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Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561703


Introdução: A lombalgia é uma condição prevalente e que apresenta importante impacto na capacidade funcional e na qualidade de vida, sendo a sua correta abordagem na Atenção Primária à Saúde fundamental para a identificação e o estabelecimento de um diagnóstico etiológico precoce de possíveis patologias que possam estar relacionadas a desfechos mórbidos e a graves limitações funcionais. Apresentação do caso: Paciente de 56 anos, sexo masculino, hipertenso, foi encaminhado para serviço especializado de reumatologia com histórico de lombalgia havia mais de 20 anos. Ao exame físico foi constatada presença de deformidades da coluna vertebral e extensa limitação de movimentos. Exames radiográficos mostravam esclerose de articulações sacroilíacas, osteopenia difusa e coluna vertebral em aspecto de "bambu". Conclusões: Constata-se a importância de que na abordagem das lombalgias na atenção primária se busque o reconhecimento de possíveis etiologias graves e potencialmente incapacitantes que possam estar subjacentes à queixa de dor lombar. Com esse objetivo, é fundamental o reconhecimento das chamadas red flags relacionadas às lombalgias, além de sua caracterização como mecânica ou inflamatória. Perante a atuação da atenção primária no oferecimento de um cuidado pautado na integralidade e na prevenção de agravos, reafirma-se a importância de uma avaliação clínica pormenorizada das lombalgias nesse nível de atenção à saúde.

Introduction: Low back pain is a prevalent condition that has an important impact on functional capacity and quality of life, and its correct approach in Primary Care is fundamental to the identification and establishment of an early etiological diagnosis of possible pathologies that may be related to outcomes morbid conditions and serious functional limitations. Case presentation: 56-year-old male patient, hypertensive, referred to a specialized rheumatology service with a history of low back pain for over 20 years. Physical examination revealed the presence of spinal deformities and extensive movement limitations. Radiographic examinations showing sclerosis of the sacro-iliac joints, diffuse osteopenia and a "bamboo" appearance of the spine. Conclusions: It is important that in the approach of low back pain in Primary Care, we seek to recognize possible serious and potentially disabling etiologies that may underlie the complaint of low back pain. For that, it is essential to recognize the so-called "red flags" related to low back pain, in addition to its characterization as mechanical or inflammatory. Given the role of Primary Care in offering care based on integrality and in the prevention of injuries, the importance of a detailed clinical assessment of low back pain at this level of health care is reaffirmed.

Introducción: La lumbalgia es una patología prevalente que tiene un impacto importante en la capacidad funcional y la calidad de vida, y su correcto abordaje en Atención Primaria de Salud es fundamental para la identificación y establecimiento de un diagnóstico etiológico precoz de posibles patologías que puedan estar relacionadas con los resultados, condiciones morbosas y limitaciones funcionales graves. Presentación del caso: Paciente masculino de 56 años, hipertenso, remitido a servicio especializado de reumatología con antecedentes de dolor lumbar de más de 20 años. El examen físico reveló la presencia de deformidades de la columna y amplias limitaciones de movimiento. Los exámenes radiológicos muestran esclerosis de las articulaciones sacroilíacas, osteopenia difusa y una apariencia de "bambú" de la columna. Conclusiones: Es importante que al abordar la lumbalgia en Atención Primaria de Salud busquemos reconocer las posibles etiologías graves y potencialmente incapacitantes que pueden subyacer a la queja de lumbalgia. Con este objetivo, es fundamental reconocer las llamadas "banderas rojas" relacionadas con la lumbalgia, además de su caracterización como mecánica o inflamatoria. Dado el papel de Atención Primaria de Salud a la hora de ofrecer una atención basada en la integralidad y prevención de enfermedades, se reafirma la importancia de una evaluación clínica detallada de la lumbalgia en este nivel de atención sanitaria.

Primary Health Care , Case Reports , Musculoskeletal Diseases , Low Back Pain
Int. j. morphol ; 42(3): 577-584, jun. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564628


SUMMARY: Conducting morphometric studies including many parameters and establishing certain standards for the anatomy of the lumbar spine will facilitate clinical applications. The Turkish example of lumbar vertebrae and disc morphometry has not yet been presented comprehensively. In our study, abdominal computed tomography images of 700 adults were evaluated retrospectively. It was observed that the anterior height of the vertebral bodies increased from L1 to L4 in males, and from L1 to L5 in females. The posterior height of the vertebral bodies was lowest at L5 in both sexes, while it was highest at L3 in males and L4 in females. In all age groups, the values for males were greater (p0.05). In all age groups and both sexes, an increase in anterior disc heights towards disc 5 was observed. The values for males were greater than those for females (p<0.05). The posterior disc height at disc 5 was higher in females, and in other discs, it was higher in males (p<0.05). In conclusion, it was found that the measurement values of the parameters examined varied according to lumbar level and sex, but were independent of age. The morphometric data we obtained are important in terms of providing a reference for the people of our region and contributing to the literature.

La realización de estudios morfométricos que incluyan diversos parámetros anatómicos y el establecimiento de ciertos estándares para la anatomía de la columna lumbar facilitarán los procedimientos clínicos. Como ejemplo, aún no se ha presentado de manera detallada la morfometría de las vértebras lumbares y del disco intervertebral en individuos turcos. En nuestro estudio evaluamos retrospectivamente imágenes de tomografía computarizada abdominal en 700 individuos adultos de ambos sexos. Observamos que la altura anterior de los cuerpos vertebrales aumentaba de L1 a L4 en los hombres y de L1 a L5 en las mujeres. La altura posterior de los cuerpos vertebrales fue más baja en L5 en ambos sexos, mientras que fue más alta en L3 en hombres y L4 en mujeres. En todos los grupos etarios los valores para los hombres fueron mayores (p0,05). En todos los grupos de edad y en ambos sexos se observó un aumento en la altura anterior del disco intervertebral hacia el disco 5. Los valores de los hombres fueron mayores que los de las mujeres (p<0,05). La altura posterior del disco intervertebral en el disco 5 fue mayor en las mujeres y en otros discos fue mayor en los hombres (p<0,05). En conclusión, se encontró que los valores de medición de los parámetros examinados variaron según el nivel lumbar y el sexo, pero fueron independientes de la edad. Los datos morfométricos que obtuvimos son importantes en términos de proporcionar una referencia para la población de nuestra región y contribuir a la literatura.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Intervertebral Disc/diagnostic imaging , Lumbar Vertebrae/diagnostic imaging , Sex Characteristics , Intervertebral Disc/anatomy & histology , Lumbar Vertebrae/anatomy & histology
Rev. Bras. Neurol. (Online) ; 60(1): 16-22, jan.-mar. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555092


Introdução: A cefaleia pós punção dural (CPPD) é uma complicação da punção lombar, um procedimento que, apesar de bem tolerado, está sujeito a adversidades, ocorrendo devido a um vazamento persistente do líquido cefalorraquidiano (LCR) do local da punção dural. A incidência de CPPD pode estar relacionada às características dos pacientes e dos procedimentos. Notou-se que em mulheres jovens até 30 anos, o risco de CPPD é maior quando comparado aos homens, não apresentando diferença a partir da quinta década de vida. Objetivo: investigar os diferentes sintomas e efeitos gerados pelos diferentes tipos de agulha, como calibre e modo de inserção, que visem reduzir a CPPD. Métodos: Trata-se de uma revisão sistemática de literatura realizada no período de 2 de agosto a 20 de novembro de 2023 por meio de pesquisas no PubMed. Foram utilizados os descritores: "Post-Dural Puncture Headache" e suas variações do MeSH, sendo submetidos aos critérios de inclusão: estudos em humanos, nos últimos 10 anos, ensaios clínicos e ensaios clínicos controlados e randomizados. Para garantir a qualidade da revisão sistemática foi aplicada a lista de verificação PRISMA de 2020. Resultados: Após investigação estatística, observou-se que as agulhas 25W e 25S demandaram maior tempo médio para a coleta de LCR (15 e 7 min, respectivamente). Ao se comparar 25W com 20Q (3 min), 22S (5 min) e 25S quanto à esta variável, observouse diferença significativa em todas as comparações. Conclusão: As agulhas do tipo atraumática foram associadas com redução do risco de desenvolvimento de CPPD quando comparadas às convencionais. Foi constatado que, dentre as agulhas convencionais, a traumática de 25G é melhor para a prevenção de CPPD que a de 22G.

Introduction: Post-Dural Puncture Headache (PDPH) is a complication of lumbar puncture, a procedure that, despite being well-tolerated, is subject to adversities, occurring due to a persistent leakage of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from the site of dural puncture. The incidence of PDPH may be related to patient and procedural characteristics. It has been noted that in young women up to 30 years old, the risk of CPPD is higher compared to men, with no difference between sexes from the fifth decade of life onward. Objective: To investigate the different symptoms and effects generated by different types of needles, such as gauge and insertion method, aiming to reduce CPPD. Methods: Is a systematic literature review conducted from August to October 2023 through searches on PubMed. The descriptors "Post-Dural Puncture Headache" and its MeSH variations were used. A total of 1,839 articles were found, which were then subjected to inclusion criteria: studies conducted in the last 10 years, controlled trials, and randomized clinical trials. Results: After statistical investigation, it was observed that the 25W and 25S needles required a longer average time for cerebrospinal fluid collection (15 and 7 minutes, respectively). When comparing 25W with 20Q (3 minutes), 22S (5 minutes), and 25S regarding this variable, a significant difference was observed in all comparisons. Conclusion: Atraumatic needles were associated with a reduction in the risk of developing CPPD compared to conventional needles. It was found that among conventional needles, the traumatic 25G needle is better for preventing CPPD than the 22G needle.

Rev. Fac. Med. Hum ; 24(2): 185-188, abr.-jun. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569526


RESUMEN El caso es de una mujer de 46 años con pielonefritis aguda izquierda y duplicidad ureteral bilateral. La pielonefritis aguda es una infección grave del tracto urinario que puede variar en su presentación clínica, desde síntomas leves hasta sepsis. El dolor lumbar es un síntoma común en la pielonefritis aguda, y puede presentarse de forma unilateral o bilateral. La duplicidad ureteral es una anomalía congénita que resulta en uréteres que transportan la orina desde el mismo riñón hasta la vejiga, y puede causar complicaciones como reflujo vesicoureteral y obstrucción ureteral. El tratamiento incluyó antibióticos y control ambulatorio en consulta de Urología. El caso destaca la importancia de un enfoque diagnóstico meticuloso y la consideración de anomalías congénitas subyacentes que pueden complicar el cuadro clínico y el tratamiento. La integración de hallazgos clínicos, análisis de laboratorio y pruebas de imagen fue fundamental para el diagnóstico preciso y el plan de tratamiento adecuado.

ABSTRACT The case presents a 46-year-old woman with left acute pyelonephritis and bilateral duplicated ureters. Acute pyelonephritis is a severe urinary tract infection that can vary in clinical presentation, from mild symptoms to sepsis. Lower back pain is a common symptom and can be unilateral or bilateral. Duplicated ureters are a congenital anomaly resulting in the transport of urine from the same kidney to the bladder, and can cause complications such as vesicoureteral reflux and ureteral obstruction. Treatment involved antibiotics and outpatient urology follow-up. The case underscores the importance of a meticulous diagnostic approach and consideration of underlying congenital anomalies that can complicate clinical management and treatment. The integration of clinical findings and complementary tests was essential for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan.

Rev. cienc. salud (Bogotá) ; 22(1): 1-12, 20240130.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554944


Introducción: el dolor lumbar (dl) es una condición frecuente en los estudiantes de medicina y a partir de ahí se identifican diversos factores de riesgo. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la asociación entre la presencia de dlen los últimos 12 meses y la conducta sedentaria en estudiantes de medicina de una universidad privada. Materiales y métodos: estudio transversal analítico, prospectivo observacional, en el que participaron 167 encuestados. La conducta sedentaria se evaluó junto con la actividad física, a través del Cuestionario Mundial sobre Actividad Física; mientras que el dlse midió con el Cuestionario Nórdico de Kuorinka de Trastornos Musculoesqueléticos. Además, se valoraron variables demográficas y académicas como sexo, edad y ciclo universitario de los participantes. Resultados: se encontró una frecuencia de dldel 67.7 % y una media de conducta sedentaria de 9.5 horas (dt = 3.04). En el análisis mul-tivariado se halló que para cada hora sentado se aumenta significativamente la probabilidad de padecer dl (or = 1.17; p = 0.013). Los estudiantes que permanecen de 10 a más horas sentados/recostados presentan un aumento de riesgo de padecer dl(ora = 4.13; p = 0.001) frente a los que permanecen menos de 10 horas en estas posiciones. Conclusión: por cada hora en posición sedente/recostado, aumenta en 15 % el odds ratio de sufrir dlen los estudiantes, así como que acumular de 10 a más horas al día en posición sedente/recostado aumenta significativamente el padecer dl en los últimos 12 meses.

Introduction: Low back pain is a common condition among medical students, with various risk factors identified. The aim of the study was to evaluate the association between the presence of low back pain in the last 12 months (lbp) and sedentary behavior in medical students at a private university. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional analytical, prospective observational study was conducted with 167 respon-dents (101 women and 66 men). The main measurements in this study included sedentary behavior and low back pain in the last 12 months. Sedentary behavior was assessed along with physical activity through the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (gpaq), while low back pain was measured using the Kuorinka Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire. In addition, demographic and academic variables such as gender, age, and academic cycle of the participants were assessed. Results: A frequency of low back pain of 67.7% and an average sedentary behavior of 9.5 hours (sd = 3.04) were found, 70.1% maintain a healthy level of physical activity. Greater sedentary behavior was found to be associated with a greater presence of lbp. In the multivariate analysis, it was found that for each hour seated, the likelihood of suffering lbpsignificantly increased (or = 1.17; p = 0.013). Students who remain seated/reclined for 10 or more hours have an increased risk of suffering low back pain (aor = 4.13; p = 0.001) compared to those who spend less than 10 hours in these positions. Conclusion: It is observed that for each hour in a seated/reclined position, the odds ratio of suffering low back pain in students increases by 15%, and accumulating 10 or more hours a day in a seated/reclined position significantly increases the suffering of low back pain in the last 12 months.

Introdução: a dor lombar é uma condição comum entre os estudantes de medicina, com diversos fatores de risco identificados. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a associação entre a presença de dor lombar nos últimos 12 meses (dl) e o comportamento sedentário em estudantes de medicina de uma universidade privada. Materiais e métodos: foi realizado um estudo transversal analítico, observacional prospectivo com 167 respondentes (101 mulheres e 66 homens). As principais medidas neste estudo incluíram o comportamento sedentário e a dor lombar nos últimos 12 meses. O comportamento sedentário foi ava-liado juntamente com a atividade física através do Questionário Mundial sobre Atividade Física (gpaq), enquanto a dor lombar foi medida usando o questionário nórdico de Kuorinka de transtornos muscu-loesqueléticos. Além disso, foram avaliadas variáveis demográficas e acadêmicas como o sexo, a idade e o ciclo acadêmico dos participantes. Resultados: foi encontrada uma frequência de dor lombar de 67,7% e uma média de comportamento sedentário de 9,5 horas (dp = 3,04), 70,1% mantêm um nível saudável de atividade física. Um maior comportamento sedentário foi encontrado associado a uma maior presença de dl. Na análise multivariada, verificou-se que para cada hora sentada, a probabilidade de sofrer dlaumenta significativamente (or = 1,17; p = 0,013). Estudantes que permanecem sentados/reclinados por 10 ou mais horas têm um risco aumentado de sofrer dor lombar (ora = 4,13; p = 0,001) em comparação com aqueles que passam menos de 10 horas nessas posições. Conclusão: observa-se que para cada hora em posição sentada/reclinada, a razão de chances de sofrer dor lombar nos estudantes aumenta em 15%, e acumular 10 ou mais horas por dia em posição sentada/reclinada aumenta significativamente o sofri-mento de dor lombar nos últimos 12 meses.

Humans , Students , Disease , Lumbosacral Region
Alerta (San Salvador) ; 7(1): 69-78, ene. 26, 2024. ilus, tab.
Article in Spanish | BISSAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1526716


Introducción. El trastorno somatomorfo se caracteriza por la presentación de múltiples síntomas físicos que no pueden ser atribuidos a otra enfermedad física, mental o al uso de sustancias, teniendo como comorbilidad más prevalente a los trastornos de personalidad. Objetivo. Determinar la frecuencia de trastorno somatomorfo, sus características principales y diferentes rasgos de personalidad entre pacientes con lumbalgia crónica. Metodología. Estudio descriptivo transversal realizado con pacientes ingresados en el servicio de neurocirugía del Hospital General del Instituto Salvadoreño del Seguro Social. La recolección de datos se realizó a través de la escala Screening for Somatoform Symptoms 2 y la escala InternationalPersonality Disorder Examination. Las variables cualitativas fueron analizadas a través de frecuencias absolutas. Las variables cuantitativas fueron analizadas a través de medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión. Los análisis estadísticos fueron realizados en el programa Statistical Package for the Social Sicience, versión 26. Resultados. Se incluyeron 60 pacientes, 40 de ellos mujeres, 31 entre los 41 y 60 años. Veintiocho pacientes presentaron ocho o más síntomas, excluyéndose dolor lumbar. Cuarenta y cinco pacientes reportaron sintomatología por más de un año. Cincuenta y tres pacientes presentaron trastorno somatomorfo. Los trastornos de personalidad más frecuentes fueron obsesivo-compulsivos (31), límites (21) y paranoides (21). Conclusión. Los pacientes con dolor lumbar crónico que requieren ingreso hospitalario presentan una alta frecuencia de trastornos somatomorfos, con dolor en piernas o brazos como síntoma principal; además, estos pacientes se caracterizan por presentar en su mayoría rasgos de personalidad obsesivo-compulsivos.

Introduction. The somatoform symptoms disorder is characterized by multiple psychical symptoms that can't be attributed to another physical or mental health diagnosis or drug abuse, having personality disorders as the most common comorbidity. Objective. To determine the frequency of somatoform disorders, it's most important characteristics and different personality traits among patients with chronic back pain. Methodology. Cross-sectional descriptive study carried out with patients admitted to the neurosurgery department of the General Hospital of the Salvadoran Social Security Institute. Data collection was carried out using the Screening for Somatoform Symptoms 2 scale and the International Personality Disorder Examination scale. The qualitative variables were analyzed through absolute frequencies. The quantitative variables were analyzed through measures of central tendency and dispersion. The statistical analyzes were carried out using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 26. Results. The study included 60 patients, 40 of them women, 31 between 41 and 60 years old. Twenty-eight patients presented eight or more symptoms, excluding low back pain. Forty-five patients reported symptoms for more than one year. Fifty-three patients presented somatoform disorder. The most frequent personality disorders were obsessive-compulsive (31), borderline (21) and paranoid (21). Conclusion. Patients with chronic lower back pain who require hospital admission have a high frequency of somatoform disorders, with the main symptom being pain in the legs or arms; furthermore, these patients are characterized by mostly presenting obsessive-compulsive personality traits

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , El Salvador
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009217


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the effect of bone cement containing recombinant human basic fibroblast growth factor (rhbFGF) and recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) in percutaneous kyphoplasty(PKP)treatment of osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture(OVCF).@*METHODS@#A total of 103 OVCF patients who underwent PKP from January 2018 to January 2021 were retrospectively analyzed, including 40 males and 63 females, aged from 61 to 78 years old with an average of (65.72±3.29) years old. The injury mechanism included slipping 33 patients, falling 42 patients, and lifting injury 28 patients. The patients were divided into three groups according to the filling of bone cement. Calcium phosphate consisted of 34 patients, aged(65.1±3.3) years old, 14 males and 20 females, who were filled with calcium phosphate bone cement. rhBMP-2 consisted of 34 patients, aged (64.8±3.2) years old, 12 males and 22 females, who were filled with bone cement containing rhBMP-2. And rhbFGF+rhBMP-2 consisted of 35 patients, aged (65.1±3.6) years old, 14 males and 21 females, who were filled with bone cement containing rhbFGF and rhBMP-2. Oswestry disability index (ODI), bone mineral density, anterior edge loss height, anterior edge compression rate of injured vertebra, visual analog scale (VAS) of pain, and the incidence of refracture were compared between groups.@*RESULTS@#All patients were followed for 12 months. Postoperative ODI and VAS score of the three groups decreased (P<0.001), while bone mineral density increased (P<0.001), anterior edge loss height, anterior edge compression rate of injured vertebra decreased first and then slowly increased (P<0.001). ODI and VAS of group calcium phosphate after 1 months, 6 months, 12 months were lower than that of rhBMP-2 and group rhbFGF+rhBMP-2(P<0.05), bone mineral density after 6 months, 12 months was higher than that of rhBMP-2 and group calcium phosphate(P<0.05), and anterior edge loss height, anterior edge compression rate of injured vertebra of group rhbFGF+rhBMP-2 after 6 months and 12 months were lower than that of group rhBMP-2 and group calcium phosphate(P<0.05). There was no statistical difference in the incidence of re-fracture among the three groups (P>0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Bone cement containing rhbFGF and rhBMP-2 could more effectively increase bone mineral density in patients with OVCF, obtain satisfactory clinical and radiological effects after operation, and significantly improve clinical symptoms.

Male , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Aged , Bone Cements/therapeutic use , Fractures, Compression/complications , Retrospective Studies , Spinal Fractures/complications , Osteoporotic Fractures/etiology , Kyphoplasty/adverse effects , Vertebroplasty/adverse effects , Calcium Phosphates/therapeutic use , Treatment Outcome , Recombinant Proteins , Transforming Growth Factor beta , Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 , Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009218


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the clinical effect of modified suspension reduction method combined with percutaneous vertebroplasty in the treatment of osteoporotic thoracolumbar compression fractures.@*METHODS@#From February 2020 to October 2021, 92 patients with thoracolumbar osteoporotic compression fracture were treated by percutaneous vertebroplasty. According to different treatment methods, they were divided into the observation group and the control group. The observation group was treated with modified suspension reduction and then percutaneous vertebroplasty, while the control group was treated with percutaneous vertebroplasty alone. The observation group (47 cases), including 20 males and 27 females, the age ranged from 59 to 76 years old with an average of (69.74±4.50) years old, fractured vertebral bodies:T10(2 cases), T11(7 cases), T12(19 cases), L1(14 cases), L2(5 cases);the control group(45 cases), including 21 males and 24 females, the age ranged from 61 to 78 years old with an average of (71.02±3.58) years old, fractured vertebral bodies:T10(3 cases), T11(8 cases), T12(17 cases), L1(12 cases), L2(5 cases);The leakage of bone cement were observed, the visual analogue scale (VAS), Oswestry lumbar dysfunction index (ODI), anterior vertebrae height (AVH), Cobb angle of kyphosis and the amount of bone cement injected before and after operation were recorded and compared between the two groups.@*RESULTS@#All patients were followed up, ranged from 6 to10 with an average of (8.45±1.73) months. Two patients ocurred bone cement leakage in observation group and 3 patients in control group. AVH of observation group increased (P<0.05) and Cobb angle of injured vertebrae decreased (P<0.05). Cobb angle of injured vertebrae and AVH of the control group were not significantly changed (P>0.05). Cobb angle of injured vertebrae of the observation group was lower than that of control group (P<0.05) and AVH was higher than that of the control group (P<0.05). In the observation group, VAS before operation and 1 week, 3 and 6 months after operation respectively were(7.32±1.05) scores, (3.56±1.18) scores, (1.83±0.67) scores, (1.27±0.34) scores, and ODI were(40.12±14.69) scores, (23.76±10.19) scores, (20.15±6.39) scores, (13.45±3.46) scores. In the control group, VAS before operation and 1 week, 3 and 6 months after operation respectively were(7.11±5.26) scores, (3.82±0.68) scores, (1.94±0.88) scores, (1.36±0.52) scores, and ODI were(41.38±10.23) scores, (25.13±14.22) scores , (20.61±5.82) scores, (14.55±5.27) scores . The scores of VAS and ODI after operation were lower than those before operation (P<0.05), but there was no significant difference between the two groups (P<0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Modified suspension reduction method combined with PVP surgery for osteoporotic thoracolumbar compression fractures has achieved good clinical results, which can effectively relieve lumbar back pain, restore vertebral height, correct kyphosis, improve lumbar function and patients' quality of life.

Male , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Aged , Bone Cements/therapeutic use , Vertebroplasty/methods , Fractures, Compression/surgery , Quality of Life , Treatment Outcome , Spinal Fractures/surgery , Lumbar Vertebrae/injuries , Osteoporotic Fractures/surgery , Kyphosis/surgery , Retrospective Studies
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009219


OBJECTIVE@#To observe the alteration of thoracic and lumbar physiological curvature in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis(AIS) and the difference of physiological curvature between different types of scoliosis.@*METHODS@#A retrospective analysis was conducted on 305 adolescent patients taken full spine X-ray in our hospital from January 2017 to December 2021. The patients were divided into normal group and scoliosis group. The normal group was composed of 179 patients, 79 males and 100 females, aged 10 to 18 years old with an average of (12.84±2.10) years old, with cobb agle less than 10 degrees. The scoliosis group was composed of 126 patients, 33 males and 93 females, aged 10 to 18 years old with an average of (13.92±2.20) years old. The gender, age, Risser sign, thoracic kyphosis(TK) and lumbar lordosis(LL) in 2 groups were compared, and the TK and LL were also compared between different genders, different degrees of scoliosis and different segments of scoliosis.@*RESULTS@#The female ratio(P=0.001) and age (P<0.001) in scoliosis group were higher than them in normal group; the ratio of low-grade ossification was higher in normal group than in scoliosis group(P=0.038). TK was significantly smaller in scoliosis group than in normal group(P<0.001), but there was no significant difference in LL between the 2 groups(P=0.147). There were no significant difference in TK and LL between male and female. The TK was significantly bigger in mild AIS patients than in moderate AIS patients(P<0.05), but there was no significant difference in LL between mild and moderate patients(P>0.05). The TK and LL in different segments scoliosis were not found significant difference.@*CONCLUSION@#The physiological curvature of thoracic and lumbar spine is independent of gender. The thoracic physiological curvature becomes smaller in AIS patients, but lumbar curvature remains unchanged. The thoracic physiological curvature in mild AIS patients is greater than that in moderate AIS patients, but the lumbar curvature is almost unchanged between mild and moderate scoliosis and is similar with that in normal adolescent. The alteration of thoracic and lumbar physiological curvature in AIS patients may be related to relative anterior spinal overgrowth, and the specific detailed mechanism needs to be further studied.

Female , Humans , Male , Adolescent , Child , Scoliosis/diagnostic imaging , Retrospective Studies , Thoracic Vertebrae/diagnostic imaging , Kyphosis , Lordosis , Lumbar Vertebrae/diagnostic imaging , Spinal Fusion/methods
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009220


OBJECTIVE@#To observe the cage subsidence after oblique lateral interbody fusion (OLIF) for lumbar spondylosis, summarize the characteristics of the cage subsidence, analyze causes, and propose preventive measures.@*METHODS@#The data of 144 patients of lumbar spine lesions admitted to our hospital from October 2015 to December 2018 were retrospectively analyzed. There were 43 males and 101 females, and the age ranged from 20 to 81 years old, with an average of (60.90±10.06) years old. Disease types:17 patients of lumbar intervertebral disc degenerative disease, 12 patients of giant lumbar disc herniation, 5 patients of discogenic low back pain, 33 patients of lumbar spinal stenosis, 26 patients of lumbar degenerative spondylolisthesis, 28 patients of lumbar spondylolisthesis with spondylolisthesis, 11 patients of adjacent vertebral disease after lumbar internal fixation, 7 patients of primary spondylitis in the inflammatory outcome stage, and 5 patients of lumbar degenerative scoliosis. Preoperative dual-energy X-ray bone mineral density examination showed 57 patients of osteopenia or osteoporosis, and 87 patients of normal bone density. The number of fusion segments:124 patients of single-segment, 11 patients of two-segment, 8 patients of three-segment, four-segment 1 patient. There were 40 patients treated by stand-alone OLIF, and 104 patients by OLIF combined with posterior pedicle screw. Observed the occurrence of fusion cage settlement after operation, conducted monofactor analysis on possible risk factors, and observed the influence of fusion cage settlement on clinical results.@*RESULTS@#All operations were successfully completed, the median operation time was 99 min, and the median intraoperative blood loss was 106 ml. Intraoperative endplate injury occurred in 30 patients and vertebral fracture occurred in 5 patients. The mean follow-up was (14.57±7.14) months from 6 to 30 months. During the follow-up, except for the patients of primary lumbar interstitial inflammation and some patients of lumbar spondylolisthesis with spondylolisthesis, the others all had different degrees of cage subsidence. Cage subsidence classification:119 patients were normal subsidence, and 25 patients were abnormal subsidence (23 patients were gradeⅠ, and 2 patients were gradeⅡ). There was no loosening or rupture of the pedicle screw system. The height of the intervertebral space recovered from the preoperative average (9.48±1.84) mm to the postoperative average (12.65±2.03) mm, and the average (10.51±1.81) mm at the last follow-up. There were statistical differences between postoperative and preoperative, and between the last follow-up and postoperative. The interbody fusion rate was 94.4%. The low back pain VAS decreased from the preoperative average (6.55±2.2 9) to the last follow-up (1.40±0.82), and there was statistically significant different. The leg pain VAS decreased from the preoperative average (4.72±1.49) to the final follow-up (0.60±0.03), and the difference was statistically significant (t=9.13, P<0.000 1). The ODI index recovered from the preoperative average (38.50±6.98)% to the latest follow-up (11.30±3.27)%, and there was statistically significant different. The complication rate was 31.3%(45/144), and the reoperation rate was 9.72%(14/144). Among them, 8 patients were reoperated due to fusion cage subsidence or displacement, accounting for 57.14%(8/14) of reoperation. The fusion cage subsidence in this group had obvious characteristics. The monofactor analysis showed that the number of abnormal subsidence patients in the osteopenia or osteoporosis group, Stand-alone OLIF group, 2 or more segments fusion group, and endplate injury group was higher than that in the normal bone mass group, OLIF combined with pedicle screw fixation group, single segment fusion group, and no endplate injury group, and the comparison had statistical differences.@*CONCLUSION@#Cage subsidence is a common phenomenon after OLIF surgery. Preoperative osteopenia or osteoporosis, Stand-alone OLIF, 2 or more segments of fusion and intraoperative endplate injury may be important factors for postoperative fusion cage subsidence. Although there is no significant correlation between the degree of cage subsidence and clinical symptoms, there is a risk of cage migration, and prevention needs to be strengthened to reduce serious complications caused by fusion of cage subsidence, including reoperation.

Male , Female , Humans , Young Adult , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Spondylolisthesis/surgery , Retrospective Studies , Low Back Pain/etiology , Scoliosis , Lumbar Vertebrae/surgery , Spinal Fusion/methods , Bone Diseases, Metabolic , Osteoporosis/etiology , Treatment Outcome , Intervertebral Disc Displacement , Intervertebral Disc Degeneration
China Pharmacy ; (12): 1087-1093, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017142


OBJECTIVE To study the improvement effect and mechanism of sanguinarine (SG) on inflammatory pain in rats with lumbar disc herniation (LDH) and its mechanism. METHODS LDH model rats were established and divided into model group, SG low-dose, medium-dose and high-dose groups (1.00, 2.50, 6.25 mg/kg), high-dose of SG+Anisomycin [mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activator] group (6.25 mg/kg SG+5 mg/kg Anisomycin), with 10 rats in each group. Another 10 rats were included as the control group. Each group was given corresponding drugs intraperitoneally, while the control group and model group were given an equal volume of normal saline intraperitoneally, once a day, for 7 consecutive days. The general situation and neurological changes of rats in each group were observed, and the pain threshold [including paw withdrawal mechanical threshold (PWMT) and paw withdrawal thermal latency (PWTL)] of rats was determined; the histopathological changes of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) were observed in rats. The serum levels of inflammatory factors [tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin-1β (IL-1β)] and pain factors [neuropeptide Y (NPY), 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)] in rats were detected.The positive expressions of ionized-calcium binding adaptor molecule-1 (Iba-1) in spinal cord microglia and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in astrocytes were observed. The expressions of proteins related to MAPK/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)/nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) signaling pathway, TNF-α and IL-1β proteins were detected in DRG tissue of rats. RESULTS Compared with the control group, the rats in the model group showed decreased appetite, hindlimb movement disorders, and disordered neuronal cell arrangement, the neurological score, the levels of TNF-α, IL-1β, NPY, the positive expressions of Iba-1 and GFAP, the phosphorylations of p38 MAPK, ERK1/2 and NF-κB p65, the protein expressions of TNF-α and IL-1β were significantly increased (P<0.05); PWMT, PWTL and the levels of 5-HT were significantly reduced (P<0.05). Compared with the model group, the rats of SG groups showed some relief in their mental appetite and hindlimb motor disorders, the intervertebral disc structure of DRG was restored, and the levels of the above quantitative indicators had significantly reversed (P<0.05). Anisomycin reversed the improvement effect of SG on inflammatory pain in LDH rats. CONCLUSIONS SG can improve inflammatory pain by inhibiting the activation of microglia in DRG tissue of LDH rats, reducing the release of inflammatory factors, and increasing pain threshold, and its mechanism of action may be related to the inhibition of MAPK/ERK/NF- κB signaling pathway.

Chongqing Medicine ; (36): 555-559, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017497


Objective To analyze the effect of lumbar bone marrow composition on bone marrow diffu-sion-weighted imaging(DWI)in healthy adult women.Methods Retrospective analysis was performed on up-per abdominal MRI of 103 adult women.Bone marrow fat fraction of lumbar vertebra was measured according to two-point water-lipid separation technique,and apparent diffusion coefficient(ADC)value of lumbar verte-bra was measured according to DWI image(b=800 s/mm2).The subjects were divided into the high-signal group and the equal-low-signal group according to the signal intensity of lumbar vertebra and adjacent erector spine muscles.The effects of age,lumbar bone marrow fat fraction and menstrual status on the signal intensity and ADC value of lumbar bone marrow diffusion were analyzed.Finally,the correlation between lumbar bone marrow fat fraction and ADC value was analyzed.Results Univariate analysis showed that the lumbar bone marrow diffusion signal intensity and ADC value were affected by age,lumbar bone marrow fat fraction and menstrual status(P<0.001).Multivariate analysis showed that age(P=0.046)and lumbar bone marrow fat fraction(P=0.005)were the influencing factors of lumbar bone marrow diffusion signal intensity,but men-strual status(P=0.242)was not the influencing factor.In addition,lumbar bone marrow fat fraction(P<0.001)was the factor influencing the ADC value of lumbar bone marrow,and the two were negatively correla-ted(r=-0.607,P<0.001),but age(P=0.497)and menstrual status(P=0.082)were not the influencing factors.Conclusion The bone marrow composition of lumbar vertebrae in healthy adult women has significant effects on the signal intensity and ADC value of bone marrow diffusion.

Journal of Army Medical University ; (semimonthly): 384-390, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017573


Objective To analyze the influence of drainage volume on prognosis of acute hydrocephalus(AHC)after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage(aSAH)by continuous lumbar drainage.Methods A retrospective trial was conducted on 82 AHC patients after aSAH admitted to the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University between January 2017 and January 2022.In 6 months after discharge,modified Rankin Scale(mRS)score was used to evaluate the prognostic outcomes.Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed on demographic factors,severity of subarachnoid hemorrhage(SAH)at admission,medical history,cerebral vasospasm,and lumbar drainage data.Then a nomogram prediction model was constructed.Results Univariate analysis found that World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies(WFNS)score,Hunt-Hess grade,modified Fisher grade,time for continuous lumbar drainage,shunt dependence,cerebral vasospasm,and drainage volume were factors affecting the prognosis of the patients.Then logistic regression analysis revealed that high WFNS score(OR:3.25,95%CI:1.11~9.48),high modified Fisher grade(OR:3.66,95%CI:1.08~12.35),shunt dependence(OR:15.56,95%CI:1.22~198.57),and cerebral vasospasm(OR:22.24,95%CI:3.08~160.68)were independent predictors for mRS score,while volume of continuous lumbar drainage(OR:0.57,95%CI:0.40~0.82)was an independent protective factor.ROC curve analysis indicated a good predictive performance of the model(AUC=0.898,95%CI:0.935~0.861).Internal validation through Bootstrap method demonstrated excellent discriminatory ability of the model(C-index=0.950,95%CI:0.904~0.996;adjusted C-index:0.934).Conclusion Increased volume of lumbar drainage is an independent protective factor for poor prognosis following aSAH and can improve the prognosis of SAH patients.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018096


Objective:To explore the clinical efficacy of combined use of artificial bone materials in percutaneous vertebroplasty (PVP) for osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures (OVCF).Methods:One hundred and eighty-four consecutive patients with OVCF admitted to Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical University from June 2020 to June 2021 were retrospectively analyzed. All patients had single-level fracture and treated with PVP. According to whether artificial bone materials were used, the patients were divided into experimental group ( n=95) and control group ( n=89). The experimental group was treated with bone cement mixed with artificial bone materials, and the control group was treated with bone cement. The following indices were observed in the two groups before surgery and at 3 days, 3 months, 12 months (final follow-up) after surgery: visual analogue scale (VAS) score, Oswestry disability index (ODI), Cobb angle of kyphosis, and the percentage of anterior vertebral height, the amount of bone cement injected, postoperative complications and adjacent vertebral fractures were recorded. Measurement data were expressed as mean±standard deviation ( ± s), and t-test was used for comparison between groups; Chi- test was used for comparison between groups for count data. Results:All patients successfully completed the operation and were followed up for 12-20 months, with a mean follow-up of (14.24±2.51) months. The VAS score at 3 days, 3 months after operation and final follow-up (experimental group: 2.00±0.71, 1.89±0.71, 1.41±0.49; control group: 2.13±0.73, 1.81±0.60, 1.44±0.50) and ODI index at 3 months after operation and the final follow-up [experimental group: (21.56±4.68)%, (23.22±4.11)%; control group: (22.46±3.74)%, (22.39±4.05)%] were significantly improved compared with those before operation [VAS, experimental group: 7.66±0.86, control group: 7.81±0.89; ODI, experimental group: (70.11±8.24)%, control group: (68.97±8.59)%], and the differences were statistically significant ( P<0.05). There were no significant differences in the amount of bone cement injected between the two groups ( P>0.05). There was no significant difference in the Cobb angle of kyphosis and the percentage of anterior vertebral height at each time point ( P>0.05). The incidence of bone cement leakage in the experimental group was 15.8% (15/95), slightly lower than that in the control group [22.5% (20/89)], but the difference was not statistically significant ( P>0.05). As of the final follow-up, the incidence of adjacent vertebral fracture in the experimental group was 8.4% (8/95), which was lower than that in the control group (19.1%, 17/89), and the difference was statistically significant ( P< 0.05). Conclusion:The application of bone cement mixed with artificial bone materials in PVP for OVCF, can achieve good clinical efficacy, and reduce the incidence of adjacent vertebral fractures.

International Journal of Surgery ; (12): 174-180, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018110


Objective:To evaluate the guiding value of ultrasound-guided selective nerve root block in the surgical treatment of multilevel lumbar degeneration.Methods:Retrospective case-control study was used. Clinical data of 47 patients with multi-level lumbar degeneration who underwent decompression surgery in Honghui Hospital, Xi′an Jiaotong University from January 2019 to December 2021 were retrospectively analyzed. They were divided into nerve root block group ( n=22)and non-nerve root block group( n=25) according to whether ultrasound-guided selective nerve root block was performed before decompression surgery. The operation time, intraoperative blood loss, number of decompression laminae, postoperative drainage volume and length of stay of the two groups were recorded and compared. The visual analogue scale of low back pain, the visual analogue scale (VAS) of leg pain, the Japanese orthopaedic association (JOA) score and Oswestry disability index (ODI) score were all compared before surgery and during follow-up between the two groups. Measurement data with normal distribution were represented as mean±standard deviation( ± s), and the comparison between groups was conducted using the paired t-test. Chi-square test was used for counting data. Results:All 47 patients successfully completed the operation without any serious complications such as neurovascular injury. All patients were followed up for (27.6±7.5)months. In the nerve root block group, the operation time, intraoperative blood loss, number of decompression laminae, postoperative drainage volume and hospital stay were (90.5±12.6) min, (110.5±15.8) mL, 1.2±0.8, (85.6±15.8) mL, (6.2±2.8) d, respectively. In the non-root block group, they were (190.6±25.5) min, (450.5±24.8) mL, 3.8±1.6, (210.5±16.8) mL, (9.5±2.2) d, respectively. The above indexes in the nerve root closure group were less than those in the non-root closure group, and the difference was significant between the two groups ( P< 0.05). The scores of VAS of low back pain and leg pain, JOA and ODI in both groups were significantly improved after surgery and during the follow-up period when compared with those of pre-operation ( P< 0.05). The VAS scores of low back pain on the 3rd day, 6 months after operation and at the last follow-up in the nerve block group were 3.2±1.4, 1.4±0.8, 0.5±0.2, the JOA scores were 15.8±4.3, 21.3±5.6, 25.6±1.4, and the ODI scores were 50.6±10.3, 22.8±7.8, 16.8±4.2, respectively. The VAS scores of low back pain on the 3rd day, 6 months after operation and at the last follow-up in the non-nerve block group were 5.1±1.8, 3.4±1.2, 1.8±0.5, the JOA scores were 14.1±4.8, 20.5±3.2, 24.2±1.8, and the ODI scores were 60.5±9.8, 31.6±8.2 and 21.3±5.5, respectively. The difference between the two groups was statistically significant ( P<0.05). However, there was no statistical difference in the VAS scores of leg pain between the two groups after surgery and during follow-up ( P>0.05). At the last follow-up, the internal fixation position of the two groups was good, no loosening and displacement, and bone graft fusion was good. Conclusion:For patients with multi-level lumbar degeneration, ultrasound-guided selective nerve root block before surgery can identify the responsible segment, and selective decompression and fusion based on this can effectively reduce surgical trauma, while improving patients′ back and leg pain and physical function, which has important surgical guidance value.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018453


Objective To explore the medication rules of Professor ZHONG Guang-Ling's prescriptions for the treatment of lumbar disc herniation(LDH)based on data mining method,so as to provide reference for the treatment of LDH with Chinese medicine.Methods The prescriptions for the effective cases of outpatients of LDH treated by Professor ZHONG Guang-Ling in the recent 5 years were collected.The medication frequency of Chinese medicines in the included prescriptions and the distribution of their properties,flavors and meridian tropism were investigated.Moreover,the association rule analysis and cluster analysis of the high-frequency drugs were carried out.Results A total of 164 prescriptions were included and 168 Chinese medicines were used.The top 10 high-frequency drugs in descending order were Achyranthis Bidentatae Radix,Chuanxiong Rhizoma,Pheretima,Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma Praeparata cum Melle,Gentianae Macrophyllae Radix,Angelicae Sinensis Radix,Rehmanniae Radix Praeparata,Persicae Semen,Cyperi Rhizoma,and Carthami Flos.The properties of the prescribed drug were mainly warm and mild in nature,and bitter and pungent in flavor,and mainly had the meridian tropism of the liver,kidney and spleen meridians.According to the therapeutic actions,the drugs were mainly categorized as deficiency-supplementing drugs,dampness-removing and collateral-unblocking drugs,and blood-activating and stasis-removing drugs.The results of association rule analysis yielded 10 drug pairs,and cluster analysis yielded 6 core drug combinations.Conclusion For the treatment of LDH,Professor ZHONG Guang-Ling usually adopts the Chinese medicine for supplementing the deficiency and supporting healthy-qi,together with the medicines for nourishing the liver and kidney and regulating the spleen and stomach from the perspective of liver,kidney and spleen.Moreover,therapy of activating blood and removing stasis is also stressed,pathogen-eliminating medicines for removing dampness,unblocking collaterals and clearing heat are used based on syndrome differentiation,and then simultaneous application of purging and nourishing therapeutics is achieved through the utilization of purging method after supplementing method.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018739


Unilateral biportal endoscopic(UBE)technique is a minimally invasive spinal technique developed rapidly in recent years.Compared with traditional spinal endoscopy,the prominent feature of UBE is that it can open two channels on the same side of the spine,which can be used to provide visual field and insert operating instruments respectively,greatly expanding the operating space and reducing the difficulty of surgery.It has the advantages of less bleeding,little injury,quick recovery and mild pain,and has unique advantages in the treatment of lumbar spinal stenosis,lumbar disc herniation and other lumbar degenerative diseases.With the continuous in-depth exploration and development of the UBE technique,the field of diseases that can be treated by this technology has gradually expanded.It is not only limited to lumbar diseases,but also has made great progress in cervical and thoracic diseases,which has attracted the attention of many spinal surgeons.UBE technique has become one of the promising surgical methods for spinal-related diseases,but there are also complications such as incomplete decompression,nerve root and dural injury,epidural hematoma,relatively prolonged operation time,operation fatigue and other deficiencies.This paper summarizes the progress of the UBE technique,discusses its complications and deficiencies,proposes relevant solutions and possible future directions for its development,so as to provide reference for the clinical practice of UBE technique.

Journal of Clinical Surgery ; (12): 75-78, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019297


Objective This study explored the clinical effect of using transforaminal technique to treat patients with lumbar disc herniation and lateral recess stenosis.Methods 132 patients with lumbar disc herniation and lateral recess stenosis who were treated by orthopedic surgery in our hospital from July 2018 to December 2022 were selected for retrospective analysis.They were divided into the endoscopic group and the traditional group according to the surgical method.70 patients in the endoscopic group were treated by the inter-laminar approach under the technique of intervertebral foramen,and 62 patients in the traditional group were treated by the traditional open surgery.The operation process indexes of the two methods were compared The clinical symptoms of patients after operation were different.Results The average operation time[(76.1±7.5)min],surgical blood loss[(30.5±8.4)ml],incision length[(0.88±0.12)cm],post-operative drainage[(24.5±4.4)ml],bed time[(26.8±4.4)h],and length of stay[(5.6±1.8)d]in the endoscopic group were significantly lower than those in the traditional group[(88.0±9.3)min,(103.4±18.6)ml,(6.10±1.04)cm,(208.3±34.0)ml,(32.7±6.6)h and(9.4±2.0)d,respectively].The difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).VAS scores of 3 months and 6 months after surgery were lower than those before surgery,and JO A scores were higher,the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).The lumbar function of the endoscopic group was excellent in 43 cases(61.43%)and good in 15 cases(21.43)%),29 cases of lumbar spine function were excellent(46.77%)and 17 cases(21.43%)were good in the traditional group.Overall,there was no statistically significant difference in the recovery of lumbar spine function between the endoscopic group and the traditional group(P>0.05).2 patients(2.86%)in the endoscopy group had postoperative complications,and 7 patients(11.29%)in the traditional group had postoperative complications,but there was no significant statistical difference in the incidence of surgical complications between the two groups(P>0.05).Conclusion For the treatment of lumbar disc herniation with lateral recess stenosis under intervertebral foraminal technique,the treatment of lumbar intervertebral disc herniation with lateral recess stenosis can achieve better functional recovery and effectively relieve the clinical symptoms of the patient,but its advantage lies in the operation time.Shorter,less traumatic impact on patients.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020161


Objective To evaluate the potential clinical value of T2 mapping and mDixon Quant in the diagnosis of early interver-tebral disc degeneration.Methods A total of 79 volunteers who underwent lumbar MRI examination were enrolled.All subjects were examined for 3.0T MR with T2WI,T2 mapping,and mDixon Quant while recording the condition of low back pain.The differ-ences between T2 mapping(map)value and fat fraction(FF)values of the vertebral(V)and nucleus pulposus(NP)within the Pfir-rmann Ⅰ and Pfirrmann Ⅱ intervertebral disc(grade Ⅰ 76,grade Ⅱ 87)were statistically analyzed.Receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve analyses were performed for meaningful parameters.Results V-FF showed a mild positive correlation with degenera-tive intervertebral disc lesions,and NP-FF and NP-map values showed a mild negative correlation with lesions.There were statistically significant differences between the two groups in V-FF(P<0.001),NP-FF(P=0.005),and NP-map(P<0.001).Some measure-ments had statistically significant differences when different intervertebral disc segments were compared.Conclusion V-FF,NP-FF,and NP-map are associated with intervertebral disc degeneration.T2 mapping and mDixon Quant are potentially valuable as diagnostic tools to quantitatively assess early intervertebral disc degeneration and help diagnose.

Journal of Practical Radiology ; (12): 261-265,310, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020197


Objective To investigate the change rule of T1ρ value in the process of lumbar intervertebral disc degeneration(IVDD)based on Pfirrmann grading by Meta-analysis.Methods PubMed,EMBASE,Cochrane Library,CNKI,Wanfang Data,VIP and Sinomed were searched to collect studies on quantitative assessment of IVDD using T1ρ imaging technology.The retrieval time limit was from the establishment of the database to December 20,2022.Meta-analysis was performed using RevMan 5.4 and Stata 14.0 software.Results A total of 12 articles were included,and the numbers of Pfirrmann grade Ⅰ-Ⅴ lumbar discs were 316,1 460,769,430 and 98,respectively.T1ρ relaxation time decreased gradually with the increase of the grade of degeneration.The T1ρ values of grade Ⅰlumbar discs were significantly higher than those of grade Ⅱ lumbar discs[weighted mean difference(WMD)=14.55,95%confidence interval(CI)6.35-22.75,P<0.01],and the T1ρ values of grade Ⅱ lumbar discs were significantly higher than those of grade Ⅲlumbar discs(WMD=34.20,95%CI 27.05-41.34,P<0.01).The T1ρ values of grade Ⅲ lumbar discs were significantly higher than that of grade Ⅳ lumbar discs(WMD=22.94,95%CI 17.08-28.80,P<0.01).The T1ρ values of grade Ⅳ lumbar discs were significantly higher than that of grade Ⅴ lumbar discs(WMD=9.35,95%CI 6.81-11.89,P<0.01).Conclusion T1ρ imaging technology can objectively and quantitatively evaluate degeneration at different stages,especially sensitive to IVDD in the early and middle stages,which can provide imaging evidence for clinical diagnosis of early IVDD.