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Chinese Journal of Biologicals ; (12): 815-819, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-996490


@#Objective To monitor and analyze the use of non-national immunization program(nNIP) vaccines in Fujian Province from 2014 to 2020,and provide a reference for improving the management of nNIP vaccination service.Methods The nNIP vaccination data from 2014 to 2020 were extracted from the National Immunization Program Information System(NIPIS),and analyzed by descriptive epidemiological method.Results From 2014 to 2020,a total of 28 835 834 doses of nNIP vaccines were administered in Fujian Province,with an average of 1 015 doses per 10 000 population,and the varieties used increased from 22 to 28.The annual administered doses of nNIP vaccine,the proportion in total doses of all vaccines and the number of vaccinations per capita basically increased year by year.The most widely used varieties mainly include varicella attenuated live vaccine(VarV),hepatitis B(HepB) vaccine,rabies vaccine(RabV) for human use,haemophilus influenza type b(Hib) polysaccharide conjugate vaccine,influenza vaccine(InfV) and enterovirus 71(EV71)inactivated vaccine.The three vaccines with the highest replacement rates were hepatitis A vaccine,group A meningococcal vaccine and group A and C meningococcal vaccine,with the replacement rates of 22.42%,10.32% and 9.89%respectively.Conclusion There are more and more types and doses of nNIP vaccines used in Fujian Province,so it is necessary to further strengthen monitoring and management and improve vaccination service.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003818


ObjectiveTo determine the situation of vaccination certificate inspection and supplementary immunization among children attending kindergarten and primary school in Pudong New Area. MethodsThe study was conducted based on the annual report form“vaccination record inspection summary” of all community health service centers in Pudong New Area, Shanghai. Data related to vaccination certificate inspection and supplementary immunization among children attending kindergarten and primary school were retrieved in Pudong New Area from 2018 to 2021 and statistically analyzed. ResultsFrom 2018 to 2021, a total of 1 850 kindergartens and 887 primary schools in Pudong New Area inspected the vaccination certificates of children attending kindergarten and school,with a coverage rate of 100.00%. There were 375 407 children enrolled in kindergarten and primary school.A total of 373 820 children were inspected with an examination rate of 99.58%. The average certificate holding rate among children was 99.48%.The full-course immunization rate of eight national immunization programs vaccines was 94.95%. Furthermore, a total of 73 407 doses of eight national immunization vaccines were supplemented,with an average supplementary rate of 92.95%. The supplement rate increased annually.In terms of supplemented doses,the top three vaccines were meningococcal vaccine, measles vaccine and polio vaccine. As a vaccine of local immunization program in Shanghai, a total of 14 143 doses of varicella vaccine were supplemented with a supplementary rate of 86.99%. ConclusionIn Pudong New Area, vaccination certificate inspection of children attending kindergarten and primary school has been strictly performed . Inspection rate in the kindergartens and primary schools, children's certificate holding rate, full-course immunization rate and supplementary immunization rate remain high.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 28(8): 2335-2346, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447889


Resumo Objetivou-se analisar a tendência dos indicadores do Programa Nacional de Imunizações (PNI) em menores de um ano e classificar os municípios quanto ao risco de transmissão de doenças imunopreveníveis (RTDIp) no Maranhão de 2010 a 2021. Estudo ecológico de série temporal, baseado em dados secundários de cobertura vacinal (CV), homogeneidade de cobertura vacinal (HCV), proporção de abandono (PA) e RTDIp, com abrangência estadual, para vacinas do calendário nacional infantil. Regressão de Prais-Winstein estimou tendência (α = 5%) e variação percentual anual (VPA) dos indicadores. Houve CV flutuantes e discrepantes entre as vacinas, com tendência decrescente (p < 0,01), exceto contra hepatite B (p = 0,709) e rotavírus (p = 0,143). As quedas mais acentuadas foram para as vacinas contra febre amarela e BCG. Todas as taxas de HCV estavam abaixo do esperado, com a diminuição a partir de 2014 e VPA de 5,75% a 14,02%. Houve tendência crescente da PA para pentavalente e poliomielite. No período de 2015 e 2021 houve incremento de 52,54% na proporção dos municípios maranhenses com RTDIp muito alto (p = 0,025) e alto (p = 0,028). Ao longo de 12 anos, houve piora dos indicadores do PNI em menores de um ano, reafirmando a suscetibilidade para o surgimento de doenças imunopreveníveis.

Abstract We aimed to analyze the trend of indicators of the National Immunization Program (acronym in Portuguese. PNI) in children under one-year-old and classify municipalities regarding the risk of transmission of vaccine-preventable diseases (RTVPD) in Maranhão from 2010 to 2021. This ecological time series study was based on secondary data on vaccination coverage (VC). vaccination coverage homogeneity (VCH). proportion of abandonment (PA). and RTVPD. with state coverage for vaccines in the national children's calendar. Prais-Winsten regression estimated trends (α=5%) and the indicators' annual percentage change (APC). We identified fluctuating and discrepant VC between vaccines. with a decreasing trend (p < 0.01). except those against Hepatitis B (p = 0.709) and oral human rotavirus (p = 0.143). The sharpest falls were for Yellow Fever (APC = 12.24%) and BCG (APC = 12.25%) vaccines. All VCH rates were lower than expected. with a drop from 2014 and APC between 5.75% (Pneumococcal 10; p = 0.033) and 14.02% (Poliomyelitis; p < 0.01). We observed an increasing trend in PA for Pentavalent (APC = 4.91%; p < 0.01) and Poliomyelitis (APC = 3.55%; p < 0.01). We identified an increase of 52.54% in the proportion of municipalities in Maranhão from 2015 to 2021. with extremely high (p = 0.025) and high (p = 0.028) RTVPD. The PNI indicators deteriorated. reaffirming the susceptibility to the emergence of vaccine-preventable diseases.

Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(9): 5310-5323, 2023.
Article in Portuguese, French | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1510438


Objetivo: relatar a experiência das oficinas de uma pesquisa-ação do tipo intervenção elaborada para aumento da cobertura vacinal de crianças em municípios do estado de Minas Gerais. Método: relato de experiência sobre a metodologia empregada nas oficinas organizadas com objetivo de aumentar a cobertura vacinal no estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. As oficinas foram compostas em quatro etapas: momento motivacional, núcleo contextual, núcleo integrador/planejamento e núcleo integrador/resultados. Resultados: As oficinas mostraram-se potentes na sensibilização e na indução da discussão dos indicadores de cobertura vacinal, evidenciando, inconsistências entre o Sistema de Informação do Programa Nacional de Imunizações e os registros internos dos municípios. Para além dos indicadores, as oficinas, permitiram troca de experiências entre os representantes municipais, discussão de recursos financeiros, estruturação de salas de vacina, aquisição de veículos, contratação de profissionais, entre outros. Considerações Finais: As oficinas mostram-se capaz de evidenciar a realidade dos municípios, para além do reconhecimento das necessidades para melhoria dos processos de imunização, mas também no desenvolvimento de estratégias, capazes de promover aumento das coberturas vacinais.

Objective: to report the experience of workshops of an action research designed to increase vaccination coverage of children in municipalities of the state of Minas Gerais. Method: experience report on the methodology used in the workshops organized to increase vaccination coverage in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The workshops were composed in four stages: motivational moment, contextual core, integrative core/planning and integrative core/results. Results: The workshops proved powerful in raising awareness and inducing discussion of vaccination coverage indicators, evidencing, inconsistencies between the National Immunization Program Information System and the internal records of the municipalities. In addition to the indicators, the workshops allowed the exchange of experiences among municipal representatives, discussion of financial resources, structuring of vaccine rooms, acquisition of vehicles, hiring of professionals, among others. Final Considerations: The workshops are able to highlight the reality of the municipalities, in addition to recognizing the needs for improvement of immunization processes, but also in developing strategies to promote increased vaccination coverage.

Objetivo: relatar la experiencia de los talleres de una investigación-acción diseñada para aumentar la cobertura de vacunación infantil en municipios del estado de Minas Gerais. Método: informe de experiencia sobre la metodología utilizada en los talleres organizados para aumentar la cobertura de vacunación en el estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Los talleres constaron de cuatro etapas: momento motivacional, núcleo contextual, núcleo integrador/planificación y núcleo integrador/resultados. Resultados: Los talleres demostraron ser potentes para sensibilizar e inducir la discusión de los indicadores de cobertura de vacunación, evidenciando, inconsistencias entre el Sistema de Información del Programa Nacional de Inmunizaciones y los registros internos de los municipios. Además de los indicadores, los talleres permitieron el intercambio de experiencias entre representantes municipales, discusión de recursos financieros, estructuración de salas de vacunas, adquisición de vehículos, contratación de profesionales, entre otros. Consideraciones Finales: Los talleres se mostraron capaces de evidenciar la realidad de los municipios, más allá del reconocimiento de las necesidades de mejora de los procesos de inmunización, pero también en el desarrollo de estrategias, capaces de promover el aumento de la cobertura de vacunación.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 27(9): 3659-3667, set. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394257


Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é analisar as taxas de coberturas vacinais em crianças menores de um ano durante o período de 2015 a 2020 no estado de Minas Gerais (MG). Estudo ecológico, de série temporal, sobre as coberturas vacinais em crianças menores de 1 ano, considerando-se como unidade de análise as 28 Gerências/Superintendências Regionais de Saúde (GRS/SRS) de MG. Analisaram-se as coberturas vacinais dos seguintes imunobiológicos vacinas: contra o Bacilo de Calmette e Guérin (BCG), contra rotavírus humano, contra pneumococo 10, pentavalente, contra meningococo C, contra febre amarela e contra a poliomielite. Empregou-se o modelo autorregressivo de Prais-Winsten para análise de tendência. Destaca-se o ano de 2020, que apresentou a menor proporção de GRS e SRS que alcançaram as metas preconizadas de cobertura vacinal para os imunobiológicos analisados. Quanto à análise de tendência da cobertura, 8 das 28 GRS/SRS apresentaram tendência decrescente de, pelo menos, 5 dos 7 imunobiológicos avaliados. Observou-se tendência decrescente na cobertura vacinal de pelo menos cinco imunobiológicos em oito das GRS /SRS, com destaque para a vacina Pentavalente, que apresentou tendência decrescente de cobertura vacinal em 60,71% das GRS e SRS.

Abstract The scope of this article is to analyze vaccination coverage rates in children under one year of age during the period from 2015 to 2020 in the state of Minas Gerais (MG). It involved an ecological, time-series study on vaccination coverage in children under 1 year of age, considering the 28 Regional Health Management/Superintendencies (GRS/SRS) of MG as the unit of analysis. The following immunobiological vaccine coverage was analyzed: Bacillus Calmette and Guérin, human rotavirus, pneumococcal 10, pentavalent, meningococcus C, yellow fever, and polio vaccines. The Prais-Winsten autoregressive model was employed for trend analysis. The year 2020 stands out, as it presented the lowest proportion of GRS and SRS that reached the recommended vaccine coverage goals for the immunobiologicals analyzed. Regarding the analysis of the coverage trend, 8 of the 28 GRS/SRS showed a decreasing trend for at least 5 of the 7 immunobiologicals evaluated. We observed a downward trend in the vaccination coverage of at least five immunobiologicals in eight of the GRS/SRS, with emphasis on the Pentavalent vaccine, which showed a downward trend in vaccination coverage in 60.71% of the GRS and SRS.

Epidemiol. serv. saúde ; 30(1): e2019596, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154137


Objetivo: Avaliar o Sistema de Vigilância em Imunizações considerando-se o módulo Registro do Vacinado, do Sistema de Informações do Programa Nacional de Imunizações, Brasil, 2017. Métodos: Estudo descritivo, utilizando-se do Guidelines for Evaluating Public Health Surveillance Systems, publicado pelo Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC/Atlanta/GA/United States), para avaliar os atributos de simplicidade, flexibilidade, qualidade dos dados, sensibilidade, oportunidade e utilidade do sistema para seis vacinas do calendário de vacinação da criança. Resultados: O Sistema de Vigilância em Imunizações foi considerado complexo em sua descrição, flexível às mudanças no calendário vacinal, de baixa qualidade dos dados para as vacinas DTP e rotavírus, de aceitabilidade regular, com alta sensibilidade para a vacina BCG, inoportuno para a vacina contra hepatite B e útil às finalidades do Programa Nacional de Imunizações. Conclusão: Qualidade dos dados, aceitabilidade e oportunidade não apresentaram resultados satisfatórios, sendo necessárias ações pelo aprimoramento do sistema de informações.

Objetivo: Comparar estructura y proceso de trabajo en atención primaria para implementar la teleconsulta médica en municipios de diferentes regiones y tamaños (mil habitantes: <25; 25-100; >100). Métodos

Objetivo: To evaluate the National Immunization Program Immunization Surveillance System, based on its Vaccination Record module, for Brazil in 2017. Methods: This was a descriptive study using the Guidelines for Evaluating Public Health Surveillance Systems, published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC/Atlanta/GA/United States) to evaluate the attributes of simplicity, flexibility, data quality, sensitivity, timeliness and usefulness of the system for six vaccines on the child immunization schedule. Results: The Immunization Surveillance System was considered complex in its description; flexible to changes in the immunization schedule; of poor data quality for the DTP and rotavirus vaccines; regular acceptability; high sensitivity for the BCG vaccine; untimely for the hepatitis B vaccine and useful for the purposes of the National Immunization Program. Conclusion:The data quality, acceptability and timeliness results were not satisfactory, so that actions are needed to enhance the information system.

Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Program Evaluation , Immunization Programs/statistics & numerical data , Data Accuracy , Brazil , Immunization/statistics & numerical data , Health Information Systems
J. health inform ; 12(3): 71-76, jul.-set. 2020. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1371074


Objetivo: Desenvolver um instrumento eletrônico capaz de fazer o controle nominal do calendário vacinal da população, alertando tanto o cidadão que sua vacina está para vencer quanto o agente de saúde que atua na área de sua residência, atualizando o modo como é feito o controle atualmente. Método: A criação do software com uma interface minimalista seguiu a metodologia tradicional. Resultado: O instrumento desenvolvido alerta, por e-mail, tanto o cidadão quanto o agente de saúde, mas também emite na tela, ao ser acionado, um aviso sobre a existência de pessoas necessitando ser imunizadas, funcionando, dessa forma, tanto online como offline. Conclusão: Desenvolveu-se um instrumento simples capaz de funcionar até mesmo em localidades desprovidas de internet, que ainda precisa ser implantado em uma unidade de saúde para ter sua eficácia testada.

Objective: To develop an electronic instrument capable of making the nominal control of the population's vaccination calendar, alerting both the citizen that his vaccine is about to expire and the health agent who works in the area of his residence, updating the way the control is currently carried out. Method: The creation of the software with a minimalist interface followed the traditional methodology. Result: The developed instrument alerts both the citizen and the health agent by e-mail, but also emits a warning on the screen, when triggered, about the existence of people needing to be immunized, thus working both online and offline. Conclusion: A simple instrument has been developed capable of working even in locations without internet, which still needs to be implemented in a health unit to have its effectiveness tested.

Objetivo: Desarrollar un instrumento electrónico capaz de realizar el control nominal del calendario de vacunación de la población, alertando tanto al ciudadano que su vacuna está por expirar como al agente de salud que trabaja en el área de su residencia, actualizando la forma en que se lleva a cabo el control actualmente. Método: La creación del software con una interfaz minimalista siguió la metodología tradicional. Resultado: el instrumento desarrollado alerta tanto al ciudadano como al agente de salud por correo electrónico, pero también emite una advertencia en la pantalla, cuando se activa, sobre la existencia de personas que necesitan inmunizarse, por lo que funcionan tanto en línea como fuera de línea. sin conexión. Conclusión: Se ha desarrollado un instrumento simple capaz de funcionar incluso en lugares sin internet, que aún debe implementarse en una unidad de salud para que se pruebe su efectividad.

Humans , Primary Health Care , Software , Immunization Programs , Community Health Workers , Vaccination Coverage , Public Health Systems
Rev. chil. pediatr ; 90(6): 675-682, dic. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058200


Resumen: Este artículo se presenta como una reflexión ética y jurídica acerca de la tendencia actual de los pa dres a rechazar la vacunación de sus hijos en un régimen jurídico que establece la obligatoriedad de determinadas vacunas. Se analizan los principales argumentos que los padres usan para rechazar las vacunaciones obligatorias, y, en concreto: el temor a los efectos negativos que la vacunación pueda provocar en el menor; la violación del "derecho a la autonomía"; las creencias religiosas o pseudo- filosóficas; la resistencia a la intervención del Estado en asuntos personales o familiares. De esto, nace un necesario análisis ético sobre la vacunación infantil. Finalmente, se discute la responsabilidad de los padres y del Estado (autoridad sanitaria) en el cuidado de los menores de edad. La vacunación es un beneficio tanto para el inoculado como para la comunidad, la mejor política preventiva. Al mismo tiempo, se configura como un caso complejo que demanda un debate profundo, cuyo fin debe ser el tránsito desde un aparente conflicto entre los padres y el Estado, a una convergencia por el cuidado de los menores de edad. En otros términos, se recalca el hecho de que los padres, más allá del cum plimiento de un deber normativo heterogéneo, deben actuar motivados por la adhesión voluntaria al bien del hijo y de la comunidad.

Abstract: This article is an ethical and legal reflection about the current trend of parents to refuse vaccination of their children under a legal regime that establishes mandatory use of certain vaccines. We analyze the main arguments used by parents to refuse obligatory vaccination, i.e., the fear of the negative effects that vaccination may have on the child; the violation of the "right to autonomy"; religious or pseudo-philosophical beliefs; and the resistance to the State intervention in personal or family mat ters. Therefore, this statement implies a necessary ethical analysis of childhood vaccination. Finally, it will be discussed the responsibility of parents and the State -the health authority- in the care of mi nors. Vaccination is a benefit for both the inoculated and the community, the best preventive policy. At the same time, it is considered a complex case that demands a profound debate, whose purpose should be the transition from an apparent conflict between parents and the State, to convergence for the care of minors. In other words, it is emphasized the fact that parents, beyond the fulfillment of a heterogeneous normative duty, must act motivated by voluntary adherence to the best interest of the child and the community.

Humans , Mandatory Programs/legislation & jurisprudence , Mandatory Programs/ethics , Vaccination Refusal/legislation & jurisprudence , Vaccination Refusal/ethics , Parents , Philosophy , Religion , Chile , Personal Autonomy , Government Regulation , Anti-Vaccination Movement
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-765158


The number of reported varicella cases is continuously increasing in Korea; however, associated medical utilization is declining. The ratio between varicella insurance claims and reports of passive infectious disease surveillance has gradually increased to > 80% since the second half of 2017. The recent increase in reported varicella cases is influenced by improved reporting. We calculated the varicella incidence and cumulative incidence in each birth cohort according to age. The cumulative incidence rate among children aged < 6 years in the birth cohort born after the National Immunization Program introduced the varicella vaccine was about 60% lower than among children born before

Child , Humans , Chickenpox Vaccine , Chickenpox , Cohort Studies , Communicable Diseases , Immunization Programs , Immunization , Incidence , Insurance , Korea , Parturition
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-718393


Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the most common sexually transmitted infection and is associated with the development of cervical cancer. The purpose of this report is to provide the literature evidences on selecting the HPV vaccine for national immunization program (NIP) in Korea. To complete these tasks, we reviewed domestic and foreign literature on the current status of HPV infection, efficacy and effectiveness of HPV vaccine, safety of vaccine and cost effectiveness analysis of vaccination business. Given that the median age of first sexual intercourse is continuing to fall, this may have serious implications for HPV infection and cervical cancer incidence at the age of 20s. The World Health Organization recommends that the HPV vaccination should be included in the NIP being implemented in each country. Both the bivalent and quadrivalent vaccines have a 90% or greater preventive efficacy on cervical intraepithelial lesion 2–3 and cervical cancer by the HPV 16 or HPV 18. In the future, if HPV vaccination rate as part of NIP increases, it is expected that the incidence of HPV infection, genital warts, and cervical precancerous lesions will be decreased in the vaccination age group. Therefore, in order to increase the HPV vaccination rate at this point in Korea, social consensus and efforts such as the introduction and promotion of HPV vaccine to the NIP according to appropriate cost-effectiveness analysis are required.

Humans , Coitus , Commerce , Condylomata Acuminata , Consensus , Cost-Benefit Analysis , Human papillomavirus 16 , Human papillomavirus 18 , Immunization Programs , Immunization , Incidence , Korea , Papillomavirus Infections , Sexually Transmitted Diseases , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms , Vaccination , Vaccines , World Health Organization
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-962121


Background@#Vaccination is a cost-effective primary preventive measure against infectious diseases. However, protection for specific diseases may wane over time. The National Immunization Program was launched to improve vaccine coverage but despite this, some countries including the Philippines have erratic vaccine coverage.@*Objective@#To determine the compliance to the National Immunization Program of Grade 1 students in a public elementary school@*Methodology@#The study utilized a descriptive cross-sectional design. Simple random sampling of students enrolled in first grade for A.Y. 2017-2018 was done to determine the study respondents. Primary and secondary data were obtained through a pretested structured questionnaire with interview of the students’ caregiver and verification via the students’ immunization records. Compliance to immunization was correlated with the subjects’ age, birth rank, primary caregiver and socio-demographic profile of the caregiver, place of birth and place of vaccination. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and logistic regression was used to assess factors for increased vaccination compliance.@*Results@#Most respondents had their mothers as primary caregivers. Majority were institutional deliveries and immunized at a health center. Mean compliance to vaccination was 69%. Among the factors, only place of birth, specifically, hospital delivery, was associated with increased compliance to vaccination (OR = 0.3312, 90% CI 0.1496 to 0.7333, p value 0.0064). Subjects whose primary caregivers were the mothers and whose parents had higher educational attainment or were both employed were shown to have higher vaccination compliance, although this was not statistically significant. Vaccination coverage was observed to decrease over time as the subjects grew older. Most common reasons cited for missing vaccinations were vaccine unavailability (68%), financial constraints 46%), and lack of information (40%).@*Conclusion@#Compliance to vaccination in this study was 69% and is affected by multiple factors. Policymakers and stakeholders should address these barriers to improve vaccination coverage and overall health status.

Child , Immunization , Vaccines
Indian Pediatr ; 2015 June; 52(6): 505-514
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-171559


Justification: Mumps, despite being a widely prevalent disease in the country, is considered as an insignificant public health problem mainly because of poor documentation of clinical cases and lack of published studies. In the absence of adequate published data on disease burden, Government of India has recently decided to introduce measles-rubella (MR) vaccine in its National Immunization Program and neglected mumps component. Process: Following an IAP ACVIP meeting on December 6 and 7, 2014, a detailed review of burden of mumps in India along with vaccination strategies to control the disease was prepared. The draft was circulated amongst the members of the committee for review and approval. Revised final draft was later approved by IAP executive board in January 2015. Objectives: To provide a review of community burden of mumps in India; and to discuss the vaccination strategies to impress upon policymakers to include mumps vaccination in National immunization program. Recommendations : A total of 14 studies and two media reports on mumps outbreak were retrieved. The outbreaks were reported from all the regions of the country. Mumps meningoencephalitis was responsible for 2.3% to 14.6% of all investigated hospitalized acute encephalitis syndrome or viral encephalitis cases in different studies. Data from Infectious Disease Surveillance (ID Surv) portal of IAP and Integrated Disease Surveillance Program (IDSP) of Government of India (GoI) were also reviewed. While a total of 1052 cases were reported by the IDSurv, IDSP had investigated 72 outbreaks with 1564 cases in 14 states during different time periods. Genotypes G (subtype G2) and C were found to be main genotypes of the mumps virus circulating in the country. Three studies studied serological status of young children and adolescents against mumps, and found susceptibility rates ranging from 32% to 80% in different age groups. Conclusions: Mumps poses a significant disease burden in India. This calls for inclusion of mumps vaccine in the National immunization program.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-168395


This study aimed to describe the differences in vaccination coverage between National Immunization Program (NIP) vaccines and non-NIP vaccines in Korea and to identify factors affecting the difference. Nationwide face-to-face interview-based questionnaire survey among randomly selected 4,374 participants aged 7-83 months was conducted. Vaccination coverage analyzed according to the birth cohorts, geographic areas, and socio-demographic characteristics. We found that NIP vaccines recorded higher primary vaccination coverage compared to non-NIP vaccines (95.9%-100% vs 30.7%-85.4%). The highest rate was Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccine (85.4%), which was introduced in 1996, and the lowest rate was rotavirus vaccine (30.7%), which was introduced recently. On multivariate analysis, having a sibling were significantly associated with lower uptake of Hib vaccine, pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV), and rotavirus vaccine; while, older mother's age and attendance to daycare center were significantly associated with lower uptake of PCV and rotavirus vaccine (P < 0.001). We found differences in the vaccine coverage rate between NIP vaccines and non-NIP vaccines; and the data suggests potential disparity in accessing non-NIP vaccines in Korea. Expansion of NIP to include non-NIP vaccines can provide better protection against the diseases through increased coverage.

Adult , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Infant , Male , Asian People , Child Day Care Centers , Cohort Studies , Demography , Haemophilus Infections/prevention & control , Immunization Programs , Interviews as Topic , Multivariate Analysis , Pneumococcal Infections/prevention & control , Surveys and Questionnaires , Republic of Korea , Rotavirus Infections/prevention & control , Socioeconomic Factors , Vaccination
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-789257


To investigate the status on vaccination for National Immunization Program ( NIP) among migrant children in Longwan District of Wenzhou City , and to explore the factors that influ-enced the vaccination rate in migrant children . [ Methods] By using PPS sampling method , a series of 366 migrant children who were born from January 1, 2009 to December 31,2011 were investigated for NIP vaccine immunization status by household visit in 30 towns. [ Results] The percentage of migrant chil-dren with vaccination card and vaccination certificate were 92 .90%and 99 .73%respectively .Vaccination coverage rates were Bacillus Calmette Guerin (BCG)(98.09%), 1 Oral Poliomyelitis Attenualed Live Vac-cine ( OPV ) ( 95 .08%) , 3 Diphtheria , Tetanus and Pertussis Combined Vaccine ( DTP ) ( 92 .90%) , 1 Measles Attenuated Live Vaccine (MV)(91.53%), 3 Hepatitis B Vaccine (HepB)(95.36%), 1 Japa-nese Encephalitis Vaccine ( JEV ) ( 65.30%), and 2 Meningococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine ( MPV ) (74.74%), Hepatitis A Vaccine(HepA)(61.34%).In addition, the coverage of HepB first doze timely vaccination was 88.52%,the scar rate of BCG was 96.58%.Five vaccines vaccination rate was 81.97%. The boosting vaccination rates of MCV ,DTP,and JEV were 78.87%,68.04%,and 57.95% respectively. The incidence of unqualified vaccination were 1.91%-42.05%, the highest being that of HepA and the lowest BCG . [ Conclusion] Basic immunization rates of BCG , OPV, DTP, MCB and HepB were higher than 90%, but their revaccinations and the vaccination rates of JEV , MPV and HepA were low , which was the weak link in management of migrant children .The main reasons for unqualified vaccination were extended vaccination , unvaccination or not full vaccination .

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-719831


OBJECTIVES: Understanding the predictor of immunization status in childhood is critical issue to improve National Immunization Program (NIP). The aims of this study were to verify the status of up-to-date or complete immunization coverage and to investigate its related factors. METHODS: As of 2005, according to local residence registry data, there were 2,188 children who aged 12 to 35 months in Nonsan city, Korea. We conducted household survey for aged 12 to 35 months children, using questionnaires to obtain data on the status of immunization such as BCG, DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis), Polio, and MMR (mump, measles, rubella). Finally 1,472 participated in the survey. The operating definitions used in this study were following; "Complete immunization rate" refers to the rate of children who received all immunization within recommended age intervals fully "on-time"; "The 4:3:1 series" means status of receiving the fourth diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (4 DTP), the third Polio (3 Polio), and the first measles-mumps-rubella (1 MMR) doses. Multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to determine factors affecting complete vaccination coverage of children. RESULTS: Immunization rates of vaccine based on the vaccination card were from 92.7% to 96.4% except 4th DTaP (79.3%). Complete immunization rate of Korea NIP was 74.0% and that of the 4:3:1 series was 77.1%. A parent as primary caregiver (OR 0.59, 95% CI 0.39-0.87 at 19-35 months of children's age) and first-born children (OR 1.79, 95% CI 1.05-3.03 at 24-35 months of children's age) were significantly related to complete immunization coverage of Korea NIP. And a parent as primary care giver (OR 0.58, 95% CI 0.38-0.88 at 19-35 months of children's age) and first-born children (OR 1.94, 95% CI 1.21-3.14 at 19-35 months, OR 2.23, 95% CI 1.27-3.91 at 24-35 months of children's age) were significantly related to complete immunization rate of 4:3:1 series. CONCLUSIONS: Government should take actions to increase complete immunization rate. In particular, intervention on the secondary caregiver and non-first-born children should be needed.

Aged , Child , Humans , Caregivers , Family Characteristics , Immunization , Immunization Programs , Korea , Logistic Models , Measles , Mycobacterium bovis , Parents , Poliomyelitis , Primary Health Care , Tetanus , Vaccination , Surveys and Questionnaires
Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 2010. 84 p. ilus, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-560351


Hoje em dia, uma série de vacinas são capazes de proteger as pessoas, reduzindo drasticamente a incidência de doenças. Para gerenciar as ações de imunização em saúde pública, o Programa Nacional de Imunizações foi criado em 1973. Através dos seus mecanismos de trabalho, tais como, fornecimento de vacinas para toda a população, financiada pelo Governo Federal, sem custos diretos para os vacinados; armazenamento, transporte e suprimento de vacinas em redes de frio adequadas; sistemas de informações confiáveis, o Programa Nacional de Imunizações tem êxito em seus objetivos por controlar várias doenças evitáveis pela imunização. No entanto, sabemos que a ocorrência de eventos adversos pode surgir após a administração desses produtos imunizantes – EAPV. Para monitorar e controlar EAPV, a Vigilância Epidemiológica de Eventos Adversos Pós-Vacinação foi criado pelo Programa Nacional de Imunização, em 1992. Este serviço foi estruturado para reconhecer e identificar os casos de EAPV, subsidiar pesquisas, e assessorar os profissionais de saúde na vigilância de casos, entre outros objetivos que contribuem para o controle de vacinas, saúde e bem-estar da população. Para fazer o controle de eventos adversos, a Vigilância Epidemiológica de EAPV usa um formulário de notificação, manual de monitoramento com informações e instruções para notificar e investigar casos de EAPV e fornecer dados para o sistema de informação. Este último é fundamental para acompanhar os casos suspeitos e confirmados de EAPV, identificando os casos graves, os surtos e controlar os lotes de vacinas que podem causar eventos adversos à população vacinada. Desde 1998, o Programa Nacional de Imunizações tem administrado o Sistema de Informações de Eventos Adversos Pós-Vacinação, desenvolvido pela equipe técnica do Departamento de Informática do Ministério da Saúde – DATASUS. Com base nas diretrizes e critérios para avaliação de sistemas de vigilância,,,

Nowadays, a number of vaccines are able to protect people, reducing dramatically the incidence of diseases. To manage the immunizing actions in public health, the Brazilian National Immunization Program was created in 1973. Through its working mechanisms, such as, providing vaccines for the whole population, funded the FederalGovernment, without direct cost for vaccinees; storage, transportation and supply of vaccines in appropriate cold chain settings; reliable information systems, the National Immunization Program has succeed in its goal to control many diseases preventable byimmunization. However, we know that the occurrence of adverse events may follow the administration of immunizing products – AEFI. To monitor and control AEFI, the Epidemiological Surveillance of Adverse Events Following Immunization was created by National Immunization Program in 1992. This service was structured to recognizeand identify AEFI cases, subsidize research work, and support health professionals in surveillance, and other objectives that contribute to vaccines control, health and welfare of the population. To control adverse events, AEFI’s Epidemiological Surveillance use a notification form, monitoring manual with information and instructions to report and investigate AEFI’s cases and supply data to the information system. The latter is critical to follow up suspected and confirmed cases of AEFI,identifying severe cases, outbreaks and monitor vaccine lots that may cause adverse events to the vaccinated population. Since 1998, the National Immunization Program has managed the Adverse Events Following Immunization’s Informations System,developed by the technical staff in the Ministry of Health Department - DATASUS. Based on the guidelines and criteria for evaluation...

Humans , Immunization , Immunization Programs , Vaccines/adverse effects
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-227651


Vaccination service is provided by public health centers and private hospitals in Korea. The central government (Korea Center for Disease Control and Prevention, KCDC) and local governments support whole public health centers financially including vaccination cost. However, people who get vaccinated at private clinics are not included as beneficiaries, so that they have to cover the expenses by themselves. Under this situation, the immunization registry rate at private clinics is much lower than that of the public sectors, so it is difficult to manage the vaccination history of each person. Through the 2005~2006 year demonstration projects, the government could confirm the necessities of coverage expansion for the National Immunization Program. In addition, the "Communicable Disease Control Law" and its implementing ordinances have been amended in 2006. In 2007, the government is trying to comply with the budget and to prepare a Notification about vaccination charge and the vaccination cost repayment process for the project.

Humans , Budgets , Communicable Diseases , Hospitals, Private , Immunization Programs , Immunization , Korea , Public Health , Public Sector , Vaccination