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CienciaUAT ; 18(1): 178-190, jul.-dic. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1513978


RESUMEN Por su alto valor nutricional, el frijol común (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) es la especie más importante para el consumo humano entre las leguminosas de grano comestibles. El objetivo de este estudio fue caracterizar 11 líneas RAZ de frijol común, promisorias por su resistencia contra Zabrotes subfasciatus Boh. En octubre de 2019, se sembraron 11 líneas RAZ del Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), utilizando un diseño de bloques completos al azar en el Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Agrícolas (INCA), San José de Las Lajas, Cuba. Se evaluaron 22 caracteres cuantitativos y cualitativos del descriptor del frijol común y se realizaron análisis de frecuencia para las características cualitativas y estadígrafos básicos y análisis de componentes principales (ACP) de los atributos cuantitativos. Los caracteres con mayor variabilidad fueron el color primario de la semilla (reportándose 5 diferentes, y siendo el blanco sucio el más frecuente); el color predominante de la vaina en la madurez fisiológica (las cuales presentaron 4 variantes de color, principalmente verdes y amarillas); el aspecto de la testa (destacando el aspecto opaco, registrándose en 6 líneas); así como la ausencia del color alrededor del hilo en 10 de ellas. Los parámetros relacionados con el ciclo biológico presentaron menor variabilidad. El peso de 100 granos correspondió al tipo de grano pequeño. El rendimiento promedio fue 1 685 kg/ha, destacándose la línea 'RAZ 124' con 4 237 kg/ha. El ACP explicó el 61.82 % de la variabilidad total e integró las 11 líneas en 4 grupos que caracterizaron su comportamiento. Los resultados indican que las líneas estudiadas pueden incorporarse en el programa de mejoramiento del frijol en Cuba a través de su evaluación en diferentes ambientes regionales para la selección de posibles nuevos cultivares comerciales.

ABSTRACT Due to high nutritional value, common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is the most important species for human consumption among the food grain legumes. The objective of this study was to characterize 11 RAZ lines of common bean, promising for their resistance to the Mexican bean weevil (Zabrotes subfasciatus Boh.). In October 2019, 11 RAZ lines from the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) were planted using a randomized complete block design at the National Institute of Agricultural Sciences (INCA), San José de las Lajas, Cuba. Twenty-two quantitative and qualitative traits of the common bean descriptors were used, and frequency analyses were performed for the qualitative traits and basic statistics and principal component analysis (PCA) were performed for the quantitative traits. The traits with greater variability were the primary seed color (5 different colors were reported, with dirty white being the most frequent); the predominant color of the pods at physiological maturity, (which presented 4 color variants, with green and yellow ones standing out); the opaque aspect of the coat stood out, being registered in 6 lines, as well as the absence of color around the hilum in 10 of them. All possible variants were found for the predominant appearance of the seed coat, predominant pro-file of the pod and presence of color around the hilum. Variables related to the biological cycle showed less variability. The weight of 100 grains corresponded to the small grains type. The average yield was 1 685 kg/ha, with the 'RAZ 124' line standing out with 4 237 kg/ha. The PCA explained 61.82 % of total variability and classified the 11 lines into four groups that characterize their performance. These results indicate that the lines under study can be incorporated into the vean breeding program in Cuba by means of their evaluation in different regional environments for the selection of possible new commercial cultivars.

Acta biol. colomb ; 26(1): 62-71, ene.-abr. 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1152669


ABSTRACT The botanical family Solanaceae has many species producing compounds with insecticidal properties, e.g. nicotine and capsaicin, which are used for pest management in agriculture. This fact provides perspectives to identify insecticidal compounds in Brazilian native species of Solanaceae. In this study, we performed a screening with 25 ethanolic extracts from 17 Solanaceae species in order to evaluate their bioactivity against the Mexican bean weevil, Zabrotes subfasciatus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae). The bioactivity of Solanaceae ethanolic extracts (2,500 mg kg-1) was tested with residual contact bioassays. Adults of Z. subfasciatus were exposed to treated bean grains, and adult mortality, oviposition, F1 progeny and damages on grains were quantified. Most of the ethanolic extracts from Solanaceae reduced the number of eggs per sample, the egg-adult viability, the F1 progeny and the damages on bean grains promoted by Z. subfasciatus, but none of them interfered on its sex ratio. Ethanolic extract from leaves of Solanum lycocarpum A. St.-Hil promoted the most promissory effects on Z. subfasciatus. This ethanolic extracts can be a suitable alternative to control Z. subfasciatus in stored beans, mainly for small farmers and organic farmers.

RESUMEN La familia botánica Solanaceae tiene muchas especies que producen compuestos con propiedades insecticidas, e.g. nicotina y capsaicina, que se utilizan para el control de plagas en la agricultura. Este hecho proporciona perspectivas promisorias para identificar compuestos insecticidas en especies nativas brasileñas de Solanaceae. En el presente estudio se llevó a cabo un cribado con 25 extractos etanólicos de 17 especies de Solanaceae con el propósito de evaluar su bioactividad sobre el gorgojo pinto del frijol, Zabrotes subfasciatus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae). La bioactividad de los extractos etanólicos se evaluó por experimentos de contacto residual. Los adultos de Z. subfasciatus se expusieron a los frijoles tratados con los extractos y se midió la mortalidad de los adultos, la ovoposición, la progenie F1 y el daño en los granos. La mayoría de los extractos etanólicos redujeron el número de huevos, la viabilidad de los huevos, la progenie y el daño en los granos, pero ninguno de ellos interfirió en la proporción sexual de los insectos. El extracto etanólico de las hojas de Solanum lycocarpum A. St.-Hil promovió los efectos más prometedores sobre Z. subfasciatus. Este extracto puede ayudar a controlar a Z. subfasciatus en frijoles almacenados, principalmente a los pequeños agricultores y a los agricultores orgánicos.

Neotrop. entomol ; 37(5): 546-551, Sept.-Oct. 2008. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-498313


Zabrotes subfasciatus (Boh.) é estudada intensivamente em termos agronômicos e bioquímicos por causar danos aos grãos de leguminosas armazenados. No entanto, os dados publicados sobre o seu cariótipo são escassos e conflitantes. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi descrever o cariótipo e a meiose desse inseto e analisar o padrão de bandas-C de seus cromossomos. Foram analisados os gânglios cerebrais de pré-pupas e os testículos de adultos e pupas com adaptação de uma técnica que permitiu boa qualidade de preparo dos cromossomos dessa espécie. Todos os indivíduos apresentaram 26 cromossomos nas metáfases mitóticas. Esses cromossomos foram classificados em: acrocêntricos (cromossomo X); submetacêntricos (pares 4 e 5); subtelocêntricos (par 12 e cromossomo y); metacêntricos (demais pares). O cromossomo 5 apresentou uma constrição secundária. Todos os cromossomos apresentaram heterocromatina próximo ao centrômero e os cromossomos 5, 9 e X, nos braços longos. O cromossomo X mostrou-se heteropicnótico durante toda a prófase da primeira divisão meiótica. As subfases da prófase I foram pouco distintas e a meiose II de difícil identificação. Os testículos de todos os machos apresentaram poucas células. Os bivalentes apresentaram a forma de bastão na metáfase I. O seu cariótipo constitui-se de 26 cromossomos, sendo as fórmulas cariotípicas 2n = 24 + XX nas fêmeas e 2n = 24 + Xyp e n = 12 + X ou n = 12 + y nos machos.

Zabrotes subfasciatus (Boh.) has been extensively studied in its agronomic and biochemical aspects due to its importance as a damaging insect to leguminous grains during storage. The few cytogenetic studies published on this species yielded conflicting results. In this study, the karyotype was analyzed in order to accurately describe the chromosome C-banding patterns and meiosis. The brain ganglion at the prepupa and the adult and pupal testes were analyzed. All individuals had 26 chromosomes in both brain ganglion and spermatogonic mitotic metaphases. These chromosomes were classified as follows: the 12th pair and the Y chromosome were telocentric; the X chromosome was acrocentric; the 4th and 5th pairs were submetacentric; and the remaining pairs were all metacentric. One of the members of the 5th pair presented a secondary constriction. All chromosomes presented pericentromeric heterochromatin. The large arms of the pairs 5, 9 and X presented heterochromatin. The X chromosome showed to be heteropyknotic throughout the prophase of the first meiotic division. The subphases of prophase I were atypical and meiosis II was rarely identified. Testes of all males showed a few cells; the bivalents were rod-like shaped in metaphase I. Karyological formulae were 2n = 24 + XX in females and 2n = 24 + XYp and either n = 12 + X or n = 12 + Y in males.

Animals , Female , Male , Coleoptera/genetics , Heterochromatin , Meiosis , Karyotyping , Pupa
Neotrop. entomol ; 36(4): 560-564, July-Aug. 2007. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-464619


O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar o desenvolvimento de Zabrotes subfasciatus (Boh.), praga de grãos armazenados, em genótipos de feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) comumente cultivados no Paraná e com arcelina, e a possível resistência desses materiais ao bruquíneo. Foram realizados testes em laboratório (27°C, 50 ± 10 por cento UR, fotofase 12h) com os genótipos TPS-Bionobre, IAC-Una, IPR-Uirapuru, IAPAR 44, IPR Juriti, IAPAR 81, Pérola, Carioca e Bolinha, além de dois outros contendo arcelina, Arc 1 e Arc 2. Os genótipos com os alelos Arc 1 e 2 sugerem resistência do tipo antibiose, com elevada mortalidade das fases imaturas, e Arc 1, com período de desenvolvimento prolongado e drástica redução de peso de machos e fêmeas. A resistência do tipo não-preferência para oviposição não foi observada para estes dois genótipos. Dentre os genótipos sem arcelina, IAPAR 44 destacou-se como o mais resistente a Z. subfasciatus, pois foi o menos preferido para oviposição, promovendo baixo percentual de ovos viáveis, longo período de desenvolvimento e reduzido peso de machos e fêmeas. As cultivares Pérola, IPR Juriti e Bolinha foram os mais suscetíveis, com alto número de ovos e ovos viáveis, além de baixa porcentagem de mortalidade de fases imaturas.

This research intended to evaluate the development of Zabrotes subfasciatus (Boh.), a stored-grain pest, on bean genotypes (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) commonly cultivated in the State of Parana and containing arcelin, and the possible resistance of these genotypes to the bruchine. Tests were performed under laboratory conditions (27°C, fotophase 12h, 50 ± 10 percent RH) with the genotypes TPS-Bionobre, IAC-Una, IPR-Uirapuru, IAPAR 44, IPR Juriti, IAPAR 81, Pérola, Carioca, Bolinha, and two others containing arcelin, Arc 1 and Arc 2. The genotypes with Arc 1 and 2 alleles caused higher mortality of immature stages; in Arc 1 developmental period was prolonged and the male and female dry weights were the lowest, suggesting an antibiosis mechanism of resistance. Non-preference for oviposition was not observed for these two genotypes. Among varieties without arcelin, IAPAR 44 was the most resistant to the bruchid, being the least preferred for oviposition, and promoting low percentage of viable eggs, long developmental period and reduced male and female adult dry weight. Perola, IPR Juriti and Bolinha with high number of eggs and viable eggs, low mortality of immature stages, were the most susceptible.

Coleoptera/anatomy & histology , Coleoptera/metabolism , Coleoptera/parasitology , Phaseolus/microbiology , Phaseolus/parasitology
Neotrop. entomol ; 31(3): 435-439, July-Sept. 2002. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-514164


Bean genotypes containing arcelin (Arc1, Arc2, Arc3 and Arc4) and bean genotypes without this protein (IAC Carioca Aruã, IAC Carioca Pyatã, IAC Carioca Akytã, IAC Maravilha, IAC Una, IAC Bico de Ouro, Porrillo 70 and Goiano Precoce) were evaluated concerning the resistance to the Mexican bean weevil Zabrotes subfasciatus (Boh.), under laboratory conditions. The materials containing arcelin (Arc1, Arc2, Arc3 and Arc4) showed antibiotic effects on the insect, prolonging the development period (egg to adult), reducing male and female weight and longevity, and decreasing fecundity. The cultivars most suitable for the development and reproduction of this insect were Goiano Precoce, IAC Maravilha, Porrillo 70 and IAC Carioca Pyatã.

O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de genótipos de feijões com e sem arcelina sobre alguns aspectos biológicos de Zabrotes subfasciatus (Bob.). Os insetos foram criados, em condições de laboratório, sobre materiais melhorados com arcelina (Arc1, Arc2, Arc3 e Arc4) e materiais sem essa proteína (IAC Carioca Aruã, IAC Carioca Pyatã, IAC Carioca Akytã, IAC Maravilha, IAC Una, IAC Bico de Ouro, Porrillo 70 e Goiano Precoce). Os materiais contendo arcelina (Arc1, Arc2, Arc3 e Arc4) provocaram efeitos antibióticos sobre o inseto, alongando o período de desenvolvimento, diminuindo o peso, a longevidade de machos e de fêmeas e a fecundidade. Os genótipos mais adequados ao desenvolvimento do inseto foram Goiano Precoce, IAC Maravilha, Porrillo 70 e IAC Carioca Pyatã.