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RECIIS (Online) ; 18(1)jan.-mar. 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1553550


O presente estudo parte de reflexões acerca da sobrevivência ao câncer e da experiência estigmatizante vivenciada por pessoas diagnosticadas com câncer de laringe no Hospital Nacional do Câncer/Instituto Nacional do Câncer, submetidas à cirurgia de Laringectomia Total e participantes do Grupo de Laringec-tomizados Totais. O objetivo foi compreender as mediações de saberes e de informações produzidas pelos participantes do grupo na interface com os profissionais de saúde, considerando a sua dupla condição de estigma: o câncer e a deficiência. Parte-se de uma abordagem socioantropológica de caráter qualitativo e ex-ploratório que empregou os métodos de entrevista narrativa com cinco participantes. A análise foi realizada pelo método hermenêutico-dialético. Nos resultados destacam-se a busca pelo reconhecimento individual e social e a valorização da experiência frente aos saberes oficiais e o quanto as mediações extrapolam o espaço institucional. A mediação de saberes faz emergirem elementos significativos para o enfrentamento de uma cultura informacional dominante.

This study is based on reflections on surviving cancer and the stigmatizing experience of people diagnosed with laryngeal cancer at the Hospital Nacional do Câncer/Instituto Nacional do Câncer, who underwent Total Laryngectomy surgery and participated in the Total Laryngectomy Group. The goal was to understand the mediations of knowledge and information produced by the group participants, in the interface with health professionals, considering their double condition of stigma: cancer and disability. It is based on a socio-anthropological approach, of qualitative and exploratory nature that employed the narrative interview method with five participants. The analysis was carried out through the hermeneutic-dialectic method. The results highlight the search for individual and social recognition and the appreciation of experience in relation to official knowledge, and how the mediations go beyond the institutional space. The mediation of knowledge brings out significant elements to confront a dominant informational culture.

El presente estudio se basa en las reflexiones sobre la supervivencia al cáncer y la experiencia estigmatiza-dora de personas diagnosticadas de cáncer de laringe en el Hospital Nacional do Câncer/Instituto Nacional do Câncer, que se sometieron a una Laringectomía Total y participaron en el Grupo de Laringectomía Total. Objetivo: comprender las mediaciones de conocimiento e información producidas por los participantes del grupo, en la interfaz con los profesionales de salud, considerando su doble estigma: cáncer y discapacidad. Se basa en un abordaje socioantropológico, cualitativo y exploratorio, que utilizó métodos de entrevista narrativa con cinco participantes. El análisis ocurrió a través del método hermenéutico-dialéctico. Los resultados destacan la búsqueda de reconocimiento individual y social y la valorización de la experiencia en relación con el conocimiento oficial y la medida en que las mediaciones van más allá del espacio insti-tucional. La mediación del conocimiento pone de manifiesto elementos significativos sobre una cultura informacional dominante.

Tracheostomy , Laryngeal Neoplasms , Health Communication , Mediation Analysis , Health Policy , Laryngectomy , Public Policy , Socioeconomic Factors , Ostomy , Cancer Survivors , Medical Oncology
Sichuan Mental Health ; (6): 150-155, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030562


BackgroundPrevention and intervention of procrastination in college students are of great practical significance, and studies have illustrated a pairwise correlation among mindfulness, self-control, insecure attachment and procrastination, whereas the mechanism by which insecure attachment leads to procrastination remains unclear, and the related mediation path is quite understudied. ObjectiveTo investigate the effect of insecure attachment on procrastination among college students and the pathway of mindfulness and self-control, so as to inform the design of interventions for procrastination among college students. MethodsRandom and cluster sampling method were utilized to enroll 514 college students from 4 colleges in Guangdong Province From February to April 2023. Subjects were assessed using Irrational Procrastination Scale (IPS), Adult Attachment Scale (AAS), Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) and Brief Self-Control Scale (BSCS). Pearson correlation analysis were adopted to identify the correlation among above scales, and the mediation effect was examined via Bootstrap procedure. ResultsAAS score was positively correlated with IPS score (r=0.382, P<0.01), and negatively correlated with MAAS and BSCS scores (r=-0.242, -0.353, P<0.01). IPS score was negatively correlated with MAAS and BSCS scores (r=-0.314, -0.682, P<0.01). MAAS score was positively correlated with BSCS score (r=0.439, P<0.01). Insecure attachment positively predicted procrastination (β=0.377, P<0.01), and the prediction of procrastination by insecure attachment was mediated by self-control, with an indirect effect value of 0.163 (95% CI: 0.105~0.223), accounting for 43.24% of the total effect value. The mindfulness and self-control exerted a chained mediation effect on the relationship between insecure attachment and procrastination, and the indirect effect value was 0.056 (95% CI: 0.028~0.089), accounting for 14.85% of the total effect value. ConclusionInsecure attachment can influence procrastination among college students both directly and indirectly through the single mediation of self-control or the chained mediation of mindfulness and self-control. [Funded by 2023 National College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program (number, 202310570023)]

Sichuan Mental Health ; (6): 168-172, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030565


BackgroundNurses' moral courage is a special type of altruistic behavior, which is considered to be a key factor to improve patient safety. Empathy level can positively predict altruistic behavior, and moral sensitivity exerts an obvious mediation role in the positive prediction. At present, there is no relevant research to explore the path role of moral sensitivity in the relationship between empathy and moral courage. ObjectiveTo verify the mediation role of moral sensitivity in the relationship between empathy and moral courage among nursing students, so as to provide references for increasing the moral courage among nursing students. MethodsFrom June 1 to June 30, 2022, a total of 602 nursing students were recruited via convenience sampling from a tertiary grade A hospital in Mianyang, and participants were assessed using Interpersonal Reactivity Index-Chinese (IRI-C), Moral Sensitivity Questionnaire-Revised Chinese Version (MSQ-R-CV) and Nurses' Moral Courage Scale (NMCS). Pearson correlation analysis was used to assess the correlation among above scales. The Process macro plug-in for SPSS was used to test the mediation effect of moral sensitivity on the relationship between empathy and moral courage. ResultsA total of 602 valid questionnaires were collected, with an effective recovery rate of 96.78%. IRI-C score of nursing students was positively correlated with MSQ-R-CV score and NMCS score (r=0.269, 0.146, P<0.01). MSQ-R-CV score was positively correlated with NMCS score (r=0.722, P<0.01). The mediation effect model was established with IRI-C score as independent variable, MSQ-R-CV score as intermediary variable, and NMCS score as dependent variable. Analysis showed that the direct effect of empathy on moral courage among nursing students was not significant (direct effect value of -0.052, 95% CI: -0.178~0.008), while analysis yielded a significant indirect effect of empathy on moral courage via moral sensitivity (indirect effect value of 0.189, 95% CI: 0.209~0.407). ConclusionThe moral sensitivity of nursing students plays a significant mediation role in the relationship between empathy and moral courage. [Funded by 2022 Higher Education Teaching Research and Reform Project of Southwest Medical University (number, JG2022239)]

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025331


Objective:Analyze the impact of organizational factors on multidisciplinary teamwork behavior in tertiary public hospitals in Hangzhou,as well as the role mechanism of team atmosphere and team leadership.Provide suggestions for fully mobilizing their teamwork enthusiasm and improving teamwork efficiency.Methods:From January 2022 to March 2022,a questionnaire survey was conducted on multidisciplinary team members in tertiary public hospitals in Hangzhou using purposive sampling,and a total of 452 valid questionnaires were collected;Use the Process plugin in SPSS 26.0 software to test the moderated mediation model.Results:Positive organizational factors have a positive promoting impact on multidisciplinary teamwork behavior(β = 0.128,P<0.001),team atmosphere plays a mediating role between organizational factors and multidisciplinary teamwork behavior(β =0.063,P<0.001),and team leadership plays a negative moderating role between organizational factors and team atmosphere(β =-0.011,P<0.001).Conclusions:The behavior of multidisciplinary teamwork is influenced by multiple factors such as organizational factors,team atmosphere,and team leadership.Therefore,the hospital should actively explore a long-term operation mechanism for multidisciplinary teamwork that conforms to the characteristics of the hospital,improve top-level design,strengthen organizational investment,create a harmonious cooperation atmosphere within the team,enhance team cohesion,use shared leadership for team decision-making,and grant team members sufficient autonomy and decision-making power.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025670


Objective To explore the predictive effect of family functioning on mobile phone dependency and clarify the mediating role of peer relationships and self-esteem.Methods A stratified cluster random sampling method was used to collect data related to family functioning,self-esteem,and mobile phone dependency of 1 326 middle school students.SPSS 25.0 software was used to describe the data statistically and compare the differences among the demographic characteristics.Mplus 8.3 software was used to test the mediating effect of self-esteem on family functioning and mobile phone dependency of middle school students and the moderating effect of peer relation-ships.Results Family functioning negatively predicted the mobile phone dependency of middle school students(β=-0.291;95%CI:-0.361--0.224;P<0.001),self-esteem mediated the relationship between family functioning and mobile phone dependency(β=-0.066;95%CI:-0.096--0.044;P<0.001),and peer relationship moderated the mediating role of self-esteem between family func-tioning and mobile phone dependency(β= 0.117;95%CI:0.046-0.188;P= 0.001).Conclusion Family functioning directly affected mobile phone dependency and impacted mobile phone dependency through self-esteem.The mediating effect of self-esteem increases as peer relationships improve.

Sichuan Mental Health ; (6): 243-248, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1039256


BackgroundMobile phone addiction has attracted widespread attention in society, and psychological abuse and neglect is an important factor in predicting mobile phone addiction, whereas limited research has been done to evaluate its impact on mobile phone addiction. ObjectiveTo explore the correlation of psychological abuse and neglect with mobile phone addiction, and to test the pathway of self-esteem and interpersonal alienation, so as to provide references for preventing and curbing mobile phone addiction in junior high school students. MethodsIn May 2022, a cluster sampling was utilized to select 800 students in two middle schools in a county of Hainan Province, and all students were assessed using Child Psychological Abuse and Neglect Scale (CPANS), Mobile Phone Addiction Index (MPAI), Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (SES) and Interpersonal Alienation Scale of Adolescent StudentsAlienation Scale. Pearson correlation analysis was adopted to determine the correlation among the above-mentioned scales, and Process Macro 3.5 for SPSS was used to test the mediation effect. ResultsCPANS score was negatively correlated with SES score (r=-0.278, P<0.01), and positively correlated with Interpersonal Alienation Scale score and MPAI score (r=0.471, 0.372, P<0.01). SES score was negatively correlated with Interpersonal Alienation Scale score and MPAI score (r=-0.438, -0.196, P<0.01). Interpersonal Alienation Scale score was positively correlated with MPAI score (r=0.392, P<0.01). Interpersonal alienation (indirect effect value was 0.104) played a mediation role in the relationship between psychological abuse and neglect and mobile phone addiction. Self-esteem and interpersonal alienation exhibited a chained mediation effect on the relationship between psychological abuse and neglect and mobile phone addiction (indirect effect value was 0.026), accounting for 6.99% of the total effect. ConclusionPsychological abuse and neglect can not only directly predict mobile phone addiction, but also can indirectly affect mobile phone addiction through separate mediation of interpersonal alienation or chained mediation of self-esteem and interpersonal alienation. [Funded by High-level Talent Project of Hainan Natural Science Foundation (number, 721RC511)]

Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 40(5): e00097423, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557427


Resumo: O aumento do uso de mídias sociais e sua associação com sintomas depressivos, especialmente em jovens adultos, tem gerado a necessidade do entendimento de como ocorre tal associação para subsidiar políticas de redução de danos e agravos. Nesse sentido, este estudo objetivou verificar o efeito mediador da dependência de mídias sociais e da qualidade do sono na associação entre o tempo de uso de mídias sociais e sintomas depressivos em universitários brasileiros. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, realizado com 2.823 universitários, que forneceram informações referentes ao tempo de uso de mídias sociais, à dependência de mídias sociais, aos sintomas depressivos e à qualidade do sono. A análise de mediação, ajustada por fatores de confusão, foi realizada por meio do software PROCESS para SPSS, para obtenção do efeito total (c), direto (c') e indiretos (EI1, EI2 e EI3). Os resultados identificaram associação entre o tempo de uso de mídias sociais e os sintomas depressivos, mediada pela dependência de mídias sociais (EI1 = 20%) e pela qualidade do sono (EI1 = 40%). Os resultados permitem ampliar o conhecimento acerca dos mecanismos que influenciam mutuamente a relação entre o tempo de uso de mídias sociais e os sintomas depressivos, auxiliando na adoção de estratégias de redução de danos decorrentes do uso excessivo de mídias sociais.

Abstract: Increase in time spent on social media and its association with depressive symptoms, especially among young adults, has generated the need to understand how this association occurs in order to support the development of policies to reduce harm and complications. In view of this fact, this study aimed to assess the mediating effect of social media addiction and sleep quality on the association between time spent on social media and depressive symptoms in Brazilian university students. This is a cross-sectional study conducted with 2,823 university students, who provided information regarding time spent on social media, social media addiction, depressive symptoms and sleep quality. The mediation analysis, adjusted for confounding factors, was performed using the PROCESS macro for SPSS to obtain the total (c), direct (c'), and indirect effects (EI1, EI2, and EI3). The results identified an association between time spent on social media and depressive symptoms, mediated by social media addiction (EI1 = 20%) and sleep quality (EI1 = 40%). These findings help expand knowledge about the mechanisms that mutually influence the relationship between time spent on social media and depressive symptoms, supporting the adoption of strategies to reduce harm resulting from excessive social media use.

Resumen: El aumento del uso de las redes sociales y su asociación con síntomas depresivos, especialmente en adultos jóvenes, ha generado la necesidad de comprender cómo se produce esta asociación como una forma de apoyar las políticas de reducción de daños y afecciones. En ese sentido, el presente estudio tuvo como objetivo verificar el efecto mediador de la adicción a las redes sociales y de la calidad del sueño en la asociación entre el tiempo de uso de las redes sociales y los síntomas depresivos en estudiantes universitarios brasileños. Se trata de un estudio transversal, realizado con 2.823 estudiantes universitarios, quienes brindaron información respecto al tiempo de uso de las redes sociales, adicción a las redes sociales, síntomas depresivos y calidad del sueño. El análisis de mediación, ajustado por factores de confusión, se realizó por medio del software PROCESS para SPSS, para obtener el efecto total (c), directo (c') e indirectos (EI1, EI2 y EI3). Los resultados identificaron una asociación entre el tiempo de uso de las redes sociales y los síntomas depresivos, mediada por adicción a las redes sociales (EI1 = 20%) y la calidad del sueño (EI1 = 40%). Los resultados permiten ampliar el conocimiento acerca de los mecanismos que influyen mutuamente en la relación entre tiempo de uso de las redes sociales y los síntomas depresivos, ayudando a adoptar estrategias para reducir los daños resultantes del uso excesivo de las redes sociales.

Psicol. USP ; 35: e210030, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1564953


Resumo: A questão central que norteia este trabalho é se uma câmera de registro filmográfico, que é um objeto utilizado inicialmente com fins metodológicos, poderia ter uma função terapêutica. Objetiva-se apresentar e discutir as repercussões e possibilidades referentes à presença de uma câmera em atendimentos de casos de fechamento autístico no Programa de Intervenção Precoce, em uma perspectiva psicanalítica. É uma pesquisa clínico-qualitativa, com análise de conteúdo, a partir de vinhetas clínicas de três casos de crianças entre 2 e 3 anos. São discutidas três abordagens sobre os usos e os tipos de objetos pertencentes ao universo de um bebê, a fim de interrogar se elas poderiam auxiliar na clínica do autismo: objeto transicional, objeto tutor e objeto de mediação. Considerou-se que a câmera promoveu e sustentou encontros intersubjetivos importantes e o despertar da atenção de crianças, antes pouco interessadas por aquilo que lhes era ofertado, inaugurando um espaço de coconstrução e interludicidade.

Abstract: The central question that guides this work is about whether a film recording camera, which is an object initially used for methodological purposes, could have a therapeutic function. The aim is to present and discuss the repercussions and possibilities related to the presence of a camera in cases of autistic shutdown in the Early Intervention Program, from a psychoanalytic perspective. This is clinical-qualitative research, with content analysis, based on clinical vignettes of three cases of children, between 2 and 3 years old. Three approaches are discussed regarding the uses and types of objects belonging to a baby's universe, to ask if they could assist in the autism clinic: the transitional object, the tutor object, and the mediation object. It is considered that the camera promoted and sustained important intersubjective meetings and the awakening of children's attention, previously less interested in what was offered to them, initiating a space for co-construction and interludicity.

Résumé : La question centrale guidant ce travail porte sur l'éventuelle fonction thérapeutique d'une caméra, qui est un objet initialement utilisée à des fins méthodologiques. L'objectif est de présenter et de discuter, dans une perspective psychanalytique, les répercussions et les possibilités d'une caméra dans la prise en charge d'enfants présentant un repli autistique suivis au sein du Programme d'Intervention Précoce. C'est une recherche clinique-qualitative, avec analyse de contenu, à partir de vignettes cliniques de trois enfants, âgés de 2 à 3 ans. Trois approches concernant les usages et les types d'objets appartenant à l'univers d'un bébé seront repris, afin d'interroger s'ils pourraient aider à la clinique de l'autisme : l'objet transitionnel, l'objet tuteur et l'objet de médiation. Nous considérons que la caméra a favorisé et soutenu des rencontres intersubjectives importantes et a éveillé l'attention des enfants, auparavant peu intéressés par ce qui leur était offert, en créant un espace de co-construction et d'interludicité.

Resumen: La pregunta central que guía este trabajo gira en torno de la posibilidad de una cámara cinematográfica, un objeto inicialmente utilizado con fines metodológicos, para ser utilizada en sesiones terapéuticas. El objetivo es presentar y discutir las repercusiones y posibilidades relacionadas con la presencia de una cámara en la atención a casos de cierre autista en un Programa de Intervención Temprana, desde una perspectiva psicoanalítica. Se trata de una investigación clínico cualitativa, con análisis de contenido, a partir de viñetas clínicas de tres casos de niños, con edades de entre 2 y 3 años. Se discuten tres enfoques sobre los usos y tipos de objetos pertenecientes al universo de un bebé para observar si esto podría ayudar en la clínica del autismo: el objeto transicional, el objeto tutor y el objeto mediador. Se considera que la cámara promovió y sostuvo importantes encuentros intersubjetivos y el despertar de la atención de niños previamente poco interesados en lo que se les ofrecía, inaugurando un espacio de coconstrucción e interjuego.

Humans , Male , Child, Preschool , Play and Playthings , Psychoanalysis/methods , Video Recording , Autism Spectrum Disorder , Early Medical Intervention
Humanidad. med ; 23(3)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520995


Introducción: La mediación adquiere elevada significación social, a partir de su vínculo con la prevención y solución de conflictos. Sin embargo, la revisión bibliográfica y la experiencia profesional de los autores indican que el tema es insuficientemente tratado en relación con el desempeño asistencial del médico de familia. El objetivo del artículo consistió en valorar aspectos asociados a este profesional como mediador en conflictos vinculados a la salud. Métodos: Investigación cualitativa comprendida entre febrero de 2023 y junio de 2023 en el área de salud del Policlínico Docente "René Vallejo Ortiz". Se emplearon métodos teóricos como el análisis y síntesis, el histórico-lógico y la sistematización. En el orden empírico se empleó la revisión de documentos y la encuesta a médicos de familia. Resultados: Fueron develados criterios valorativos sobre aspectos legales, curriculares, metodológicos y asistenciales vinculados al tema. También se obtiene, a partir de la autopercepción del médico de familia, valoraciones sobre la preparación para un desempeño mediador. Discusión: Se valoran integralmente aspectos asociados al médico de familia como mediador en conflictos vinculados a la salud y se revela una correspondencia con estudios precedentes respecto a la necesidad de optimizar en la educación médica la mediación como contenido de enseñanza. Conclusiones: Se enfatiza que el desempeño mediador del médico de familia en los conflictos vinculados a la salud, no se reducen a las posibilidades de intervención reconocidas en el ordenamiento jurídico. Se corrobora la pertinencia del tema y la necesidad de introducir trasformaciones en este sentido.

Introduction: Mediation acquires high social significance, based on its link with the prevention and resolution of conflicts. However, the bibliographic review and the professional experience of the authors indicate that the topic is insufficiently addressed in relation to the care performance of the family doctor. The objective of the article was to assess aspects associated with this professional as a mediator in conflicts related to health. Methods: Qualitative research between february 2023 and june 2023 in the health area of ​​the "René Vallejo Ortiz" Teaching Polyclinic. Theoretical methods such as analysis and synthesis, historical-logical and systematization were used. In the empirical order, the review of documents and the survey of family doctors were used. Results: Evaluative criteria on legal, curricular, methodological and healthcare aspects linked to the topic were revealed. Assessments of preparation for mediation performance are also obtained from the family doctor's self-perception. Discussion: Aspects associated with the family doctor as a mediator in conflicts related to health are comprehensively assessed and a correspondence with previous studies is revealed regarding the need to optimize mediation as teaching content in medical education. Conclusions: It is emphasized that the mediating performance of the family doctor in conflicts related to health is not reduced to the possibilities of intervention recognized in the legal system. The relevance of the topic and the need to introduce transformations in this sense are corroborated.

Podium (Pinar Río) ; 18(3)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521344


El logro de una educación accesible y de calidad para todos los ciudadanos es, en la actualidad, una de las prioridades para la formación de profesionales, puesto que estos contribuyen al desarrollo de un sistema de educación reconocido, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional. De esta manera, el estudio realizado se propuso como objetico diseñar una estrategia pedagógica para la preparación al profesor como mediador de conflictos en la clase de Educación Física, de las escuelas secundarias básicas del municipio La Habana del Este. Para ello, se utilizó un enfoque mixto, con el fin de agrupar los análisis de documentos y las descripciones cualitativas junto a tablas y figuras para complementar y enriquecer el estudio cualitativa y cuantitativamente. Como principal resultado, se evidenciaron los principios, premisas y el procedimiento metodológico para la integración de influencias educativas. En sentido general, la preparación del profesor como mediador de conflictos da respuesta a los programas priorizados del Ministerio de Educación en su agenda de perfeccionamiento hacia el 2030 y del Instituto Nacional de Deporte, Educación Física y Recreación.

A concretização de um ensino acessível e de qualidade para todos os cidadãos é atualmente uma das prioridades para a formação dos profissionais, uma vez que contribuem para o desenvolvimento de um sistema educativo reconhecido, tanto a nível nacional como internacional. Desta forma, o estudo propôs desenhar uma estratégia pedagógica para preparar o professor como mediador de conflitos nas aulas das escolas secundárias básicas do município de La Habana del Este. Para isso, foi utilizada uma abordagem mista, de modo a agrupar a análise de documentos e descrições qualitativas com tabelas e figuras para complementar e enriquecer o estudo, tanto qualitativo como quantitativo. O principal resultado é a integração das influências educacionais, os fundamentos, princípios, premissas e procedimento metodológico. De um modo geral, é evidente a preparação do professor como mediador de conflitos, respondendo aos programas prioritários do Ministério da Educação em aperfeiçoamento para 2030 e do Instituto Nacional de Esportes, Educação Física e Recreação.

The achievement of accessible and quality education for all citizens is, currently, one of the priorities for the training of professionals, since they contribute to the development of a recognized education system, both nationally and internationally. In this way, the objective of the study carried out was to design a pedagogical strategy to prepare the teacher as a conflict mediator in the Physical Education class, in the basic secondary schools of the municipality of La Habana del Este. For this purpose, a mixed approach was used, in order to group document analyzes and qualitative descriptions together with tables and figures to complement and enrich the study qualitatively and quantitatively. As the main result, the principles, premises and methodological procedure for the integration of educational influences were evident. In a general sense, the preparation of the teacher as a conflict mediator responds to the prioritized programs of the Ministry of Education in its improvement agenda towards 2030 and of the National Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation.

Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 31: e72986, jan. -dez. 2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1525264


Objetivo: verificar se autoestima e satisfação com a vida exercem efeitos mediadores na relação entre orientações sexuais minoritárias e sintomatologia depressiva em amostra de pós-graduandos stricto sensu. Método: estudo analítico, transversal, conduzido com 321 pós-graduandos stricto sensu entre março/abril de 2021. Utilizou-se o Patient Health Questionnaire-9 para avaliação de sintomas depressivos, Escala de Autoestima de Rosemberg e Escala de Satisfação com a Vida. Análises de mediação simples foram conduzidas por meio da macro PROCESS. Resultados: pós-graduandos de orientações sexuais minoritárias apresentaram maior severidade de sintomas depressivos e menores indicadores de autoestima e satisfação com a vida do que seus pares heterossexuais. Autoestima e satisfação com a vida mediaram parcialmente a relação entre orientação sexual e severidade de sintomas depressivos em uma proporção de, respectivamente, 48,26% e 37,54%. Conclusão: autoestima e satisfação com a vida apresentaram-se como importantes mediadores da relação entre orientações sexuais minoritárias e sintomas depressivos entre pós-graduandos(AU)

Objective: to verify whether self-esteem and satisfaction with life exert mediating effects on the relationship between minority sexual orientations and depressive symptoms in a sample of graduate students. Method: analytical, cross-sectional study conducted with 321 Brazilian graduate students between March/April 2021. The Patient Health Questionnaire-9 was used to assess depressive symptoms, was used too, Rosemberg´s Self-Esteem Scale and the Life Satisfaction Scale. Simple mediation analyzes were conducted using the PROCESS macro. Results: graduate students with minority sexual orientations had more severe depressive symptoms and lower indicators of self-esteem and life satisfaction than their heterosexual peers. Self-esteem and satisfaction with life partially mediated the relationship between sexual orientation and severity of depressive symptoms in a proportion of, respectively, 48.26% and 37.54%. Conclusion: self-esteem and life satisfaction were important mediators of the relationship between minority sexual orientations and depressive symptoms among graduate students(AU)

Objetivo: verificar si la autoestima y la satisfacción con la vida ejercen efectos mediadores en la relación entre las orientaciones sexuales minoritarias y la sintomatología depresiva en una muestra de estudiantes de posgrado stricto sensu. Método: estudio transversal analítico realizado junto a 321 estudiantes de posgrado stricto sensu entre marzo y abril de 2021. Para evaluar los síntomas depresivos, se utilizó el Patient Health Questionnaire-9, la Escala de Autoestima de Rosemberg y la Escala de Satisfacción con la Vida. Los análisis de mediación simple se realizaron utilizando la macro PROCESS. Resultados: los estudiantes de posgrado con orientaciones sexuales minoritarias presentaron síntomas depresivos más severos y menores indicadores de autoestima y satisfacción con la vida que sus pares heterosexuales. La autoestima y la satisfacción con la vida mediaron parcialmente la relación entre la orientación sexual y la severidad de los síntomas depresivos en una proporción de, respectivamente, 48,26% y 37,54%. Conclusión: la autoestima y la satisfacción con la vida fueron importantes mediadores de la relación entre la orientación sexual minoritaria y los síntomas depresivos entre estudiantes de posgrado(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Personal Satisfaction , Self Concept , Sexual Behavior/psychology , Students/psychology , Depression/psychology , Universities , Cross-Sectional Studies , Education, Graduate
Interdisciplinaria ; 40(2): 543-558, ago. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448509


Resumen La presente investigación se focalizó en los diferentes tipos de uso (activo/pasivo) que hacen los usuarios de redes sociales y los efectos psicológicos que esto puede conllevar, sobre todo en aquellos sujetos tendientes a compararse con los demás. Por un lado, se examinó el poder predictor de variables relacionadas al uso de redes sociales (i. e., tiempo de conexión, tipo de uso -pasivo/activo-, motivaciones de uso) y la comparación social, sobre el malestar psicológico percibido (i. e., depresión, ansiedad, estrés). Por otro lado, se analizó el rol mediador de la comparación social en la relación entre el uso pasivo de redes sociales y la percepción de malestar psicológico percibido. La muestra fue de conveniencia y estuvo compuesta por 420 sujetos de población general (211 hombres, 209 mujeres), con una media de edad de 40.29 años (DE = 14.93). Se utilizaron los siguientes instrumentos de recolección de datos: Motives for SMSs use Scale; Iowa-Netherlands Comparison Orientation Measure (INCOM-E), Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21) y una escala diseñada ad-hoc para evaluar el uso activo y pasivo que se hace de redes sociales. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que la comparación social es el principal predictor de malestar psicológico junto con el motivo de uso relacionado con pasatiempo/exhibicionismo. Además, se pudo comprobar un efecto indirecto del uso pasivo sobre el malestar psicológico considerando a la comparación social como variable mediadora. Por lo tanto, usar pasivamente las redes generaría mayor malestar si el usuario tiende a compararse con quienes realizan las publicaciones.

Abstract The present investigation is framed in the field of cyberpsychology. It aimed to analyze the predictive power of variables related to the use of social media sites -SMSs- (i. e., connection time, type of use -passive / active-, motivations for use) and social comparison, on perceived psychological distress (i. e., depression, anxiety, stress). Furthermore, the mediating role of social comparison in the relationship between the passive use of SMSs and the perceived psychological distress, was also analyzed. It is important to study these topics since different international studies have shown inconsistent and contradictory results regarding the effects of SMSs use on individuals' well-being (e. g., Frison y Eggermont, 2015; Kraut et al., 2002; Nie et al., 2015). Consequently, some studies have focused on understanding whether the manner in which people use the networks, whether actively or passively, explains how technology impacts on users' well-being and/or psychological distress (Verduyn et al., 2015). The negative impact of passive use of SMSs can be explained by the Social Comparison Theory (Festinger, 1954), which suggests that people tend to evaluate themselves in comparison with others. These comparisons might generate negative effects on the individual (Giagkou et al., 2018) and, according to Lup et al. (2015), social comparison may be a mediating variable in this association. Regarding participants of the study, a convenience sample of 420 subjects of general population was studied (211 men, 209 women). The mean age was 40.29 years old (SD = 14.93). The majority of the participants (n = 278) lived in Buenos Aires City and surroundings. In terms of variables related to the use of SMSs, when asked about type of SMSs, most participants reported using more than one SMS, mainly Facebook (72 %) and Instagram (57 %). Regarding time spent on SMSs, 60 % of the respondents used their favorite SMS more than three times a day. The mean daily time engaged on all the SMSs exceeded five hours. Data were gathered using the Motives for SMSs use Scale (Lupano Perugini y Castro Solano, 2021a), the Iowa-Netherlands Comparison Orientation Measure (INCOM-E) (Buunk et al., 2005; Gibbons y Buunk, 1999), the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21) (Antúnez y Vinet, 2012; Lovibond y Lovibond, 1995). Furthermore, a survey to assess individuals' use of social networks was designed. The first part explored the most frequently used SMSs, the number and type of friends/followers, and the time spent on SMSs. The main SMSs were listed and participants were asked to indicate whether they used them or not, and if they did, they rated the amount of time spent on SMSs daily. The total amount of time per day was also surveyed. The second part of the survey was designed based on The Passive Active Use Measure (PAUM, Gerson et al., 2017) and some users' suggestions. This instrument assesses the frequency of certain activities performed on the networks to find out if participants make active use (e. g., posting information, commenting) or passive use (e. g., viewing profiles and posts, scrolling). The obtained results showed that social comparison is the main predictor of psychological distress. The motivation for use related to pass time / exhibitionism was also a significant predictor. In addition, an indirect effect of passive use on perceived psychological distress could be verified, considering social comparison as a mediating variable. Therefore, using the social networks passively would generate greater discomfort if the user tends to compare themselves with those who make the publications. The results of this study allow both users and healthcare and education providers to have greater knowledge of the consequences of using social media on individuals' overall well-being, and to promote their proper use.

J. bras. psiquiatr ; 72(1): 63-71, jan.-mar. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440451


RESUMO Objetivo: Na prática clínica, é importante diferenciar problema e conflito, porque os passos sugeridos na técnica de resolução de problemas costumam não ser suficientes para auxiliar o cliente a lidar com conflitos. Esta revisão sistemática teve como objetivos: investigar como a terapia cognitivo-comportamental (TCC) pode auxiliar na resolução de problemas e na mediação de conflito; sugerir uma estratégia que favoreça a melhor capacidade de mediar conflitos (QPD). Métodos: Foi realizada uma busca nas bases de dados: PubMed, PsycINFO, Web of Science (ISI) e Scopus. O método prisma foi utilizado, e foram selecionados para leitura na íntegra artigos experimentais. Resultados: Trezentos e sessenta e quatro ensaios clínicos aplicaram a resolução de problemas, apontando a eficácia dessa técnica juntamente com outras estratégias/intervenções da TCC. Livros-guias de TCC: não diferenciam problema e conflito; descrevem detalhadamente passos para resolução de problemas, focando na perspectiva do cliente, no momento presente e no uso da razão lógica; não abordam a mediação de conflitos pela TCC. Sugerimos uma estratégia que pode ajudar na mediação de conflitos: auxiliando na coleta/organização de informações; melhorando a comunicação - empática e assertiva; favorecendo escolhas com o intuito de causar o menor dano possível a todas as partes envolvidas no conflito. Conclusões: Para treinar terapeutas para aplicarem a resolução de problemas, há descrição detalhada dos passos a serem seguidos. Entretanto, para capacitar os terapeutas para mediarem conflitos, práticas clínicas que têm sido frequentemente descritas/utilizadas nas terapias cognitivas contextuais podem ser necessárias: aceitação psicológica, mindfulness , entender valores individuais, vivenciar/considerar a emoção em tomadas de decisão, ativar a compaixão/autocompaixão.

ABSTRACT Objective: It is important to differentiate between problem and conflict in clinical practice, because the steps suggested in the problem-solving technique are usually not enough to help patients deal with conflicts. This systematic review aimed to: investigate how cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can help in problem solving and conflict mediation; suggest a strategy that can improve conflict mediate skills (QPD). Methods: A search was performed in the following databases: PubMed, PsycINFO, Web of science (ISI) and Scopus. Prisma flow diagram was used and experimental articles were selected for full reading. Results: Three hundred and sixty four clinical trials applied problem solving, showing the effectiveness of this technique with other CBT strategies/interventions. CBT guide books: do not differentiate between problem and conflict; describe in detail problem solving steps, focusing on the customer's perspective, the present moment and the use of logical reason; do not explore conflict mediation in the CBT. We suggest a strategy that can help in the mediation of conflicts: assisting in the collection/organization of information; improving communication - empathic and assertive; favoring choices that can cause the least possible harm to all parties in the conflict. Conclusions: There is detailed description of the steps to train therapists to apply problem solving. However, to improve therapeutic skills to mediate conflicts, clinical practices that have been frequently described/used in the contextual cognitive behavioral therapies may be necessary: psychological acceptance, mindfulness, understanding personal values, experiencing/considering emotion in decision making, activating compassion/self-compassion.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-984335


INTRODUCTION@#Nurses' expertise and recommendations from nurses are essential sources of opinions and recommendations for policy development. Nurses must be actively involved in politics, and nursing could play an essential role in shaping health policy. However, the influence of political efficacy, political astuteness, and health policy advocacy exposes a gap in the current knowledge.@*DESIGN AND METHODS@#The study utilized descriptive correlational design and mediating analysis. Purposive sampling was used to select six hospitals in Ghana, and simple random sampling was used to select five hundred and seventy-nine nurses. The study used the Political Efficacy Scale, Social Justice Advocacy Scale, and the Political Astuteness Inventory. The data were analyzed by mean and Standard deviation, Pearson coefficient, ANOVA, and GLS mediation.@*RESULTS@#Nurses in Ghana had a low political efficacy and health policy advocacy. Moreover, political astuteness had moderate astuteness. A Pearson Correlation coefficient showed a moderately significant positive relationship between political efficacy and health policy advocacy. Furthermore, political astuteness and health policy advocacy showed a statistically significant low positive relationship. There was no significant difference in political efficacy and health policy advocacy when age, academic qualification, nurses' rank, and years of professional experience were considered. Political astuteness partially mediated the relationship between political efficacy and health policy advocacy.@*CONCLUSION@#Nurses in Ghana have limited belief in their ability to understand and affect politics and have limited participation in healthcare advocacy initiatives. Furthermore, nurse respondents have the adequate ability of a nurse to understand political knowledge, political participation, and legislative understanding to advocate health policies.

Nurses , Ghana
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986875


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the mechanism of self-efficacy between self-management ability and self-management behavior and its differences among patients with different disease courses through mediation tests.@*METHODS@#In the study, 489 patients with type 2 diabetes who attended the endocrinology departments of four hospitals in Shanxi Province and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region from July to September 2022 were enrolled as the study population. They were investigated by General Information Questionnaire, Diabetes Self-Management Scale, Chinese version of Diabetes Empowerment Simplified Scale, and Diabetes Self-Efficacy Scale. Mediation analyses were performed using the linear regression model, Sobel test, and Bootstrap test in the software Stata version 15.0 and divided the patients into different disease course groups for subgroup analysis according to whether the disease course was > 5 years.@*RESULTS@#In this study, the score of self-management behavior in the patients with type 2 diabetes was 6.16±1.41, the score of self-management ability was 3.99±0.74, and the score of self-efficacy was 7.05±1.90. The results of the study showed that self-efficacy was positively correlated with self-management ability (r=0.33) as well as self-management behavior (r=0.47) in the patients with type 2 diabetes (P < 0.01). The mediating effect of self-efficacy accounted for 38.28% of the total effect of self-management ability on self-management behaviors and was higher in the behaviors of blood glucose monitoring (43.45%) and diet control (52.63%). The mediating effect of self-efficacy accounted for approximately 40.99% of the total effect for the patients with disease course ≤ 5 years, while for the patients with disease course > 5 years, the mediating effect accounted for 39.20% of the total effect.@*CONCLUSION@#Self-efficacy enhanced the effect of self-management ability on the behavior of the patients with type 2 diabetes, and this positive effect was more significant for the patients with shorter disease course. Targeted health education should be carried out to enhance patients' self-efficacy and self-management ability according to their disease characteristics, to stimulate their inner action, to promote the development of their self-management behaviors, and to form a more stable and long-term mechanism for disease management.

Humans , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/therapy , Self Efficacy , Self-Management , Blood Glucose Self-Monitoring , Blood Glucose , Self Care
Sichuan Mental Health ; (6): 340-346, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-987344


BackgroundChronic superficial gastritis (CSG) is a common clinical disease in children. The emotional behavior of CSG children is susceptible due to them suffering from such disease at young age. ObjectiveTo explore the impact of coping strategies on emotional behavior and the effect of family function in children with CSG, and to provide references for clinical intervention in CSG children with emotional behavior problems. MethodsA total of 177 children with CSG admitted to Anhui Children's Hospital from June 2019 to January 2023 were selected as the research subjects. Investigation on family function, emotional and behavioral problems and coping strategies of children was conducted by employing the Family APGAR index (APGAR), the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) and Coping Strategies Questionnaire (CSQ). The structural equation model was used to test the mediating effect of family function between coping strategies and emotional behaviors. ResultsThe APGAR score was negatively correlated with both SDQ score and negative coping strategies score (r=-0.507, -0.551, P<0.01), but was positively correlated with positive coping strategy score (r=0.579, P<0.01). The positive coping strategy score was negatively correlated with SDQ score (r=-0.539, P<0.01), while the negative coping strategy score was positively correlated with SDQ score (r=0.543, P<0.01). The result showed that family function played a partial mediating role between positive coping strategies and emotional behavior [indirect effect was -0.133 (95% CI: -0.256~-0.079, P<0.01), accounting for 29.40% of the total effect]. The same mediating effect happened between negative coping strategies and emotional behavior [indirect effect was 0.093 (95% CI: 0.198~0.045, P<0.01), accounting for 28.50% of the total effect]. ConclusionCoping strategies of CSG children can affect emotional behavior directly and indirectly with family function playing a partial intermediary effect.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990175


Objective:To explore the relationship between the level of mindfulness, illness uncertainty, negative coping style and fear of recurrence in patients after radical resection of gastric cancer, and to understand the internal mechanism of how mindfulness affects the fear of recurrence.Methods:This was a cross sectional survey. From January 2019 to March 2021, the convenience sampling method was used to select 227 patients undergoing radical gastric cancer surgery in the Affiliated Hospital of Naval Medial University of Chinese PLA as the research objects. The general information questionnaire, Mindfulness Attention and Awareness Scale, Fear of Disease Progression Simplified Scale, Mishel′s Illness Uncertainty Scale and Simplified Coping Style Questionnaire were used for questionnaire surveys. The relationship between the level of mindfulness, illness uncertainty, negative coping style and fear of recurrence was explored and the model was tested.Results:The returned questionnaires were 207 with a recovery rate of 91.19%(207/227). Pearson correlation analysis showed that the level of mindfulness was negatively correlated with illness uncertainty, negative coping style, and fear of recurrence ( r=-0.176, -0.269, -0.480, all P<0.01). Illness uncertainty, negative coping styles were positively correlated with fear of recurrence ( r=0.433, 0.420, both P<0.01). The mediation model test showed that mindfulness had a significant direct effect on fear of relapse (effect value was -0.220), illness uncertainty and negative coping styles had significant partial mediating effect between mindfulness level and fear of recurrence (effect value were -0.036, -0.030). And the chain mediating effect of illness uncertainty and negative coping style was also significant (effect value was -0.006). Conclusions:The level of mindfulness can not only have a direct impact on the fear of recurrence in patients after radical gastrectomy, but also indirectly affect the fear of recurrence through the chain mediating effect of illness uncertainty, negative coping style, and disease uncertainty→negative coping style.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990215


Objective:To explore the current status and correlation between stress overload, different cognitive emotion regulation strategies and stress response in palliative care nurses, and to provide reference for reducing stress reaction of hospice nurses.Methods:A total of 448 palliative care nurses from Beijing City, Jiangsu Province, Hunan Province and Anhui Province were selected as subjects by convenience sampling method in February 2022. The general information questionnaire, Stress Overload Scale, Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire and Stress Response Questionnaire were used to conduct a cross-sectional survey. After analyzing their scores, correlation analysis and mediating effect analysis were conducted.Results:The stress overload score of palliative care nurses was 66.00 (55.00, 67.00), and the stress response score was 80.00 (63.00, 84.00). The stress overload was positively correlated with the stress response ( r=0.735, P<0.05), and the positive emotion regulation strategy was negatively correlated with the stress response ( r=-0.440, P<0.05), negative emotion regulation strategy was positively correlated with stress response ( r=0.747, P<0.05). The cognitive emotion regulation strategy had a partial mediating effect between the stress overload and the stress response, accounting for 29.6% of the total effect. Conclusions:Cognitive emotion regulation is the mediating variable between stress overload and stress response of palliative care nurses. Managers should pay more attention to the stress level and mental health status of palliative care nurses, and guide them to choose appropriate emotional regulation strategies, so as to reduce stress response and maintain physical and mental health.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990349


Objective:To observe the level of mindfulness and coping style in patients with acute cerebral infarction (ACI) after interventional therapy, and analyze the intermediary effect of benefit finding between them, so as to provide a theorectical basis of implement mindfulness intervention in clinical practice.Methods:The 130 patients with ACI after interventional treatment in the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University from October 2019 to October 2021 were included in this cross-sectional survey study. The general data questionnaire, Five-factor Mindfulness Scale (FFMQ), Benefit Finding Rating Scale (BFS), and Simple Coping Style Questionnaire (SCSQ) were used to analyze the relationship between benefit finding, mindfulness level and coping style, and the intermediary effect of benefit finding between them.Results:The total FFMQ score of 130 ACI patients after interventional therapy was (123.34 ± 5.14) points. The BFS score, positive coping score and negative coping score were (49.73 ± 3.41), (20.35 ± 2.25), (13.18 ± 1.45) points, respectively. The level of mindfulness and benefit were positively correlated with positive coping ( r=0.687, 0.737, both P<0.05). The level of mindfulness and benefit were negatively correlated with negative coping( r=-0.654, -0.779, both P<0.05). It was found that mindfulness level played a partial intermediatory effect on positive coping and negative coping in ACI patients after interventional therapy, with contribution rates of 49.71% and 64.58%, respectively. Conclusions:Benefit finding plays a partial intermediary effect on the level of mindfulness and coping style of patients with ACI after interventional therapy.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990362


Objective:To explore the mediating role of interdisciplinary cooperation ability between the level of hospice care practice and difficulty degree of hospice care for medical staff, in order to improve the quality of hospice care services for medical staff, and to provide evidence for relevant managers to formulate effective measures to reduce the implementation of hospice care difficulties.Methods:This study was a cross-sectional survey. Using convenience sampling method, the general data questionnaire, Palliative Care Difficulties Scale (PCDS), Palliative Care Self-Report Practice Scale (PCPS) and Modified Index of Interdisciplinary Collaboration (MIIC) were used to investigate 362 medical staff in all hospice care institutions of Shiyan City from July to August 2022.Results:The total score of PCDS in 362 medical staff was (40.58±13.44) points, (67.47 ± 12.50) points for PCPS and (108.36 ± 21.46) points for MIIC. There was a positive correlation between the total score of MIIC and PCDS ( r=0.500, P<0.01). The total score of PCPS was negatively correlated with the total score of MIIC ( r=-0.337, P<0.01) and the total score of PCDS ( r=-0.189, P<0.01). The interdisciplinary cooperation ability of medical staff in hospice care had a complete mediating effect between the level of practice and the degree of difficulty (Effect value=-0.190, 95% CI-0.274 to -0.126), and the mediating effect accounted for 98.5% of the total effect value. Conclusions:The practice level of hospice care can not directly affect the implementation of the difficulty degree, but by taking active measures to improve the interdisciplinary cooperation ability, so as to enhance the practice level, and then reduce the implementation of hospice care difficulty degree.