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Odontol. sanmarquina (Impr.) ; 27(2): e25470, abr.-jun. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566719


Las fracturas condilares continúan siendo un desafío para los cirujanos maxilofaciales, debido a los múltiples tipos de fracturas que pueden ocurrir y los tratamientos disponibles. El tratamiento de este tipo de fractura podría dificultarse si el paciente presenta edentulismo. Así, entre las opciones de tratamiento, el uso de una férula o la prótesis dental preexistente como medio de fijación se muestra como una opción viable. Se presentan 02 casos clínicos de pacientes masculinos de 36 y 83 años de edad que presentan un maxilar edéntulo y fracturande cóndilo mandibular de lado derecho; para su tratamiento se utilizó una férula de Gunning superior con fijación intermaxilar mediante el uso de tornillos de fijación intermaxilar y elásticos intermaxilares durante 4 semanas. Después de 3 meses de evolución, ambos pacientes presentaron una adecuada apertura bucal, sin desviaciones o limitación a la apertura bucal. Las férulas de Gunning, a pesar que actualmente son poco usadas, continúan siendo una opción apropiada para los casos de fractura del cóndilo mandibular en pacientes edéntulos.

Condylar fractures continue to be a challenge for maxillofacial surgeons, due to the multiple types of fractures that can occur and the treatments available. Treatment of this type of fracture could be difficult if the patient has edentulism. Thus, among the treatment options, the use of a splint or the pre-existing dental prosthesis as a means of fixation appears to be a viable option. Two clinical cases are presented of male patients aged 36 and 83 years who present an edentulous maxilla and fracture of the mandibular condyle on the right side; For treatment, an upper Gunning splint with intermaxillary fixation was used through the use of intermaxillary fixation screws and intermaxillary elastics for 4 weeks. After 3 months of evolution, both patients presented adequate mouth opening, without deviations or limitations to mouth opening. Gunning splints, although they are currently rarely used, continue to be an appropriate option for cases of fracture of the mandibular condyle in edentulous patients.

Med. clín. soc ; 8(1)abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550540


Introducción: Estudios previos han reportado que pacientes infectados con el virus del COVID-19, podrían manifestar sintomatologías a nivel de la cavidad oral. Objetivo: Evaluar la frecuencia de manifestaciones orales asociadas a COVID-19 en un segmento de la población paraguaya y determinar cuáles son las más prevalentes. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. Fue realizada una encuesta electrónica de enero a marzo del 2022. Los datos fueron presentados como frecuencias y porcentajes y analizados mediante la prueba de chi-cuadrado. El análisis estadístico se realizó con el software R versión 4.0.3. Resultados: La muestra estuvo compuesta por 478 personas. El 79,50 % correspondió al sexo femenino y el 45,19 % tenía entre 25 y 34 años. El 65,48 % informó haber experimentado al menos 1 síntoma o signo oral durante el curso de COVID-19. La pérdida de la sensación de sabores amargos, seguida de la alteración del sabor de los alimentos y la pérdida de la percepción dulce, fueron los síntomas más comunes. Se encontró una proporción significativamente mayor de manifestaciones orales en el rango de 18-24 años (χ²; p= 0,003). Entre las personas que desarrollaron COVID-19 de forma moderada a severa hubo mayor número de manifestaciones de síntomas orales (χ²; p= 0,044). Discusión: Se identificó una alta frecuencia de manifestaciones orales en pacientes con casos de moderados a severos de COVID-19, destacándose los trastornos del gusto como los más predominantes. Los individuos más jóvenes fueron los más afectados.

Introduction: Previous studies have reported that patients infected with the COVID-19 virus could manifest symptoms in the oral cavity. Objective: To evaluate the frequency of oral manifestations associated with COVID-19 in a segment of the Paraguayan population and determine the most prevalent ones. Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study. An electronic survey was conducted from January to March 2022. The data were presented as frequencies and percentages and analyzed using the chi-square test. Statistical analysis was performed with R software version 4.0.3. Results: The sample consisted of 478 individuals. 79.50% were female, and 45.19% were between 25 and 34 years old. 65.48% reported having experienced at least 1 oral symptom or sign during the course of COVID-19. The loss of the sensation of bitter tastes, followed by the alteration of the taste of foods and the loss of sweetness perception, were the most common symptoms. A significantly higher proportion of oral manifestations was found in the 18-24 age range (χ²; p= 0.003). Among people who developed COVID-19 in a moderate to severe form, a greater number of oral symptom manifestations were observed (χ²; p= 0.044). Discussion: A high frequency of oral manifestations was identified in patients with moderate to severe cases of COVID-19, with taste disorders standing out as the most predominant. Younger individuals were the most affected.

Rev. ADM ; 81(2): 77-82, mar.-abr. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561556


Introducción: la disfagia es la alteración en los mecanismos de la deglución que coexiste con múltiples enfermedades y condiciones. El conocimiento amplio de esta alteración generará mejores diagnósticos y tratamientos para el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de estos pacientes. Aunque esta alteración podría ser del dominio común por especialistas en el área de la salud, principalmente la oral, no existe información reciente del nivel de conocimiento sobre la disfagia en el personal odontológico. Objetivo: determinar el nivel de conocimiento sobre la disfagia en un grupo de profesionales de la salud oral de Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua. Material y método: se realizó un estudio trasversal descriptivo en un grupo de 241 odontólogos (pasantes de servicio social, odontólogos generales, periodoncistas, endodoncistas, rehabilitadores, odontopediatras y ortodoncistas) a través de una encuesta, los reactivos utilizados fueron sobre conocimiento de la disfagia, métodos de diagnóstico, signos y síntomas, tratamiento y complicaciones. Resultados: la mitad de la población encuestada refirió conocer los trastornos de la deglución (64.7%). Contrastantemente, al utilizar el término «disfagia¼, la postura del conocimiento disminuyó considerablemente (40.7%). Finalmente, los valores más bajos de la encuesta se mostraron en la falta de conocimiento sobre identificación de signos y síntomas de la disfagia (36.1%), métodos de diagnóstico (20.7%), tratamientos (18.7%) y complicaciones (23.2%). Conclusión: existe un bajo conocimiento de los trastornos de la deglución autopercibido por los profesionales de la odontología, lo que sugiere la búsqueda de los factores que ocasionan la falta del conocimiento de los profesionales del área odontológica (AU)

Introduction: dysphagia is the alteration in swallowing mechanisms that coexists with multiple diseases and conditions. The broad knowledge of this alteration will generate better diagnoses and treatments for the improvement of the quality of life of these patients. Although this alteration could be common domain by specialists in the area of health, mainly oral, there is no recent information on the level of knowledge about dysphagia in dental personnel. Objective: to determine the level of knowledge about dysphagia in a group of oral health professionals from Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua. Material and methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in a group of 241 dentists (social service intern, general dentists, periodontists, endodontists, rehabilitators, pediatric dentists and orthodontists) through a survey, the reagents used were on knowledge of dysphagia, diagnostic methods, signs and symptoms, treatment and complications. Results: half of the surveyed population reported knowing swallowing disorders (64.7%). In contrast, when using the term «dysphagia¼ the posture of knowledge decreased considerably (40.7%). Finally, the lowest values in the survey were found in the lack of knowledge about identification of signs and symptoms of dysphagia (36.1%), diagnostic methods (20.7%), treatments (18.7%) and complications (23.2%). Conclusion: there is a low knowledge of self-perceived swallowing disorders by dentists, which suggests the search for the factors that cause the lack of knowledge of dental professionals (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Deglutition Disorders/diagnosis , Deglutition Disorders/therapy , Dentists/education , Signs and Symptoms , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Mexico/epidemiology
Odovtos (En línea) ; 26(1): 35-53, Jan.-Apr. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558617


Abstract The aim of this study was to perform a systematic review (SR) of the therapeutic effect of ozonated oil for oral lesions treatment. A SR was conducted according to the PRISMA guidelines. The Medline (PubMed), Embase, Cochrane Library, Scielo and LILACS were investigated, together with manual searches, to extract all publications until December 2020, including randomized and non-randomized clinical trials reporting the effects of ozonated oils on the management of oral lesions when compared with other methods. The risk of bias (RoB) of the studies included were assessed by using the RoB 2 tool and ROBINS-I. After analyzing the titles and reading the abstracts, 1932 articles were excluded; the remaining 25 passed a full-text evaluation. Ultimately, 13 articles were included in this SR. There was heterogeneity of the results regarding healing times and intervals of ozonated oil application for the treatment of each type of oral lesion, but in general, there was a shorter healing time when ozonated oil was used as therapy, and no adverse effects were reported. Despite the limited information found and the lack of rigorous methodological standards for the use of ozonated oil on oral lesions, a positive effect was suggested. The findings indicated an advantage in terms of shorter healing times when compared with other conventional treatments. No adverse effects were reported, showing safety and reliability for patient's treatment.

Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue realizar una revisión sistemática (RS) del efecto terapéutico del aceite ozonizado sobre las lesiones orales. Se realizó una RS siguiendo las directrices PRISMA. Se realizaron búsquedas en Medline (PubMed), Embase, Cochrane Library, Scielo y LILACS, y búsquedas manuales, que abarcaron hasta diciembre de 2020, de ensayos clínicos aleatorizados y no aleatorizados que informaran sobre el efecto de los aceites ozonizados en el tratamiento de las lesiones orales en comparación con cualquier otro método. El riesgo de sesgo (RoB) de los estudios incluidos se evaluó mediante la herramienta RoB 2 y ROBINS-I. Tras analizar los títulos y leer los resúmenes, se excluyeron 1932 artículos; los 25 restantes pasaron una evaluación exhaustiva del texto completo. Finalmente, se incluyeron 13 artículos en esta RS. Hubo heterogeneidad de resultados en cuanto a los tiempos de cicatrización y los intervalos de aplicación del aceite ozonizado para el tratamiento de cada tipo de lesión oral, pero en general, hubo un menor tiempo de cicatrización cuando se utilizó el aceite ozonizado como terapia, y no se comunicaron efectos adversos. A pesar de la limitada información encontrada y de la falta de normas metodológicas rigurosas sobre el uso de aceite ozonizado en lesiones orales, se sugirió un efecto positivo del uso de aceite ozonizado para el tratamiento de lesiones orales. Los resultados indicaron una ventaja en términos de menor tiempo de curación en comparación con otros tratamientos convencionales; además, no se notificaron efectos adversos, por lo que se demostró una opción de tratamiento segura y fiable para los pacientes.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558170


El conocimiento de la patología oral, y su correcto diagnóstico es fundamental en Odontología, puesto que un diagnóstico tardío, particularmente en casos de lesiones premalignas o malignas, pueden conducir a serias consecuencias para el paciente. El objetivo de este trabajo fue establecer la congruencia diagnóstica clínica - histopatológica de lesiones en cavidad oral en pacientes que asistieron a la Facultad de Odontología, Universidad de Costa Rica, y a quienes se les realizó biopsia de la lesión, durante el período 2016-2019. El estudio fue descriptivo y retrospectivo, basado en datos de reportes histopatológicos en la población mencionada, por presentar alguna lesión, de tejidos blandos o duros, en cavidad oral. La muestra estadística fue por conveniencia, no probabilística y no aleatoria. Las técnicas estadísticas utilizadas fueron descriptivas para el análisis de la información, el cual se basó en la distribución de frecuencias y cruce de variables. El procesamiento estadístico de los datos se diseñó en una base de datos creada en Excel. La muestra comprendió 160 reportes histopatológicos de los cuales se excluyeron 14. La edad promedio de los pacientes fue 42 años (rango 2 - 78 años). La proporción hombre: mujer correspondió 1:1.4, predominado el sexo femenino en 58,9 %. La congruencia del diagnóstico histopatológico con el diagnóstico clínico correspondió a 55,8 %. La congruencia de los diagnósticos demuestra el conocimiento del profesional en identificar la lesión clínicamente de forma correcta, lo que permite actuar en el momento preciso y confirmar la impresión clínica diagnóstica de una patología mediante el estudio histopatológico, el cual es el estándar oro. El problema radica en aquellos casos en que hay discrepancia diagnóstica, pues exige conocer los factores responsables de esta discrepancia, exige la búsqueda de soluciones y exige reforzar y redireccionar la formación académica del profesional y de los estudiantes para reconocer y describir estas lesiones.

Knowledge of oral pathology and its correct diagnosis is fundamental in Dentistry, since a late diagnosis, particularly in cases of premalignant or malignant lesions, can lead to serious consequences for the patient. The objective of this study was to establish the clinical- histopathological diagnostic consistency of lesions in the oral cavity in patients who attended the Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad de Costa Rica, and who underwent a biopsy of the lesion, during the period 2016-2019. The study was descriptive and retrospective, based on data from histopathological reports in the mentioned population, due to presenting some lesion, soft or hard tissue, in the oral cavity. The statistical sample was for convenience, non- probabilistic nor random. The statistical techniques used were descriptive for the analysis of the information, which was based on frequency distribution and crossing of variables. The statistical processing of the data was designed in a database created in Excel. The sample collects 160 histopathological reports, of which 14 were excluded. The average age of the patients was 42 years (range between 2 - 78 years old).The male:female ratio corresponded to 1:1.4, with a predominance of the female sex at 58.9 %.The congruence of the histopathological diagnosis with the clinical diagnosis corresponded to 55.8 %. Diagnostic consistency demonstrates knowledge of the professional in correctly identifying the lesion clinically, which allows acting at the precise moment and confirming the diagnostic clinical impression of the pathology via histopathological study which is the gold standard. The problem lies in those cases in which there is a diagnostic discrepancy, since it requires having knowledge of the underlying factors and therefore, requires searching for solutions, reinforcing and redirecting the academic training of professionals and students to recognize and describe these lesions.

Medisur ; 22(1)feb. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558543


Fundamento el aumento de la incidencia del cáncer bucal constituye un problema de salud mundial, por ello surge la necesidad de realizar acciones educativas que tributen a la prevención de la enfermedad desde edades tempranas. Objetivo evaluar la efectividad de una intervención educativa sobre cáncer bucal y su prevención en estudiantes de un centro preuniversitario. Métodos se realizó un estudio preexperimental, de intervención educativa, con diseño preprueba/posprueba, en el periodo comprendido entre noviembre de 2021 a mayo de 2022. Se trabajó con la totalidad del universo, el cual estuvo constituido por 125 estudiantes de la escuela Roberto Rodríguez, del municipio Morón, Ciego de Ávila. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva e inferencial. Resultados el 52,0 % de los participantes perteneció al sexo femenino. La media de edad para ambos sexos fue de 15,86 ± 1,053 años. El 36,8 % cursaba el onceno grado. Se determinaron inadecuados niveles de información en la etapa diagnóstica en cuanto a: generalidades (96,0 %), factores de riesgo (91,2 %), autoexamen bucal (96,0 %) y medidas de promoción y prevención (95,2 %). Después de aplicada la intervención se logró elevar el nivel cognoscitivo hasta un 97,6 %, 99,2 %, 96,8 % y 99,2 % respectivamente. El test de McNemar arrojó resultados significativos (p = 0,000; p < 0,05). Conclusiones se logró una modificación estadísticamente significativa de la información en cada uno de los encuestados, por lo que se pudo inferir que la intervención educativa resultó efectiva.

Foundation the increase in the incidence of oral cancer constitutes a global health problem, there is a need to carry out educational actions that contribute to the prevention of the disease from an early age. Objective to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational intervention on oral cancer and its prevention in students from a pre-university center. Methods a pre-experimental educational intervention study was carried out, with a pre-test/post-test design, from November 2021 to May 2022. The entire universe was studied, 125 students from the Roberto Rodríguez School in Morón municipality, Ciego de Ávila. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used. Results 52.0% of the participants were female. The mean age for both sexes was 15.86 ± 1.053 years. 36.8% were in eleventh grade. Inadequate levels of information were determined in the diagnostic stage in terms of: generalities (96.0%), risk factors (91.2%), oral self-examination (96.0%) and promotion and prevention measures (95.2%). %). After applying the intervention, the cognitive level was raised to 97.6%, 99.2%, 96.8% and 99.2% respectively. The McNemar test showed significant results (p = 0.000; p < 0.05). Conclusions a statistically significant modification of the information was achieved in each of the respondents, so it could be inferred that the educational intervention was effective.

Medisur ; 22(1)feb. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558555


Fundamento: las lesiones premalignas son aquellas que presentan alteraciones celulares, generan células sanguíneas anormales y pueden afectar los tejidos bucales del paciente. Suelen manifestarse inicialmente en la cavidad bucal, o luego de la diseminación desde otras partes del cuerpo por medio de sistemas linfáticos y sanguíneos. Objetivo: caracterizar las lesiones orales premalignas presentes en pacientes adultos. Métodos estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal, en pacientes pertenecientes al Policlínico Docente Universitario Luis Augusto Turcios Lima, del municipio de Pinar del Río, en el período enero-diciembre de 2022. Del universo integrado por 5259 pacientes atendidos en consulta de Servicios Básicos Estomatológicos, se tomó una muestra de 53, seleccionada mediante un muestreo simple aleatorio. Los resultados fueron representados en tablas de frecuencias absolutas y porcentajes, como medidas de resumen. Resultados la mayoría de los pacientes con lesiones orales premalignas pertenecieron al sexo masculino (78,5 %) y al grupo de 60 y más años (58,5 %). El factor de riesgo más frecuente fue el hábito de fumar (86,8 %). Prevaleció la leucoplasia (69,8 %), con mayor frecuencia de localización en los labios (43,4 %). El tratamiento más empleado fue el medicamentoso-quirúrgico (58,5 %). Conclusiones las lesiones premalignas de la cavidad bucal en la serie de pacientes en estudio, se caracterizaron por su predominio en el sexo masculino, mayores de 60 años, y fumadores. La leucoplasia resultó la lesión más frecuente, y los labios el sitio más afectado. El tratamiento medicamentoso-quirúrgico fue el más empleado.

Foundation premalignant lesions are those that present cellular alterations, generate abnormal blood cells and can affect the patient's oral tissues. They usually manifest initially in the oral cavity, or after spreading from other parts of the body through lymphatic and blood systems. Objective to characterize premalignant oral lesions present in adult patients. Methods descriptive, cross-sectional study, in patients belonging to the Luis Augusto Turcios Lima University Teaching Polyclinic, in the Pinar del Río municipality, from January to December 2022. From the universe made up of 5,259 patients treated in the Basic Stomatological Services consultation, a sample of 53 was taken, selected through simple random sampling. The results were represented in absolute frequencies and percentages charts, as summary measures. Results the majority of patients with premalignant oral lesions belonged to the male sex (78.5%) and to the group aged 60 and over (58.5%). The most frequent risk factor was smoking (86.8%). Leukoplakia prevailed (69.8%), with a greater frequency of location on the lips (43.4%). The most used treatment was medication-surgical (58.5%). Conclusions premalignant lesions of the oral cavity in the series of patients under study were characterized by their predominance in males, over 60 years of age, and smokers. Leukoplakia was the most common lesion, and the lips were the most affected site. Medication-surgical treatment was the most used.

Rev. ADM ; 81(1): 61-66, ene.-feb. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560711


En 1871, el cirujano Johann von Mikulicz Radecki, de la Universidad de Viena en Austria, introdujo por primera vez la descripción del papiloma escamoso; finalmente en 2002, se reclasificó como una familia independiente con un total de 29 genes, de los cuales cinco se asocian al papiloma humano. En 2021, el Centro Internacional de Referencia del Virus del Papiloma Humano del Instituto Karolinska reportó un total de 228 diferentes tipos de VPH (AU)

In 1871, the surgeon Johann von Mikulicz Radecki, from the University of Vienna in Austria, first introduced the description of squamous papilloma; finally, in 2002, it was reclassified as an independent family with a total of 29 genes, of which five are associated. to human papilloma. In 2021, the International Reference Center for Human Papillomavirus at the Karolinska Institute reported a total of 228 different types of HPV (AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Papilloma/diagnosis , Papillomaviridae/classification , Papilloma/surgery , Papilloma/pathology , Papilloma/epidemiology , Cryotherapy/methods , Diagnosis, Differential
An. bras. dermatol ; 99(1): 3-18, Jan.-Feb. 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527708


Abstract Several topics related to the oral cavity are briefly addressed in this article, from anatomical variations that, when recognized, avoid unnecessary investigations, to diseases that affect exclusively the mouth, mucocutaneous diseases, as well as oral manifestations of systemic diseases. A complete clinical examination comprises the examination of the mouth, and this approach facilitates clinical practice, shortening the path to diagnosis in the outpatient clinic as well as with in-hospital patients. The objective of this article is to encourage the examination of the oral cavity as a useful tool in medical practice, helping to recognize diseases in this location.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006196


@#Objective To analyze the epidemiological and etiological characteristics of hand,foot and mouth disease(HFMD)in Honghe Prefecture,Yunnan Province from 2013 to 2021,and provide basis for the development of prevention and control strategies for HFMD. Methods The case data of HFMD in Honghe Prefecture,Yunnan Province from 2013 to2021 were extracted from the“China Disease Prevention and Control Information System”. Descriptive epidemiological analysis method was used to analyze the incidence rate,severe rate,mortality rate. The nucleic acids of enterovirus-A71(EV-A71)and Coxsackievirus-A16(CV-A16)were detected by Real-time PCR in throat swabs,anal swabs or stool samples from 16 586 cases of HFMD,and the etiological characteristics were analyzed. Results A total of 78 356 cases of HFMD were reported from 2013 to 2021 in Honghe Prefecture,Yunnan Province,with 354 severe cases and 11 deaths. The average annual incidence rate of HFMD was 187. 47/100 000,with an upward trend from 2013 to 2015,and reached the first peak in 2015,which showed a downward trend from 2016 to 2017,while increased,reached the second peak,and then gradually decreased and tended to be flat in 2018. The severe and death rates have been declining since 2015. The age group of 0~7 years old showed high incidence,which accounted for 97. 85%(76 670/78 356)of the total incidence,and the average annual incidence of 1~2 years old group was the highest(4 397. 98/100 000). Generally,the time distribution showed a bimodal distribution,which were from April to July(summer peak)and from October to December(autumn peak),and the peak in summer was higher than that in autumn. The number of cases and severe cases in males were significantly higher than those in females(χ~2= 1 154. 436 and 5. 183,respectively,each P < 0. 05). The average annual incidence and severe rate in the northern part of Honghe Prefecture were significantly higher than those in the southern part(χ~2= 18 573. 742 and 11. 036,respectively,each P < 0. 05). Among 16 586 HFMD cases,EV-A71,CV-A16 and other enteroviruses accounted for 18. 71%,20. 38% and 60. 91% of cases,respectively,with significant difference(χ~2= 5 426. 965,P < 0. 05). The dominant pathogen was EV-A71 in 2013 and 2015,while CV-A16 in 2014,and other enteroviruses became the dominant pathogens in 2016 — 2021. Conclusion The epidemic trend of HFMD in Honghe Prefecture,Yunnan Province from 2013 to 2021 was seasonal and regional,with children under the age of 7 being the key population,and other enteroviruses have become the dominant pathogens after 2016. HFMD prevention and control knowledge publicity should be strengthened,good hygiene habits should be advocated,and parents' awareness of disease prevention should be raised. EV-A71 vaccination should be strengthened to reduce EV-A71 infection and effectively prevent severe cases and deaths.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016985


Objective The long-term epidemiological and etiological characteristics of hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) in Huai’an, Jiangsu were analyzed to provide scientific evidence for the prevention of HFMD. Methods The data of HFMD reports, etiological diagnosis and in Huai’an from 2009 to 2022 were described and analyzed. Results A total of 78 535 cases were reported from 2009 to 2022 , with 14-year average annual incidence rate of 114.71/100 000. Before 2020, the incidence rate of HFMD in Huai’an showed the epidemic intensity increased every other year on the whole, and the average annual incidence rate during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020-2022) (55.69/100 000) was significantly lower than that in previous years (2009-2019) (129.95/100 000). The joinpoint regression analysis showed that the best fitting model from 2009 to 2022 had no joinpoints, APC=AAPC=-1.24%. The overall trend showed a monotonously decreasing trend, but the trend was not statistically significant. The male-to-female distribution ratio was 1.53:1, and the age distribution was mainly under 5 years old, especially in scattered children. The epidemic season was from April to July. The results of etiological surveillance showed that the co-epidemic of Coxsackievirus A16 (CV-A16) and Enterovirus A71 (EV-A71) during the early stages had changed to the co-epidemic of CV-A16 and CV-A6 in the current period. Conclusion The burden of HFMD in Huai’an was large, and the epidemic intensity increased every other year was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The epidemiological features after the COVID-19 pandemic should be further monitored.

Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry ; (12): 72-79,中插14-中插37, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017631


Human exhaled breath has great application prospects,e.g.,monitoring pharmacokinetics,disease diagnosis,due to its advantages such as non-invasive and high-frequency sampling.Breath samples can be collected from the oral and nasal cavity.However,the oral and nasal environment affect the chemical composition of breath sample.Therefore,the investigation on the chemical composition of mouth-exhaled breath and nose-exhaled breath is crucial for selection of appropriate sampling strategy for individual studies.In this work,secondary electrospray ionization-high resolution mass spectrometry(SESI-HRMS)was applied to analysis of respiratory metabolomics in real time.A quantitative analysis approach was established for 9 kinds of volatile organic compounds(VOCs)e.g.2-butanone,2-pentanone,ethyl acetate,methyl methacrylate,toluene,styrene,mesitylene,isoprene and limonene.The limit of detection was 2.3?240.8 ng/m3.The intra-day(n=6)and inter-day(n=18)relative standard deviations were 0.6%?4.6%and 4.3%?12.2%,respectively.Nine healthy subjects were recruited to investigate the chemical composition of mouth-exhaled and nose-exhaled breath.The results showed the good performance in quantitative analysis of 9 VOCs in breath air.It was found that the number of unique component(m/z)detected in mouth-exhaled breath(167)was 2.2 times greater than that detected in nose-exhaled breath(76),which might result from the complex environment in oral cavity.The signal intensity of commun component(163)was significantly different between mouth-exhaled breath and nose-exhaled breath.Additionally,the elemental composition analysis showed that the proportion of polar compounds detected in nose-exhaled breath was higher than that in mouth-exhaled breath.This study demonstrated that there was significant differences in the chemical composition between mouth-exhaled and nose-exhaled breath,which provided a theoretical basis for selection of exhalation mode.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022664


Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of hand-foot-mouth disease(HFMD)in Gan-zhou.Methods The epidemiological data of HFMD reported by the Infectious Disease Surveillance System,a sub-system of China Disease Prevention and Control Information System,from 2017 to 2020 were analyzed by descriptive methods.Enterovirus(EV)nucleic acid and typing detections via throat swabs,anal swabs or herpes fluid of patients was detected by real-time fluo-rescent polymerase chain reaction.The change in HFMD epidemic characteristics was compared between 2020 and 2017-2019.Results The incidence of HFMD in Ganzhou in 2020 was significantly lower than that from 2017 to 2019(x2=50.587,P<0.05).In 2020,the incidence of HFMD in counties and districts of Ganzhou(except Huichang County)signifi-cantly decreased compared with that in 2017-2019(P<0.05).From 2017 to 2019,the incidence of HFMD was obviously seasonal,with a high incidence in summer and autumn,and two significant incidence peaks were formed in June and September in 2017 and 2018,respectively.In 2019,there was a summer peak in June.The epidemic trend in 2020 was different,with a very low epidemic trend in summer and autumn,and a peak in winter.The incidence of HFMD in men,women and all ages in 2020 significantly decreased compared with that in 2017-2019(P<0.05),and the age of onset was mainly distributed in 1-5 years,especially in children aged 1 to 3 years.There was a significant difference in the incidence of HFMD among different ages(P<0.05).The positive rate of EV in Ganzhou in 2020 was lower than that from 2017 to 2019(x2=47.273,P<0.05).The positive rate of EV in January,March to September in 2020 was significantly lower,and the positive rate of EV in November,December 2020 was significantly higher than that in the same period in 2017 to 2019(P<0.05).Strain CA16 showed an increasing trend year by year from 2017 to 2019,and became the dominant strain in 2019.The proportion of patients infected with CA6 strain was on the fise from 2018 to 2020,and CA6 became the dominant strain in 2020.Conclusion The HFMD in Ganzhou has obvious population characteristics and seasonality,and the pathogen spectrum is constantly changing.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1027945


Oral and maxillofacial malignant tumors threaten the life and health of patients, and seriously affect their swallowing, language function and face. 125I seeds brachytherapy for oral and maxillofacial malignant tumors has been widely concerned and studied because of its advantages such as less surgical trauma, large and uniform dose distribution in the target tissue, little damage to the surrounding normal tissue, and reducing radiation exposure of medical staff. Low-dose brachytherapy with 125I seeds can effectively reduce the tumor volume and prolong the survival time of patients. This article reviews the clinical application of 125I seeds brachytherapy in oral and maxillofacial malignant tumors.

Chinese Journal of Geriatrics ; (12): 378-383, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1028286


Objective:To investigate the relationship between oral health and mild cognitive impairment(MCI)by using indicators that evaluate oral hypofunction.Methods:The study was conducted using a cross-sectional design.Participants were recruited from three communities(Shizi Ling, Wenyi Xincun, and Yaoling in Furong District)in Changsha in July 2021, using convenience sampling.Cognitive and oral functions were evaluated using the simple mental state examination, version 2(MMSE-2)and seven indicators of oral hypofunction, which included oral hygiene, oral dryness, occlusal force, tongue and lip movement, tongue pressure, mastication, and swallowing function.Results:A total of 144 subjects were included in this study, with 72 males.Except for education level, there were no statistically significant differences between the MCI group and the normal cognitive group in terms of demographic information and self-reported and measured oral functions(all P>0.05).There was a correlation between the subjects' self-reported oral function and the actual measured oral function.Multiple linear regression analysis revealed no significant correlation between the MMSE score and the seven indicators used to measure oral hypofunction(all P>0.05).The MMSE score of the female group showed a negative correlation with mastication( β=-0.003, P=0.043), while the MMSE score of subjects with elementary school education also showed a negative correlation with mastication( β=-0.022, P=0.016).Additionally, the MMSE score of subjects with middle school education showed a positive correlation with the number of residual teeth( β=0.090, P=0.030). Conclusions:The self-reported oral function can serve as an initial assessment of overall oral function.However, among elderly individuals who do not show significant decline in oral function, there was no significant correlation between oral function and MCI.To accurately identify individuals with MCI, a more detailed sub-analysis with a larger sample size is required.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029537


Objective:To retrospectively analyze the molecular epidemiological features and genetic recombination of coxsackievirus A4 (CVA4) strains isolated in Jiangsu from 2015 to 2022.Methods:Throat or anal swab samples were collected from patients with herpangina or hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD). Real-time PCR was used to detect CVA4. A comprehensive and systematic phylogenetic analysis was conducted based on 72 whole genomes and 99 VP1 sequences of CVA4 strains. Several bioinformatics software including DNAStar, MEGA7.0 and Similarity plots3.5.1 was used for analysis of homology, genetic recombination and amino acid variation sites.Results:Four genotypes (A, B, C and D) and five sub-genotypes (C1-C5) of CVA4 were identified based on the VP1 nucleotide sequences. C2 was the predominant sub-genotype causing HFMD. The Jiangsu strains showed high homology with the CVA4 prototype in the P1 region, and higher identity with other strains of enterovirus group A (EV-A) in the P2 and P3 regions. Genetic recombination analysis revealed that the Jiangsu strains had three genetic recombination patterns with other EV-A epidemic strains in the P2, P3 and 3′-UTR regions. These recombination patterns took place during the sustained and widespread circulation of CVA4 in people and increased the transmissibility of CVA4.Conclusions:This study analyzes the phylogenetic and molecular features of 28 whole genomes of Jiangsu CVA4 strains, which helps to better understand the genomic diversity of CVA4. By analyzing the genetic recombination and amino acid mutations in the VP1 region, this study elucidates the evolution and transmission of CVA4, which is conducive to the control and prevention of CVA4 infection.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030211


[Objective]To provide insights into the clinical diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases in summer through probing into the theory of heat epidemic and its characteristics formulated by famous doctors in the past dynasties.[Methods]The etiology,pathogenesis and treatment of heat epidemic were analyzed by summarizing the discussions of various doctors from different angles and at different levels,and the differentiation and treatment rules of several common summer infectious diseases were explored on the basis of the application of heat epidemic theory.[Results]The etiology and pathogenesis of heat epidemic can be classified as excessive main Qi,evil abundance and Yin deficiency,transpiration of summer heat and diffuse ptomaine.Its treatment can be roughly divided into interior-clearing and exterior-harmonizing,blood-cooling and orifice-unblocking.On the basis,the article explored the etiology,pathogenesis and treatment of summer infectious diseases,such as hand-foot-and-mouth disease,dengue and Corona Virus Disease 2019(COVID-19),which have certain similarities with heat epidemic.[Conclusion]The theory of heat epidemic,closely related to the syndrome and treatment rules of three types of summer infectious diseases,can be the tentative basis for clinical diagnosis and treatment of summer infectious diseases with traditional Chinese medicine.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030226


[Objective]To summarize Professor SHU Qijin's academic experience in diagnosing and treating salty taste in the mouth after anti-tumor therapy.[Methods]Through learning from teacher in outpatient,reading ancient books and analyzing the medical records,this paper arranged Professor SHU's medical records of salty taste in the mouth after anti-tumor therapy and introduced his clinical experience in treating that from following aspects:etiology and pathogenesis,principles and laws of treatment,and provided one medical case as evidence.[Results]Professor SHU believes that salty taste in the mouth after anti-tumor therapy is closely related to overgrowth of the kidney fluid due to the imbalance of Yin and Yang and dampness caused by unrestriction of water-liquid metabolism of the kidney and spleen,and briefly summarizes the treatment principles in three aspects:reconciling and replenishing Yin and Yang of the kidney,invigorating the spleen and eliminating dampness.The attached medical record was identified as fire excess from Yin deficiency and damp abundance.Professor SHU treated the case by nourishing Yin and reducing fire as well as invigorating the spleen and eliminating dampness,modified Zhibai Dihuang Pill and Pingwei Powder was used for treatment and good results were achieved.[Conclusion]In the treatment of salty taste in the mouth after anti-tumor therapy,Professor SHU adheres to comprehensive analysis by the four examination methods and advocates flexible syndrome differentiation.Professor SHU's academic experience is rich and clinical curative effect is remarkable.Summarizing his medication characteristics has high guiding significance for the clinical application.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 732-736, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031853


Objective@#To investigate the recessive infection rate of healthy children and guardians in different epidemic periods of hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) in Qingdao, analyze the risk factors affecting recessive infection, so as to provide the basis for HFMD prevention and control.@*Methods@#In the nonepidemic period of 2022, the random cluster sampling method was used to selected 546 children and guardians from 4 childcare institutions in Laoshan District and Pingdu City. In the epidemic period of 2023, 690 children and guardians were selected from 6 childcare institutions in Shibei District, Laoshan District and Pingdu District. A questionnair survey was conducted in the epidemic period. Logistic regression analysis was used to analyze the factors affecting the recessive infection. Dominance analysis was used to explore the relative importance of the risk factors affecting recessive infection.@*Results@#The results showed that the recessive infection rates of healthy children and guardians in the epidemic period were 18.84% and 13.62%, respectively; the recessive infection rates were 9.09% and 4.44% in the nonepidemic period, respectively. The results of multivariate Logistic analysis showed that rural areas (OR=4.71, 95%CI=2.57-8.61) and recessive infection of guardians (OR=18.62, 95%CI=7.45-46.56) were positively correlated with recessive infection of HFMD in healthy children (P<0.05). Washing hands (OR=0.09, 95%CI=0.04-0.20), using towels alone (OR=0.17, 95%CI=0.07-0.40), and EV71 vaccination (OR=0.42, 95%CI=0.20-0.87) were negatively correlated with recessive infection of HFMD in healthy children (P<0.05). Public toilets (OR=3.02, 95%CI=1.50-6.09) and drying bedding once per quarter (OR=3.89, 95%CI=1.75-8.68) were positively correlated with recessive infection of HFMD in healthy guardians. Housing with good lighting (OR=0.31, 95%CI=0.12-0.79), and tableware disinfection (OR=0.31, 95%CI=0.15-0.65) were negatively correlated with recessive infection of HFMD in healthy guardians (P<0.05). The results showed that recessive infection of guardians was relatively the most important for healthy children (41.51%), and tableware disinfection was relatively the most important for recessive infection of guardians (28.87%).@*Conclusions@#The recessive infections of HFMD are common among healthy populations in Qingdao, and the recessive infection rate among children during the epidemic period is relatively higher. Guardians play an important role in the recessive infection of healthy children. Therefore, healthy education should be strengthened for key populations, especially to enhance parents awareness of prevention and control to reduce the occurrence of recessive infections of hand, foot and mouth disease in children and guardians.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1032316


ObjectiveTo analyze the epidemiological characteristics and etiology of clustered outbreaks of hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) in Pudong New Area, Shanghai from 2017 to 2022, and to provide a scientific basis for the prevention and control of HFMD in the area. MethodsThe data related to HFMD clustered outbreaks from 2017 to 2022 were obtained from the Pudong New Area HFMD outbreak database. Descriptive analysis was conducted to explore the outbreak scope, seasonal characteristics, distribution of occurrence settings, and etiological composition. ResultsFrom 2017 to 2022, Pudong New Area reported a total of 2 547 HFMD clusters, involving 8 884 cases, with an average of 3.49 cases per event. The majority of events (78.52%) had between 2 and 4 cases. The peak reporting periods for clustered HFMD from 2017 to 2019 and in 2021 were during the summer (May‒July) and autumn (September‒November). The seasonal pattern was less distinct in 2020 and 2022, likely due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The majority of clustered outbreaks occurred in childcare facilities (44.64%), followed by households/neighborhood committees (44.21%), with schools accounting for a smaller proportion (12.39%). The etiology revealed the coexistence of multiple enterovirus genotypes, with a positive detection rate of 60.46%, and CoxA6 being the dominant strain. ConclusionHFMD clustered outbreaks in Pudong New Area show fluctuating trends, with significant yearly differences in the number of incidents. The predominant seasons for outbreaks are summer and autumn, with CoxA6 identified as the dominant strain. The implementation of prevention and control measures for COVID-19 significantly reduced the occurrence of HFMD outbreaks. Continuous monitoring and focus on large-scale clustered outbreaks in key institutions are essential for the future.