another draining into the inferior caliceal group; B1 - KM drained by a major caliceal group independent of both the superior and inferior groups; and B2 - KM drained by minor calyx entering directly into the renal pelvis. Some details and anatomic variations of the collecting system are related to clinical and radiological aspects, particularly perpendicular calyces, interpyelocalyx space, position of calyces in relation to renal border, classification of the renal collecting system, infundibular diameter and the angle between the lower infundibulum and renal pelvis. Conclusion: The knowledge of intra-renal collecting system divisions and variations as the angle between the renal pelvis and lower infundibula, position of the calices in relationship with renal edge and the diameter and position of the calyces are important for the planning of minimally invasive renal surgeries.

RECIIS (Online) ; 18(1)jan.-mar. 2024.
Article in English | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1553578


The aim of this article was to analyze the literature on technological development in telemedicine through bibliometrics, by identifying the state of the art, research gaps, and trends in the literature. The analysis covers a total of 67 articles related to the field of study, published between 2010-2020 in the Springer Link, Science Direct, Wiley Online Library, Web of Science, and Scopus databases. The data was processed using the software StArt, Excel, IBM SPSS Statistics, and Iramuteq. The results presented bibliometric analysis of the articles, classified into the areas of Management (52.2%), IT (25.4%), and Medicine (22.4%), along with a Table of 34 suggestions for future research. Literature trends encompassed six study clusters (health, study, service, technology, patient, and telemedicine), which further subdivided into nine research themes (digital platform, telemedicine service management, telemedicine service operation, end-user perception, business opportunities, healthcare professional perception, covid-19, regulation, and robotics). An observed outcome was a significant increase in the number of publications in the area due to covid-19.

O objetivo deste artigo foi analisar a literatura acerca do desenvolvimento tecnológico na telemedicina, por meio da bibliometria, ao identificar o estado da arte, lacunas de pesquisa e tendências na literatura. Analisou-se 67 artigos relacionados ao campo de estudo, publicados entre 2010-2020 nas bases de dados Springer Link, Science Direct, Wiley Online Library, Web of Science e Scopus. O tratamento dos dados se deu por meio dos softwares StArt, Excel, IBM SPSS Statistics e Iramuteq. Os resultados apresentaram a análise bibliométrica dos artigos, classificados nas áreas de Gestão (52,2%), TI (25,4%) e Medicina (22,4%), e uma tabela com 34 sugestões para pesquisas futuras. As tendências da literatura envolveram seis classes de estudo (saúde, estudo, serviço, tecnologia, paciente e telemedicina), que se subdividiram em nove temas de pesquisa (plataforma digital, gestão do serviço de telemedicina, operação do serviço de telemedicina, percepção do usuário final, oportunidades de negócios, percepção de profissionais de saúde, covid-19, regulamentação e robótica). Observou-se aumento significativo no número de publicações na área devido à covid-19.

El objetivo de este artículo fue analizar la literatura sobre el desarrollo tecnológico en la telemedicina me-diante bibliometría, identificando el estado del arte, las lagunas de investigación y las tendencias en la literatura. Se analizaron un total de 67 artículos relacionados con el campo de estudio, publicados entre 2010-2020 en las bases de datos de Springer Link, Science Direct, Wiley Online Library, Web of Science y Scopus. Los datos fueron procesados utilizando los programas StArt, Excel, IBM SPSS Statistics e Iramuteq. Los resultados presentaron un análisis bibliométrico de los artículos, clasificados en las áreas de Gestión (52,2%), TI (25,4%) y Medicina (22,4%), junto con una tabla de 34 sugerencias para futuras investiga-ciones. Las tendencias en la literatura abarcaron seis clases de estudio (salud, estudio, servicio, tecnología, paciente y telemedicina), que se subdividieron en nueve temas de investigación (plataforma digital, gestión del servicio de telemedicina, operación del servicio de telemedicina, percepción del usuario final, oportuni-dades de negocio, percepción de los profesionales de la salud, covid-19, regulación y robótica). Un resultado observado fue un aumento significativo en el número de publicaciones en el área debido al covid-19.

Bibliometrics , Databases, Bibliographic , Telemedicine , COVID-19 , Technological Development , Health Personnel
Psicol. esc. educ ; 28: e246235, 2024. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529263


Pesquisas sobre o campo das habilidades sociais vêm crescendo nas últimas décadas e, em paralelo, estudos que buscam sistematizar o que vem sendo produzido. Este estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar, por meio de uma revisão da literatura, estudos empíricos realizados por autores brasileiros publicados em periódicos que investigam diretamente as habilidades sociais de pessoas com deficiência. Foi realizada uma busca nas bases de dados SciELO, PEPSIC, LILACS, Index Psi, BDENF e Periódicos CAPES com os descritores habilidades sociais e competência social, sem restrição quanto ao período de publicação. Foram caracterizados 43 artigos quanto a aspectos bibliográficos e metodológicos. Os resultados indicam alto volume de pesquisas com delineamento descritivo, maior frequência de participantes com deficiência intelectual, predomínio de inventários como forma de avaliação e escassez de pesquisas instrumentais sobre validação ou desenvolvimento de medidas. Essa revisão poderá contribuir com informações para auxiliar novas pesquisas sobre habilidades sociais junto a pessoas com deficiência.

Investigaciones sobre el campo de las habilidades sociales siguen creciendo en las últimas décadas y, en paralelo, estudios que buscan sistematizar lo que vienen siendo producido. En este estudio se tuvo como objetivo caracterizar, por intermedio de una revisión de la literatura, estudios empíricos realizados por autores brasileños publicados en periódicos que investigan directamente las habilidades sociales de personas con discapacidad. Se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos SciELO, PEPSIC, LILACS, Index Psi, BDENF y Periódicos CAPES con los descriptores habilidades y competencia sociales, sin restricción al período de publicación. Se caracterizaron 43 artículos cuanto al aspectos bibliográficos y metodológicos. Los resultados indican alto volumen de investigaciones con delineamento descriptivo, mayor frecuencia de participantes con discapacidad intelectual, predominio de inventarios como forma de evaluación y escasez de investigaciones instrumentales sobre validación o desarrollo de medidas. Esta revisión podrá contribuir con informaciones para ayudar nuevas investigaciones sobre habilidades sociales junto a personas con discapacidad.

ABSTRACT Research about the social skills field has been growing in recent decades and, in parallel, studies that seek to systematize what has been produced. This study aimed to characterize, through a literature review, empirical studies carried out by Brazilian authors published in journals that directly investigate the social skills of people with disabilities. A search was carried out in the SciELO, PEPSIC, LILACS, Index Psi, BDENF and Periodicals CAPES databases with the descriptors social skills and social competence, without restriction regarding the period of publication. It was found 43 articles were characterized in terms of bibliographic and methodological aspects. The results indicate a high volume of research with a descriptive design, a higher frequency of participants with intellectual disabilities, a predominance of inventories as a means of evaluation and a scarcity of instrumental research on validation or development of measures. This review may contribute with information to support further research on social skills with people with disabilities.

Review , Education, Special , Social Skills
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533695


Introducción: La gestión del cuidado de enfermería en personas mayores es todo un desafío en la actualidad para la profesión y más aún desde un enfoque andragógico. Objetivo: Exponer la fundamentación de los antecedentes de la andragogía en el proceso de gestión del cuidado de personas mayores por profesionales de enfermería. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión con el método de análisis bibliográfico a través de una búsqueda realizada entre los años 2010 al 2022, donde se consultaron bases de datos especializadas y se seleccionaron 33 publicaciones científicas sobre el tema. Resultados: El cuidado de personas mayores requiere una mirada transdisciplinaria y profesionales comprometidos con su cuidado. El profesional de enfermería responsable de la gestión debe considerar valores, actitudes y conocimientos de la disciplina que brindan una visión distinta y específica de la gestión de los cuidados. El avance científico ha permitido el incremento de la expectativa de vida de las personas, produciéndose un aumento significativo de personas mayores en el mundo manteniendo un adecuado cuidado como eslabón importante. La andragogía se encarga de la educación entre, para y por adultos y la asume como su objeto de estudio y realización, vista o concebida esta, como autoeducación, por lo cual, cobra importancia en los cuidados, pues interpreta el hecho educativo como un hecho andragógico, donde la educación y los cuidados se realizan como autoeducación. Conclusiones: Resulta importante la ejecución de investigaciones que beneficien el desarrollo del profesional de enfermería, para ayudar a disminuir las brechas que constan en la formación investigativa de estos profesionales y en las estructuras organizativas en las que estos se incorporan, dado en el proceso de gestión del cuidado de personas mayores desde un enfoque andragógico como mecanismo esencial.

Introduction: The management of nursing care in older people is a challenge for the profession today and even more so from an andragogical approach. Objective: To present the foundation of the background of andragogy in the process of managing the care of elderly people by nursing professionals. Methods: A review was carried out using the bibliographic analysis method through a search carried out between the years 2010 to 2022, where specialized databases were consulted and 33 scientific publications on the topic were selected. Results: Caring for the elderly requires a transdisciplinary approach and professionals committed to their care. The nursing professional responsible for the management must consider values, attitudes and knowledge of the discipline that provide a different and specific vision of care management. Scientific advances have allowed an increase in people's life expectancy, producing a significant increase in the number of older people in the world, maintaining adequate care as an important link. Andragogy is responsible for education among, for and by adults and assumes it as its object of study and realization, seen or conceived, as self-education, which is why andragogy gains importance in care, since it interprets the educational fact as an andragogical fact, where education and care are carried out as self-education. Conclusions: It is important to carry out research that benefits the development of nursing professionals, to help reduce the gaps that exist in the research training of these professionals and in the organizational structures in which they are incorporated, given in the care management process of older people from an andragogical approach as an essential mechanism.

Cad. Bras. Ter. Ocup ; 32: e3678, 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1534104


Resumo Introdução Desastres trazem consequências humanas, socioeconômicas e ambientais e agravam situações de vulnerabilidade. Tanto países centrais, altamente industrializados, como países com dificuldades econômicas estão sujeitos a esses eventos. No Brasil, a pandemia de COVID-19 e o rompimento de barragens evidenciam dificuldades em se antecipar e responder esses tipos de eventos. Ações da terapia ocupacional no campo das emergências e desastres são escassas na literatura, notadamente na esfera da prevenção. Objetivo Explorar as evidências da contribuição de terapeutas ocupacionais no domínio da gestão de risco e desastres a partir das características, prioridades e principais áreas de interesse da produção intelectual em terapia ocupacional. Método Uma pesquisa abrangente será conduzida nos periódicos Disasters, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy, International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, and Risk, International Journal of Risk Reduction e Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, assim como nas bases de dados Occupational Therapy Literature Search Service (OTDBASE), PubMed e Web of Science. Critérios de inclusão Ações e experiências no âmbito da terapia ocupacional, notadamente aquelas de terapeutas ocupacionais na gestão de riscos e desastres, encontradas em estudos revisados por pares, que adotem métodos quantitativos, qualitativos e mistos, nos idiomas espanhol, inglês e português, sem restrição temporal. A abordagem preconizada pelo Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) para seleção de estudos, avaliação crítica, extração e síntese de dados será utilizada.

Abstract Introduction Disasters bring human, socioeconomic, and environmental consequences and exacerbate situations of vulnerability. Both highly industrialized core countries and those facing economic difficulties are subject to these events. In Brazil, the COVID-19 pandemic and the collapse of dams highlight difficulties in anticipating and responding to these types of events. Actions of occupational therapy in the field of emergencies and disasters are scarce in the literature, notably in the sphere of prevention. Objective To explore the evidence of the contribution of occupational therapists in the field of risk management and disasters based on the characteristics, priorities, and main areas of interest of intellectual production in occupational therapy. Method A comprehensive search will be conducted in the journals Disasters, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy, International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, and Risk, International Journal of Risk Reduction, and Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, as well as in the databases Occupational Therapy Literature Search Service (OTDBASE), PubMed, and Web of Science. Inclusion Criteria Actions and experiences in the field of occupational therapy, notably those of occupational therapists in risk and disaster management, found in peer-reviewed studies adopting quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods, in Spanish, English, and Portuguese, without temporal restriction. The approach advocated by the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) for study selection, critical appraisal, and data collection and synthesis will be used.

Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 28: e230319, 2024. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558211


A literatura de cordel é um gênero literário popular com raízes no Nordeste brasileiro. Com o propósito de desenvolver metodologias participativas, no contexto de uma disciplina na Pós-Graduação stricto sensu em Saúde Coletiva, elaborou-se um folheto inspirado na obra "A Elite do Atraso: da escravidão à lava-jato" do sociólogo brasileiro Jessé Souza. O objetivo foi apresentar os capítulos do livro em forma de recital, utilizando a literatura de cordel, para discussão do tema de forma dinâmica em espaços de produção de conhecimento nos campos da Educação e da Saúde. A obra construída retrata, de forma crítica, a construção histórica do Brasil mediante seu berço, pautada nas injustiças sociais trazidas com os colonizadores, formuladas pela escravidão que hoje reverbera de forma atualizada nas crises política, econômica e de classes.

Cordel literature is a popular literary genre with roots in the northeast of Brazil. With the aim of developing participatory methodologies for a subject on a Master's degree in Public Health, we produced a pamphlet inspired by the book "A Elite do Atraso: da escravidão a lava-jato" (The Elite of Backwardness: from slavery to the car wash scandal), by Brazilian sociologist Jessé Souza. The aim of the pamphlet was to present each of the chapters of the book in the form of a recital using cordel literature to promote dynamic discussion of the theme in spaces of knowledge production in the fields of health and education. The pamphlet critically depicts the historic construction of Brazil from the cradle, grounded on social injustice brought by the colonizers and shaped by slavery, which continues to reverberate today, reframed through the political, economic and class crisis.

La literatura de cordel es un género literario popular con raíces en el nordeste brasileño. Con el propósito de desarrollar metodologías participativas, en el contexto de una asignatura en el postgrado stricto sensu en Salud Colectiva, se elaboró un folleto inspirado en la obra "A Elite do Atraso: da escravidão a lava-jato" del sociólogo brasileño Jessé Souza. El objetivo fue presentar los capítulos del libro en forma de recital, utilizando la literatura de cordel, para discusión del tema de forma dinámica en espacios de producción de conocimiento en los campos de la educación y de la salud. La obra construida retrata, de forma crítica, la construcción histórica de Brasil por medio de su cuna, con base en las injusticias sociales traídas por los colonizadores, formulada por la esclavitud que hoy día reverbera de forma actualizada en la crisis política, económica y de clases.

Psicol. soc. (Online) ; 36: e277936, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1558783


Resumo: Esta pesquisa pretendeu discutir representações do feminino e o sexismo em romances literários e sua relação com uma possível idealização de relacionamentos amorosos. Foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica discutindo sexismo, psicologia, feminismo e arte, e foram analisados um romance russo do século XIX, "Anna Kariênina" (Liev Tolstói, 1877/2017), e dois romances norte-americanos do século XXI: "Belo Desastre" (Jamie McGuire, 2011) e "É Assim que Acaba" (Colleen Hoover, 2016), a fim de comparar as representações do feminino. Concluiu-se que as características sexistas nos romances literários não necessariamente reforçam o sexismo na idealização de relacionamentos amorosos, porém há essa possibilidade quando a representação é romantizada pela obra. Ademais, destacaram-se vantagens na presença de criticidade no próprio romance, por possibilitar a conscientização acerca do assunto. Portanto, reafirma-se a importância de questionar os padrões de gênero, especialmente entre os meios midiáticos, haja vista os riscos em relações pautadas pelo sexismo.

Resumen: Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo discutir las representaciones de lo femenino y el sexismo en las novelas literarias y su relación con una posible idealización de las relaciones románticas. Se realizó una investigación bibliográfica discutiendo sexismo, psicología, feminismo y arte, y se analizaron una novela rusa del siglo XIX, "Anna Kariênina" (Liev Tolstói, 1877/2017), y dos novelas estadounidenses del siglo XXI, "Maravilloso desastre" (Jamie McGuire, 2011) y "Romper el círculo" (Colleen Hoover, 2016), con el fin de comparar las representaciones del femenino. Se concluyó que las características sexistas en las novelas no necesariamente refuerzan el sexismo en la idealización de relaciones románticas, pero esta posibilidad existe cuando la representación es romantizada por la novela. Además, se destacaron ventajas de la presencia de criticidad en la propria novela, ya que permite sensibilizar sobre el tema. Por ello, se reafirma la importancia de cuestionar los estándares de género, especialmente entre los medios de comunicación, dados los riesgos de las relaciones guiadas por el sexismo.

Abstract: This research aimed to discuss representations of the feminine and sexism in literary novels and their relationship with a possible idealization of romantic relationships. A bibliographical research was carried out to discuss sexism, psychology, feminism and art, and a 19th century Russian novel, "Anna Karenina" (Liev Tolstói, 1877/2017), and two 21st century North American novels, "Beautiful Disaster" (Jamie McGuire, 2011) and "It Ends With Us" (Colleen Hoover, 2016) were analyzed in order to compare female representations of the feminine. It was concluded that sexist characteristics in literary novels do not necessarily reinforce sexism in the idealization of romantic relationships, but this possibility exists when the representation is romanticized by the novel. Furthermore, advantages were highlighted in the presence of criticality in the novel itself, as it makes it possible to raise awareness about the subject. Therefore, the importance of questioning gender standards is reaffirmed, especially among the media, given the risks in relationships guided by sexism.

Psicol. soc. (Online) ; 36: e264526, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1558786


Resumo: Neste artigo, partimos de uma preocupação com a Contrarreforma Psiquiátrica em curso no Brasil para tratar das relações entre a morte e o Hospício. Operando com a abordagem teórico-metodológica da cartografia, tomamos como principais referências textos elaborados por pessoas que estiveram internadas em Hospitais Psiquiátricos entre os séculos XX e XXI, abordando questões de gênero, raça e classe de maneira encarnada. As articulações entre a morte e a cultura manicomial se apresentam, desde os escritos da experiência, na desvalorização da vida, no suicídio, no assassinato, no abuso do eletrochoque e dos medicamentos, no abandono, na cronificação e no silenciamento dos corpos hospiciados. O Hospício se mostra aqui como mais uma peça da necropolítica brasileira, fazendo com que o retorno do seu fortalecimento nos convoque a agir, como ensina o Movimento Antimanicomial, novamente em direção a uma sociedade sem manicômios.

Resumen: En este artículo, partimos de una preocupación por la Contrarreforma Psiquiátrica en curso en Brasil para abordar las relaciones entre muerte y Manicomio. Operando con el enfoque teórico-metodológico de la cartografía, tomamos como referencias principales textos escritos por personas que estuvieron internadas en Hospitales Psiquiátricos entre los siglos XX y XXI, abordando cuestiones de género, raza y clase de manera corporeizada. Las articulaciones entre muerte y cultura del manicomio se presentan, a partir de los escritos de la experiencia, en la desvalorización de la vida, el suicidio, el asesinato, el abuso de electroshocks y medicamentos, el abandono, la cronificación y el silenciamiento de los cuerpos hospitalizados. El Manicomio se muestra aquí como una pieza más de la necropolítica brasileña, haciendo que el retorno de su fortalecimiento nos llame a actuar, como enseña el Movimiento Antimanicomial, una vez más hacia una sociedad sin manicomios.

Abstract: In this article, we start from a concern with the Psychiatric Counter-Reform underway in Brazil to address the relationship between death and the Asylum. Operating with the theoretical-methodological approach of cartography, we take as main references texts written by people who were hospitalized in Psychiatric Hospitals between the 20th and 21st centuries, addressing issues of gender, race and class in an embodied way. The articulations between death and asylum culture are presented, from the writings of experience, in the devaluation of life, suicide, murder, abuse of electroshock and medication, abandonment, chronification and silencing of hospitalized bodies. The Asylum is shown here as another piece of Brazilian necropolitics, making the return of its strengthening call us to act, as the Anti-Asylum Movement teaches, once again towards a society without asylums.

Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 48(2): e050, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559446


RESUMO Introdução: Demandas sociais suscitaram questionamentos sobre o ensino médico. Assim, surgiram tendências de formação generalista, que atendam às necessidades da população. A matriz curricular da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal de Alagoas é composta pelos eixos: teórico-prático integrado, aproximação à prática médica e à comunidade, e desenvolvimento pessoal, indissociáveis e de caráter interdisciplinar. Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver atividades interdisciplinares entre os três eixos curriculares no curso de Medicina de uma universidade pública. Método: Utilizou-se a pesquisa-ação como estratégia metodológica com análise de conteúdo, e adotou-se o software Iramuteq para análise das discussões entre pesquisadores e participantes, as quais foram divididas em cinco encontros permeados por obras literárias e música motivadora, correlacionando-se com a interdisciplinaridade. Resultado: Em relação aos debates sobre a temática, foram geradas nuvens de palavras, análises de similitude e dendrogramas que refletiram o pensamento dos participantes e a complexidade da temática. Os participantes focaram o discurso na saúde do aluno, nas relações interpessoais, em espaços que propiciem a interdisciplinaridade, bem como na comunicação entre os professores. Além disso, discutiram-se a necessidade da interdisciplinaridade no currículo médico e a importância da relação médico-paciente e da visão holística da medicina. Por fim, foram criados dois casos clínicos que evidenciaram os aspectos socioeconômicos e patológicos das doenças. Conclusão: A pesquisa-ação e a utilização do Iramuteq foram de suma importância para a coleta de dados de maneira fidedigna e rápida. Observou-se que o curso de Medicina prima pelo ensino da ética e da bioética nas disciplinas eletivas e obrigatórias até o sexto período e tem uma lacuna nos demais períodos, sendo sugerida a criação da disciplina de Humanidades para o sétimo período. Há uma demanda por uma interação mais expressiva nos projetos de extensão e por maior socialização dos professores e comunicação entre as disciplinas intra e intereixos.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Social demands have raised questions about medical education. This has led to trends towards generalist training that meets the needs of the population. The curricular matrix of the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidade Federal de Alagoas is made up of the following axes: integrated theoretical-practical, approach to medical practice and the community, and personal development, which are inseparable and interdisciplinary in nature. Objective: This study aimed to develop interdisciplinary activities between the three curricular axes in the medical course of a public university. Method: Action research was used as a methodological strategy with content analysis using Iramuteq software to analyse the discussions between researchers and participants, which were divided into five meetings, permeated by literary works and motivating music, correlated with interdisciplinarity. Results: Word clouds, similarity analyses and dendrograms were generated from the debates on the subject, reflecting the participants' thoughts and the complexity of the subject. Participants focused their discourse on student health, interpersonal relationships, spaces that foster interdisciplinarity and communication between teachers. They also discussed the need for interdisciplinarity in the medical curriculum and the importance of the doctor-patient relationship and a holistic view of medicine. Finally, two clinical cases were created which highlighted the socio-economic aspects of disease.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 24(2): e20231569, 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564051


Abstract The Atlantic Forest and Cerrado (Brazilian Savannah) contain a large number of endemic species and high species diversity, particularly for medium and large-bodied mammals. However, there is no large-scale assessment of these animals and their spatial distribution. Our study synthesises the literature on medium and large-bodied mammal surveys in the Cerrado and Atlantic Forest to provide insights into their distributions across large spatial scales and identify knowledge gaps to guide future research. We synthesised papers published in three databases, focusing on mammals weighing more than 1kg. Of the 84 papers we found, the majority (57.14%) were on mammals in the Atlantic Forest, while 42.85% were on mammals found in the Cerrado. We gathered records for 116 species, the most common of which were Cerdocyon thous (Linnaeus, 1766), Procyon cancrivorus (Cuvier, 1798) and Chrysocyon brachyurus (Illiger, 1815) (Cerrado); Dasypus novemcinctus (Linnaeus, 1758), Cerdocyon thous (Linnaeus, 1766) and Nasua nasua (Linnaeus, 1766; Atlantic Forest). Our study allowed us to access, for the first time in the Atlantic Forest and Cerrado, the information available about medium and large-bodied mammals. We also highlight important sampling gaps, especially concerning the northern parts of both biomes that we need to address, as well as the differences in density of sampling points that are caused by a smaller concentration of sampling efforts in the Atlantic Forest than what we found in Cerrado. As a consequence, larger extensions of Cerrado present knowledge gaps concerning mammal surveys that need to be investigated in future research.

Resumo A Mata Atlântica e o Cerrado brasileiro abrigam uma enorme quantidade de espécies endêmicas e alta diversidade de espécies, especialmente de mamíferos de médio e grande porte. No entanto, não há uma avaliação em larga escala desses animais e de sua distribuição espacial. Nosso estudo sintetiza a literatura sobre levantamentos de mamíferos de médio e grande porte no Cerrado e na Mata Atlântica, com o objetivo de fornecer informações sobre suas distribuições em larga escala e identificar lacunas no conhecimento para guiar futuras pesquisas. Sintetizamos artigos publicados em três bases de dados, com foco em mamíferos com peso superior a 1 kg. Dos 84 artigos encontrados, a maioria (57,14%) tratava de mamíferos na Mata Atlântica, enquanto 42,85% abordavam mamíferos encontrados no Cerrado. Coletamos registros para 116 espécies, sendo as mais comuns Cerdocyon thous (Linnaeus, 1766), Procyon cancrivorus (Cuvier, 1798) e Chrysocyon brachyurus (Illiger, 1815) (Cerrado); Dasypus novemcinctus (Linnaeus, 1758), Cerdocyon thous (Linnaeus, 1766) e Nasua nasua (Linnaeus, 1766; Mata Atlântica). Nosso estudo também mostra as lacunas no levantamento especialmente em relação às distribuições ao norte dos biomas, que precisam ser resolvidas, assim como a diferença na densidade de pontos que é causada pela menor concentração de amostragens na Mata Atlântica do que o que encontramos no Cerrado. Como consequência, existem largas extensões do Cerrado que apresentam lacunas no levantamento de mamíferos que precisam ser investigados em pesquisas futuras.

Cad. Bras. Ter. Ocup ; 32: e3721, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1564211


Abstract Introduction Interoception is relatively new within pediatric occupational therapy practice. Interoception allows us to feel and interpret internal body sensations and is related to our ability to regulate emotions and behavior. It is associated with other functions including sensory processing, self-regulation and executive functioning, making it important for everyday participation in life activities. Pediatric occupational therapists are considering interoception as part of intervention but there is limited research to understand how and why occupational therapists use interoception in clinical practice. Objectives The aim of this protocol is to describe the methodology and analyses to be used to undertake a scoping review. Method This paper presents the protocol for a scoping review. A search of literature from ten electronic databases (Ovid Medline, Ovid Embase, Ovid PsycINFO, ERIC, Scopus, CINAHL, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global, AMED, OTDBASE and Google Scholar), grey literature and article reference searching was conducted. Title and abstract screening was completed before full-text review. Selected articles met stringent inclusion criteria. The PRISMA-ScR Checklist was used alongside the Crowe Critical Appraisal Tool to ensure robust data extraction and synthesis from selected studies. Results A total of 2449 articles were retrieved. Eighteen articles were included in the review. A narrative synthesis approach will be used to synthesise data. Conclusion Findings from this scoping review will inform future research related to interoception and pediatric occupational therapy practice to support clinicians to consider evidence to underpin practice.

Resumo Introdução A interocepção é relativamente nova na prática da terapia ocupacional pediátrica. A interocepção nos permite sentir e interpretar sensações internas do corpo e está relacionada à nossa capacidade de regular emoções e comportamentos. Está associado a outras funções, incluindo processamento sensorial, autorregulação e funcionamento executivo, tornando-o importante para a participação diária nas atividades da vida. Os terapeutas ocupacionais pediátricos estão considerando a interocepção como parte da intervenção, mas há pesquisas limitadas para entender como e por que os terapeutas ocupacionais usam a interocepção na prática clínica. Objetivos O objetivo deste protocolo é descrever a metodologia e as análises a serem utilizadas para realizar uma revisão de escopo. Método Este artigo apresenta o protocolo para uma revisão de escopo. Foi realizada uma pesquisa de literatura em dez bases de dados eletrônicas (Ovid Medline, Ovid Embase, Ovid PsycINFO, ERIC, Scopus, CINAHL, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global, AMED, OTDBASE e Google Scholar), literatura cinzenta e pesquisa de referências de artigos. A triagem do título e do resumo foi concluída antes da revisão do texto completo. Os artigos selecionados atenderam a critérios de inclusão rigorosos. A lista de verificação PRISMA-ScR foi usada juntamente com a Crowe Critical Appraisal Tool para garantir a extração e síntese robusta de dados dos estudos selecionados. Resultados Foram recuperados 2.449 artigos. Dezoito artigos foram incluídos na revisão. Uma abordagem de síntese narrativa será usada para sintetizar os dados. Conclusão Os resultados desta revisão de escopo informarão pesquisas futuras relacionadas à interocepção e à prática de terapia ocupacional pediátrica para apoiar os médicos a considerarem evidências para sustentar a prática.

Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1565577


Este artigo objetiva refletir sobre o adoecimento psíquico do sujeito no contexto do neoliberalismo, que consiste em força estruturante (Bourdieu) que age sobre a sua subjetividade, desenhando-a a partir de uma lógica empresarial, pautada pela máxima produtividade, racionalidade cartesiana e desvalorização dos afetos, de que resulta o adoecimento mental e sofrimento psíquico desse sujeito. Para tanto, apresenta-se uma experiência com a leitura literária desenvolvida coletivamente por meio do Laboratório de Leitura como proposta de intervenção desmobilizadora dessas estruturas estruturantes.

Resumos This article aims to reflect on the psychic illness of the subject in the context of neoliberalism, which is a structuring force (Bourdieu) that acts on their subjectivity, drawing it from a business logic, guided by maximum productivity, Cartesian rationality and devaluation of affections, resulting in the mental illness and psychic suffering of this subject. To this end, an experience with literary reading developed collectively via the Reading Laboratory is presented as for na intervention to demobilize these structuring structures.

Cet article reflète sur la maladie psychique du sujet dans le contexte du néolibéralisme, une force structurante (Bourdieu) qui agit sur sa subjectivité, en la tirant d'une logique d'entreprise basée sur la productivité maximale, la rationalité cartésienne et la dévalorisation des affects, ce qui entraîne la maladie mentale et la souffrance psychique de ce sujet. Pour ce faire, une expérience de lecture littéraire développée collectivement à travers le Laboratoire de lecture est présentée comme une proposition d'intervention pour démobiliser ces structures structurantes.

Este artículo tiene como objetivo reflexionar sobre la enfermedad psíquica del sujeto en el contexto del neoliberalismo, que consiste en una fuerza estructurante (Bourdieu) que actúa sobre su subjetividad extrayéndola de una lógica empresarial, guiada por la máxima productividad, la racionalidad cartesiana y la desvalorización de los afectos, lo que tiene como resultado la enfermedad mental y el sufrimiento psíquico de este sujeto. Para ello, se presenta una experiencia con la lectura literaria desarrollada colectivamente mediante el Laboratorio de Lectura como propuesta de intervención desmovilizadora de estas estructuras estructurantes.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009231


The discoid meniscus is a common congenital meniscal malformation that is prevalent mainly in Asians and often occurs in the lateral discoid meniscus. Patients with asymptomatic discoid meniscus are usually treated by conservative methods such as observation and injury avoidance, while patients with symptoms and tears need to be treated surgically. Arthroscopic saucerization combined with partial meniscectomy and meniscus repair is the most common surgical approach., and early to mid-term reports are good. The prognostic factors are the patient's age at surgery、follow-up time and type of surgery. Some patients experience complications such as prolonged postoperative knee pain, early osteoarthritis, retears and Osteochondritis dissecans. The incidence of prolonged postoperative knee pain was higher and the incidence of Osteochondritis dissecans was the lowest. Retears of the lateral meniscus is the main reason for reoperation.

Child , Humans , Osteochondritis Dissecans , Treatment Outcome , Follow-Up Studies , Knee Joint/surgery , Menisci, Tibial/surgery , Joint Diseases/surgery , Prognosis , Cartilage Diseases/surgery , Meniscus , Pain, Postoperative , Arthroscopy/methods
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018378


Objective Data mining method was used to analyze the Chinese herbal prescriptions for oral use in treating venomous snake bites collected from the major domestic literature databases and the surgery volume of Zhong Hua Yi Fang(Chinese Medical Prescriptions),so as to explore their potential prescription and medication rules,and to provide references for the treatment of venomous snake bites in the primary hospitals.Methods The Chinese herbal prescriptions for oral use in treating venomous snake bites were retrieved from the CNKI,VIP and Wanfang databases,and the ancient formulas for treating venomous snake bites were screened in the surgery volume of Zhong Hua Yi Fang(Chinese Medical Prescriptions).Excel software was used to extract the relevant information of the formulas,and R language was used to analyze the medication frequency,properties,flavors and meridian tropism of the herbs as well as their association rules and clustering analysis.Results A total of 187 prescriptions for oral use in treating venomous snake bite were obtained,involving 284 Chinese herbal medicines.The top 15 Chinese herbal medicines in decreasing sequence of medication frequency were Lobeliae Chinensis Herba,Rhei Radix et Rhizoma,Angelicae Dahuricae Radix,Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma,Paridis Rhizoma,Rehmanniae Radix,Coptidis Rhizoma,Scutellariae Radix,Lonicerae Japonicae Flos,Paeoniae Radix Rubra,Moutan Cortex,Hedyotis Diffusae Herba,Imperatae Rhizoma,Plantaginis Herba,and Scutellariae Barbatae Herba.The flavor of herbs in the prescription for the treatment of venomous snakebite was usually bitter,pungent and sweet,and their property was relatively cold.Most of the herbs had the meridian tropism of the liver meridian and lung meridian.The core prescription mainly composed of Rhei Radix et Rhizoma,Lobeliae Chinensis Herba,and Paridis Rhizoma was obtained after association rule analysis and cluster analysis.Conclusion The herbs for the treatment of venomous snake bites often have the actions of clearing heat and removing toxins,and the prescription is usually composed of Rhei Radix et Rhizoma,Lobeliae Chinensis Herba,Paridis Rhizoma together with the compatibility of medicines for clearing heat and cooling blood,extinguishing wind and arresting convulsion,clearing heat and promoting urination.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019899


Objective To explore the construction idea and application method of knowledge base and knowledge mining system for the prevention and treatment of diseases in traditional Chinese medicine.Methods Guided by the theory of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM),firstly,the knowledge system of TCM Prevention and treatment was sorted out,and the structure and relationship of TCM Prevention and treatment knowledge base were designed according to the classification method of TCM Prevention and treatment;Secondly,according to the needs of pre treatment research,the ancient and modern literature data sources and knowledge collection methods of TCM pre treatment database are proposed;Then,under the framework of the pre treatment classification system,the core knowledge is studied in the aspects of professional annotation,relationship extraction,knowledge audit,and a variety of data mining algorithms are introduced to analyze and mine the knowledge;Finally,the massive data obtained are combined with big data analysis and computer machine learning to realize intelligent information collection,disease analysis and diagnosis and treatment suggestions.Results Under the guidance of traditional Chinese medicine theory,the knowledge base of traditional Chinese medicine for prevention and treatment of diseases can digitize,digitize and intellectualize the basic knowledge and clinical knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine for prevention and treatment of diseases,and can objectively mine and analyze the data,providing a basis for the service and sharing of knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine for prevention and treatment of diseases.Conclusion The knowledge base of TCM Prevention and treatment is an important way for the digital storage of TCM Prevention and treatment knowledge,and provides literature knowledge support and objective evidence of data mining for TCM Prevention and treatment research.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030222


[Objective]To explore the clinical experience of ZHU Danxi,a doctor of Zhejiang school of traditional Chinese medicine,on the diagnosis and treatment of phlegm-related diseases.[Methods]By means of literature research and data mining,the treatment database of ZHU Danxi in phlegm syndrome was constructed,and his clinical thoughts were summarized from the aspects of pathogenic factors,pathogenesis,treatment and prescriptions.[Results]According to ZHU Danxi,the pathogenesis of phlegm syndrome was mainly related to stagnation of Qi activity,the etiology was related to external contraction of six excesses,internal injury of seven emotions,improper diet.Phlegm syndrome was divided into hot phlegm,wet phlegm,food phlegm,cold phlegm,wind phlegm,old phlegm,etc.ZHU Danxi determined the different treatment principles such as clearing heat and resolving phlegm,drying dampness and resolving phlegm,resolving phlegm to remove stagnancy,warming and resolving cold-phlegm,dispelling wind and resolving phlegm,moistening dryness and resolving phlegm and so on.Phlegm wss easy to knot with stasis,so it was commonly used to remove phlegm and remove stasis.According to the site of the phlegm syndrome,ZHU Danxi used different herbs and methods of vomiting and purging,treating both symptoms and root causes,starting from the spleen,lung and liver meridian,and basing on Erchen Decoction.ZHU Danxi used phlegm-eliminating herbs,spleen strengthening herbs,Qi-regulating herbs and heat-clearing herbs.[Conclusion]ZHU Danxi's experience in treatment of phlegm related diseases is fully effective,and the principles,methods,and prescriptions for preventing and treating phlegm syndrome can provide more ideas for clinical practice.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030953


Zhuye Shigaotang is one of the 100 classic prescriptions published by the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This study used the traceability method and bibliometrics method to analyze the main applicable syndromes, efficacy and meanings, modern disease spectrum, and other aspects of Zhuye Shigaotang, so as to further promote the research and development of this prescription. The results showed that Zhuye Shigaotang originated from the Treatise on Febrile Diseases, and its ingredients included Lophatheri Herba, Gypsum Fibrosum, Pinelliae Rhizoma, Ophiopogonis Radix, Ginseng Radix et Rhizoma, Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma, and Oryza sativa. The main applicable syndromes of Zhuye Shigaotang recorded in ancient books included heatstroke, cough and asthma, sores, sweat syndrome, hiccup, insomnia, malaria, headache, blood syndrome, nasosinusitis, laryngitis, etc., involving diseases of internal medicine, surgery, gynecology, and pediatrics. Its pathogenesis was "incomplete residual heat, both Qi and Yin injuries, and stomach-Qi disharmony". The research found that Zhuye Shigaotang could also be used to treat acne, measles, and cholera, and it was especially suitable for the treatment at the later stage of epidemic diseases. Lophatheri Herba and Gypsum Fibrosum in the prescription could clear away heat and relieve vexation. Ginseng Radix et Rhizoma,Ophiopogonis Radix, Ginseng Radix et Rhizoma, and Oryza sativa could promote body fluid production and invigorate Qi. Pinelliae Rhizoma could harmonize the stomach and stop vomiting. The prescription had stable compatibility and had the effects of clearing away heat, relieving vexation, invigorating Qi, promoting body fluid production, and harmonizing the stomach. Zhuye Shigaotang was widely applied in modern clinical practices, with high application frequency in the digestive system, pediatric-related diseases, respiratory system, infectious diseases, circulatory system, and neuropsychiatric system. The specific symptoms included recurrent aphtha, hiccup, infantile pneumonia, infantile summer fever, unexplained fever, upper respiratory tract infection, epidemic hemorrhagic fever, and late measles.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031419


This paper systematically analyzed the ancient monographs of acupuncture and moxibustion and comprehensive medical books from pre-Qin to 1911, and extracted the data according to the etiology and pathogenesis, treatment principles and methods, acupoint selection, needling and moxibustion, and taboos of needling and moxibustion. The pathogenesis of migraine in ancient books and documents is summarized as "the causes are diverse, and phlegm-dampness is the majority". For treatment, the features include "needling has a sequence, and the root and the branch should be treated separately" and "focusing on tonifying deficiency and drain excess". It is also obtained of the rich ideas of acupoints selection, extensive application records of moxibustion, unique application of bloodletting therapy and clear explanation of acupuncture and moxibustion taboos. All mentioned above is expected to enrich the ideas and methods of modern migraine treatment and improve the clinical effects.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 746-750, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031856


Objective@#To describe and analyze the current research status of compliance in orthokeratology among children and adolescents in and beyond China, so as to guide future research in this field.@*Methods@#By combining subject words with free words, the paper systematically searched the research related to the compliance of children and adolescents wearing orthokeratology lenses in PubMed, Web of Science, Embase, Scopus, Cochrane Library, China National Knowledge Infrastructure, Wanfang, VIP and China Biomedical Literature Database. The retrieval time limit was until September 1, 2023.Two researchers independently screened and extracted data.@*Results@#A total of 35 articles were included, and four themes were identified:the current level of compliance, evaluation indicators, influencing factors, and intervention programs. The evaluation indicators of orthokeratology lenswearing compliance were diverse, and the influencing factors involved general demographic characteristics, personal internal factors, external factors, and specific clinical situations related to orthokeratology.@*Conclusions@#Multiple factors are associated with compliance in orthokeratology. Eyecare practitioners should choose suitable evaluation tools based on specific conditions and implement diverse and practical intervention strategies guided by theory to enhance the safety and effectiveness of orthokeratology lenswearing among children and adolescents.